Burke insideinside Patriotic Salute News, Page 3 Anna King, Kendall Griffith and Aneina Zelkin of Bar- bara Sheppard’s Academy of Dance salute the crowd before their routine at the Burke Centre Festival. Classified, Page 23 Classified, ❖ Faith, Page 7 ❖ Life Sports, Page 19 Sentence For Burke Murder News, Page 4 Requested in home 9-19-08 Time sensitive material. Attention Postmaster: U.S. Postage PRSRT STD PERMIT #322 Easton, MD Civic Activist PAID Sally Ormsby Dies News, Page 4 Photo by Derek B. Johnson/The Connection B. Johnson/The by Derek Photo www.connectionnewspapers.com www.ConnectionNewspapers.comSeptember 18-24, 2008 Volume XXII, Number 38 Burke Connection ❖ September 18-24, 2008 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Burke Connection ❖ September 18-24, 2008 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Burke Connection Editor Michael O’Connell News 703-917-6440 or
[email protected] Celebration in Burke Annual festival draws 10,000, to enjoy music, food and entertainment /The Connection Derek B. Johnson Derek Photos by Photos Barbara Sheppard’s Academy of Dance, located on Old Georgia Grandy, 4, enjoys face paint and a Don Jacobs of Prince George, Va., started Keene Mill Road in Burke, performed Saturday at the mouthful of ice cream at the Burke Festi- making ships out of beer cans years ago, 2008 Burke Festival. Sheppard’s Academy is a private val Saturday. and now sells them in the market portion dance company. Shown here are Angela Click, Eliana of the festival. Shops lined side by side on Nash, Reagan Raczynski, Kendall Griffith, Tyler Wernecke, Conservancy grounds gave festivalgoers a Taylor Larson, and Caroline Clemson.