The Baptist Herald
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THE- 1eb' /, 1938 An Unusual View of the Statue of Abraham Lincoln Against a Background of Snow-covered Trees in Portland, Oregon, Standing Serenely Across the Street from the Masonic Temple, the Meeting-place of the General Conference in 1937 Page 42 THE BAPTIST HERALD The Christmas cantata, "The Adora dered on New Year's Eve at the Grace strumental a nd vocal numbers, severa l tion," was rendered in t he German Baptist Church of Gackle, No. Dak. recitations and a travelogue. Eleven Baptist Church of Cathay, No. Dak., The first part of the evening at this la rge baskets of food for the needy on Sunday evening, Dec. 19. The Rev. Watchnight service was devoted to the unemployed of the church were pre A. Ittermann directed the choir. The play, "The Pageant of Life," presented pared. The pastor of the church, t he Christmas story was read by Miss by the member s of the Young Ladies' Rev. Fred W. Mueller, h ad a part in Volume Sixteen CLEVELAND, OH IO, FEBUARY 1, 1938 Number Three Verna Wahl. The church orchestra class. W ith appropriate songs the mei: the service before the period of social played several selections. The Misses sage of each season of t he year was fellowship at t he close. Ruth Heringer a nd Renetta Berndt dramatically symbolized. The pastor of sang a duet. the church, the Rev. G. W. Rutsch, a lso The Rev. E. S. Fenske, pastor of the brought an address for the occasion. German Baptist Church in H erreid, So. EDITORIAL Recently the B. Y. P. U . of the Im The balance of the evening was devoted Dak., had the joy of baptizing 7 per manuel Church of Portland, Oregon, to a social period and a season of tes sons at the W-atchnight service on Fri held its annual business meeting. The timonies and prayers. day evening, Dec. 31. The Rev. Arthur INCE the first of the year, "The Baptist Her fact into account, that our readers form a con following officers were elected: Victor Fischer of Beulah, No. Dak, preached S ald" has been entering many new .homes for glomerate group of people with varied interests Steinfeld, president; Delbert Delzer, Mr. Harvey L . Neelen of Milwaukee, the baptismal sermon. These converts the first time. Several hundred new subscribers and backgr ounds of life. Somehow all the varied ,·ice-president; Maxine Haag, seen!· a son of the late Judge Neele B. Neelen, and 3 others were received into the fol have been added r equests must be satisfied and the many needs tary; Charlotte Stuart, asst. s£cretacy; a staunch German Baptist leader, and lowslrip of the church at the commun Raymond Steinfeld, treasurer; Marga of his widow, Mrs. Neelen, who is stili ion service that followed. During the Welcome! to "The B a p t i s t must be met. ret Marks pianis t. The Rev. Otto Roth, a member of t hi: North Avenue Church last hour of the service the five deacons Her a l d" family, Since "The Baptist Herald" is a denominational the pasto~ of the church, is assisting of Milwaukee, took the oath of offi ce as New Readers of the church brought brief messages. bringing us much paper, it must bring ani array of news. This is the B. Y. P. U. in its ambitious pro judge of t he district court in Milwau Mr. Fenske will close his ministry in of "The Baptist Herald" gram for the coming year . kee on Monday, J an. 3. Judge Neelen Herreid on Suuday, March 21, in order closer than ever to done by the short paragraphs on the "What's :·: is a young man of only 31 yea rs of age. to begin in Vancouver , Ca nada, on the realization of our fond hopes of attaini'llg Happening" pages and by the reports. They will The Berea Class of the First German He is a member of a n English Baptist April 1. Baptist Church of Portland, Ore., gath Church of the city. Mrs. Neelen of five thousand subscribers. The concerted co be kept fresh, brief, and graphic, illustrated by ered at t he home of Mrs. Himmelsbach the North A\'enue Church holds t he Recently I1evival meetings were held operation of boosters and agents, the earnest sol pictu:res, in ord'er to catch your attention and on Monday evening, Dec. 27, a nd sur unique distinction of being the widow in the Ba ptist Church of Donna, Texas, icitation by ministers, and the active good-will to hold your interest. prised Mrs. Schiel, who was fo~ erly and mother cf judges in the district ) president for many year s, on her bu-th court. in the fruitful Rio Grande Valley. The of readers in be'half of "The Baptist Herald" But we shall always balance this with inspi day. After a program of songs and ....