Ways to be involved at Community Church during Covid-19

Caring for Others. Contact Patty Chaffee ([email protected]) o Provide Operation Love meals or baked goods o Knit a prayer shawl o Participate in the Prayer Chain o Help with check-in phone calls to members and friends of NCC o Provide transportation to medical appts. o Lead a POD, help other stay connected

Assist in Worship. Contact Julia Manners to contribute scripture or prayers ([email protected]), Lynne Floyd for choir/music ([email protected]) or the church office to sponsor flowers. o Film video with your iPhone reading scripture or offering prayers o Sponsor altar flowers ($35 donation) o Bring your musical talents to worship/events o Play an instrument o Sing in choirs – recorded separately o Sing during worship o Sacred Dance

Help with Technology. Contact Jennifer Datum ([email protected]) or the church office. o Assist members with accessing NCC virtual ministries o Assist with Zoom o Assist with basic computer skills to help folks stay connected to family o Help with WORDPRESS website maintenance o Help film and edit videos for worship o Help with data entry o Post on social media (, , )

Youth & Children’s Ministries. Contact Julia Manners ([email protected]) o Work with Christian Education & Youth Minister Julia Manners on Christian Education Team o Be a Mentor o Assist with Zoom CE and Youth classes o Work on special events o Teach Sunday School on Zoom

Outreach. Contact the Church Office ([email protected]) o Volunteer with the Anne Davis Community Meal or the Homeless Hospitality Center o Donate ingredients for the Anne Davis Community Meal as posted monthly o Donate to Care & Share o Write press releases/ help with publicity

Nurture your Faith o Worship on our YouTube channel o Adult Faith Forum 11:00 Sunday on Zoom o Itty Bitty Chapel every Wednesdays on YouTube o Centering Prayer Tuesdays 1:00-2:00 / Wednesdays 5;30-6:30 on Zoom o Bible Study on Zoom o Spiritual Tools for Daily Life playlist on YouTube

www.NianticCommunityChurch.org 860-739-6208 Updated 1/5/21