TRAIL'S END -FOR HILDEGARDE- RADIO'S NEW SENSATION IN THIS ISSUE Week Ending January 23, 1937 HERBERT KRANCER, Publisher HIS CURTIS MITCHELL, Editorial Director Smash Features How Safe Are New York Night Clubs? Where to Go and What to Do! by HELEN HOVER 3 It Isn't High -brow Any More Symphony -Down to Earth President "Desert by JULIAN FUNT 6 The First Stick -Up -And Last! Roosevelt Song" A Calling All Cars Story by ARTHUR KENT 12 We, the People, Speak Radio salutes the country's Selections from the roman- America's Program Explained chosen leader, as all three tic operetta will be sung by WILLIAM L. STUART 15 networks com- by World Short -Wave Timetable nationwide silver -throated Jessica A Convenient Form for You. 46 bine forces to broadcast Dragonette on her program his second inauguration of musical love stories Personalities Irene Rich Wednesday, January 20 Wednesday, January 20 Her Thrilling Life Story (1I) by HALLY POMEROY 4 Paul Whiteman He Sees the Trail's End by JACK JAMISON 8 Ken Carpenter His Radio Jinx by JACK SMALLEY 10 Hildegarde "Tales of Cinderella from Milwaukee by RICHARD G. HUBLER 11 Hoffman" Wendell Hall Casper Reardon Francis Craig The Metropolitan Opera's Celebritopics 14 Lawrence Charles Butterworth Tibbett, Stella A Giant- Gravure Portrait 24 Andreva, Hilda Burke and Lanny Ross Margaret Halstead render Around the Clock with a Star 28 O ffenbach's great music News and Comment Plums and Prunes 23 Saturday, January by EVANS PLUMMER 13 Inside Stuff by MARTIN LEWIS 13 Music in the Air by CARLETON SMITH 18 Short Waves by CHARLES A. MORRISON 20 Victor Pictorial Features "Varsity A Gallery of Portraits Lennie Hayton 21 McLaglen Show" Mary Eastman 22 Tom Waring 23 The Academy Award win- Action on the Air 19 & 47 John Held, Jr., cartoonist Daytime Dialing ner brings a preview of his of American Youth, begins Your Sunshine Favorites 26 movie, "Coast Patrol," to a collegiate series with the Hotel. He Departments University of Michigan Hits of the Week. 16 guest -stars on the show honored in the first show Stories of Near-by Stations 19 Short -Wave Programs 20 Friday, January 22 Events of the Week 29 Friday, January 22 Contests on the Air 43 RADIO GUIDE'S X -Word Puzzle. 44 Handwriting Contest Winners. 47 Programs Sunday, January 17 - 30 Monday. January 18 - - 32 Tuesday, January 19 - - 34 ACROSS THE MOV- Wednesday, January 20 - 36 Thursday, January 21 - 38 ING STAGE PASS Friday, January 22 - 40 Saturday. January 23 - 42 GREAT ACTORS IN Official Photographer: Delar. RADIO'S ALWAYS- Radio City, New York SHIFTING SCENE. Cover Portrait by Mar/and Stone

RADIO GUIDE (Trade Mark Registered U. S. Pat. Office; THESE ARE YOUR Volume VI. Number 14. Week Ending January 23, 1y:17 Published by Regal Press, Inc. Issued Weekly Itenx. OUto., 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago. Illinois PLAYERS IN THIS Entered as second class matter at the Post Office. Chicago. Illinois, February 24, 1932. under Act of March 3 18:9 Copyright 1937, by Regal Press, Inc. All rights ebc;ved Executive. Editorial, Circulation and Business office. 731 WEEK'S GREATEST Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. M. L. Annenberg Chairman of the Board; Herbert Krancer. Executive Vice -

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0/I9 Na 2 live in night -club history. No one yet knows what happened. Johnny retired BY HELEN HOVER to his corner to keep his Tarzan repu- tation untarnished for his youthful fan following, but that didn't stop his friends from entering the thick of THE tall, ig -boned woman in eve - the fray and swinging some good ping clot es was pleading with the rights themselves. Lieutenant Winslow head wai er of the Rainbow Room: emerged with a black eye; Johnny "But I've come all the way from came out with a headache and an or- Kansas to se what it's like." der from M -G -M to come home to The head waiter was adamant. "I Hollywood and explain himself. beg your pa ion, but unescorted ladies But all this jovial gunfire seems like are not adm tted." Finally, a sympa- milk and toast compared to the grand thetic mana ;er solved the problem. "Seltzer- Squirting Skirmish" which He ordered a table for two and sat wrecked a night club and ruined with her hi nself while she "oohed" $50,000 worth of gowns. It does no and "aahed' at the lavishness of the good to name the club, but it was in Rainbow Ro ,m, the wonder of its re- one of the gaga joints on the West volving dan e floor, and stared excit- Fifties. A prominent debutante, bub- edly at Fra din D. Roosevelt, Jr., and bling over with her own youth, play- Ethel Du P at at a near -by table. fully picked up a seltzer bottle and Never has there been such an inter - squished it at one of the entertainers, est in New 'ork night life as there is ruining his act and his tuxedo. That this year. Tisitors pour in, eager to humorless young man, instead of re- see this du that night spot. It might garding it as a harmless prank, imme- be due to th e repeal of prohibition, to diately grabbed a seltzer siphon from the return f prosperity -or, as one a near -by table and squirted right night -club oprieter told me, because back. The girl's escort retaliated in of radio. In zmerable broadcasts from like manner, and soon the craze spread. the Franch C asino, the Paradise, the Everyone in the club started squirting. Onyx, the ;tor and other late spots, Expensive tapestries and furnishings have made he names of night clubs were drenched beyond repair; Hattie part of our very -day language. Carnegie gowns were soaked. New Yorl night life, like all Gaul, is divided i>d to three parts: The Glit- THEN suddenly the bottle battle ter Palaces- such as the "French Ca- turned into a fisticùff fracas. On.? sino," the " aradise" and the "Holly- man broke a bottle over someone's wood," whey you get everything from head and he in turn received a smart a bubble -d ter to a flea circus for the uppercut from some mysterious price of din ner; the Gaga Joints- stranger. The place was a bedlam of "Leon and Eddie's" or the "Onyx," water, black eyes and screams. The where doul 1 e entendres and hot jazz police arrived, the patrons were rushed predominat and loud noise is no ob- into the Black Maria and carted away jection; the S nooty Spots -such as "El to explain the whole business to a Morocco" a, d the "Stork Club," which judge, and the night -club proprietor cater to th `better people," and gen- viewed the wreck mournfully. The erally oper it e on a $15- to $50 -per- club was closed and later reopened couple basis under a different name. The first c ategory believes in mass Since the repeal of prohibition, night- consumptio (the French Casino alone club activities are saner and safer. accommod e s 1,600 people, attracts During the days when night - club 2,500 on go d nights) and caters to the PROH BITION'S REPEAL PROSPERI- drinking was done openly but ille- general p b lic, which demands its AND gally, such characters as Al Capone, money's wart h. The gaga places lu. e Dutch Schultz and Owney Madden ran the musician s and the Broadwayites. TY'S RETURN -HERE ARE THEIR RESULTS! the places. Today, respectable business- The third eta:cta draws a patron list that men conduct them, and the bloody in- reads like a list of Walter Winchell's cident of the Club Abbey, which oc- personal r e rentes. curred six years ago, is not in danger Night -cl b extravagance, at the mo- of being repeated. The notorious ment, is gi in g off a yip and a yammer Dutch Schultz and a henchman, such as h not occurred since the "Chink" Sherman, were sitting in the Coolidge o m. The "lid's off," and club -when suddenly the lights went mirth, me ri ment, and fisticuffs pre- out. A bullet cut through the air, some dominate. women fainted, and the club was in But howih of are the hot -spots? And an uproar. When the lights went on, how safe -Lfo e you and me? Chink's lifeless body was dragged out. An exampl e of what can happen in It was to the old "Frivolity Club" the gilded Go Cham haunts is the John - that Colonel Lindbergh allowed him- ny Weissmu; Ier fracas, which took self to be taken after his epochal place at the Stork Club. It all started flight. Lindbergh, of course, didn't cu' as a joke, care for night life, but he suffered himself to go to this one to please the h is manager, and a few newspaper boys who were urging him JOHNNYfriends weere having dinner at "21" to be "a regular." Inside the club, a Yo k's most exclusive club), little fluff of a chorus girl skittered when somon e suggested that they all over to him and planted a loud kiss on don dark gla sses -"The first one who his mouth. Lindbergh, his conserva- takes them ofo is fined $50." tism offended, pushed the girl away. And so, in this spirit of boyish good Immediately, a tough -looking group of fun, they p1 oceeded to do the town. men at a table near by leaped from Finally they arrived at the Stork Club, their chairs, some with their hands where a Cert ain Lieutenant Cameron ominously in their gun -pockets, ready Winslow and his wife were entertain- to attack the great aviator. Lindbergh ing friend . 'he lieutenant was smok- (Continued on Page 45) ing a cig ret te, and being at a ring - side tabl , t aking playful jabs with it at frien s dancing by. Johnny calm - Today New York night life ly took th ci garette out of the amazed ha nd, and is glamorous as ever -but Winslow's ground it out in safe! Harry Richman (top), an ash tra . WI_ an the lieutenant rose sea -spanner and entertain- in all his ma, jesty and told Tarzan to er, enjoys Hollywood Res- take off s g lasses and go to it like a taurant fun with a friend, man, Joh ny remembered that $50 bet and dem red and Guy Lombardo, at left, dazzles a dancing couple Out of his haze of misunderstand - ing ensue th e free -for -all which will

Na 6/19 3 ANUARY, 1908 . . . January, 1918. Sixteen to twenty -six. "Stites," called a train conductor. "Los Angeles," called another. That is the beginning and end of this decade in Irene Rich's life. Between were emotional years of growth ... of love, The LIFE STORY of sorrow and hardship. At sixteen one is no longer a child, nor yet a woman. At sixteen Irene indeed, fun like a book to sleep the like any other girl, but in a very dif- ners on time. They are not patient. Luther said good-bye to wealth and first night in a miner's shack (no mat- ferent social class. There were no pri- Frances was born in January, 1910. comfort and plans for a fashionable ter how filthy the beds) ; to find their vate schools, no "junior assemblies" It was snowing that night as it had debut. No dowagers were to be her new home half buried in snow, to en- where sweet young things came to snowed only two years before on the chaperons. In Idaho's mountains, two ter its door through a tunnel of snow; dance, carrying their party slippers in station platform at Stites. "We'll go six -shooters were more effective! "Fun to tune a piano with a monkey -wrench soft silk bags. Public high school? coasting," Irene whispered to her baby. . . . like a book," she had said. That (the piano brought from the East to be Irene's pretty nose turned up in dis- "I'll put you in a basket and tie you on was Irene's way of taking new pov- a symbol of gentility, a single relic of dain. Classes? To live to the sound of a sled." How much better than a doll! erty. the old affluent life) ; to recognize a bell? Eight months at the mine had Six weeks later mother and baby. . . a gold mine, Who wouldn't prefer bear tracks, meet Indians, finger raw altered the pattern of Irene's nature. or was it really little girl and doll? . . . named Imogene, to a contracting busi- gold; to whip out a revolver at the She had lived too much and too ab- fell in the snow and came up laughing. ness in Buffalo; a mountain house sight of a stranger; to have an Indian ruptly during those months ever to be And bathing a baby. (How very made of logs to a city apartment? pony named "Babe "; to ride like the a schoolgirl again. much better than a doll!) Hours can One can imagine her father's toler- wind over meadow and mountain; to be spent at that pastime. If, then, ant, tragic smile at this exuberance. entertain bandits for tea. And no IRENE didn't run away. There was a lunch is forgotten and a husband hun- From their first night in Idaho he must school! better way, she thought, of main- gry; if young tempers flare quickly; if have known that he was faced with It wasn't to last long. Babe was taining independence. Marriage. No sharp words are not forgotten . . . failure. Night falls quickly in the eaten by bears next Winter, but Irene schoolboy, he, but a "man of the If only one were not so young and so mountains ... and does hope. In a didn't know. She was married then. world." Twenty -four seems old to a so stubborn . . . farm wagon, turned sleigh for the Daily her father grew more haggard girl of seventeen. His manners were Winter, sat his family ... his wife and with worry; her mother more patient charming and he danced divinely. It WHEN Frances was six months old children, blue -lipped with cold. Strap- and sad, foreseeing a lifetime of this was love ... very young love ... and Irene packed her bags and went ped to his wife's waist was the rem- isolation; dreading what it would mean escape, not from life, but into life - home ... not angry, nor even sad. She nant of their fortune-twenty -five to -her daughter who was taking too head first and with eyes shut. knew simply that the end of that hap- thousand dollars in gold. Six horses readily to rough, western ways. Instead of schoolbooks, a home of piness had come. To hang on, to hope puffed and slipped in the snow. "Quite A strange life for a young girl in a her own, á husband ... marriage. Un- and -distrust, was not her way. There a grade," he called-to the driver. strange, wild land, but one that gave her fortunately white satin and Lohengrin, was no drama, heartbreak ... or ali- "Gets worse," was the reply. for all time, simplicity and tolerance. orange blossoms and bridesmaids do mony. If the "mother lode," the golden not make a marriage ... nor even the At nineteen Irene was a "grass wid- MUCH, much worse. Around hairpin heart of the mine, had been located first soft movements of the child to ow" in the Merry Widow day. She turns and switch -backs, the crude . . . But it was not until many years come. could have been gay and archly sleigh slipped and tilted. Only thirty - later. This is a decade of "ifs" in "All mine," murmured Irene. naughty, a beautiful, merry grass wid- eight miles from railroad to mine. Irene's life. Each circumstance, each "All what ?" her young husband ow. Instead she was ashamed. She Only! William Luther must have decision led her inexorably through asked. had failed, and that hurt. For weeks known the truth then: that no matter unhappiness to the discovery of her- Irene seemed to see him for the first and months she avoided her friends; what the output of the mine, the ex- self. Then she need not wish for good time. Could anyone not want a baby existed only for Frances' first word, pense of carrying crude ore over fortune. She was good fortune. to play with? "Boys don't play with first tottering step. Slowly she rea- those thirty -eight miles of mountain Sadly, very nearly a broken man, dolls, do they ?" she whispered to her- lized.that this was worse shame. It roads would ruin him. William Luther took his family to Spo- self, "nor play house, either." was escape from life. But to a sixteen -year-old girl and kane, Washington, in September. The Twenty- five -year -old bankers scoff Reluctantly she opened her eyes and her fourteen- year -old brother it was, fun was over. Once more Irene was at such nonsense and want their din- looked (really for the first time) at the world she lived in. A new and excit- ing world of ragtime and turkey -trot, of hats a yard wide, and Merry Widow waltzes (was the Hesitation just a lit- tle shocking ?) , of aeroplanes (not air- planes, yet!) , of suffragettes and wo- men's rights: 1911. One could not re- fuse such a world. One must give to it enthusiastically, love it, live it. RENE pretended to ponder her course, but she knew where her des- tiny lay. A picayune office job was not her life, nor dances and bridge. "I have decided to go on the stage," she told her parents. She did -sixteen years later. But not in 1911. For three days her father did not leave the house. For most of that time he stormed, argued and pled. He talked of sin and iniquity, of tempta- tion and women's weakness, of preda- tory men and fates worse than death. Life, which had been gay and lovely, became a shoddy and horrid thing. Must life be so frightful for women? In a letter she asked this of a man she had met once at a dance, a man who would surely know, a real "man of the world" this time. Surely, surely bread- and -butter dependence on a man was not the only existence for a woman? Was it? It was, he wrote, the only life for a woman. Whatever his true opinions, he wrote that because he was in love ... absurd but true ... with a dark - eyed girl he'd seen once at a dance. With a skillful pen, and first -hand in- Schoolroom routine and girlish rebellion changed Irene formation, the dashing Major Rich en- from a girl at 16 (right) to a wife at 17 (left). Frances. larged on life's perils and pitfalls and her first baby, came when Irene was 18 years old (center) became, at the same time, more ardent in his long- distance courtship. A few months later Irene met Charles Rich a second time ... to mar- ry him that day. A five -year detour, that was, in her destined path.



BY HALLY POMEROY e a book! Irene whirled into the gay rmy life of Fort Wright. Irene Rich . Mrs. Rich. It meant something to be the wife of Major Rich. It meant, within a year, a trans- fer to Honolulu. The stage seemed foolish and r away. All the world was Irene's s age. Hawaii with yellow sands and w ving palms, native ser- vants and wh to -drill uniforms. So she saw her life She didn't know that within anot er year she would be scrubbing th se uniforms with strong yellow soap; ould be ironing them in sweltering h t; would be cooking and mending. Romantic ìawaii? Schofield Bar- racks scorci d under tropical suns, bogged in tr 'cal rains. Red clay that was red mu or red dust. Bare, yel- low buildings on a bare plateau . . . MARRYIN a gay officer meant somethi g? It meant marrying fif- teen years of debts ... florists, jewelers, tailors and ddlers. Army salaries are small, but young lieutenants, proud of their first stripes, want the bet of everything . . . uni- forms, horse and girls. Well equipped, Marriages failed for dashing and 'n debt ... the world over Irene Rich-but they . . . they st ut proudly through every gave her the wisdom social seaso . And so, the standard (if of wives, and daugh- unofficial) a vice to every West Point ters to brighten her graduate is: Marry money. years. Out of her un- Charles Rich had not married happiness, she built money. He had married brown eyes new hope, a new life! and youth. Irene had married world- ly charm, d debts. Certainly they were not h r responsibility, but Irene was workin harder at her job this time. Part f each salary went to old bills instea of new dresses. She squeezed ev ry penny till it screamed. but it was i of enough. Food was ex- orbitant. Other wives, with full sal- aries or more, wailed, but Irene got and young again. She felt so old . . . little daughter in her arms, Irene had semblance to the baby -faced blondes busy. Egg at $2 a dozen? Splendid. But how? Women were weak and time to plan her life ... three weeks' of stardom, Irene Rich set out. It did She bought chickens and sold eggs at men predatory. Both father and hus- time! She had no money and no place not occur to her that she might not be $1.95 a dozen. Money coming in! band had told her that. Life for wo- to go. What was there to do? "the type," that she might not photo- It was a 1 vely life, but not to Head - men, it seemed, was labor behind First off, one was practical. One got graph well. That might have been quarters. " I he wife of an officer raising closed doors and brave gaiety in old an apartment that was sunny, airy and dumb innocence, but it was wisdom. chickens? elling eggs? Impossible. dresses. cheap, but big enough for her mother, What of th dignity of the army, the Now another baby was coming. An- Frances, Jane and herself. Irene was LEANING stiffly against the red plush white man' prestige in the Orient ?" other baby to die in this barren island? practical, indeed. She became a rent- of a day coach, she was on her way Irene st .ped raising chickens. Do- As blindly as she had married, she ing agent to pay her own rent. There . .. at last. In her purse lay the re- ing the fa ily laundry (such an item fled. There was no home to go to was no salary, but what of that? Who turn half of a three weeks' excursion in the bud et') in the privacy of her now. Her father had died and times wouldn't rent a house from Irene ticket. That would give her time home was more befitting the dignity were hard for her mother. Rich? Very few, apparently. Within enough, she was sure, to get started of the arm . She hoped the baby soon Angry and impatient with a wo- a year she was making money . . . in pictures before she came back for tc come w uld be a boy, but she no man's whims, her husband followed quite a lot of money. She could have her family. War excitement and prom- longer wa ed him to join the army. her to San Francisco. She looked, been a successful business woman; ise of better things was in the air. It confound it, happy. It is useless to have opened an office of her own in was November, 1917. TOMMY as born in May, his first storm at a happy woman ... or fright- time, if . . . If Irene had not wanted "Los Angeles," called the conductor, cries dr+wned in the roar of a hur- en her. If she left him, he laughed, to be an actress. There was money unmindful that his voice was fate. ricane. i lived only five months. what could she do? A woman with a now to risk it, but New York seemed Where wa this splendid life that wo- six -year -old child and a babe in arms? very far away. Irene Rich may be heard Fridays men led, he security and comfort? She would be a charity case in a month. Of course, there was Hollywood. But over an NBC network at 8 p.m. EST (7 6 5 And roma ce . . . where was it? Ha- But Irene did leave him -not with a being in the movies was hardly acting. CST; MST; PST). waii? Sh loathed every inch of it. babe in arms, but seven days before Imagine your face, gray and huge, The close aternity of army life seem- Jane was born! Irene was past grimacing silently at you ... not only Follow Irene Rich to stardom but at people you know! ed only . ying. She wanted to get frightening. at yourself, as her thrilling life story unfolds out of it. She wanted to see snow Lying in the army hospital (because Still, she argued, it was sort of . . . again and breathe cool air; to be free she still got that free) holding her new Twenty -six years old, with no re- -next week in RADIO GUIDE!

N 8/11 5 AMERICA is symphony-conscious. kowski conduct must have a number One look at your radio program of questions he wants answered. What will convince you of that. For, are the traditions of a great symphony you will find, such world- famous mu- orchestra? How are concerts planned, sical organizations as the New York rehearsed, paid for? What makes a Philharmonic, the Philadelphia Or- great conductor? What makes up a chestra and the Boston Symphony symphony orchestra? Who are the make regular and frequent appear- men who play in it? ances before the microphone. He is, in short, interested in the But this rise of interest in symphon- world behind the symphony. ic music- has been so rapid (only two And with good reason. For it is a years ago CBS created a fair -sized colorful, extravagant world. It is a furor when it paid $40,000.00 to the world rich in fascinating, incredible New York Philharmonic Society for personalities -men like Toscanini, who BY permission to broadcast its thirty Sun- has conducted for forty years without day concerts; "people want none of once resorting to a score, of Stokowski, this high -brow stuff," insisted the who brought a pagan icon to a re- know-it -alls of Radio Row) that the hearsal of Eicheim's Bali "for at- JULIAN radio listener who probably never en- mosphere," and of Sir Thomas Beech- tered New York's Carnegie Hall or am, who conducts so vigorously th at he Philadelphia's Academy of Music and once fell off the platform in Carnegie FUNI who has never seen Toscanini or Sto- Hall and now has to have a special


Stokowski: Philadelphia's Master of Music ans: show- man. disciplinarian, genius

Above: The New York Phil- harmonic Orchestra; Tosca- nini conducting. At Right: Serge Koussevitzky, head of the Boston Symphony

6/14 N 6 Eugene Ormandy (left), of the Minneapolis and Phila- delphia Symphonies, was a star at the age of five years!



platforr with a railing for protection. rapidly becoming a part of radio. deficient and could not sound the note covered It is world rich streets without hat or overcoat. in traditions; there "There are no bad orchestras; there of E -flat. Toscanini held his head in In his rare fits of anger he breaks was, fo: example, the time when Dr. are only bad conductors, ". said Gustav his hands for several moments, Damros h, obvi- batons and kicks down music stands- introducing symphony mu- Mahler, and his statement is enthusi- ously running the score of the concert especially when he catches sloppiness sic to 1\ braska, encountered a "music astically seconded by music critics who through in his memory, then he turned lover" rho on the part of his musicians. But he insisted on spitting from have heard even mediocre orchestras to the bassoon player. "That's quite all is severe with himself as well. a box a the bald heads of the players. give brilliant performances when led right," he said, "the note of E-fiat does by a great conductor. So, we first not appear in your music today." IN PHILADELPHIA, in charge of the IT IS a world of men passionately de- consider the man with the baton. Toscanini's ear is almost unbeliev- renowned Philadelphia Orchestra, is voted to good music, of phenomenal The first who must engage our at- ably keen. He can tell if a single Leopold Stokowski -a colorful, brilli- temperaments and even more phen- tention, of course, is the maestro - violin in his whole section is slurring ant conductor well known to radio omenal tempers, of genius, of petty Arturo Toscanini, the beloved con- an intricate passage! listeners through his broadcasts. bickerirlgs, of exhibitionism and of ductor of the New York Philharmonic He does not go in for fancy gestures Stokowski is a super- showman and sheer unpredictability. until last year and the man whose or what music critics call "baton knows every trick of stage, radio and It is a world of rich folk, musical magic brought to millions of radio exhibitionism." He conducts with a the concert stage. He is elegant in ap- teas, w men's clubs, social committees listeners a love for great music. circular movement of the right hand. pearance and looks the part of genius, and smart publicity. Toscanini's musical memory is really In tender passages he presses his left even to the crown of gold hair that It is a world of precarious finances prodigious. During a career which hand against his heart. spreads over his head like a halo. He and of deficits which are worn like spans four decades he has never re- Toscanini's temperament is famous. has an impressive head, sharp features badges f honor; every time you listen sorted to the printed score during a But it is obviously due to his passion and a well -shaped body. He leaps on to the hilharmonic play Beethoven's performance and rarely at a rehearsal. for his art. For instance, he does not the stage and plunges into the first Fifth ymphony it costs the Society Here is a concrete example of how believe in encores because, he says, bar of music even before he stands $3,000. , and of this amount $650.00 remarkable his memory is: they break the continuity and the solidly on the platform. He uses no is pu unadulterated deficit. A bassoon player once came to Tos- mood of the concert. When an audience baton but conducts with his hands. It is finally, a world you should canini before rehearsal with a com- at La. Scala insisted on an encore, he He is frank-sometimes brutally so. know omething about because it is plaint. His instrument, he said, was walked out and ran through the snow- (Continued on Page 17)

N 6/14 7 der why he spent so much of his time with Will Rogers. What did Will, they used to ask, have in common with a bandleader? Of all the possible com- TRAIL'S END binations in the world, why should these two be cronies? The answer is simple. They used to talk about horses. BY JACK JAMISON Night after night, after the show, they went up to the old Dinty Moore's, a restaurant beloved of show people, and gassed about the three R's of the range - rodeos, ropin', and ridin'. ANYONE who is a public figure When he was a kid, Paul never has no secrets left to tell us, as missed one of the Denver rodeos, or a rule. All the things that are those given at Cheyenne, a hundred said and written about public figures, and twenty miles away. Will used to revealing everything from the kind of sit gabbing, with a glass of ale in front toothpaste they use to the number of of him-the strongest drink he ever hairs in their mother -in -law's trans- touched -until he and Paul got hungry, formations, leave them with about as along towards morning. Then he would much privacy as goldfish. When you send out for fifty dollars' worth of actually come across something that is tortillas, enchiladas, and chili beans not known about a celebrity it's a and invite everyone in the place to tie minor miracle. on the feed -bag. Poor old Dinty never Never was I so surprised, for in- stance, as when I met Janet Gaynor a year or so ago and learned that she had a lonely hide -away in the Wis- consin woods, to which she disappears from Hollywood once every year. She HE'LL PUT AWAY HIS BATON, simply never happened to tell anyone. In the same fashion, chatting with Paul Whiteman a few days ago, you could PICK UP A BRANDING IRON! have laid me low with a feather when he suddenly said: THE "KING OF JAZZ" PLANS

"You know -I've just , fulfilled a dream I've had ever since I was nine TO GO HOME TO THE RANGE! years old. No one knows about it." You'd never guess it if you were given a million guesses. Paul's per- sonal, private dream-which he is ful- filling-is to be a boss rider on what is known out west as a cow ranch. (Pro- nounced cay -ow ray -anch.) EVERY kid thinks of what he'll be when he grows up," begins Paul reminiscently. "Mostly they want to be policemen or firemen. When I was a kid I wanted to be a cow -puncher." And thereby hangs this tale . . . In Paul's case, his wasn't such a far- fetched ambition. His family lived in Denver, and every Summer Paul went Paul Whiteman: He's plan- to their ranch in the country. They ning to turn rancher soon! had to get up at six in the morning, take a train, change to a four -horse stage, change again to a two -horse stage, for a narrow stretch of mountain Arctic explorers grow up to be cooks, road, before their own horses met daring firemen grow up to be min- them. Today the trip can be made by isters, policemen grow up- sometimes car in an hour and a half, but then it -to be gangsters. And devil -may- took twelve. The ranch of Whiteman, care, gun -totin', hard ridin', rootin'- senior, wasn't located in what you tootin' cow -punchers grow up to hold a would call the center of civilization. small, delicate stick in their hands and And it was that ranch which gave lead jazz orchestras ... Paul his first experiences, his earliest memories. PAUL played a violin in a restaurant Some of those experiences were not in San Francisco, worked hard, got without their dangers. Once, when ahead, and reached the point where he he was nine, he climbed on his pony's could truly deserve the name given as back with a hoe and a dinner pail and a title to his first movie-the "King of went up on a hillside to hoe potatoes. Jazz." But that was a long way from Getting off the pony to open a gate, he a cow ranch. set down his dinner pail. As he stooped Not such a long way as you might to pick it up, the pail began to jump think, though. For here is something around. He had set it down on top of very few of Paul's own friends know. a rattlesnake's hole! -a rattlesnake Touring the country, he has almost which, without any grown -up to help never stayed overnight in a town. That him, he proceeded to chop into ex- sounds strange. The orchestra played tremely small-pieces with the hoe. in towns, I mean; but Paul and three or four of the fellows in his band BUT usually, when he was not out have always rented a car and driven "helping" the hands with - the hay or out to a farmhouse, where they could the stock, he was perched on the rail go hunting or fishing, instead of sleep- of the corral,listening to the 'punchers ing at the local hotel. Eveh on one - tell their tall tales of the Old West. night stands, where the train jumps Wild Bill, Billy the Kid -all the old - were brief (unless it was three or four time heroes came to life for him. They o'clock in the morning when they were his daily companions -almost as rolled in) Paul always hunted up the real to him as the drawling, dawdling police chief, or the proprietor of an 'punchers who leaned against the all -night restaurant, and asked: "Say, fence, rolling endless cigarettes, as they do you know a farm a few miles out told their stories. He wanted to grow that'll put us up ?" up and "be like them." And in New York, when he was Fate has a way of being unkind to playing in revues, Fanny Brice, Eddie the ambitions of little boys. Valiant Cantor and all the others used to won-

8 6/14 N window of a New York office building other fellow gave me a pair of hand - and wondered if I were going crazy. worked chaps and a leather vest. I He leaned back on his chair, folded got five horses. I couldn't do anything his hands, and looked thoughtfully at about it. The more I tried to get even, a miniature pair of cattleman's boots the more they gave me. They're just with gold spurs, beside his desk. that way, down there. Amon Carter "When we went down to Fort Worth, gave me a hundred acres of land on I'd been working for fifteen years Eagle Mountain Lake. steadily, with only three weeks' vaca- tion in all that time. I was tired - WELL, I rode up to this Eagle Moun- physically tired -so tired that I was tain Lake one day, and I got to thinking of retiring for a year. And in thinking. They've a yacht club on it. It my profession that's suicide, because in kills me! The sailboat that won the a year people can forget you. races had a steer's head for an in- signia! Those Texas lads certainly do WE stayed at the Van Zandt ranch. get their cows and their aquatics all And -then it began! First, three mixed up! But I sat there, looking out men who were our neighbors dropped at that beautiful lake, and I got to in and handed me the keys to their thinking: `Look here, Paul, what would gates. I might want to go riding, they you think of building a ranch -house up said, and they wanted me to feel free to here? You could call it the "Bar ride on their land. When Mr. Van Double Cross " -that's a good name for Zandt's children grew up and married, a guy from Broadway. Suppose you he divided his property among them, so put up the barn, first. Or a boat -house. the place we had was a tiny ranch - Building a big living -room over it. only 2,000 acres. But with the keys to You could use it for a kind of play- those three other ranches I had 150,- room after you got the house up, later. 000 acres to ride over. Then a fellow Buy a nice little cabin cruiser, maybe, came by with some pheasants he'd shot. and sleep in it till you decided what Another from a couple of ranches over kind of a house. You'd have a nice, dropped by with some fresh meat he'd big front yard- 300,000 acres. You'd butchered. have a nice bathtub -the lake's thirty "I can't tell you what that meant to miles long. Go out for a ride and look me. It was like -well, like coming at the canyons and the hills. Come home. Down in Texas, just as people home. Have lunch on your boat. Take used to do in Colorado when I was a a nap after lunch. That might not be boy, they treat you like a on so bad. Not a bad way to spend the sight and keep on treating you like a rest of your life, if it came to that. prince until you show yourself other- Sleep out in the sage at night, with a wise. If you go up to a Texan and poncho and a blanket, if you wanted ask him to lend you some money, he'll to. Look at the stars ...' lend it to you. If you pay it back, you "To me-it would be going home." can go on borrowing from him for the rest of your life. I don't know exactly AND that's what it is. Paul is going how to say it, but down there men home. Architects tramp in and function on fundamentals. out of his office all day long now, and "They do everything in a big way. the house he is going to build is al- Everything. One morning some of the ready taking shape on paper. Mrs. boys asked me to come along and help Whiteman, who was Margaret Living- them round up calves on the old Hicks stone of the movies, is as crazy about ranch. I got up at 4 a.m., ate some the idea as he is. Paul figures he can sausage and eggs and rode six miles to hop a plane in New York any time the Hicks place for breakfast at 5 and be in Fort Worth overnight. Go o'clock. We had a light breakfast, just whenever he feels like it. Texas will ham and eggs and steaks and chops be his home, no matter where he is. with hot cakes and sausage and corn As for the future, he isn't looking bread and sorghum. We went out and quite so far ahead, as yet; but some- worked hard until noon, bringing in time the day will come when he will twelve hundred head of calves. Then want to retire. And, when that day we sat down and really ate a meal- comes, it will be Texas-Texas all the barbecued sides of beef, ten -gallon time! Paul Whiteman, King of Jazz, ollas of red beans, twenty or thirty will be just plain Old Man Whiteman, fried chickens, bowls of Mexican salad, rancher. jars of hot peppers and buckets of Not many of us live to see these black -eyed peas. Big meals? They're childhood dreams of ours come true. big meals -for big men! Paul is lucky. The boy who dreamed that he would one day be a 'puncher Left: Paul Wh teman and his I SPENT all my time, between shows, and a boss rider is going to be! wife. formerly Margaret Liv- I hanging around a little saddle shop Oh -one more thing. I can do a favor ingstone of the movies. She in town where Old Man Eddelbrock for Paul Whiteman. On his desk, the likes Texas as much as Paul makes the finest .rodeo saddles money day I talked to him in his office, was does. Above: Mrs. Whiteman can buy. That's the hangout for all the a telegram. "Deer hunting fine," it read. "Aint heard from you. When you " riders. They're my pals. One is Tom- my Kiernan, one of the best ropers in comin. Dogtown Slim." the world. Chester Byers is supposed Why, Slim -Paul says to tell you the to be the best -he's a friend of mine, the answer is -"I'll be seein' you!" sold many meals when Paul aiid Will too; he practically lives there. An- were there together, but he didn't care. other is Hub Whiteman. He used to For the same reason, another of be the champion bronc- buster. He's Paul's friends in New York is O. O. Mc- some sort of cousin of mine. His Intyre, the columnist. Will Rogers folks settled in Virginia and moved to used to talk about Oklahoma. "Odd" Illinois later, just as mine did, and we talks about Texas, and his pals there- look a bit alike, Will Hogg and the other strapping "We stood around and chewed the six- footers with their two- hundred- rag, and no one ever mentioned a vio- odd pounds of lean, hard muscle. lin. They didn't treat me like a band Those were the sort of men Paul had man-that's what I'm trying to say. been brought up with, and the sort he They treated me like a cow man -not liked to hear about. so good at riding and roping as they This past Summer, two cities in were, maybe, but a cow man. Texas- Dallas and Fort Worth-put on "About that time the Junior League rival expositions. Paul and his boys gave me a pair of left and right - were in Fort Worth as one of the major handed Colt .45's. They sent them attractions of Billy Rose's "Casa Man - over to Germany to have ivory handles ana." From here on I'll let Paul tell put on them and carved. Just a little you about it in his own words, as he matter of $1,600! Someone else gave told it to me while I stared out the me a pair of $1,200 gold spurs. An-

9 BELIEVE it or not, you amateur Ripleys, but Hollywood's top -flight announcer is the unluckiest man on the air. Ken Carpenter, who has a corner on KEN CARPENTER'S JINX the big Coast broadcasts, is known as the man with the microphone jinx. The tales of his bad luck -some funny IT ALWAYS HAPPENS KEN and some tragic -are whispered around -WHEN STEPS TO THE the NBC studios whenever the name of Kennie Carpenter comes up. Nothing MIKE, BAD LUCK WALKS RIGHT BEHIND HIM! seems to happen to others on his pro- grams (knock on wood), but something quakes to interviewing a pack of lions, top of the grandstand to pick up the invariably happens to Ken. he has been hit, kicked, and even BY story after the horses got out of my "It's true-a jinx seems to land on trampled on by a race -horse. It's just sight. me with both feet," Ken says -and part of the pet Carpenter jinx. JACK SMALLEY "I was bustling around, describing crosses his fingers. "Yet I'm really "There must be some little imp of the preliminaries, when all of a sudden lucky. Everything I've wanted has perversity that hangs around my a big horse began aphone, and I a piece of climbing my frame. come my way. I'm happily married, mike," Ken says. "The rest of the time held window It was Azucar, the horse who was to have a fine son, I'm healthy, and I've you'd think I was carrying a pocketful glass in the other hand. Well, my jinx make history that day. He nearly wrote got four crackin' good programs to of four -leaf clovers and wore a rabbit's was on the job. Somebody had discon- finis to my history. I got away from announce. But every time I get in foot around my neck. nected the buzzer wires, and while his hoofs, though, and then discovered front of a mike I have the feeling that "Take the first time I went on the Groucho waited for the rattle of the the mike was dead! something is going to happen that isn't air with a national program for the machine -gun I stood helplessly push- ing a dead buzzer. in the script. And I'm seldom dis- opening gun for NBC. At that time the IT'S a wonder I haven't got gray hair. appointed." "Ratatattat," I chattered weakly, and studio was located on an old sound - The other day I literally lost my shirt Since Ken is the busiest announcer stage on the RKO -Radio lot, and I was broke the glass. "Maybe it was a mirror I broke-at broadcasting the Forward Industry on the Coast, he sees plenty of action. lucky enough to be chosen for the first program. I was to describe the events On Tuesday he brings you Fred As- commercial broadcast from Hollywood least I've been dogged by the same sort of tough luck every time I went before at a big citrus ranch in San Fernando taire and on the Pack- under the NBC banner. It was the Five Valley, and we arranged to supplement ard hour. Rehearsals are long and Star Theater with the Marx Brothers. a mike. Sometimes it's nothing worse than losing my place in a script. Usu- my remarks with a bird's -eye descrip- arduous for this elaborate broadcast, tion from a blimp overhead. Buddy and when Fred Astaire fell victim to IN THOSE days we used the old -style ally, though, the jinx gets in its best licks when I'm broadcasting some Twiss was in the blimp. the flu, with Charlie Butterworth go- condenser mikes. There was one mike "A short ing special function." -wave radio hook -up was on as master of ceremonies during for each of us. When we stood up in arranged, so that I could tell Buddy Fred's absence, Ken didn't get much front of it we couldn't see the others. KEN started in on the ground floor. when to start talking and when to rest. Charlie is very nervous in front Groucho and Chico represented the stand by. of Coming to Los Angeles with a mike, while Ken is the picture of Marx Brothers, and they were no bet- his "Everything was going fine until the ease. It was Ken's chief job to lift the ter off than I -once the script was in wife and three -months-old baby, he sending apparatus "mikrophobia" angled for an audition at KFI. When we had for signal- from Charlie's trem- front of you and you were on the air, mg the blimp went dead. This was a bling shoulders. you couldn't see the other performers. he stood in front of the mike for the first he knew fine kettle of blimps! What to do? Don- "And that was before the sound - time this was where he ald DeWolf had idea. He THEN belonged. A mike and Ken Carpenter an phoned at seven each Thursday Ken effects department made all the neces- Burbank airport to send a message to announces for and Bob sary noises for you. We had to make were made for each other. He was the blimp. Burns on the Kraft Music Hall. They our own sounds as we went along. On determined to get on the staff. rounding "Nothing doing just now," they told " `We'll signal you with a white flag start the script together in the first program I was to make a noise -four circles overhead for stand by the afternoon and work on till the like a lion. I had a tin can with a ros- him. So Ken sat down in the outer office to wait. "We told you nothing and one for go ahead,' was the word hour strikes. ined string. Pulling the string through to blimp. On doing," they said next day when Ken the Friday Ken ushers in the First a hole in the can simulated a roar. "But we didn't have a white flag! Nighter program with Don Ameche. "The moment came and I gave a was back. "I know. I'll wait," said Ken cheer- Well, I'm the goat. I peeled off my Before the actual program goes on the mighty heave on the string. It broke! shirt. I waved it as agreed. And every- air they "warm up" for ten minutes in I tried to signal for help but nobody fully. He waited two weeks. He got under thing came off as planned- except my front of the audience, and that ten could see me. It was an awful moment. shirt." minutes is a riot period, with gags, Finally I sank my voice down to the foot. He got in people's hair. He was practical jokes and impromptu fun. pit of my stomach and let out a howl. a terrible pest -but a likable one. An- other week went by, and there he sat, none of these things daunt Ken. Sunday Ken brings you Marion Tal- It sounded like a sick wolf, but it had BUT ley, and after he winds up with this to do. patient as Job. There was nothing else He can take it while he dishes it out he's ready to pitch in on the Astaire "The next time I was to let loose to do but hire him so somebody else via the airwaves. rehearsals again. What a round! with a machine -gun and shoot through would have a chance to use that chair Historically speaking, Ken's story of It's no wonder things happen. He's a window. For the machine -gun, I had in the waiting -room. his life reads more like a yarn by Ho- gone through everything from earth- an electric buzzer tucked inside a meg- Don Wilson was Kennie's first boss. ratio Alger, such as "Sink or Swim," When Don left KFI, Ken became chief than like a catalogue of tough breaks. announcer in his place. He was put to His jinx operates, apparently, only work announcing big special events, when he's near a microphone. He keeps his fin- and that's where he shines. After his Ken went to college at Lombard, in gers crossed! When lucky break with the Marx Brothers, Galesburg, Illinois. He married a col- Ken Carpenter is he stepped into one big network spot lege sweetheart. When he came west, on the air, he ex- after another and moved from KFI into the depression was going great guns, pects the worst! the NBC studios. and work was scarce. Ken was an ad- vertising man and naturally looked for AS HE acquired fame, he also accum- a job with some agency. But when a ulated a record for narrow escapes friend commented 'on Ken's smooth gift and mishaps. of - and said he was a born radio He was standing by when the earth- announcer, Ken became air -minded. quake hit Los Angeles. Ken rushed to He has been climbing onward and up- the mike. The musicians on the pro- ward in radio ever since. gram rushed elsewhere. Ken broadcast Ken was scheduled to go up in a until the line went dead, and as soon blimp to cover the New Year's Rose as it was repaired he kept right on de- Bowl game for 1937. All plans were scribing the biggest story of his career. perfected for Ken to broadcast first the That was while he was working in great parade of flowery floats as they the downtown studio of KFI. wound through Pasadena, and then fly "I got so I expected something un- over the Bowl to describe the colorful usual to happen," he said. "One night scene below. He was to discribe the I announced a band program being grand panorama, while another told a picked up from a night -spot. Some- play -by -play account of the game. thing happened; the band didn't come At the last minute Ken bethought through. There I was, with a waiting himself of his jinx. microphone, and I had to do something "You know, I think I'd better stay about it. Well, I started to talk, and I on terra firma," he said. "Maybe the kept on for fifteen minutes, the length blimp will fall on me, but at least I of the broadcast. That was probably won't be in it!" the toughest program I've ever done. So keep your fingers crossed, you "When the Santa Anita race -track dial twisters, and if you ever light opened I planned to broadcast from three on a match, don't include Ken the race -track, standing right out with Carpenter. He has enough bad luck on the horses. Another mike was put on his own hook, thank you.

10 R/I4 N had thumbed down his proposal to hire Despite her sudden boost to fame, this unknown songster. Now a record- Hildegarde retains an unspoiled per- ing of her voice sufficed to sell them. sonal charm. She resembles a tall Royal set out for Europe in person. high - school girl who has traded her After eight months of negotiations, books for a vaguely French accent. she capitulated to his Irish blarney and Curly blond hair, drawn back by a cold cash. Three smash Continental half -moon bandette, high, angular years ended with her return to New. cheekbones, long green eyes that crin- York as a full- fledged star, with an kle when she smiles, a multitude of NBC sustaining contract for thirteen gestures and head -nodding, a swift, $500 -weeks. breathless walk that betrays continual NEW YORK, 1937: In a Nile -green excitement-that's a fair portrait. apartment overlooking Central Park, Her high and husky voice possesses Hildegarde-christened Hildegarde Sell an intimate appealing note that in- -enjoys her first breathing spell in sinuates its way between your heart years. and head -and she uses it well. She deserves it. No other star of "She's not pretty," say her friends. stage, radio and night life has come so "But she's got personality, a punchy far so smartly. Her contract with the voice -and something extra." National Broadcasting Company re- Hildegarde explains that something: mains unique - paying by the week She points at her lips. "Eet is good rather than by performance. Sponsor to have this . . . also, eet is good to offers besiege her. Four film compa- have this." She pats her head. "Best nies have begged for screen tests. -eet is good to have this." The But England holds her for two more ubiquitous hand goes over her heart. stage productions. Cables from the "But -" she flings out her palms in Ritz and Savoy compete for her sing- a grand -finale gesture -"eet is much ing to open the coronation season. best to have them all together!"

"Mon Dieu!" said the French- man. "You must seeng for me!"

In London high- MILWAUKEE lights & shadows: complimentsfrom the Prince -and a CINDERELLA locked hotel door!


MILWAUKEE, 1922: On Sundays, Another at the "Casanova," across the a t elve- year -old choir- singer Channel, ended and was not renewed. strugg,ang with the high notes She returned to her hotel room to find of a Luth ran hymnal. Weekdays, a the door locked. When Gustaf of gum-chew kid, earning $65 a week That night, King Gustaf of Sweden, Sweden came to by pounding a pit piano. in a silent Europe's favorite night -club habitue, hear Hildegarde, movie. Crime thunder, she twiddled dropped in at the pink -walled "Casa- her salary went the bass eys; come horses, she gal- nova" especially to hear her sing. To up -five times' loped an : rpeggio. Come true love, get her back, the frantic managers she soft - - . aled "Hearts and Flowers." boosted her former salary five times. NEW Y ARK. Sneaking away from -LONDON: A d a z z l i n g i y home, she kept pounding-first with priced contract whisked her back to the Gran Quartette, a third -rate England. She sang hot, sweet and vaudeville team, two years later on funny at the "Savoy" and "Carleton," tour with Mickey Cochrane after the top night- spots. Bandleaders shuttled Tiger Wor . Series victory. Up to $125 her across the Channel to make thir- a week, d wn to $15. teen recordings a day. "I just eard you do a song -that Dutch nu ber," exclaimed a two -a- THE Prince of Wales (now Duke of day agent. "You're a second Ruth Et- Windsor) called her to the royal London's bright ting!" table. "I never saw a girl do comedy Dazed, he stopped piano -slapping songs just like that before," observed supper -clubs lost Hildegarde- but and bega I. to practise singing. Gus the pleased heir. "But I like that 'Lis- Edwards, : enial maestro of unkowns, ten to the German Band' thing you the English stage took her i his revue. For two years sing." His accolade gave her entree to and radio won! she starre ; as a singing comedienne - the star clubs of Europe -Brussels, "the fema e Jack Pearl." Cannes, Monte Carlo, Biarritz. When v udeville finally collapsed in Producers of stage and radio got 1932 under the bludgeoning of talkies aboard the bandwagon of her popular- and depression she met Monsieur ity. She played leading lady opposite Poulsen, manager of the London "Cafe the ace British comedian, Leslie Hen- de Paris.'' An audition sent the fat lit- son, in "Seeing Stars." The staid tle Frenc, man into ecstasies. "Mon British Broadcasting Company gave Dieu! You must seeng at my cabaret!" her the first contract ever accorded a LONDON- PARIS: Only slight suc- foreign artist. cess in E,zrope. Poulsen lost his en- John Royal, program chief of the thusiasm. An engagement at the "Club National Broadcasting Company, heard "Like a tall high - 1830" netted a salary loss of 10,000 across the hullabaloo the seas. Five school girl, with francs when the spot went bankrupt. years before, the auditions committee a French accent, curly blond hair, BY RICHARD G. HUBLER and green eyes" Photos by MARIE GOERDING


ANY guy with brains," said Ray in and collects the take, see? And that Now, in scoffing at professional Renardo, "can get away with comes to more than a thousand bucks! crooks, young Ray had overlooked the one crime. Professional crooks Now will you behave ?" fact that the professional has experi- get caught because they are profes- They would. Over $1,000 split three ence, the amateur none. Professional sionals." And he smiled a knowing ways! Black eyes gleaming with ava- crooks would have invented some smile. Poor Renardo, he was only rice, they tossed down the dregs of plausible reason for hanging around nineteen! their beer, buttoned their cheap but there. But the trio of amateurs ap- "None of us got records," said Ray sporty Fall coats and swaggered out parently didn't even realize how con- Renardo. "Get the angle? See what I into the keen October breeze. Renardo spicuous they were making them- mean ?" And Mario Trenchiere and patted the hidden revolver that bulged selves. So they just hung around and Frankie Genaro got the angle. his waist -line. It was then about ten looked awkward. "This here delicatessen runs a hand- minutes after one in the afternoon. book," said Renardo.. "It's a cinch. I The delicatessen was located on SUDDENLY an expensive coupe drew cased the job. And when we knock it Hudson Street, in lower Manhattan, up in front of the delicatessen. A over, what do the cops do ?" and the three baby thugs rode there in thin, well- dressed man got out. He "That's what's got me worried," a battered little sedan. Mario drove, wore a derby hat, and his quick eyes stooged Frankie Genaro. and Renardo kept on talking, talking. lighted on the three youths with a "Nuts!" scoffed Ray Renardo. "The Decidedly, for the bold, bad leader brief and routine suspicion. cops'll just pound around on their flat of a bandit mob, Renardo talked too "Louie the Bookie!" Renardo mut- feet. They'll third -degree everybody much. He had to do something to keep tered out of the corner of his mouth. with a record for stick -ups. Well, we his courage up, as the three amateur Louie the Bookie, absorbed in his ain't got no record, so nobody even bandits got out of their car and began own worries, passed into the store. suspects us, get it? Any guy with too loll, with elaborate furtiveness, In a couple of minutes Renardo took a brains can get away with one crime." around the front of the delicatessen. final deep drag on his cigarette, flipped "But- but -" Mario squirmed. "That Minutes passed, and Louie the it into the gutter and sauntered very, delicatessen is just a little hole in the Bookie didn't show up. There wasn't very casually into the delicatessen, wall. Is it gonna be worth our while ?" any use going into the shop until he smoke trailing from his nostrils. "Listen, sap!" said Ray Renardo. did show up, Renardo decided. And so "Every day about half past one, this the trio just hung around, all dressed And now three more characters ap- here guy, Louie the Bookie, he comes up for a killing and nowhere to go! pear, in this little true -life drama of

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the youth who thought each clever out a sound from the siren, Police Car citizen entitled to one crime, as each 26 rasped to the curb. Scaglione and dog is said to be entitled to one bite. Lind leaped out. Through the window, First and second, Radio patrolman Renardo could see them. Tense, he John Scaglione and his brother cop in watched his two lookouts, Mario and Car 26, John Lind, the crack pistol Frankie, break and run -heard the shot. And third, Mrs. X. shot Scaglione fired over their heads. Mrs. X lives within sight of the And then Lind ripped open the doe: delicatessen. She had seen the fop- pish young men, Ray and Mario and A NYTHING wrong ?" he snapped, to Frankie, drive up in their battered car. /`1 the startled proprietor. Louie the She had watched their self- conscious Bookie licked his lips and looked slinking with growing unease. She saw scared. Then Lind turned keen eyes Louie the Bookie enter the little shop. on Ray Renardo. She saw Ray Renardo enter after him. "What are you doing ?" he demand- And thereupon, passing out of the story ed. Renardo didn't answer. Mechan- just as suddenly as she entered it, Mrs. ically, he took one last bite of the X called police headquarters, spoke her corned beef sandwich. Then, with the little piece, and sat down at her win- speed of desperation, he yanked out dow to watch. She did not hear the the gun and fired. police radio call: Lind, the crack shot, saw the gleam of gunmetal, saw the speed of Renar- "Calling Car 26 ... Car 26 ... In- vestigate three suspicious characters do's wrist. And then Lind's own gun loitering in was out, and the little store shook to front of a delicatessen at the blast of two almost simultaneous 428 Hudson Street ..." shots. "Gimme a corned beef on rye," Ray Renardo missed. Lind didn't. Renardo ordered, as he entered. Outside, Scaglione was rounding up Munching his sandwich and finger- the quaking Mario the shivering ing the gun under his coat, Renardo Frankie. And dead in the restaurant watched Louie the Bookie sort through chair, with a slug in his heart, lay Re - his betting-slips with bony fingers, add nardo,the youth who had boasted that them against the stacks of money. It any smart man could get away with would be easy, Renardo told himself. one crime. Yet his throat was so dry he could Fate had been ironic; radio too fast. scarcely swallow. He was scared. And Ray Renardo had died before With a squeal of brakes, but with- having time to pull his one crime!