• evangelistic messages were brought by have been a source of great joy to us. i-a tional articles and mate1ial for spiritual re games. Mrs. D. Mille1-, the new presi the Rev. C. H. E di nger of Kyle, Texas, An agency for all steamship lines the mission secretary of the conference. An elderly woman in one of our churches, who flection and Christian growth. The finest pos dent of the class , presented Mrs. Schiel between t he United States and Europe with a gi~ t. After a most pleasant Although the heavy rains necessitated cannot read "The Herald" herself because she is sible articles will be solicited. The best sermons is held by the Rev. Wm. Kuhn, D. D. the abbreviation of the scheduled series evening of fellowship, the teacher, Mrs. All tickets for such ser vice can be S<! blind, is subscribing to it for h er promising young of our ministers will be published. Evangelistic S. Wuerch, brought the meeting to a of meetings, many blessings were re cured th1·ough him. Every possible ceived and a boy conf essed his faith in grandson, a boy of eight years of age. An Okla messages for th e unconverted reader will be close with prayer. courtesy will be shown a ll who a re in :·: Christ. At the Chi·istmas program the homa resident has also subscribed for a friend of featured. The most r ecent reports of Christian terested. Every bit of profit, accruing young people presented the play, "When The Rev. Daniel Meyhoefer of from t he sale of such steamship tickets, of his, who is a Methodist minister. 'Dhe recent missionaries will be given important space. Spe Bridgeport, Conn., wh ose resignation as Christmas Coml.'s." The Rev. L. Hoeff goes to the denomination's mission ner the pastor of the church, wr ote that artrcle about the hymn, "Living for J esus," so cial events in the church's calendar will be com pastor of the King's Highway Baptist fund. In past years quite a number of Church of the same city was announced t hey "are trying to be active and to delighted him that he asked for fifty copies of memorated in its issues. members have provided considerable carry on t he Lords work." in the issue of "The Baptist Her business, but it is hoped that 1938 may the song. In the little town of Hilda, Alberta, A number of departments will have special ald", will close his service there on be a record-breaking year! Dr. Kuhn's :·: Canada, "The Bapti~t Herald" is welcomed by interest for certain groups. "The Daily Medita April 1. During the sununer he in address is Box 6, Fores t Park, Ill. On Thursday, Jan. 6, the Rev. H enry the ticket agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway tends to make an extensive trip to •.. Koch quietly celebr ated his 75th birth tions" will be the spiritual light that brightens the Europe and to Palestine and to visit .. day at his home. He is still able to and his wife, who are not members of the Ger beginning of each new day for many. The T he General Missionary Society has his parents in Germany whom he has (Continued on P age 53) man Baptist Church. In distant Alaska at the younger ones wiU delight in the "Children's not seen in 11 years. In the Fall he recently received checks totaling $125 .,. will attend Westminster College near from t he Women's Missionary Society Baptist mission station at Juneau "Th e Herald" Page." The B. Y. P. U. leaders will use the pro Pit t.':lburgh Pa., for f u1·ther studies in and the Matrons' Sunday School Class is a regular visitor. gram material. Budding poets will send their of the Baptist ~hurch of Madison, So. The Baptist Herald order to attain hjg B. A. degree. Published semi-monthly by the We welcome you, new readers, to the joyous J)oems for the "Contributor's Page." The young :·: Dak., to be applied on the principal of GERl\IAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION The Rev. J. A. Pankratz of Chicago, the chur ch debt of $4000. Mrs. H. F SOCIETY fellowship of this large family of "Baptist Her people will eagerly wait for the ne~-t installment Ill., whose resignation as pastor of Kr~eger, the president of the Women'~ 3734 Payne Avenue. Cleveland, Ohio. ald" friends. It is our endeavor to uplift the of the serial story, "Sunrise." The studious will the First German Baptist Church was Society, wrote as follows : "The women Martin L .