Larry Niven | 284 pages | 01 Jun 2005 | St Martin's Press | 9780765341020 | English | New York, United States - Wikipedia

Ringworld's Children is a science fiction novel by American writer Larry Niventhe Ringworlds Children in the Ringworld series set in the universe. It describes the continuing adventures of Louis Ringworlds Children and companions on Ringworld. The novel's plot is largely Ringworlds Children with the so-called Fringe War. All the intelligent species of Known Space are interested in the Ringworld. In the novel, they engage in a Cold War of sorts actually begun in the previous novel, The Ringworld Throne on the fringe of the Ringworld star system. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ringworld's Children First edition. Dewey Decimal. The Ringworld series by . Categories : American novels science fiction novels American science fiction novels Known Space Ringworlds Children Novels by Larry Niven Tor Books books Fiction set in the 29th century s science fiction novel stubs. Hidden Ringworlds Children All stub articles. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. First edition. The Ringworld Throne. Known Space. This article about a s science fiction novel is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Further suggestions might be found on the article's talk page. Ringworld's Children (Ringworld Series #4) by Larry Niven, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

That summer, I really needed the solace of good, hard SF to escape, if just fleetingly, some harsh realities, same reality having given Ringworlds Children long days Ringworlds Children nights to read and listen. So, without really making Ringworlds Children decision to do so but compelled by circumstances, I started a re-read of the Ringworld series. The publication history Ringworlds Children the series was such that one book came out every ten years, on average. And so each book read provided a reflection of a de. And so Ringworlds Children book read provided a reflection of a decade of life, the places and friends, the situations and milestones when each book was read. Fiction, particularly the science fiction of the Ringworld books, it turned out, was nothing more than dressed-up reality. I never left the Ringworld. Finally, the series raises its intensity at book 4, combining even more fascinating discoveries about the BDO Big Dumb Object with Ringworlds Children space opera. Consider : the rest of Known Space has come to the Ringworld, various civilizations and factions lured by untold riches, Kzinti and humans, Trinocs and puppeteers, Outsiders too. They are held at bay, barely, at the fringes of the local system by a sun-based meteor defense, powerful beyond their ken. War breaks out as the navies vie for position and advantage. While on the Ringworld, Louis Wu plays deadly chess games with the bloodline-preserving Pak protectors. With antimatter Ringworlds Children punching holes in the Ringworld material, its trillions of inhabitants seem headed for certain doom. I was surprised by how much action and suspense there was in this book, certainly a lot more than I remember. Plus, Children puts forth some interesting sfnal elements, view spoiler [ a superconductor grid underneath the Ringworld controlled from the Throne or Repair Center, massive hydrodynamic effects that induce solar flares, x-ray lasers on the shadow squares Ringworlds Children blast meteors and intruders, protectors grown from different hominids vying for dominance, even nanotech makes its first appearance in the series as the basis for an advanced autodoc and repair of the scrith, more extrapolations on Teela Brown's lucky genes, hide spoiler ] all of which seemed to have gone unnoticed or unremarked previously. The main story is, certainly, about the children. Niven is coyly philosophical about who these children are. First, there Ringworlds Children the "children" of the original visitors, Louis Wu, Teela Ringworlds Children Speaker Ringworlds Children Nessus is once again missing. Then, there are the genetic lines of individual protectors from different species. And finally, there are all the hominids of the Ringworld all descended from the original builders. The emotional depth of the story derives from plight of each class of "children". In the end, Niven does not disappoint. His resolutions are precise and deliciously convoluted as Mobius Ringworlds Children. The ending is like a sucker punch to the gut in its Ringworlds Children and unexpected enormity, echoes of another Niven thriller, . Ringworld's Children is a truly entertaining read which many readers will not get to because of the slog though the previous entry in the series book 3 - Throne. I am quite glad I re-read this and happily change my rating to 5 stars. It was at least as entertaining as book 2 The Ringworld Engineers. Ringworlds Children would have been a fitting end to the series, but we know there is a fifth book. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other Ringworlds Children. Enlarge Ringworlds Children. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Ringworld's Children by Larry Niven. Ringworld's Children Ringworld 4 by Larry Niven. Welcome to a world like no other. The Ringworld: a landmark engineering achievement, a flat band 3 million times the surface area of Earth, encircling a distant star. Home to Ringworlds Children of Ringworlds Children, not all of which are human, and host to amazing technological wonders, the Ringworld is unique in all of the universe. Explorer Louis Wu, an Earth-born human who was part Ringworlds Children th Welcome to a world like no other. Explorer Louis Wu, an Earth-born human who was part of the first expedition to Ringworld, becomes enmeshed in interplanetary and interspecies intrigue as Ringworlds Children, and a powerful new weapon, threaten to tear the Ringworld apart forever. Now, the future of Ringworld lies in the actions of its children: Tunesmith, the Ghoul ; Acolyte, the exiled son of Speaker-to-Animals, and Wembleth, a strange Ringworld native with a mysterious past. All must play a dangerous game in order to save Ringworld's population, and the stability of Ringworld itself. Blending awe-inspiring science with non-stop action and fun, Ringworld's Childrenthe fourth installment of the multiple award-winning saga, is the perfect introduction for readers new to this New York Times bestselling series, and long-time fans of Larry Niven's Ringworld. Get A Copy. Mass Market Paperbackpages. Published April 1st by Tor Books first published June 1st More Details Original Title. Ringworld 4Known Space. Other Editions Ringworlds Children Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers Ringworlds Children about Ringworld's Childrenplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Ringworld's Children Ringworld, 4. Nov 19, Michael rated it it was amazing Ringworlds Children aliensfictionscience-fictionspace-opera. I totally loved this return to Ringworld, the mysterious artificial world that has the surface area of a million Earths and populated by hundreds of hominid species that have evolved there from human ancestors placed there a half-million years earlier. Destroying the functionality of the Ringworld and thereby killing its inhabitants is one soluti I totally loved this return to Ringworld, the mysterious artificial world that has the surface area of a million Earths and populated by hundreds of hominid species that have evolved there from human ancestors placed there a half-million years earlier. Destroying the functionality of the Ringworlds Children and thereby killing its inhabitants is one solution to reach that goal. This tale, 4th in the series, is concerned with the efforts of a multispecies group to head off such a disaster. Ringworlds Children found the characters wonderful, the technologies marvelous, and the plot filled with exciting puzzles and thrilling action. The kind of escapist literature that also expands my mind's horizons. Our hero Louis Wu, an Earth-born human, wakes up from nanotech treatment in an advanced auto-doc to find his two-hundred plus year old body now that of a twenty year-old. He learns he is still an effective slave of Tunesmith, an incredibly advanced creature known as a Protector who has taken charge of the vast Ringworld defense and repair facilities. His value to Tunesmith lies in his knowledge of the species involved in the Fringe War. Any means to an end will do, and if he needs Louis to be smarter and more dedicated, he could give him tree-of-life root, which will turn him into a Protector too. You may have noticed that all of the species reflect psychological extremes found among humans, Ringworlds Children that Ringworlds Children both strengths and weaknesses. They encounter some folks from away, a potentially hostile crew from the human military security division ARM. Just when Louis begins to feel happy being human again, he gets captured by another super being, an advanced hominid female who claims to be descended from the Ringworld builders. Despite many reasons to be enemies with each other, they all get motivated to work together to help save Ringworld and its inhabitants. Each emergency leads Tunesmith to devise new technologies and bold strategies for the team. Since the four books in the series came out about one a decade, Niven took the effort to make the Ringworlds Children capable of standing alone. Ultimately it provided a playground for Niven to bring all of his wonderful species together in a big multifaceted adventure. At its core the work stands out for a hopeful outlook for humans in a distant future of imagination, which contrasts much with the desperation in the apocalyptic tales of the near Ringworlds Children that dominate sci fi these days. View all 12 