Petr H´ajek:a scientific biography Zuzana Hanikov´a Institute of Computer Science Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Email:
[email protected] 1 Introduction Petr H´ajekis a renowned Czech logician, whose record in mathematical logic spans half a century. His results leave a permanent imprint in all of his research areas, which can be roughly delimited as set theory, arithmetic, fuzzy logic and reasoning under uncertainty, and information retrieval; some of his results have enjoyed successful applications. He has, throughout his career, worked at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic1, starting as a postgraduate student at the Institute of Mathematics in 1962. At present, he is a senior researcher at the Institute of Computer Science. Petr's scientific career is well captured by the books he (co)authored: • P. Vopˇenka, P. H´ajek: The Theory of Semisets. Academia Praha/North Holland Publishing Company, 1972. • P. H´ajek,T. Havr´anek: Mechanizing Hypothesis Formation: Mathematical Founda- tions of a General Theory. Springer, Berlin, 1978. • P. H´ajek,T. Havr´anek,M. Chytil: Metoda GUHA: Automatick´atvorba hypot´ez, Academia, Praha, 1983. (in Czech). • P. H´ajek,T. Havr´anek,R. Jirouˇsek: Uncertain Information Processing in Expert Systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1992. • P. H´ajek,P. Pudl´ak. Metamathematics of First-Order Arithmetic. Springer Verlag, 1993. • P. H´ajek: Metamathematics of Fuzzy Logic. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1998. • P. Cintula, P. H´ajek,C. Noguera (eds.): Handbook of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic. College Publications, London, 2011. 1formerly, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Apart from these books, Petr H´ajekis the (co)author of more than 350 research papers, textbooks and popular articles; his works are frequently cited with the number of citations approaching 3000.