And dead in the restaurant chair lay Renardo -the youth who had boasted that any smart man could get away with one crime l' fi/]4 N PLUMS INSIDE AND STUFF PRUNES BY BY EVANS MARTIN PLUMMER LEWIS

CHICA 0.-Flu and pneumonia, Al Jolson's new Martha Nelson with NBC, giving up his electric -organ cast: Eddy faces the mike in broug t on by several weeks of Raye, Vic Young, Sid Silvers with Announcer Tommy Smith studios Chicago. He is returning to excee ingly mild and rainy New York . . . Barry McKinley, the weather, a e stretching out their icy young baritone, is planning on becom- hands at r dio folk. Most tragic was ing a bandleader. He is taking over the the loss la week of Ray McDermott, Jack Ross, of the NBC Ranch Boys, UR welcome goes out to the orchestra, with Haymes pianist -arr nger and original member is the latest candid- camera addict, but fourth network, Mutual. Here- doing the arranging for the musical of The Kin 's Jesters. Universally be- the hobby promises to be lucrative to tofore, NBC with its red and aggregation . . . Captain Tim Healy is loved, the eceased is survived by his him. He took a shot of Gene Arnold in blue chains and Columbia have mo- conducting a poll among his listeners wife, the f rmer Alice Sanker, of Cin- shirt sleeves the other day, and ever nopolized the Coast -to -Coast picture, to determine the ten most outstanding cinnati, wh re the burial was arranged since, Arnold has been raising his bid but now Mutual has branched out with women of 1936. After the balloting is and attend d by the remaining mem- for the negative -which he wishes to 39 stations. Just to keep up with the completed, Captain Tim will get up an bers of the group. destroy for all time to come. times, here's our first paragraph of Mu- intimate story on each personality and Radio s ffered another blow when tual news and notes. relate it to his listeners. Lu (Mrs. Howard Berolzheimer) of Just to prove to you that the radio the "Clara Lu 'n' Em" team passed tycoons have a good sense of humor, Larry Gray, ex -movie actor who has Myrt and Marge had to pack bag and away earl last Friday morning. Also be it here reported that Minnie, the appeared on the screen with Gloria baggage and move to New York, at the ailing fro the flu but discharged from singing mouse of recent NBC Jamboree Swanson and Marion Davies, is the new sponsor's request, for their new pro- the hospita was Em (Mrs. John Mitch - fame, has been signed to a contract by m.c. of the Mutual Matinee program gram. In the past, this show" always ell) of the same team. that network's Artists Service. Just heard over thirteen stations of the MBS originated in Chicago, and they hated Scores f other performers have how much cheese is involved has not net. He replaced James Hall ... Four to leave the Windy City. been hit i y the epidemic. And the been announced. new programs of dance music now script -writ rs haven't been immune, reach the East since Mutual spread its Mrs. Phil Baker was scheduled to go either. Pe Lund, who writes for the Wasn't that Cyril Pitts, the ex -Chi- wings. They are those of Duke Elling- on the air with her husband Sunday, "National Barn Dance," and Don cago radio singer, I saw squiring Joan ton, Phil Harris, Sterling Young, and January 3, to play her own real -life Quinn, ga an for "Fibber McGee (Mary Marlin) Blaine about over the Al Lyons. There's also a half -hour of role. She appeared at the rehearsals and Molly ' were laid up for a week. Christmas and New Year holidays? dancipation from Honolulu each week but her voice did not click. It sounded Freddy Martin has augmented his too easy -going for the "family spat," Les Tre ayne, the Bob of "Betty and Another holiday visitor was Anne band to nineteen pieces ... The father the sketch being used. Agnes Moore- Bob," is c.nvalescing. The doctor or- ( "Grand Hotel ") Seymour's mother, of Barbara LaMarr, singer with the Ed head stepped in as Mrs. Baker. dered more exercise. Les played bad- Mrs. Eckert Seymour, who was most Fitzgerald Variety Hour, died recently. minton and sprained an ankle! Tre- pleased by a party staged by Mr. and Fred Allen, looking for a novelty for mayne, by the way, has just leased a Y.1rs. Frank Bering, known to radio The Show Boat shake -up resulted in his program, decided to give listeners 27th -floor apartment in one of Chi's as Joan Winters of "Girl Alone." The the following changes: There will be 15 seconds of silence on his show of Lake Sho Drive buildings. Berings previewed a private movie en- an important guest star each week- January 6, which, in my opinion, is titled "Santa Claus Unmasked," in the studio audience will participate in too much for this program. In case you Scoopee Attention, girls: Your which Frank Junior tore the beard off the programs, engaging variously in would like to get technical with me, Hash, Neils n Eddy, will do his broad- an elevator -boy Santa Claus while his community singing, games and spell- the program costs $16,000.00 for radio casts fro the following cities during three -year -old sister Nancy registered ing- bees -no love stories or serials in time, which makes the 15 seconds of the next fbw weeks. You might want angry disillusionment. any form will be presented, and less silence cost the sponsors $159.99. to mob him: January 24, Salt Lake attention will be paid to long -winded City; Jan. 31. Kansas City; Feb. 7 and Here and There: A near tragedy ballyhoos as to background, atmos- Leo Reisman's program went on the 14. Cincinnati; Feb. 21, Chicago. that few dialers were aware of almost phere, and cities being visited. air on a recent Tuesday night without ended the Rose Parade broadcast over the maestro. He was in St. Louis and Romane Corner: King's Jesters Vo- NBC out in Pasadena, Calif., New The man who founded Mothers -in- had hoped to fly back in time for the calist Ma 'orie Whitney is pining for Year's Day. The mobile unit in which law day will be allotted time on the program, but the weather was bad and her Linc'ln, Neb., home -town boy Don Wilson was giving that very ele- "We, the People" program, January 17. there were no airplanes flying to get friend ... The new year will see two - gant description of the parade collided He's Gene A. Howe of Amarillo, Texas, him back to Radio City. His first vio- thirds of the National Barn Dance with one of the floats. The antenna who claims there are 100 clubs in the linist substituted at waving the baton. "Verne, e and Mary" trio wed. In on the bumper of the unit missed be- United States celebrating the day. February, Lee Hassell will become ing smashed by the skin of its teeth There will be a slight change in the Mrs. Gen . Donovan. He's an NBC pi- if it had been smashed you would Evelyn Laye, British musical- comedy Major Bowes program. Going, going, anist. In arch, Verne will marry La have suddenly found yourselves tuned star, will be Ed Wynn's guest on the gone will be the gong from now on . . . Velle Car er, of the Barn Dance octet to a silent dial ... Leaving fewer and 16th. Wynn will do a duet with her. George Burns and Gracie Allen have New ear's Eve wasn't too happy fewer shows in New York, Milton made plans to do a musical show next for NBC ' adactress Templeton Fox, of Berle's giggle -inspiring clan will move Kilocycle Chatter: The sponsors of Fall which was scheduled for this sea- "Lights ut," etc., for that was the intact to Hollywood in February. Berle the Saturday Night Party program are son. They are back in Hollywood and night she saw her heart, Bob Welch, has just been signed by RKO to a revamping the entire show and it is will return to New York in the Fall for Broadwa actor, to the train after his term contract, and while his broadcast said that Ferde Grofe will be the only the musical program ... Benny Fields holiday v it . Rene Gekiere, the is on the Coast he will pick up a local member of the current cast retained may return to Hollywood for another new Win, y City NBC mikeman, cele- band to do the musical numbers for for the new series ... Jesse Crawford picture in the near future. brated New Year's Day by marrying his program on the air. has come to the parting of the ways Betty Mit hell, of RCA's recording of- This story came in a roundabout fice here n Chicago. way and we cannot vouch for its ac- curacy. But here it is: A publication Lum a Abner are heading for Hol- Marion Talley beams as Ken Betty Jaynes of Chicago, the Carpenter brings her flowers asked a network press representative lywood, the night of January 15. While world's youngest opera star to get Alexander Woollcott to write an there, they may make a film. Leslie article about himself for publicity pur- Curtis, Ted Cook's "Aunt Bella" and poses. Woollcott's answer was: "Sure, author "The Sins of Sally" and I'll be glad to-at my usual rate of $1 'Reno eries," is writing their sce- per word." And he wasn't joking. nario. H r "Sins of Sally" may soon hit the ait as a serial drama. Since it is rumored that Dick Pow- ell will leave "Hollywood Hotel" after Paul Luther, CBS mikeman, made a his January 8th broadcast, we find, at New Yeai¡'s resolution. He would save the time of this writing, that Tony every di a he received. So he gave a Martin and Phil Regan are both being dollar bi to the news stand man at talked about for the spot. By the time the Wrig ey Annex and asked for a you read this the situation should have copy of ADIO GUIDE. He got it -and been satisfactorily settled. nine dims in change! Last- minute notes: Robert Ripley Freddy Martin, that shy Beau Brum- is said to have signed for a new series mel of C's Penthouse Serenade, is of programs, starting in the Spring . . . really a private haberdashery. He Walter Cassel resigned last week from boasts fif een suits, 50 shirts, 100 ties, the "Saturday Night Party" and left twelve p irs of shoes and six pajamas. for Hollywood. Donald Dickson re- What! socks or shorts? Tsk, tsk! placed him. Na 6/14 13 RADIO "made" Wendell Hall -but SYMPHONY and swing are the ele- Wendell Hall helped make radio! ments blended in the success of Long before the great spraw- Casper Reardon, the man who has ling Coast -to -Coast networks of today brought fresh appreciation to today's were dreamed of, a young, lanky red- radio listeners of antiquity's favorite head traveled from station to station instrument, the harp. singing his own songs for the amazed Formerly regular harpist in the or- amusement of the hardy souls who chestras of Jack Denny, Glen Gray and were just then beginning to listen in on Jolly Coburn, Reardon is equally at their new -fangled crystal sets. His home in the pit of a great symphony name was Wendell Hall. orchestra. He has played under the Hall was a well -known vaudeville creative baton of Fritz Reiner, with the star long before he went on the air, Cincinnati Symphony and the New but just the same, it was his immediate York Philharmonic- Symphony Orches- success in radio that served to popu- tra. He played in the Lewisohn Stadi- larize his song hits-the famous "It um concerts, and three times with the Ain't Gonna Rain No More" was one Philadelphia Symphony orchestra, un- of them -and to establish him as a ra- der the guest direction of Paul White- dio entertainer of national prominence man, another apostle of peace between and importance. classicists and popular musicians. And on the other hand, there can be no doubt that Hall's popularity on that BUT it is over the radio that Reardon first nation -wide tour in 1923 was an has done his greatest work to re- enormously important factor in prov- popularize the harp. As a free -lance ing to the public that radio was no harpist, he has appeared as a guest longer a freak but a medium of gen- star on Bing Crosby's Music Hall, the uine entertainment. Camel Caravan, the Magic Key hour, the General Motors Symphony pro- POPULARLY thought to be a south- gram, Richard Himber's Champion erner because of his soft, drawling show, and just recently on RADIO voice and the fact that so many of the GUIDE'S Court of Honor. 200 songs he's written center around Reardon made his first appearance the South, Hall was born in Kansas. on the stage at the age of five, when He should have been born in Decatur, he was in vaudeville with his family Illinois, for that's where the Hall fam- in a singing, dancing and-sometimes ily-lived in 1896. It so happened, how- -dramatic show. His father owned a ever, that Wendell's mother was visit- small chain of theaters, and to save ing in St. George, Kansas, when the salary expenses, he and his family future music -maker arrived. served as one of the acts on his circuit. Hall lives in Chicago now, and his Casper studied the harp under the broadcasts for NBC originate in that private tutelage of Carlos Salzedo for city. He still plays a ukulele, he still three years and at the Curtis Institute sings, and he still writes his own songs. of Music, in Philadelphia, for two, be- Recently he appeared at the first re- Casper Reardon (above): Swing and symphonies spelled success! fore he played for Fritz Reiner and hearsal of a new commercial show won the position with the Cincinnati with fifty brand -new songs-words Symphony Orchestra that started him and music for all fifty by Wendell Hall! on his way toward individual stardom.

Radio "made' long, lean, lanky, red- THEY'VE HIT THE HIGH SPOTS Francis Craig (below): They call him headed Wendell Hall -but he helped "The Dean of Southern Orchestra radio in its crystal -set baby days! -THEY'RE THIS WEEK'S STARS! Leaders" -but he's just past thirty!

YANKEES, whether they build wanted to tootle a "hot sax" for Craig's their respective air- castles in jazz band. No saxophonists were Manhattan or East Alton, Ill., needed, but Melton sang "Deep in My share one characteristic -a time -mel- Heart" to win the band's singing spot. lowed yearning to "go back" to Old Three years later he left for New York. Dixie-although 99.44% of them never He won success in radio and films. saw a yam uncandied or corn pone like Mammy used to make. AHUSKY- VOICED fellow took Mel- But somewhere in these northern ton's place-but in 1930 there were wilds of ours wander four southern inhibitions, and crooners were just guys souls truly a- wearyin' for the land whose range was four notes and whose where the sun shines all the time -four pitch was adenoidal. The manager of self- exiles to success. And all of them the hotel where Craig's boys were owe both success and exile to one man. playing forbade any vocalizing by That man is Francis Craig, the "that crooner" in the sax section. But "Southern Maestro," of NBC and Sta- feminine hearts fluttered over Kenny tion WSM, in Nashville, Tenn., who Sargent, brought him fame and fans. wrote "I'll Trade Ya Me For You," one In Nashville, a kid pestered Craig of RADIO GUIDE'S hit -songs. for two years before he convinced the All of these four were children of maestro he was not too much of a the sorghum country, wanting success clown to play his drums. Finally he more than southern sunshine, when got the job, but nine weeks later he Craig discovered them. left for Hawaii -and his return was In his early years as a dance -band triumphal. That was Phil Harris! leader, Craig innovated the idea of So today Francis Craig rates as ra- young -girl singers. Every weekend a dio's Great American Discoverer, god- "long, tall gal" named Irene Beasley father to four stars, and "Dean of left her Memphis school- teacher's job Southern Orchestra Leaders," although to sing for him. That was in 1925. he is only in his early thirties. In 1934, RADIO GUIDE'S readers elected Throughout the Southland, his is the Irene Radio Queen for that year. music the real southerners talk about, Craig met Jimmy Melton when while up north the Yankees sing Tin Jimmy was just a college kid who Pan Alley ballads about "pohk- chops."



LIFE. AND HE'S LOOKING FOR YOU! Above: Phillips Lord inter- views a country blacksmith for "We, the People." Right: A doctor tells his objections to vivisection BY WILLIAM L. STUART

HE fel owe who told me all about "We, the People," is the program. this st ted it off with a fable. You can hear it each Sunday after- T He aid: "Once upon a time noon, and you can even appear on it, there was man named John Doe who inasmuch as you and I and your neigh- lived ever place in America. In all bors are all properly John Does. the cities and all the hamlets and This is the way you do it. If you even on t ' e farms. think you have a story -one that is "John as quite a fellow. He and universally appealing -a page out of Mrs. Doe and all the little Does con- your past that will help your neigh- trolled ju about everything that went bors or thrill them or explain some- on in th:ir country, though no one thing in this rather devastating life gave the ' credit for it, and the one of ours -write a letter to the People's thing the controlled most of all was Committee of "We, The People" ex- the radio And that was the thing plaining why you, as a part of the they got he least credit for. American people, are entitled to a "They istened to the symphonies share of time on the people's program. and the . ance orchestras, the comics There are no secretaries or barred and the amateurs, and bought the doors in your way. Lord was mighty A stableman and a farmer things the sponsors thereof proclaimed careful about that. Your letter is -their stories are Amer- good-an rejected those they pro- opened; then, instead of going to a ica's own. Phil Lord brines claimed ' ad. radio man, it is turned over to four ail aorta of people to his "Then, one day, another fellow- average persons who decide upon its microphone. Their lives whose n. e was Phillips Lord-hap- appeal. Four, like yourselves, who tell the story of a great pened to think about John Doe and were selected just to protect your in- people's clime: to glory! John Do 's ways. He thought that terests in the matter. John wa a pretty faithful friend of radio, an then he thought, in a flash, BUT maybe you should know some- that Joh had never really had much thing about them before we go on to to say a out what went on the air. the next step. Evelyn MacDonnald is And mo than that, John and Mrs. the first. She's a sweet kid, just six- Doe had ever really had a chance to teen years old, who attends high school run a pr gram themselves. in Brooklyn and uses the twenty -five "So t is fellow named Lord got dollars paid each member of the com- busy on the proposition. He figured mittee each week to help her mother. out a wa, for John Doe to run a pro- Evelyn's father is dead. Her mother gram of his own and took it to a supports herself and her daughter by sponsor. The sponsor pondered over working as a telephone operator in it for a bit and agreed that it would a Manhattan hotel. be worth the cost of half an hour of Mrs. Ellen Underhill is the second. network time, just to see what Mr. She is lovely, and intelligent, and has Doe could do. So he bought it." two daughters-one of whom is almost The fable ends there-but not my Evelyn's age. The Underhills -Mr. story. It's just beginning. Underhill is in the textile business - The idea Phil Lord took to that live in Scarsdale, a suburb of New sponsor has blossomed out into one of York City. the most interesting in radio. He con- The third is Laurence McGourty, tended that, were the sponsor to buy 50- year -old mechanic, a canny, soft - a half -hour of time and turn it over spoken Irishman whose consideration to the ople of America, the people of other people's appeals, tempered as would d a pretty sweet job of filling it is by his own years, is valuable. that ti each week with their own He has been married for more than unusual stories -tales that come right twenty years. And he and Mrs. Mc- Barbers must hava their say, according to the popular belief - out of the heart of the country -tales Gourty come to the weekly meetings and Epifano Woschetto had his on "We, the People." Any)ne of disc ery and adventure and ex- of the committee together. Mrs. can appear on Phi lips Lord's show -if his story is human, real perience -each authentic and human. (Continuc..: on Next Page) N 6/14 l5 WE, THE PEOPLE, SPEAK

(Continued from Preceding Page) came to New York from her home in portray such well -loved characters as cocted and often artificial, yours come Missouri, had never seen a railroad Seth Parker and The Old Country from inside. You mean every one of McGourty reads until he is through. train and had never been in an ele- Doctor, Uncle Abe and David and the them. They come from your hearts. Mr. McGourty, the grease and oil vator. They disproved the belief that Stebbins Boys, and who could thrill carefully scrubbed from under his perhaps you, as Mr. or Mrs. Average the nation with such a program as Phillips Lord may be heard Sunday fingernails, always tries to get his wife Citizen, wouldn't be able to carry off his "Gang Busters," heard each Wed- on "We, the People," over an NBC to come into the meetings proper. But their radio show. nesday evening on the Columbia net- network at 5 p.m. EST (4 CST; 3 MST; she never will. She says that what- They showed, on the contrary, that work, knows people, human nature. 2 PST). ever he thinks will be all right with every person in America is an actor. And Lord does. her. When the Ashtabula, Ohio, chicken - I watched him work gently and The fourth member is a statistician raiser stepped before the microphone carefully with Mrs. Robert Browe of who commutes daily from his home with a dozen hens he had brought to Detroit, who requested time on the HITS OF THE WEEK in Montclair, New Jersey, to his office New York and explained how the ra- "We, The People" program to plead for in lower Manhattan. He is John At- dio had made them lay more eggs, he the return of her kidnaped son. The terbury, tall, dark, quiet. His wife told an amusing tale well. It was time was promptly granted her by PERHAPS Bing Crosby works some listens each Sunday to the program, because he was telling a story that the People's Committee. She was a musical magic with the songs he and then they sit down to dinner was part of himself. And when the careworn and frightened mother, sings. At least one song out of every afterwards and go over the stories of Vermont blacksmith explained that grasping desperately at a last straw Crosby picture has become a top -notch the people to whom they have just men should choose their women by as she faced the microphone in re- hit. Four weeks ago "Pennies from been listening. their feet, he was telling something hearsal. Her simple story, told with- Heaven" was down in the merely - They all take this work of theirs well because he knew it well. out prompting on Lord's part, was mentioned status. Last week it had seriously, those four. They're tre- heart -breaking. And before she went moved up to fourth place in the na- mendously anxious to present each LORD himself, in planning the se- on the air, he said, "If anything hap- tion's fancy. This week it is tops. week a perfect cross -section of Amer- ries, had not expected such satisfy- pens, I'm right here." He meant it The one tune, though, that still ican life -a cross -section of the citi- ing results. and she knew it. It helped her carry seems to stay "in," in spite of political zenry, like themselves. I'd considered using actors to tell through her three minutes without campaigns, abdications, wars and bo- the stories for some of these people," breaking down completely in the pres- nuses, is "Organ Grinder's Swing." YOUR letter, after getting their ap- he told me frankly. "Now I find that ence of so many strangers. Never ever hitting the top spot, it has proval and a tentative allotment of no radio actor could do as good a job held a fond place in the heart of time, is turned over to Lord, who gives as they do. YOU who appear on the program, not dance -music enthusiasts for almost a it to a special organization whose men "I think I know the explanation. being professional actors, have year. check the authenticity of it. After that Let someone talk on something out of worked out an interesting technique Here are this week's most popular has been approved, arrangements are his past or something he faces in the that differs from that of the rest of tunes, in order of their popularity: then made so that you will come to future and he is speaking in character. the radio entertainers. New York and stay for three days, But give him a part to play-some- Because standing makes you self - 1. Pennies from Heaven 10. Rainbow on the with your transportation and your thing untrue and absolutely foreign to conscious, you much prefer to work at 2. It's De- lovely River hotel bills paid, rehearsing for your his nature, and he will stumble and a table microphone. And because you 3. In the Chapel in the 11. I'll Ship You a Moonlight Thousand Love first microphone appearance. stammer through it." are not used to acting, you do not ac- 4. I've Got You Under Songs In the programs that have already In watching each week the people company your words with gestures. My Skin been heard in the series, some unusual who have been brought together You rehearse hard, but not to such a 5. The Night Is Young 12. Organ Grinder's things have been proved, some expect- from all parts of the country to put on great extent as do the regular radio 6. I'm in a Dancing Swing ed fears dispelled. this is Mood 13. One, Two, Button people's program, there another actors. You don't need it. Your Shoe People on the show range in back- explanation that Lord does not admit. But none of is 7. Easy to Love those the greatest 8. When My Dream Boat 14. The Way You Look ground from Simon Lake, the treas- Because that explanation lies in Lord difference. That comes in the words Comes Home Tonight ure- hunter who developed the modern himself. you speak. Where those written for 9. With Plenty of Mon- 15. South Sea Island submarine, to Irenee, who, until she The man who could conceive and the rest of radio's programs are con- ey and You Magic BETTER STEER CLEAR YOUR HEAD OFF





(Continued from Page 7) He usually calls for extra rehearsals. minister of education because of Or- house side of the picture becomes im- For this reason, and because his works mandy's extreme youth at the time. portant. Let's take the New York Phil- He is an iron disciplinarian and his call for an odd lot of "extra" instru- He came to in 1921 harmonic as the model in finance: 110 -piece rchestra is frankly afraid ments, he is -to his regret -the most and was left stranded and penniless The Philharmonic is the oldest sym- of him. H men know he doesn't go expensive symphonic composer to play. when the contract on the strength of phony orchestra in the United States. in for kidd g. Often he does not even Igor Stravinsky, one of the several which he came over proved to be val- It was begun in 1842, not by wealthy greet the usicians at rehearsal -but, composer- conductors who will take ueless. He got a job on the last stand people or civic -minded citizens but by on the oth r hand, he fought to have Toscanini's place on the Philharmonic of the violins at the Capitol Theater. a cooperative society of musicians. The the trustee pay all the expenses of a Sunday afternoon concerts, is an in- Within a week he was concertmaster. first concert took place in the old Apol- sick music' n for seven months. teresting and an important figure in At the Capitol he met his present wife, lo Rooms at 410 Broadway on Decem- Stokows i is always looking for new contemporary music. Steffy Goldner, an orchestra harpist. ber 7. The first selection played was ideas. Wh n he agreed to broadcast, Sharing the conductorship of the One day, the conductor of the Capi- Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. There he really tudied sound transmission Philharmonic with Igor Stravinsky is tol Orchestra became ill. Ormandy were 63 musicians, and they played and helpe improve the quality of or- John Barbirolli, the 36- year -old Eng- put down his violin, stepped to the through the concert standing up, ac- chestra br adcasting. lish conductor who was Toscanini's podium and conducted Tschaikowsky's cording to the fashion of the day. Althoug he was born in London, he own choice for the post. Fourth Symphony from memory. By 1928, the Philharmonic was one assumes a olish accent, which leaves Like Toscanini, Barbirolli started his Ormandy has a sparkling wit and an of the two big symphonies in New him when a gets excited. career as a cellist, and like Toscanini, infectious vivacity which breaks York. It absorbed the New York Sym- too, his memory is his musical main - through his reserved manner at the phony that year. Which brings us to SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY has been in stay. Here is an example: A Bax most unexpected times. He is popu- the Philharmonic of today. charge of the far -famed Boston symphony was to be given a London lar with his men and is obviously des- The salaries of the musicians amount Symphony Orchestra since 1924. premiere, with Barbirolli conducting. tined to go far. to $439,000.00 a year. All the players Born in Russia, as a boy he would It was to be played from manuscript - are members of the American Federa- conduct b fore rows of empty chairs. the only existing copy at the time. On SO MUCH for the conductors. Who tion of Musicians (Local No. 802). When he rew up he was the world's the day before the first rehearsal, Bar - are the men who face them? They must all be hired by contract and greatest d uble -bass player, but the birolli unfortunately lost the copy. The symphony orchestra can be di- their average salary is $91.00 a week. urge to c duct remained. Angry at himself and unwilling to tell vided into four groups: strings, wood- Salaries range from the minimum of In Pari he conducted the famous the composer, he sat up all night con- winds, brasses and percussion. Over $76.50 to the maximum (for several Concerts oussevitzky and introduced structing from memory a skeleton each of these group presides a "first of the desk men) of $250.00 a week. many littl -known Russian composers. score. He did it so accurately that the desk man" who plays the solo parts for Men contract to play 116 concerts He lear s a new piece of music by complete work could be rehearsed on his instrument and in rehearsal acts during a season of thirty weeks. They having it first played on the piano. the following day! as assistant to the conductor. also have to rehearse four times a From this e works out his interpreta- Strings are the most important sec- week, two and a half hours at a stretch. tion. He plains his directions to the EUGENE ORMANDY, who is conduct- tion in the symphony orchestra, corn- men clear y -with no dramatics. ing several concerts of the Philadel- prising more than three -fifths of the TOSCANINI used to get about $100; His full name is Igor Feodorovitch phia Orchestra, is prominent among total number of players. Woodwinds 000 a season or about $2,000 a Soulima- ravinsky. Despite his 54 the younger conductors. Named Jeno- are just what the name implies-that concert. Stokowski used to get about years he 1 oks like a tennis player. He Hungarian for Eugene -after the Hun- is, wind instruments made out of $110,000.00 a season until 1933, when has a cy tonic temperament, smokes garian violinist, Jeno Hubay, he was wood. The brass section consists of the he took a voluntary cut down to a lit- up to forty cigarettes a day, is a con- admitted to the world- famous Royal French horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba tle over $60,000.00. Other conductors noisseur of claret and speaks English Academy of Music in Budapest at the and bass tuba. Chief of the percussion outside of Koussevitzky, who gets -a sparingly. He is fond of eating, but age of five. At seven, he made his first instruments are kettledrums or tym- large but unknown salary -are paid often goes on a diet. He is highly re- public appearance as a concert violin- pani. approximately $625 per concert. ligious and has religious medals pinned ist. At seventeen he was a professor From maestro to money is a jump, Soloists and guest stars add to the even to his underclothing. of music, which degree had to be but since symphonies are always expense sheet of the symphony. Solo - In rehearsal, Stravinsky is exacting. granted by special permission of the struggling with deficits, the counting- (Continued on Page 44) OF/I/If...HE[L SITE


DON'T LET UNDERFED BLOOD IT'S YOUR BLOOD THAT / WEH- You FEEDS "YOUR BODY SURE ACT LIKE A KEEP YOU FEELING OUT OF GEAR DIFFERENT ONE of the important \PERSON functions of your IT'S not surprising if you feel a bit other food elements. Then your blood blood stream is to carry run -down and tired at this time of can take up more and better nourish- nourishment from your year. Usually this means your blood is ment from your food and carry it food to the muscle and to nerve tissues of your en- underfed and is not carrying enough your muscles and nerves. tire body. food to the muscle and nerve tissues of Eat 3 cakes of Fleischmann's Yeast When you find you get your body. daily, one cake before each meal -plain, overtired at the least ef- Fleischmann's fresh Yeast supplies or in a little water. Begin fort, it is usually a sign that your blood is not sup- your blood with essential vitamins and today. plied with enough food. What you need is some- thing to help your blood FLEIS0NMANM5 FRESH YEAST CONTAINS 4 VITAMINS N ADDITION TO get more nourishment HORMONE -LIE SUBSTANCES, WHICH HELP THE BOA GET GRWER from your food. VALUE: FROM THE FOOD YOU EAT, AND GET IT FASTER - - - -- Copyright. 1936, Standard Braude Incorporated FAMILY MUSIC IN THE AIR VISITOR'S


ON SUNDAY, January 17, and to the new pick -up system the engineers again January 24, Igor Stravin- have devised for the Saturday after- LIKE mother, like daughter." sky, a principal storm-center noon broadcasts. There are thirty -five ONRAD THIBAULT went to Hol- That explains "Myrt a n d among lovers of modern music and new members in the opera orchestra lywood not long ago-for a one - Marge," long rated tops among one of the flashiest names on the roster personnel- twenty -six in the strings, week visit. But he's going to feminine radio teams. of living composers, is to conduct the one in the woodwinds and eight in the stay for three months! Because, after For Myrtle Vail and her daughter, New York Philharmonic Symphony. brassés. Most of the newcomers are two guest appearances, Fred Astaire Donna Damerel, "Myrt and Marge" in Mr. Stravinsky is known to orchestra young men. Edward Johnson's idea is signed him for his Tuesday night pro- that order, have had almost parallel players as the man who varies his to build for the future. grams over the NBC networks. That lives. tempi (especially, in his own compo- The manner of weeding out the un- was over a month ago, and since then Like her mother, Donna's one am- sitions) with his mood. If before a satisfactory members of last year's Thibault has been heard regularly bition from childhood was to be an concert he is in high spirits, he speeds orchestra was interesting. Mr. Johnson with comedian Charles Butterworth, actress; like her mother, she deserted up the music. And if Mr. Stravinsky and all the Metropolitan conductors Blues- Singer Trudy Wood and Johnny her schoolbooks at the age of fifteen happens to be "in the dumps," the mu- listened to each player individually Green's orchestra in support of the to fulfill that ambition, and -still fol- sic slows down. Listen to the music on behind a screen. The unsatisfactory versatile Astaire. lowing in maternal footsteps -she at- next Sunday's program and you'll be performers were discharged without From electrician's helper to floor- tained success in her chosen profession able thereby to gauge Mr. Stravinsky's anyone knowing their idenìities. Thus, walker and finally to radio by way of while still of teen age. temper during the favoritism could grand opera is Thibault's story in a Myrt was born in Joliet, Illinois, of broadcast. not have played nutshell. He was brought up at highly conservative parents who en- In addition, Mr. a part. Northampton, Massachusetts, and was couraged her early dramatic talents Stravinsky is a Unfortunately, singing in a church choir when he just so long as they were confined to bizarre dresser, the standard for came to the attention of Calvin Coo- church and school entertainments. But and delights in orchestral per- lidge, who offered his hearty encour- such sharp parental disapproval greeted coming to con- formance of the agement. Myrt's announced selection of the certs in his most Metropolitan is The next step was New York, and a stage as a life career -this at fifteen! Bohemian outfit. not yet on a par job in a department store. He studied -that she ran away from home to join Once in Rome he with that now singing frantically, earnestly, every the chorus of a musical comedy. was dressed so known in the best minute he could spare. After a year's Leading man of the company was strangely that no opera houses of intensive work he was awarded a George Damerel, matinee idol of the one, not even the Europe. The Vien- scholarship at the Curtis Institute of day. A year after she joined the show, doorman, recog- na Philharmonic, Music at Philadelphia. Myrt was Mrs. George Damerel. nized him ... and which plays reg- he was admitted ularly at the Sta- THEN came the Philadelphia Grand THEN followed years of trouping to- only after con- atsoper in Vienna, Opera Company. His brilliant per- gether, headlining in musical com- siderable difficul- is also a concert formances for this organization brought edy and vaudeville, their career twice ty in identifying orchestra. It has him to the attention of NBC scouts, interrupted when Donna and George himself. a finer quality of who recommended that he be put on Jr. were born. During these years in We are much tone and finer the network artists' staff. From that the theater, Myrt, in her own words too close to Stra- string players point on his rise was rapid. He has "played everything from nut com- vinsky's music to than our orches- been featured on a number of out- edienne to prima donna," wrote many judge it with any tra. Then, too, the standing programs, including a three - of the vaudeville acts in which she degree of confi- absence of strict year tour of duty on Show Boat. and her husband starred and attained dence. He has union regulations Thibault is equally accomplished in considerable fame as a dancer. had many suc- in Europe makes both classical and popular songs, and Meanwhile young Donna was grow- cessful premieres possible more re- five languages are at his command- ing up, and on her fifteenth birthday, and more atten- hearsals. Regret - English, French, German, Italian and true to the family tradition, she an- tion than most ably, one must Spanish. nounced that she was going on the living composers. Storm- center of music - lovers: Igor admit that the Despite his already great success, has Stravinsky. Philharmonic Symphony Wagnerian has a ambition for stage. Myrt's objection wasn't so His writing broadcasts will reveal his temper best Conrad still greater strenuous as her own mother's had followed many conductors get the future-to "master the art of song," been, and Donna joined the vaudeville styles and con- results far above so that he can devote his whole time act that Myrt and George had made tains many start- the routine efforts to singing whenever and wherever he well known from Coast to Coast. ling innovations. of Mr. Bodansky, likes, and in any mood or manner. A short time later Myrt and George Of all that, Mr. who sometimes He is a keen amateur athlete, adept Taylor will tell you more during the rushes along as if he were anxious to concert intermissions. get to his poker games between -acts. There is space here for an account * * * of only one incident in his colorful Last week brought us another dem- career. In the preface to his last big onstration of the versatility of Frank composition, "Persephone," he an- Black. That busy gentleman, who nounced that he was at last on the helps NBC keep peace with the unions, right track. Of that, there could be no directs its musical policy, conducts its doubt, he said, for he had wiped out string symphony, composes, arranges all useless sonorities and done away and plays the classics, can also upon with all the futilities of orchestral brio. occasion put over a program of popular He had gotten down to rock bottom, music. He came to Chicago, assumed so to speak. control of the "Contented" series, im- medi tely won the friendship of all the THAT eminent English critic, Ernest participating musicians, and in one Newman, intimated in his most sar- day's rehearsals showed what can be castic vein that he did not agree with done with a large studio orchestra Mr. Stravinsky. Said he: "I certainly when a man who knows his business know my place when I am shown it. and how to handle men is in charge. There is nothing left for me to do but Another example of versatility is the to cross Mr. Stravinsky's is and dot amazing talent of the blind English his i's . and perhaps to add a few pianist, Alec Templeton, one of the words that, in his modesty, he did not most friendly and alert personalities it "Myrt and Marge ": Mother and daugh- permit himself. has ever been my privilege to meet. His one -week visit grew into a long- ter, each started at fifteen on ca- "Mr. Stravinsky has not only done But Mr. Templeton does not depend on term engagement when Conrad Thi- reers that merged in a radio team! away with the futilities of orchestral his personality alone. He can play bault (above) guested for Fred Astaire brio, but he has done very well without Bach and Mozart with the best of them length, breadth, or distinction of an ... and the improvising and entertain- idea. He has gone so far in his musical ment he offers on his weekly radio left the stage. Donna continued her negation that neither Brahms nor Bach "spot" is for him only fun. His serious at handball, tennis and swimming. He career as a dancer. nor any of the great masters can com- work consists in playing two dozen of likes to fly, and hopes some day to own Two years later -the depression. By pete with him. In fact, Mr. Stravinsky the most difficult concerti ever written, his own plane -but his year -round the Summer of 1931, in a tiny house in has used up so much of his musical not a note of which he has ever seen. sport is speeding in his streamlined car a Chicago suburb, Myrt was budgeting penury that I am afraid he will have * along deserted country roads. Thibault every penny and trying to think of a none of it left over for his next com- ITT WOULD be a great event if some is "Connie" to his friends, and a com- way out. Finally she decided to try position. But of that, I should not be far -seeing sponsor or an active net- pelling personality makes him in great writing for radio. too sure. For, judging from past ex- work head would arrange a series of demand socially. The first ten scripts of "Myrt and perience, we shall find ourselves next broadcasts for that distinguished mas- Thibault thinks broadcasting beats Marge," written in longhand for Donna year again Mr. Stravinsky's guests in ter of the keyboard, Moritz Rosenthal, opera or concert work from a singer's - and herself, were an instant success. the Queen's Hall while he proves that whose only American microphone ap- standpoint. It brings twice as much A few days later, "Myrt and Marge" after one musical void there can be pearance has been on a Sunday motor money for half as much work, he says, made their debut over a national net- still another." hour. No other artist except Pader- and just now he'c concentrating all work. * * * ewski can boast of such a long and his efforts on radio. Thirty -three years Today, they're starting their sixth Not all the improvement in the Met- memorable career as Rosenthal's, and old, he feels that his best work lies radio season with a brand -new show! ropolitan Opera's orchestra tone is due his playing today explains why. ahead in his future efforts.



WN you listen to WOW's ace of Radio Station WOW and announces an ouncer, Lester M. Palmer, regularly every Sunday morning. It is yo are listening to someone interesting to note that one of the most who is d' ` erent. important programs broadcast every That ha kneyed word "different" can Sunday morning over radio station cover a m ltitude of sins in the radio WOW is also a pioneer. Lester Palmer world; a ost everybody in the broad- and Reverend R. R. Brown joined casting bu . Mess is said to be different WOW at its start. Lester Palmer is from the verage run -of- the -mill hu- still an announcer, and Reverend R. R. mans. B Palmer is different even Radio t Brown still conducts the World as Mac Quarrie (center) from thes other "different" people! Congregation Chapel Service which he Above: There's action here, Haven Ted Hu ing is not like anyone else; started when he joined the station. hears two aspirants in "Do You Want to Be an Actor?" And neither is raham McNamee, nor Tiny The judge has changed in many Harry Salter (below) works hard on "Your Hit Parade,' to Ruffner. either is Lester Palmer. ways since his first days at WOW. He Perhap in one respect he is most is heavier; he occupies a splendid posi- like Bill later. But he is different in tion as municipal judge; his outlook is every oth r way. Slater, if you recall broad; his participation in municipal the Olym ics, is the CBS announcer and civic affairs is wider. But one who wen over to Germany with the thing he has not altered: he is still a American athletes and broadcast their victim of the first sentence he pro- progress f om the German capital. Bill nounced upon himself -he is a con- Slater is the head master of a boys' firmed bachelor. And there is no school wen he is not announcing. court of appeals to remedy that!

Lester M. Palmer: His sentences really mean time; either air time or time "up the river"

That Is the one note of similarity. Lola Luxford is News Palmer sn't a head master of a school, boys' or girls', nor is he a teacher. But Lola Luxford at WOW is one of the he has nother occupa,tion outside of few women throughout the country to radio. a is municipal judge in Omaha, be accepted on an even basis with men announcers. Women's voices, as a rule, Nebraska. . have not recorded very well. In 1932 Miss Luxford broadcast the Olympic SLATER went to radio after he be- games in Los Angeles, and at various came a head master. Palmer went to times she has described the national the bar 'after he became an announcer. air races and tennis matches. In 1923 he joined the staff of Radio When a girl makes good announcing Station WOAW, now known as WOW, on the air, that's fine. But when a girl Jce Cook :above) masters the Shell Show ceremonies, while Al as staff pianist, booking agent, publi- announces sports and still survives, Pearce (left, below) watches a çag go by on his "Watch the city ma ager and bulletin editor. Later that is news! Fin Co and Kate Smith swings "Pennies from Heaven" he bec me program director and de- Ey," voted bout eighteen hours daily to Listener Likes his activities. He began to study law soon after he A recent survey- showed what Min- joined OW, and was admitted to the neapolis listeners liked. The survey bar in 926. In 1928 he was elected to was taken by the graduate students of the offii a of municipal judge in Omaha, the University of Minnesota, M co- and h s been consistently reelected operation with WDGY, and sought to since t at time. discover listener preferences in types In t e most recent election, Lester of programs on the air. Palmer polled more votes than any Out of 2,221 homes interviewed in other municipal judge; he led with a Minneapolis, 1,223 housewives said total count of sixty thousand votes, that they liked news programs above several thousand above his nearest all others, 1,131 liked drama on the air, contestant. 895 chose rhythm tunes done by dance Today Lester Palmer sits as muni- orchestras, 704 preferred the classical cipal judge of Omaha's police court, in melodies, 470 liked political talks, 386 the central police station of Omaha. said to give them hillbilly music, and Before him passes a never -ending pro- 119 liked religious music. cession of litigants and offenders. Some 1,300 homes were interviewed Every ay in the week, from the bench in St. Paul, showing a slight difference of jus ce over which he presides, he in taste. In St. Paul, 664 homes out of gives inions not only in keeping with 1,300 preferred radio drama, 550 liked the la but with a broad comprehen- dance music, only 470 came through sion of human nature and its problems. for news broadcasts, 308 for classical Ho ver, Judge Palmer has never music, 130 for sports, and 23 for forsak n his pioneer position in religious sermons. The comedians got radio. He is still a member of the staff 89 votes, and organ music 13. c e/1a 19 Log of Foreign Stations Whose (Continued from First Column) Programs Are Listed 6:20 p.m. -Mat Mulcaghey: GSA GSB GSC (Megacycles or thousands of kilocycles shown) 6:30 p.m.- Rafael Guinand's orchestra: YV2RC '1.7 p.m.- Pan -American variety W3XAL (6.1) CEO, Chile 10.87 JZJ, Japan 11.80 CJRO. Canada 6.15 JZK, 15.16 t7 p.m.- National Railways program: HJU CJRX, 11.72 RIO. Hawaii 11.68 7:30 p.m.- Little German reader: DJC DJD COCD, Cuba 6,13 REH, 7.52 7:45 p.m.- Amateur hour: YV2RC COCO, 6.01 KXP, " 16.09 8:15 p.m. -Songs of long ago: DJC DJD COCQ, " 9.75 LRU, Argentina 15.29 DJB, Germany 15.2 LRX, " 9.66 8:45 p.m.-- Winifred Small, violinist: GSB GSC DEC, 6.02 LSX, " 10,35 9 p.m. -DX program: HJIABE DTD, ' 11.77 OLR, Czechoslo- 11:30 p.m.- Hawaii Calls: KKH 15.11 vakia 6.03, 11,84, 15.32 EAQ, Spain 9.87 PCJ, Holland 9,59. 16.22 FO8AA, Tahiti 7,11 PHI, 11.73 BY CHAS. A. MORRISON, president, I NTERNATIONAL DX - ER'S ALLIANCE GSA, England 6.05 PRADO, Ecuador 6.62 Tuesday, January 19 GSB, 9.58 PRF5, Brazil 9.50 9 a.m. -Torquay Municipal orch.: GSB GSF GSH OSo, " 9.60 9.58 RAN, Russia Part I of a complete short -wave log wave station of the Balkans or Near 11 :15 a.m. -CHILDREN'S OPERETTA, "The GSD, ' 11.75 RNE, 12.00 GSF, 15.14 RV15, 4.273 appears this issue on Page 46. Be sure East. The station, which is to have a Princess and the Swineherd" : GSB GSD GSI GSG, 17.79 RV59 " 6.00 to save it! The next two issues will power of 20,000 watts, is to be erected 12:40 p.m.-From the London Theater: GSB GSD 13,64 GSH, " 21.47 SPW, Poland contain the remainder. -C.A.M. at Etimessoud, near the capital, and 1 p.m.- Clifford Curzon, pianist: GSB GSD GSI GSI, r 15.26 TFJ. Iceland 12.23 2:15 p.m.-Winter GSB GSD GSL, 6.11 TIPG, Costa Rica 6.41 (Figures in Parentheses Are Megacycles) will be used for selling the world on Gardens: GSI GSO, rr 15.18 TI4NRH, " 9.67 Turkish achievements It is report- 3:20 p.m.- 'Round and about: GSB GSC GSD OSP, " 15.31 TPA2, France 15.24 RAN (9.6), Moscow, U.S.S.R., is ... 4 p.m. -Music and poetry: DJC DJD HASS, Hungary 15.37 TPA9, " 11.88 beaming a variety program on ed from Central Europe that plans are 5 p.m.- Amateur hour: COCO HAT4, 9.12 TPA4, " 11.71 afoot to or a 7 hire build station either 5 p.m. kaleidoscope : DJD HBL. Switzerland 9,60 2R03, Italy 9,635 North America nightly from to -The of opera DJC HBP, " 7.80 2R04, 11.81 9:10 p.m. EST (6 to 8:10 CST). The in Switzerland or Czechoslovakia for 6 p.m.- Reading, Drinkwater's "Abraham Lin- HC2CW, Ecuador 8.20 VE9DN. Canada 6.005 period features Soviet music with talks spreading Jewish culture. coln": GSA GSB GSC HC2RL, 6.68 VK2ME, Australia 9.59 6:30 p.m. of National 9.58 and is -The Capital the Socialist 11J1ABE, Colombia 9.5 VK3LR, news in English. Reception Movement: Munich: DJC DJD HJU, 9.51 VK3ME, " 9.51 best after W3XAU (9.59), Philadel- The revised transmission schedule of HP5J, Panama 9,80 VPD2, Fijis 8.719 VK2ME (9.59) of Sydney, Australia, 7:30 p.m.- Rafael Ramirez and the Continentals: HRN, Honduras 5.87 YV2RC. Venezuela 5.80 phia, leaves the air at 8 p.m. EST (7 YV2RC 7.38 follows: Sundays only from 1 to 3 and HSBPT, Siam 9.35. 19.02 XECR, Mexico CST) . . . Daventry transmitter GSD 8 p.m.- Classical- music: HC2RL HVJ, Vatican City 15.12 XEFT, 6.12 5 to 11 a.m. EST (12 mid. to 2 and 4 to 8:15 p.m. JVH, Japan 14.6 China 9.525 (11.75) at last has been replaced by -Light music: DJC DJD ZBW3, 10 a.m. CST) . TVN, 10.88 ZBW4, " 15.IP GSA (6.05) in transmission five, start- 8:45 p.m,- Southern Sisters and Charles Hayes: JZI. " 9.53 GSB GS GSD ing at 6 p.m. EST (5 CST) nightly . . . HE ceremonies connected with the 10 p.m.- Program from Tahiti: FO8AA Time given is CST ; for MST subtract one hour. Reception from Asiatic and Australian Short -wave programs of American stations are stations has shown a considerable im- inauguration of President Roosevelt shown along with the regular listings beginning on 20, page 30. These are indicated, for example. by provement during the past few days. on Wednesday, January will be Wednesday, January 20 (sw- 11.87) in parentheses following a program list. , short -waved to every part of the 12:20 p.m.- Arthur Fear, same On Monday, January 4, PLP (11) bar.: GSB GSD GSI ing. This means that on 11.87 megacycles the world. W3XAL (17.78) of Bound - 12:45 p.m. -With the Old Folk: GSD program may also be heard over an American short- Bandoeng, Java, was held at good GSB GSI wave station, Please note that foreign stations do loudspeaker it signed brook, N. J., will begin its special 2:05 p.m. -BBC SYMPHONY CONCERT; Sir their announced strength until Hamilton Harty, not always adhere precisely to off at 10 a.m. EST (9 CST), with a broadcast at 9 a.m. EST (8 CST) , and conductor; Harold Dawber, program schedules will continue intervals organist: GSB GSD GSI recording of "When You Come to the at throughout 3:40 p.m.- Scottish the day until the inaugural ball at 12 dance music: GSB GSC GSD News Broadcasts End of a Perfect Day." ZBW3 (9.525), 4 p.m.- Woman's hour: DJC DJD Hong Kong, was also very enjoyable mid. EST (11 p.m. CST) . The full CBS 5 p.m.- Border Minstrels: GSA GSB GSC TPA3; network program will be aired by Daily -3:40 a.m., GSB, GSG, GSO; 3:45, throughout its oriental variety pro- 5:30 p.m.-Play, "Girl Missing" : GSA GSB GSC 6, TPA2; 6:55, GSB, GSG, GSH; 10:30, GSB, gram, although its carrier wave was W2XE, New York, and W3XAU, Phil- 6 p.m. -Talk, "Italian Sport in 1936 ": 2R03 GSF; 12 noon, GSB, GSD, GSI; 1:30 p.m., heterodyne (off frequency) by HJ1A adelphia. Other stations planning to 6:15 p.m. -Gober Hernandez' orchestra: YV2RC TPA3; 3, GSB, GSC, GSD; 3:15, OLR; 4:15, 6:30 p.m.-Maria I de Negretti, songs: YV2RC BE of Cartagena, Colombia, until 9 a.m. carry the inaugural programs are: EAQ; 5:40, HP5J; 6, RAN ; 6:40, GSA, GSB, W8XAL, Cincinnati; W9XF and 7 p.m.- Friendship Salute: KIO DJD; 8, LRX; 9. EST (8 CST). 7 GSC; 7, TPA4; 7:15, DJC, W9XAA, Chicago; W1XK and W1XAL, p.m.- Spanish Suite by de Falla; Hans Dun - COCD; 9:40, GSB, GSC, GSD; 9:45, CJRO, schede, violinist: DJC. DJD CJRX; 10:20, TPA4; 11:05, JVH. Sweden is about to make an official Boston; W2XAF and W2XAD, Schen- 7:45 p.m.- Little folk music: DJC DJD Daily except Sundays-5 a.m., VK3ME; 6:30, entry into the realm of government ectady, and W8XK, Pittsburgh. 8 p.m. -Tovar brothers, songs: YV2RC VK3LR; 8, 2R04; 12:20 p.m., 2R03; 5, 2R03. broadcasting. A powerful new trans- 8:15 p.m. -Orchestral concert: DJC DJD Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri. -3 p.m., RNE, RV59. mitter has been authorized at Motala. Paul Dilg, of Evanston, Ill., reports 9:10 p.m. -Play. "Joan Disappears ": GSB GSC Sun., Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat.-7 a.m., ZBW (9.52 hearing the Australian S. S. Kanimbla or 15.19). J. F. Satterwaite of Toledo, O., is (6.01) on December 28, from 6:45 to Thursday, January 21 hearing the All- 7:35 a.m. EST (5:45 to 6:35 CST). 11:15 Continents Round Ta- The a.m. -This is England: GSB GSD GSI Sunday, January 17 ble, which has been organized by '20- announcer was a woman ... OLR, 12:20 p.m. -H. M. Coldstream Guards band: GSB meter amateurs, with Bill Burkhart, Prague, Czechoslovakia, has been us- 1 p.m. -Play, "Sea Fruit," Robert Crombie: GSB *3 am.- English programs from Siberia: RV15 6.03 *6:40 a.m.-Int'I Church of the Air: COCQ W4DLH of Goulds, , as M.C. ing megs for the afternoon trans- 3:50 p.m. -John Londoner at home: GSB GSC 4 p.m. -Piano *7 a.m. -Variety hour: DJL Activities usually get under way near mission which ends at 4:35 p.m. EST Sonatas by Mozart: DJC DJD . 4:15 p.m.- Sonata in g *8:30 a.m.- Concert: OLR (11.84) 3:45 a.m. PST (4:45 MST), weather (3:35 CST) The Nazaki, Japan, minor by Robert Schu- *9 :30 a.m.-Vatican City topics: HVJ stations have been conducting special mann; Hans Riehensahm, pianist: DJC DJD conditions permitting, with amateurs in 4:20 p.m.-Leslie Bridgewater 10 a.m. -Celebrity trio: GSB GSF GSH Australia, Asia, tests commencing at 9 a.m. EST (8 Quintet: GSB GSC 10:10 a.m.-Symphonic concert: DJB South America, Af- 6 p.m.-Variety program: OLR (11.84 or 6.03) CST), and utilizing JZJ (11.8), JZI 6:30 12:20 p.m.-BBC Theater orchestra; Paul Schof- rica and Europe participating. p.m.- Rafael Guined's orchestra: YV2RC (9.535) and JVT (6.75) . SM5SX 6:45 fler, baritone: GSB GSD GSI p.m.-Anez' orchestra: YV2RC (11.705), Stockholm, Sweden, which 7:45 p.m. 12:40 p.m.- Iceland broadcast: TFJ A verification from RV15 (4.273) -Eno's melodies: YV2RC recently increased power, was active 8 p.m.- Scrapbook for 1919: GSB GSC GSD 1:20 p.m.- "American Humor," M. H. Allen : GSB of Khabarovsk, U.S.S.R., recently re- 1:25 p.m.-Czechoslovak variety: OLR (6.03) during the holidays at about 6 p.m. 8:15 p.m. -Folk song singing: DJC DJD ceived by Richard Wonn, of Boise, 8:30 p.m. -Radio scenes. "In a 1:55 p.m.- Scottish religious services: GSB GSD Idaho, EST (5 CST). The quality was poor. Little Town: DJC *3 p.m.- Overseas hour (Atlantic coast): JZI announces that this station is JZK JZJ now presenting English programs daily VPD2, "Radio Suva," Suva, Fijis, Friday, January 22 3:20 p.m.- London Symphony orchestra; Kathleen at 4 a.m. EST (3 CST). Reports of re- has been heard during the past few 11 :45 a.m. Long, pianist: GSB GSC GSD ception are welcomed and will be veri- -Willie Walker Octet: GSB GSD GSI mornings giving its usual 5:30 to 7 a.m. 12:20 p.m.- Reginald King's orchestra; Leonard *3:30 p.m.- Musical program : LRU fied. Write to Rowena Meyer, Radio *3:55 greetings: DJC DJD EST (4:30 to 6 CST), program on a Gowings, tenor: GSB GSD GSI p.m.- Listener Committee, Khabarovsk, U.S.S.R. 1:30 p.m. *4 p.m.- Variety program: LRX new frequency of 8.719 megs. -BBC Military band: GSB GSD GSI 2:30 p.m. Big 5 p.m.- Beethoven's Sonatas; Lilly Philips, cello; -Under Ben: GSB GSD GSI 3 p.m.-Ahniversary of the death of Lenin ; Anne Mukle, pianist : GSA GSB GSC LOUIS AMBROSIUS, of Plymouth, Mrs. R. S. Roche, of Aliwal North, Rus- 5:15 p.m.- Sunday concert: DJC DJD Mich., states that EAQ (9.86), Union of Africa, writes that a sian lesson : RV59 South 4 p.m. -Songs 5:30 p.m.- Catholic services: GSA GSB GSC is and poetry: DJC DJD Madrid, Spain, still verifying reports new station ZMB (5.9), located at 5 p.m. -Young *6 p.m.- Moscow broadcast: RAN of reception, but only when accom- Mafeking, Bechuanaland Protectorate. authors: Gerhard Schumann: *6:15 DJC DJD DJC DJD p.m -Sound pictures: panied by one dollar to pay for a sub- is 5:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m Variety hour: DJC DJD testing daily -Gems by great masters: DJC DJD scription to the radio magazine E A Q. 5:45 "Rome's 7 p.m. -Two Hours with Cuba: COCQ p.m.- Midnight Voice," Amy Ber- 7:30 p.m.-Army band concert: DJC DJD Mr. Ambrosius believes this may be a O CONFORM with a new broadcast- nardy: 2R03 7:30 p.m. Hawaiian band: KKP scheme to help fatten the war treas- 6 p.m.- OPERA, "AMICO FRITZ." P. Mascagni: -Royal ing code, Venezuelan stations may 2R03 8 p.m.- Drama, "Forgotten Footsteps": CJRO ury . . . YV1RH (6.39), Maracaibo, soon receive the following new call 6:15 p.m. -Folk songs: 2R03 8:15 p.m.-H. M. Scots Guards band; Dennis. No- Venezuela, is often heard broadcasting letters: YV1RB, formerly YV5RMO 6:45 ble, p.m.- Little folk music: DJC DJD baritone: GSB GSC GSD an English letter -box on Fridays and YV1RD, 7:30 p.m. *8:30 p.m.-Dance music: LRX (5.85), Maracaibo; formerly --Good night program: DJC DJD Saturdays. at 10 p.m. EST (9 CST). 8:15 p.m. 9 p.m.-Music Appreciation Hour: HRN YV7RMO (5.81), Maracaibo; YV2RA, -Crystal Palace band; Barry Sherwood, tenor: GSB 9:10 p.m. -"This is England," Hon. Charles Lyt- formerly YV1ORSC (5.72), San Cris- GSC GSD According Lyle - 10 p.m.- Program from Tahiti: FO8AA tleton : GSB GSC GSD to Nelson, of Yam tobal; YV3RA, formerly YV8RBC (5.- 11 p.m. 9:25 p.m.-Virginia McLean, pianist: GSB GSC hill, Ore., the new Peruvian on 11.8 899) Barquisimeto; YV4RB, formerly - --DX Club: W8XK (6.14) 9:25 p.m.- Technical tips for fans: DJC DJD megs, is testing from 8 to 9 p.m. EST YV6RV (6.52), Valencia; YV4RD, for- 11 p.m.-Overseas hour (Pacific coast) : JZJ (7 to 8 CST) ... He believes the new merly YV12RM (6.3), Maracay; Saturday, January 23 station on 12.38 megs is located in YV5RB, formerly YV3RC (6.156), Ca- 11 :30 a.m. -The story of Rathlin Key to Symbols Used: *Daily; 1-Week Days; Santiago, Chile. Has anyone else Island: GSB *Monday and Wednesday. racas; YV5RC, formerly YV2RC (5.8), 12:25 p.m.- Football; Birmingham vs. Charlton heard this station which signs off Caracas; YV5RF, formerly YV4RC Athletic: GSB GSF GSH nightly at 8 p.m. EST (7 CST)? . . . (6.38), Caracas; YV5RH, formerly 12:45 p.m. -BBC orchestra: GSB GSD GSI Monday, January 18 Those wishing to log a Japanese com- YV9RC (6.4), Caracas; YV6RB, for- 1:30 p.m.-In Town Tonight: GSB GSD GSI 3 :30 p.m.-OPERA, "ROMEO AND JULIET": 10 a.m. -Peggy Ranmall, violinist, and Peggy mercial station may tune for JVD merly YV11RB (6.545), Bolivar, and a (15.86), Nazaki, while it is in GSB GSC GSD Grummitt, pianist: GSB GSF GSH contact new station YV1RI (6.21), "La Voz de 4 p.m.-Women's hour: DJC 4 DJD 11:30 a.m. (also Wed., Fri,)-Polish hour: SPW with KWU (15.355) at p.m. EST (3 Coro," being planned for Coro in the 4:30 p.m.- League of Nations: HBL HBP 12:20 p.m.- English letter box: 2R03 CST) . state of Falcon. 5 p.m. -Dance music: LRX 1:20 p.m. -The Music Shop; Geraldo with the 6 p.m.-Antonio Brosa, violinist: GSA GSB GSC orchestra: GSB GSD GSI ' TFJ, Reykjavik, Icelam., with an of- NBC has released information that 6:25 p.m.- Suggestions for your book list: GSA 3 p.m. -What Moscow Is Singing: RV59 ficial frequency of 12.235 -megs, has during the first ten months of 1936 its 6:30 p.m. -Dance music: DJC DJD 4 p.m.- Argentina hour : LSX been operating for the past three Sun- networks carried a total of 342 broad- 6:45 p.m. Theater of the air: YV2RC 4:15 p.m.- Berlin auto show: DJC DJD 8 p.m.-Anez' orchestra: YV2RC 4:30 p.m.- Brazilian hour: PRF5 days on 12.210 megs, according to Wil- casts from 38 foreign countries, more of 8 p.m. -The Shepherds' Feast, from Caldeck in 5 p.m.- Surprise hour: DJC DJD liam Ansell Regina, Saskatchewan. than for the entire year of 1935. Cumberland: GSB GSC GSD 5:30 p.m.- OPERA, "ALCESTE," Gluck: 2R03 8:15 p.m. -Club of Notions: DJC DJD 6 p.m. -Talk, "Italy in World Literature ": 2R03 The Egyptian Radio magazine an- TIPG (6.14) of San Jose, Costa 8:30 p.m. -BBC Theater orch.: GSB GSC GSD 6:15 p.m.- Venetian folk songs: 2R03 nounces that Turkey is to have the Rica, is broadcasting an English period 9 p.m.- English hour: HJ4ABB (Continued in Fourth Column) most up -to -date and powerful short- on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EST (8 CST). 10 p.m.- Messages to the far North: VE9DW 20 6/14 6 LENNIE HAYTON

