FREE-5X7 Deutsch West St

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FREE-5X7 Deutsch West St THURSDAY, JULY 1971 ATerage Dally Net Press Ron , PACFE TW ENTY The Weather For She Week Knded May 88, 1871 Clearing and a little cooler tctOj^i; ~Ldw in the upper 60*. Public Records Saturday n$oetly tunny and 15,550 warm . High in the upper .80*. About Town TownGarageWingProposal Warranty Deeds Manchester— tA City of Village Charm Gilbert J. and Marlon LeBel FOR THAT EXTRA joertoftoe j'o Go on Ausust Asenda to Joseph P w d Helen L,, Un- [kaeheator „ Arta Aaaocla- . 9 9 Itoachester ^ senbigler, p n ^ r t y at 177, 179, tton win me«t tonlfht at 7:80 ’ VOL. LXXXX, NO. 237 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1971 (Olaazlfied Advertizing on Page 16) PRICE FIFTEEN CBNH William O’NeUl, director of ment parking lot for a fed of' lai, laiH. Oak St., convejTance In MMt'n Oommunlty Hall on B. public works, is proposing that $100 a month. tax $45.10. SPECIAL FLAVOR 104dle Ttike. the town build an eight bay ad­ Pletrantonlo cborgcd that the Dennis L. and Rita B. Morin dition to the town highway town eidmlnistratlon, in provid­ to Barbara Rutherford, property Buy them from Pmehurst Full Ooapel Christian'Fellow- garage and lease part of it to ing parking space on the town at 34 Griffin R d., ccmveyance ship,' Interdenominational, will the town’s new garbage colla­ lot, had made a policy decision tax $24.75. ha've a Bible study and open tor, Sam Lombardo of Bast which should have been made by Cook 'em OUTDOORS! Meskill Kayos Bill Oerttfleate of Attachment discussion tonlffbt at 7:80 at Hartford. the directors. C hile PORK SPARE RIBS... CHUCK OR Orange Hall. ’Town Manager Robert Weiss The May Department Store The matter will be put on the Co. doing business as G. Fox DELUXE SIRLOIN PATTIES... August agoida of the Board of maintained that the decision to rent the space was made on a and Co. against Richard L. BEEF SHORT RIBS... CHICKENS Zero Populationr Growth, Directors at the request of Di­ Howard HI and Johnese Howard, 1ST PRIZE OR GROTE’S FRANKFURTS After Assembly Battering rector Anthony Pletrantonlo who "hurried basis" when the July Eastern Connecticut Chapter, 1 starting date for the new col­ % $1,000, property at 170 Bryan spoke out strongly against such will meet tonight at 8 at the lection contract drew near and p r . HARTFORD (AP) — Gov. K ills an arrangement at Tuesday Life Sciences Building, Univer­ tiomibardo had not yet found a ww-<NK. Federal T ax U en Thomas J. MesklU vetoed the night’s directors meeting. sity of Connecticut, Storrs. Two site tq store his equipment. William F. and Lois B. (de­ professional boxing bill *niurs- tlbns will be shown. The meet­ O’Neill told the directors ’Tues­ Pletrantonlo retorted, "I ceased) Roche o f R D 4, B ox 884, ' day, delivering a kayo instead ing will be open to the public. day that provision was made for heard about this two months $1,697.54. of the expected okay. such expansion 'when the exist­ a g o ." Trade Nam e Kellems Joins Tax Foes The governor objected not to ing highway g^arage was built. Weiss responded that when the idea of legalizing prize Initial Count Casa Nova (forp. doing busi­ The Couples Club of South Estimating that the facility the contract was signed, Lom­ HARTFORO (AP) — Tfie ztate ness as' Childers Restaurant Rep. John Prete, D-New Ha- fights, but to the idea of putting United Methodist Church will would cost about tS0,000, O’Neill bardo reported that he was in­ / ha* bitten off an income tax and ven, urged House Spestker Wll- legislators on the propdSed State SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A force of around 7 on the Richter and Ice Cream B eu: a t 250 Hart­ have a swim party- tomorrow said the town needs the added vestigating several possible lo­ eevend people are already find­ llam Ratehford to call the House Athletic Conunissimi. r levere earthquake rolled acroes scale, but government officials from 6 to 8 p.m. at Globe Hol­ garage space. cations for storing his equip­ ford R d. ing It IndlgeBUble. back into session to repeal the Pro boxing was knocked down ;entral Chile during the night sold it registered lO'ln the aretui low followed by a cook out at He argued that the build-lease ment. ' Marriage Licenses Vivien Kellem*, who for years biU. by the House on its first round uid the government announced hardest hit ITiis is an unusually John William Lawler of Bast the home of Mr. and Mrs. arrangement has several advan­ O’Neill added that the motiva- he* peppered federal tax