Palestine Refugees Demographics As of May 2017

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Palestine Refugees Demographics As of May 2017 Syria: UNRWA - Palestine Refugees Demographics - Verication Exercise 2016 TURKEY 224 237 ! 0.1% prs palestine refugees in syria 13,171 13,856 Al-Hasakeh 6% ! percentage of prs per governorate Aleppo ! Ar-Raqqa Latakia 3.5% Idleb males ! Deir-ez-Zor females 6,745 7,638 4,414 4,987 Hama ! Tartous 2.1% 438,000 Violence escalated in Dera’a Governorate, 47.5% palestine refugees 52.5% impeding access to life-saving aid, resulting in remaining in casualties and injuries, and causing multiple ! syria reported displacements of Palestine refugee Homs families.KEY The FIGURES Agency began providing 6,792 8,425 humanitarian assistance to the displaced from the area in Dera’a and Damascus. 418,000 are in need 3.5% 95% 58% 254,000 are internally displaced 28,900 live in hard-to-reach 6.9% and besieged areas LEBANON 13.2% 36,517 are female-headed 162,696 185,805 179,654 households DAMASCUS Rif IRAQ Damascus ! 6.5% 78% Quneitra 680 764 Under 5 5-18 19-65 over 65 13,291 14,426 ! Sweida ! 9% 26% 57% 8% Dera'a prs breakdown by age 0.3% JORDAN prs camps and gatherings Aleppo Al-Hasakeh Damascus Dera’a Hama 27,027 461 113,884 27,717 9,401 430 Old Damascus 17.2% Neirab camp 65.7% Dera’a city 27.8% Qamishli 84.9% Rukn Eddin 15.3% Al Zahira 15.2% Hama camp 84.8% Aleppo city 26.3% Muzeirib 5.2% Other locations 15.1% Yarmouk camp*10.9% Dummar 9.4% Hama city 9.9% Ein el Tal camp* 3.3% Dera’a camp 4.1% Mazzeh 7.6% Other locations 5.3% Qaboun 1.5% Other locations 4.7% Jilien 2.5% Barzeh 5.0% Other locations 17.9% Other locations 60.4% Homs Latakia Rif Damascus Sweida 15,217 14,383 228,466 1,444 Jaramana camp 23.0% Qudsaya 15.2 % Sehnaya 13.1% Homs camp 85.4% Latakia camp* 72.7% Khan Dunoun camp 8.5% Sweida 60.4% Qabr Essit camp 6.5% Homs city 12.6% Latakia city 12.5% Jdeidet Artouz 5.8 % Shahba 21.5% Husseiniyeh 9.3% Other locations 2.0% Other locations 14.8% Other locations 18.1% Khan Eshieh camp 4.9% Ramadan 0.8% Sbeineh camp 0.5% Other locations 12.4% Date: JUNE 2017 Source: UNRWA * unofficial camps The boundaries shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
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