Acatech Annual Report 2012 Acatech Jahresberichtcontents 2012

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Acatech Annual Report 2012 Acatech Jahresberichtcontents 2012 > ANNUAL REPORT 2012 > acatech2012 ANNUALREPORT acatech Annual Report 2012 acatech JahresberichtContents 2012 CONTENTS PRESIDENTS’ FOREWORD 4 INNOVATION POLICY ADVICE 6 ENERGY, RESOURCES, SUSTAINABILITY 8 TECHNOLOGIES 10 EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATION 12 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 14 DIALOGUE 16 PROJECTS 18 EVENTS 20 PUBLICATIONS 24 MEMBERS 28 SENATE 32 EXECUTIVE BOARD 34 FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS 36 FINANCES 40 acatech OFFICE 42 PUNKT PRIZE 44 3 acatech Annual Report 2012 Foreword > PRESIDENTS’ FOREWORD In this, its tenth year, the Academy can once again look back Germany’s decision to shift towards renewable energy produc- and partnership arrangements with the national academies on a busy and successful twelve months. As the independent tion could be one potential driver of innovation. Together of technology in China, India and the US, as well as chairing voice of the technological sciences community, acatech has with the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina the Euro-CASE Innovation Platform. contributed in a variety of ways to the public debate both at and the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and home and abroad and has raised a number of new issues. Humanities, we are developing science-based scenarios for Our work relies on the interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral, evi- the “energy systems of the future”. A concurrent interdiscipli- dence-based dialogue that is a key feature of the Academy. We have addressed several important social questions in the nary Dialogue Forum is engaged in drafting specific recom- We would therefore like to express our gratitude to everyone areas of “education and technology communication”, “ener- mendations on this topic. In 2012, as a starting point for this whose knowledge and commitment have helped make gy, resources and sustainability” and “technologies”, with the work, we put forward a series of proposals on how to fund the acatech a platform for lively exchanges on a variety of issues. aim of using scientific knowledge to promote innovation. transition to sustainable energy, presented roadmaps for migrating to smart energy grids and highlighted the policy We hope you enjoy reading our annual report. Source: acatech/David Ausserhofer What are the key technology areas of the future? What fac- strategies needed to adapt to climate change. Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann and Prof. Dr. Reinhard F. Hüttl, tors will be crucial to the success of German innovation policy Berlin and Munich, January 2013 Presidents of acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering. in the face of global competition? These are some of the Our strategic initiative “Industry 4.0” addresses the funda- issues that the German government discussed with represen- mental transformation of the way that we manufacture goods tatives of the scientific and business communities during the and shows how information technology can be deployed in Innovation Dialogue, a regular exchange that acatech has traditional industries to simultaneously create value and been organising since 2010. ensure sustainability. acatech is also researching the social aspects of information technology. We are consulting a The cornerstone of a successful innovation policy is to ensure diverse group of technology scientists, sociologists, philoso- that technology and technology education are firmly ancho- phers and legal experts in order to investigate the meaning of Prof. Dr. Reinhard F. Hüttl Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann red as an integral part of our culture. In 2012, we founded “privacy” in the digital age. acatech President acatech President the National MINT Forum together with a number of impor- tant partners. The aim of the Forum is to improve education The Academy entered into various new international partner- in Mathematics, IT, Natural Sciences and Technology. ships during 2012. We concluded a number of agreements 4 5 acatech Annual Report 2012 Innovation Policy Advice In 2012, the Innovation Dialogue held two meetings that The regulatory framework for implementing the transition to were attended by Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel. The sustainable energy will be key to ensuring the future competi- topics of the meetings were “technology fields and innova- tiveness of German industry. acatech addressed this issue tions in services with great potential for added value and through an ad hoc project entitled “Towards a financially via- employment in Germany” and “the international dimension ble transition to sustainable energy”. A project group led by of German innovation policy – using the example of Asia”. the