Lennie Hayton is another Whiteman alumnus. He ar- then he has been a piano- playing maestro. Recently ranged for the Jazz King before he could vote! Since he was a guest on RADIO GUIDE'S Court of Honor


She won a career by winning a contest. She won ad- Now she keeps her public via radio's airwaves. She's mirers with concert, musical comedy and opera roles. Mary Eastman, star of The Saturday Serenaders"

22 Tom Waring used to work without his brother Fred - a Lonely and a Happy Troubadour. Then he wrote he was on radio stations all over the country as both "So Beats My Heart for You." Now he sings for Fred

23 L Ç N N "5 -2C C y f6 Y£L . CO cS - L L a O E-w p 3 N O 3 L = rs ÿ T N L U U y I Y L ÿ N L L 4) R = ß .F ..., Ú RL p ú N . O L o - O p I- Ç'L iii C Q S m p ú An: N Q L- m w p O` < _to p G+ Á O V L O O O O p ç U 3 L Ç Z s R ÿ s>,ll. fA O E 0.E Ç O c o O R ot r= Jol ß ti ß V Y-LL a rf 3-o ° m s L' U O- y N p r = 70 i^41 = tE

L v b.. V p wM ÿZQ ap= ó>,esÇ.E°'3rysó ó . p ,« v p s p ó 3s m cs L S >, O L Cr) -o '.- c5 Fan .°2. Ç p ß0 y C w 3 1) Ñ -I .Ç = 3 - "Montana Slim and his guitar! When "Slim" sings his cowboy songs over CBS stations. his listeners know they are hearing the real thing. sung by a real cowhand!

It's Henry Busse himself - without his trumpet. with- out his mustache -and without 54 pounds of excess weight which he recently lost. He DAYTIME plays for NBC

Emery Deutsch's DIALING gypsy string or- chestra is known wherever U. S. daytime listeners twirl the dials. Deutsch, native of Budapest, is a CBS veteran conductor

Jean Dickenson, soprano who was discovered by Lily Pons. sings over the NBC -Blue net- work every Wed- nesday afternoon. She ranks high as a daytime diva!


+Z+;.-.+; ,.%t +trtf.,.. í::im .Ci,t:;ní:'=}:r'. ..i Famous among daytime dialers is Ted Malone's "Be- tween the Book- ends" program. His fans. who hear him Wednesdays weekly. are rabid- ly faithful to him

A pensive si figer of plaintive scngs! It's Celia Branz. contralto. He au- dience of daytime dialers hears her over the NBC -Blue network on Wed- nesday afterroons FROM THE SUN'S RISING TO ITS SETTING, STARS Three muske :ees in white! The CROWD THE A R! Ranch Boys," left to right. are Sho-ty Carson, Jack Rose. Curley Bradley. The r BC- Red net airs the r wee

Virginia Clark was a radio singer - until three years ago. Then she de- cided she wanted to act! Now she's "Helen Trent." on the air for CBS Monday to Friday 11 12

Lanny Ross goes A star ponders after a high one the question of They're all the pancakes for a same to Lanny - noonday lunch. high notes and Feminine stars low notes alike may dine on let- are merely parts tuce and lamb - of every day's chops. but a man singing tasks wants man's food!


A daily work -out in the gymnasium is part of Lanny Ross' routine. A singing star can't afford time out for sickness! Here's Lanny at the top of his stroke -going nowhere fast in a nailed -down rowing- machine exerciser

"Shoe -shine boy!" Lanny Ross pauses on the way to a broadcast while a wandering New York bootblack gives his shoes a going -over. Ross is noted in the broadcasting world for his subdued but meticulous groomina WITH LANNY ROSS



Seven -thirty -and that When day is done and the old devil alarm clock last song has been sung, rouses Lanny Ross for you'll find Lanny Ross another day of singing! 5 absorbed in his stamps! 28 Ái


THURSDAY, Jan. 14 chestra, George Copeland, Bampton, Crosby Guest Victor McLaglen pianist, and Rene Maison, 3:15 p.m. EST (2:15 CST), Met. Opera tenor, will be Rose Bampton, Met. Victor McLaglen in NBC: Students from the string the guest presentations of Opera contralto, who re- "Coast Guard" will be the quartet classes of at cently from during Paul Kefer the Magic Key, NBC at 2 returned guest presentation the Eastma School of Music in at p.m. EST (1 CST). Europe where she sang Hollywood Hotel, CBS play a cone rt. .a new capacity as a dra- 9 p.m. EST (8 CST). 8 p.m. E T (7 CST), NBC: matic soprano, returns to Walter O'K efe, Edgar Bergen Ruby Elzy, Soprano Bing Crosby's Music Hall Varsity Show Premiere and Shiela arrett will be Val - lee's guests. Ruby Elzy, Negro soprano, for her second appear- John Held, Jr., famous 8 p.m. EST (7 CST), CBS: will solo as guest of "Mu- ance, NBC at 10 p.m. EST illustrator, cartoonist and Screen star Walter Huston in sic of the Theater," CBS (9 CST). depictor of American col- a scene fro n "Othello' will be at 2 p.m. EST (1 CST). lege youth, will serve as Kate Smith's guest offering. New Gibbons Series master of ceremonies of 9 p.m. EST (8 CST), NBC: Stravinsky Conducts Roy Atwell, Ruby Mercer and Theater, CBS at 9 p.m. Desert Song," will be Another in the new the Varsity Show which Milton J. Cross will be guests of Igor Stravinsky, noted EST (8 CST). sung by Jessica Drago- series of programs dra- makes its premiere ap- the Show Boat. Russian composer, re- nette as her offering for matizing actual adven- pearance at 10:30 p.m. 9 p.m. EST (8 CST), NBC: places John Barbirolli as the Beauty Box Theater, tures of everyday people EST (9:30 CST) on NBC. Dr. Hugo Eckner, veteran airship conductor of the New TUESDAY, Jan. 19 CBS at 9:30 p.m. EST will be presented by The University of Michi- commander, will talk on "Air- will be guest univer- ship Transportation." York Philharmonic Sym- (8:30 CST). Floyd Gibbons over CBS gan 9:30 p.m. EST (8:30 CST), phony Orchestra for two Cantor, Jolson Guest at 10 p.m. EST (9 CST). sity of the premiere. NBC: Harol L. Ickes, Secretary concerts, CBS at 3 p.m. Eddie Cantor will ap- THURSDAY, 21 SATURDAY, Jan. 23 of the Int rior, Mrs. Eugene EST (2 CST). Samuel Jan. pear as Jolson's guest at FRIDAY, Jan. 22 Meyer, pro nent American fem- Dushkin, violinist, will 8:30 p.m. EST (7:30 mist, and P of. Thurman Stone, play the Mozart D Major Eastman School Symph. Tales of Hoffmann dean of the Law School of Buf- CST) . Guild Drama concerto. The Eastman S c h o o l The Metropolitan Opera falo, will b heard in a three - "Tales cornered ar ment of the ques- Symphony orchestra and Esmond's "When We this date presents Order of Eagles Anna Sten for Bernie 2 tion "Shoo d All Government chorus directed by Her- Were Twenty -One" will of ' Hoffman," NBC at Employees Be Under Civil Ser- An address by Conrad Screen star Anna Sten man Genhart will be be the Radio Guild dra- p.m. EST (1 CST). vice?" during America's Town H. Mann, founder of the makes one of her infre- heard over NBC at 3:15 matization, NBC at 4 p.m. Lawrence Tibbett, Stella Meeting. Fraternal Order of Eagles, quent radio appearances p.m. EST (2:15 CST). EST (3 CST). Andreva, Margaret Hal- 10 p.m. ST (9 CST), NBC: speaking from Lawrence, when she guest visits stead and Hilda Burke Patricia El s and Edward Ev- Kansas, will be carried with Ben Bernie at 9 p.m. will be heard in the star- erett Horto of the movies join EST (8 CST) over NBC. Rochester Philharmonic Irene Rich Drama ring roles. Guiomar No aes, concert pianist, over NBC at 3:45 p.m. as guests of Crosby's Music Hall. EST (2:45 CST). A portion of the con- Irene Ricl will star in Bentonelli, Wynn's Guest Wiley, Oakie's Guest cert by the Rochester "Flight 13," exciting FRI AY, Jan. 15 Rosaline Greene Philharmonic Orchestra, melody ama concerning Joseph Bentonelli, oper- Songstress Lee Wiley with Jose Iturbi wielding events which take place atic tenor, appears on Rosaline Greene, one of appears on CBS as guest (7 10 p.m. ST (9 CST), NBC: the best known dramatic the baton, will be carried aboard a transport plane. NBC at 8 p.m. EST "Peggy, My Love!" a fast mov- of Jack Oakie's College at over NBC starting at 8:30 Time: 8 p.m. EST (7 CST) as Ed Wynn's ing romance by Mildred Hark, actresses in radio, will be 9:30 p.m. EST (8:30 p.m. EST (7:30 CST). CST) via NBC. guest. will be presented during the First guest of "Your Unseen CST). Nighter. Friend," CBS at 5 p.m. EST (4 CST). Postmaster Farley SATURDAY, Jan. 16 Kolar and Thomas James A. Farley, Post- 1:40 p.m. EST (12:40 CST), master - General, making *WORK FOR UNCLE SAM NBC: Metropolitan Opera presen- Victor Kolar begins an address before the * tation is Wagner's "Die Walk - conducting a series of Electoral College banquet, ure." Lautjitz Melchior as Sieg- eight of the Ford Sunday will be picked by NBC at 1937 mund; Emanuel List as Hunding; Evening Hour concerts, 10:30 p.m. EST (9:30 MANY APPOINTMENTS Ludwig Hofpan as Wotan ; Lotte CBS at 9 p.m. EST (8 CST). Lehmann as Sieglinde; Marjorie CST). John Charles Lawrence as Brunhilde. Artur $1140 TO $2100 FIRST YEAR Thomas, baritone, will be WEDNESDAY. 20 Bodanzky conducts. guest soloist. Jan. 7:30 p. EST (6:30 CST), SOCIAL SECURITY JOBS ARE FROM CBS: Art ur Pryor, America's foremost b ndmaster, makes his New Opera Star Inaugural Ceremonies CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS annual app arance as guest con- Kerstin Thorborg, new Beginning at 9:30 a.m. Most Government examinations include Mental Tests. Try yourself. Answer the following ductor of t Carborundum Band. EST (8:30 CST) the high- problems and mail at once. Our examiners will correct your work, rate, and return it. The 8 p.m. ST (7 CST), NBC: Met. Opera contralto, result should tell you the possibility of a high rating on the U. S. Government Examination. Blond Evel n Laye, internation- makes her American ra- lights of the ceremonies ally famou musical comedy fa- dio debut in a guest ap- inaugurating President MENTAL TEST vorite of s age and screen, will pearance for General Mo- Franklin D. Roosevelt for be the gue Ed (1) The Postmaster General is given office by: (1) Congress. (2) The Civil Service Commission. t of Wynn. tors Concert at 10 p.m. his second term will be (3) The President with the advice and consent of the Senate. 9 p.m. ST (8 CST), CBS: EST (9 CST) via NBC. aired over combined NBC number answer Edith Lor d, concert violinist, Give of correct networks, CBS and MBS. (2) A train makes 3/5 of its trip in 54 minutes. In how many minutes will it make the entire trips and Sophie Tucker will be Floyd All of of the Gibbons' 'g ests. MONDAY, Jan. 18 the details Answer 9 p.m. ST (8 CST), NBC: spectacle will be covered (3) MAILBAG is to LOCK as LETTER is to (1) Stamp. (2) Seal. (3) Cancellation. Mag during the broadcast Smilin' E McConnell will be Hampden, Guest Answer guest of t e Barn Dance. which is expected to last Walter Hampden, vet- until 2 p.m. EST (1 (4) A letter is given special protection if mailed (1) Special Delivery. (2) Registered. (3) Air Mail eran Shakespearian actor, Answer SUNDAY, Jan. 17 CST). will be guest of the Mag- The President's speech (5) A clandestine meeting is one that is (1) Secret. (2) Accidental. (3) Romantic. azine of the Air, CBS at Headlines and History of acceptance will be Answer 11 a.m. EST (10 CST) . broadcast from 12 noon (6) If it takes 15 clerks, 30 minutes to sort a certain mail, how many clerks will be needed to sort the same mail in 25 minutes. Bob rout, Columbia's to 1 p.m. EST (11 a.m. to Answer special ents announcer, Fray and Braggiotti 12 noon CST). (7) Wheeling, W. Va. is (1) North. (2) South. (3) East. (4) West, from Trenton, N. J. launches "Headlines and Jacques Fray and Answer History,' a new series of Bea Lillie (8) The saying "Many hands make light work," means most nearly (1) When several work together news i terpretations, at Mario Braggiotti, former- the task is easier. (2) There are often too many on a job. (3) Most people prefer easy jobs. ly one of radio's most fa- Replacing Fanny Brice, 1:45 p. . EST (12:45 Answer CST) v a CBS. Trout's mous piano teams, will be Comedienne Beatrice Lil- reunited in a new weekly lie heard weekly Franklin Institute, Dept. A198, commen aries will b e will be Rochester, N. Y. series over NBC starting over NBC at 8 p.m. EST prepay with the co- I send you my work on Mental Teat No. 1. Kindly have your examiners correct this work and operatic) of the Ameri- this date at 7:45 p.m. (7 CST) in a new series return to me with my rating at no cost to me. Kindly send full information regarding Government can Hi torical Associa- EST (6:45 CST). titled "Broadway Merry - Jobs. Send list of Jobs and tell me how to get one. Go- Round." tion. Name Robinson, Lux Guest Magic l*Cey Guests Edward G. Robinson, The Desert Song Address Charklls O'Connell lead- popular screen star, will Popular selections from Age ing the Philadelphia Or- be guest of the Lux Radio the famous operetta, "The 8 6/14 29 CBS -Romany Trail; Emery WDAF- Headlines of the Week 3:30 CST 2:30 MST Deutsch's Orch.: KSCJ KMBC LOG OF STATIONS WDGY -Pearl & Ade NBC- Senator Fishface & Prof. Sunday WNAX WCCO LISTED IN EDITION C- NORTHWESTERN WHO -News Figgsbottle; Olga Vernon, con- News: WTCN KRNT KSO WMT WNAX -Dance Band tralto; Cavaliers Quartet; Jer- WAAW Call Kilo- Power Net- WOW -Swing Time ry Sears' Orch.: KOIL WDAY January 17 KFAB -,Watch Tower Prgm. Letters cycles Watts Location work KSO KFJM -Salon Music 1:15 CST 12:15 MST NBC -Musical Camera (Rogers KSOO -Music You Remember KFNF-Sketches in Melody CFQC 840 1,000 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan CBC Bros.) ; Josef Cherniaysky, KSTP -/Minn. Lutheran Hour CJRM 540 1,000 Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan CBC WHO -QChurch of Hollywood dir.; Willie Morris, sop.; Chor- W1 CN - Warblers WDAF -The Voice of Prophecy KFAB 770 10,000 Lincoln, Nebraska CBS al; Concert Orch.: WOW (sw- WDGY-,Judge Rutherford KFDY 780 1,000 Brookings, South Dakota Local 1:30 CST 12:30 MST 9.53) WHO -Hour of Music KFJM 1410 1,000 Grand Forks, North Dakota Local NBC -Thatcher Colt Mysteries /Lutheran Hour: KFAB KSTP 9:45 CST 8:45 MST KFNF 890 1,000 Shenandoah, Iowa Local (Scalptone & Pine Tar Soap): KFJM -Univ. of North Dakota CBS- Romany Trail: KFAB KFYR 550 5,000 Bismarck, North Dakota NBC WDAF WHO WOW (sw- 15.33) KFYR -Heart to Heart Hour KRNT KLPM 1240 250 Minot, North Dakota Local CFQC -,Elim Tabernacle KSOO -Community Prgm. KFJM- Sacred Hour KMBC 950 5,000 Kansas City, Missouri CBS CJRM-Concert Hall WCAL -Musicale - KFNF -Pipe Organ KMOXt 1090 50,000 St. Louis, Missouri CBS KFJM -Variety Hour WDAF- Variety Prgm. K50- Parade of the Stars KOAt 830 50,000 Denver, Colorado NBC KLPM -QChurch of God WDGY -Musical Travelogue KS00Adventists Service KOIL 1260 2,500 Omaha, Nebraska NBC &MBS KSOO-Passing Show WEBC- Courtesy Parade WTCN- R o s e d a) e Lutheran KRNT 1320 1,000 Des Moines, Iowa CBS WDGY -Virg's Vendors WHO -Playhouse Church KSCJ 1330 5,000 Sioux City, Iowa CBS WNAX- Bohemian Band WMT- ,Walnat St. Church Salt Lake CBS WNAX -Lambert Bartak WDAF -To be announced KSLt 1130 50,000 City, Utah 1:45 12:45 MST John Charles Thomas WDGY -Hollywood KSO 1430 1,000 Des Moines, Ia. NBC -B & MBS CST Brevities CBS- Cook's Travelogue with Mal- 3:45 CST 2:45 MST See 8 p.m. CST (7 MST) WMT- Morning Matinee KS00 1110 2,500 Sioux Falls, South Dakota Local colm La Prade & Lew White. WDAF- Liar's Club KSTP 1460 25,000 St. Paul, Minnesota NBC 10:00 CST 9:00 MST organist: WBBM (sw- 15.27) WNAX -Freeman Junior College NBC -News; Shefter & Brenner, WAAW$ 660 500 Omaha, Neb. Local Egypt and its romantic Pyra- 4:00 CST 3:00 MST piano duo: KFYR WDAF WBBM* 770 50,000 Chicago, Illinois CBS mids. * NBC -WE, THE PEOPLE MORNING WOW WHO (sw- 15.33) WCAL 1250 2,500 Northfield, Minnesota Local CBS -Aeolian Trio: KMBC KSCJ (Calumet Baking Powder); CBS -Organ Moods: KRNT KFAB WCCO 810 50,000 Minneapolis -St. Paul CBS 'WCCO Phillips Lord, dir.; Mark 6:15 CST -5:15 MST WCCO KMBC WNAX KSCJ WDAF 610 5,000 Kansas City, Missouri NBC -R KFAB-Governor Cochran Warnow's Orch.; Guests: WDGY -Insomnia Bus NBC -News; Alice Remsen, contr.: WDAY 940 5,000 Fargo, North Dakota NBC KRNT -Bandmaster WMT WTCN KSO KOIL (sw- 6:45 CST 5:45 MST WMT WDGY 1180 5,000 Minneapolis -St. Paul Local KSOO -Hi Hilarities 15.21) WDGY -Shavers Club KFNF- /First Methodist Church WEBC 1290 5,000 Duluth, Minn.-Superior, Wis. NBC WDGY -Gypsy Fortunes Guests: Gene A. Howe, news- 7:00 CST 6:00 MST KLPM-/Minos Bible Center WENRt 870 50,000 Chicago, Illinois NBC -B 2:00 CST 1:00 MST paperman, who founded Moth - KOIL -Labor Union Speaker wGNt 720 50,000 Chicago, Illinois MBS er -in -law Day, and George NBC-The Goldthwaite Ensemble: * NBC -Metropolitan Opera Audi- Thompson, a 12- year -old es- KSTP -News; Musical WHO 1000 50,000 Des Moines, Iowa NBC -R WDAF WDAY WOW Interlude tions (Sherwin -Williams) ; Ed- hobo. WJ CBS -On the Air Today; Organ WDAY -The World on Parade Rt 750 50,000 Detroit, Michigan CBS ward Johnson, m.c.; Orch.. CBS -Your Unseen Friend (Per Reveille: (sw- 21.52) WDGY- Musical Gems WLB 1250 Minneapolis -St. Paul Local dir. Wilfred Peletier: WDAF sonal Loan) Arlene Jackson; NBC -Melody Hour: KSO WMT WEBC /`SChurch of the An W LSt 870 50,QÓÓ Chicago, Illinois NBC -B KSTP KFYR WEBC WDAY Rosaline Greene: WBBM WDGY- Musical Prgm. 10:15 CST 9:15 MST WLWt 700 500,000 .Cincinnati, Ohio NBC & MBS WHO WOW (sw- 15.33), KFAB (sw- 11.83) NBC WMAQt 670 50.000 Chicago, Illinois NBC -R 7:15 CST 6:15 MST -Peerless Trio: WDAF WOW * CBS -N. Y. Philharmonic * NBC -Marion Talley, sop. I Rv WHO WMT 600 5,000 C. R'pids- Wa'loo la. NBC -B & MBS WDGY -Organ Melodies (sw- 1533) Symph. Orch.; Samuel Dush- Krisp) ; Josef Koestner's NBC-Int'l WNAX 570 5,000 Yankton, South Dakota CBS CST MST * B'cast from Lon- kin, violinist; Igor Stravinsky, Orch.: WOW WDAF KSTP 7:30 0:30 WOI Local NBC -Tone Pictures: KSO don; Alistair Cooke, movie 640 5,000 Ames. Iowa cond.: KRNT WCCO KMBC WEBC WDAY WHO KFYR WOW -R NBC -Children's Concert; Josef critic: KFYR WDAY KOIL 590 5,000 Omaha, Nebraska NBC WBBM (sw- 15.27) (sw -9.53) WTCN KSCJ Stopak's Orch.; Paul Wing, WMT WTCN 1250 5,000 Minneapolis -St. Paul NBC Overture to "Russian & Lud- Musicale: WCCO KMBC WTMJt NBC narrator: WDAF WOW WDAY KFJM -Piano Moods 620 5,000 Milwaukee, Wisconsin mitia," Glinka; Violin Con- CJRM -Songs of Yesteryear KSOO- /Lutheran Hour certo No. 7 in D major, Mo- CBS -Lyric Serenade: (sw-21.52) zart; Concerto in D, Stravin- KRNT -I Hear America Singing KMBC- Thoughts for the Day KSTP-Reading the Funnies NBC -National Broadcasting Company SHORT WAVES sky; "Sadko," Rimaky -Kor- KSCJ- Morningside College KRNT- Sunday Serenade WDGY -Melody Lane CBS -Columbia Broadcasting System Symbol after a pro- sakoff; "Fireworks Fantasy," KSOO-Harry Hadley Schyde 10:30 CST 9:30 MST MBS -Mutual Broadcasting System gram, like (sw-9.53), Stravinsky; suite from "I'et- WDGY- Harmony Hall rouchka" ballet, Stravinsky. WDGY- Broadway Temple NBC -Joe Rines' Dress Rehearsal NBC -B- National Broadcasting Company means that program WNAX -1J. of WMT -,Family Altar NBC English, drama: KOIL S. Dakota 7:45 CST 6:45 MST (Iodent) with Mable Albertson Basic Blue Network is broadcast on short -Your 4:15 CST 3:15 MST & Morton Bowe; Musical and NBC -R- National Broadcasting Company waves on 9.53 mega- KSO WMT (sw- 15.21) CBS -Radio Spotlight: (sw- 21.52) CBC -N. Y. Philharmonic Symph. CJRM -International Affairs KSCJ -/Christian Service Dramatic: KOIL KSO KSTP Basic Red Network cycles. KSCJ -Cecil & Sally WMT CBC- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Orch.: CJRM CFQC WDAF -News from the Churches KFAB -Folks from Neighborville KSOO- Rhythm Review WDGY/Family Altar * CBS -Major Bowes' Capitol f -Night Programs Only WAAW -News Family; Helen Alexander, sop.; *- Network Programs Only KFNF- Sunshine Lady 8:00 CST 7:00 MST KLPM -Musical Scrapbook 4:30 CST 3:30 MST NBC -Coast to Coast on a Bus; Edward Mathews; Nicholas Special Programs Only t- KSOO- Culbertson on Bridge * NBC -Col. Stoopnagle & Budd, Milton J. Cross, cond.: KSO Cosentino, Charles Magnante; NOTICE: The programs as presented here were as correct comedians (Minute Tapioca); Sam WTCN-Amer. Radio Warblers - KOIL WEBC KFYR (sw- Herman & Three Dalton and as accurate as the broadcasting companies and RADIO GUIDE Don Voorhees' Orch.: WMT Boys; Orch. WDGY -/Judge Rutherford 15.21) dir. Waldo Mayo; could make them at the time of going to press. However, emer- WTCN KOIL KSO (sw- 15.21) WCCO KFAB WNAX- Rosebud Kids CBS -Sunday Morning at Aunt WNAX KSCJ gencies that arise at the studios sometimes necessitate eleventh CBS -Howard Neu miller. pianist: Susan's; News: WNAX KSCJ KRNT (sw- 21.52) hour changes in program listings, time, etc. 2:15 CST 1:15 MST KRNT KSCJ WCCO NBC WCCO KMBC (sw- 21.52) -The World Is Yours, dra- If your favorite station is not listed at quarter or half hour NBC -Advs. of Captain Diamond NBC -Smilin' Ed McConnell (Acme matization: WOW WHO (Diamond Al- NBC -Harold Nagel's Orch.: (sw- periods, consult the time listings immediately above. The chances Salt), Starring Paint) ; Palmer Clark's Orch. 15.33) WOW KSTP are that a network program of 30 or 60 minutes' duration is on the fred Swenson: (sw- 15.21) & Choral Group; Irma Glen, CFQC-British Sunday Comics: KRNT WAIT Israel Fed air at a quarter -hour when you do not find your station listed. NBC -Gale Page, songs: KOIL organist: WHO WOW WDAF KFJM- KFNF- /Sunday School Lesson Sunday Serenade Bell Z. indicates religious services and programs. Star indi- KSO KSTP (sw -9.53) KFYR -Musical * WDAF- Birthday Bell Prgm. cates high spot selections. KSOO -Top Tunes CBS -Guy Lombardo's Orch. (Bond KMBC -Symphony Sonnets WTCN -Friendly Neighbors WDAY -/Evangelical Church Bread) : KMBC (sw- 11.83) WDAF -Ports of Call WDGY -Organ Prgm. NBC- Melodies: KFYR 8:15 CST 7:15 MST WDAY -Concert Hall Concert WCAL -/Divine Service of the Air NBC-Univ. of Chicago Round * CBS -Int'I B'dcast from Paris; WMT -Music and Flowers WDAY WDGY -Tuning Around Table Discussion; Speakers: News Exchange Bulletin: WDAF- Harold Nagel's Orch. WEBC 2:30 CST 1:30 MST CJIM- Nation's Hour (NBC) -I Hear America Singing WOW (sw- 15.33) KSCJ KMBC WCCO KRNT NBC -Grand Hotel (Campana), KFAB -Jolly Time WTCN -Sunday * WDGY -Classical Prgm. at Home CFQC -Musical Prgm. KFAB (sw- 15.27) drama; Starring Anne Sey- KFJM /Back to the Bible NBC -Melody Matinee 8:30 CST 7:30 MST 10:45 CST 9:45 MST KMBC -New Tunes for Old (Smith mour, Lester Tremayne "Sev- KSOO- Sports CJRM- Concert Music KSTP- Country Church Bros.); Muriel Dickson, sop.; NBC- Concert Ensemble; Harry en Hours" : WEBC KFYR WDGY -Song Styles KS00- 1Gospel Tabernacle of Famous Direc- Morton Bowe, tnr.; Cavaliers Gilbert, organist & Mixed WDAF- Parade WDAY WOW WDAF KSTP - of Call" WCAL- WEBC "Ports Quartet: WDAF KSTP Divine Service tors Quartet; Victor Arden's Orch.: WHO (sw- 15.33) WNAX- Southern Normal Prgm. /Chapel Servi'-e wow WDGY WDAY -Organ Reveries WDGY' -Hits of the Day WOW WDAF KSTP WDAY KFJM- Covenant Musical Hour 4:45 CST 3:45 MST WTCN-Musical Interlude WNAX -Ranch House Boys WEBC KFYR WHO (sw- 15.331 KFNF. KFNF - /Bible Drama CBS -Eddie House, organist: 11:00 CST 10:00 MST MBS -Smoke Dreams: KSO WMT KSOO -/Inez Lasley, exangelist 11:45 CST 10:45 MST KSO -Ship of Youth KRNT KSCJ WCCO WDAY Union Mission Hour NBC -The Southernaires: WDAF CJRM -Piano & Violin Classics WTCN -Whoopee John's Orch. KFYR KMBC- Sunday Morning Musicale Piano Moods: WDGY KFJM WNAX- Religious Service WDAY WOW KSTP KFJM -Slim Thompson's Cowboys WDGY -Slim Jim's Roughrider: bar. (sw- 15.33) KSTP -Band Master KFAB -Jack Randolph, 7:45 MST KSOO -S. D. Education Ass'n Famous Homes -W. P. A. 8:45 CST Been Listening; You Got to WDGY-Pacific Paradise WMT- KSOO Concert WDAF -Dr. G. Chas. Gray, talk WDGY- Gaieties WNAX -Ranch House Boys 5:00 4:00 MST Run; Didn't My Lord Deliver WNAX- Yodeling CST WDGY -Organ Reveries Daniel; Beautiful Dreamer; Cowboy 2:45 CST 1:45 MST NBC -/Catholic Hour; Guest 9:00 CST 8:00 MST Gonna Drive Steel; I Knew WTCN -Funny Paper Show Speaker: WDAY WEBC WOW the Lord Laid His Hand on AFTERNOON NBC -Fraternal Order of Eagles; NBC -/Radio Pulpit; "Keeping Me: None But the Righteous; 12:45 CST 11:45 MST Conrad H. Mann, spkr.: WMT KFYR WDAF (sw -9.53) Out of the Jungle," Dr. Ralph Bells; Sweet Hour Prayer; CBS -Headlines & History, Bob KOIL * CBS -Joe Penner, comedian W. Sockman: WEBC KSTP What a Friend We Have in 12:00 CST 11:00 MST Trout: KSCJ KMBC KRNT (Cocomalt); Gene Austin, vo- Jesus; The Old Rugged Cross; KSOO -Music & Flowers KFYR WDAF (sw- 15.33) CBS -QChurch of the Air; Rev. WCCO KFAB (sw- 15.27) calist; Coco & Malt, comedy Lord's Prayer. 3:00 CST 2:00 MST Grier's Orch.; CBS -QChurch of the Air; Sen. NBC -Moscow Sleigh Bells; F. S. Idelman: WCCO KSCJ KSOO -News team; Jimmie William Alex- NBC -,Nat'l Vespers; "Para- vocalist: KFAB H. King, speaker: ander Kiriloff, cond.: KOIL KRNT KFAB (sw- 15.27) WDGY- Popular Concert Joy Hodges, KFAB 'WCCO KMBC WBBM Fred doxes Concerning Trouble," WBBM KMBC WCCO (sw- (sw- 15.21) NBC -Muriel Wilson, sop.; WNAX -Three Blue Boys Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick: KRNT KSCJ (sw- 21.52) Orch WOW 11.83) ,Church Service: WHO CJRM Hufsmith, tnr.: KSO KFYR KOIL NBC -Cloister Bells.: KSO (sw- WDAF KSTP (sw- 15.33) 1:00 CST 12:00 MST NBC -Echoes from the Orch. CFQC- Apostolic Church NBC -THE MAGIC KEY OF NBC- Penthouse Serenade; Fred- 15.21) KFAB- Plymouth CFQC -,United Church * KSO Church RCA; Svmph. Orch. dir. Frank die Martin's Orch (sw -9 53) KRNT WMT KFJM -Waltz Time KFNF- First Baptist Church CJRM- Classical Parade Cupid's Court: KLPM -,Zion otheran Church Black; Milton J. Cross; Phila. Variety Prgm.: WNAX WHO CFQC- What's Behind the News? KMBC -Stone Church Choir KMBC -News KFAB -Gems of Melody KOIL- Golden Hour WDAY-An Earful of Music Symph. Orch., Charles O'Con- KFJM- Fireside Singer KSO -Cadle Tabernacle . Choir KFJM- Metropolitan Echoes KSOO.Organlogue WDGY -Vocal Varieties nell, cond.; George Copeland, KFNF- ,Lutheran Vesper Hour WDGY -Rhythm Rhapsody KFNF - Christian Church WDAY -'-Lutheran Hour WEBC -Comic Strips pianist, Rene Maison, tnr., ,Advent KLPM -Travel Prgm. WEBC-Musical Interlude guests: WDAY KSTP KOIL KSOO -Black Hills Romance KOIL- Troubadour WDGY -Morning Musicale WMT -,Lutheran Church WHO -Hour of Smiles WHO- /Christian Science Lecture KFYR WTCN WEBC WMT KSTP -The House of Dreams KSCJ- Dramatic Instrucor WTCN -,Wesley Church WMT -Music of the Moment WCAL -/Vesper Service WMT -Lou Webb, organist 11:15 10:15 WNAX- ,Sacred Service KSO (sw- 15.21) KSOO -News CST MST CBS -Music of the Theater; Ho- WDAF- Sunday Players KSTP -Clown Court 9:15 CST 8:15 MST WDAF -Peck's on the Air 12:15 CST 11:15 MST ward Barlow's Concert Orch. WDAY-Around the World WTCN -True Confessions KSOO -Out of the Past to You WEBC- ,Pres. Church WDGY -Music Master Room KFJM-News & Soloists; Ruby Elzy, sop.: WDGY -Afternoon Musicale WDGY-/Little Homelike Church 11:30 CST 10:30 MST KMBC- Metropolitan Moods KRNT WCCO KSCJ KFAB WEBC- Royale Broadcast WHO -Air Is Yours WHO -/Seventh Day Adventists * NBC -Radio City Music Hall: 9:30 CST 8:30 MST WDAF -The Pepper -Uppers KMBC (sw- 15.27) WMT -Harold Stokes' Orch. WNAX -Amer. Legion Prgm. Symph. Orch. ; "Die Walkure," WDGY -Noon Hour Musicale NBC -Landt Trio & White (Hud- WOW- Sunday Naturals 4:15 MST NBC -To be announced: KFYR Wagner: KOIL KFYR WDAY 5:15 CST WEBC -Sunday Musicale son Coal) ; Col. Jim Healy, 2:15 CFQC -Songs of Yesteryear WDAY WEBC (sw- 15.33) KSO (sw- 15.21) 3:15 CST MST * CBS -Children's Hour: (sw- "Die Walkeure," 2nd act, Wag- 12:30 CST 11:30 MST narrator: (sw- 15.33) Chancel Steps KFJM- Shopper Guides 21.52) ner. NBC -Our Neighbors; Interview- CJRM -/Jewish Half Hour WDGY- Semi -Classical Prgm. KLPM-Schumann Club NBC -Walberg Brown String En- * CBS -Salt Lake City Tabernacle: ing Families in Their Own KSOO-B. A. Rolfe's Orch. WHO -World Dances KOIL -E. P. Chase, Editor semble: KOIL (sw- 15.21) KRNT KSCJ WCCO (sw- 21.52) Homes: KOIL WAAW-News WMT- Rhythmettes WTCN -Happy Bob

Symbol in parentheses, such as (sw -9.53) appearing after a program listing indicates that this program may be heard by PLEASE NOTE: tuning to 9.53 megacycles frequency on your short -wave dial. For foreign short -wave programs, please see page 20 30 6/14 C 5:30 CST 4:30 MST MBS -Music for Today: KSO 9:15 CST 8:15 MST 11 :15 CST 10:15 MST WCCO -Leon Belascti s Orch. * NBC -A TALE, OF TODAY, WMT CFQC CJRM NBC -L'Heure Exquise: WENR CJRM -Mexican Troubadors WENR -Lou Breese's Orch. drama (Princess Pat); Joan KFJM- Prelude to Evening WMT KSO (sw -6.14) KMOX -Hal King's Orch. WMAQ -Stan Norris' Orch. Sunday Blame: WOW (sw -953) KLPM-Ave Maria Hour KOIL -News KOA -Hal Stern's Orch. 11:45 CST '10:45 MST * CBS-RUBINOltF & HIS VIO- WCAL- Chorale Hour KSL -Jack & Jill Home Builders KRNT-fhe Road To Dreamland CBS-Isham Jones' Orch.: WCCO lin (Chevrolet), with Jan WGN -Geo. Hamilton's Orch. WLW -Jack Randolph, bar.; KSL- Vincent Lopez' Orch. (CBS) KSI. -News January 17 Peerce, Virginia Rea & Orch.: Orch. 11:30 CST 10:30 MST WENR -Jimmy Garrett's Orch. KFAB WCCO KMBC KRNT 7:15 CST 6:15 MST KFJM- Phoebe Ann Quist 9:30 CST 8:30 MST NBC -Eddie Fitzpatrick's Orch.: 12:110 CST 11:00 MST WBBM KSCJ WNAX (sw- MBS- Gospel B'casting Ass'n: KFYR WEBC WDAY WTCN MBS -Joe Sanders' Orch.: WLW 11.83) 7:30 CST 6:39 MST KOIL KSO WMT KOIL WMT (sw -6.14) WGN KSO WMAQ -Earl Hines' Orch. Ruhinof will play the 3 lead CBC- tunes from 'Gold- Diggers of * CBS -EDDIE CANTOR (TEX- William Morton, tnr.: CFQC CBS -Isham Jones' Orch.: WJR News: KOA KSTP 12:30 CST 11:30 MST 1937." aco) with Parkyakarkus, Dean- CJRM- Sunday Serenade KMBC ESC! KENT WNAX KMOX -When Day Is Done MBS -Red Norvo's Orch.: WGN * NBC -Golden Gates Park Con- na Durbin, Bobby Breen, Jim- WENR-Symph. Orch. KFAB WBBM KSL KMOX KSL- Temple Square KSO cert; Alfred Arriola, cond.: my Wallington, Jacques Ren WLW- Ken -Rad Unsolved Myster- NBC -Hal Goodman's Orch.: WHO WENR- Frankie Masters' Orch. WENR -Louis Panicó s Orch. KOIL KSO KFYR WDAY ard's Orch.: KFAB KMOX ies WDAF WOW KSTP WMAQ -King's Jesters Orch. WLW -Benny Meroff's Orch. WMT (sw- 15.21) WBBM KMBC WNAX WCCO WTCN- Hockey Game MBS -George Hamilton's Orch.: WOW Out si the Night to You WMAQ -Bob McGrew's Orch. CFQC -Glad Tidii gs KRNT WJR KSCJ (sw- 11.83) 9:45 CST 8:45 MST WGN WLW KSO 12:15 CST 11:15 MST WOW -Music Box CJRM -Univ. Prgtn. (also see 10 p.m.) CBS -H. V. Kaltenborn; News KOA-Art Kassel's Orch. KOA- Bridge to Dreamland End of Sunday Programs * KFOR- BEHIND THE MICRO- NBC -Dreams of Long Ago: KOIL commentator: KSCJ WNAX PHONE (1200 kc) (sw- 11.87) KRNT KFAB WJR (sw -6.12) KSTP- Behind the Song CBJewels of the Madonna: CFQC -News MR. KNOWS WDAF -Man on the Street CJRM CFQC KSO KMBC -Erle Smith FAIRFAX NEW RADIO HIT! WDGY- Bethesda Free Church KFJM -Ave Marta Hour KMOX -Hot Dates in Music WEBC -Afternoon Musicale KLPM -Americana KSL- Evening Reveries WCCO WHO -Old & the New KSL- Invitation to the Waltz -Jack Randolph, bar. The V -Eight Octet with WARING is headed by WTCN -Voice of Methodsim WCAL -Bible Study WGN-Hockey WGN -Dick Jurgens' Orch. 10:00 CST 9 :00 MST Little Ryan and Al Rinker. Each was the head 5:45 CST 4:45 MST WLS- College Debate CBS -EDDIE CANTO.R (TEX- of a quartet and Waring liked both so well that KFJM * -J. E. Howard, violinist WMT -Playbox Theater aco) with Parkyakarkus, he combined them. Ryan was formerly associated TH E KLPM -News her "WE, and 7:45 6:45 MST Deanna Durbin, Bobby with Waring as a member of the Babs K SO-Drake Musicale CST Brothers group. Rinker, along with Bing Crosby, KSTP -Amusements; KSL -Carveth Wells Breen, Jimmy Wallington & News; Sports Jacques Renard's Orch.: KSL was one of the original Paul Whiteman Rhythm WDAY -Kenny Baker,tnr. 8:00 CST 7:00 MST (also at 7:30 p.m.) Boys. -B. F., Syracuse, N. Y. WEBC- Variety Bill * NBC -Walter Winchell's Jer- NBC -When Day Is Done; Harvey 6:00 CST 5:00 MST gen's Journal: WENR KSO Hays, narrator: WOW WMAQ The theme song of GEORGE HAMILTON'S * NBC -Jack Benny's Jell -O Pro- KOIL WMT WLW WTCN (sw- (sw -9.53) orchestra is "Veolanda." He leads Veloz and 11.87) N. Y. PEOPLE" gram with Mary Livingstone; CBS -News; Roger Pryor's Orch.: Yolanda's orchestra. -R. Isi., Brooklyn, Kenny Baker, tnr.; Don Wil- (also see 10:15 p.m.) KFAB WBBM WCCO KSCJ son, m.c.; Phil Harris' Orch.: * CBS -Ford Sunday Evening Hr. WNAX KRNT JIMMY TANSEY plays the part of Danny in WDAY KSTP KFYR WEBC Victor Kolar, cond.; John NBC -Judy & the Bunch; News: O'Neill in "The O'Neills." Cornelius Callahan WHO WOW 1VDAF (sw -9.53) Charles Thomas, bar., guest: KFYR WMT KOIL "KALTENMEYER'S KINDERGARTEN" is Billy Bright Spot of Sunday Afternoon CBS -Prof. Quiz: KFAB WBBM KMOX KMBC WCCO KFAB NBC -Fitch Jingle Prgm.: KOA White, tenor, actor. -H. B., Downs, Ill. KRNT KSCJ (sw- 11.83) KMBC WNAX WBBM KR VF (also at 6:45 p.m.) NBC -Helen Traube!. sop.; Orch.: KSL WJR KSCJ (sw- 11.83) News: WDAY WENR JOHNNY DAVIS, scat singer with Fred War- Overture to "Marriage of Fig - ing, is married. He hails from Brazil, Ind: KOIL (sw- 11.87) aro." Mozart; "Vision Fugi- CFQC -Sweet & Low Remarkable First -hand Experiences ... MBS -Classics of the Keyboard: tive" from "Herodiade," CJRM -Heart & Home Harmonies E. D., New York, N. Y. KSO WMT Massenet: Largo Al Faetoturn KMBC- Variety Prgm. Thrilling, Hilarious or Touching CFQC -Dr. Markle, Lecturer from "Barber of Seville," KMOX -Jack Randolph, songs Ed Prentice takes the part of Bruce Leighton Rossini; 2nd movement from plays in CJRM- QVesper Service KSO -7 -Up Prgm. in "BETTY AND BOB.' He also Symphony in B flat major, the Camera KFJM -Ranch Boys Chausson: "Nocturne," Cur- KSTP -Beau.) [hat Endures "Painted Dreams" and "Behind KFNFGolden Rule Service ran; "Green -eyed Dragon," WDAF-Soloist Lines." EDDIE AND FANNIE CAVANAUGH By LOUIS NEWELL Sunday KLPM- Supper Wolseley: "coin' Home," Interlude; News are on the air daily except Saturday and Melodies Dvorak: finale from "Third WEBC -Musical CST; KMBC -,Radio Vespers WHO -Musical Headlines over WBBM only at 4:15 p.m. EST (3:15 There's more real drama -more salty Suite," '1'schaikowsky; Unto H., Winchester, WCCO- Musical the Hills," Purday. WJR -In the Hermit's Cave 2:15 MST; 1:15 PST). -Mrs. P. characters -more heartbreak and WDGY- Eventide Musicale NBC -The Manhattan Merry-Go- WLW -Paul Sullivan, news room Ill. horse- laughs -in ordinary American WNAX - (Religious Service Round (Dr. Lyons); Rachel WTMJ -News; Dance Orch. has two chil- WTCN -Hal McIntyre's Orch. Carlay; Men About Town; An- 10:15 CST 9:15 MST BOAKE CARTER is married and life than in any stage or screen play. He is 38 years old. RICHARD MAXWELL 6:15 CST 5:15 MST dy Sannella's Orch.; Pierre Le NBC -The King's Jesters: KOIL dren. The proof of it is this great new Sun- Kreun, tnr.: KFYR WDAF WEBC WDAY KFYR was born in 1900 and does not do commercial News. WCCO WTCN advertising. -J. S. W., Brooklyn, N. Y. day afternoon radio show -"We, the KFJM -D. M. Woodman, violinist KOA KSTP WOW WDAY NBC -Russ Morgan's Orch.: People." WHO WMAQ WEBC WTMJ WOW WDAF KOA (sw -9.53) WMT -Music for Dancing DEANNA DURBIN is thirteen years old. She (sw -9.53) News; KSTP WCCO KRNT Ksu You should have heard the account 6:30 100 pounds. TED MAXWELL is appearing CST 5:30 MST CBC- Forgotten Footsteps: CJRM WHO WMT weighs given by P. H. Col- * NBC - "BELIEVE -IT -OR -NOT" House from the West Coast. CFQC KMOX -G. Scott, organist on Hawthorne - Ripley Calif. lins of the birth of (Bakers' Broadcast): KFJM- Musical Maidens -To A. B. M., Pasadena, Ozzie Nelsons Orch.; Harriet KOA be announced WGN -News; Red Norvo's Orch. WENR- Pasting Parade radio. He is the only Hillard, & Shirley Lloyd, vo- in the "GOOSE CREEK" show was WLW- Vincent Traver's Orch. The parson living man who was calists: KFYR WMT KSO 8:15 CST '7:15 MST W. B. Hogg. -Mrs. W., Maywood, Ill. * NBC -WOODBURY'S RIPPL- WMAQ -Lou Breese's Orch. with Guglielmo KSTP WEBC WDAY KOIL 10:1i) CBS -Headin South (LC.R.R.); ing Rhythm Revue with CST 9:30 MST STUART CHURCHILL is not married. Has Marconi when the NBC -Jack Benny's JeII -0 Pro- Ruth Lyon, sop.; Floridians; Frank Parker, tnr.; Judy, * brown Wr and blue eyes. 5 feet, 7 inches tall gram with Mary Livingstone; first intelligible Richard Czorwonski s Orch.: Anne & Zeke Canova; Shep and weighs 130 pounds. Born in St. Francis, Norman Ross, travel talks; Fields' Orch.: WENR KOIL Kenny Baker. tnr. ; Phil Harris' Kans. Attended U. of Mich. Born January 15.- sound came to him KSCJ KRNT KFAB WCCO WMT KSO WLW WTCN Orch. & Don Wilson, m.c.: J. N., Winona, Minn. by wireless. WBBM WNAX (sw- )1.87) KOA NBC Masters' Orch.: And there was NBC -Fireside Recitals (American KFJM -News -Frankie TED HAMMERSTEIN, JR. is the program di- WDAY KFYR KOIL WMAQ Mrs. Lee Reyman Radiator) ; Sigurd Nilssen, bas- 8:30 CST 7:30 MST rector of the Hammerstein Music Hall program, WEBC P. H. Collins from Valley Center, so; Helen Marshall, sop.; Orch. * NBC -AMERICAN ALBUM OF broadcast from New York City over CBS. -J. B., (fir. Frank St. Leger: WDAF CBS-Abe Lyman's Orch.: WJR ...present at birth Kansas, who Familiar Music (Bayer Aspir- Clifton, N. J. of radio was WOW WHO (sw -9.53) in); Frank Munn, tnr; Lucy KFAB KRNT WNAX WBBM reunited through "On Wings of Song," Mendels- Monroe, sop.; Gus Haenschens KSCJ KMBC sohn ; "O, The Days of The theme song on the "CONTINENTAL VARI- this program son the Orch.: WHO WEBC WMAQ NBC -El Chico, Spanish Revue: with the she had left Kerry Dancing," Motley; WDAF KSTP (sw -9.53) ETIES" program is "Music of the Spheres." - in an orphanage, 22 years ago. "Morning Hymn." Ilea, h,I WTMJ WOW KFYR WDAY H. R. J., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Queen of My Heart," (' relic. KOA KSTP WDAF (sw -9.53) MBS-Freddy Martin's Orch.: There was the war veteran who chose * CBS -Phil Baker (Gulf Oil); KFJM -Evening Echoes WGN WMT the Unknown Soldier, the father vs. Oscar Bradley's Orch.: (sw- WGN- Arthur Sears Henning CFQC-From the Drawing -Room KMOX -Myles Carter's Orch. son "fiddlin' contest," the account of 10 1L83) 8:45 CST 7:45 MST CFQC -Trio Kul '',Sunday Eve Service 23 LANGUAGES days' entombment CJRM -What's Behind the News? * NBC -Edwin C. Hill, "The KSO- Romantic Musings ; SPEAK ANY MODERN LANGUAGE in a mine. KFJM -RADIIO GUIDE'S HITS Spectator" (Real Silk) Har- WCCO-Reports * ry Sosnik's Orch.: WENR OF THE WEEK WENR -Bob McGrew's Orch. 111 IN 3 MONTHS BY LINGUAPHONE Anybody with a WMT KSO KOIL WLW (sw- KLPM- Sacred Singers WHO -When Day Is Done UNIQUE METHOD BRINGS VOICES remarkable per- KMBC -Thank You Stusia 6.14) WLW -Orrin Tucker's Orch. sonal story to tell WDAF -Yesterday's Front Page KFJM- Hawaiian Serenade WOW -News OF NATIVE MASTERS INTO YOUR WGN -Dick Jurgens' Orch. has a chance to get WTCN -Music Appreciation WTCN -Overtime Period OWN HOME.. SEND FOR FREE BOOK WTCN -Luke Rader 10:45 CST 9:45 MST on this program. . 6:45 CST 5:45 MST WCCO NBC -Fitch Jingle Prgm.; Morin 9:00 CST 8:00 MST CBS -Abe Lyman's Orch.: LI NGUAPHON E INSTITUTE Phillips Lord (Seth CBS -Original Community Sing Sisters & Ranch Boys: WHO KMOX Parker) stage -man- (Gillette Razor) ; Milton Berle, Masters' Orch. 44 Rockefeller Center New York WOW WDAF (sw -9.53) (also KSO- Frankie ages the show and see 10 p.m.!! Wendell Hall, Jones & Hare; (NBC) Andy Sannella's Orch.: WJR WEBC -News does the introduc- CJRM -Let's Sing Again A$Nagrrsq,"tew,Po oh KLPM -Dream River WCCO WNAX KSCJ WBBM WENR -Earl Hines' Orch. ing.CalumetBaking Mrs. Lee Heyman KMBC- Melody Palette KMBC KFAB KMOX KRNT WOW -El Chico (NBC) PICTORIAL RINO Powder is the spon- suet son after KSL (sw -6.12) WTCN -Frankie Masters' Orch. Marvelous new sec retprore,l 22 years Any photo or picture repe.r * NBC -General Motors Concert: 11:00 CST 10:00 MST dosed, permanently on ex- SOT. quisite gem Symph. Orch. ; Erno Ranee. NBC -Shandor; Harold Stern's keepsake! rGuaran- The whole family will agree that NIGHT cond.; Kersten Thorborg, con- Orch.: WHO WDAF KSTP teed! Sample ring from any photo you send only ...... this show goes on the "must" list -try tralto, guest: WOW WEBC CBS- Vincent Lopez' Orch.: WJR SEND NO MONEY -Everyone wants PICTORIAL RING. Show -take order- - it this 7:00 CST 6:00 MST KSTP WDAY KFYR WDAF KSCJ KMBC WNAX KFAB paper Sunday afternoon and see! WHO KOA WMAQ WTMJ trimmed no ends meetaround fingerr forsisé Pay t- * CBS -NELSON EDDY'S OPEN KRNT WBBM m only 69c, plus few cents pouttaegg . Photo returned House Nadine Conner, (sw -9.53 ) NBC Busse's Orch.: WM7 with ring. Money back if not delighted. Order NOW! (Vick); -Henry PICTORIAL RING CO., Dept. U -34. Cinainnati3O. sop.; Josef Pasternack's Orch.: Overture to Reznicek's "Donna Diana "; "Mon (beur s'Ouvre KOIL WDAY WENR WTCN LISTEN IN EVERY KMBC KMOX KFAB KSCJ a to Voix" from Saint- Saens' KSO KFYR WEBC 1VBBM KRNT WCCO WNAX "Samson & De]iah "; "Mor- CFQC- Driftwood WJR KSL i sw- 11.83) genétimmung," Wolf: "Art- CJRM -News SUNDAY AFTERNOON NBC -DO YOU WANT TO BE ist's Life," Strauss; march KMOX -Dusty Roades' Orch. * from "Queen of Sheba," 5 o'clock Eastern Time An Actor? (Chase & Sanborn): Goltlmark: Slavonic Dance in KOA- Passing Parade MUsitLessoflï Haven MacQuarrie, dir.: WHO C minor, opus 46, No. 8, Dvor- KSL- Cathedral Madeleine 4 o'clock Central Time WDAF WEBC WTMJ WMAQ ak: "Amour, Viens Aider" WCCO- Leonard Keller's Orch. A Complete Conservatory Course 3 o'clock Mountain Time from "Samson & under master teachers. Piano, Harmony. WLW KSTP WOW WDAY Denali," WGN -Dick Jurgen's Orch. Violin, Saint - Saens: "Springtide," jrbMail Voice, Public School Music, Cornet 2 o'clock Pacific Time KOA KFYR (sw-9.53) Grieg: "Capriccio Italian," WLW -Organ & Poems Trumpet. Mandolin. Guitar, Bmjo, Organ. Accordion, NBC -Musical Comedy Revue; WMAQ -Gus Arnheim's Orch. Saxophone, Clarinet. Lemons amazingly may, complete. Tsehaikowsky. Mention instruction desired. Low coat: terms. Catalog free. N B C BLUE NETWORK H. Leopold Spitalny's Orch. & CBC -Atlantic Nocturne: CJRM WOW -Dance Orch. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MIMIC Soloists: KOIL WLS WGN -Melodies from the Sky WTMJ-Dancing 'tie Midnight Dept. 778, 1525 East 53rd Street; Chicago