coUec- Ratehford, who was vacation- in tiie legislature this year, but ;oday the toll stood at 63 dead high reading—the Alaska quake uid 461 injured. of 1664 registered 8.26—5uul David Japlkse, 188 Carriage Dr. tages. He said the anangement ti<m for renting the space was jL* ■, / ' f H Hartford and Nancy Jane Rug- ton with her protests, has now Ing on Naiitucket Island, was was revived in the athletic com-* Jw - glero of 46 O’Leary Dr., July 10, Chile's main port of Valparai- there was speculation that the 'Would provide a m eans of par- the comfort of seeing the trucks included etate tax people In her hot expected to favor the idea mission bill and won the second Haiiy financing a heeded facility <« town property. Lombardo’s Church of the Assumption. of repeal, since he spoke for round amid cries of foul J»y one K) on the Pacific coast appeared report might be an exaggenu Be^t Junior ^ S^l in- the town to five new trucks were slow in ’Timothy Jam es H<rff o f 115 “Ai my opinion a law passed and voted for the income tax. opponent who claimed the spon- :o be among the cities hardest tion. lit. Rescue officials there re- Chile’s four central provinces,^ seize and use the contractor’s arriving, O’Neill said. MAln St. and Stephanie Bose with only 10 people reading It Elstimaites of the income tax sor of the bill was twisting arms Marie CurUn from the fourth "It is my feeling that the Sam iotis o f 49 Kane Rd. Is not a law,’’ declared the 77- ported 25 desul -and about 800 in- where four mllUon people live, equipment if he should fall to yield vary. Legislators who a little too ■vigorously. jured. were declared an emergency quarter honor roll. town should not get involved in yiezirold retired Induatrialiat. Neither party lealershlp took meet the terms ol the contract. Building Permits drafted tiie bill sAy it will raise Information, on damage and zone, and police suid lurmed this type of situation, "For the first time you’re go- a position on it, and Meskill did O’Neill added that the garage Ted Purlin, alterations at 146 $863 mllUqn between July 1, 1971 .the number of victims still was forces moved in to provide food space could be used as an alter- "Pletrantonlo said, and later S. M ain St., $100. V 'ing to eee a tax revolt in Con­ and July 1, 1972. State Finance not indicate publicly how he M ldiael A. Adam s of 426 added, "I’d like to see an agen­ necticut. You can be sure I’m sketchy, with many communi­ imd medical relief. ____ __ and ’Thomas Deny- “ ate provirton in coUecUng con- ■ Joti H. Frederlckson, altera- Commisslcner. Adolf Cart- felt. However, it w m widely be­ Spring St. da item relating to this as socsi not going to pay It,’’ she said. ties isolated by landalides. President Salvador AUende 48 Forest St have been tracts bid in the future, Uons at 129 Barry Rd., $530. son, however, estimates that on­ lieved that the governor had a / A mild tremor was felt this as possible." _________ ____ The Income tax went Into ef­ went on the air and pleaded for named to the spring semester According to O’Neill, Lom- ______________________________ John J. NMrretto, addition at ly $330 mllUon 'will be raised. hand in an amendment that morning in Santiago 5Uid Val­ fect automatically TTmraday calm. He planned a helicopter deu'B list at St. MlchaeTsOd- baido’s - trucks are now being t r * :: ^ aarU i R d., $400. Every week ln the summer, we promote Ground Meats, The state will, begin collecting would have made. Consumer paraiso, spresullng fresh alarm. and in particular our 6 to the pound Portion Controlled Patties, morning'without Gov. Thdmaa the Income tax Sept. 1 and col- Protection Commisslcmer Bar- tour of the disaster area today. lege, Winooski, Vt. parked in the highway depart­ Charles Pearson, porch at 40 J. Mesklll’e signature. Tlie gov­ The Thursday night quake Seismographs abroad located Students Seek as tim e, money smd work savers. __ lect six montha taxes in the last bara Dunn a member of the also was felt through much of Auburn Rd., $200. We have one ground meat specialist who spei^_m ^ ernor-rejected demands that he the tremor's epicenter near Val­ four months of the year. , ' aUUetlc commission. Argentina across the Andes, but Newton H. Smith and Sons his time in our cooler preparing these Plnehurst U.8. Cbuck veto the blB and said there is paraiso, Chlle’B second largest Simimer Jobs The United Auto Workers Meskill quoted the statei con­ no casualties or major damage for Charles Blazensky, porch at Deluxe Chopped Sirloin Patties.
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