“Making a living shouldn't have to cost you your LIFE. Workplace fatalities, injuries, and illnesses are .” ~ Dr. David Michaels, OSHA

Many people don’t believe that a work will occur to them; it is something that happens to other people. Therefore, workplace safety is not a priority to them. Yet, injuries and death do occur at work. They occur more often than you think. In 2015¸ in the U.S., there were over 3 million injuries and 4,836 deaths in the workplace.

Those injured at work most often are younger workers, between the ages 15-25. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), younger workers are twice more likely to be injured at work than all other age groups. Each year almost one million younger workers end up in the emergency center for treatment for work injuries. Unfortunately, young workers are also much more likely to be killed from work related accidents. On average, 600 young workers die from fatal work injuries annually.

Younger workers are injured at work more often than older workers for several reasons. First, younger worker are more likely to lack work experience and/or proper . Second, they are less likely to speak up or ask questions at work. Lastly, younger people tend be willing to take more risks and perform more physical and/or dangerous than older people. Regardless of age, accidents at work can occur to anyone; therefore, safety must become a priority (the first concern) in the workplace for everyone.

Answer each question on the provided document and follow the directions at top. 1. How many workplace injuries occurred in 2015? 2. How many deaths occurred from workplace accidents in 2015? 3. Which age group is twice as likely to become injured at work? 4. How many young workers end up in the emergency center due to a work related accident, each year? 5. Annually, how many young workers die from fatal work injuries? 6. Why are younger workers more likely to be injured at work? 7. What must safety become for everyone at work? THE MOST COMMON TYPE OF WORKPLACE ACCIDENTS: The most common type of workplace accidents are slips, trips, and falls. A majority of all reported workplace injuries are from one of these types of accidents. Though the primary cause of deaths at work are vehicle accidents, the secondary cause of deaths are slips, trips, and falls. According to OSHA, each day over 25,000 slips, trips, and fall occur at work; they account for 25% of all work related injuries and 15% of all of the fatalities at work.

A vast number of slips and trips are due to what is considered bad housekeeping. This is where someone has left a substance, clutter, or an object on the floor. Though people often find slips and trips humorous, they can result in serious injuries or even death. Head injuries and broken bones are common. Falls are the most deadly types of accidents of the three and are the leading cause of death in the construction industry. Even a fall from a few feet can cause major head injuries. If a person falls on their head from only three feet high, it will cause injuries similar to running as fast as you can into a brick wall.

8. What are the most common types of workplace accidents? 9. What is the leading cause of fatalities at work? 10. What is secondary cause of fatalities at work? 11. What percent of all workplace accidents are a result of slips, trips, and falls? 12.What are a vast number of slips and trips due to? 13.What does bad housekeeping in the workplace mean? 14.What types of injuries are common from slips and trips? 15. What is falling on your head from three feet high similar to?


Workplace accidents can occur in any field and can happen for a variety of reasons. However, it is important to keep in mind that 80 percent of work related injuries are caused by the person involved, not another worker. More often than not, the person involved was not thinking of safety or keeping it as their main priority. Hence, it is not much of a surprise to see that five of the most common causes of workplace accidents are related to a lack of awareness and focus.


Laziness may appear harmless but it will increase your risk of injury or death in the workplace. It would appear that human nature is for people to try and take shortcuts in life. But, when working with dangerous tools or machines, taking a shortcut exposes a person to unnecessary risks and to a potential disaster.


Being distracted or tired are also major causes of workplace accidents. These two factors cause workers not to be focused on what they are doing and can easily lead to a mistake. Employees need to keep safety as a priority and on their minds at all times. If you are not 100% focused on your task at hand or surroundings you are exposing yourself to unnecessary danger. It only takes one simple mistake to become seriously injured or killed.

Answer each question on the provided document & follow the directions at top. 1. With most work injuries, who caused the accident? 2. What are the five most common causes of accidents related to? 3. What seems to be human nature in the workplace? 4. What does taking a shortcut at work expose workers to? 5. What does being distracted and tired cause for workers? ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE

Alcohol and drug use is another leading factor for workplace accidents. In the industrial workplace, it is estimated that 40% of fatalities are linked to alcohol or drugs. Often younger workers are not aware of the seriousness of getting high or having a few drinks during work. Doing so not only endangers the worker but everyone around them. Drugs or alcohol will slow a worker’s reaction time and make him or her more careless and clumsy. Again, in order to prevent accidents safety must always be a priority and this means you need to have 100 percent of your capabilities present at all times. Even being hungover is dangerous and must be avoided.


