West Riding Yorkshire

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West Riding Yorkshire CHAPEL ALLERTON. WEST RIDING YORKSHIRE. 264 by the monks of Kirkstall; after tbe Reformation it became it is used as a school room on week days in connection with a chapel of ease to St. Peter'11, Leeds, and is now a vicarag(>, tbe Chapel Allerton Parochial schools. yearly value £500, in the gift of the vicar of Leeds and held POTTERNEWTON will be found under Leeds. by the Rev. Reginald 'Rivers Kirby M •.A. of St. J olm's Col­ lege, Cambridge. The Wesleyan chapel, built in 1876, at a PosT, :MoNEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH 0PFicE& Saving~t cost of nearly £10,000, is a lmndsome structure of stone. Bank & Government Insurance & Annuity Office, Chapel There are the following charities :-Mrs. Croxton's £800, Allerton.-Miss Marianne Colton Parker,receiver. Letters interest for endowment of girl&' school; Mrs. Croxton's are received through Leeds & are delivered at 7 a.m.&l p.m. £.'lOO, interest for clothing for poor; Hanson and Gledhill to callers only, & 4.45p.m.; dispatched at 8.50 a. m. 2 p.m. £300, interest to be distributed in bread ; Mrs. Ingle £325, 7.20 p.m. & 8.20 p.m.; sundays, delivered to callers only interest to be distributed in bread; Mr. Read £225, for from 7 a.m to 10 a.m.; sunday dispatch at 7.20 p.m. Tele- recreation ground; Mr. Read £105, interest to be distributed graphic business is transacted on week days from 8 a. m. in 5s.giftsto poor at Christmas; Wade Brown (Mary'sdole) to H p.m. & on sundays from Sa.m. to 10 a.m £114 12s. 6d. interest to be given in coal to the poor; Bic- INsURANCE AGENTS:- kerdike £150, interest to be given in coals to the poor; John Lion Fire, J. W. Plows, Oak terrace Booth £54 l9s. interest to be given in bread; Robinson £40, Queen, B. Wick interest to be given in bread; By water and others £:250, Royal, J. Stead, assistant overseer interest to be given to Sunday school. The parish abounds ScHOOLS:- with quarries, producing very excellent stone in large quan- Luds Board (mixed), Benjamin Paulkner, master; Miss titles. :Miss Beckett is lady of the manor and principal land- Mary Brannan, mistress owner. Tile soil is gravelly ; subsoil stone. 'fhe chief crops Parochial, Moor lane, Chapel Allerton (boys'), Benjami» are wheat, barley, turnips and potatoes. The population in Wick, master 1861 was 3,083; in 1871, 3, 847; and the area is 2,811 ; rate- Parochial, Back lane (girls'), Miss Emma Rider,mistress; able value £21,562. Miss Mary Ann Taylor, infants' mistress Pariah Clerk, Benjamin Wick. Parochial, Gledhow, Miss Betsy Hopkinson, mistress Gledhow 21 miles north-by-east from Leed!l, is a AN 01\J~IBUB leaves the' Queen's Arms' for the • Chained suburban barJJet ~f great beauty, containing handsome re!:'i- BulJ, ~oorAllerton at 8.30 a.m.9.30a.ru.10.30 a. m.& 11.30. dences and mansions, chiefly occupied by Leeds merchants a.m. 12 p.m. 4.30 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 6.30 p.m. & 7.30 p.m Gledhow Grove is the seat of Thomas Willington Geor~e · ATRAMWAYlinenowconnectsChapelAllertonwithLeeds& esq. GJE'dhow Hall, the seat of Samuel Croft esq. stands leaves the' Qm:en'sArms,' Chapel Allerton at 7.5.5a.m.& in finely timbered J[rounds, on the side of a bill over- every ten minutes up to 8.45 a. m. & afterwards every ten looking the town of Leeds. A school church was erected minutes from Cross roads until 10 p.m. returning from here about seven years ago, in which service is held on 8un- Briggate every ten minutes b·oru 8.30 a.m. until 10.30 day afternoons at 3 p.m. by the vicar of Chapel Allerton; p.m.; extra on saturdays until 11 p.ru .Anderson Geo. Twetdy, Woodland ter Middleton Robert, Gledhow lodge Whitham James, Ethel bouse,Gledhow Bowring Henry Price, Allerton hall, North Arthur, Gleahow hall Wood J oseph, Rose ville Gledhow Patterson William, Woodland terrace COMMERCIAL. Calvert John Procter, Bank view Pickup Richard, Hopewell house Craddock Thomas Dixon, farmer Chambers Rev. Oswald Lyttelton M.A. Pleass Alfred, Woodland terrace Davidson James,joiner Woodland terrace Pollard William, Gledbow grange Denton Vl7 m.quarry owner & stone mer Croft Samuel [alderman of LeedsJ, Richardson John, Gledhow villa Evans William, builder Gledhow ball Richardwn Mark, Bank View terrace Franks Thomas, farmer George 'l'homas Willington (alderman Robinson