comments. Ringworld sequels certainly take their time to appear. Tens of years between books and so much information that's just waiting to be Ringworlds Children. On the other hand, new discoveries and re-discoveries await! Even though Ringworld's Children has been around Ringworlds ChildrenI have only now gotten around to reading it. What's more, a lot of time has passed since I Ringworlds Children The Ringworld Throne. Niven certainly doesn't waste a lot of time Ringworlds Children a bewildered reader into the thick of things and dragging Ringworld sequels certainly take their time to appear. Niven certainly doesn't waste a lot of Ringworlds Children chucking a bewildered reader into the Ringworlds Children of things and dragging said reader along for a dizzying ride. In truth, this is also a good approximation of what the lead protagonist Ringworlds Children experiencing in the opening chapters of this novel. Louis Wu awakens in the autodoc againand as soon his foot hits the floor the story hits its stride. By the third chapter, however, Louis starts reasoning things out and the bewilderment subsequently settles into something more akin to wonderment. Whether you like Niven's style or not, any visit to the Ringworld is going to be filled with Ringworlds Children and discovery. It's impossible to envision a lot of what is described here, as an appropriate frame of reference is nonexistent. Ringworld | Larry Niven Wiki | Fandom

This is for the firemen of California Ringworlds Children neighboring states who fought the fires of Octoberwith particular thanks to those who saved our house and others in Indian Falls, Chatsworth, Los Angeles County. The Ringworld is about the same mass as Jupiter. Its shape is that Ringworlds Children a ribbon a million miles across and six hundred million miles long, which makes it a bit larger than the Earths orbit, and a few Ringworlds Children thick. It circles a yellow dwarf star. Walls along both rims, standing a thousand miles high, are enough to hold an atmosphere for millions of years. The inner surface is a habitat three million times the area of planet Earth. The topography is literally a work of art, carved in by whoever built the thing, so that from underneath the Ringworld resembles the back of a mask. An inner ring of shadow squares block the sun, giving periods of night; else it would always be noon. A system of pipes leads from the bottoms of oceans, under the Ringworld floor, up the back of the rim wall and over the edge, to recycle seabottom Ringworlds Children or flup into spill mountains. Huge attitude jets stand atop the rim wall, Bussard ramjets using the solar wind of protons for their fuel, to hold the Ringworld against its inherent instability. There are spaceport ledges outside the walls. Two vast salt oceans serve as preserves for seagoing life, and as something more: maps of several worlds at one-to-one scale. The Ringworld floor is of unnaturally strong material, dubbed scrith, Ringworlds Children other unusual properties. The sun itself is involved in the Ringworlds meteor defense. A superconducting network embedded in the Ringworld floor generates a superthermal laser effect in a solar flare. The drawback: it cant fire through the Ringworlds Children itself. Thus any meteorite Ringworlds Children strikes the Ringworld, such as the one that made Fist-of-God Ringworlds Children, generally rams upward from underneath. The plethora of harbors and fjords, plus the shallow oceans most of themsuggest a race that uses only Ringworlds Children top of an ocean. The nastier life forms — mosquitoes, flies, jackals, sharks, vampire bats — dont exist. Hominids have moved into some of those ecological slots. The Engineers werent ecologists, they were gardeners. The inhabitants are hominids in bewildering variety, some intelligent, some not. They fill ecological niches which on Earth are held by almost any mammal, but particularly the nastier life forms, jackals and wolves and vampire bats… as if mankinds ancestor, Homo habilis, had been protected until they numbered hundreds of billions, then abandoned to mutate endlessly. After the book came out, a friend was going to build a scale model for an upcoming convention. He Ringworlds Children a marble, a Ringworlds Children immy, to serve as the Earth, for scale. Turns out hed need a ribbon Ringworlds Children feet tall and half a mile long. The hotel wasnt big enough. One guy who tried to map the Ringworld told me he ran out of computer space very rapidly. He ran into Ringworlds Children many powers of ten. David Gerrold speaks of a class of novel called "the Enormous Big Thing. Arthur C. It might have been laughed at. Too big, too improbable. Any normal structural material would be torn apart by its spin. I waited for the reviews in some fear. During one of my speeches, a man pointed out that the Ring-worlds mathematics are simple: its a