C 6/14 31 NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch (An- CFQC- Variety Prgm. 12:15 CST 11:15 MST WEBC -Romance of Hope Alden NBC-Madge Marley, contr. & acin) : WDAF WOW (sw- 1533) CJRM -Abide With Me NBC-Hollywood High Hatters: WMT-Bill Brown, Movie Man Carl Landt, tnr.: WTCN (sw- Monday NBC -Josh Higgins of Finchville: KFAB- Friendly Troubadours (sw15.33) WNAX- Mother Randall Prgtn. 15.21) WDAY KFJM -Program Previews CBS -Clyde Barrie, bar.: KSCJ WTCN -Gopher Buletin News: WNAX WDAY KS00 NBC- Pepper Young's Family (Ca- KFNF -Casey (sw- 15.27) 1:45 CST 12:45 MST CFQC -Musical Clock may) : January 18 (sw- 15.21) KLPM- Rhythm & Romance Markets: WOI WAAW * CBS -MYRT AND MARGE, CJRM -Crazy Quilt MBS-Marriage Cline: KSO WMT KRNT -Your Serenade News: KOIL WNAX KFJM KSO sketch (Super Suds) Billy KFAB -Grain Markets Variety Prgm.: KFYR CFQC KSCJ- Mid -Ses. Livestock Trade CFQC- Around the Town Artzt's Orch.: KRNT KMBC KFJM -U. of N. Dakota Sports WDGY KS00-Man on the Street CJRM -Opharial, astrologer KFAB WBBM WCCO (sw- KFNF -Variety Hour KFJM- Household Hour WDGY- Rhythm & Romance KFAB -Man on the Street KMBC- magazine of the Air KFNF-Botany 15.27) Lesson WNAX -March Kings KFNF -Farm Sales & News NBC -Personal KOIL -Duane & Sally KLPM Column of the Air -Housekeeper's Chat 11:00 CST 10:00 MST KMBC -Tex Owens, songs (Chipso): (sw- 1533) WCCO- Ladies First KOIL -Omaha Police Court * NBC -Girl Alone, sketch (Kel- KRNT -Hawkeye Dinner time Judy & Jane: WHO KOIL KSTP WDGY -Slim Jim's Roughriders KRNT-Cap Malley logg): (sw- 15.33) KSOO -Farm Specials WDAY WDAF WEBC WEBC- Afternoon Interlude KS00- Markets; Concert Hall CBS -The Gimps, sketch (Pebe- WCCO- Stocks Markets: WOW CFQC WAIT- Scotty Views the News KSTP-The Daily co): WBBM KMBC WCCO WDGY -Noon Hour Musicale CJRM -Grain Exchange WOI- Masterwork Series WAAW -Grain Markets (sw- 21.52) WMT -Question Man: Voice of KFDY -Play Awhile 3:15 CST 2:15 MST WEBC- Houseboat Hannah NBC- Honeyboy & Sassafras: Iowa KFNF -Your Pets CBS- Dictators: KSCJ KRNT WHO -Betty & Bob KOIL WTCN-Party Time CJRM- Closing Stock Markets WNAX- KSCJ -Swing Matinee QSacred Service Variety Prgm: KSO WMT CFQC 12:30 11:30 MST -Song KFAB -U. of Nebr. Prgm. WOI- News CST KSOO Shop Market CJRM- Birthday Party NBC -Dan Harding's Wife, WDGY- KFJ M -News WTCN Health Talk -Party Line KFAB- Markets & Weather KSO- Marley & Landt Maxine sketch: WDAF (sw- 15.33) WMT -Music of the Moment (NBC) 9:45 CST 8:45 MST KFJM -Orch. Parade CBS -Make Believe; Freddie WNAX- KSOO -Skyride See 3 p.m. CST (2 MST) Ragtime Band * NBC- Today's Children, sketch KFNF -Weather; Markets; News Rich's Orch. & Soloists: KSCJ WTCN -For the Ladies WDAY -Farm & Home Bulletins (Pillsbury): WDAF KSTP KFYR -Markets; Police Bulletins WEBC -Universal Revue KRNT (sw- 15.27) 2 :00 1:00 MST WHO WOW WEBC (sw- 1533) KLPM- Canadian Salute CST WMT- of NBC -Vaughn de Leath, songs * NBC -Rochester Civic Orch.; Reporter Odd Facts; NBC -Nellie Revell, Philosophy KSCJ -Ma * Perkins, sketcb KSO KOIL KFYR Guy Fraser Harrison. cond.: Melody Lingers On MORNING & Poetry: KSO KSOO -From Studio A Rex Battle's Orch.. CJRM CFQC KOIL WMT (sw- 15.21) WNAX -Ranch House Boys CFQC -Grain Exchange KSTP -Mark Time Variety Prgm.: WDAY WHO * CBS -Heinz Magazine of the 3:30 CST 2:30 MST CJRM -Organ Music; Grain Ex- WDAF -Way Down East KFAB-U. of Neb. Farm 8:30 CST 7:30 MST Prgm. Air; B. A. Rolfe's Orch.; * NBC -FOLLOW THE MOON change WDAY -Women in the News KFDY -Farm Flashes CBS- Richaru Maxwell, songs: "Trouble (Woodbury's) Elsie Hitz & KFNF Shopping Lady WDGY -Charles Reed Kennedy, bar.; News: (sw21.52) Sengir KFJM- Roisums Band House," sketch; Guests: KMBC Nick Dawson: WDAF WOW WOW KFYR -Westher; Aunt Sammy WEBC -Hymns of AU Churches -Henry NBC -Streamliners: KSTP KI NF Field NBC- Pepper Young's Family KSTP (sw -9.53) KFAB -The Jangles KLPM -Seen Around Town WHO -Kitty Keene KLPM -Eb & Zeb : CBS -Chicago Variety Hour: KOIL- Houseboat Hanna WNAX -Dance sketch (Camay) WDAF WOW KFJM -Western Melodies Band KMBC -Midwesterners WDAY WEBC KFYR KSTP KMBC KSCJ KRNT (sw- KFNF- Sketches in Melody KRNT-Magic Kitchen WOI -News; Class in Agriculture KSOO- Rubiuoff violinist 15.27) KSCJ- Livestock Trade WHO (sw- 15.33) KLPM -Guess What? WOW -Mary Baker's Matinee KSTP-Musical Interlude KFAB NBC- Inaugurations, 1789 to 1937, KSOO- Concert Hall CBS- Monday Matinee: KMBC-Kitty Keene WTCN- Merry -Go -Round WCCO -Hope Alden's Romance KRNT (sw- 15.27) dramatization: KFYR KSO WCAL-QChapel Service KSCJ WCCO -Gene & Glenn 11:'5 CST 10:15 MST WDGY- Siesta News: CJRM WOI WMT WDAY WTCN KOIL WDAY -Concordia College WEBC- WDGY -News NBC -Three Marshalls, trio: KSO Bulletin Board CFQC- Musical Prgm. CJRM- Concert Musicale WEBC -Morning Melodies WMT Magic Kitchen WDAY KOIL WMT- Markets; Hillbillies KFAB -Dalton Norman WNAX-Serenaders KFJM -World Bookman WHO- Musical Clock * CBS -Ted Malone (Hinds' WNAX-Brass Band KFNF -Kitchen Klatter KOIL -Duane & Sally Voelker, organist 10:00 CST 9:00 MST WOW -News; WMT -Frank Cream) : KFAB WCCO KMBC Musicale KSO- Marion & Eddie WCCO -Musicale NBC -David Harum, sketch (Bab - WNAX -Yodeling Cowboy (sw- 21.52) WTCN-Popular Concert KSOO- Dramas of Life WDGY-Mid -Afternoon Musicale O) : WHO WOW WDAF WTCN- Breakfast Club (NBC) * NBC -Story of Mary Marlin. 12:45 CST 11:45 MST WCCO- Markets; Police WEBC-To be announced 7:45 MST * CBS -Heinz Magazine of the 8:45 CST sketch (Kleenex) : KSTP NBC-Happy Jack, songs: WDAF WDGY -Varieties WHO -'Way Down East Air; B. A. Rolfe's Orch.; Reed CBS -Bachelor's Children (Old WOW WHO (sw- 15.33) (sw- 15.33) WTCN- Matinee Melodies WOIShort Story Dutch Cleanser: (sw- 21.52) Kennedy, bar.; "Trouble Betty & Bob: WMT KFYR CBS -Aunt Jennie's Real Life 1:15 MST 3:45 CST 2:45 MST MBS -Adela Rogers St. Johns: House," sketch; Walter Hamp- CFQC -Musical Prgm. 2:15 CST Stories: WBBM (sw- 15.27) NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per- CBS -Chi. Variety Hr.: WCCO WDAF WOW den, guest : WBBM KFAB WDGY- Living Love Songs * NBC -Dot & Will. KFYR KOIL sketch: KSTP WOW WBBM News: KRNT KSCJ WCCO WNAX KRNT KFNF -Cowboy Bill KSO kins, WHO WEBC NBC -Grandpa Burton: WDAF Party Line: KMBC WOW NBC -The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory -Cecil WDAY WDAF KSCJ & Sally Markets & News: KSCJ KFAB 15.33) (sw -9.53) CJRM -To be announced Flakes) : (sw- 15.21) KFYR (sw- K SOO-Markets ; Round -Up News: KSOO KLPM WDGY KFJM CJRM -Tinkling Tunes KFABNews; Radio Calendar News: KS00 WDGY WAAW Ma Perkins: WNAX -Grain Markets WHO News: WTCN CFQC KFAB -Ma Perkins, sketch KFJM- QDevotionals CFQC -Musical Prgm. WDGY- Living Love Songs Musical Prgm.: WCCO KFDY KFNF- CJRM- Opening Markets CJRM -Closing Markets KFJM -Dr. Richard Beck Hughes Reel WMT Lou Webb, organist KFJM -Road Information -Cecil KFYR- Variety Prgm. KFNF Today's Almanac KFNF -Poultry Period KFNF & Sally WTCN- Rhythm Revue KMBC -Glad & Woody Smith KMBC -News Through a Woman'; KLPM -Theater Preview KFYR -Hymns of All Churches KSO- Women's Page of the Air 11:30 CST 10:30 MST KSTP -Journal Features KSOO Dance Parade Eyes KSO- Breakfast Express KLPM -Dancing Moods NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hr.: WDAY -News; Variety * Prgm. WAAW- Security Markets KSPT -News; Emergency Council KSOO -Singing Stars KMBCFashion Flashes Walter Blaufuss' Orch., Guests WMT -Joe Doakes; Aunt Fanny -News WCCO- Stocks, News WDAYWornens Organization KSTP -News ; Musical Interlude KOIL from Radio Row WDAY KSTP WHO KFYR WOI- Viking Accordian KSCJ News: Band WDGY -Music Newsettes WDGY -Piano Moods WDGY -Music Box Want Ad Rambles WEBC (sw- 15.21) WOW -Man on the Street WEBC- KSO -Erva Giles, sop. 2:30 CST 1:30 MST WEBC -Amer. Family Robinson Morning Musicale * CBS -Romance of Helen Trent, WTCN -Front Page of the Air WHO Houseboat WMT-Women in News; KSTP- Household Forum * NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Cris- Hannah the Po- sketch (Edna Wallace Hop- WNAX -Dick Saunders lice Blotter WDAY- Markets; Morn. Melodies 1:00 CST 12:00 MST co); Bernardine Flynn: WEBC per) ; Virginia Clark - WBBM WOW News WNAX -Brass Band WEBC- Woman's Hour * CBS -BIG SISTER. SKETCH WHO KSTP WDAF WDAY KRNT KMBC KFAB (sw- (Rinso): KMBC KFYR (sw- 1533) WOI- Markets & News WMT-Lou Webb, organist 21.52) WOW 4:00 CST 3:00 MST * NBC -Navy Band: KFYR (sw- CBS- Concert Miniatures: KRNT NBC -Tom WDAF 9:00 CST 8:00 MST WOI- Headlines; Homemakers News: WAAW KLPM Thomas. bar.: 15.21) WCCO (sw- * CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch 10:15 CST 9:15 MST CFQC -Ma Perkins KSCJ KFAB WOW WHO.(sw -9.53) CBS -"News Through a Woman's 15.27) CBS -Milton Charles, (Gold Medal) : WBBM KMBC * NBC -Backstage Wife, sketch CJRM -Midsession Markets organist: Eyes" (Pontiac) ; Kathryn CFQC KFAB WCCO (sw- 21.52) (Dr. Lyons) : WDAF KSTP -Drama KRNT KSCJ KFJM -Slim Thomson Cravens: WBBM WCCO NBC -Mrs. Wiggs ot the Czbbage WOW WHO (sw- 15.33) KFAB CJRM Reflections NBC -Inaugurations, dramatiza- KFNF - Ladies Chorus KRNT (sw- 15.27) Patch, sketch (Old English NBC -Vagabonds: KOIL KOIL- Noon Varieties KFJM- Request Prgm. tion: WEBC -day NBC- American Education Forum: Forum Wax): WDAF WOW (sw- NBC -Personal Column of the Air KSO -Radio Question Box KFNF- Mother's CBS- Sunbrite Jr. Nurse Corps, WDAF KSTP (sw- 15.33) -Five Review (sw- 11.83) 1533) ( Chipso): (sw- 15.21) WCCO- Kitty Keene KMBC Star sketch: Musical Varieties: WOW WLB KSOO -News News: KOIL WMT CJRM CFQC News: WTCN KFJM WDAF- Peck's on the Air CFQC -Piano Recital CFCQ -Noon Service Program WDGY -Music Box CJRM -Songs of the Islands KFNF CFQC -Stock & Markets WDGY -Happy Hollow Gang CJRM - Luncheon Music; Sports WNAX -Warner Imig KFAB -Babs & Betty KFJM -Salon Silhouettes CJRM -Songs of Mt. & Range WMT -German Band KFYR -News; Variety KFNF -Hymn Stories KFDY- Chimes Concert WTCN -Roch. Civic Orch. (NBC) KFJM -With the Masters Prgm. WNAX -Ranch House Boys KFJM -Hit of the Day KLPM -Good News Prgm KFYR -Organ Reveries 2:45 CST 1:45 MST KMBC-News : Afternoon Melodies MIS -Variety ; Markets KFNF -Grab Bag KRNT -Deep South KLPM -Crimelight * NBC -THE O'NEILLS, SKETCH KSOO- Sketches in Melody WTCN- Fashions in Loveliness KOIL -Curb Exchange KSCJ -Pinto Pete KMBC- Gospel Singer 11:45 10:45 (Ivory Flakes): WHO WEBC KSTP Woman's Paee ot the Nis CST MST KSCJ-Music Notes WOW KFYR WDAY KSTP Women KSO -Song Shop KSO -Day Dreamer CBS-Rich Man's Darling. sketch WCCO -League of Voters KS00- Markets; Diary KSOO- Rhythm Makers KSO- Concert Orch. WDAF WDGY -Happy Hollow Gang (Affiliated Products) Peggy KSOO & KSTP Polly The Shopper WAAW -Grain Markets -Cecil Sally W'NAX- Garden of Memories Allenby: WBBM KRNT KFAB WDGY -Slim Vs Jim WOI-Grinnell Hour WDAY -Nancy & Phil DAYMemory Lane KMBC (sw- 21.52) WDGY -Charles Sengir WDGY- Mid-Morning Musicale WEBC-Carnival CFQC -Old Doc Jim WHO -Open House 4:15 CST 3:15 MST WEBC -News ; Musical Interlude WMT Music Memory CJRM -Hits & Encores NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston WHO- Morning Melodies 10:30 CST 9:30 .MST WMT- Variety Prgm KFNF- Hawaiians WNAX -Dance Band Straight Shooters; Ranch WNAX -Three Blue Boys * CBS -BIG SISTER, SKETCH KLPM- Farmer's Union Prgm. ff1318 Boys: (sw -9.53) WOI -Man in the Lotver Ten (Rinso): KRNT WBBM KFAB KSCJ Farm Flash News 1:15 CST 12:15 MST CBS -Dorothy Gordon's Children': WTCN- Around Town with Ann WCCO WNAX (sw -2L52) KSO -To be announced CBS -American School of the Air; 60 PONTIACS Corner: KSCJ KRNT (sw- Ginn * NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Cris V,( CO Ma Perkins sketch History, "Shipping" : KRNT 11.83) KMBC WCCO KSCJ 9:15 CST 8:15 MST co) : KOIL WMT KSO (sw- WDAF- Variety Prgm. WBBM NBC -Helen Jane Behlke. songs: (sw- 15.27) 960 CASH PRIZES! NBC-John's Other Wife, sketch 15.21) WMT -News WDAF WOW WHO (Louis Philippe) : NBC -How to Be CFQC -Tarzan, sketch CFQC WDAF WOW Charming, WOW Farm & Home Hour 41. -Cub Reporter : KFAB -Open House (sw- 15.33) sketch (Phillips) WDAF WTCN -Organ Recital CJ RM-Musical Alphabet CBS- Modern Cinderella, sketch WOW KSTP (sw- 1533) KFDY -Mary A. Covert Listen to "The O'Neills" KMBC- Romance of Hope Alden (Gold Medal): WBBM WCCO CFQC -Drama KFJM -Puzzle Prgm. KSTP -Movie Parade KMBC KFAB (sw- 2152) CJRM -Veiled Lady KOIL- Kenneth Golden & Eddie or see back cover of this WCCO -Emperors NBC -Five Star Jones, sketch KFJM -Ed Werstlein I AFTERNOON Butler magazine for details of WNAX -March Kings (Oxydol): (sw- 15.21) KFNF -Jim & Andy KSO -Navy Band (NBC) Ivory Soap's new, ex- 4:30 CST 3:30 MST NBC -Viennese Sextet KFYR KFYR- Variety Prgm. 12:00 CST 11:00 MST KSOO -Hits & Bits citing, easy contest! NBC -Randall Sisters: WHO KSO WDAY WMT KLPM -News C'S -Five Star Revue (Karo & WAAW -Grain Markets 7,85-Doris Kerr, songs: KSCJ Musical Prgm.: KSTP WDGY KMBC -News; Prgm. Note - Linit) ; Morton Bowe, tnr.; WHO -Hits & Encores ', w- 11.83) s.FQC -Eb & Zeb KSOO -Bing Crosby, bar Merl Bell, songs; Ray Sinatra's WMT- German Band NBC -Jack Armstrong, sketch CJRM- Coffee Time WDAY -On the Mall Orch. & Bill Johnstone: WBBM 1:30 CST 12:30 MST CBS -Concert Miniatures: KMBC (Wheaties): (sw -9.53) KFJM- Souvenirs in Song WDGY -Aunt Sammy KRNT KFAB WCCO(sw- 15.21) NBC -Jane Courtland, pianist: CFQC -United Farmers * NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady: KFNF .Jim Mogg. songs WEBC -News ; Musical Interlude NBC -Joe White. tnr tso, 15.33) WOW (sw- 15.33) CJRM- Today's Almanac (sw- 15.21) KLPM -Old Favorites WHO -Party Line Variety Show: WNAX KSCJ Market Report: WHO WOI KFNF -News MBS- Chateau Lawrier's Orch.: KOIL -Kitty Keene WOI- Midwest Markets CFQC- Musical Prgm. KFAB KSO -Doin' the Town KSO WMT KRNT-Red & His Ramblers WTCN- Carnival CJRM -Martial Airs CFQC -Sport Review KSOO- Peacock Court Dance News: WDAF WOI WAAW KSCJ -Women's Review 10:45 CST 9:45 MST KFJM- Hollywood Speaks CJRM -Tarzan WDGY -Gems of Melody CFQC -Concert Music KSOO -Dear Diary * NBC- Edward MacHugh, Gospel KLPM Wen Schuh & Orch KFDY -Susan Z. Wilder WNAX -Three Blue Boys * CJRM -TEA TIME TOPICS WEBC-Music in the Air Singer (Ivory Soap) - 'COIL KMBC -News KFJM- Request Prgm. 3:00 CST Z:00 MST KFAB- Crossroads of the Nation WHO -Hymns of All Churches WMT KSO (sw- 15.21) KOIL -Music from Texas KFNF- Serenader * NBC -THE HOUR OF CHARM KFJM -Playmakers WNAX -The News * CBS -Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe KSO -Dale Morgan KOIL -Homemakers' Chat (General Electric) ; ?hil Spital- KFYR -Hazel Johnson 9:30 CST 8:30 MST (Lysol): WBBM KMBC WCCO KS00- Markets & Round -Up KSTP- Better Housing Prgm. ny's Girl Ensemble; Maxine: KMBC- Gossip Club CBS -Betty Crocker; Hymns of (sw- 21.52) WDAF -Nat'l Farm & Home ir. WAAW -News WDAF WHO KSTP KFYR KOIL -Iowa Highlights All Churches; John K. Wat- NBC -Voice of Experience (Was - WDGY -Be Beautiful DAF- Houseboat Hannah WOW (sw -9.53) KRNT -High and Low kins (Gold Medal) : KFAB ey Products) : WHO WDAY WMT- Hillbillies WDAY -Man on the Street; Mar- CBS - "Treasures Next Door" ; U. KSOO- Sports Review )VBBM KMBC WCCO (sw- WEBC WOW WDAF KFYR WCI- Afield with the Foresters ket S. Office of Education: KSCJ KSTP -Cubbing Prgm. 21.52) KSTP (sw- 15.33) WTCN -Happy Bob WDGY -Tuneful Topics KRNT (sw- 15.27) WCCO- Livestock Summary 32 8/11 C * NBC -Lowell Thomas, tom. KFDY -P. -T. A. Ass'n NBC -Good Time Society ; Variety KMBC-Rhythmic Ramblings Frequencies mentator (Sun Oil): (sw. KFJM-Prelude to Evening Show: WENR WMT KSO KMOX -Thank You Stusia CFQC-840 WCCO-810 15.21) KFNF -Henry Field KFYR KOIL (sw -6.14) KSL -To be announced Monday C7RM-540 WDAF-610 NBC -Flying Time, Col. Turner: KOA- Monday Medleys (NBC) MBS- Famous Jury Trials: WGN WCCO -Rubinoff, violinist KFAB-770 WDAY-940 (sw -9.53) WDAF -Jack RFDY-780 WDGY-1180 WCAL- Musicale WLW Randolph, bar. KFJM-1370 WEBC-1290 NBC -Joan & the Escorts: KOIL WGN -George Hamilton's Orch. CJRM- Strike Up The Band WGN -Musical Revue January 18 K10NF-890 WENR-870 Little Orphan Annie: KFJM WLW -Follies CFQC -Ukranian Student Home WHO -The Songfellows KFYR-550 WON-720 WTCN WNAX WEBC KSO KSCJ -Thrill Hunter WLW -Anson Week's Orch. ELPM-1240 WHO-1000 7:15 CST 6:15 MST WMT KFJM -WPA Prgm. KSTP -Jac (Baron) Pearl WMAQ -Gus Arnheim's Orch. KMBC-950 W1R-750 KSTP -Amusements; News; KMOX-1090 WLB-1250 Sports KLPM-Asher & Little Jimmie WDAY -Old Timers WMT-Nat Brandywynne's Orch. WDAF KOA-890 WLS-870 -Dance Selections KSCJ -Eb & Zeb WEBC -Strollin' Tom WOW -Music for Moderns (NBC) KOIL-1260 WLW-700 WDGY-News WLW -For Men WTCN -Amer. Album KRNT-1320 Only Family WMAQ-670 WHO- Sunset Corners Opry 7:30 CST 6:30 MST WNAX -This Modern World RSCJ-1330 WRIT-600 * NBC -Voice of Firestone; 10:00 CST 9:00 MST RSL-1130 WNAX-570 6:00 CST 5:00 MST WTMJ -Jack Randolph, bar. 100-1430 Richard Crooks, tnr.; Chorus; * NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY (PEP - WOI-640 * NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY (PEP - KSOO-1110 WOW-590 Symph. Orch. ; Guest Cond.: 9:15 CST 8:15 MST sodent): WOW WMAQ WDAF' sodent) : WHO (sw -9.53) RSTP-1460 WTCN-1250 (also WDAY KFYR KSTP WMAQ CFQC -Album of Life KOA (also at 6 p.m.) WBBM-770 WTMJ-620 see 10 p.m.) WTMJ WOW WHO WEBC KSO- Motorcade WCAL-1250 CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's WLW WDAF (sw -9.53) (also WEBC- Variety Bill Gum); Franklyn MacCormack, Gum) ; Franklyn MacCormack, see 10:30 p.m.) WMT -Let's Talk About Books Poetry; Jack Fulton, tnr.; Fulton, Bi] poetry; Jack tnr.; * CBS -Pick & Pat, comedy WTCN -Rubinoff, violinist Billy Mills' Orch.: KRNT KSL WDAY- Campfire Girls Prgm. ly Mills' Orch.: (sw- 11.83) (Dill's Best) ; Blackface Come- WTMJ -Carla Pestalozzi WDGY -Young Ideas CBS KMBC KMOX WCCO KFAB Jack Pearl -Herbert Foote's Ensemble: dy & Music; Landt Trio & WEBC -To be nounced KFAB WCCO 9:30 CST 8:30 MST WBBM (Also at 6 p.m.) See 8:30 p.m. CST (7:30 MST) WNAX- Rosebu Kids White, novelty songs; Benny * NBC -The Krueger Musical NBC -Dance Orch.: (sw -9.53) NBC -Mary Small, songs: KOIL Krueger's Orch.: KSCJ WJR WOW -Aunt S ly KSO WMT Toast; Martin Block, m.c.; News: WDAY WTCN KOIL KSCJ WTCN- Toytow Tales KFAB KMBC KRNT WCCO Jerry Cooper, bar.; Sally Sing- WENR News: CFQC KLPM WOW WBBM KMOX (sw- 11.83) (al- WENR -King's KRNT er; Debonnaires, Ray Block's CFQC- Hockey Game Jesters 4:45 CST 3:45 MST so see 10:30 p.m.) CJRM -Dance Band Parade R'LW Queen's Minstrel CBSWilderness Road. sketch. Organ Music: KFYR WNAX Orch.: (sw -9.53) NBC- Sweetest Love Songs Ever News WMAQ -Lou s Sports: KSCJ WTCN NBC -Music for Modern: WMAQ KFYR- Sports; Breesé Orch. KRNT KSCJ WCCO (sw- Sung (Phillips); Frank Munn, KLPM-Sports CJRM -Dinner Dance Music CBS -What Do You ThinkY 10:30 CST 9:30 MST 11.83) tnr.; Natalie Bodanya; Abe KSO -Music Wheel NBC -Little Orphan Annie: KFJM- Dinner Clubbers "Of Present Day Problems ": * NBC -The Voice of Firestone: Lyman's Orch.: WMT KOIL KFAB KRNT KSCJ WCCO KSTP- Umbrella Court sketch (Ov ltine) : (sw -9.53) KFNF- Pentecostal Singers Richard Crooks, tnr.; Symph. KSO WLS (sw- 11.87) -6.12) WEBC -News; Musical Interlude NBC -Old Ho estead, drama: KMBC -News; Band Plays (sw Orch.: KOA (also at 7:30 CFQC -Rajput NBC -Nat'l Radio Forum; Guest: WHO -Rubinoff, violinist WDAY KFY KOIL KSTP -Mr. Editor CJRM -Hitmakers P.m.) WENR WDAY KOIL (sw- WJR- Peaceful Valley CBS- George Olson's Orch.: KFAB NBC -Andy Iona's Orch.: WDAF WDAF-Know Your Government KFJM -George Miller, bar. 6.14) WLW -Paul Sullivan, news KRNT KSCJ WNAX KSTP WDAY -Dance Hour KFNF -Farm Sales; News CRC -G. Darisse's Orch.: CFQC WMT-Dream Songs NBC -Glen Gray's Orch.: WDAF KFAB-Diamond City News WDGY- Eventide Musicale KLPM -Selmar & Soprani CJRM WNAX-Rainbow Trio KSTP WDAY' (sw -9.53) KMBC -Young America Speaks WEBC -To be announced KOA -Log of the Day Jack (Baron) Pearl: WTMJ WTMJ -News; Dancing CBS -Pick & Pat (Dills Best) KSO- Musical tlasterpieces 6:15 CST 5:15 MST KSL -News * WEBC 10:15 CST 9:15 MST in Pipe Smoking Time; Black - KSOO -News * NBC -UNCLE EZRA'S RADIO WCAL- Literary Quarter Hour WDGY- Jack Randolph, bar.: WOW WHO NBC -UNCLE EZRA'S RADIO face Comedy & Music; Landt Chandu,.the Magician Station (Alka- Seltzer): WOW WGN -Lone Ranger, drama KFYR -Farmers Union * A EBC- Twilight Review Station (Alka- Seltzer) : KOA Trio & White, Novelty Songs; WDAF KSTP WEBC KFYR WNAX -Ranch House Boys KMBC -Erle Smith WHO -Dance News NBC -Dance Orch.: WOW KFYR Benny Krueger's Orch.: KSL Fhythms; WHO WDAY (sw -9.53) 7:45 CST 6:45 MST KMOX Swing WMT -Happy -Dunstedter's CBS -Roger Pryor's Orch.: KSCJ (also at 730 p.m.) Clappies CBS -Popeye - CFQC the Sailor (Wheat -Musical Prgm. KOA- Ranger Serenade KFAB WBBM WNAX KMBC NBC -Bob McGrew's Orch.: KOIL WOW -Millie & Tillie ena): WBBM KRNT KMBC KFJM -Nite Club Hour KSL -Theater of Music s Orch.: WTCN KFYR WENR WTCN -Tunes of the Day KFAB WCCO 11.83) KFNF- Pumpkin Valley NBC -Mario Braggiotti (sw- KSO- Evening Serenade MBS- Follies: KSO WGN 5:00 CST 4:00 MST NBC -Bughouse Rhythm: KOIL KOA- Carveth Wells, explorer KOIL WTCN KSTP -Helen Hayes WMT KSO KLPM KSTP KLPM -Dance Nocturne CBS- Sunbrite Jr. Nurse Corps, KSO KSL -To be announced News: WDAF -Carveth Wells, travelogue WHO WCCO KRNT KMBC- Sports sketch: WBBM KFAB WCCO News: KFJM WTCN * KWYO- BEHIND THE MICRO- KMBC WJR -Musicale KMOX- France Laux, sports KMOX- Headline Highlights CFQC- Musical Prem. PHONE (1370 kc.) WMT -Moods & Music KSTP-Hudson's Bay Memories NBC-Educatio in the News: CJRM -Growing WCAL- Alumni News KSL -Pinto Pete Un WTCN -Front Page of the Air Boxing WCCO- Rollie Johnson KFYR WDAF WOW WDAY KFNF- Mystery Story WDAF -Golden Gloves 8:00 CST 7:00 MST MST Bouts WHO -Sons of the Pioneers (sw -9.53) KLPM -Cecil & Sally CBS -LUX RADIO THEATER; 9:45 CST 8:45 * News: CJRM WJR WDAY -Hold the Press CBS-Tito Go' ar, tnr.; News: KSCJ -Rubinoff. violinist Edward G. Robinson: KSL KFYR -Thursday Music Club WEBC -Range Revels (Continued on Page 43) sw- 11.83) WMT- Stories from Life WBBM WCCO KMBC WNAX CFQC- Sympho y Hour 6:30 CST 5:30 MST KFAB KMOX KRNT WJR CJRM -Symphonic Moods (sw- 11.83) KFJM -Central High School * NBC -HORLICK'S LUM & AB- ner: WENR WLW NBC -Bishop & the Gargoyle: KOIL -Sports Review KFYR WEBC WTMJ KOIL KRNT- Memory Lane CBS -Ray Heatherton, songs: KFAB KRNT WCCO WBBM WMT KSO WDAY WLS (sw- KSOO- Diamond City Comedy 11.87) KSTP Buddy (sw- 11.83) Diamond City News: KMBC NBC-Warden Lawes, 20,000 Years WDGY -Hits of& thee Day WEBC KSTP in Sing Sing (Sloan's Lini- WHO -Tonic Tnes News: KOIL WHO WNAX ment): WHO WMAQ WDAF WMT- Hitmak s Orch. KFYR WOW KOA (sw -9.53) WNAX- George B. German CFQC -In the Crime Light CFQC- Melodic Strings WTCN -Safety Council CJRM- Adventure CJRM- Modern Tempos BROADCASTING 5:15 CST 4:15 MST KFJM- Dinner Dancing KFDY -Basketball Game NBC -Tom Mik & His Ralston KFNF- Fifteen Minutes in Africa KF'NF- Orch.; Spec & Etty from Station E-Z-RA Straight $hooters; Ranch KLPM -Ballad KSCJ -In the Crimelight Boys: Time KSTP KSCJ -Dutch Songs KSTP- Musicale CBS -News of Youth (Ward KSO- Sports; News WGN -Gabriel Heatter EVERY MON.- WED. -FRI. Bread) Jr. News Dramatiza- WDAF -Connie Gates (NBC) WLS -Otto's Novelodeons tion' WBBM (sw- 11.83) WDAY -Footnotes; News WLW -Al Donahué s Orch. NBC Coast to Coast NBC -News; - John Gurney, basso: WMT- Dinner Music; News WTCN- Basketball Game (sw -9.53) WOW- Variety Prgm. 8:15 CST 7:15 MST You'll enjoy the philosophy and CBS -Adele Starr & Edna Sellers: CJRM- Canadian Hockey KSCJ KFAB WTCN -John Herrick (NBC) quaint humor of this old man 6:45 CST 5:45 MST KFJ M -News with young ideas. One the CFQC -Growing Up KFNF -Club Cabana of KFYR -News * CBS -Boake Carter (Philco), best loved characters in radio, In commentator: WBBM KMOX WGN -Diamond City News KMBC -Sing Tji1k WLW -Joe Sanders' Orch. a program that's DIFFERENT. KOIL -Jack WCCO KMBC KFAB (sw Armstrong, sketch 11.83) 8:30 CST 7:30 MST Never a dull minute. The Hoosier KRNT -Wilbur Chandler, songs * NBC -RICHARD H I M B E R'S Hot Shots supply the music. 'Nuff KSO -Happy Rubinoff, violinist: KOIL WDAY Chappies WNAX Studebaker Champions; Stuart said. WCCO -Front Page Parade Variety Bill: WEBC WOW Allen, vocalist ; Alec Templeton WDAF-Ward Keith, actor CFQC -Cecil & Madge Williams, guests: trDAY- Dinner Hour & Sally CJRM -Cooke & Lorde KOA WEBC WHO WLW WHO - KFYR WDGY -Organ Moods KFJM- Howard Lingholm WDAF WTMJ WOW KSTP 6:15 P.M., CST WEBC -Buddy & Ginger KFYR -To be announced KFYR WMAQ WDAY (sw- WHO -Jr. Nurse Corp. 9.53) KLPM - Rhythm Keyboard Sponsored By ALKA- SELTZER WMT -Cozy C rners KOIL -John Herrick (NBC) * NBC-JACK PEARL'S RAL- WNAX- Yankten College KRNT -Songs by Eileen eigh & Kool Show; the Baron WOW- Curiosity Club KSCJ -Dr. Davies Muenchausen with Cliff (Shar- WTCN -Directory KSO -Sweet Music lie) Hall; Morton Bowe, tnr,; 5:30 CST 4:30 MST KSTP -Question Mart Suzy, Algy & Boris, Stooges; * NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady: WDAF -Hot Dates in Music Edythe Wright, Jack Leonard WMT KSO KOIL WHO -Gene & Glenn & Three Esquires, vocalists; CBS -Gogo De Lys, songs: KSCJ WMT- Diamond City News 's Orch.: WENR KFAB (sw- 11.83) WTCN -Old Fashioned Melodies KSO KOIL WMT (sw- 11.87) NBC -News; Music Is My Hobby: CJRM -Trio Moderne WJZ WLW WBZ WBZA WDAY (sw-9.53) KFJM -Lure of Perfume WSB WSYR WENR WMC Jack Armstrong: WHO WDAF KFNF -Eb & Zeb WCCO KFYR KSCJ -Front Page Drama CBC-Governrn nt Radio School: WGN -Clifton Utley "All America's Favorites" CJRM CFQ 7:00 CST 6:00 MST 8:45 CST 7:45 MST with Alec Ten pleton KFJM -Birthd y Club * NBC-FIBBER McGEE & MOL- CJRM -An Earful of Music and Madge Williams * KFOR -BE IND THE MICRO- ly, comedy sketch (Johnson's KFJM -To be announced PHONE (1 10 kc) Wax); Marion & Jim Jordan KFNF -News MONDAY l'MBC -Dick racy, sketch Ted Weems' Orch.; Guest: WGN -News; Quin Ryan Sports PIPE 8:30 P.M. CST K R NT-Organ Reveries WHO WMAQ KSTP WTMJ WDGY -Piano Moods KSTP -Uncle om's Quacker Box WOW WEBC WDAY KFYR WMT -Let's Talk About Books KSTP - WEBC WDGY -Twilig t Musicale WDAF (also see 11 p.m.) WTMJ -Carla Pestalozzi KFYR . WDAY WEBC -News; Twilight Review CBS -Horace Heidt's Brigadiers 9:00 CST 8:00 MST and Ceast -to -Coast WNAX Little cubes that fit -Howd Brothers (Alemite): WBBM KRNT * NBC- Carnation Contented Pro- in your pipe and Network WOW-Creight n Univ. KFAB WNAX WCCO KMOX absorb all the juice and bad taste. gram; Lullaby Lady; Male Make WTCN -News KMBC WJR KSL (sw- 11.83) Doring any pipe sweet and clean, dry and Quartet; Sisters; Orch. mellow, and keep it that way always. 5:45 CST 4:45 MST * NBC -Helen Hayes in "Bambi" dire Frank Black ; Vincent Pel- Try a PYKO Cube in your pipe. NBC -Orphan Annie, sketch (0v- (Sanka Coffee); James Meig- letier, announcer: KOA WOW To get 2 PYKO Cubes, a valuable altine): KFYR WDAY WOW han; Mark Warnow's Orch.: WHO WMAQ WDAF (sw -9.53) reamer and pmaphlet, "How and CBS -Renfrew of the Mounted WLS WMT KSO KOIL (sw- * CBS -Wayne King's Orch.; FREE ik y of Pipe Smoking;' send this ad (Wonder Bread): KMBC 11.87) (Lady with your name and address to PYKO, Esther): KSL KRNT Dept. R3, Pittsburgh, Pa. This KRNT KSCJ WBBM KFAB CBC -Fanfare: CFQC CJRM KMOX WBBM ad must accompany WCCO KFAB every name and only one sample will be sent per ad. WCCO (sw.11.83) To be announced: KLPM KSCJ WJR KMBC (sw -6.12) Offer closes March 1, 1937.