Isaac, G1edhow Hodgson Samuel Hudson, farmer of Leeds], Gledhow grove Rodgers Mrs. Laurel villa Noble William Richard, commercial Goodman Benjamin, Gledhow house Schunck Edward, Gledhow wood traveller, Woodland terrace Hallas David, Bank View Louse Smith Miss, Bank View terrace PoUard William,farmer, Gledhow grng Hick Mrs. Prospect house Sutli:ffe Mrs Pomphrey John,comrcl.trvlr. Bank viis Holroyd Jobn, Bank villas Titley Thomas Addison, Oakley bouse, Wood Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Horton Mrs. Woodland terrace Gledhow [The remainder of Chapel Allerton Lister Joseph Cooper, Gledhow lodge Ward WiUiam, Woodland terrace names are cla~;sified in Streets & will Little Frederick Huller, Woodland ter White Fredk. Arthur, Woodland ter be lound under Leeds] CBAPELTOWN is a -village and ecclesiasticaJ pari!lh apsidal terminations and a tower 80 feet high, seating 65() formed in 1844 from the parish of Eccles:field, including the persons ; the cost of the building was £4,500, besides £50(} small bamlets of BURNCROSS 1 MORTOMLEY, HIGH lor the organ, the families of .Newton and Chambers being GREEN, POTTER HILL, THE WARREN, CHARLTON large contributors. There are other Wesleyan chapels at BROOK and GREE~HEAD and LANE END,in the Southern Mortomley and High Green. The Wesleyan chapel at. division of the Riding, wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, Warren bas accommodation for about 300. Connected with Wortley union, Barnto.lq county court district, Ecclesfield these places of wor~hip are Sunday schools, containing, in rural deanery, arcbdeaconry and diocese of York, 2 miles the aggregate, upwards of 800 scholars and about 150 north from Ecclesfield, 6 by the high road and 8 by rail teachers: Revs. Samuel Wray and George Sanderson,. north from Sheffield, 10 south from Barnsley and 5 west ministers. This ir1 a coal district, and bricks and tiles are from Masbro', and has a station on a branch of the South made here. The Tborncli:fft: and Chapeltown ironworks · Yorkshire railway from Sheffield to Barnsley. The church and collieries, belonging to Messrs. Newton, Cha111bers & of St. John, erecttd by subscription in 1860, is a stone Co. are situated in the parishes of Tankersley and Eccles­ building in the Pointed style, consisting of chancel, vave, field, and employ about 2,000 workmen and boys. There south aisle and a lofty spire: the organ, valued at £1,000, are also two hospitals for twelve poor persons, endowed was given by R. E. C. Chambers esq. The register dates with about £130 yearly. The Duke of Norfolk is lord of from the year 1844. The living is a vicarage, yearly value the manor and principal landowner. The soil is clay and £300 with residence, in the alternate gift of the Crown loam; subsoil, chiefly rock. The area is 1,600 acres; the and Archbishop of York ami held by the Re'f. William population in 1871 was 4,437. Micklethwait, of St. Aidans College, Birkenhead. St. Pari8h Clerk, Daniel Taylor. Saviour's chapel at Mortomley, dependent on St. John's, -- Cbapeltown, was built by the surviving parents, brother PosT, MoNEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE&: Savings and friends of Pa1·kin Jeftcock, mining engineer, who lost Bank.-John Gibson, postmaster. Letters arrive from his life December 13th, 1866, while engaged with an explor­ Sheffield by rail at 8.52 a.m.; dispatched at 6.30 p.m ing party in tlte Oaks colliery, near Barnsley, after the PosT OFPICE, High Green.-Sydney Chambers, sub­ great explosion there on the previous day; a staiued window postmaster at the eastern end of tbe chapel being also erected to bis INSURANCE AGENTS:- memory; the western window, also stained, is in memory North. British ~ Mercantile, G.lhwaites of Mrs. Catherine Jeffcock, mother of the above, and since Royal,J. Gibson deceased: the organ was removed hither from Chapeltown W eJJtmin4ter Fire, R. Wikeley church : the cost of the building was nearly £3,000. The ScnooLs:- Methodist New Connexion have a chapel at Potter's Hill. .National, John Ducket, master; Mrs. Mary Ducket> The Wesleyan chapel at Mount. Pleasant, built on the site mistress of the former chapel, and near the Workmen's Hall, is a Briti8h, High Green, Thomas Baldwin, master cruciform structure in French First Pointed Gothic, witb Railway Station, J awes Wikeley, station master .
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