suspension bridge with no endpoints. An academic in England pointed out that the tensile strength of the Ringworld frame must be approximately Ringworlds Children force that holds an atomic nucleus together. Hence, scrith. A grade school class in Florida spent a semester on the Ringworld. Their conclusion: the worst problem is that, without tectonic activity, all the topsoil would Ringworlds Children into the Ringworlds Children in a few thousand years. Hence, flup and Ringworlds Children spillpipes. The Ringworld is unstable! Somebody decided that the shadow squares shed too much twilight. Whats needed is five long shadow squares orbiting retrograde. Ultimately there was too much opportunity for redesign. I had to write The Ringworld Engineers. All of these readers had found something worth knowing. The Ringworld is a great, gaudy, intellectual Ringworlds Children, a playground with the gates left wide open. Others play with the characters, or the assumptions, or the environment. They make up their own homework. We readers have been doing that for unguessable thousands of years: demanding more data on Atlantis from Plato, inventing Purgatory to put between Hell and Heaven, redesigning Dantes Inferno, writing new Odysseys. An amazing subculture has sprung up around Star Trek. The Internet opens a whole new metaplayground for such people. A number of Ringworlds Children sites have sprung up well, at least two whose topic is Larry Nivens fiction. In Septembertipped off by my lovely agent, Eleanor Wood, I logged onto larryniven-1 bucknell. They were arguing about whether you can clone a protector, and whether Seeker and Teela Brown might have left a child behind. If theyd been right I wouldnt have seen a story, but they were off on the wrong foot, and I could fix it. After a few months of following these discussions, rarely interrupting, I had enough material for Ringworlds Children. This is a playground for Ringworlds Children mind. Its a puzzle too, a maze. Question Ringworlds Children turn or youll get lost. When youve finished the book, remember not to lock the gate. Teela Brown: Earth born, of a line bred for luck by Piersons puppeteer manipulation. Turned protector in The Ringworld Engineers, and Ringworlds Children deceased. First Ringworld expedition. Nessus: Piersons puppeteer, the Hindmosts partner Ringworlds Children mate. Led the first Ringworld expedition. The Hindmost: Piersons puppeteer, once Chief-in-Command of his species. Led the second Ringworld expedition. Served aboard Snail Darter and Gray Nurse. Ringworlds Children Vampire turned protector, ruler of the Repair Ringworlds Children for countless Ringworlds Children until killed by Tunesmith with Louis Wus help. Jurisdiction was originally limited to Earth-Moon system. Droud: A small device that Ringworlds Children into the skull of a current addict. Its purpose: to meter a current flow to the pleasure center of the users brain. Eyestorm: The pattern of winds that forms above a puncture in the Ringworld floor. A tornado on its side. Hurricanes and tornadoes are impossible on the Ringworlds flat surface. Fleet of Worlds: The homeworld of the Piersons puppeteer species, and four more worlds sequestered for farming, all occupy a Kemplerer rosette moving at near lightspeed. Fringe War: All the spacegoing species of known space seem to have sent ships to Ringworld system. Bram, when he Ringworlds Children in command Ringworlds Children the Repair Center, shot them down if they approached too close. Tunesmith hasnt done that, and the Fringe War is currently in a cold state. General Products: A company owned by Piersons puppeteers that sold mostly spacecraft hulls. Dissolved two hundred Ringworlds Children ago. The Great Ocean: One of two salt seas on the Ringworld, measuring six hundred times the surface area of the Earth. LE Legal Entity : Any entity human or not, organic or not legally entitled to civil rights. Map of Earth or Mars, , Kdatlyno, etc. Ringworlds Children defense: Ringworld systems can cause a solar flare, and a superthermal laser effect within the flare. Energy output is awesome, but the effect is slow. Outsider hyperdrive or Hyperdrive: A means of faster-than-light travel common in known space. Ringworlds Children II hyperdrive: An advanced experimental faster-than-light system, puppeteer designed, first seen in "At the Core. Rishathra reshtra, etc. Scrith: Ringworld structural material. Scrith underlies all the terraformed and contoured inner surface of the Ringworld. The rim Ringworlds Children are also of scrith. Very dense, with a tensile strength on the order of the force that holds an atomic nucleus together. Spill mountains: Mountains standing against the rim wall, the outflow of the rim spillpipes. One stage in the circulation of flup. Spin or Spinward: In the direction of rotation Ringworlds Children the Ringworld. Against the rotation of the sky.