C 8/14 33 9:15 CST 8:15 MST WCCO -Jean Abbey WDAF- Peck's on the Air CBS -Stage Relief Speaker: (sw- WDGY -Arion Blind Band NBC -Five Star Jones, sketch WDAY-Memory Lane WDGY -Happy Hollow Gang 15.27) WMT -Sammy Kaye's Orch. Tuesday (Oxydol): (sw- 15.21) WDGY -Beauty & You WMT- German Band CFQC -Noon Service Prgm. WNAX-Serenaders NBC-Viennese Sextet: KFYR WMT-Homemakers' Matinee WNAX -Ranchhouse Boys CJRM- Luncheon Music WOI Child Study Club KSO WDAY 10:30 CST 9:30 MST WOI- Rhytne & Rhythm KFDY -School of Agriculture WTCN -Piano Pals January 19 CBS- Modern Cinderella, sketch * CBS -BIG SISTER, SKETCH WOW -Variety Prgm. KFJM -Personalities in the News 2:45 CST 1:45 MST (Gold Medal) : WCCO WBBM (Rinso): KFAB WBBM WTCN- Fashions in Loveliness KFNF -Grab Bag * NBC -THE O'NEILLS, SKETCH KMBC KFAB (sw- 21.52) KRNT WCCO WNAX (sw- 11:45 CST 10:45 MST KOIL -Curb Exchange (Ivory Flakes): WHO WDAY NBC -John's Other Wife, sketch: 21.52) CBS -Rich Man's Darling, sketch KSO- Concert Orch. WEBC WOW WDAF KSTP (Louis Philippe) : WDAF * NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Affiliated Products): WBBM KSOO -Cecil & Sally KFYR WOW (sw- 1533) (Crisco) : KOIL WMT KSO KRNT KFAB KMBC (sw- WCCO -Calendar Notes NBC Have Yon Heard?: KOIL CFQC -Eb & Zeb (sw- 15.21) 21.52) WDGY -Slim Jim's Roughriders WTCN (sw- 15.21) CJRM -Coffee Time NBC -Mystery Chef: (sw- 15.33) CFQC -Musical Prgm. WEBC -Carnival CJRM -Today - Almanac KFJM- Souvenirs in Song NBC-Moods: KSTP WDAF CJRMHits & Encores WHO -Girl in a Million KSO -Doin' the Town KFNF -Jim Mogg, songs WDAY KFNF- Hawaiians WMT- Cornhuskers; Many Happy KSOO- Peacock Court Dance KLPM -Old Favorites To be announced: KFYR KSCJ KLPM -Gypsyiania Returns WCCO- Concert Hall (CBS) KOIL Kitty Keene CFQC -Musical Prgm. KSCJ -Farm News WNAX -Dance Band WNAX -Three Blue Boys KRNT -Red & His Ramblers CJRM -Veiled Lady KSO- Howard Lanine's Orch. WOI -Carl Nebbé s Orch. 3:00 CST 2:00 MST KSCJ-Women's Review KFJM -Miss McDonald, home eco- KS00- Markets: Round Up WTCN- Inquiring Reporters -Chick Webb's Orch.: WHO KSTP- Musicale nomist WCCO -Ma Perkins, sketch 1:15 CST 12:15 MST WDAF KFYR KSTP WOW WDGY -Music Box KFNF -Jim & Andy WDAF -Service Reports CBS -Amer. School of the Air; sw -9.53) WEBC -Music in the Air KLPM -News WMT -News Literature, Julius Caesar: CBS -Billy Mills & Co.: KSCJ Allie Lowe Miles WHO -Hymns of All Churches KMBC -News; Prgm. Notes WOT- Police Bulletins WCCO KSCJ KMBC KRNT KRNT (sw- 15.27) See 8 :30 p.m. CST (7:30 MST) WMT- Louise Hathaway KSOO -Bing Crosby, bar. WOW -Farm & Home Hr. (NBC) WBBM (sw- 15.27) NBC -George Hessberger's Band: WNAX -N _ws WDGY -Aunt Sammy WTCN- Dixieland Band CFQC -Tarzan, sketch KOIL WTCN (sw- 15.21) 9:30 CST 8:30 MST WEBC -Betterson Family KFAB- Siesta News: KS00 WNAX WDAY BC -Just Plain Bill, sketch WHO -Party Line KFJM -Puzzle Prgm. CFQC Musical Clock MORNING * WMFG- BETTER FILMS (1210 & Eddie CJRM -Crazy Quilt (Anacin) : WOW WDAF (sw- AFTERNOON KOIL- Kenneth Golden 15.33) kc) r Butler KFAB -Securities & Grain Mkts. 7:45 CST 6:45 MST CBS-Betty Crocker; Hymns of WOI- Midwest Markets KSO -Words & Music (NBC) KFJM -Dr. Abbott News: KSOO KFNF All Churches, John K. Wat- WOW-Prudence Penny 12:00 CST 11:00 MST KSOO -Hits and Bits KFNF- Variety Prgm. 7:00 kins, news (Gold Medal): WTCN -Farm Hour CBS -To be announced: (sw- 15.27) WAAW -Grain Markets KMBC- Magazine of the Air 8:00 CST MST NBC -Sylvia Clark, monologist: * NBC -Breakfast Club; Walter KMBC WBBM WCCO KFAB 10:45 CST 9:45 MST WHO -Hits & Encores WCCO- Ladies First Blautuss' Orch.. KFYR KOIL (sw- 21.52) NBC -Wife Saver; Allen Prescott (sw- 15.33) WMT -German Band WDGY -Skarning Orch. WDAY Kg) (sw- 15.21) NBC -Josh Higgins' of Finchville: (Manhattan Soap) : (sw- 15.33) CFQC -Dance Music WTCN -Crazy Water Hotel W EBC- Afternoon Interlude Airs CBS -Dear Columbia: KRNT KFYR WDAY CBS -Eleanor Howe's "Homemak- CJRM -Martial 1:30 CST 12:30 MST WMT- Scotty Views the News (sw- 21.52) NBt. Pepper Vourg's Family: ers' Exchange" (Ice Industry) : KFAB-Musical Moments W01- Masterwork Series KFJM -Hollywood Speaks NBC -Claudine Macdonald Says: Gene & Glenn: KMBC WOW (Camas-) (sw- 15.21) KFAB WCCO WBBM KRNT 3:15 CST 2:15 MST (sw- 21.52) KLPM -Wen Schuh's Orch. WOW (sw- 15.33) WHO MBS- Marriage Clinic: KSO WMT NBC -Music Guild: KFYR KSO CJRM- Closing Stock Markets NBC -Edward MacHugh, Gospel KMBC -News; Markets * Musical Clock: KS00 WEBC CFQC -Variety Show * Markets: WHO WOI KFAB KFAB -Unie. of Nebr. Prgm. Singer (Ivory Soap): WMT KRNT -Hawkeye Dinnertime KFJM KFJM- Comedy Capers KFJM- Household Hour CFQC -Sport Review -News KSO KOIL (sw- 15.21) KSOInquiring Microphone KSO -Geo. KFNF -G rdener KFNF - Botany Lesson CJRM- Tarzan Hessberger's Orch. NBC -Joseph Gallicchio's Orch.: KS00-Grain Markets & Farm KLPM-Everybody's Hour KLPM- Housekeeper's Chat & Home News (NBC) WDAF KSTP KFYR WEBC Specials KFDY -Farm KSTP -Good Morning Hour KOIL -Omaha Police Court KFJM- Request Prgm. KSOO -Skyride Rhythm & Romance: KLPM Hi -Lites WDAF- Birthday Bell KRNT-Cap Malley WCCO -Noon KFNF- Sketches in Melody KSTP -P. -T. A. Ass'n WDGY WDAF -Farm & Home Hr. (NBC) WDAY-Farm & Home WDGY - Christian Science Prgm. KSOO -Organ Reveries KOILHomemakers Club Bulletin CFQC -Musical Prgm. WDGY -Be Beautiful WFBC Universal Revue WMT -Tim Brady's Roundup KsTP The Duty. KSOO -Eb & Zeb, comedy CJRM -Abide With Me WNAX- Rosebud Kids WAAW -Grain Markets WMT -Hillbillies KSTP -Amer. Legion Auxiliary WHO- Bernard Perfumer KFNF -Casey WNAX-Variety Prgm WOI- Headlines; Music Shop WDGY -Variety Prgm WAAW-News WMT -Tonic Tunes 8:15 CST 7:15 MST WEBC -Houseboat Hannah KMBC -Mary Lee Taylor WOISoil Conservation Service b /LAI- -Houseboat Hannah WNAX -Ranch House Boys KSCJ -Livestock Trade CBS -Jack & Loretta Clemens WHO -Betty & Bob 'WTCN -Happy Bob WDAY -Man on the Street 3:30 CST 2:30 MST WNAX- Sacred Service KS00-Man on the Street 12:15 CST 11:15 MST * NBC -FOLLOW THE MOON (Kirkman's Soap): (sw- 21.52) W DGY - Tuneful Topics CSRM- Breakfast Club WOI- Markets; News WDAY -Model Musicale CBS- George Hall's Orch.: KSCJ (Woodbury's); Elsie Hitz & WHO Organ Melodies WEBC -Romance of Hope Alden KFAB -Jack Wells WTCN -Party Line (sw- 15.27) WMT -Bill Brown, Movie Man Nick Dawson: WOW WDAF WNAX -March Kings NBC - Hollywood High Hatters. KFJM -News WNAX- Ragtime Band KSTP (sw -9.53) 9:45 CST 8:45 MST WOW- Mystery Chef (sw- 15.33) CBS -"Pop' Concert, Howard KFNF -Dude Martin's Wranglers * NBC -Today's Children, sketch WTCN- Gopher Bulletin KMBC -Dear WTCN- Remote Control News: KOIL KFJM WNAX KSO Barlow, cond.: KSCJ KRNT Columbia (CBS) (Pillsbury) : WHO WOW KSTP 11:00 CST 10:00 MST CFQC- Around the Town 1:45 CST 12:45 MST WCCO KMBC (sw- 15.27) KRNT -Music Memory Contest WDAF WEBC (sw 15.33) NBC -Honeyboy & Sassafras: CJRM-Instrumental Interlude * CBS -MYRT & MARGE, NBC -Hapm Jack. songs: KSO WDAF-Streamliners (NBC) Exchange: CFQC Grain CJRM WMT KOIL KFAB -Man on the sketch (Super Suds); Billy WI,f;Y -Be Beautiful; Music Magic Kitchen: WMT KRNT Street WMT WTCN * NBC -Gin Alone, sketch (Kel- KFNF -Farm Sales & News Artzt's Orch.: KMBC KRNT l- WHO -Musical Clock KFNF- Shopping CJR, Concer. Musicale Lad, logg): (sw- 15.33) KMBC -Tex Owens. songs WFAB WBBM WCCO (sw- KFAB- Dalton Norman 8:30 CST 7:30 MST KFYR Weather; Aunt Sammy CBS -The Gumps, sketch (Peb- KS00- Markets & Farm Specials 15.27) KFJM -Birth of News NBC -Breakfast Club: WTCN KLPM -Seen Around Town the eco) : KMBC WBBM WCCO NBC- Personal Column of the Prgm. 'BS -Richard Maxwell, songs; KOIL- Houseboat Hannah WAAW -Grain Markets KFNF- Variety (sw21.52) WCCO -Hugh Aspinwall Air (Chipso): (sw- 15.33) KFYR -News; Variety Prgm News: WBBM KRNT (sw- K SCJ -Early Livestock Trade Dance Band: KFJM WNAX WDGY Noon Hour Musicale Judy & Jane: WHO KOIL KSTP KOIL -Duane & Sally 21.52) KSO- Singing Strings L:F fit- Peter MacGregor WMT -Question Man; Voice at WDAY WDAF WEBC WDAY -To be announced NBC -Streamliners: KSTP WOW WCAL- QChapel Service CJRM- Birthday Party Iowa Markets: WOW CFQC CJRM WDGY Gems of Melody KFAb The Jangle_ WDAY -Concordia College KFAB -Weather & Markets WOI- Midwest Markets KFDY -Madrigal Singers KFJM -Western Melodies WDGY- Mid -Morning Musicale WEBC -Lee Gordon's Orch. KFNF -Weather; Markets; News WTCN -Party Time KF`! Your Pets WI1O -'Way Down East KFNF -The Serenader WNAX -Serenaders KLPM-Guess What? KFYR- Markets; Police Bulletins 12:30 CST 11:30 MST KSCJ -Swing Matinee WOl- Magazine Rack W 1-)GY. Variations KMBC -Kitty Keene 10:00 CST 9:00 MST KLPM- Canadian Salute NBC -Vaughn de Leath. songs: 3:45 CST 2:45 MST WMT -Palmer House Orch. WCCO -Gere & Glenn NBCDavid Harum, sketch KRNT -Your Serenade KSO KOIL NBC -Gen. Fed. of Women's WDGY -News (Bab -O): WHO WDAF WOW KSCJ -Ma Perkins, sketch NB(' Dan Hardine's Wife, sketch: WTCN -For the Ladies Clubs: WDAF (sw -9.53) WEBC- Morning Melodies (sw- 15.33) KSO-Charioteers WDAF (sw- 15.33) 2:00 CST 1:00 MST NBC -Young Hickory, sketch: WHO -Musical Clock CBS -Mary Lee Taylor (Pet KSOO -From Studio A Rex Battle's Orch.: CJRM NBC Pepper Young's Family. KSO WMT WDAY KFYR (sw WMT -Frank Voelker, organist Milk) : WBBM KFAB KSTP -Mark Time CFQC sketch (Camay): WDAF WHO 15.21) WNAX -Yodeling Cowboy NBC -Robert Gately, bar.: KSO WDAF-'Way Down East KFAB -U. of Neb. Farm Prgm WDAY KSTP WEBC KFYR Houseboat Hannah: WEBC 8:45 CST 7:45 MST CBS -Instrumentalists: (sw- 21.52) WDAY -Women m the News K¡DY- Question Box WOW (sw- 15.33) WHO CBS- Bachelor's Children (Old NBC -The O'Neills (Ivory Flakes) : WDGY- Charles Sengir KFJM -Roisum's Band CBS -Tuesday Jamboree: KSCJ C.111M- Tinkling Tunes (sw- 15.21) Dutch Cleanser) : (sw- 21.52) WEBC -Hymns of All Churches KFNFHenry Field KRNT KFAB KMBC (sw- KFAB -Ma Perkins NBC -Adela Rogers St. Johns; CFQC -Musical Prgm. WHO -Kitty Keene KFYR- Musical Almanac 15.27) KFJM -WPA Prgm. News: WDAF CJRM -Opening Markets WOI- Headlines of the Hour KLPM -Eb & Zeb NBC -Marine Band: KOIL KSO KFNF -Cecil & Sally News: KSCJ KRNT WOl KFNF -Today's Almanac WOW -Mary Baker's Matinee KMBC -The Midwesterners WMT KSTP -Story of Sue Party Line: KMBC WOW KFYR -Hymns of All Churches WTCN -Meryr -Go -Round KS00- Markets & Timely Tunes C11..6... Musical Prgm WBBM -"Pop" Concert (CBS) Popular Music: WDGY KFNF KLPM- Dancing Moods 11:15 CST 10:15 MST KSTP Musical Interlude CJRM -News WDGY- Songfest CJRM -To be announced KMBC -Fashion Flashes * NBC -Story of Mary Marlin, WCCO -Hope Alden's Romance KFJM -World Bookman WNAX -Dick Saunders KFAB -News; Radio Calendar KOIL -News from Radio Row sketch (Kleenex): WOW WDAY- Variety Prgm. KFNF -Kitchen Klatter WOW -News; Odd Facts KFJM- jDevotionals KRNT -Deep South KSTP WHO (sw- 15.33) WDGY -Swing Siesta KSOO -Black Magic Mystery WTCN -Luke Rader KLPM -Theater Preview KSCJ -News; Want Ad Rambles * CBS -Ted Malone (Hinds' WFBC Bulletin Board WCCO- Markets; Police 4:00 CST 3:00 MST KSO- Breakfast Express KS00- Markets & News Cream): KMBC KFAB WLW WHO -Musical Almanac WDGY- Norman Meacham NBC -Your Health, dramatized KSOO- Singine Stars KSTP- Household Forum (sw- 21.52) WMT- Markets; Hillbillies WNAX- Bohemian Band health lessons; Speakers: KSO KSTP -News; Musical Interlude WCCO -Organ Melodies NBC -Armchair Quartet WDAY WNAX -Brass Band WOI- Howard Chase, organist KFYR WEBC WDAY KOIL WEBC- Morning Musicale WDAY- Markets; Morn. Melodies KOIL WOW -News; Musicale WTCN -Public Forum WMT WMT Women in the News; PO- WDGY -News Musical Prgm.: CFQC KSO WTCN -Popular Concert 2:15 CST 1:15 MST NBC -While the City Sleeps, lice Blotter WEBC -Woman's Hour KFJM -Musical Almanac 12:45 CST 11:45 MST * NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per- sketch (Bowey's): WDAF -Lou WNAX -Brass Band WMT Webb, organist KFNF -Poultry Helps NBC -Marlow & Lyon, pianists - kins, sketch: WEBC WOW WHO WOW (sw -9.53) 9:00 CST 8:00 MST WNAX -Ranch House Boys KFYR -Betty & Bob WDAF KFYR (sw- 15.33) KFYR WDAY WDAF KSTP CBS -Tito Guizar, tnr.: KMBC * CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch WOI- Headlines: Homemakers KSCJ -Cecil & Sally CBS-Aunt Jennie's Real Life WHO (sw- 15.33) KSCJ KRNT (sw- 11.83) (Gold Medal) : WBBM WCCO 10:15 CST 9:15 MST WAAW -Grain Markets Stories (Spry): WBBM (sw- NBC -Marine Band: (sw- 15.21) CFQC Piano Recital KMBC KFAB (sw- 21.52) CBS -Dr. Morey. Amer. Dental WDAF- Variety Prgm. 15.27) Ma Perkins, sketch: WNAX CJRM -Lorelei Strings NBC -Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Assn, Speaker: KSCJ KRNT WDGY -Piano Moods NBC -Dot & Will: KSO KOIL KFJM KFAB -News Patch, sketch (Old English CES- Quality Twins, Ed. East & WEBC -Betty & Bob, sketch News: WHO KS00 WDGY KLPM News CFQC WTCN WCCO KFJM -With the Masters Melody Wax) : WOW WDAF (sw. Ralph Dumke (Knox Gela- WMT -Lou Webb, organist KFAB- Markets & News CJRM -Closine Grain Markets KSOO- Sketches in 15.33) tine): WBBM (sw- 21.52) WTCN -Rhythm Revue KFDY -Farm Flashes KFNF-Poultry Prgm. KSTP -Woman's Page of the Air News: CFQC KOIL CJRM WMT * NBC -Backstage Wife, dramatic 11:30 CST 10:30 MST KFJM -Road Information KSO- Women's Page of the Air WCCO -North Star School KFNF sketch (Dr. Lyons): WDAF * NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hr.; KMBC -Glad & Woody Smith KPOC' Dance Parade WDGY -Happy Hollow Gang KFJM -Morning Melodies WOW KSTP WHO (sw- 15.33) Walter Blaufuss' Orch.; Guest KSCJ- Livestock Markets WAAW- Security Markets WNAX -March Kings KFYR -News; Variety NBC -Personal Column of the Air Speakers: WHO KSTP KFYR KSTP -Journal Features WDGY -Musicale Newsettes WOI- School of Music KLPM -Good News Prgm ( Chipso): (sw- 15.21) WEBC WDAY (sw- 15.21) WCCO-Musical 2:30 CST 1:30 MST WTCN -Melody Garden KRNT -Bridge by Culbertson NBC -Vagabonds: KOIL CBS -Romance of Helen !'rent. WDAY -News ; Variety Prgm. * NBC -Vic & Sade. sketch 4:15 CST 3:15 MST KSCJ -WPA Prgm CFQC -Stock & Markets sketch (Edna Wallace Hop- WMT -Joe Doakes; Aunt Fanny (Crisco): WDAF WOW KFYR NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston KSO -Song Shop CJRM -Songs of Mt. & Range per): WBBM KRNT KFAB WOI -News; The Practical Farmer WHO KSTP WDAY WEBC Straight Shooters: Ranch KS00- Markets & Diary KFAB -Hilde KMBC (sw- 21.52) WOW-Man on the Street (sw- 15.33) Boys: (sw -9.53) KSTP -Polly The Shopper KFJM -News News: WAAW KLPM WTCNFront Page of the Air CBS -Walden String Quartet: CBS- Science Service Series: WDAY -Nancy & Phil KFNF -Inez Molison CFQC -Ma Perkins 1:00 CST 12:00 MST KFAB KSCJ KMBC KRNT KSCJ WCCO KRNT WDGY- Hollywood Brevities KFYR -Organ Reveries CJRM -Midsession Markets * CBS -BIG SISTER. SKETCH (sw- 15.27) NBC -Charles Sears. tar.: WDAF WEBC -News; Musical Interlude * KLPM- BEHIND THE MICRO- KFJM -Slim Thomson (Rinso): KMBC CFQC -Old Time Music WHO WOW WHO- Morning 'Melodies PHONE KFNF -Wilbur Smith NBC -Dr. Joseph E. Maddy Band CJ RM- Reflections CFQC -Cub Reporter WNAX -Three Blue Boys KMBC -Guspel Singer KOIL-Noon -day Varieties Music Lessons: WDAF WOW KFJM- Request Prgm. CJRM -Musical Alphabet WOI -Man in the Lower Ten KSO -Day Dreamer KSO -Water Remsein's Orch. KFYR KSTP (sw- 15.33) KFNF -Helen Fischer; News KFAB -Babs & Betty WTCN -Around Town with Ann KSOO- Rhythm Makers KSOO -Club Cabana CBS -Song Stylists: KSCJ KRNT KSOO -News KMBC -Romance of Hope Alden Ginn WAAW -Grain Markets WCCO -Kitty Keene KFAB WCCO- Mayor's Safety Council KSTP -Movie Parade

6/14 Q 34 4:30 CST 3:30 MST Little Orphan Annie, sketch: To be announced: KSCJ KS00 CJRM -Farm Guide WGN -Ted Weems' Orch. NBC -Jack Armstrong, sketch KFJM WEBC WNAX WTCN CFQC -Radio Drama WGN -Al Kavelin's Orch. WI.W- Queen's Minstrel (Wheaties): (sw -9.53) KSO WMT CJRM -Home Modernization WTCN -Front Page of the Air WMAQ -Money Talks Tuesday NBC -Irma Gle organist: KFYR KSTP- Amusements; News; Sports KFJM -American Family Robinson 9:15 CST 8:15 MST 10:30 CST 9:30 MST KSTP WDAF -Dance Selections KFNF -Henry Field WGN -Dick Jurgen's Orch. * CBS -AL JOLSON, M.C. (RIN- CBS -St. Lo s Syncopators: WDGY-News KLPM -Black Magic WTCN -In a Mexican Patio so-Lifebuoy); Sid Silver, come- January 19 KSCJ WBB (sw- 11.83) WHO -Sunset Corners Opry KMBC-Poly Follies dian; Martha Raye, eccentric NBC -Kellog 's Singing Lady: KOA -Along About Sundown 9:30 CST 8:30 MST * 6:00 CST 5:00 MST NBC- Jimmie Fidler's Hollywood singer; 's Orch.: (sw- 15.21) NBC -AMOS 'N' - WGN -Tom, Dick & Harry KSL * ANDY (PEP Gossip (Luden's Drops) : KOA (also at 7:30 p.m.) MBS -Sally Nelson, WLB -Campuscast Jo songs: sodent): WHO (sw -9.53) (Al- WDAF WMAQ WHO WOW NBC -Frankie Masters' Orch.: KSO WMT so see 10 p.m.) WNAX -Ranch House Boys KFYR WEBC WDAY WMAQ News: WLW (sw -9.53) WDAF OI WAAW CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's 7:15 CST 6:15 MST Orch.: (sw- KOIL CFQC- Concert Music CBS -Mark Warnow's Gum) Franklyn MacCormack, KFJM- Dakota Ramblers 6.12) NBC -Leo Reisman's Orch. (Philip KFAB-Crossro s of the Nation poetry; Jack Fulton, tnr.; KLPM -Storyland NBC -Election College Banquet, Morris): KOA (also at 7 p.m.) KFJM-Back t. the Bible Billy Mills' Orch.: (sw- 11.83) KSCJ -Eb & Zeb CBS -Geo. Olsen's Orch.: KRNT KMBC- Gossip lub James A. Farley, speaker: * NBC -Easy Aces, sketch (An- WGN -Geo. Hamilton's Orch. WENR KFAB WJR KSCJ WNAX KOIL -Iowa W hlights KOIL WTMJ WMT acin): WMT KOIL KSO (sw- WLB -Student Problems KFYR WEBC KMOX KRNT -Hi & 11.87) 6:30 NBC -Russ Morgan's Orch.: KSOO -Sports eview 7:30 CST MST CBS -Poly Follies (Phillips 66) CBS- Herbert Foote's Ensemble: * CBS -AL JOLSON'S SHOW Pappy Cheshire, Al Roth's WDAF KSTP (sw -9.53) N CCO- Schedu ; Livestock KFAB (Rinso & Lifebuoy); Sid Orch.: KRNT KSCJ KFAB MBS- Freddy Martin's Orch.: KSO W DAY -Fargo ' ublic Schools Dinner Dance Music- CJRM Silvers, comedian; Martha WBBM WCCO KMOX WNAX WGN WMT WDGY -Young Ideas " John S. Young WDAY WNAX KFJM Raye, eccentric singer; Vic- CBC -Joe De Courey's Orch.: KLPM -Do You Believe In WEBC- Junior .ollege Prgm. News: CFQC KLPM KRNT Ghosts? See 7 p.m. CST (6 MST) WHO -Fed. of omen's Clubs tor Young's Orch.; Eddie CFQC CJRM WOW KFAB WCCO KMBC -Erle Smith KMBC- Sports Review WNAX -The ' .sebud Kids Cantor, guest: Sports: WTCN KSCJ WJR WNAX KRNT KMOX KSL -Jade Pagoda WCCO- Rollie Johnson WOW- Intervie with Aunt Sally KFNF-Pentecostal Singers WENR -Bob McGrew's Orch. WTCN -Toytow Tales KMBC WBBM (sw- 11.83) KSO -Cab Calloway's Orch. KFYR -Organ Prgm. NBC -Wayne King s Orch. (Lady KSTP -Jack Randolph's Music WHO -Sons of the Pioneers Frequencies 4:45 CST 3:45 MST KMBC -News; Band Plays Esther): WOW WMAQ KSTP WDAY -Radio Night Club WLW -Orrin Tucker's Orch. CFQC-840 WCCO-810 CBS -Wilderness Road, sketch: KSOO- Variety Prgm. KFYR WDAY WEBC WHO WGN- Northerners WOW -News CJRM-540 WDAF-610 RFAB-770 KSCJ KRNT WCCO (sw- KSTP -Mr. Editor WTMJ WDAF WJ R- Musicale WTCN- Overtime Period WDAY-940 11.83) WCCO -Easy Aces RFDY-780 WDGY-1180 * NBC -Edgar A. Guest in Wel- WTCN- Hockey Game 10:45 CST 9:45 MST KFJM 1370 WEBC-1290 NBC -Little Orphan Annie, sketch WDAF -Radio Question Box come Valley. sketch (House- 9:45 8:45 MST CBS -Geo. Olsen's Orch.: WBBM RFNF-890 WENR-870 (Ovaltine): (sw -9.53) CST WDGY-Eventide Melodies hold Finance): Bernardine NBC -Roy Campbell's Royalists: NBC -Russ Morgan's Orch.: WOW RFYR-550 - WGN-720 WEBC KLPM-1240 WHO-1000 NBC -Gale Pate, songs: KOIL -To be announced Flynn; Betty Winkler; The WOW WHO KSTP (sw -9.53) (sw -9.53) KFAB -Master." Singers RMBC-950 WJR-750 6:15 CST 5:15 MST Girl Friends, trio; Joseph CJRM -News KLPM -Fascinatin' Rhythm RMO%-1090 WLB-1250 KFJM -Afternoon Dancing NBC -Voice of Experience (Wasey Gallicchio's Orch.: KOIL WMT KFYR- Safety on the Highway KMBC- Squire Sterling Entertains ROA-830 WLS-870 KFYR -Winifred McConnell Products): WHO WOW WDAF KSO WLS WLW (sw- 11.87) Randolph, bar. KMOX- Sports ROIL-1260 WLW-700 KMBC -Jack KRNT-1320 WMAQ-670 KMBC -Young America Speaks KFYR KSTP WEBC WDAY CFQC- Variety Prgm. KOA- Meredith Wilson's Orch. WCCO -Frank Gordon's Orch. KSO -Book of the Week RSCJ-1330 WMT-600 CBS -Wonders of the Heavens: KFJM -Mary Logan, songs KSL- Evening Concert WEBC-News RSL-1130 WNAX-570 KSOO -News WBBM KRNT WCCO KFAB KFNF -Farm Sales; News WDAF -Mixed Quartet WENR -Earl Hines' Orch. RSO-1430 W0I-640 KSTP -Andy I4ona's Orch. NBC- Unsung Champions, sketch KLPM -Musical Moments WDAY- American Legion Prgm. WHO -Amer Legion Prgm. KS00-1110 WOW-590 WDAF -Public School Prgm. RBTP-1460 WTCN-1250 (Tastyeast) ; Boxing Lessons KOA- Dinner Hour Varieties WEBC- Variety Bill WLW -Joe Sanders' Orch. WBBM-770 WTMJ-620 WDGY -Chandu, the Magician by James J. Braddock: KSO KSL -News WJR -News WTCN -Dance Orch. WCAL-1250 WEBC- Twilight Review WMT KOIL (sw- 11.87) * WGN- LISTEN TO THIS (Mu- WLW -Anson Week's Orch. 11:00 CST 10:00 MST WMT -Happy C,happies CBS -Ma & Pa, sketch (Atlantic rine) WMAQ -Gus Arnheim's Orch. NBC -Phil Ohman's Orch.: WDAY WHO -World antes; News Refining): (sw- 11.83) WLB-Dr. John Walker Powell 10:00 CST 9:00 MST KOA KFYR KOIL WEBC CJRM -Organ Rhapsody WOW- Millie Tillie Musical Prgm.: CFQC KFNF 7:45 CST 6:45 MST * NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY. CBS -Shep Fields' Orch.: WBBM KMOX -Dusty Roades' Orch. WTCN -Tunes f the Day News: KFJM WTCN CFQC -Laff Parade (Pepsodent): WOW WDAF KSCJ KFAB WNAX KRNT KSO- Emerson's Gill's Orch. 5:00 CST 4:00 MST CJRM -Growing Up KFJM -Singin' Joe KOA WMAQ (also at 6 p.m.) NBC -Shandor, violinist; Henry WCCO -Leon Belasco's Orch. NBC- Minute en; WMT KLPM -Cecil & Sally KFNF -Pumpkin Valley NBC- Pianist ; Clem McCarthy, Bussé s Orch.: WHO WDAF WEBC-Moonlight Sonata CBS -Del Cas no, songs: KSCJ KMBC -Thank You Stusia KSCJ -Magic sports shots: (sw -9.53) WENR KSTP WGN -Geo. Hamilton's Orch. KMBC W CO KFAB KRNT KSCJ -Pinto Pete KSL -Musical Miners CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's MBS- Horace Heidt's Orch.: KSO WMAQ -Stan Norris' Orch. WBBM (sw 11.83) 6:30 CST 5:30 MST 8:00 CST 7:00 MST Gum); Franklyn MacCormack, WMT WGN 11:45 CST 10:45 MST NBC -Science in the News; Dr. * NBC -HORLICK'S LUM 'N' NBC -Sidewalk Interviews (Molle poetry; Jack Fulton, tnr.; CJRM -News CBS -Isham Jones' Orch.: WCCO Arthur H. Compton, dir.: Abner: WENR WLW Shave) cond. by Parks John- Billy Mills' Orch.: KRNT KSL KLPM -Shadow Land KMOX KFYR WL AF WOW WDAY CBS- Alexander Woollcott, "Town son & Wallace Butterworth: KMBC WBBM WCCO KFAB KMBC -Buddy Fisher's Orch. NBC -Jimmy Garrett's Orch.: KSTP (sw-' .53) Crier" (Grange Pipe Tobacco): WHO WOW WMAQ WDAF KMOX (also at 6 p.m.) KMOX -Hal King's Orch. WENR WHO WDAF WOW CFQt -Symphajny Hour WCCO WBBM KFAB KMBC (sw -9.53) News: KOIL KSCJ WENR KSL -Lola Musical Revue WLW KSTP CJRM- Classic41 Parade (sw- 11.83) * CBS -Watch the Fun Go By WDAY WTCN WCCO- Leonard Keller's Orch. KSL -News KFJM -Songs NBC -Hendrik Willem Van Loon: (Ford); Al Pearce's Gang; Sports: KFYR KLPM WJR -Carl Raven's Orch. WLW -AI Donahué s Orch. KOIL -Sports ( Reviev KSTP Larry Marsh's Orch. ; Cyril CFQC- Hockey Game WLW -Moon River KSO- Micropi ons News: KOIL WNAX WDAY Pitts, tnr., guest: WJR KFAB CJRM -Dance Band Parade WMAQ -Gus Arnheim's Orch. 12:00 CST 11:00 MST KS00- Junior 'Interviews WHO KMBC KSCJ KSO- Arthur Warren's Orch. WOW -Music Box MBS -AI Kavelin's Orch.: WGN WNAX WBBM WLW WDGY -Hits sf the Day To be announced: KRNT WEBC KRNT KMOX WCCO KSL KSTP- Musical Comedy Revue WTCN -Dance Orch. WEBC -Twilight Review Sports: KFJM WDAF WEBC -News; Musical Interlude WTMJ -Dance Orch. Musical Prgm.: CJRM WOW (sw- 11.83) KMOX -When Day Is Done WHO -World Entertains CFQC -Musings 4r NBC -Ben Bernie & All the WGN -Geo. Hamilton's Orch. 11:15 CST 10:15 MST KOA -News WNAX- Geores B. German C.1RM- Charles Jenning Lads Anna Sten, WHO -Songfellows NBC -Phil Ohman's Orch.: WTCN (Keglined) KSL -Ray Herbeck's Orch. WTCN -Variety Prgm. KFNF -Bohemian Orch guest: WEBC WDAY WTMJ WJR -Scenes in Harmony (sw -6.14) KFJM- Dinner Dancing KSTP WLW -Paul Sullivan, news CBS -Shep Fields' Orch.: KMBC KSO -Dance Orch. 5:15 CST 4:15 MST KSO WMT WLS WLW KSTP -News; Dream Ship KFYR -News; Variety KOIL KFYR (sw- 11.87) WMT- Electric Park B'cast CJRM -To be announced NBC -Cappy arra; Swing Har- WENR -Frankie Masters' Orch. KLPM -High School Prgm. -Music for Music's Sake WNAX -Gene Austin, songs KMOX- Lorraine Grimm, songs monicas: sw -9.53) CFQC WMAQ -King's Jesters CBS- Alexand r Cores, concert KSO- Sports; News CJRM- Financial Summary WTMJ -News; Dance Orch. KOA- Community Chest Pram violinist: SCJ KFAB WBBM KLPM -High School Var. Prgm. KFJM -True Story 10:15 CST 9:15 MST 11:30 CST 10:30 MST 12:15 CST 11:15 MST KRNT (sw- 11.83) WMT- Dinner Music; News KFNF- Fifteen Minutes in Africa NBC -Top Hatters: KFYR WDAF NBC -Griff Williams' Orch.: WMT KMOX- Franee Laux KOA -Eddie Fitzpatrick's Orch. NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston WOW -Rubinoff, violinist KOA -Dude Ranch WEBC WOW (sw -9.53) KOA WDAY KFYR KOIL Straight Shouters; Ranch 6:45 CST 5:45 MST KSOO -To be announced CBS -Roger Pryor's Orch.: KFAB KSO WEBC WTCN WMAQ -Earl Hines' Orch. Boys: KSTP * CBS -Boake Carter, commen- WGN- Gabriel Heatter WNAX KSCJ KMBC WBBM CBS -Isham Jones' Orch.: WJR 12:30 CST 11:30 MST CFQC -Growing Up tator (Philco): WCCO WBBM WTCN -Dick Long's Orch. News: KSTP WHO WMT WCCO WBBM WNAX KRNT KSCJ KOA -Griff William's Orch. KFJM- Here'sl to Danetng KFAB KMBC (sw- 11.83) 8:15 CST 7:15 MST KRNT KSO KLPM KFAB KMBC KSL -To be announced KFYR -News NBC -Helen Traubel, sop.: WOW News: CJRM KFJM KMOX -Myles Carter's Orch. NBC -Lou Breese's Orch.: WHO WENR -Louis Panico's Orch. KMBC -Sweet Swingste-s KSTP CJRM- Musical Prgm. KOA- Sidewalk Interviews WENR WDAF WOW WLW WGN -Red Norvo's Orch. KOIL -Jack Armstrong, sketch Diamond City News: KOIL WHO KFNF -Club Cabana KOIL-Johnny Hamps' Orch. KSTP WLW -Orrin Tucker's Orch. KSO -Happy Charpies CFQC -Cecil & Sally WGN -Bob Becker KSL -Hughesreels CBS -Alexander Woollcott (Grang- WMAQ -Bob McGrew's Orch WCCO -Front Page Parade CJRM -Doris Davies WTCN -Hal McIntyré s Orch. WDAY -Hold the Press er Pipe Tobacco) "Town WDAF -Dance Selections KFJM- Lover's Lane 8:30 CST 7:30 MST WENR -King's Jesters Crier" : KSL End of Tuesday Programs WDAY- Dinner Haur KFYR -Carveth Wells * NBC -PACKARD HOUR WITH WDGY -Orga Reveries KLPM -Songs at Eventide Fred Astaire; Chas. Butter- WMT -Cozy orners KRNT -Rubinoff, violinist worth, comedian; Trudy Wood, WNAX -Yank on College KSCJ -QWall Street Mission vocalist; Johnny Green's Orch.; WOW -Curio ty Club KSO -Sweet Music Conrad Thibault, bar.; Francia BACK ON WTCN -Direc ory WDAF -Easy Aces White, sop.: WDAF WHO WDAY -Your Hymns & Mine KOA WTMJ KFYR WMAQ 5:30 CST 4:30 MST WEBC- Variety Bill KSTP WEBC WDAY WOW THE AIR NBC -Kell gg's MYRT&MARGE * Singing lady: WMT- Palmer House Ensemble -9.53) ROIL KS WMT (sw WNAX -Swingin' CBS -Jack Oakie's College CBS-News; ree Aces: KSCJ Strings * WTCN- Dinner Concert Prgm. (Camel Cigarettes) with II KFAB K1 BC (sw- 11.83) Ill/re4, Collegiate Guest Talent; NBC -News; Tom Thomas, bar.: E 's & Benny Good - " WDAY .5 ( r- Govern man's Orch.; Lee Wiley, guest: CBC- ent Radio School: KMBC KMOX KFAB WBBM c' CFQC CJ M KSL WCCO KSC.I WNAX WJR Jack Armst ong, sketch: KFYR 7:00 CST 6:00 MST KRNT (sw- WHO WD WCCO 11.83) * NBC -LOG CABIN DUDE NBC -Husbands & Wives; Allie KFJM -Uncle Bill's Birthday Club Ranch; Musical Dramatiza- Lowe Miles KFOR -B (Ponds' Cream): * HIND THE MICRO- tions; Louise Massey & the WENR WMT KOIL KSO PHONE ( 210 kc) Westerners; John Milton, nar- (sw- 11.87) KRNT -Orga Reveries rator: WLS WMT KOIL KSO HEADLINERS KSTP -Uncle Tom's Quackerbox CFQC -Music to Remember (sw -1 1.87) Again RADIO'S WDGY -Vari ty Prgm. CJRM -Let's Sing ACT- * CBS -Hammerstein's M u s I c KFJM- Amateur Hour A NEW WEBC -News Twilight Review Hall (Kolynos) Ted Hammer- IN KFNF -Ed & Zeb studio! WNAX -How y Brothers m.c., & Lucy Laughlin, radio stein, WGN -Carveth Wells the scenes Don't WOW -Creig ton Univ. sop.; Jerry Mann, comedian; behind o5 WTCN -New WLW- Detective Mysteries makers Music Hall Orch.; John S. WTCN -Concert Hour Bras by the 5:45 CST 4:45 MST Young, guest: WBBM WCCO melody! Presented wash- 7:45 drama .. e for * NBC -Lo II Thomas, commen- KRNT KMOX KFAB KSL 8:45 CST MST in tator (S n Oil): (sw- 15.21) WJR (sw- 11.83) CJRM -To be announced of Sudishesuand Super CBS- Renfre of the Mounted NBC- Johnny, with Leo Reisman's KFNF -News Concentrated c uds WGN -News; Quin Ryan, sports tuging a washing (Wonder Bread) : KMBC Orch. (Phillip Morris) ; Charles package for PM., CST KSCJ K AB WBBM KRNT Martin; Loretta Clemens; Thrill 9:00 CST 8:00 MST the blue Saturday. 1:45 EVery except Network WCCO ( -11.83) & Co.: KSTP WMAQ KFYR NBC -Armco Concert Band, dir. weekday Coast -to -Coast NBC -Orphan! Annie ( Ovaltine): WDAY WDAF WOW WEBC Frank Simson: WENR WMT Columbia WOW WDAY KFYR WTMJ WLW WHO (sw -9.53) KSO WLW KOIL (sw -6.14) NBC -Joan & the Escorts: KOIL (also see 10 p.m.) CFQC -National Sing Song