Confidence at work is a great attitude to have but having too much confidence can be deadly. If a worker feels that they are invincible and that nothing is going to happen to them because they are so good at their , then they are setting themselves up to be injured. An over confident attitude can lead to a worker following incorrect work procedures and being careless.


Safety rules and procedures are created for a good reason; they are there to prevent accidents. Often, workers follow them casually or ignore them completely. They think procedures are a hassle and take too much time and energy to follow. Unfortunately, when one worker ignores the rules then others begin doing the same. This leads to a dangerous work culture, where safety in the workplace is not a priority. When this occurs, someone will eventually get hurt or killed.

All of these common causes of workplace accidents are linked awareness and focus. Therefore, to prevent accidents each and every day, there must be a conscious effort by workers to work safely. This can only be done by thinking of safety first and building a culture of safety.

6. What are 40 percent of fatalities linked to in the industrial workplace? 7. How might drugs and alcohol affect a worker? 8. Having too much of what can be deadly in the workplace? 9. What does an over confident attitude cause workers to do? 10.Safety rules and procedures are there to do what?

11.Often, what do other workers do when one worker begins ignoring

safety rules? 12.What needs to be thought about and built continuously at work in order to prevent accidents?


Most work related accidents are predictable and preventable events. Many employees think it is the duty of the employer to ensure no accidents occur at work. However, both employers and employees are responsible for maintaining safety in the workplace. To prevent accidents, everyone needs to work together to identify possible workplace hazards and make sure to take proper safety measures at all times. Safety must become a priority for everyone.

WHAT IS A WORKPLACE HAZARD? An important step that will help you stay safe in the workplace is understanding what a workplace hazard is and being able to identify them. A workplace hazard is anything at work that can harm us. There are three main types of hazards; they are physical, chemical, and biological. Many people are not aware of the hazards in their workplace and the potential harm they can cause a worker. Some hazards don’t cause immediate or noticeable injuries to a worker. Instead, some worker related injuries can appear decades later. For instance, over a period of time, working in an environment with loud sounds and noises can cause permanent

hearing loss, which often doesn’t shown up. until many years later. No matter if the hazard is immediate or long term, all hazards can be dangerous and need to be identified and dealt with properly to ensure a safe working environment.

Answer the following questions on the provided document following the directions at top. 1. Are workplace accidents preventable? 2. Who do many employees think is responsible for safety in the workplace? 3. Who is responsible for maintaining safety in the workplace? 4. To prevent workplace accidents, what does everyone at work need to do? 5. What is an important step in staying safe at work? 6. What are three types of workplace hazards? 7. When might some work related injures appear? Chart

Physical Hazard = Hazards that cause injuries or illnesses by transferring energy between EXAMPLES

objects and workers.

Falling: Elevations or Ladder Elevated walkway

Heights — Any situation in which a person Walkway over a pit Stairs may fall or have objects fall on them. Boxes on a high shelf

Wet or oily surfaces Occasional spills Weather hazards Clutter in your way Slipping and Tripping:

Sharp Objects or Machines — Any sharp object that is Power saw Meat slicer operated or held can cause cuts or even amputations. Box cutter Knife

Noise — Loud noises can damage a person's hearing Tractor engine Explosives Power tools suddenly or gradually over time. Loud music Machinery

Moving Parts — Moving parts can cause bodily harm, Power takeoff Engine parts such as amputation or crushing. Drill

Electricity — Electrocution can result when a person comes Electrical wire Electrical outlet Batteries in contact with an electrical current. Electrical equipment Lightning

= Chemicals that may cause

Chemical Hazard EXAMPLES injury or illness to workers if they are inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin.

Dusts — Dusts are tiny particles of solids. You Bags of cement Glass fibers may be exposed to dust from materials or from a work Asbestos Sanding processes that create dust.