German Council of Economic Experts member Christoph In addition to the Innovation Dialogue, acatech also M. Schmidt developed a series of recommendations geared addresses cross-cutting innovation policy issues through the towards creating an appropriate regulatory framework to ena- > INNOVATION POLICY ADVICE Innovation Forum, where the recommendations of the Inno- ble efficient implementation of the transition to sustainable Source: acatech/David Ausserhofer vation Dialogue are progressed. The Forum’s work included energy at national, European and international levels. the preparation of the joint initiative on “National Compe- strong innovation system will help to ensure sustaina- conditions are conducive to innovation. acatech is the organ- tence Monitoring” in conjunction with the Federation of Ger- A ble growth, create value and secure jobs both in Ger- iser of the Innovation Dialogue, an exchange between the man Industries, that will begin work in 2013 on designing many and in Europe. The key enablers are productive German government – represented by the Federal Chancel- an early warning system for identifying competence needs in research, highly innovative businesses and a society where lor, the Federal Minister of Education and Research and the the German innovation system. Federal Minister of Economics and Technology – and repre- sentatives of the scientific and business communities and civil society. acatech President Henning Kagermann chairs the Steering Committee appointed by the Federal Chancel- lor, which comprises representatives from these three sec- tors. The Dialogue provides the German government with independent expert advice on innovation policy issues. It draws on acatech’s network of partners to analyse the latest developments in the field of innovation and makes recom- mendations geared towards the targeted development of Germany’s innovation system. The Innovation Dialogue’s Committee Office is located at acatech’s offices and assists with the preparation of meet- Source: Federal Government/Guido Bergmann ings by compiling dossiers on the relevant topics. The Dia- The Innovation Dialogue provides the Federal Government with logue partners, the Federal Chancellery and the relevant Fed- independent expert advice. During 2012, participants in the Innovation Dialogue discussed which technology fi elds have high potential eral ministries are involved in this process in order to ensure Source: acatech/David Ausserhofer for creating value in Germany and how the international dimension that the recommendations are relevant to concrete govern- The project “Towards a fi nancially viable transition to sustainable energy” investigated the regulatory framework required to implement the energy transition. of German innovation policy can be expanded. ment initiatives. Left: German Council of Economic Experts member Christoph M. Schmidt presents the position paper; right: podium discussion on the presentation. 6 7 acatech Annual Report 2012 Energy, Resources, Sustainability Source: acatech/Michael Fahrig Source: acatech/Raum 11; Zappner > ENERGY, RESOURCES, SUSTAINABILITY Parliamentary State Secretary Katherina Reiche Robert Schlögl (Max Planck Society) and Reinhard F. Hüttl (acatech) (from left Source: plainpicture/Design Pics (Federal Ministry for the Environment) speaking on to right) engaging with experts in a public debate on how to deliver a successful sustainability at the “Georesource Water” Forum. transition to sustainable energy. very society in the world uses energy and resources. How tricity generation and distribution systems. The infrastructure E individual societies differ is in the way that they use required for the transition to sustainable energy comprises The decision to phase out nuclear power also raises as yet coming years. In order to ensure that the transition to sustain- these resources and in their responses to the question con- smart, ICT-enabled grids. acatech analysed how to deliver unanswered questions regarding the disposal of nuclear able energy benefits from comprehensive scientific advice, the cerning the best energy system. The German government’s these grids in its “Future Energy Grid” project that concluded waste from existing nuclear power stations. In 2012, the German Academies of Sciences have approved an acatech led decision to phase out nuclear power will require a complete in February 2012. Academy launched a project on “Partitioning and Transmuta- project on “Future Energy Systems”. With the support of a Dia- overhaul of Germany’s energy system, a process that will The 2012 position paper on the potential of “Biotechnological tion” that addresses the social implications of this research- logue Forum, this interdisciplinary project will develop poten- involve major challenges but will also provide equally signifi- Energy Conversion in Germany” investigates the circumstances intensive technology.
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