C 6/14 35 1:00 CST 12:00 MST * NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch 4:15 CST 3:15 MST CBS -News; George Hall's Orch.: January 20 * CBS -BIG SISTER, SKETCH (Crisco); Bernardine Flynn: NBC -Edward Davies, bar.: WDAF KSCJ KFAB (sw- 11.83) Wednesday (Rinso): KMBC KFYR WHO WOW KSTP WOW WHO * NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady: NBC Words & Music: KFYR WEBC WDAF WDAY (sw- CBS -Children's Corner: KSCJ WMT KSO KOIL KSTP 1533) KRNT (sw11.83) NBC -News; Dir.: KLPM- Dancing Moods Clark Dennis, NBC -Cleveland Orch.; Artur CFQC -Univ. Lectures Musical Journey to France. WDAY KSOO- Markets & News * Rodzinski, cond.: WOW KSTP CJRM -Reflections NBC -Tom Mix & lits Ralston Jack Armstrong, sketch: KFYR WDGY -News NBC -Modern Romance, drama: KFJM -Request Prgm. Straight Shooters; Ranch Boys: WHO WDAF WCCO WOI- Headlines; Homemakers (sw -9.53) 10:15 CST 9:15 MST (sw- 15.21) KFNF - Flower Lady CFQC -Government School CBS -News Through a Woman's KMBC -Five Star Review CFQC -Cub Reporter CJRM -S. G. C. S. inauguration, see 8:30 a.m. * Eyes: KFAB WBBM WCCO KSOO -News Parade CJRM -Musical Alphabet KFJM-Birthday CST Club KRNT (sw- 15.27) WDGY Music Box KF:11i Batts and Betty KFOR- BEHIND THE MICRO- CFQC -Stock & Market News * CFQC -Noon Service Prgm. WMT-Court Hussey's Orch. KMBC- Romance of Hope Alden PHONE (1210 kc) CJRM -Songs of Mt. & Range CJRM Luncheon Music; sports WNAX Warner KSO-Johnson Family KMBC Dick Tracy. sketch Stories Imig KFNF Hymn KF(lY- Chimes Concert -Radio KSTP-Movie Parade KLPM- Crimelight WOI Child Study Club KRNT -Organ Reveries KF.I\l -Hit of the Day WTCN -Band WCCO- Emperors KSTP -Corner KSOORhythm Makers Concert Cupboard kFNF Grab Bag WDAY- Resettlement Admin. WDGY- WAAW -Grain Markets 2:45 CST 1:45 MST QJudge Rutherford KOIL -Curb Exchange SKETCH tVNAX -March Kings WEBC -News. WCAL- Women's Hour * NBC -THE O'NEILLS, Twilight Review KSCJ -To be announced WOI -Dept. of EnglisF WNAX David Ross WDGYMid Morning Musicale (Ivory Flakes): WDAY WHO -Howdy Brothers KSO- Concert Orch. WTCN -St. Paul Jr. League See 8 p.m. CST (7 MST) 10:30 CST 9:30 MST WEBC KFYR WOW WDAF WOW -Creighton Univ. KSOO -Cecil & Sally KSTP 4:30 CST 3:30 MST WTCN -News Inauguration, see 8:30 a.m. * WDGY -Slim Jim NBC-Ken Sparnon's Ensemble: NBC -Kellogg's CST * Singing Lady: 5:45 CST 4:45 MST WEBC-Carnival KOIL WTCN (sw- 15.21) (sw- 15.21) CFQCRaymar NBC -Little Orphan Annie (Oval - ', /HO.Open House CFQC -Seal of the Don NBC -Jack Armstrong, sketch MORNING KFJM -Ed Westlein tine): WOW WDAY KFYR WLB- Musical Varieties CJRM Today's Almanac (Wheaties)r (sw -9.53) KFNF -Jim & Andy CBSttentrew of the Mounted WMT -Mother's Home Life KMBC- Classic Hour CBS -Blue Flames: KSCJ (sw- KLPM News (Wonder Bread) : KRNT KSCJ 8:00 CST 7:00 MST WNAX -Dance Band KSO -Doin' the Town 11.83) KSOO-Bing Crosby WBBM KMBC KFAB WCCO * NBC- Breaktast Club; Walter )VOI- Memorial Carillon KSOO- Peacock Court Dance NBC- WDGY -Aunt Sammy Dictators: KSO WMT (esw- 11.83) Bk.ufuss' Orch.: WDAY KOIL WDGY -Gems of Melody NBC -Randall WOI- Midwest Markets 1:15 CST 12:15 MST Sisters: WHO NBC -Flying Time: (sw -9.53) Kstt KFYR (sw15.21) WNAX -Three 10:45 CST 9:45 MST CBS- American School of the Air; Blue Boys News: WAAW WDAF * NBC- Lowell Thomas. comma's. CBS -Melody Graphic; News: CFQC -Concert Hour Inauguration, see 8:30 a.m. Geography: KSCJ KMBC 3:00 CST 2:00 MST tator (Sun Oil): (sw- 15.21) KRNT (sw- 21.52) * CJRM -TEA TIME TOPICS WHO CST WCCO WBBM KRNT (sw- CBS- Curtis Institute ut Music * NBC -Joan & the Escorts: KOIL Gene & Glenn. KMBC KFAB- Crossroads of the CFQC -Peter MacGregor 15.27) KSCJ KRNT (sw15.27) Nation Orphan Annie: WEBC KSO WOW KFJM- Greater with Me CFQC -Tarzan, sketch NBC -Henry Busse's Orch. UND KFJM WTCN WNAX WMT Musical Clock. KSOO WEBC CJRM -Abide * KFYR KF.IM -Prom. Prevues KFAB -Open House (Maro -Oil): WOW WDAF -Hazel Johnson KSTP-Amusement; News; Sports WTCN KMBC- Gossip Club KFNF -Casey KFDY -W. A. Peterson WHO (sw -9.53) WDAF -Dance Selections KFJM -Top o the Mornin KOIL -Iowa KLPM -Music Appreciation KFJM -Puzzle Prgm. NBC Nat'l Congress of Parents & Highlights WDG)' -News KFNF- Gardener KRNT -Hi & Lo KSOO-Man on the Street KOIL -Golden & Butler Teachers: KOIL KFYR WHO -Sunset Corners Opry KLPM -Everybody's Hour KSOO- Sports WDGY Rhythm & Romance KSO- Harold Turner, pianist News: WDAY WNAX KS00 Review KSTP-Good Morning How KSTP -Humane Society 6:00 CST 5:00 MST 10:00 MST KSOO -Hits & Bits CFQC -Musical Clock - WDAF- Birthday Bell 11:00 CST tsLCO Schedule. Livestock * NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY (PEP MBS- President KSTP Beteerson Family CJRM -Crazy Quilt WDGY- Morning Musicale * NBC, CBS, WDAY -Charlie sodent): WHO (sw -9.53) (also Inaugural Address: WAAW -Grain Markets KFAB -Grain Markets & Cedric WMT -Tim Brady's Roundup Roosevelt's WDGY -Young Ideas see 10 p.m.) KFAB KFYR KMBC KOIL WHO Hits & Encores KFJM -Dr. James E. Cos CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's WNAX- Rosebud Kids WEBC-To be announced WOI- Headlines; Music Shop KRNT KSCJ KSO KSTP WOI Farming as a Career KFNF. Variety Hour Gum); Franklyn MacCormack, WNAX - Rosebud rids WBBM WCCO WDAF WDAY 1:30 CST 12:30 MST KMBC-Magazine of the Air poetry; Jack Fulton, tnr.; Billy 7:15 MST WOI -Dept. of English 8:15 CST WEBC WHO WMT WNAX NBC -Jean Dickenson, sop.: KSO KSTP -News; Melodies Mills' Orch.: (sw- 11.83) CBS -Jack & Loretta Clemens WOW-Interview with Aunt Sally WOW WTCN (sw- KFYR WCCO- Ladies First NBC -Easy Aces, sketch: KSO (Kirkman's Soap): (sw- 21.52) WTCN -Toytown Tales * 15.33) Eb &Zeb: KLPM KSOO WDGY -Slim Jim's Roughriders KOIL WMT (sw- 11.87) CJB M -Breakfast Club -Radio Kitchen Market News: CFQC WOI WHO WEBC- Stocks; Interlude 4:45 CST 3:45 MST CBS -Herbert Foote's Ensemble: KFAB Jack Wells CFQC CJRMBetty- Brown KFAB WMT-Scotty Views the News NBC -Little Orphan Annie (Oval - KFAB KFJM -News KFJM -Orchestra Parade CFQC -Sport Review W'OI- Masterwork Series tine): (sw -9.53) NBC- Donald McGibeny, commen- KFNF -Dude Martin's Wranglers KFNF -Weather; Markets; News CJRM Tarzan WTCN- Melody Garden CBS- Wilderness Road. sketch. tator: WDAF KMBC -Melody Graphic (CBS) KLPM- Canadian Salute KFDY- Dorothy Norris 3:15 CST 2:15 MST WCCO KSCJ KRNT (sw- News: CFQC WOW KLPM KRNT Memory Contest KRNT -Music KSOO-From Studio A IsFJM Request Prgm. CJRM- Closing Stock Markets 11.83) Dinner Dance Music :KFJM CJRM WDAF- Streamliners (NBC) WDGY -Charles Sengir KFNFSerenader P: FAB Univ. of Nebr. Prgm. NBC -Old Homestead, drama: Spotts: WTCN KSCJ WrrGY Be Beautiful WOI- Headlines of the Hour K011. Homemaker's Club KFJM -News WDAY KOIL KFYR FFNF- Pentecostal Singers WHO -Musical Clock 11:15 CST 10:15 MST KSTP -Music & Art in School KSO -To be announced Kl -kü- Diamond City News KFYR -Organ Prgm. 8:30 CST 7:30 MST CFQC- Question Man WAAW -News KSOO -Skyride KMBC -Young America Speaks KMBC -News. Band Plays * NBC CBS MBS -Presidential CJRM -Prairie Birthday Party WDAF- Houseboat Hannah WDAY -Farm & Home Bulletin KSO- Margery Graham KSTP -Mr. Editor Inauguration Ceremonies: KFJM -Accordianist WDAY -Man on the Street WEBCUniversal Revue KSOO -News WCCO -Easy Aces KFAB KFYR KMBC KOIL KFNF- Cowboy Bill WDGY -Tuneful Topics WMT -Tonic Tunes KSTP -Andy Iona s Orch. WDAY -Dance Hour KRNT KSCJ KSO KSTP WAAW -Grain Markets WEBC -Romance of Hope Alden )VNAX- Tuning Around WRAF Better Business Bureau WDGY- Eventide Musicale WBBM WCCO WDAF WDAY WDGY- Living Love Songs WMT -Bill Brown, Movie Man 3:30 CST 2:30 MST WDGY- Chandu, the Magician WEBC -To be announced WEBC WHO WMT WNAX WOI- Concertina Orch. WNA.\Mother Handatl Prgm * NBC -FOLLOW THE MOON WEBC- Twilight Review WNAX -Dramatic Club WOW WTCN (sw-21.52-15.21- 11:30 CST 10:30 MST WTCN- Gopher Bulletin (Woodbury); Elsie Hitz & WHO -Tonic Tunes; News Nick WDAF WMT -Happy Chappies 6:15 CST 5:15 MST 15.33) News: KLPM WAAW 1:45 CST 12:45 MST Dawson: WOW EZRA'S KSTP (sw9.53) WOW Millie & Tillie * NBC-UNCLE RADIO KFJM- Western Melodies CFQC -Ma Perkins * CBS -MVRT & MARGE, Sketch Station (Alka- Seltzer): WOW NBC - Gately, bar.: WTCN WTCN -Tunes of the Day KFNF- Sketches in Melody CJRM Midsession Markets (Super Suds); Billy Artzt's Robert WDAF KFYR WDAY WEBC KLPM -Guess What? KFJM -Slim Thomson Orch.: KMBC KFAB WBBM WDAY (sw- 15.21) 5:00 CST 4:00 MST KSTP WHO (sw -9.53) KFAB -Dalton Norman WDGY -News KFNF -Smithonians KRNT WCCO (sw- 15.27) CBS -Buddy Clark, songs: (sw- CBS -Popeye the Sailor, sketch Appreciation 8:45 CST 7:45 MST KSOO-On the Mall NBC - Personal Column of the Air: KFJM -Music 11.83) (Wheatena): WBBM KRNT KFYR- Variety Prgm. * Inauguration, see 8:30 a.m. WDGY -Happy Hollow Gang (sw- 15.33) NBC -Our American Schools: KMBC KFAB WCCO (sw- CST WOI -The Book Critic Judy & Jane. WHO KOIL KSTP KMBC -The Wife Saver WDAF KFYR WOW WDAY 11.83) CJRM -Surprise Packet' 11:45 CST 10:45 MST WDAF WEBC WDAY KOIL -Duane & Sally (sw -9.53) NBC -Unsung Champions (Tasty- WOW CFQC CJRM KSO -Sammy Kaye's Orch. KFJM- JDevotionals CFQC -Old Doc Jim Markets: CBSunbrite Jr. Nurse Corps, east) ; James J. Braddock, WCCO -Musicale KFNF- Hughes Reels CJRM -Hits & Encores KFDYEdison Drama sketch: WBBM KFAB KMBC boxing lessons: KSO KOIL KLPM -Theater Preview KFNF -Variety Prgm. KFNFYour Pets WDGY- Mid -Afternoon Musicale WCCO WMT (sw- 11.87) WEBC -The Spoken Word KSOO- Singing Stars KLPM- Pacheco Ensemble KSCJ -Swing Matinee CFQC Symphony Hour News. KFJM WTCN WDGY- Pópular Concert KSOO-Hog Markets; Round Up KSOO-Song Shop WHO -'Way Down East CJRM- Classical Parade WMT- Parent -Teachers' Council CFQC -Mauna Loa Serenaders 9:00 CST 8.00 MST WOf- Police Bulletins WDGY -Health Talk KFJM -News Review CJRM -Growing Up WMT-Jean Dickenson, sop. WOI -Far Lands KOIL- Sports Review Inauguration, see 8:30 a.m. KFNF- Mystery Story * \VNAX- Ragtime Band 3:45 CST 2:45 MST CST KRNT -Songs by Eileen KLI'MCecil & Sally \VTCNFor the Ladies NBC Grandpa Burton WRAF News: CFQC CJRM AFTERNOON 1 KSCJ- Community House KSCJ- Rubinoff, violinist 2:00 CST 1:00 MST (sw -9 53) KSL -Let's Dance KFJM -Morning Melodies 6:." 5:30 ABC Pepper Young's Family. CBS -Del Casino, tnr.: WCCO KSO- Animal News Club (NBC) CST MST KFNF -Serenader * NBC -HORLICK'S LUM & 12:00 CST 11:00 MST sketch (Camay) : WDAF KSCJ KRNT WBBM (sw- Diamond KLPM -Good News Prgrn. KSOO- City Comedy Abner: WLW WENR Inauguration, see 8:30 a.m. WOW WHO KFYR KSTP 15.27) KSTP -Buddy & Ginger KSOO- Markets; Dear Diary * CBS -Gogo de Lys, songs: KSCJ CST WEBC WDAY (sw- 1533) NBC Young Hickory. sketch WDGY -Charles Sengir WDGY -Hits of the Day WBBM KFAB KRNT WCCO CFQC -Dance Music CBS -Heinz Magazine of the WDAY KFYR WMT KSO WOI -Man in the Lower Ten * WHO- Rhythm & Romance (sw- 11.83) CJRM- Martial Airs Air; Guests: KMBC (sw15.21) WMT-Evensong Diamond News: KSTP 9:15 CST 8:15 MST Speaks NBC Bailey Axton. tnr.: KOIL CJRMTinkling Tunes City KFJMHollywood WNAX- George B. German KMBC WEBC * Inauguration, see 8:30 a.m. -Wen Schuh & Orch. WMT (sw- 15.21) KFAB -Ma Perkins KLPM WTCN- Biltmore Boys News: KOIL WDAY WNAX CST KS00 Markets; Round Up CBS- Manhattan Matinee: KSCJ KFNF -Cecil & Sally 5:15 CST 4:15 MST WHO CFQC -Eb & Zeb KFAB KRNT (sw- 15.27) KMBC -News Throttvh a Winn WDGY-Be Beautiful CBS -News of Youth (Ward Musical Prgm.: CFQC WOW CJRM- Coffee Time News. WOl an's Eyes WOI- Department of Agriculture CJRM Bread); Jr. News Dramatize, Arch KFJM -Souvenirs in Song Markets; Musical Preto KSTP- Musical Interlude CJRM-Broken 12:15 CST 11:15 MST CFQC- tion: WBBM (sw- 11.83) KFNF -Jim Mogg, songs -World Bookman WDGY -Piano Moods KFJM- Dinner Dancing * Inauguration, see 8:30 a.m. KFJM NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston KLPM -Old Favorites KFNF- Kitchen Klatter WEBC-Amer. Family Robinson KFNF -German Band CST Straight Shooters; Ranch Boys' KFYR -News; Variety Prgm. WCAL- QDivine Service Prgm. KSO- Marion & Eddie WHO- Houseboat Hannah CFQC -Musical KSTP KLPM- Variety Prgm. 9:30 CST 8:30 MST CJRM Opharial, astrologer KSOO -Culbertson on Bridge WNAX -Dick Saunders CBS - Howard Neumiller, pianist: KSO- Sports; News * Inauguration, see 8:30 a.m. KFJM News WCCO -Markets; Police WOW-News KFAB KSCJ KMBC WDAF -To be announced CST KFNF -Farm Sales & News WDGY -Detective Stories WTCN -Luke Rader NBC Carol Deis. sop.. (sw9.53) WMT- Dinner Music; News Variety Show: CFQC WDGY KSOO -Farm Specials WTCN- Matinee Melodies 4:00 CST 3:00 MST NBC -Madge Williams, songs: (sw- WTCN -Cozzi & Johnson KFJM - Household Hour NBC Meet the Orch.: WHO WAAW -Grain Markets 2:15 CST 1:15 MST 15.21) KFNF- Botany Lesson Musicale NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per- WOW (sw -9.53) 6:45 CST 5:45 MST WDGY -Noon Hour * CFQC- Growing Up KLPM -Housekeeper's Chat kins, sketch; Virginia Payne: CBS Al Trace's Orch.: KRNT * CBS -Boake Carter, commen- W'01- Midwest Markets KFJM MOVIE GOSSIP KSOO- Aristocrats WOW WDAY WEBC KFYR KSCJ KMBC * tator (Philco): WCCO WBBM 12:30 CST 11:30 MST KFYR -News WAAW -Grain Markets WDAF KSTP WHO (sw15.33) NBC -Airbreaks, variety prgm.: KFAB KMBC (sw- 11.83) * Inauguration, see 8:30 a.m. KOIL -Jack Armstrong, sketch WOI- Market News NBC- Continental Varieties: KOIL KFYR WDAY KOIL WMT NBC -Ruth Lyon. sop.: WOW CST KRNT -Wilbur Chandler, songs Orch.: CJRM CFQC WMT (sw- 15.21) CBS- Sunbrite Jr. Nurse Corps. KSTP 9:45 CST 8:45 MST Rex Battle's KSO -Happy Chappies Inauguration, -Farin Flashes Ma Perkins: WNAX KFJM sketch (sw11.83) Rubinoff, violinist: WDAY KFYR * see 8:30 a.m. KFDY WCCO -Front Page Parade News: CFQC WTCN KFAB -News WNAX CST KFJM Roiswns Band WDAF -Ward Keith, actor Grain Exchange: Field CJRM -Closing Markets CFQC -Piano Recital CFQ: Cecil & Sally CJRM CFQC KFNF -Henry VIJA)'-Dinner Hour KFNF -Shopping Lady KLPM -Eb & Zeb KFNF -Poultry Prgm. CJRM -Tango Time CJRM- Otero -Guilaroff, piano duo WDGY -Organ Moods KLPM -Seen Around Town KSOO -Rubinoff, violinist KSO- Women's Page of the Aim KSO -Dance Orch. KFJM -W. J. O'Connor, tnr. WEBC -Buddy & Ginger KSOO- Concert Hall -Curb Stone Question -Air KSOO Dance Parade KSOO Sketches in Melody KOIL -Mario Cozzi, tnr. (NBC) WDGY WHO -Jr. Nurse Corp. WCAL- QChapel Service 11:45 WAAW- Security Markets KSTP-Woman's Page of the Mr KRNT -Memory Lane 12:45 CST MST WMT-Cozy Corner 10:00 CST 9:00 Inauguration, see 8:30 a.m. WCCO-Stocks, News WCCO -P. T. A. Prgm. KSCJ -Wyman Tremblay MST * WOW -Curiosity Club Inauguration, see 8:30 a.m. CST WDGY- Musical Newsettes WDAFGentle Reader KSO -Sweet Music * WTCN- Directory CST News: KS00 WDGY KLPM 2:30 CST 1:30 MST WDGY -Happy Hollow Gang WDAF -Easy Aces CFQC -Musical Prgm. KFDY -Farm Rhymes CBS -Eniery Deutsch's Melodic WEBC- QCouncil of Churches 5:30 CST 4:30 MST WEBC -Variety Bill CJRM -Opening Markets KFJM Road Information Moments KSCJ KFAB KRNT WNAX -Garden of Memories NBC -News; Castles of Romance: WHO -Gene & Glenn KFNF -Today's Almanac )VOI- News; Practical Farmer WCCO WTCN -String Ensemble KSTP (sw -9.53) WMT- Diamond City News 5/14 e 36 * CBS- CHESTERFIELD PRO - KMOX -Dunstedter's Swing KSO -Ted Weems' Orch. Frequencies gram with Nino Martini, tor.; KOIL -To be announced WCCO -Cecil Hurst's Orch. January 20 & KSL- Theater of Music WEBC -News Wednesday CFQC-840 WCCO-810 Andre Kostelanetz' Orch CJRM-540 WDAF-610 Chorus; David Ross: WBBM WGN- Fireside Theater WHO-Veteran's Forum KFAB-770 WDAY-340 KRNT KSCJ KFAB WNAX WJR- Musical RFDY-780 11:00 CST 10:00 MST WHO -Jerry Blaine's Orch. WDGY-1180 WCCO KMOX WJR KMBC WLW- String Quartet KFJM-1370 . WEBC-1290 * NBC -FRED ALLEN'S TOWN 11:30 CST 10:30 MST KFNF-890 WENR-870 KSL (sw- 11.83) WMAQ -Joan & the Escorts Hall Tonight (Sal Hepatica) ; NBC -Earl Hines' Orch.: WENR KFYR-550 W GN-720 ALLEN'S TOWN * NBC -FRED WTMJ- Aristocrats of the Air Orch.: KOA (also at 8 p.m.) WTCN WMT KOIL KLPM1240 WHO-1000 Hall Tonight (Sal Hepatica); KMBC-950 9:45 CST 8:45 MST NBC Jerry Blaine's CBS -Ted Fio- Rito's Orch.: KFAB WM-750 Portland Hoffa; Peter Van -Shandor; KMOX-1090 WLB-1250 CBS -Patti Chapin, songs: KFAB Orch.: WDAF KSTP KSC.1 WBBM WNAX KMBC KOA-830 WLS-870 Steeden's Orch.: WLW WOW KSCJ KRNT WNAX WCCO KMOX KRNT WJR KCIL-1260 W1W-700 CBS -Ozzie Nelson's Orch.: KSCJ WHO WMAQ WEBC WDAF CFQC -Musical Prgm. KFAB WNAX KRNT WBBM NBC -Lights Out, mystery drama: KRNT-1320 WMAQ-670 KFYR KSTP KSCJ-1330 WMT-600 WTMJ WDAY KMBC -Rhythmic Ramblings KSL KSTP KFYR WDAY WMAQ KSL-1130 WNAX-570 (sw -9.53) (also see 10 p.m.) JSMOX -Thank You Stusia NBC -Gus Arnheim's Orch.: KOIL WEBC WOW WDAF WTMJ K80-1430 WOI-640 CFQC -Music Hall KSO- Stylists WDAY WMAQ WEBC KFYR WHO KS00-1110 WOW-590 CJRM- Modern Tempos xSTP-1460 WTCN-1250 WJR -News WTCN (sw -6.14) Salon Serenade: CJRM CFQC WBBM-770 WTMJ-620 KFNF- Memories that Endure WLW -Phil Davis' Orch. MBS -Al Kavelin's Orch.: WGN KSL -News WCAL-1250 WCCO-Musicale WMAQ -Meredith Willson's Orch. KSO KSO- Emerson Gill's Orch. WGN- Beatrice Lillie Gabriel Heatter Dance Orch.: WOW WTMJ WCCO -Leon Belascó s Orch. 10:00 CST 9:00 MST See 7 p.m. CST (6 MST) WLS -To be announced CFQC -Maids & Middies WGN -Dick Jurgens' Orch. NBC -AMOS ANDY - WMT Rhythm Rhapsody * 'N' (PEP RM KOA WMAQ CJ -News WLW -Al Donahue's Orch. NIGHT WTCN- Detective Mysteries sodent): WOW KLPM- Moonlight Melodies WDAF (also at 6 p.m.) 11:45 CST 10:45 MST KMBC -Buddy Fisner's 12:15 CST 11:15 MST 8:15 CST 7:15 MST Melodies (Wrigley's Orch CBS -Ted Fio- Rito's Orch.: WCCO CBS -Poetic KMOX -Dusty Ruade's KOA -Eddie Fitzpatrick's Orch. 7:00 CST 6:00 MST NBC -Professional Parade: WLS Gum) Franklyn MacCormack, Orch. KSL WCCO- Leonard Keller's Orch. WMAQ -Earl Hines' Orch. * NBC -ONE MAN'S FAMILY, CJRM -C. C. F. Forum Poetry; Jack Fulton, tnr.; Billy 12:00 CST 11:00 MST 12:30 11:30 MST serial drama (Tenderleaf Tea) KFJM -News WENR -henry Busse's Orch. MBS -Al Lyon's Orch.: WGN CST Mills' Orch.: KMOX KRNT KOA -Griff Williams' Orch. Kathleen W ison: WHO WLW KOA- Evening Varieties WJR -Carl Ravell's Orch. WLW KSO WCCO KMBC WBBM KSL WLW -Moon River KSL -To be announced WOW KF R WEBC. KSTP WGN -Diamond City News KFAB (also at 6 p.m.) KMBC -Dance rime WDAY WD .F WMAQ WTM WMT-Eddy Duchin's Orch. KMOX -When Day Is Done KSO -Dance Orch 8:39 CST 7:30 MST NBC -Hal Goodman's Orch.: Orch. KOA 11 :15 KOA -News WENR -Louis Panico's * CBS -PALMOLIVE BEAUTY (sw -9.53) CST 10:15 MST Orch. CBS -Cavalcade of America Boat WGN -Red Norvo's * Box Theater, with Jessica Dra- News: KOIL WDAY KSCJ WTCN CBS Ozzie Nelson's Orch.: KMOX KSL -Night Orch. (Du Pont); Drama with Mu- KMBC KSTP -News; Dream Ship WLW -Joe Sanders' gonette, sop.; Al. Goodman's WENR -Bob McGrew's Orch. sic; Don Voorhees' Orch.: CJRM -To be announced WENR -Frankie Masters' Orch. WMAQ Orch.; "Desert Song": KFAB CFQC -Mart Kenny's Orch. Prgms- KMBC KMOX KFAB WCCO WBBM KMOX WCCO KMBC CJRM -Dance Band Parade WDAY -Hold the Press WMAQ -King's Jesters End of Wednesday WBBM KRNT WJR (sw- WJR KRNT KSL WNAX (sw- KFYR- Sports; News 11.83) 11.83) KLPM -Sports Revue NBC -Broadwa Merry -Go -Round NBC- Professional Parade: WENR KSO- Musical Wheel (Dr. Lyons ; Beatrice Lillie, WMT KSTP -Rhapsody in Rhythm comedienne; Victor Arden's C.IRM -I Bring a Song WEBC -News; Musical interlude Orch.: WL WMT ROIL KSO KFJM -Nite Club Hour WGN -George Hamilton's Orch. KOIL (sw- 1.87) KFNF -Eb & Zeb W HO- Rubinoff, violinist CBC-Twilight Echoes : CFQC KOA -Opery House WJR -Immortal Melodies Be a Potato CJ RM KSCJ- Flowers WLW -Paul Sullivan, news Jungle Jim, s tch: KSCJ KLPM WGN -Red Norvo's Orch. WMT -Dream Sones KFJM -Prelude to Evening WTCN -Hal McIntyré s Orch. WNAX- Rainbow Trio * FNF- -Henry Field 7:45 MST WTMJ -News; Dance Orch. * KROC -MOVIE GOSSIP (1310 8:45 CST kc.) CJRM -Musical Prgm. 10:15 CST 9:15 MST KFNF -The Day's News RADIO King tit NBC -UNCLE EZRA'S Chip KSL -Let's Dance WCAL -Overby Hour KSCJ -Dance Orch. Station (Alka- Seltzer) :. KOA WGN -The Lone Ranger WGN -News; Quin Ryan, sports NBC -King's Jesters' Orch.: Now! Sort Fully Equipped WTCN- Leonard Keller's Orch. WDAF KFYR WEBC WENR WNAX- Smoot k Sailing . 9:00 CST 8:00 MST WOW (sw -9.53) 7:15 CST 6:15 MST HIT CBS -George Olsen's Orch.: KSCJ KABR- BEHIND * NBC -LUCKY STRIKE * THE MICRO- Bob WNAX KMBC WBBM KFAB (11420 kc) Parade & Sweepstakes; PHONE Orch.; Buddy Clark NBC -Ink Spots: WTCN KOIL With Complete Plant KFJM -WPA Prgm. Haring's - & Songsmiths Quartet; Edith News: WHO WCCO KRNT KSO KLPM-Asher & Little Jimmie Dick, vocalist: WDAF WEBC KLPM WMT KSCJ -Eb & Zeb IKM(i\ France law:, ?ports Including Amazing KSL -News WHO WMAQ KOA KSTP KFYR WDAY WLW WTMJ KSL -Friendly Philosopher 7:30 CST 6:30 MST WOW (sw -9.53) KSTP -News; Sports New Machine -For * NBC- FAMOUS ACTORS * CBS -Gang Busters (Palmolive WDAY -Hold the Press - Orch. Guild starring Ethel Barry Shave Cream) ; Crime drama WGN- Freddy Martin's more (Bay rs Aspirin): WMT by Phillips Lord: KRNT KSL WLW- Queen's Minstrel Smallest Investment KOIL KS WLS (sw- 11.87) KMOX WCCO WBBM KFAB WMAQ -Lou Breese's Orch. * CBS -Burn & Allen (Campbell KMBC WJR (sw -6.12) 10:30 CST 9:30 MST Ever Tony Required. Soup); Martin, tnr.; * NBC -Int'I Br'dcast from Mon- * CBS -Burns & Allen (Camp- Henry g's WCCO Ki Orch.: treal; Chamber Musicale: bell Soup) ; Henry King's When you envy others making fortunes WBBM K CJ KMBC KFAB WENR KSO Orch.; Tony Martin, tnr. with potato chips you may have thought KRNT W AX KMOX WJR "Quintet in E flat major, opus KSL (also at 7:30 p.m.) the door closed to you because it requir- (sw- 11.83) (also see 10:30 44, (a) allegro britl:uite, (h) once in motto di march`, f, -I scher- NBC.Emil Coleman's Orch.. ed a big investment. That was zo, (dl allegro ma non troppi,, KFYR WDAY WEBC KOIL true. But not now! You actually can NBP.m.)C -Wayne ing's Orch. (Lady Seim maan. WMT WTCN step into this great business and begin HO WEBC Esther): KSTP CJRM-Chamber Music CBS -Roger Pryor's Orch.: WJR earning a handsome income the very WMAQ .W MJ WDAF WOW CFQC- Variety Prgm. KRNT KSCJ KFAB WNAX first day. There are at least 38 different WDAY KFYR KOIL -Omaha Civic Symph. NBC -Bob McGrew's Orch.: outlets in your community that, with CBS -Band Box Revue: CJRM WGN- Romance & Roses WDAF WENR (sw -9.53) this low- priced machine I have just per- * MBS -Tonic Time: WGN WLW WMT- Symphonic Strings MBS Ted Weems' Orch.: WGN fected, you can furnish with genuine CFQC- Rajput WNAX -Concert Orch. KSO Vita -Seald MINEARLIZED Potato Chips KFJM -Dalton Ellis, songs WTCN -Front Page of the Air News: WOW KMOX wholesale. I do not need to tell you that KFNF -Farm Sales; News 9:15 CST 8:15 MST CFQC- Woodwind Duo millions of pounds of potato chips are KLPM- Selmair & Soprani CFQC -Dairy Pool KLPM -Dance Nocturne sold daily at excellent profit. The ques- KOA -Log of the Day WTCN -Rubinoff, violinist KMBC- Sports Review tion you ask is: "How can I start my own KSL-Youth Education Ass'n KOA -Light on the West business and share in these profits ?" WCAL -A Pai se with the Poets 9:30 CST 8:30 MST Bay Memories NBC -Meredith Willson's Orch.: KSTP -Hudsons 7:45 CST! 6:45 MST WOW KOA WDAY WEBC WCCO- Rollie Johnson I Musical Prg .: CFQC WCAL WDAF KFYR KSTP WHO WHO -Sons of the Pioneers Give You WLW -Benny Meroff's Orch. - KFJM -Emil yea; (sw -9.53) Raw materials including bags and fuel costing only when a KFNF -Pump in Valley be WBBM WMAQ -Frankie Masters' Orch. 25o sell for $1.00 made into chips. What CBS -To announced: Complete Set -Up profit with stores doing your selling or you! KOA -Jack P arl, comedian KFAB KSCJ WNAX WCCO 10:45 CST 9:45 MST KSL- Seeing he Scenic West CBS -Roger Prvor's Orch.: KMBC The answer is simple. 1 have put hundreds of KRNT people into this business. I have shown them Write Me at Once 8:00 CST 7:00 MST NBC -Tales of Opera, drama: Ki11OX WBBM exactly how to make money. I not only furnish Makes 50,000 NBC- Professilonal Parade, variety WENR WMT KSO WTCN NBC -Earl Hines' Orch.: WDAF you all supplies you need. I show you exactly I expect to appoint Pounds a Blossoms WOW WENR KSTP where and how to sell in large quantities at 5,000 recognized Vita - Week prgm.; Leopold Spitalny's Or- CJRM -Walter Budd's wholesale. definite, sure- chestra: KOIL KSO 11.87) KMBC -Erle Smith CFQC -Nitwit Court I give you complete, Scald Potato Chip One Potato Chip maker (sw- fire plans, tested and proved, to step into a big dealers throughout Am- in Chicago recently re- pay, permanent business of your own. erica. They will reap ported 40 men and girls The Biggest Money Business enormous profits. Fast working - turning out volume, ease of opera- 50.000 pounds a week. Opportunity Open Today Your profits on Vita - $1 DISCARD If you are tired of a low pay job. or pounding the tion, and exclusive fea- as high as YOUR OLD AERIAL pavements," and want to go into business for yourself. tures of this machine Scald run It Is Most Likely Corroded and Has Poor or Loose Noisy Connections the Potato Chip business offers you the most attractive 20 cents per pound. discourage competition. Just think! Only 500 Complete. NO MORE BUZZES, CLICKS and shorts from summer rains and winter snow and opportunity in the world. Unlike other businesses. you Write me at once, with- Does away sleet when using an F. & H. Capacity Aerial Eliminator. Equals an aerial don't need experience, or large capital. And now you pounds a week mean long, strung 15 ft. out slightest obligation. with Aerial 50 tt. high. yet occupies only 1 i inch by 4 inch space behind your can actually start in this business, with earnings up $100 profit for you. entirely -Just' radio- guaranteed to give you nationwide reception or your money back. to $100.00 a week with only one machine! Tell me I will give you full in- place an F & BETTER TONE AND DISTANCE GUARANTEED you want independence. I'll do the rest. If you start formation. I will show Capacity Aer 1 Sensitivity, selectivity, with one machine, I'll help you build up to many you profits that will amaze you -profits which you Eliminator ( se tone and volume improved. No lightning danger or un- machines. You can be the real Potato Chip King of PA in. a 4 ei.) sightly lead -in and aerial wires. Makes your set complete in itself. Forget your community. Just mail coupon for complete details. will be able quickly to take for yourself. Be first within your set. aerial wires and troubles -move your set anywhere. -don't let someone else in your territory seize Simple instructions NOT NEW -VALUE ALREADY PROVED this wonderful opportunity to gain independence. furnished with unit. On the market five years. 100,000 satisfied customers in U. S. and foreign Earn real money in your own big business. Easily connected by countries. In use from the Arctic Region of Norway to the TroPlcs of Africa. anyone to aerial and Chosen by Government for use on Naval Hospital bedside radios. Each factory Send MAIL THIS COUPON ground of set.' Your tested on actual long distance reception. Can not harm set- Easily connected radio will then oper- to any radio, including radios having no ground or radios for doublet aerial. r------' ate and tunes in the same manner as if it Mail coupon at once. Pay postman $1.00 plus a Coupon I G. H. HARDT, Dept. C -521A, 5 DAYS TRIAL few pennies postage on delivery. If not entirely were connected to an satisfied, return within five days and your aerial. Operates on both dollar will be refunded without question. 325 W. Huron St., Chicago, Ill. short and long waves. BUST MAIL THIS COUPON - NOW IF. & H. Radio Laboratories, Dept. 83, Fargo, No. Bak.' ISend full information at once. No cost to me, no WHAT USERS SAY Send F. & H. Capacity Aerial. Will pay postman $1 plus, obligation. San Antonio. Tea. It might interest you to know that Ifew cents postage. If not pleased will return within 5 with the Capapity Aerial Eliminator I get European sta- days for $1 refund. Cheek here Q if sending $1 with) IName tions easily in the winter get Australia, Russia, Iorder-thus saving postage cost-same refund guarantee.I Honolulu and many Jan Short Wave Stations. I get all Check here Q if interested in dealer's proposition. Pacific Coast Stations on the broadcast band. IAddress Signed: I NAME G. H. HARDT, Dept. C -521A, Davenport, Ian. Received your Radio Aerial Eliminator IADDRESS I City State and it sure works fine. Also works swell on Short Wave CITY STATE band. Wish I bad found it long ago. Signed: I 325 W. Huron St., Chicago, III. L__ -J C 6/14 37 WTCN- Around Town with Ann KMBC -Gospel Singer KSO- Walter Remsen's Orch. CBS -Captivators: KRNT KSCJ WAAW- Security Markets Ginn 1150 -Day Dreamer KSOO -Club Cabana KFAB (sw- 15.27) WCCO- Stocks; News Thursday 9:15 CST 8:15 MST KSOO- Rhythm Makers WCCO -Kitty Keene NBC -Words & Music; Ruth WDGY- Musical Newsettes NBC -John's Other Wife, sketch, WAAW -Grain Markets WDAF- Peck's on the Air Lyon, sop.: KSO KFYR WMT -Ed Fitzgerald & Co. (Louis Philippe): WDAF WOW WCCO -Hugh Aspinwall WDGY -Happy Hollow Gang CFQC -Noon Service Prgm. WOI Club Women's Hour January 2I (sw- 15.33) WDAY- Memory Lane WLB- Convocation CJRM -Jig Time 2:30 CST 1:30 MST CBS- Modern Cinderella, sketch WDGY- Beauty & You WMT- German Band KFDY -Chimes Concert * NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Gold Medal): WCCO WBBM WMT- Homemakers' Matinee WNAX -Ranch House Boys KFJM -Personalities in the News (Crisco); Art Van Harvey: KMBC KFAB (sw- 21.52) 10:30 CST 9:30 MST WOI- Fisher's Orch. s FNF -Grab Bag KFYR WHO WOW WRAF NBC -Viennese Sextet: WDAY * CBS -BIG SISTER, SKETCH WOW- Variety; Markets KOIL -Curb Exchange KSTP WEBC WDAY (sw- KSO KFYR (Rinso): KFAB WBBM KRNT 11:45 10:45 MST KSOO -Cecil & Sally 15.33) CST WCCO -Calendar Notes CBS -Do You Remember?: KMBC NBC -Five Star Jones, sketch WNAX WCCO (sw- 21.52) CBS Darling, sketch -Rich Man's WDGY -Slim Jim KRNT KSCJ KFAB (Oxydol)): (sw- 15.21) NBC -Betty Moore; Lew White. (Affiliated WBBM (sw Products): WEBC -Carnival 15.27) CFQC -Eb & Zeb organist (Benjamin Moore & KRNT KMBC KFAB (sw- WHO -One Girl in a Million CFQC- Hockey Gaine CJRM- Coffee Time Co.) : WOW WDAF KSTP 21.52) WLB -Die Gotterdammerung CJRM-Reflections KFJM- Souvenirs in Song WEBC WDAY KFYR (sw- News: WMT WDAF KFNF -Jimmy Mogg, songs 1533) WMT -- Cornhuskers; Many Happy KFJM- Request Prgm. CFQC- Musical Prgm. Returns KFNF -Helen Fischer KLPM -Old Favorites * NBC -Vic & Sade. sketch CJRM -Hits & Encores KOIL -Kitty Keene WNAX -Dance Band KSOO -News Parade (Crisco) : KOIL WMT KSO KFNF- Hawaiians KRNT -Red & His Ramblers (sw- 15.21) WOI-Carl Nebbe's Orch. WCCO -Dr. W. A. O'Brien KLPM -Sentimental Mood WOW -AChristian Science Prgm. WDGY -Music Box KSCJ- Women's Review CFQC- Raymai KSCJ -Farm Flash News KSTP -Musicale WTCN -Inquiring Reporters WNAX-Serenaders CJRM -Veiled Lady KSOO -Hog Markets; Weather Gale Page WDGY -Music Box WTCN -Piano Pals KFJM -Waltz Time Up 1:15 CST 12:15 MST See 9:30 p.m. CST (8:30 MST) WEBC -Music in the Air Round 2:45 CST 1:45 MST KFNF -Jim & Andy WCCO -Ma Perkins, sketch CBS- American School of the Air: WHO Hymns of All Churches * NBC -THE O'NEILLS, sketch KLPM -News WOI- Police Bulletins Literature; Music: WBBM WMT- Louise Hathaway KMBC KRNT KSCJ WCCO (Ivory Flakes) : KFYR KSTP KMBC -News; Prgm. Notes WOW -Farm & Home Hr. (NBC) WNAX -News KSOO -Songfest (sw- 15.27) WDAY WHO WOW WDAF MORNING 9:30 CST 8:30 MST WDGY -Aunt Sammy CFQC- Tarzan, sketch WEBC NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch WHO -Party Line CJRM- Luncheon Music CJRyI- Today's Almanac 7:45 CST 6:45 MSI (Anacin) WOW WDAF (sw WOI- Midwest Markets AFTERNOON KFAB Siesta KSO -Doin' the Town News KSOO KFNF 15.33) WTCN -Farm Hour KFDY -Resettlement Admin. KSOO- Peacock Court Dance 8:00 CST 7:00 MST CBS -Betty Crocker (Gold Med- 10:45 CST 9:45 MST 12:00 CST 11:00 MST KFJM -Puzzle Prgm. WCCO -Do You Remember (CBS) CBs- Greenfield Village Chapel al); Hymns of All Churches; * NBC -Edward MacHugh. Gospel NBC -Marguerite Padula, songs. KOIL- Golden & Butler WDGY -Gems of Melody KRNT (sw- 21.52) John K. Watkins, news: KMBC Singer (Ivory Soap): WMT (sw- 15.33) KSOO -Hits & Bits WNAX -Thrre Blue Boys WOI -I S. C. Dept of Music A NBC -Breakfast Club. Waltet WBBM WCCO KFAB (sw KSO KOIL (5w -15.21 ) CBS -Madison Ensemble: KSCJ F-STP- Midday Revue Blaufuss' Orch.: KFYR KOIL 21.52) CBS -Eleanor Howe's "Homemak- (sw- 15.27) WAAW -Grain Markets WTCN -Cafe Continental KSO WDAY (sw- 15.21) NBC Josh Higgins of FInchville: ers Exchange" (Ice Industry): Musical Prgm.: WNAX CFQC WHO -Hits & Encores 3:00 CST 2:00 MST Gene & Glenn: KMBC WHO KFYR WCCO KRNT WBBM KFAB CJRM- Martial Airs WMT- German Band NBC -Light Opera Co.; Ha;o1d WOW tiB( I-epper Young's Family (sw- 21.52) KFAB Musical Moments WOW -Music Guild (NBC) Sanford's Orch. & Soloists: Musical Clock KS00 WEBC sketch (Camay)- (sw- 15.21' * NBC -Wife Saver, Allen Pres- KFJM- Hollywood Speaks WTCN -Happy Bob KOIL WTCN WTCN MBS- Marriage Clinic: WMT KSO cott (Manhattan Soap), talk: KLPM -Wen Schuh's Orch. 1:30 CST I2:30 MST NBC -La Salle Fashion Show Charles LaMaire, KFJM- Comedy Capers CFQC- Variety Show (sw- 15.33) KMBC-News : Home Town Head. NBC -Claudine MacDonald, Says: fashion host; KFNF- Gardener KFJM -Household Hour NBC -Joseph Gallicchio's Orch.: lines KFYR WOW (sw- 15.33) Eddy Duchin's Orch.: WOW WHO WEBC KSTP WDAF KLPM- Everybody's Hour KFNF- Botany Lesson KSTP WDAF WEBC WDAY I Hawkeye Dinnertime NBC -Fed. of Women's Clubs: (sw -9.53) KSTP -Good Morning Hour KLPM -Housekeeper's Chat CFQC- Musical Prgm. KSO -Dale Morgan KSO CBS- Concert Hall Presents WDAF- Birthday Bell KOIL -Omaha Police Court CJRM -Abide with Me 1{500- Markets & Round Up Market Quotations: WHO WOI "Story WDGY- Morning Musicale KRNT -Cap Malley KFJM -Prgm. Previews WCCO -Noon Hi -Lites KFAB of a Song": KRNT KSCJ WMT -Tim Brady's Roundup KSCJ -A. A. U. W. Prgm. KFNF -Casey WDAF -Nat'l Farm & Home Hr. CFQC -Sport Review (sw- 15.27) WNAX- Rosebud Kids KS00- Markets: Concert Hat' KFYR -Reporter WDGY -Be Beautiful CJRM -Tarzan Ncvs. WNAX KSOO WDAY WOI-Headlines; Music Shop Variety Prgm.: KFNF KFYR hSTP The Daily & Romance WMT -Cedar Valley Hillbillies KFDY-Musical Prgm. KLPM -Rhythm -Musical 8:15 CST 7:15 MST WAAW -Grain Markets KMBC -Mary Lee Taylor WOI- Fisher's Orch. KFJM -Request Prgm CFQC Clock CBS -Jack & Loretta Clemens CJRM Crazy Quilt c DAY -One Giri w a Million KSCJ -Livestock Trade 12:15 CST 11:15 MST KFNF- Sketches in Melody (sw- KFAB- Securities & Grain Mkts. (Kirkland's Soap): WDGY- Variety Prgm. KSOO -Man on the Street NBC -Hollywood High Hatters: K G N F- Hawaiians KFJM -Dt. H. E. French 21.52) WEBC- Houseboat Hannah WDGY- Rhythm & Romance (sw- 15.33) KOIL- Homemaker's Club KMBC- Magazine CBS -As You Like It; News: WHO -Betty & Bob WHO.Organ Melodies CBS-Eton Boys, KSCJ KSOO-Eb & Zeb of the Air quartet: WCCO- Ladies KMBC WNAX- QSacred Service WLB.Music Appreciation 15.27) KSTP College Prgm. First (sw- WDGY -Skarning's CJRM- Breakfast Club WOI- Market News WNAX -March Kings News: WNAX KOIL KFJM WAAW -News Orch. WMT-Views the News KFAB -Jack Wells WTCN -Party Line WOW- Mystery Chef KSO WDAF Houseboat Hannah W-Ol Masterwork Series KFJM -News 9:45 CST 8:45 MST 11:00 CST 10:00 MST CFQC- Around the Town WDAY -Man on the Street KFNF -Dude Martin's Wranglers * NBCToday's Children. sketch NBC -Girl Alone, sketch (Kel- CJRM-Instrumental Interlude WDGY -Tuneful Topics 3:15 CST 2:15 MST * CJRM- Closing Stock KRNT -Music Memory Contest (Pillsbury): WDAF WEBC logg): (sw- 15.33) KFAB -Man on the Street WEBC -Hope Alden's Romance Markets KFAB -Univ. of Nebr. Prgm. WDAF -Streamliners (NBC) KSTP WOW WHO (sw- 15.33) NBC Honevbov & Sassafras KFNF Farm Sales and News WMT -Bill Brown, Movie Man Y. FJM -News WDGY Be Beautiful Magic Kitchen: KRNT WMT WMT KOIL KMBC -Tex Owens, sones WNAX -Ragitme Band KSO -P. T. A. Prgm. WHO -Musical Clock Grain Exchange: CFQC CJRM sketch (Pebe- WCCO -One Girl in a Million WTCN- Gopher Bulletin 8:30 CST 7:30 MST CBS -The Gumps, KSOO -Skyride KFNF- Shopping Lady co) : KMBC WBBM WCCO WDGY-Noon Hour Musical 1:45 CST 12:45 MST WDAY -Farm & Home Bulletin CBS -As You Like It; News: KFYR- Weather; Markets (sw- 21.52) WLB -Univ. Gallery * CBS -MYRT & MARGE, KRNT (sw- 2152) KLPM -Seen Around Town WMT -Question Man; Voice of sketch (Super Suds); Billy WMT-Odd Facts; Tonic Tunes Weather; Markets; News: KFAB WNAX -Tuning Around NBC -Streamliners: KSTP WOW KOIL- Houseboat Hanna KFNF Iowa Artzt's Orch.: KMBC WBBM News: WTCN WDGY KSCJ -Early Livestock Trade WOI- Midwest Markets KRNT KFAB WCCO (sw- 3:30 CST 2:30 MST CFQC -Peter MacGregor NBC -FOLLOW THE MOON KFAB -The Janeles KSO- Singing Strings CJRMPrairie Birthday Party 12:30 11:30 MST 15.27) * KFJM -Western Melodies CST (Woodbury's); Elsie Hitz & 1{500- Concert Hall KFAB- Weather Report & Mkts. NEC Dan Harding a Wife. sketch NBC -Maurice Dumesnil, pianist: KFNF -The Serenader WCAL- ADevotional (sw- 15.21) Nick Dawson: WDAF WOW KLPM -Guess KFJM- Orchestra Parade WDAF (sw- 15.33) KSTP (sw -9.53) What? WDAY- Concordia College Police Bulletins NBC -Personal Column of the KMBC -Kitty Keene KFYR- Markets; CBS-Academy of Medicine: KSCJ CBS -Army Band: KSCJ KRNT WDGY Mid -morn. Musicale KLPM- Canadian Salute (sw- 15.27) Air (sw- 15.33) WCCO -Gene & Glenn WNAX- Serenaders Judy & Jane: WHO KOIL KSTP WCCO KMBC (sw- 15.27) WEBC-Morning Melodies KRNT -Your Serenade lkBC- Vaughn de Leath, songs: NBC -Metropolitan Opera Guild: 10:00 CST 9:00 MST KSCJ -Ma Perkins, sketch KSO KOIL WEBC WDAF WDAY WHO-Musical Clock WDAY WTCN NBC- Robert Gately, bar.: KSO KSO- Lawrence Salarno, bar, Rex CFQC CJRM Markets: CFQC CJRM WOW WMT -Frank Voelker, organist Battle's Orch.: MBS- Howard Lenin's Orch.: KSO CBS -Scouring the Town: (sw- KSOO -From Studio A KFAB -U. of Neb. Farm Pram. KFDY -Symph. Orch. WNAX -Yodeling Cowboy 21.52) KFNF -Pet Department WMT KSTP -Mark Tyme KFDY Question Box CJRM- Concert Musicale 8:45 CST 7:45 MST NBC -David Harum, sketch (Bab- WDAF -Way Down East KFJM -Roisums Band KFYR -Gus Arnheim's Orch. CBS -Bachelor's (Old KFAB -Dalton Norman Children 0): WHO WOW WDAF (sw- WDAY -Women in the News KFNF Henry KSCJ -Swingcapation Dutch Cleaner): (sw- 21.521 Field KFJM -New Releases 15.33) WDGY -Charles Sengir KFYR- Musical Almanac KSO- Concert Orch. NBC -Adela Rogers St. Johns; CBS -Mary Lee Taylor (Pet KSOO -Song Shop KFYR -News; Variety Prgm. WEBC -Hymns of All Churches KLPM -Eb & Zeb KOIL -Duane & Sally News: WDAF Milk) : KFAB WBBM WHO -Kitty Keene KMBC -The Midwesterners WDGY-Modern Swing Time News: KRNT KSCJ NBC-The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory WMT-Palmer House Orch. WDGY-Living Love Songs WNAX -Dance Band KSOO -Hi- Hilarities Comedy WEBC -Afternoon Interlude Party Line: WOW KMBC Flakes): (sw- 15.21) WOI -Radio Debate KSTP -Musical Interlude; News WTCN -Dixieland Band CJRM- Surprise Packet WHO -'Way Down East CFQC -Musical Prgm. WOW -Mary Baker's Matinee WAAW -Grain Markets 2::00 CST 1:00 MST KFAB -News; Radio Calendar CJRM -Opening Markets WOI -Public Affairs WCCO -Hope Alden's Romance NBC - Pepper Youne's Family, KFJM- QDevotionals KFNF-Today's Almanac 11:15 CST 10:15 MST 3:45 CST 2:45 MST Marlin, wDA't'-Noonday Variety Prgm. sketch (Camay): WOW. WHO KFNF -Popular Music KFYR -Hymns of All Churches * NBC -Story of Mary NBC- Answer Me This WDAF WOW WDGY -Swing Siesta WDAY KSTP WEBC KFYR KLPM Preview sketch (Kleenex): KSTP I sw -9.53) -Theater KLPM -Dancing Moods WEBC Bulletin Board WDAF (sw- 15.33) KSO- Breakfast Express KMBC -Fashion Flashes WHO (sw- 15.33) CBS -Army Band: WBBM KSOO -Singing Stars * CBS -Ted Malone (Hinds WHO -Musical Almanac CBS -Theater Matinee: KSCJ NBC -Young Hickory: KSO WMT KOIL -News from Radio Row WMT Markets; Hillbillies KFAB KRNT (sw- 15.27) -News; Cream) : KMBC KFAB WCCO WDAY KFYR (sw- 15.21) KSTP Musicale KRNT -Deep South WNAX -Brass Band WDGY- Popular Concert (sw- 21.52) NBC -Minute Men: KSO WMT CJRM- Tinkling Tunes KSCJ -News; Want Ad Rambles WOW News; Musicale News: CJRM WOI WEBC -Morning Musicale KSOO- & News NBC- Armchair Quartet: WDAY KFAB -Ma Perkins, sketch Markets WTCN- Popular Concert CFQC -Musical Prgm. WMT -Women in the News KSTP- Household Forum KSO KOIL KFJM-News Review WNAX -Brass Band CFQC -Question Man 12:45 CST 11:45 MST KFJM -World Bookman KF NF' -Cecil & Sally WCCO -Organ Melodies KFNF- Kitchen Klatter WOI- Markets & News WDAY- Markets; Morn. Melodies KFJM -Muscial Almanac NBC -Happy Jack, songs: WDAF KSTP -News; Musical Interlude KMBC Prgm. 9:00 8:00 MST WDGY -News KFNF -Poultry Prgm (sw- 15.33) -DAR WDGY-Varieties CST KOIL- School of Music * CBS -Betty & Bob (Gold WEBC- Woman's Hour KFYR -Betty & Bob CBS -Aunt Jennies Real Life WEBC -Universal Revue KSOO of Life Medal): WBBM WCCO KMBC WMT -Lou Webb, organist KSCJ Cecil & Sally Stories (Spry): WBBM KRNT -Dramas WHO Houseboat Hannah KFAB (sw- 21.52) WNAX -Ranch House Boys WAAW -Grain Markets KMBC KFAB WNAX (sw- WCCO- Markets; Police WNAX-Dick Saunders WDGY- Norman Meacham NBC -Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage WOI- Headlines; Homemakers WDAF- Variety Prgm. 15.27) WOW -News; Odd Facts Patch, sketch (Old English 9:15 MST WDGY-Piano Moods ,tiBC -Dot & Will, sketch: KSO WNAX- Bohemian Band WTCN-Luke Rader 10:15 CST WTCN- Matinee Melodies Wax) WOW WDAF (sw- NBC -Vagabonds: KOIL WEBC -Betty & Bob. sketch KFYR KOIL 4:00 CST 3:00 MST News: KLPM KSOO WDGY 15.33) CBS -Quality Twins; Ed East & WLB -Chilud Welfare Institute 2:15 CST 1:15 MST NBC -Noble Cain & A Cappella WHO News: CFQC KOIL CJRM WMT Ralph Dumke (Knox Gela- WMT -Lou Webb, organist * NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Choir: KOIL WDAY KFYR tine): WBBM (sw- 21.52) 11:30 CST 10:30 MST KFDY -In the Day's News sketch; Marjorie Hannan; WMT WTCN KFNF KFJM -Road Information KFJM -Salon Silhouettes CBS -Milton Charles. organist * NBC -Nat'l Farm & Hcme Hr.: Williard Farnum: WDAY CBS -All Hands on Deck: KSCJ KFYR -News; Variety Prgm. KSCJ KRNT WEBC KFYR KSTP WDAY KSCJ -Closing Livestock Trade WOW KFYR WEBC KSTP KRNT WCCO KMBC KSTP- Journal Features KLPM -Good News Prgm. NBC -Personal Column of the WHO (sw- 15.21) WDAF WHO (sw- 15.33) NBC While the City Sleeps WCCO- Musical WHO WOW WDAF (sw -9.53) KRNT -Bridge by Culbertson Air (Chipso): (sw- 15.21) CBS - Romance of Helen Trent * NBC -Eastman School Symph. WDAY -News; Variety Prgm. KSCJ -WPA Prgm. * NBC -Backstage Wife, sketch (Edna Wallace Hopper): Orch. & Chorus, dir. Ernest WPA Orch.: WEBC KFJM WMT -Joe Doakes; Aunt Fanny KSO -Song Shop (Dr. Lyons) : WOW WDAF WBBM KRNT KMBC KFAB Genhart: KOIL (sw- 15.21) FQC -Piano Recital WOI -News; Farm Crops KSOO- Markets & Diary KSTP WHO (sw- 15.33) (s,v- 21.52) Ma Perkins, sketch: WNAX CJRM-Lorelei Strings KSTP -Polly The Shopper News: KFJM WTCN News: KLPM WAAW WOW -Man on the Street KFJM KFAB -News WTCN Page of the Air WDAY -Nancy & Phil CFQC- Stocks; Markets CFQC -Ma Perkins, sketch -Front News: CFQC WTCN KSO -Dance Orch. WDGY -Hollywood Brevities CJRM -Songs of Mt. & Range CJRM- Midsession Marker 1:00 CST 12:00 MST CJRM- Closing Grain Markets KSOO- Sketches in Melody WEBC -News; Musical Interlude KFABHilde KFJM -Slim Thomson * CBS -BIG SISTER, SKETCH KFNF- Poultry Helps KSTP -Woman's Page of the Air WHO- Morning Melodies KFNF -Inez Molison KFNF- Ladies' Chorus (Rinso): KMBC KMBC- Theater Matinee WDGY -Happy Hollow Gang WNAX -Three Blue Boys KFYR -One Girl in a Million KOIL- Noon -day Varieties NBC -Music Guild: WDAF KSTP KSO- Women's Page of the Air WNAX -March Kings WOI -Man in the Lower Ten KLPM -Music & Flowers KSCJ -Navy News (sw- 15.33) KSOO -Dance Parade 1VOI- Academy of Science 6/14 0 38 4:15 CS 3:15 MST WOW- Creighton Univ. WMT- Howard Price 9:00 CST 8:00 MST KSTP -News; Sports NBC -Tom ix & the Ralston WTCN -News WNAX -Swingin' Strings * CBS -Y 0 U R ADVENTURE WDAY -Hold the Press Straight S ooters & the Ranch 5:45 CST 4:45 MST with Floyd Gibbons (Colgate): WGN- Freddy Martin's Orch. Thursday Boys: (s 9.53) * NBC -Lowell Thomas, corn WBBM KFAB WCCO KMOX WLW -The Queen's Minstrel NBC -Florenc George, sop.: WHO mentator (Sun Oil) (sw- :5.21) KRNT KMBC WJR KSL (sw- WMAQ -Lou Breesé s Orch. WDAF W I W NBC -Orphan Annie ( Ovaltine) 6.12) WTCN -Overtime Period January 21 CFQC -Cub eporter KFYR WOW WDAY * NBC -Bing Crosby's Music 10:30 CST 9:30 MST CJRM- Music .1 Alphabet 7:00 CST 6:00 MST Hall (Kraft) with Bob Burns CBS -Renfrew of the Mounted, * NBC -RUDY VALLEE'S VARI- * NBC -LANNY ROSS' MAX - KFAB -Babs Betty comedian ; 's sketch (Wonder Bread) : well House Show Boat; Al KFJM -Movï Gossip ety Hour (Royal Gelatin); Orch.; WBBM KRNT WCCO KMBC Rose Bampton, guest: Goodman's Orch: KOA ( also KMBC -Rom e of guests: WTMJ WDAF KSTP Hope Alden KFAB KSCJ (sw- 11.83) WDAY WEBC WLW KOA at 8 p.m.) KSO -The Jo nson Family WMAQ KOA WLW WHO WOW KFYR WMAQ WOW WHO NBC-Joan & the Escorts: KOIL WDAY KFYR BS- Cavalcade of America, dra- KSTP -Movie Parade WEBC (sw 411 11" WTMJ vhPnt Little Orphan Annie: KFJM 9.53) ma with music (Du Pont); WOI- Georgie Weiler, pianist WTCN WcBC WNAX WMI (sw-9.53) Don Voorhees' Orch. KSL * CBS -A & P Band Wagon; CFQC-What 4:30 CS 3:30 MST KSO s Behind the News (also at 7 p.m.) Starring Kate Smith; Guests; CJRM NBC -Irmá G en, organist : KFYR KSTP- Amusement; News; Sports -Jamboree NBC Orch.: "Command Performance " ; La -Frankie Masters' CBS -Clyde arrie, bar.: KSO -Cab Calloway's Orch. KSCJ WDAF -Dance Selections Brun Sisters; Three Ambassa WDAY KSTP WEBC WMAQ WBBM (- -11.83) WDGY -News WGN- George Hamilton's Orch WHO KFYR (sw -9.53) NBC -Jack Armstrong, dors; Jack Miller's Orch.; WNAX- Concert Orch. sketch WHO- Sunset Corners Opry Guests: KRNT KMOX WJR NBC -Bob McGrew's Orch.: KOIL (Wheaties : (sw -953) WTCN -Front Page of the Air 6:00 CST 5:00 MST W(sw- KMBC WCCO KFAB WENR * NBC -Kel gg's Singing _ady: 9:15 CST 8:15 MST CBS -Geo. Olsen's Orch.: KFAB * NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY (PEP- 11.BBM 83) (sw-15.21 CFQC- Musical Prgm. KSCJ WNAX KRNT sodent) : WHO (sw -9.53) (al NBC -To be announced: KOIL Art Van Harvey MBS -Conce Trio: KSO WMT WGN -Dick Jurgens' Orch. MBS -Ted Weems' Orch.: WGN so see .10 p.m.) (sw- 11.87) See 2:30 p.m. CST (1 :30 MST) News: WDA WOI WAAW WTCN-Ernest Bjorklund's Orch. KSO WMT CBS - Herbert Foote's Concert CFQC -Dance Parade CFQC -Conce t Music Ensemble: KFAB CJRM- Booster Prgnr. 9:30 CST 8:30 MST KLPM -Do You Believe In KFAB -Cross oads of the Nation NBC -Jamboree, Roy Shields' CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley s KFJM -Prelude to Evening Ghosts? KFJM -aBa k to the Bible Orch.; Gale Page, songs: KOIL KMBC -Sportcast KMBC Gum); Franklyn MacCormack. KFNF -Henry Field Frequencies -Goss'. Club poetry; Jack Fulton, tnr.; KLPM -Front Page Drama WENR (sw -6.14) KMOX -Myles Carter's Orch. KOIL -Iowa ighlights CBS -March of Time: Billy Mills' Orch.: (sw- 11.83) KSCJ -To be announced * KRNT WO- Rollie Johnson CFQC-840 WCCO-810 KRNT -Hi :- Lo WBBM KMOX WCCO KFAB WHO -Sons of Pioneers CJRM-540 WDAF-610 (also see 10 p.m.) KSL-Eve. Reveries the KSOO -Sport Review WJR KSL KMBC (sw -6.12) WJR -Nichol's Orch. (CBS) KFAB-770 WDAY-940 NBC -Easy Aces, sketch (Ana- KSO- Bamberger Symph. KFDY-780 WDGY-1180 KSTP -Schoo Forum * CFQC -Ozzie Williams' Orch. WLW -Anson Weeks' Orch. eta) with Jane Ace: KOIL WGN -Tom, Dick & Harry KFJM-1370 WEBC-1290 WCCO -Sche ule; Livestock * KGCU -MOVIE GOSSIP (1240 WOW -News KFNF-890 WENR-870 KSO WMT (sw- 11.87) ' WLB- Walther Pfitzner, pianist WDAY -Fed. Womens kc.) KFYR-550 WGN-720 Clubs Dinner WLS The Old Judge WTCN -1 .Fremont Tabernacle WDGY -You g Ideas Dance: CJRM WNAX KSCJ -In the KLPM-1240 WHO-1000 News: CFQC KLPM KRNT WMT -Bohemian Frolic Crimelight 10:45 CST 9:45 MST KMBC-950 WJR-750 WEBC Twili ht Review KSO -7 -Up WOW WNAX- Smooth Sailing Prgm. CBS -Geo. Olsen's Orch.: WBBM KMO%-1090 WLB-1250 WHO -Drake Univ. Prgm. WGN -Henry Weber's Orch NBC -Frankie Masters' Orefr.: KOA-830 WLS-870 WNAX -The Rosebud Kids Sports: KSCJ WTCN 7:15 CST 6:15 MST WMT Tehel's Bohemians KOIL-1260 WLW-700 KFJM -Co- operative Tour WOW KRNT-1320 WOW -Inter sew with Aunt Sally * KABR -MOVIE GOSSIP (1420 WNAX -Henry King's Orch. WMAQ-670 KFNF -Pentecostal KLi- , -L ascinatin' Rhythm KSCJ-1330 WMT-600 WTCN -Toyt wn Tales Singers kc.) WTCN- Hockey Game KFYR -Organ Prgm. KMBC-Squire Sterling Entertains KSL-1130 WNA%-570 IiF.I>I Music & Flowers 9:45 CST 8:45 MST KSO-1430 WOI-640 4:45 CS 3:45 MST KMBC-News ; Band Plays KMOX- France Laux, sports Kt_ I Storyland CFQC -News KS00-1110 WOW-590 NBC -Helen Jane Behlke. sop.: KSTP -Mr. Editor WCCO -Frank Gordon's Orch KSTP-1460 WTCN-1250 KSCJ -Eb & Zeb . KFYR W I AY KOIL KSO WCCO-Easy Aces CJRM -Board of Trade WEBC -News WBBM-770 WTMJ-620 KSL-News KSO- Musical NBC -Andy ona's Orch.: WDAF -Donald Revue WTCN -Dance Orch. WCAL-1250 WDAF McGibeny, (NBC) WGN -Geo. Hamilton's Orch. WMT-Musical KSTP WDAY -Dance Hour Revue 11:00 CST 10:00 MST - WLB -Symphony Notes 10:00 CST 9:00 MST CBS Wilder ess Road, ' sketch. WDGY-Eventide Melodies NBC -Henry Busse's Orch.: MBS- George KSCJ WLS -To be announced (NBC) * NBC -AMOS N' ANDY, Hamilton's Orch.: NT WCCO (sw- WEBC -To be announced WMT KOIL WENR WGN KSO 11.83) (Pepsodent): WMAQ WOW 7:30 CST 6:30 MST CBS -Larry Lee's Orch.: WNAX CBC- Hawaiian Nights: CJRM t 6:15 CST 5:15 MST KOA WDAF (also at 6 p.m.) NBC -Little rphan Annie, sketch: NBC -Rochester Philharmonic NBC -Voice of Experience (Wasey * CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's KFAB KSCJ WBBM KRNT KMOX -Hal King's Orch. (Ovaltine : (sw -9.53) Orch., Jose Iturbi, cond.: WLS Products): WOW WDAF WHO Gum) Franklyn MacCormack, NBC -Shandor; Frankie Trom- KOA -Night Club KFAB -Mast r Singers KOIL (sw- 11.87) bzauer's Orch.: WHO WDAF WCCO-Leon Belasco's Orch. KFJM KFYR KSTP WEBC WDAY poetry Jack Fulton. tnr.; -Dane Tunes of Yesterday MBS -Guy Lombardo s Orch.: WOW WEBC WDAY KSTP WENR -Lou Breese's Orch. KMBC (sw -9.53) Billy Mills' Orch.: KRNT -You g America Speaks Univ. Book WLW KSO KFYR WLW -Joe Sanders' Orch. WDGY- Chaidu, CBS -Northwestern WCCO WBBM KMOX KFAB the Magician WBBM KRNT KFAB CFQC- Musical Prgm. MBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.: WMAQ -Stan Norris' Orch. WHO -World Shelf: KSL (also at 6 p.m.) Dances; News NBC KFJM -Prof. H. C. Rowland, KSO WGN -Unsung Champions, sketch NBC-Pianist ; John B. Kennedy. 11:45 CST 10:45 MST WMT -Happ Chappies -Mid. . (Tastyeast) ; James Brad- songs CFQC Hacienda CBS -Vincent Lopez' Orch.: WOW -Millie & Tillie commentator: WEBC (sw- dock, boxing lessons: KSO hFNF -Farm Sales, News CJRM -News KMOX WCCO WTCN -Tun of the Day 9.53) WMT KOIL (sw- 11.87) KFJM -Love Story KLPM -Drama KSL -News 5 :00 CS News: WDAY KOIL KSCJ 4:00 MST CBS -Ma & Pa, sketch (Atlantic KLPM -Musical Moments KMBC -Buddy Fisher's Orch. WENR -Jimmy Garrett's Orch. NBC -James Wilkinson, bar.; Or- WENR Refining) (sw- 11.83) KSCJ -To be announced CFQC -Old Time Music KMOX -Dusty Roades' Orch. 12:00 CST 11:00 MST chestra: SO KSL-Pioneer Trails ,drama KSL -Hughesreels MBS -Al Kavelin's Orch.: WGN CBS -Patti hapin, songs: KRNT News: WTCN KFJM CJRM -Dance Band Parade CFQC -Musical Prgm WLB -Musicale KFYR- Sports; News WCCO- Leonard Keller's Orch. WLW KSCJ BC KFAB WCCO WMT -lzzÿ s Amateurs WJR -Carl Ravell's Orch. KMOX -When Day Is Done WBBM CJRM -Growing Up KLPM- Sports ( w- 11.83) WNAX- Bohemian Band WLW -Moon River KOA -News NBC -Cabin in the Cotton, with KFNF -To be announced KMBC -Erle Smith KLPM -Cecil & Sally 7:45 CST 6:45 MST KSTP -Family Doctor WMAQ -Gus Arnheim's Orch. KSL -Ray Herbeck's Orch. Juan He nandez & - Southern KMBC WTCN -Dance Orch. KSO -Dance Orch. aires, qu rtet: KFYR WDAF -Thank You Stusia KFAB Colonel Courtesy WHO- Songtellows KSCJ -Pinto Pete KFJM- Lover's Lane WJR-Mummers WTMJ -Dance Orch. KSTP -News; Dream Ship WHO W AY (sw -9.53) WENR -Frankie Masters' Orch. CFQC -Sym ony WCCO -Col. Courtesy KSCJ -Black Magic WLW -Paul Sullivan, news 11:15 CST 10:15 MST Hour WMAQ- King's 6:30 CST 5:30 MST WLS- Active Citizen WMT - Electric Park Band CBS -Larry Lee's Orch.: KMBC Jesters CJRM -Cone rt Treasures WOW -Music Box KFJM -Afte oon Dancing Or NBC -HORLICK'S LUM & 8:00 CST 7:00 MST WNAX -Art Tatum, pianist KMOX Abner: WLS WLW CJRM -To be announced WTMJ - ,St. Boniface Midnight KOIL -Sport Review * NBC -LANNY ROSS' MAX - WTMJ -News; Dance Orch. CBS -Alexander Woollcott, "Town 10:15 CST 9:15 MST KRNT- Variety Prgm. Mass KCOO -Juni r Interviews well House Showboat; Molasses 12:15 CST 11:15 MST KSTP -Orph um on the Air Crier" (Granger) : WBBM 'n' January; Modern Choir; CBS -Roger Pryor's Orch.: KSCJ WTCN -Henry Busse's Orch. KFAB WCCO KMBC ,(sw- KFAB WBBM WNAX KMBC 11:30 CST 10:30 MST KOA -Eddie Fitzpatrick's Orch. 1 "DGY -Hit_ of the Day Irene Hubbard; Al Goodman's 11.83) NBC -King's Jesters: WEBC NBC -Rita Rio's Orch.: WTCN WMAQ -Earl Hines' Orch. WI.B4tng I Varieties Orch.; Guests: KSTP WEBC 11:30 WMT-Dints News: KOIL WDAY WNAX WHO WLW WDAY WDAF WENR WDAF KFYR WOW WMT KOIL 12:30 CST MST r Music KOA -Griff Williams' Orch. WNAX -Ge ge B. German WHO WOW KFYR WMAQ WTMJ (sw-9.53) CBS -Alexander Woollcott. The WOW -Curi CFQC -In the Crime Light -9.53) News: WHO WMT WCCO KS:) Town Crier (Granger) : KSL KSL -To be announced ity Club (sw WENR -Louis Panico's Orch. WTCN -Var' ty Pram. CJRM -Guess What? * CBS -Major Bowes Amateur KRNT KLPM NBC -Ben Bernie's Orch.: WHO KFJM -Shopping Tour WDAY WDAF KSTP WGN -Red Norvo's Orch Hour : WBBM KMOX-Travelogue WOW 5:15 CS 4:15 MST (Chrysler) WLW -Orrin Tucker's Orch. KFNF- Polish Orch. WCCO KSCJ WNAX WJR KOA -Thank You Stusia KFYR WLW WEBC NBC -Tom Mix F. his Ralston -Bob McGrew's Orch. KFYR -News; Variety Br'dcast KMBC KFAB KMOX KSL KOIL -Russ Morgan's Orch. CBS- Vincent Lopez' Orch.: KFAB WMAQ Straight Shooters: KSTP KLPM -College Players (NBC) KSCJ KMBC WNAX KRNT WOW -Musicale CBS -Dinne Concert, Howard KRNT (sw- 11.83) KRNT -We Bring You Music CFQC -Ici Paris KSL -Evening Concert WBBM WJR End of Thursday Prgms. Barlow, conci.: KSCJ KRNT KSCJ -Dr. Hawthorne KFAB BBM (sw- 11.83) CJRM -Financial Summary KSO- Sports; News KFJM- Esther Corrine Gorder NBC -Marto e & Lyon, pianists: KSTP -True Story Prgm. (sw -9.53 KFNF -Dude Martin Wranglers WDAF-Sports Parade KOA- Moments You Never Forget CFQC -Gro ing Up WEBC -To be announced KFYR -Ne KSO-Swing's the Thing WMT- Dinner Music ; News WGN -Gabriel HELLO EVERYBODY! FLOYO GIBBONS KMBC -Sw t Swingsters Heatter WOW -Rubinoff, violinist WMT -Frank Voelker, organist KOIL -Jack Armstrong, sketch WTCN -Dinner Concert TALKING... I'M ON THE AIR WITH KSO -Rapp Chappies WTCN -Dick Long's Orch. 6:45 CST 5:45 MST A BRAND -NEW STUNT... WCCO -Fro t Page Parade * CBS -Boake Carter, commen- 8:15 CST 7:15 MST NBC -Rochester Philharmonic Or- WDAF -Da e Selections tator (Philco): WBBM WCCO EACH WEEK I'M TALKING ABOUT : KSO WDAF -Dinkier Hour KFAB KMBC (sw- 11.83) chestra WMT MBS -Red Norvo's Orch.: WGN THE TRUE ADVENTURES OF ACTUAL WDGY -Musical Moments NBC -Terri Franconi, tnr.: KFYR WHO- Echoes of Stage WMT WOW WDAY -What's Behind the News PEOPLE...FOLKS IN EVERYDAY LIFE WMT -Cozy Corners Diamond City News: KOIL WHO CJRM KFJM -News HAVE WNAX- Yapkton College =FQC -Cecil & Sally WHO HAD HAIR -RAISING KFNF -Club Cabana WOW -Adventures of Tim CJRM -Irene Landor EXPERIENCES...YOU'LL GET A SPINE - WTCN -Dir ctory KRNT -Rubinoff, violinist KLPM- Singing Cowboys 4:30 KSCJ -Red Hot KOIL- Orchestral Revue CHILLING EARFUL OF DRAMATIZED 5:30 CST MST Rhythm WTCN -Editor's Spotlight CBS -News; George Hall's Orch.: KSO-Sweet Music THRILLERS KSCJ KFAB KMBC (ow- WDAF-Easy Aces 8:30 CST 7:30 MST REAL -LIFE ... 11.83) WEBC -Variety Bill * NBC- American Town Meeting: THE UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE! * NBC- Keillogg's Singing Lady: KOIL KMT WENR (sw- KSO WIT KOIL 11.87) (PS. I'M PAYING $25 FOR EVERY NBC -News; Three X MBS- Freddy Martin's Orch.: Sisters: STORY I USE... 50 SEND IN YOUR WDAY WGN KSO Jack Arm troag, sketch: KFYR TONIGHT CFQC- Christie Street Capers MOST THRILLING- ADVENTURE!) WHO AF WCCO CJRM -Ted Olson, tnr. KFJM -Nite Club Hour CFQC -Gov rnment School TONIGHT the biggest event KFNF -Eb & Zeb CJRM -Var ty Prgm. in the radio world is the KOA- Evening Varieties KFJM -Bir day Club appearance of your RADIO * KFOR- EHIND THE MICRO- KOIL- Dramatic Players GUIDE for next week on WTCN -Hal McIntyre's Orch. EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT PHONE (1200 ice.) your favorite news stand. KRNT -Or n Reveries Right now-go out and get 8:45 CST 7.45 MST COLUMBIA COAST -TO -COAST NETWORK KSTP -Unc e Tom's Quackerbox your copy of RADIO GUIDE CJRM -An Earful of Music WDGY -T light Musicale for next week! Don't forget! KFNF- Today's News 9 P. M. C. S. T. WEBC -Ne s; Twilight Review WGN -News; Quin Ryan, sports WNAX -H dy Brothers WTCN Leonard Keller's Orch. e 6/14 39 KRNT -Deep South CJRM -Songs of Mt. & Range KSO- Question Box * NBC -Music AppresitiolLNour' CJRMReflections - Friday KSCJ -Pinto Pete KFYR -One Girl in a Million KSOO -On the Mall Dr. r amrosch: KFYR KFJM- Request Prgm KSO -Song Shop "KLPM- Crimelight WCCO -Kitty Keene KSO WDAY WDAF KSTP KFNF -Flower Lady KS00- Markets & Diary KMBC-Gospel Singer WDAF -Peck's on the Air WOW (sw- 15.33- 15.21) KMBC -Five Star Revue KSTP-Polly The Shopper KSCJ -To be announced WDGY -Happy Hollow Gang CBS-News Through A Woman's KSUO News Parade January 22 WDAY -Nancy & Phil KSO Day Drea.,tei WMT- German Band Eyes (Pontiac), Kathryn Cra- WCCO -Fed. of Women's Clubs WDGY-Charles Sengir KSOO -Rhythm Makers WNAX- Ranch -house Boys vens: KFAB WBBM WCCO WDGY -Music Box WEBC -News ; Musical Interlude WAAW -Grain Markets WOI -Book Critic KRNT (sw- 15.27) WNAX -Warner Imig WHO -Morning Melodies WDAY Memory Lane WOW- Variety Prgm.; Markets CFQC -Noon Service Prgm. WOI- Conservatory of Music WNAX -Three Blue Boys WDGY - Mid - Morning Musicale WTCN- Fashions in Loveliness CJRM Luncheon Music 2:45 CST 1:45 MST WOI -Man in the Lower Ten WMT -Music XFDY- Chimes Concert Memory 11:45 CST 10:45 MST * NBC -THE O,NEi644-- WTCN- Around Town with Ann 10 :30 CST 9:30 MST KFJM-Flit of the Day (I a es): WHO KSTP Ginn NBC -How to Be Charming, CBS -Rich Man's Darling, sketch KFNF Grab Bag (Affiliated WBBM WOW WDAY WEB( WDAF 9:15 8:15 MST sketch (Phillips): WDAF Products) KOIL -Curb Exchange CST KRNT KMBC KFAB KFYR NBC -John's Other Wife, sketch WOW KSCJ Music Notes KSTP (sw-15.33) News: WDAF WMT CJRM -Today's Almanac (Louis Philippe): WOW WDAF CBS -BIG SISTER, SKETCH KSOO -Cecil & Sally * CFQC Old Doc Jim KMBC- Mills' Orch. (CBS) (sw- 15.33) (Rinso): WCCO WNAX KRNT WDGY -Slim Jim CJRM -Hits & Encores ' KSO -Doin' the Town- CBS -Modern Cinderella, sketch KFAB WBBM (sw- 21.52) WEBC- Carnival KFNF- Variety Prgm. KSOO-Peacock Court Dance (Gold Medal) : WCCO WBBM * NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch WHO -Open House KLPM- Pacheco Ensemble WCCO -Art Institute KMBC KFAB (sw- 21.52) (Crisco): KOIL WMT KSO WLB -T. B. Prgm. KS(',I Farm Flash. News W DG) Geins of Melody NBC -Five Star Jones (Oxydol) CFQC - Raymar WMT -Many Happy Returns WNAX -Three Blue Boys (sw- 15.21) CJRM -Veiled Lady KSO -To be announced WNAX -Dance Band , Up 3:00 CST 2:00 MST Oscar Shaw NBC- Viennese Sextet KFYR KFJM -Organ Serenade KSOO-Markets Round W'OI- Moeller's 4ccordion Band WCCO -Ma Perkins, sketch * NBC -TEA rIME AT MOR See 7 p.m. CST (6 MST) KS WMT KFNF -Jim & Andy WOI -Book Critic 1:15 CST 12:15 MST relis; Variety Show. featuring CFQC -Eb & Zeb _K XB_-.Yär7.ety Prem. CBS- American School of the Air; Gale Page. contr . Chartes CJRM- Coffee Time WOW -Nat'l Farm Sr Home Hour KLPM -News Current Events ; Vocational KLPM -Old Favorites WTCN Organ Recital Sears, tor.; Joseph Gallicchio's KMBC -News; Prgm. Notes Guidance: KSCJ KMBC & Don McNeill. m.c. KFJM -Co- operative Tow Orch. MORNING KSOO -The Songfest WBBM WCCO KRNT (sw- WDAF WEBC WHO KSTP KFNF-Jim Mogg. songs WDA1 On the Mall 15.27) ( -9.53) KOIL -Kitty Keene AFTLP;NJC3N: sw 7:45 CST 6:45 MST W'llGY Aunt Sammy r Music: WLB KFDY CBS-Three Consoles: KSCJ KRNT -Ray & CBS -Mor.tana Slim, yodeling cow- His Ramblers WEBC -News; Musical Interlude CFQC -Sport Review KRNT boy: (sw- 21.52) KSCJ -Women's Review WHO -Party Line 12:00 11:00 MST CJRM- Livestock Report; Sports KSOO-Dear Diary CST NBC -Radio Guild, "When We Musical Clock: KOIL WDAF WOI- Midwest Markets NBC -Dick Fidler's Orch.: (sw- KFAB -Open House Were Twenty- One," dramatiza- News: KSOO KFNF K STY -Muscia l Interlude WTCN- Dixieland Band 15.33) KFJM- Puzzle Prgm WDGY -Variety Prgm. tion: KOIL KLPMAMorning Devotionals 10:45 CST 9:45 MST CBS -Five Star Revue (Karo & KOIL -Carveth Golden & Eddie WOW WEBC -Music in the Air Musical Prgm.: KFNF KMBC -Breakfast Table k NBC -Edward MacHugh, Gospel Unit) ; Morton Bowe, tnr.; Butler WHO -Betty Crocker KFJM KRNT- Variety Revue Singer (Ivory Soap): WM F Merl Bell, KS(y.i -Hits & Bits KSOO WNAX -News songs; Ray Sinatra's News WDAY WNAX KSTP-Newspaper of the An KSO KOIL (sw- 15.21) Orch. & Bill Johnstone: WBBM WAAW -Grain Markets * CJRM -TEA TIME TOPICS 8:00 CST 7:00 MST 9:30 CST 8:30 MST * CBS -Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe KRNT KFAB WCCO(sw-15.21) Wir, finis & Encoie, CFQC -Musical Clock * NBC -Breakfast Club; Walter NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketchs (Lysol) with Toytown Band; CFQC -Dance Music WMT -Musical Almanac KFAB- Securities & Grain Mkts. Blau uus3^ 6Y 1 P3-î (Anacin): WOW WDAF (sw- Ruth Carhart, contr.: KMBC CJRM -Melodic Gems 1:30 CST 12:30 MST KFYR- Markets; Weather; Va- WDAY KSO KOIL (s - .21) 15.33) WBBM WCCO (sw- 21.52) KFJM- Flollywood Speaks Market Report: WHO KFAB -,MT-- CBS-Metropolitan Parade; News: CBS -Betty Crocker, cooking ex- NBC -Voie o r ( Wasey KLPM -Wen Schuh's Orch. WOI KMBC- Magazine of the Air KRNT (sw- 21.52) pert (Gold Medal) ; KFAB Tro3 {TYR KSTP KMBC -News; Markets CFQC Variety Prgm VS,CCO- Ladies First Gene & Glenn. KMBC WHO WBBM KMBC WCCO (sw- WDAY WEBC WOW WDAF KOIL -Music from Texas CJRM -Tarzan, sketch WDGY -Slim Jims Rouzhriders WOW 21.52) (sw- 15.33) KSCJ- Variety Show KFDY -Nora M. Hott WMT- Scotty Views the News 'CFQC- Musical Prgm. Musical Clock: WEBC KSOO NBC - Pepper Young's Family KSO -Dale Morgan KFJMV1- Request Prgm. N'UI Masterwork series CJRM -Abide WTCN (Camay) (sw- 15.21) With Me KSOU- Markets, Round Up KFNF- Serenader WOW- Markets KFAB- Friendly Troubadors KFJM -Top o' the Mornin MBS- Marrig_Clt'tnç: KSO WMT WDAF -Farm & Home Hr. (NBC) KOIL- Rhythm & Romance WTCN -Melody Garden KFJM -Prgm. Previews KFNF -Gardener Variety Prgm.: WDGY KFYR WDGY Be Beautiful KSOO -Eb & Zeb KFNF -Casey 3:15 CST 2:15 MST KLPM -Everybody's Hour CFQC -Grain Prices; Markets Jones WMT- Hillbillies KSTP Music & Art ,n Schools CJRM- Closing Stock Markets KLPM- Rhythm & Romance KSTP -Goud Morning Hour KLPM -Housekeeper's Chat WNAX- Variety Prgm. WAAW -News KFAB -Hits & Encores WDAF- Birthday Bell KFNF- Botany Lessons KRNT -Your Serenade WDAI. Houseboat Hannah KSCJ-Livestock Trade WOI- Practical Farmer KSO -Iowa Poet's Corner WDGY -Morning Musicale KOIL -Omaha Police Court WTCN -Happy Bob WDAY -Man on the Street KSOO -Skyride KRNT -Cap Malley KSOO -Man on the Street WMT -Tim Brady's Round -Up WDGY- Tuneful Topics VI DA \ Fern, & Home Bulletin WDGY-Rhythm & Romance 12:15 CST 11:15 MST WNAX- Rosebud Boys KSCJ -P. T. A. Prgm. WEBC- Romance of Hope Alden WMT-Odd Facts; Tonic Tunes KSOO -Music that's Never Old WNAX-March Kings NBC -Hollywood High Hatters: WOI- Headlines; Music Shop (sw- 15.33) WMT -Bill Brown, Movie Man WNAX -Tuning Around K -TP fhe Daily WTCN -Deep South 8x15 CST 7:15 MST CBS -Do Re Mi, trio: (sw- 15.27) WNAX -Mother Ra,,,all them WOW -Musicale WAAW -Grain Markets 11:00 CST 10:00 MST CBS -Jack & Loretta Clemens News: KFJM WNAX KSO KOIL WTCN- Gopher Bulletin 3:30 CST 2:30 MST WDA1 -One Gir, w e Million * NBC -Girl Alone sketch (Kel- (Kirman's Soap) : (sw- 21.52) CFQC- Musical Prgm. 1:45 CST 12:45 MST * NBC -FOLLOW THE MOON WEBC- Houseboat Hannah logg) : (sw- 15.33) CJRM- Breakfast Club -Opharial, astrologer * CBS -MYRT & MARGE, (Woodbury's); Nick Dawson & CBS -The Gumps, sketch (Pebe- CJRM KFAB -Jack Wells WHO -Betty Bob sketch (Super Suds) Billy & Elsie Hitz: WDAF WOW co) : WBBM KFAB -Man on the Street KFJM -News WNAX- QSacred Service KMBC WCCO Artzt's Orch.: KRNT KFAB KSTP (sw -9.53) W01-Market News (sw- 21.52) KFNF -Farm Sales & News KFNF -Dude Martin's Wranglers KMBC -Tex Owens. songs WBBM WCCO KMBC (sw- CBS -Among Our Souvenirs: KMBC WTCN -Party Line NBC -Honeyboy & Sassafras: -Met. Parade (CBS) KOIL KRNT -Hawkeye Dinnertime 15.27) KSCJ KRNT (sw- 15.27) KRNT -Music Memory 9:45 CST 8:45 MST & WHO KSTP Contest Variety Prgm.. WMT WAAW -Grain Markets Judy Jane: MBS -Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WMT WCAL- * NBC- Today's Children, sketch KSO KOIL WDAY WDAF WEBC QChurch Services CFQC Peter MacGregor WCCO.One Girl in a Million KSO (Pillsbury) : WDAF WEBC WDAF- Streamliners (NBC) CJRM-Birthday WDGY -Noon Hour Musicale CJRM -Grain Exchange CJRM -Houston Green & Condie WDGY -Be Beautiful KSTP WOW WHO (sw- 15.33) Party KFDY -Housekeepers' Chat KFAB- Dalton Norman KFAB - Weather & WMT -Question Man; Voice of WGN '.+od Morning CBS -Musical Interlude (Gold Med- Markets KFJM -Orch. Parade Iowa KFNF -Your Pets KFJM -Movie Gossip WHO -Musical Clock al) ; John K. Watkins, news: KSOO -Song Shop KFYR- 'ew Variety Prgm. KFNF- Weather Markets & News WOIMidwest Markets 8:30 KFAB WBBM KMBC WCCO WDGY Health Talk Ii1VISC e CST 7:30 MST KFYR- Police Bulletins; Markets WTCN -Party Time -1h bCf Savelr- NBC- Breakfast Club: WTCN Magic Kitchen: WMT KRNT WMT -To be announced WCCO- Musicale - ana an KSO Variety Prgm.: CFQC WDGY e 12:30 CST 11:30 MST WNAX -Ragtime Band WDAY -To be announced CJRM -Grain Exchange KRNT -Your Serenade NBC Dan Hardine's Wife. sketch CBS -Richard Maxwell, songs: KSCJ WTCN -For the Ladies WDGY- Mid-Afternoon Musicale News: KRNT KFNF- Shopping Lady -Ma Perkins, sketcb WDAF (sw- 15.33) i;SOO -From Studio 2:00 CST 1:00 MST WEBC -Stocks; Interlude CBS -Wife Saver; Allen KFYR- Weather & Markets A CBS -Make Believe; Freddy Prescott KSTP -Mark Time NBC -Pe 's WHO -'Way Down East een . Rich's Orch & Soloists: (sw- (Sweetheart Soap) : (sw- 21.52) WOI -March of WDAF -Way Down East sketch (Carnay)TWOW WDAF Science NBC -Streamliners: WOW KSTP KOIL- Houseboat Hannah 15.27) WHO WDAY KSTP WEBC WTCN- Women's Clubs WDAY -Women in the News NBC- Vâ ugh ., de t oaths songs. til-Al3 -The Jangles KSCJ -Early Livestock Trade KFYR (sw- 15.33) 3:45 CST 2:45 MST KFJM -Western Melodies KSO -Choir Loft WDGY -Charles Sengir KSO KOIL WEBC CBS -Heinz Magazine of the CBS-Salvation Army Staff Band: KFNF- Sketches in Melody WCAL- QChapel Service -Betty Crocker Rex attle's Orch.. CFQC CJRM WHO -Kitty Keene KFAB -Univ. of Nebr. Prgm. Air; B. A. Rolfe's Orch.; WBBM WCCO KLPM -Guess What? WDAY- Keyboard Kapers NBC -Grandpa Burton WDAF WNAX -Dance Band KFDY -A.M. Eberle Chorus; Reed Kennedy, bar.; KMBC -Kitty Keene WNAX-Serenaders WDAY (sw -9.53) WOI -Organ Music KFJM -Roisums Band "Trouble House." sketch; WCCO -Gene & Glenn 10:00 CST 9:00 MST guests: KMBC CJRM -Tinkling Tunes WDGY WOW -Mary Baker's Matinee KFNF -Henry Field -News NBC -David Harum, sketch (Bab - NBC -Clark Dennis, tnr.: KOIL KFAB -Ma Perkins. sketch WTCN- Merry -Go -Round KLPM -Eb & Zeb WEBC -Morning Melodies O) : WHO WOW (rig WMT WTCN (sw- 15.21) KFJM -With the Masters WDAF KMBC -The Midwesterners WHO -Musical Clock 15.33) 11:15 CST 10:15 MST CBS -Kriener String Quartet: KFNF -Cecil & Sally KSOO- Rubinoff, violinist WMT -Frank Voelker, organist * CBS -Heinz Magazine of the * NBC -Story of Mary Marlin, KFAB KSCJ KRNT (sw- KMBC -News Through a Wom- KSTP -Musical Interlude ; News WNAX -Yodeling Cowboy sketch (Kleenex) : WOW WHO 15.27) ans Eyes Air; B. A. Rolfe's Orch.; Reed Alden's Romance 8:45 CST 7:45 MST bar.; KSTP (sw- 15.33) WCCO-Hope CFQC- Variety Prgm. KSTP -Movie Parade Kennedy, "Trouble WDAV Noonday Variety Prgm CBS -Bachelor's Children (Old House," sketch; Mrs. Sarah * CBS -Ted Malone (Hinds' -News WDGY -Piano Moods WDGY-Siesta CJRM Dutch Cleanser): (sw- 21.52) Lockwood, guest : KFAB Cream) : KMBC KFAB WCCO KFJM World Bookman WEBC -Universal Revue EBC Bulletin Board NBC -Adela Rogers St. Johns; WNAX KRNT WBBM WCCO (sw-21.52) * FNF Kitchen Klatter WHO-Houseboat Hannah WHO- Luncheon Music News: WDAF sw-21.52) NBC -Stout Hearted Men, quar- KSO- Marion & Eddie WNAX -Dick Saunders WM1'- Markets ; Hillbillies Party Line: KMBC WOW NBC The O'Neills (Ivory Flakes) tet : KSO WDAY KOIL KSOO Black Mazy Mystery WOW-News; Odd Facts WNAX -Brass Band News: KSCJ KRNT (sw- 15.21) CFQC -Question Man Markets; Police WTCN -Luke Rader WOW -News; Musicale WCCO- CJRM -To be announced NBC-Helen Jane Behlke, songs; WDGY - Living Love Songs WDGY -Varieties 4:00 CST 3:00 MST KFJM -Accordianist WTCN- Popular Concert KFAB -News; Radio Calendar -Larry Larsen, organist : KSO WOI.Organ Music CBS -Sunbrite )i Nurse Corps KFJM -ADevotionals CJRM -Opening Markets KFNF -Poultry Prgm 12:45 CST 11:45 MST 2:15 CST 1:15 MST (sw- 11.83) KFYR -Betty &__Fob & duo: KFNF -Hughes Reels KFJM- Household Hour NBC -Gran Smith, piano * NBC - NBC -Archer Gibson, organist: WDAF (sw- 15.33) KLPM- Theater Preview KFNF- Today's Almanac etch : WDAY WDAF WHO WOW (sw -9.53) KSO- Breakfast Express K YR WAAW -Grain Markets CBS -Aunt Jennie's Real Life KFYR WDAF WOW KSTP CBS-Al Trace's Orch.: KSCJ WDGY -Living Love Songs KSOO- Singing Stars - ancing Moods Stories (Spry): WBBM KFAB WHO (sw- 15.33) KRNT WCCO KSTP-News; Musical Interlude KMBC- Fashion Flashes WEBC-Betty & Bob. sketch KRNT WNAX KMBC (sw- NBC- Freshmen: KOIL WMT N ee Ranc WDAY WDGY- Popular Prgm. KOIL -News from Radio Row WMT -1 ou Webb, organist 15.27) Ma Perkins: WNAX KFJM C-KF WEBC- Morning Musicale KSCJ -News; Want Ad Rambles WOI -The Book Critic NBC -Dot Lyketch: KFYR News: WTCN CFQC CFQC -Piano Recital {SO WMT-Women in the News KSOO- Markets & News WTCN -Morning Serenade CJRM- Closing Grain Markets CJRM -Symphony How WNAX -Brass Band KSTP- Household Forum 11:30 CST 10:30 MST News: WDGY WHO KS00 KFNF- Poultry Period KFAB -News WOI- Markets & News WDAY- Markets; Morn. Melodies * NBC -Nat'l Farms Home t+..; KLPM KSO- Women's Page of the Air KFJM- Cooperative Shopping Tour 9:00 CST 8:00 MST WDGY -News Waltea ,cc Orch.: WDAY KFDY -Farm Flashes KSOO -Dance Parade KMBC -News, Citizens League NBC -Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage WEBC -Woman's Hour KFYR KSTP WEBC WHO KFJM -Road Information WAAW- Security Markets KOIL -Iowa Highlights KSCJ -Livestock Trade Patch. sketch (Old English WMT -Ldu Webb, organist (sw- 15.21) WCCO -News; Stock KSOO- Sketches in Melody . KSTP -Journal Features Wax) WOW WDAF (sw- WOI- Headlines: Homemakers CBS - Romance of Helen Trent. WDG'. 'Musical Newsettes KSTP-Woman's Page of the Air 15.33) 10:15 CST 9:15 MST sketch (Edna Wallace Hopper) WCCO -Don & Toby 2:30 CST 1:30 MST WDGY-Happy Hollow Gang * CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch * NBC -Backstage Wife, sketch Virginia Clark: WBBM KRNT WDAY -News; Variety Prgm. * NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Cris- WEBC- Matinee WMT -Joe Doakes; Cornhuskers (Gold Medal): WBBM KFAB (Dr. Lyons) : WOW WDAF KMBC KFAB co) : KPTR WEBC K>ìT&.WHO WLB -Organ Concert WCCO KMBC (sw- 21.42) KSTP WHO (sw- 15.33) News: KLPM WAAW WOI -News; The Practical Farmer WDAF WOW WDAY (sw- 15.33) VVNAXGarden of Memories News: KOIL CJRM WMT CFQC NBC -Personal Column of the Air CFQC -Ma Perkins. sketch WOW -Man on the Street CBS -Billy Mill's Orch.: KFAB WOI -Iowa State Med Society WTCN -Front Page of the Air KFNF (Chipso) : (sw- 15.21) CJRM- Midsession Markets KSCJ KRNT (sw- 15.27) 4:15 CST 3:15 MST KFJM -Salon Silhouettes NBC-Vagabonds: KOIL KFJM -Slim Thomson 1:00 CST 12:00 MST NBC -Dorothy Dreslin, sap.: NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston KFYR-News; Variety Prem. News: WTCN KFJM KFNF- Smithoriians * CBS -BIG SISTER, SKETCH KOIL WTCN WMT Straight Shooters; Ranch Boys KLPM -u ) CFQC- Stocks; Markets KOIL -Noon -day Varieties (Rinso): KMBC CFQC -Seal of the Don Quartet: (sw9.53) 40 8/19 C CBS -Dorot Gordon's Children CBS -Renfrew of the Mounted To be announced: KSCJ WLW CBS -Sec. Henry A. Wallace, 10:39 CST 9:30 MST Corner: SCJ KRNT (Wonder Bread): WBBM CFQC- Variety Prgm. "Farm Tenancy ": WBBM * CBS- CHESTERFIELD PRGM. Friday * NBC -Kel og 's Singing Lad KRNT KSCJ KFAB KMBC KFJM -Amer. Family Robinson KSCJ KRNT WNAX WCCO with Hal Kemp's Orch.; Solo- Musica ays: WCCO KFNF -Henry Field KFAB (sw -6.12) ists; Guests: KSL (also at WDAY uIIL WMT KSO (sw- NBC -Joan & the Escorts: KOIL KLPM -Black Magic NBC -Pontiac Variety Show; John 7:30 p.m.) 15.21) Little Orphan Annie WNAX WGN-George Hamilton's Orch. Held, Jr., m.c.; Univ. of NBC -Glen Gray's Orch.: WDAF January 22 NBC -Edwar Davies. songs: KFJM WEBC WMT KSO WLB -Bach Harpsichord Music Michigan, guest: KOA WEBC (sw -9.53) WDAF HO KSTP KSTP- Amusement; News; Sports WNAX- Smooth Sailing KFYR KSTP WOW WHO NBC -Bob McGrew's Orch.: WEBC CFQC-Conc t Music WDAF -Dance Selections 7:15 CST 6:15 MST WMAQ WDAF WLW WDAY KFYR KOIL WDAY WENR KFAB -Babs & Betty WDGY -News NBC -Singing Sam the Barbasol (sw -9.53) CBS -George Olsen's Orch.. KSCJ KMBC-Rom nce Hope Alden WHO- Sunset Corners Opry Man: KOIL WLS WMT KSO CBC -I Cover the Water Front: KFAB WNAX KRNT WCCO -The Emperors WTCN -Biltmore Boys (sw- 11.87) CFQC CJRM * NBC -True Story Court of Hu- KMBC at WNAX Mar h Kings 6:00 5:00 MST KFJM -Music & Flowers -Erle Smith man Relations: KOA (also CST KMOX 8:30 WOW -Fed. of Women's Clubs NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY, KLPM -Asher & Little Jimmie -Dunstedter Swing Ses- p.m.) * MBS-Freddy Martin's sketch ( Pepsodent): WHO KSCJ -Eb & Zeb sion Orch.: 4:30 CS 3:30 MST KSL KSO NBC -Jack Armstrong, sketch (sw -9.53) (also see 10 p.m.) -Jade Pagoda WGN WMT 7:30 CST 6:30 MST KSO- Impressions KLPM -Dance Nocturne (Wheelie ) : (sw -9.53) CBS- Mortimer Gooch, sketch * CBS -CHESTERFIELD PRGM. WGN -behind the Camera Lines KMBC- Sports Review CBS -Doris Kerr, songs: KSCJ (Wrigley's Gum) : (sw -1 1.83) with Hal Kemp's Orch.: Kay WJR- KM110X Headline Highlight= (sw -11.83 NBC -Mary Small, songs: KOIL Musicale Thompson; Rhythm Singers; KTSP- Hudson's Bay Memories NBC -Randa Sisters: WHO KSO WMT -Style Talk; Varieties David Ross: WBBM WCCO WTMJ -To be announced u Rollie inhnc.m KSTP CBS -Herbert Footé s Ensemble: KMBC KFAB KMGX KRNT KFAB WCCO WHO -Sons of the Pioneers News: WD WOI WNAX KSCJ WJR (sw- 11.83) 9:45 CST 8:45 MST Virginia Verrill KFJM CJRM CBS -Vocals by Verrill: KSCJ WJR -Duchin's Orch. (CBS) KFAB -Cros- oads of the Nation Dinner Music: NBC -Death Valley Days, drama See 9:45 p.m. CST (8:45 MST) KMBC p News: CFQC KLPM WOW KRNT KFAB WCCO WNAX KSL WLW- Salute to Charlevoix, Mich. -Gos Club (Borax) : KOIL WMT KSO WMAQ- ' )rch KTINT Hi Lo Sports: WTCN KSCJ (sw -6.12) Frankie Master= WLS WLW (sw- 11.87) WTCN -Crazy Crystal Hotel KSOO -Spo . Review K FNF- Pentecostal Singers CJRM -Variety Prgm. News: WJR CJRM WAAW -Ne s KFYR -Organ Prgm. KFJM -Emil Dyer's Orch. KMBC- Rhythmic Ramblings 10:45 CST 9:45 MST WCCO -Sche ule; Livestock KMBC -News; Band Plays KFNF -Farm Sales; News KMOX -Thank You, Stusia CBS -Geo. Olsen's Orch.. KMBC Frequencies WDGY -Yo g Ideas KSTP -Mr. Editor KLPM- Selmar & Soprani KOIL -Orch. Revue WBBM CFQC-840 WCCO-810 WNAXRos bud Kids WDAF- Donald McGibeny KSL -News KRNT Gold Under the Mann NBC -Earl Hines' Orch. KOII. CJRM-540 WDAF-810 WDAY -Dance Hour WENR -Gus Arnheim's Orch WTCN WENR WDAY KFYR KFAB-770 WDAY-940 WOW -Interview with Aunt Sally WGN -Lone Ranger, drama KFDY-780 WDGY-1180 4:45 CS 3:45 MST WDGY -Evennig Musicale WLB -Norwegian Lesson WTCN -Amer. Family Robinson NBC -Glen Gray's 'Orch.: WOW KFJM-1370 WEBC-1290 WEBC -To be announced WTMJ Carla Pestalozzi WHO KSTP KFNF-890 WENR-870 NBC -Old- - - 7:45 6:45 MST ontestead, drama: CST KFYR-550 WGN-720 KFYR 'AY KSO WMT -Mile A Minute Revue CJRM- Cesare Sodero Directs 10:00 CST 9:00 MST KMOX- Cameron & Karnes, songs WNAX -Dinner Hour WCAL- jChapel Service KLPM-1240 WHO-1000 I.c W :Her es, ,s it KRNT KFJM -Down the Romany Trail * NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY, KMBC-950 WJR-750 WCCO -Cecil Hurst's Orch KSCJ W I CO (sw- 15.27) 6:15 CST 5:15 MST KFNF -Pumpkin talles . sketch (Pepsodent) : WOW KMO%-1090 WLB-1250 NBC -Little frphan Annie, sketch * NBC -UNCLE EZRA'S RADIO KSL -Let's Dance KOA WDAF WMAQ (also at WEBC -News KOA-830 WLS-870 11 :00 10:00 MST KOIL-1260 WLW-700 (Ovaltine : (sw -9.53) Station (Alka- Seltzer); Pat 8:00 CST 7:00 MST 6 p.m.) CST KSO KRNT-1320 WMAQ-670 KFAB -Dian ,nd City News Barrett: WDAF WDAY WHO * NBC -Universal Rhythm (Ford); CBS- Mortimer Gooch, sketch NB -Gus Arnheim's Orch.: KSCJ-1330 WMT-600 KMBC -Y u g America Speaks WOW WEBC KFYR KSTP Rex Chandler's Orch.: WMT (Wrigley's Gum): KRNT K;L KOIL WMAQ WTCN KSL-1130 WNAX-570 KOIL -Tarv: Talks (sw -9.53) WTMJ WEBC WDAY KFYR KMBC KMOX WCCO WBBM h- t,u LouWa!do s Urch .KSO-1430 W0I-640 WNAX KFAB KSCJ KRN1 KS00-1110 WOW-590 KSOO -News CBS -Popeye the Sailor, sketch KSO KOIL WLW KSTP WLS KFAB (also at 6 p.m.) KSTP-1460 WTCN-1250 KSTP -Thea r Prgm. (Wheatena): WBBM KRNT (sw- 11.87) (also see 11 p.m.) NBC -John Winters. organist. WBBM WBBM-710 WTMJ-620 WciAF -sale y Council Talk KMOX KFAB KMBC WCCO * CBS -Hollywood Hotel (Camp- George R. Holmes (sw -9.53) NBC- Shandor, violinist; Johnny WCAL-1250 Hamp's Orch.: KFYR KSTP WDGY -Cha du, the Magician (sw- 11.83) bell Soup) ; Anne Jamison, MBS -George Hamilton's Orch.: WEBC -Twil ht Review NBC -The Stainless Show featur- sop.; Francis Langford, contr.; WGN KSO WDAY WDAF WHO WEBC KOA -Night WHO -World Dances News ing Ford Bond, narrator; Mario Igor Gorin, bar.; Raymond New- Kull WTCN WDA1 KOA Club KSL -International WMT -Rapp. Chappies Cozzi, bar.; Josef Stopak's Paige's Orch.; Victor McLag- WENR KSCJ MBS -Ma] Hallett's Orch.: WGN News WMT WCCO -Leon Belasco's Orch WOW (Millie & ldhe Orch.: WMT KSO KOIL (sw- len, guest in "Coast Patrol": CFQC- Hockey Game 11.87) KSL KSCJ WNAX KMOX CJRM -Martial Airs CJRMM -News WENR -Lou Breesé s Orch. 5:00 CS 4:00 MST WGN -Dick News: KFJM WTCN KFAB WJR KRN' (.NIB: i- r KLPM -Moonlight Melodies Jurgen'= Orch CBSSunbri e Ji Nurse Corps, sports. \ews CFQC -Musical 11.83) KMBBndrly Fisher's Orch WLW -Salute to Bristol, Tenn. sketch: BBM KFAB WCCO Prm WCCO WBBM (sw- KLPM -Sports Review CJRM Growing Up NBC-Abe Lymrn's Waltz lime KSO- Musical Wheel KMOX -Dusty Roades' Orch. 11:'S CST 10:45 MST KMBC KSL Rampton Barlow. songs -Do ; NBC -Old T :velar's Tales: WDAF KFNF You Believe In Ghosts (Phillips) Frank Munn. tnr.; KSTPFolks Behtnu the News CBS -Carl Ravel's Orch.: KSL Ki.P.I Cecil & Sally Bernice Claire: WMAQ WOW WCCO- Leonard Keller "s Orch. WCCO KF 3) WEBC -News; Musical Interlude 'Ireh KSCJ -To be announced WDAF (sw9.53) WHO -Rubinoff, violinist WENR -Henry Busse CJRM -Red Gap Social CBS-Budd) Clark oar. (sw- WJR-Meditations 11.83) 6:30 CST 5:30 MST CFQC -Music Hall WLW -Paul Sullivan, news WENR. -Jimmy Garrett's Orch. CJRM -Modern Tempos WMI'-Dieam Songs WLW -Moon River CFQC -Tea 1me Tunes * NBC -HORLICK'S LUM & AB- WOW Music Box 12:10 CST 11:00 MST CJI;M.Conc rt Varieties ner, comedy sketch: WLW KFJM -Russell Block, pianist WNAX- Choral Melodies MBS- Sammy Kaye's Orch.: KSO KFNF Dud, 1L, 'in Wranglers WTMJ -News I)aocine til Mid WTMJ -Dance Orch. KF'JM -Afte oon Dancing WENR 11:15 CST 10:15 MST WLW KOIL -Sport Review CBS -Ray Heatherton, songs: KOA -Col. Courtesy night KMOX -When Day Is Done WGN -Dick Jurgens Orch 10:15 CST 9:15 MST CBS -Guy Lombardo's Orch.: KOA -News KRNT-Song by Eileen WBBM KFAB KRNT WCCO KMOX KMBC KSCJ -QCh istian Science KSCP (sw- 11.83) WHO- Presents NBC -Phil Levant's Orch.: WENR KSL -To be announced WLW- Barton Rees Pouge's Scrap WDAF KFYR WEBC WOW NBC -Gus Arnheim's Orch.: (sw- KSTP -News; Dream Ship KSO -Adven ures of Tim NBC -Edwin C. Hill, news: (sw- 15.21) KSOO- Diam,nd City Comedy 9.53 ) Book (sw -9.53) WENR -Frankie Masters' Orch News: KOIL WNAX WDAY WTCN -Dick Long's Orch. CBS -Roger Pryor's nrch KSCJ CJRM -To be announced WGNAI Kavelin's Orch. KSTP -Budd & Ginger MST KSL -Hughesreels W..}G1 Hits nt the Day WHO 8:15 CST 7:15 WBBM KFAB WNAX KMBC WMAQ -King's Jesters CJRM -Highlights from Canadian 10:30 MST ' T d. Tunes Diamond City News: KMBC * NBC -UNCLE EZRA'S RADIO 11:39 CST Wi114 Musicale WMT-Even WEBC KSTP Hockey Station (Alka-Seltzer) : KOA CBS -Carl Ravel's Orch.: WBBM 12:15 CST .11:15 MST KFJM -News News WHO WCCO KSO WM I KS(J WNAX ! It(t .sIH Get, ge B German Ali( Variety Prgm. KOA -Art Kassel's Orch. WOW -Dra tization (:,)11M This Week in History KFNF Club Cabana KLPM KRNT WJR KRNT KMOX WMAQ -Earl Hines' Orch. KOA- s Orch.: WTCN -Tun :. of the Day KFJM- Dinner Dancing Soloist KMOX- France Laux, sports NBC -Mario Bragiotti 12:30 CST 11:30 MST KF\F Band Marches tt, U,nuh,nd City News KOII. American Weekly KOIL WTCN MBS -Red Norvo's Orch.: WGN 5:15 CS 4:15 MST Orch. Kirk's Orch.: WEBC CBS -Cheri McKay with Eddie KFYR -News; Studio WLW -Joe Sanders' KSL- Townsend Plan NBC -Andy KSO WTCN Keller's Orch. KFYR KSTP WDAY WDAF 1 -Leonard -News; Sports House, o KFAB KMBC K ''A'1 Mar. O=horne KSTP KSL -To be announced _z.Iist: WMAQ WHO WOW KSCJ KSO- Sports; News 8:3^ CST 7:30 MST WDAY -Hold the Press WENR Louis Panics s Orch STARS; VICTOR MBS -Leo Reisman's Orch.: WMT CBS -News o! Youth (Wards 4 '.F' ffvt,itu,ft tolinist * NBC -TWIN WGN -Ted Weems' Orch WLW -Al Donahué s Orch. Moore & Helen Broderick (Na- WI W Oneen's Minstrel KSO McGrew's Bread) ; r. News Dramatiza WMT- Dinner Music; News WMAQ-Bob Orch ; Rogers' & Freshettes: tion: W::M (sw 11.83) WOW- Musicale tional Biscuit) Buddy WMAQ -Money Talks CBC- Freshmen Orch.: KOIL KSTP WDAY CFQC CJRM of Friday Programs NBC -Tom ix & His Ralston WTCN- Dinner Concert WTCN -Dance Orch. End 6:45 CST 5:45 MST ,VTMJ KSO WEBC WENR Straight ,hooters; Ranch Boys (sw- 11.87) Quartet: STP (sw -9.53) e CBS -Boake Carter. commen- WMT KFYR WLW NBC -True Story Court of Hu KFJM-AB ck to the Bible tator (Philco) WBBM WCCO * KFYR -New KMBC KFAB (sw- 11.83) man Relations WOW WHU WE WMAQ WDAF (sw -9.53) PAID HER A00' ac f. rmstrong NBC- Norsemen Quartet: KSTP CBC -Pirouettes: CFQC CJRM KRNT With I Chandler songs WOW KFJM -Nite Club Hour For gm O/d BOOK KSO -To be announced Rubinoff, violinist : WDAY & Zeb That she was warthkss WCCO -Fron Page Parade KFYR WNAX KFNF -Eb *Of CFQC Cecil & Sally KOA -Golden Melodies WE PAID Mrs. I. M., Whitewater, Wisc., WDAF -War Keith, actor WGN -Red Norvo's Orch $500.00 for one old story book; Mr. WDAY -Din er Hour GTRM Buck Rogers W. S. R., of Florida $150.00 for a paper- WTCN -Hal McIntyré s Orch. WDGY -Org n Moods KFJM- George Miller, bar. bound poetry book; Mrs. F. K. Lake "N1 City, Minn., $100.00 for one old (look. WEBC -Buddy & Ginger Fl Rhvth,r Kevbnaro 8:45 CST 7:45 MST We paid $400.00 for two copies of "Tom WHO -Jr. N rse corp. KOIL -Jean Dickinson (NBC) KFNF-Today's News Sawyer" by Mark Twain. And hun- dreds and hundreds of other men and WMT -Cozy Corners KRNT-Memory Lane WGN -News; Quin Ryan, sports womenin all parts of the country have WNAX -Yam ton College KSCJ -Dingbat Trio WTCN -Paul Pendarvis' Orch. been surprised and delighted to re- i< '4) Sweet Music ceive cash from us for old books they WOW- Curit.ity Club 9:00 CST 8:00 MST thought were worthless. Perhaps WTCN -Dire tory WDAF -Hot Dates in Musir NBC -To be announced: WENR yours are valuable. 5:30 CS 4:30 MST WEBC- Variety Bill KOIL (sw -6.14) We Buy Thousands of Dollars WHO -Gene & Glenn Worth of Old Books Annually CBS -News; Three Aces: WNAX * CBS -Philadelphia Symph. Or- WMT- Diamond City News AND WE WILL PAY KSCJ K'AB (sw- 11.83) chestra.; Eugene Ormandy, $50 - $100 - $200 - $500 cond.: KFAB KRNT KSL Even $5,000 Each for certain books. Jack Arms rone, sketch: WHO Books even as late as 1931 wanted. We also pas c for cer- WDAF CCO KFYR WBBM WCCO KMBC KMOX tain old newspapers, magazines, almanacs, deeds, letters, etc. -9.53) Some of your old books may bring you cash ! Investigate! CFQC -Gov' . Radio School WJR (sw Send 10e for latest list of books we want to boy and cash CJRM -Conc rt Treasures NBC -Cam pan a's First Nigh, er. prices we will pay. Send for it TODAY 1 KFJM Uncl Bill 7:00 CST 6:00 MST dramatization starring Don FRICfIN BD BART -B Ameche & Barbara Luddy : Dept 350 * KFOR HIND THE MICRO- NBC -Irene Rich, drama: KOIL t ERRBORN 5T. WTMJ WMAQ WHO PHONE 1210 kc) WMT WLS KSO (sw- 11.87) WLW WDAY KMBC -Dic Tracy, sketch NBC -Cities Service Concert; WOW WDAF WEBC * KOA KSTP (sw -9.53) KMOX- Eug =ne LePique, pianist Dragonnette, sop.; Ro- KFYR There Is an Edition of Radio Guide Jessica KSO KBNT-Or'. Reveries Bourdon's Orch.: WDAY MBS- Witches Tale: WMT for Every Section of North America sario Folks Frolic KSTP -Corner Cupboard KFYR KSTP WDAF WEBC; CFQC -Old CJRM -String Orch. WDAY -Ne . ; Rob't Gately, bar. WTMJ WMAQ WHO WOW WDGY- Var'-ty Prgm. KOA (sw -9.53) KSCJ -Thrill Hunter WGN -Al Kavelin's Orch WEBC -Twil ht Review CBS -Broadway Varieties (Bi -Su WTCN -Front Page of the Air 100% Improvement Guaranteed WMT-Radi, s Blind Organist Dol); Oscar Shaw, bar.; Car - We build, strengthen the vocal organs WOW -Creig ton Univ. mella Ponselle, mezzo, sop.; 9:15 CST 8:15 MST not with singing -but by faodamenudly- sound and ecien.iócally correct silent exercises . . WTCN -New Elizabeth Lennox, contr.; Vic CFQC Album of Lite and absolutely guarantee to improve any singing 5:45 CS 4:45 MST tor Arden's Orch.; Guests: KSL CJRM -Songs of Araby wondeerfful voice booksent treo. Loam WBY Pat.a . * NBC -Lo ell Thomas, commen- WBBM KRNT KMBC KFAB WTCNRubinoff violinist can now have the voice you want. No literature ant to anyone under 17 unless signed by parent. : KMOX (sw- tator (S Oil) (sw- 15.21) WCCO WJR 9:30 CST 8:30 MST PERFECT VOICE INSTITUTE. Studio 7881 NBC-Orpha, Annie ( Ovaltine) : 11.87) NBC -Vivian Della Chiesa, sop.: 64 E. Lake St., Chicago WOW W AY KFYR CRC -Arcadian Serenade: CJRM KOIL WTCN WENR C 6/14 41 9:15 CST 8:15 MST 10:45 CST 9:45 MST WMT- Question Man; Voice ,t WNAX -Frank Woolsey W F BC- Twilight Review NBC -Vass Family WDAF WOW NBC -Home Town, sketch: WDAF Iowa 2:30 CST 1:30 MST WMT -Bill Brown, Movie Man Saturday WHO (sw- 15.33) WHO (sw- 15.33) WOI- Markets * NBC- Week -end Revue; Harold WNAX- George B. German CBS -Richard Maxwell, songs: MBS -Len Salvo, organist: WMT WTCN -Party Time Levey's Orch.: WDAF. WOW WTCN- Variety Prgm. KRNT KSCJ KMBC KFAB KSO 12:30 CST 11:30 MST WHO (sw- 15.33) 5:15 CST 4:15 MST January 23 WBBM WCCO (sw- 21.52) CFQC-Musical Prgm. NBC -Campus Capers: WDAF CBS -Dept. of Education Series: NBC -Lee Gordon's Orch.: WDAF NBC -Raising You! Parents: CJRM -Abide With Me WHO (sw- 15.33) KMBC KSCJ KFAB WCCO WTCN KFYR WMT WDAY KFJM -Prgm. Previews CBS -Buffalo Presents: KMBC KRNT (sw- 15.27) CFQC -Growing Up CFQC -Eb & Zeh KFNF -Casey Jones KSCJ (sw- 15.27) CFQC -Old Time Music KFJM -Catch the Announcer CJRM- Coffee Time KFYR -Mrs. Florence Davis NBC -Our Barn. children's prgm.. CJRM -Concert Interlude KSO- Parade of Features KFJM -Souvenirs in Song KLPM-Rhythm & Romance KFYR (sw- 15.21) KFJM- Request Prgm. WBBM -Al Roth's Orch. (CBS) KFNF -Jim Mogg. songs KSOO -Man on the Street Rex Battle's Orch.: CFQC CJRM KFNF- Flower Lady WCCO-News KLPM -Old Favorites KSTP- Church Review KFAB -Farm Drama KSOO-News Parade WDGY -,,Broadway Temple KOIL -Hits & Encores WDAY -Magic of Speech (NBC) KFDY- Vocational Problems WDGY -Music Box WMT -Parade of Features KSOO -Dear Diary WDGY -Bernadene Peterson KFJM -Roisums' Band WNAX -Serenaders WNAX -Henry King's Orch. KSTP Musical Interlude WTCN -St. Paul Playgrounds KFNF Henry Field 2:45 CST 1:45 MST WOW -Civic Calendar WDGY- Varieties 11 :00 CST 10:OO MST KLPM -Farm News CFQC -Seal of the Don WEBC Music in the Air NBC -Harold Nagel's Orch.: 5:30 CST 4:30 MST KOIL- Rhythm & Romance CJRM-Today's Almanac NBC -News; WNAX News WDAF WHO (sw- 15.33) * Home Symphony; KSO -Doin the Town * KGDY- BEHIND THE MICRO- Ernest La Prade. cond.: KFYR 9:30 8:30 MST NBC -,,Call to Youth; "Devel- CST KSOO-Timely Tunes PHONE WDAY KOIL NBC -Manhatters: WOW WDAF opment of Personality WMT KSO ": KSTP -Musical Interlude; News KSOO- Mother Goose Parade CBS -Tito Guizar, WHO (sw- 15.33) CJ HM- Birthday Party tnr.: KEN' WCCO- Livestock; Markets 141. (,) Gems of Melody KSCJ KMBC KFAB WBBI Vincent Lope? CBS -Let's Pretend: KMBC KSCJ KFAB -Weather & Market's WDAY Noonday Variety Prgm NBC -News; Sonia Essin contr. See 8 p.m. CST (7 MST) KFAB WBBM (sw- 21.52) KFJM -Stars of Tomorrow 3:00 CST 2:00 MST WDGY -Swing Siesta CBS- Captivators: KSCJ KMBC WOW WDAF (sw -9.53) CFQC -Variety Show KFNF- Markets; News Bulletin WEBC- Board WCCO KRNT (sw- 15.27) Ft ;C Tea Hour KFJM- Household Hour KFYR- Markets; Police Bulletins WMT -Markets- Hillbillies KFNF -Botany Lesson News: KSOO WNAX CJRM- Concert Varieties KLPM-Canadian Salute WNAX -Brass Band KFJM -Uncle MORNING KLPM -Housekeeper's Chat KOIL -Kids Kourt CFQC -Musical Clock Bill WOW News; Musicale CJRM -Crazy Quilt * KFOR- BEHIND THE MICRO- KOIL -Omaha Police Court KSO- Governor Herring WTCN -Crazy Water Hotel KFAB-Securities & Grain Mitts. PHONE (1210 kc ) KRNT-Your Serenade KEOO -From A 7:45 CST 6:45 MST Studio 12:45 11:45 KSTP-Augsburg College Choir KSOO- Through Hollywood Lens KSTP -Mark Tyme CST MST KFNF -Variety Hour NBC -Dandies of Yesterday: News: WHO WDGY WOI KS00 11 LCO-Minn. lounst Bureau KSTP The Daily WDAY-Women in the News WDGY -Skarning's Orch. WTCN KLPM WLB -Opera Prgm. WEBC -News; Twilight Review CBS -The Oleanders: (sw- 21.52) WAAW -Graih Markets WDGY-Charles Sengir Grain Exchange: CFQC CJRM WHO- Weekly Digest WCCO -Organ Melodies WEBC- American Weekly 3:15 CST 2:15 MST News: KSOO KFNF KFAB-Markets & News WMT -Julie WDAY -One Girl in a Million CBS -Captivators: KFAB WBBM Wintz' Orch. KLPM -,,Morning Devotionals WNAX-Dance Band KFDY -Soil Science WNAX -Howdy WDGY -Music Box WOI- Headlines CJRM -Radio Matinee Brothers KOIL -Musical Clock of the Hour KFJM -Road Information WTCN -News KRNT- Variety Revue WEBC -World Revue WOW -Mary Baker's Matinee KFJM-News; Musical Interlude KFYR -Inquiring Microphone KSOO -Skyride 5:45 CST 4:45 MST KSTP- Newspaper of the Air WNAX -,,Sacred Service WTCN- Merry-Go -Round I.MBC- Songsmiths WDGY- Morning Musicale WOIMarket News 11:15 CST 10:15 MST WNAX-Matinee NBC %\Relieinn m the News; KOIL -Curb Exchange (sw -9.53) WNAX -Howdy Brothers WTCN -Lost & Found NBC -Genia Fonariova, sop.: KSO-Doin' the Town 3:30 CST 2:30 MST WOW WDAF 9:45 CST 8:45 MST KSO WTCN NBC -Golden Melodies: WDAF CBS -Sat. Night Swing Club 8:00 CST 7:00 MST KSTP -Journal Features KENT KFAB KSCJ KMBC NBC -Clark Dennis lqr.: KOIL. NBC- Harold Nagel's Orch.: WCCO -First WHO WOW (sw -9.53) * NBC -Breakfast Club; Walter Edition (sw- 11.83) Blaufuss' Orch.; News: KFYR KFYR WDAY WDAY -News; Variety Prgm. CBS -Lieberkranz of The City of Magic Kitchen: WMT CFQC -Musical KFJM- Dinner Dancing WDAY KOIL KSO (sw- 15.21) Prgm. WMT -Aunt Fanny New York: KRNT WCCO KSCJ CFQC-Grain Exchange KFAB -World Dances KFAB KMBC WBBM (sw- KSTP- Amusement ; News: Sport- CBS -Fred Feibel, organist: WOW -Man on the Street WCCO-Uncle Jim KRNT (sw- 21.52) CJRM -Organ Music KFNF - Poultry Prgm. 1:00 12:00 15.27) KFYR Weather; Markets KSTP- Fields & Hall CST MST KFJM -Geraldine Hannah, songs WDGY -News Gene & Glenn: KMBC WHO * NBC -METROPOLITAN OP- WEBC- Twilight Review WOW KLPM -Seen Around Town WAAW -Grain Markets WDGY- Dorothy Dorum KSTP-Uncle Tom's Party WDGY -Piano Moods era Co. (RCA -Victor); "Tales WHO -Sunset Corners Opry Musical Clock: WEBC WTCN of Hoffmann "; Lawrence Tib- 3:45 CST 2:45 MST WMT -Musical Mailbox WCAL -,,Chapel Service WEBC -News; Musical Interlude CJRM- Tinkling Tunes KS00 bett, Stella Andreva & Hilda WNAX -Swing Melodies KFJM -Comedy Capers CCOk H A Prgm WMT -Lou Webb, organist KFJM -With the Masters WDAY-Concordia College WOI- Educational Forum Burke: KFYR WDAY KSO WTCN -Home Symph. (NBC) KFNF- Gardener KOIL WEBC KSTP WTCN WDGY -Boyd Atkin's Orch 6:00 5:00 MST KLPM-Everybody's WDGY- Mid- Morning Musicale WOW -Markets WNAX -Dick Saunders CST Hour Hour WMT (sw -15.21 ) NBC -Song Stories, Jimmy Kemp- KSTP -Good Morning Hour WEBC -Woman's 11:30 CST 10:30 MST WOW -News WNAX- Serenaders NBC -Farmers Union Prgm.: CBS -Dancepators: KSCJ KRNT er & Co.: WMAQ WHO KFYR WDAF- Birthday Bell * KMBC KFAB (sw- 15.27) WOW Little Story Bag WOW KSTP KFYR WDAY 4:00 CST 3:00 MST WEBC WDAF WTMJ KOA WDGY -,,Christian Science Prgm. Host Is NBC -Top Hatters: WDAF WOW 10:00 CST 9:00 MST WEBC WHO (sw- 15.21) NBC -You Buffalo: (sw -9.53) WMT -Tim Brady's Round -Up WOW WDAF (sw- 15.33) WHO (sw -9.53) NBC -Our American Schools: CBS- George Hall's Orch.: KSCJ CBS -Saturday Night Swing WNAX -Bohemian Band CFQC -Noon Duchin's KFYR WDAF WHO WOW (sw- KRNT WBBM (sw- 15.27) Service Prgm. CBS -Eddie Orch.: WCCO WBBM WOI- Headlines; Music Shop CJRM- Luncheon Music WCCO KSCJ KMBC 15.33) CFQC Prgm. KRNT NBC-JMessage of Israel, Rabbi -Children's KFDY -High School Dramatic 8:15 CST 7:15 MST *CBS -New York Philharmonic CJRM-Midsession Markets WBBM (sw- 11.83) David De Sola Pool, speaker: in the CFQr t',ano CJRM Breakfast Club Symphony; Children's Concert; KFAB -Children's Theater KFJM -Personalities News Recital (sw- Ii.87) KFAB -Jack Wells Ernest Schelling, cord.: KSCJ KFNF -Grab Bag CJRM -Scngs of the Islands News: KLPM CFQC WOW KFJM -Slim Thomson KSOO KFJM -News KRNT KFAB WBBM (sw- KFNF -Inez -Cecil & Sally KFAB -News Dinner Dance Music: CJRM Molison WCCO- Leonard KFJM- Crookston KFNF -Dude Martin's Wranglers 2152) KLPM -News: Markets Keller's Orch. Hour KFNF -Langvands KMBC WDGY -Slim Jim KSOO- Sketches in Melody -Fred Feibel at the Organ NBC -Madge Marley, sop.: KSO KMBC of Churches I'MBC -News; The Band Plays -,,Council WHO -One Girl in a Million WDGY-Happy Hollow (CBS) CFQC -Muscial Prgm. KOIL -Noon -day Varieties Gang KOIL -To be announced KMOX Ozark Mountaineers CJRM- Opening Markets WNAX -Dance Band WLB -Haydn Quartet KSO- Airbreaks KSO- Walter Remsen's Orch. WNAX-March Kings KRNT -Music Memory Contest KFNF-Today's Almanac KSO, Ciub Cabana 1:15 CST 12:15 MST KSTP -Mr. Editor N CFQC -Tarzan, sketch DAFStreamliners (NBC) KLPM- Dancing Moods WAAW-News 4:15 CST 3:15 MST WDAY -Dance Hour WDGY Be -Cub Beautiful KMBC-Joanne Taylor W'Ct-O- Safety Talk KFDY -Farm Flashes CFQC Reporters WDGY -Evening Musicale WHO- Musical Clock KOIL-News from Radio Row WDAF- Peck's on the Air KFJM -Puzzle Prgm. CJRM- Musical Alphabet WMT -Frank Voelker KSOO- Matinee Dance Party KFAB -Eddy Duchin's Orch. A 8:30 CST 7:30 MST KSOO Markets R, News WDGY -Happy Hollow Gana .n \ Dinner Hour CBS- Mellow Moments: KMBC KSTP- Household Forum WMT -German Band WBBM -Dancepators (CBS) (CBS) WTCN- Sports Review KFAB KRNT (sw- 21.52) WCCO -Musicaie WHO- Rhythm & Romance 4:30 CST 3:30 MST 6:15 CST 5:15 MST WNAX -Howdy Brothers Varieties NBC -Streamliners: KSTP WOW WDAY Uncle Ken's Kiddies Klub WTCN -Deep South WOI- Campus * NBC -Kaltenmeyer's Kindergar- NBC -Hampton Institute Singers News: WEBC WDGY WDGY -News 11:45 10:45 MST 1:30 CST 12:30 MST ten (Quaker Oats): KFYR KDAFSTP W KFYR WDAY CST NBC -Continentals: KFYR WHO KSTP WDAF WOW WHO KFJM- Western Melodies WMT -Lou Webb, organist CBS -George Hall's Orch.: WCCO WHO WOW (sw -9.53) WOW WDAF (sw- 15.33) (sw -9.53) KFNF -The Serenader WNAX -Ranch House Boys News: WDAF WMT CBS -Ma & Pa, sketch (Atlantic CBS -Madison Ensemble: KMBC CBS -Drama of the Skies: KSCJ : KLPM -Guess What? WOI- Parent- Teacher's Prgm. CJRM -Hits & Encores Refining) (sw- 11.83) 15.27) WCCO KMBC KRNT (sw- WCCO -Gene & Glenn 10:15 CST 9:15 MST KFNF-Hawaiians KSCJ KRNT WBBM(sw- CBS - Herbert Footé s Ensemble Variety Prgm W EEC- Morning Melodies NBC -Doc Whipple, pianist: WOW KLPM- What's New? CFQC- 11.83) KSCJ KFAB WCCO KRNT WHO -Musical Clock WHO WDAF (sw- 15.33) CJRM -Tarzan NBC -Harold Stern's Orch.: WMT News: WTCN KFJM KSO- Howard Lanin's Orch. -News; Markets WMT -Frank Voelker, organist NBC -Melody of Romance (Jel- KSOO -Hog Markets; Round Up KFAB WTCN CFQC -Musical Prgm WNAX -Yodeling Cowboy Sert); Chas. Sears, tnr.; Harry Boys KFDY -4 -H Club Prgm News: WAAW WOI CJRM- Growing Up WNAX -Ranch House KFJM- WOl- Market News Kogen's Orch.: KOIL WEBC WOI- Police Bulletins Request Prgm. CFQC -Concert Music KFNF -To be announced -Crossroads of the Nation WTCN -Breakfast Club (NBC) KSO WMT KSTP (sw- 15.21) WTCNDixieland Band KFNF-Sketches in Melody KFAB KLPM- Varieties 8:45 CST 7:45 MST News: KFJM WTCN WAAW-News * KFJM -RADIO GUIDE'S HITS KMBC -To be announced CJRM- Surprise Packet CFQC-Stocks; Markets WCCO -St. Paul Dept. Parks OF A YEAR AGO WEBC-Musical Interlude KFAB -News; Radio Calendar -Songs of Mt. & Range WDGY Tuneful Topics KMBC- Gossip Club 6:30 CST 5:30 MST CJRM I KFJM -,,Devotionals KFNF -Inez Molison AFTERNOON. WNAX -Ragitme Band KOIL -Iowa Highlights NBC -Uncle Jim's Question Bee, KFNF -Langvands KFYR -One Girl in a Million 1:45 CST 12:45 MST KSO -Dance Orch. (G. Washington Coffee); Jim KLPM-Theater Preview * KLPM -MOVIE GOSSIP 12:00 CST 11:00 MST CBS -Lloyd Goodrich, "John KSOO-Sports Review , cond.: (sw- 11.87) KRNT -News Reel of the Air KMBC -News; Camp Fire Girls CBS -Jack Shannon, tnr.: KSCJ Copley's Paintings ": (sw- WCCO -To be announced * CBS-The Carborundum Band KSO- Breakfast Express KSOO- Rhythm Makers WCCO (sw- 15.27) 1527) WDAY- Charlie & Cedric Edward D'Anna, cond.: KMBC KSOO -Singing Stars WAAW -Grain Markets CJRM- Melodic Gems CFQC -Sport Review WDGY Young Ideas WCCO WBBM KFAB (sw- WCCO -Time Signal WCCO -Stocks KFAB -Musical Moments CJRM- Concert Music WEBC -To be announced 1 WDGY - Popular Concert WDGY Beauty & You KFJM -Hollywood Speaks KFNF Your Pets WNAX -Jerry the Yodeling Cow News: WNAX KOIL WDAY WHO WEBC- Mornmg Musicale 10:30 CST 9:30 MST KLPM -Wen Schuh & Orch. KSOO- Drifting & Dreaming boy KFYR WMT Women in the News NBC -Bromle House, bar.: WHO KMBC -News; Markets WDGY -Mortenson & Hanley 4:45 CST 3:45 MST Sports: WDAF KSCJ KSO WNAX -Chuck & Frank WDAF KSTP hHNîHawkeye Dinnertime WLB -Verdi Opera CBS -Eton Boys: WCCO KSCJ CFQC -Musings WOI -News & Markets NBC -Magic of Speech: WEBC KSO -Dale Morgan 2:00 CST 1:00 MST KMBC WBBM KRNT KFAB C.fRM -Bert Pearl 9:00 CST 8:00 MST (sw- 15.21) KSOO Farm Specials NBC -Walter Logan's Musicale: (sw- 11.83) KFJM- Dinner Dancing NBC -News; Charioteers: WDAF MBS -Key Men: WMT KSO WAAW -Grain Markets WOW WHO WDAF (sw- 1533) KOIL- Stern's Oreh. (NBC) KFNF -Mixed Quartet WHO WOW (sw- 15.33) NBC-Mystery Chef: (sw- 15.33) WDAF-Farmers Union Prgm. CBS -Down by Herman's: KSCJ KSOO -News KLPM -Neighborhood Prgm. CBS -News ; Bluebirds : KMBC CFQC- Musical Prgm. WDGY -Be Beautiful KRNT KFAB KMBC WCCO WDAY-Jeanne Alm KRNT -We Bring You Music KFAB KSCJ KRNT (sw- CJRM -Model Aircraft League WMT -Cedar Valley Hillbillies (sw- 15.27) WDGY-Chandu, the Magician WEBC -Chamber of Commerce 21.52) KFJM -Ed Werstlein WNAX -Musical Prgm. CFQC- Musical Prgm WNAX- Accordion Solos WMT- Dinner Music News. KOIL CFQC WMT CJRM KFNF -Jim & Andy WOI- Extension Hour CJRM -News 5:00 CST 4:00 MST WOWRubinoff, violinist KFNF KFYR -4 -H Club Prgm WTCN -Front Page of the Air KFJM -World Bookman NBC -Lee Gordon's Orch.: WDAY WTCN -Dr. Mecklenburg KFJM -Salon Silhouettes KLPM -News 12:15 CST 11:15 MST KFNF - Kitchen Klatter WHO KFYR WOW KSTP (sw- 6:45 CST 5:45 MST KFYR-News; Variety Prgm. KMBC -New York Philharmonic NBC -Whitney Ensemble: (sw- KSOO -Brown Kiddies 9.53) NBC -Thornton Fisher. sports KLPM -Good News Prgm. Orch. (CBS) 15.33) WDGY- Norman Meacham CB -Al Roth's Orch.; News: WDAY KFYR WOW KSTP KSO- Junior Broadcasters Club KOIL -Duane & Sally CBS -Jack & Gil: KSCJ(sw- 15.27) WLB-Falstaff KSCJ KRNT KMBC WCCO Diamond City News: KOIL WHO KS00- Markets & Diary KSOO- Songfest News KOIL KFJM WNAX WNAX -Bohemian Orch. KFAB (sw- 11.83) CFQC -Cecil & Sally KSTP -Polly The Shopper WCCO -New York Philharmonic KSO 2:15 CST . 1:15 MST NBC -Nickelodeon: KSO KOIL CJRM -Book Review WCCO -Hugh Aspinwall (CBS) CFQC- Howard's Orch. CFOC -News (sw- 15.21) KFJM -Viona C. Hanson WDAY -Nancy & Phil WDAY -Farm and Home Bulletins CJRM -Martial Airs CJRM- Closing Markets CFQC- Symphony Hour KRNT - Rubinoff, violinist WDGY -Hollywood Brevities WDGY -Aunt Sammy KFAB -Man en the Street KFJM -Ma Perkins CJRM -Variety Music KSCJ- Dingbat WEBC -News; Musical Interlude WNAX- Rosebud Kids KFNF -Farm Sales & News KFNF -Poultry Period KFJ M -Rudella Peterson KSO -Sweet Music WNAX -Three Blue Boys WOI- Midwest Markets KMBC -Tex Owens, songs KSOO -Dance Parade KSOO- Junior Interview WDAF- Variety Prgm. WOI -Man in The Lower Ten WOW -In the Playhouse WCCO -One Girl in a Million WAAW- Security Markets WDAF -News WMT -Palmer House Orch. WTCN- Around Town WTCN -Farm Hour WDGY-Noon Hour Musicale WDGY -Musical Newsettes WDGY -Hits of the Day WNAX- Swingin' Strings 42 6/14 C WLW -To be announced KSTP -News; Sports Frequencies WNAX -Ranch House Boys WGN -Ted Weems' Orch. CFQC-840 WCCO-810 8:15 CST 7:15 MST WLS -Down at Grandpa's MONDAY PROGRAMS (continued) CJRM-640 WDAF-610 KFJM -News WMAO -Kings Jesters KFAB-770 WDAY-940 KMOX- Concert Hall WTCN -Frank Cotier's Orch. KFDY-780 WDGY-1180 KFJM-1370 WEBC-1290 KSCJ -In the Crimelight 10:30 CST 9:30 MST KFNF-890 WENR-870 KSO -Onen House NBC -Rita Rio's Orch.: KOIL (Continued from Page 33) Dance Orch.: WTMJ WGN WLW -Al Donahue's Orch. KFYR-550 WGN-720 WGN -To he announced CJRM -News WTCN -Paul Pendarvis' Orch. XLPM-1240 WHO-1000 WTCN RAMC-950 WJR-750 8:30 CST 7:30 MST CBS- George Olsen's Orch.: WJR WJR -Nichol's Orch. (CBS) KLPM- Moonlight Melodies 11:45 CST 10:45 MST KMOX-1090 WLB-1250 CBS- Columbia Symph Orch. KFAB KMOX KRNT WNAX WLW -Benny Meroff's Orch. KMBC -Buddy Fisher's Orch. NBC -Jimmy Garrett's Orch.: KOA-830 WLS-870 (5w 11.831 KSCJ WMAQ -Frankie KMOX -Dusty Roades' Orch. KFYR KOIL WDAY WEBC KOIL-1260 Masters' Orch WLW-700 * NBC -Shell Show; Joe Cook, NBC -Emil Coleman's Orch.: KOA WOW -News KSL- Players KSTP WMT WENR KRNT-1320 WMAQ-670 m.c.; Ernie Watson's Orch.; K8C1-1330 WMT-600 WDAF (sw -9.53) 10:45 MST KSO -Zero Hour CBS- Hawaii Calls: KSL Guests: WOW KFYR WLW CST 9:45 KSL-1130 WNAX-570 MBS -Don Bestor's Orch.: WMT NBC -Earl Hines' Orch.: WENR WCCO- Leonard Keller's Orch. 12:110 CST 11:00 MST KS0-1430 WOI-640 WMAQ WDAI h11' tt WENR -Henry Busse's Orch. MBS -Al Kavelin's Orch.: WGN KS00-1110 KSO KFYR KOIL WTCN WOW-590 KOA WTMJ WDAY (sw -9.53) sLr -The Armory WLW -Moon River WLW KSO KSTP.1460 WTCN-1250 CBS -Your Pet Irrgin., Saturday i CBS -Geo. Olsen's Orch.: KMBC WBBM-770 KMBC - Sports Review WMT -Zero Hour KMOX -When Day Is Done WTMJ-620 Night Serenaders; Mary East- WBBM WCAL-1250 KSL -Night in Sheepfold NBC -Glen Gray's Orch.: KSTP 11:15 CST 10:15 MST KOA -News man, sop. ; Bill Perry, tnr.; KSTP -Nat'l Barn Dance (NBC) WOW WHO CBS -Isham Jones' Orch.: KMBC KSL -To be announced Gus Haenschen's Orch. & WCCO Rollie Johnson CJRM -To be announced KSTP-News; Dream Ship Chorus: WBBM WJR KMBC KMOX- Cameron & Karnes, songs WGN- Freddy Martin's Orch. WCCO -Frank Gordon's Orch. KMOX -Tom Baker, tnr. WENR -Frankie Masters' Orch ' KFAB KMOX KRNT KSL WHO -Baru Dance Frolic WEBC -News 11:30 CST 10:30 MST WMAQ- King's Jesters' Orch Dance Orch.: WDGY KSCJ WLS -Old Time Shindig WLW-Joe Sanders' Orch. NBC- Francis Crates Orch. WOW WOW- Musical Prgm KFJM -Nite Club Hour WMAQ -Henry Busse's Orch. WHO WDAF WMAQ KSTP "ST 11:15 MST KRNT -To be announced 11:00 CST 10:00 MST WOW -News NBC NBC -Lou Breese's Orch.: WEBC KMOX -Tom Baker, tnr. 7:00 CST' 6:00 MST WCCO -Carveth Wells, travel talk * -FIBBER McGEE & NBC -Ed Wynn, comedian (Spud) Molly, KFYR . KOIL WDAY WENR KOA -Ben Klassen, songs WGN- Freddy Martin's Orch. 10:45 CST 9:45 MST comedy sketch. (John- Graham M. :Namee; Don Voor. CBS -Carl Ravel's Orch.. KFAB WMAQ -Earl Hines' Orch. WNAX- RhythmRascals NBC -Emil Coleman's Orch.: WOW son's Wax) Ted Weems' Oren.. hees' Orch.; Joseph Bentonelli, CBS -Geo. Olsen's Orch.: WBBM KOA (also at 7 p.m.) KMBC WBBM WNAX WCCO 12:30 CST 11:30 MST 8:45 CST 7:45 MST KMOX KRNT KSCJ WJR MBS -Red Norvo's Orch.: WGN tir., guest: WDAY KFYR CJRM- Mexican Troubadors KMBC NBC -Magnolia Blossoms: WDAF KOHL WEBC Ks p' W iMJ KSL -Smilin' Ed McConnell WHO WOW KSTP CBC -To an Evening Star: CFQC KSO WCCO -Leon Belasco's Orch. KOA -Griff Williams' Orch. WLS KSO WMT (sw- II.8/) WCAL- jtChapel Service CBS -Isham Jones' Orch.: KSCJ CJRM WDGY- Rubiuotl viol:su . KSL -To be announced NBC -Saturday Nieht Party (Seal - WCCO Cecil Hurst's Orch WNAX KFAB KRNT WBBM MBS-Emerson Gill's Orch.: WLW WGN -Ted Weems' Orch. Panico's Orch test Containers) Jane Pickens; WTCN -Dance Orch. WJR KSO WMT WENR -Louis WNAX -Art Tatum, pianist WLW -Leo Reisman's Orch. Donald Dickson & Stuart NBC -Gus Arnheim's Orch.: KOA -Night Club 8:00 MST 11:90 CST 10:00 MST WMAQ -Bob McGrew's Orch, Churchill, soloists; Ferde 9:00 CST KFYR WDAY WMAQ WEBC KSL -News CBS -LUCKY STRIKE HIT NBC -Shandor, violinist; Jerry Grofe's Orch.; Tom Howard & * KOIL WTCN (sw -6.14) WGN -Dick Jurgen's Orch. End of Monday Programs Parade & Sweepstakes; Harry Blaine's Orch.: WDAF KOA George S ielton, comedians: Salter's Orch.; Edith Dick WHO KSTP WDAF WHO WOW WLW & Buddy Clark, vocalists: CBS -Roger Pryor's Orch.: KFAB WMAQ (sw-9.53) WBBM KSCJ WNAX KSL, KRNT WNAX KSCJ WBBM CONTESTS THE AIR CBS -Swing with Strings (Hor- ON WJR KRNT KMOX KM PC NBC-Gus Arnheim's Orch.: KSO mel's Chili): WCCO KSCJ KFAB WCCO (sw- 11.83) KOIL WDAY WMAQ KFYR KRNT KMBC KFAB WBBM NBC- Revue; George WTCN WEBC SUNDAY CBS- Columbia Concert Hall; Popular Griffin & Jean Ellington, vo- MBS -Shep Fields' Orch.: WGN 2 p.m. EST (1 CST), NBC network. Landt Trio Modern Masters: (sw- 11.83) Orch.: WMT and White. merchandise prizes for com- CBCCotter's oaturday calists; Jerry Sears' Weekly .ignt -6.14) CFQC -Claude Turner's Orch. position about product. Grand prizes awarded at CFQC CJRM KOIL KSO (sw WGN -To be announced CJRM -News frequent intervals. Weekly contest closes Wed - KFJM -It Seems to Me Yard Jamboree KLPM -Moonlight Melodies nesday following broadcast. KFNF -Henry Field WLS -Barn WLW -Console & Keyboard KMBC -Buddy Fisher's Orch 4:30 p.m. EST (3:30 CST), NBC network. KFJM -As It Looks to Me WMT- Horace Heidt's Orch. KMOX -Dusty Roades' Orch. Musical Camera. Weekly merchandise prizes for KLPM -La Plaza Serenade 9:15 CST 8:15 MST KSL -Larry Lee's Orch. (CBS) description of incident you think suitable for KMOX- France Laux WCCO-Dick Long s Orch musical dramatization on program accompanied KOA -Music Box WLW- Horace Heidt's Orch. WMT-To be announced WGN -Mal Hallett's Orch. by explanation as to suitability. Contest closes KSL -Corp. Broadcast MST WJR -Carl Ravel's Orch. Wednesday following broadcast each week. WGN -Tom, Dick & Harry 9:30 CST 8:30 * NBC -Irving S. Cobb's Paducah WLS -Tall Story Club WJR -Moments You Never Forget WLW -Jolly Time; Paul Sullivan, MONDAY WNAX- Smooth Sailing Plantation (Oldsmobile) ; Dor (10:30 CST), and 3:30 p.m. Mather, Nor. news 11:30 a.m. EST WTCN -Dick 'Long's Orch. othy Page, John Monday through Friday, NBC Hall Negro WOW -Dance Orch. EST ((2:30 CST), man Field, Johnson 554 cash prizes for best Muse, bar.. WTMJ -Dancing 'tit Midnight network. Vic and Sade. 7:15 CST 6:15 MST Choir, Clarence words or less, finishing sentence KFJM -Bill Lee's Orch. Four Blackbirds, Harry Jack- entries of 25 11:15 CST 10:15 MST given on program. KMOX- Concert Hall (CBS) son's Orch.: WDAF WLW -Roger WCCO CBS Pryor's Orch.: 3:45 p.m. EST (2:45 CST) and 11 a.m. EST KSL News -International WOW KOA KFYR WMAQ CBS -Larry Lee's Orch.: KMOX (10 CST), Monday through Friday, NBC network. WGN -Rubinolf, violinist WTMJ KSTP WEBC WDAY KMBC The O'Neills. 10 automobiles and 160 cash prizes WTCN Keller's ( sw-9.53) -Leonard Orch. CBC -Mart Kenny's Orch.: CFQC for 6 weeks, for best entries Orch.: awarded each week, CBS -Fiesta; Lud Gluskin's CJRM of 25 words or less, finishing sentence about pro- 7:30 CST 6:30 MST -6.14) 1936 NBCMereditF Willson's Orch.. WNAX WJR (sw WDAY -Derby Show of duct. First contest closes Saturday, Jan. 23, 1937. NBC -To be announced; Orch.: WHO -Jerry Blaine's Orch WLW WDAY KFYR KOA Additional information may be found on back (sw -6.14) WLW -Moon River * CBS -Columbia Workshop, Dra- cover. CBS- Courteous Colonels (Barns - WOI Educational Forum matization: KFAB WBBM TUESDAY dall) ; George C. Baum's 11:30 10:30 MST KRNT KMBC WJR WCCO CST 11:45 a.m. EST (10:45 CST), CBS network. Symph. Orch. & Male Chorus: NBC -Harry Reser's Orch.: WOW KSCJ (sw- 1.83) Tuesday and Thursday. Homemakers' Exchange. KRNT WCCO KMOX WBBM KSTP CBC -La Petite Symph.: CJRM WDAF WHO Cash prizes for household hints used on broad- KFAB KMBC Fio- WNAX CFOC CBS -Ted Rito's Orch.: cast or in bulletin. Different classification of CFQC -Gilbert Darisse's Orch. KMBC KSCJ KFAB KRNT MBS -Ed Fitzgerald, m.c.: WMT hints each week. Contest closes Saturday follow- C -ifiM- Walter Budd's Blossoms WJR - ing broadcast each week. KSO Minute Mysteries KFNF Farm Sales; News KOIL- NBC -Ben Bernie's Orch.: WMT 7:15 p.m. EST (6:15 CST), NBC network. KLPM Musical Moments KSCJ -Dance Orch. KOIL WDAY KFYR WTCN Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Unsung KSL -Building & Loan Prgm. MBS-Dick Jurgens' Orch.: WGN prize awarded to person KMOX -Tom Baker & Ensemble Stand Champions. $25 cash KOIL-Minute Mysteries KSO -Iowa Reviewing KSO suggesting Unsung Champion to appear on pro- WCCO -Hal McIntyre's Orch Week: CFQC CJRM KSL -To be announced Sport gram. Person selected to appear will receive WLS -Barn Yard Frolic KMOX -Hal King's Orch. transportation, expenses and other valuable prizes. kSTP- Louise Massey & Western- Air ers WTCN -Front Page of the KOA -Art Kassel's Orch In addition, merchandise prizes awarded to listen. 8:45 MST KSL -News PALMOLIVE WEBC -To be announced 9:45 CST ers for identifying songs played on program. News: CFQC WLW WCCO -Leon Belasco's Orch. 9 p.m. EST (8 CST), NBC network. Sidewalk WGN -Dance Orch. WEBC-Irving Kult, pianist WLS -Barn Dance Party KOIL -To be announced (NBC) Interviews. Wrist watches weekly for questions Ed McConnell BEAUTY BOX THEATRE WNAX -Sat. Jamboree WLS -Smilin' WMAQ -Lou Breese's Orch. or problems Night Orch. WTCN -Paulos Choristers WTCN-Hal McIntyre's 11:65 CST 10:45 MST WEDNESDAY WTMJ -Revue of Leadership 10:00 CST 9:00 MST CBS -Ted Fio- Rito's Orch.: KMOX (9 CST), NBC network. Your Hit SELTZER NAT'L 10 p.m. EST * NBC -ALKA- WCCO KSL Parade. Flat fifty tin of cigarettes for guessing Starring 7:45 CST 6:45 MST Barn Dance; Sally Foster; Joe CBC -Leo smuhtan's Orch.: three leadine hit songs of week. CFQC -Thesaurus Kelly, m.c.: WLW WTMJ CJRM CFQC CJRM- Prairie Parade WEBC KFYR WDAY (also WEBC- Johnny Hamp's Orch. THURSDAY KFJM- Singiñ Joe at 3 p.m.) WLW -Anson Week's Orch. IO p.m. EST (9 CST), CBS network. True JESSICA DRAGONETTE KFNF- Pumpkin Valley CBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.: WMAQ -Jimmy Garrett's Orch. Adventures. Monthly grand prize of $250, and KMOX- Musical Prgm. KRNT WNAX KFAB KMBC 12:00 CST 11:00 MST weekly prize of $25, for best "True Adventures KOIL Orchestral Revue WBBM MBS -Al Lyon's Orch.: WMT KSO story contributed by listeners and used on pro- Every Wed. Night KSL- Melody Revue NBC-Pianist , Clem McCarthy. C,IRM- Jascha Galperin's Orch gram. WTCN- Ernest Bjorklund's Orch. sports: WDAF WOW KOA KMOX- Dancing Time FRIDAY 8:00 CST 7:00 MST (sw -9.53) KOA -News 8:15 p.m. EST (7:15 CST), NBC network. * NBC -ALKA- SELTZER NAT'L NBC -Frankie Masters' Orch.: KSO KSL -Bob Young's Orel' Singing Sam. Automobile, 4 cash and 200 mer- Barn Dance; Sally Foster; Joe WMT WMAQ KSTP -News; Swing Club chandise prizes awarded each week to persons COLUMBIA Kelly, Lu:ille Long: KOIL C'BC- Northern Messengers CFQC WCCO- Leonard Keller's Orch. who vote on product and come closest to the KSO WLS WMT (sw- 11.87) CJRM WENR -Frankie Masters' Orch. winning total. Contes: closes Friday of following COAST -TO -COAST (also see ID p.m.) News: KOIL WTCN WJR KSCJ WGN -AI Kavelin's Orch. week. * CBS-FLOYD GIBBONS' KLPM 'I he Armory WLW-Benny Meroff's Orch. SATURDAY Speed Show (Nash- Lafayette); KMOX -Myles Carter's Orch. WMAQ -King's Jesters 11:15 a.m. EST (10:15 CST), NBC network. NETWORK Vincent Lopez' Orch.; Guests. KSL -Kings Court WOW -Music Box Melody of Romance. $100 cash and 10 other val- WJR KSL KFAB WCCO KSTI'-Rhapsody in Rhythm 12:15 CST 11:15 MST uable prizes weekly. Also enlargement of snapshot 8:30 P. M. C. S. T. WBBM KMBC KMOX KRNT WCCO -Hal McIntyre's Orch. KOA -Eddie Fitzpatrick's Orch. of everyone entering contest. Prizes awarded for (sw- 11.83) WLS -Lulu Belle & Scotty WMAQ -Earl Hines' Orch. best letter of 25 words or less, finishing sentence NBC -Snow Village Sketches WOI- Parent- Teachers Congress WOW- Musicale given on program. Contest closes Saturday fol (Loose Wiles); Arthur Allen 10:15 CST 9:15 MST 12:30 CST 11:30 MST lowing broadcast each week. & Parker Fennelly: WMAQ NBC -Andy Kirk's Orch.: WDAF MBS -Sterling Young's Orch.: 7:30 p.m. EST (6:30 CST), NBC network. WDAF KFYR WTMJ WEBC WOW (sw -9.53) WMT KSO Uncle Jim's Question Bee. Merchandise prizes NEXT WEEK KSTP WDAY WOW KOA (sw- CBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.: KOA -I-Jerb Samaras Orch. for questions and answers used on program. ETHEL BARRYMDRE'S HIDDEN 9.53) KMOX KSL WJR KSCJ KSL-Death Watch Mystery 8 p.m. EST (7 CST), NBC network. Ed Wynn, TRAGEDIES: Read the intimate Hockey Game: CJRM CFQC NBC -Phil Levant's Orch.: KSO WENR-Stan Norris' Orch. comedian. Broadcast for West at 12 mid. EST details in the life of America's KFJM- Dakota Ramblers WMT WGN- George Hamilton's Orch. (11 p.m. CST). 205 cash prizes weekly for ques- stage. KFNF- Coffee Club Roundup News: WCCO WMT WHO KRNT WLW -Orrin Tucker's Orch. tions having entertainment value suitable for use First Lady of the KSCJ -Pelletier Pointers KSO KLPM WMAQ -Bob McGrew's Orch on program. Questions must be received by IN WGN -News; Quin Ryan, sports KMOX -Rubinoff, violinist WTCN -Let's Dance Thursday following broadcast. WHO -Barn Dance Frolic KOA -Thank You Stusia 10 p.m. EST (9 CST), CBS network. Your Hit WLB -Music KOIL -Emil Coleman's' Orch. End of Saturday Prgms. Parade. Same contest as Wednesday. RADIO GUIDE C 6/14 43 RADIO GUIDE'S X -WORD PUZZLE MAN CAN NOW I I5 6 I0.I1 I 13 IJ2 4 g _ 19 15 17