Vapors —Vapors are tiny drops of liquid that Cleaners are suspended in the air. Vapors from some chemicals may Paints irritate the eyes and skin. Pesticides

Liquid — Any chemical found in a liquid form at room Fertilizers Herbicides temperature. Liquid chemicals may cause poisoning by Pesticides Paints ingestion, inhalation, or absorption. Cleaners

Gases — Some chemicals are in gas form when they are at Aerosols Carbon monoxide room temperature. Vehicle fumes

= Hazards that are living Biological Hazard things or their by products that may cause injury or EXAMPLES illness to workers.

Animals — A variety of injuries and illnesses Bites can be caused by physical contact with Skin contact an animal or its waste. Manure

Humans — A variety of illnesses can be passed from one Blood Saliva person to another. Mucus Human waste


Chart Analysis Per.______Date:______

Use the provided document in Canvas assignment to complete this page. Follow directions at top of that document. 1) What are the three kinds of hazards?

2) What are two possible injuries that can be caused by moving parts?

3) What are three different types of physical hazards?

4) What are three examples or sources a worker might be electrocuted from?

5) What are three examples of something a worker might slip or trip on?

6) What kind of hazards are dangerous vapors, gases, or liquids called?

7) How might a poisonous liquid enter the body?

8) What is a biological hazard defined as?

9) What are three examples of different kinds of human biological hazards?


Accidents can be prevented in the workplace. It is a matter of being careful and aware. As Mark Twain said, “It is better to be careful 100 times than get killed once.” This is wise advice that all workers should remember. By following the five recommended tips, you will ensure your safety at work as well as your co- workers. Safety at work is a team effort that requires everyone to think safety and follow safety rules.

1. Think Safety - At work, it is important to always think about safety. To prevent accidents, safety must be a priority for everyone and always be on the mind of each worker.

2. Always be Alert – Most people that are involved in accidents at work are tired. Being awake and alert will help prevent careless mistakes that end in injuries or death.

3. Follow Safety Rules and Procedures – These have been created for good reasons and should strictly be followed.

4. Keep a Lookout for Possible Dangers - Safety is a team effort. Therefore, it is important to take a proactive approach to safety. If you see a danger, such as a spilled liquid, take care of it immediately, even if you didn’t cause the danger. If you are unable to correct a danger, report it immediately.

5. Don’t Use Tools or Machines without Proper Training - Using a machine or tool without proper training exposes you and others to great danger. Don’t be afraid to say “NO” and to ask for training.

Answer each question on the provided document in the Canvas assignment. 1. What is it a matter of in order to avoid workplace accidents? 2. What did Mark Twain say about being careful? 3. What are three safety tips that can help ensure safety in the workplace? 4. At work, what should you always think of? 5. Most people that are involved in work accidents are what? 6. Being alert will help a worker to do what? 7. At work, what should a person keep a look out for? 8. What should you do if you see a danger like a spilled liquid? 9. What does using a machine without proper training expose you to?

WHAT IS OSHA? OSHA stands for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It is a government agency that was created in 1970. OSHA was created to help employers and employees reduce on-the-job injuries and deaths.

EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Under OSHA, employers have a number of important responsibilities. Employers must provide a safe workplace that is free from serious hazards. They have to comply with all rules and regulation issued under OSHA. Employers must make sure that employees have safe equipment. Also, they need to establish safe operating procedures and provide proper safety training. In the workplace, the employers must use labels or signs to warn employees of any potential hazards. Also, in every workplace, employers are required to post an OSHA poster that informs employees of their rights and responsibilities.

Employees are granted important rights by OSHA. Employees have the right to seek safe working conditions. They are allowed to complain to OSHA about safety conditions in the workplace without their employer retaliating against them. Employees can request to see information from their employer on emergency procedures and review employers’ OSHA standards.

WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU THINK WORKING CONDITIONS ARE UNSAFE? If you believe working conditions are unsafe, it is recommended that you first bring the conditions to your employer’s attention. If it is not corrected and you think the workplace is still unsafe then you can file a complaint with OSHA by contacting the closest office to you.

Answer each question on provided document in Canvas assignment. 1. Why was OSHA created? 2. What type of workplace must employers provide? 3. What must employers comply with? 4. What must employers use labels and signs for? 5. What poster must employers post for employees? 6. Because of OSHA, what do employees have the right to seek? 7. What can you ask OSHA to do, if you think working conditions are unsafe? 8. What are you allowed to request and review from your employer? 9. If you think working conditions are unsafe before filing a complaint with OSHA, what should you do