; -A. 1 ilW r NIX `f) ,( TALK WITH GOD I4 a , _ OEM ' L Says Noted Psychologist cm MHO.HO ,¡i .a / ; "A new and revolutionary religious WM Pt) KIIIflMIN teaching based entirely on the misun- OMB UFA derstood sayings of the Galilean Car- penter, and designed to show how we may find, understand and use the same identical power which Jesus used in per- forming His so- called Miracles," is at- tracting world wide attention to its founder, Dr. Frank B. Robinson, noted psyphologist, author and lecturer. sychiana," this new psychological Pgeligion, believes and teaches that it is /today possible for every normal human being, understanding spiritual law as Christ understood it, "to duplicate every work that the Carpenter of Galilee ever did " -it believes and teaches that when He said, "the things that I do shall ye do NO 1 L.' ,i, cv also," He meant what He said and meant al p RFI %IVPIN it literally to all mankind, through all the War PAM D h) EPI ; ages. a All 6000 Dr. Robinson has prepared a word C killINAMI " f2/ L6 13. v ti r treatise on "Psychiana," in which he tells 7!% about his long search for the Truth, how he finally came to the full realization ifil ! r( Send for HARFORD II N- N.:.. of an Unseen Power or force "so dynamic FROCKS' STYLE in itself that all other powers and forces Presentation fade into insignificance beside it" -how he learned to commune directly with the

HORIZONTAL - 70. Soft mineral 11. Fish Living God, using this mighty, never - N 71. Exclamation of astonish 12. Mature (poetical) failing power to demonstrate health, I. Phil -, comedian ment 13. "Father" Earl inaes happiness and financial success, and how 5 Dissipators 72. Enraptures tro any normal being may find and use it as 10. Ray. songstress 74. Sediment (pl.) (Prov. Eng.) 14. Bat sal place Jesus did. He is now offering this trea- Don't wink. 14. -Endured .,.. 76. One who washes (Prov. 17. Eve gs (poetical) just tise free to every reader of this magazine for money. 15. Deutsch. "The Gypsy Eng.) 23. t v' ' Crime Clues Here's an emits -Violinist" 78. Mode of transportation 25. Screen actress in Romeo who writes him. ingly easy way to earn all the 16. Weird 79. Occasion and Juliet (init.) - ~' , 5 If you want to read this "highly inter- money you 18. Victor bandleader 80. Vigilant 28. Violet t, want, quickly. -, esting, revolutionary and fascinating I need ambi- 19. "Popeye's" Creator 81. Otherwise, 29. Jumbled story of the discovery of a great Truth," tious married BARGAIN! 20. Bring into line 82. In want 30. Bing's brier women (and a A Gorgeous Ar- just send your name and address to Dr. ray 21. Used in golf 83. Eastern university 33. ,lean 4,i&,: gstress few exceptional átyei. Frank B. Robinson, 403 -1st Avenue, Mos- C.I 13 single women) in 22. Traps 34.o announcer every town to make 4 for $4.98 24. of 35. To cow, Idaho. It will be sent free and post- up to $22 in a week demonstrating Day rest (abbr.) VERTICAL omit and taking orders for beautiful, smart 26. Writing implement 36. Monikers paid without cost or obligation. Write the new Spring and Summer styles of fam us Harford Frocks 27. Becomes inured , e V fi . 1. Former Empire E. Asia . 37. Bind 1935, Frank I send you ABSOLUTELY FREE comp ate line -over 12 Doctor today.- Copyright Dr. styles-of exquisite. last -minute model featuring the very 29. / .?4, walk you up 2. Rank 38. Become intellectual B. Robinson,- Advertisement. sweet fabrica and colon la all sizes. Show them to friends 30. IIJI it1/fohnson, -actress 3. Unit 39. Girl's name neighbors. everyeos. awl see then give you order , dock to 31. apanese 'plant 4. John B. commentator 40. Narratives for Moat Gorgeous ]fir sag Best Vahan is America.' Start in YOUR HOME 32. Evergreen trees 5. Sleeps 45. Crooked LET ME SEND YOU OWN 33. Behold 6. City in Iowa 46. Born THIS' >TAILORED SUIT No House -to -House Canvassing 34. Star in the photo 7. Small barrel 51. Alice -, actress-song 1 shots you how to make the same brilliant success enjoyed 37. Writing pad 8. Rubber deleter stress AND PM YOU UP TO $10 IN A DAY by thousands of other women. Over 1,000.000 satisfied cus- 41. Wolfhound 9. Goes with pancakes (pl.) 53. Writing flui Amazing ideal Wear this splendid suit and I'll tomers. Vast line includes Chardonize fabric Lingerie en- par for it if you'll follow my easy plan and qualify. dorsed and 42. Within 10. Heavy metal 54. McClelland famous Choose soit from fine woolens. tailored to your meas- guaranteed ea advertised In Good Housekeeping 17.' ure. Jost show it to your friends. Make op to SIP in a Magazine. Also children's wear, mena shirts, trousers. 43. Musical note (highest) illustrator dy- easy -representing big nationally -known tailor - underwear, hosiery, etc. Women can't resist values. Your 44. Vigor 56. Gertrude songstress inghouse. Noesparlanceneeded. ACTUAL SAMPLES opportunity to go Into dress business of your own -full or l FREE! Write today for details of aenaatinnal new plan spare wllhout 45. Indefinité article Solution to Puzzle 57. Come d actual Samples. SENDNO MONEY . X.J. Graven, tame- penny of investment. I supply every Pros. STONE-FIELD CORP., 1300 W. Harrison, thing -FREE. 47. For example (abbr.) Given Last Week 58. Southeast (abbr.) Dept, v- 7rs.Chlcage. SAMPLE DRESSES, Your Size 48. Entirely 59. Chum 49. Chemical suffix Mooa© ©tloo© 60. Two -wheel wagon ©oo©o THEM TO FRIENDS FREE OF EXTRA CHARGE 50. Plural pronoun - moan v©v©la I30fd©E 61. Cognizant IF YOUAGREE TO SHOW You'll be amazed and delighted with my plans for you. 51. Unencumbered , I j^ oofMIn©SIo ofa© o no 62. Leaf of the calyx (bot.) t'LL SENOYOU 2 ACTUAL SAMPLES I give you not only opportunity for steady cash income, but DM MOM M ©OL chance to own complete wardrobe of beautiful dresses of 52. Yearn . M013f.I 63. Fred Waring (init.) your selection ©© N f]MMf]ß and size ABSOLUTELY FREE OF A 54. Marriage vows l l2©© f310(1 P U N 64. Gluey ' SNAGaPROOFED SILK HOSE PENNY COST. No money needed, now or ever. Bush ©IAIElaß© S N G ÍI10 . eoupm today. Give your dress size and age. Ad now. 55. WEAF is {{{{{{tt1111 this state New And Show You How To Earn Up To $22 In A Week ©M E ..N E!E D (abbr.) °ODV RGINIA 6665. At that place Thrilling news! Amazing New patented process makes wo- C. E. ISRAEL, Pres., Desk -81. t7ftillE- MIA G O R E I e Snag - Proofed n Hosiery resist ga and LB 56. Joey tenor REA A B á D D 67. Classify wear twice es long, an ct hosiery bills in fJf]0© L rhalie Individual lengths to fit ail cu tomers. Lowest HARFORD FROCKS, INC. 59. Remit RN 69. Serf (Anglo- Saxon) prieea. Write for 2 actual samples to show your friends. y . Send no money. AMERICAN SILK HOSIERY MILLS, CINCINNATI, OHIO O. Large barrel © 70. Mind Dept LB -83, Indianapolis, Ind. 0©oT ©©S 3. Conflagration fJ MD©03© 73. Contracti n o it is ', G0© E1 MO© Mail This For Mr. C. E. Israel, Pres Desk LB -81. A. Progenitors ` -. 75. Loretta songstress Hayford Frocks, Inc.. 00 MEMO^ M© M©© M , FREE Cincinnati, Ohio 38. Reverential fear - CÑ``,) o©M OM o ovac 77. WAPI is in th' st to ; STAR OF STARS! Let me know at once how I can Ornamental urn G ©©nMo Moo©O Oon 1li (abbr.) obtain complete money-making ,titi _ o-,ti SAMPLES Sample Equipment o[ ewest You'll want to vote in the annual Herford Frocks, etc., and dresses my Own size ABSOLUTELI Star of Stars Poll conducted by Or send penny pos- FREE of EXTRA CHARGE. I am I tal card with this not obligated. RADIO GUIDE. It starts next formation. My dress size My age.. I week. Help your favorite win Name IT ISN'T HIGH -BROW ANY MORE this coveted title! Address VOTE ! Town tats l (Continued from Page 17) to $460,000 a year and some money coming in from broadcasting rights, ists now get from $250 to $1,500 for a recordings and income from endow- PANTS MATCHED pair of personal appearances. Kreis- ment funds, the deficit still hovers To ANY SUIT" ler, Hofmann and Heifetz used to get around $150,000 a year. 11 come Fortunately, however, DON'T DISCARD Your OLD SUIT MAKE Tó $24 Ä WEEK as high as $2,500. Choral works great music is the coat and vest another year by getting especially high. To perform Beetho- a luxury which America seems to be new troueera tomatch. Tailored to yoarmeaeure. Lone t prices on finest quality DRESS (1OtIDS can brim; W rittern. endvetoeelectfromwoth todtebal- "R NIn you up to $24 in a week, quickly, easily. Send today tut ven's Ninth Symphony costs $5,000 intent on keeping. masterly pattern. Send veal or sample today, and -pi t FREE SAMPLES beautiful, newest Percales, Silks, Prints, we will submit FREE Sample of treat match obtainable. IIIIIIIIk Rayons, etc. No investment. No experience needed. Full extra -$2,000 for the four soloists and So, as winter speeds on, the sym- AMERICAN MATCH PANTS CO. @ or !pare time. Not house to house. Startling plans and $3,000 for the choral society phony is going ahead full blast. On a Dept. 1 -De, W. Randolph St., CHICAGO, ILL. surprise offers give you home another supply Dress Goods FREE of and its own conductor. hundred concert stages lights will shine FREE SAMPLES extra charge. Other miscellaneous expenses-such upon the starched shirt -fronts of the NEW Stainproof Also Beady -Made DRESSES! as the rent of Carnegie Hall at $730 players, boxes will glitter with jewels. °0$14 TABLE CLOTH Also, dozens of thrilling, newest AGENTS Ä DAY per concert, the salary of a personnel But there will be more than that. Everybody needs food. My plan gives you opportunity ready -made DRESSES. finest for amazing profits at once. Make up to$14.00ina Complete FREE line quality, charming styles, amaz- and librarian, insurance of Sensitive microphones will pick up the a ingly low -priced! manager day. I'll give you a New Ford Tudor Sedan as furnished. Gorgeous Big bargains! music music it bonus in addition to your cash earnings. No ex- patterns and colors. We send you elaborate presenta- the expensive instruments, copy- glorious and will carry over 250 Famous Products lion Style -Book perience required. Just wipe to clean. ABSOLUTELY and rental and royalty fees length and breadth of the land fast sellers. I send every- FREE. Write today for all rights - the - -all Write! FREE! thing. You don't risk a penny amazing complete lines t Send these bring the sum total up to close into your home. for Free Facts. no money. Write quick to $700,000 a year. For America, as we said before, is ALBERT MILLS HOME DECORATORS, Ciñciáñátróihio With the total ticket sale amounting symphony- conscious! 3784 M oninouth Ave., Cincinnati, 0. 44 6/19 Na HOW SAFE ARE NEW YORK NIGHT CLUBS? ONLY $1.00 .AKIIWww_

(Co tinned from Page 3) spot group which can't be included in contest. Two hot bands play continu- the above categories. Hotel grills such ously. Special Saturday midnight had just rought immortal glory to as the Astor (Vincent Lopez) ; the New Lindy contests attract a large white UMW( e4 _\A1.. himself a d his country, but to these Yorker (Abe Lyman) ; MacAlpin audience. FAMOUS MATCHED PEN AND PENCIL SETS night -club gorillas that was nothing (Enoch Light) ; Lexington (Ozzie Nel- compared o the fact that he had "in- son) ; Roosevelt (Lombardo) ; Pennsyl- AWORD of advice: Ladies unescort- $3.50 VALUE sulted" on of their girls. Fortunately, vania (Benny Goodman) and so on, ed are not allowed in the better IDEAL GIFT Packed in Gift Boxes the flier's riends saw what was corn- are most familiar to radio listeners. places, and for that purpose the Guide Circle Color -Brown - Blue - Black - Grey - Green ing and r shed him out, thus warding Prices are comparatively low. Dress, Escort Bureau functions to provide Send Ad with Money Order, Cash or Stamps to off what ight have been the most in all of these places, is optional. manless women with escorts. Phone MID -WEST SALES, 549 W. Randolph St., Chicago sensations night -club battle of all For celebrity- seekers and hunters of Wickersham 2 -6840, state your prefer- times. the unusual, don't miss these places: ence as to the type of man you prefer The tra ition from the gangster -run Jack Dempsey's: opposite Madison and he'll come calling for you to take clubs to the respectable ones was Square Garden-"The Manassa Maul- you where you wish. Men are Har- marked b the repeal of prohibition. er" shakes your hand personally; you'll vard, Princeton and Yale grads (if But it wall not an easy one. tONTROt see big -shots everywhere. you're lucky you may get a Social SWITtN When the French Casino opened, it Lindy's: on Broadway. A large, un- Registerite), are very respectable and was so successful in luring customers glamorous, unpretentious restaurant gallant, smooth conversationalists, from the qther places that it aroused where you're bound to bump into Dick know the best places and are expert at the jealou y of a night -club faction Himber, Abe Lyman, Frank Parker pointing out celebrities. Escorts are still runn on the old order. It wasn't and other radio lights. No music; food not allowed to have more than one hard to see why the French Casino was excellent. drink an hour; are not allowed to call mining Invention so success 1. Built in the mammoth Dave's Blue Room: on Broadway. for or deposit ladies in their apart- ELIMINATES LOCAL INTERFERENCE, Earl Carr 11 theater, which was a Like Lindy's, except that the interior ments. Fee is $5 a man from 7 to 9 BANISHES DISTORTION.STATIC ETC. mechanical and Get Mexico, Cuba, other distant stations, clear and pictorial marvel, is smarter, more modern, more inti- p.m.; $10 from 9 to midnight; $5 for strong as local! Cut out local interference! Im- everything was done on a de luxe, prove selectivity. reduce static noises, better the mate. every hour past midnight. tone of your old set with RADIO -XI Consumes no gargantuan style. extra power. For every kind of radio, electric or Savoy Ballroom, in Harlem: Ad- The Big Town has just had the big- battery, long or short wave. Attached in 5 minutes. mission is 65 cents and no liquor gest, gayest, maddest New Year's of SEND NO MONEY vvRAROOnóf lag; ONE night shortly after the place served, but you'll have the time of its history; but it still has plenty to engineer. GUARANTEED. Just pay postman 1.00 plus postage on delivery. Keep 5 days. opened, the patrons who were your life watching the brown boys and show you, even if it is past the holiday If you don't say, 'It's a miracle ", return or Order today. RADIO -X LABS., Dept. enjoying themselves in these elegant girls gyrate through the "Lindy Hop" season. So let's whoop it up! Mfund.M1001, Oakley Station, Cincinnati, O. surroundings heard the dull, unmis takable thud of a bomb bursting with- in the club. Smoke filtered through the place, and a stampede followed. No one was hurt, but it was learned later that rival aepresentatives had planted READ THESE Ñ'Thié ¿1yìezwai this chemical destruction. New York's Mayor La Guardia placed detectives throughout the club -even in the men's was room. The bombers ac- cepted defe t -and ruin. OF Men I Trained at Home For RADIO With thi new era of respectability AFTER COMPLETING (1 -Am EMPLOYED in night cl bs, drunks have become a ' I NOW HAVE MY TWENTY LESSONS BY A RADIO OWN RADIO AND rarity. Do rmen are ordered to bar BUSINESS I JOINED STATION STORE, EARNED ABOUT anyone wh seems to be reeling or AND AVERAGE ego WMPC WHERE I 455 TO $70 AM NOW CHIEF *2.600 LAST reeking fro liquor. YEAR. A WEEK. OPERATOR. HOLLIS F. HAYES L.70RREr It's a b d kaleidoscope, this night JAMES SKLAVOS CHARLES s w.AP,50N 57. 11TH Sr. 393 THIRD ST. ins s life of Ma attan, varying in prices ' APEER, MICN. SAN TAN FRANCIROSALIF JOSE,CALIF I DO RADIO and in soc 1 strata. If your night- SERVICE WORK 1 AM NOW club appetit has been whetted through 6 ) IN SPARE TIME FOREMAN OVER listening t the torrid tunes from 1ná Tl AND AVERAGE ABOUT $I2.ço PRODUCTION OF your louds eaker, it might not be a liIli A WEEK. RADIOS FOR THE bad idea to let this brief guide keep W -- - --G CORR ra 1.041-k J. B MitaY you from going astray broke. Box 95 OITO CLIFFORD -or UTICA, MICH. 111 W. SEMINARY ST. I can't, naturally, list all of the hun- \ CHARLOTTE, N.C. dred -odd clubs in New York, but here are the ones you must see. "S.S." for Snooty stands Spot (means it's ex- MY LOUDSPEAKER pensive!) ; "G.J." stands for Gaga SYSTEM PAYS ME Joint (means it's noisy, small and ABOUT 435 A I will train you at home WEEK, BESIDES ; fun) "G.P.' stands for Glitter Palace MY RADIO WORK (means yo get your money's worth MILTON I. LEIBtIR, in food and entertainment). TOPTON. PENNA Cotton Club: G.P.; Bill Robinson, Cab Cal- in spare time for a AUTO RADIO AND loway an a hot, fast show; don't dress. N.R. I. TRAINING Dickie Wells G.J.; in Harlem; has hot ARE A GOOD band, ho dancing, hot lines; go late. COMBINATION T AM BUILDING Ell Morocco: S.S.; Society's favorite hang- A FINE BUSINESS. out where you're liable to bump into GOOD RADIO JOB A.0 HENOR/KSEN revelers whose blood is three strains 1a5 S. MEtROSE AVE bluer that a Gershwin rhapsody. Small, ELGIN, ILLINOIS J. E. SMITH. President with blue artificial skies, phoney white National Radio Institute palms, zebra- striped chairs. Ernie Holst Many Radio Experts Make $30, $75 tant principles used in modern Radio sets. My Free plays; evening for two begins at $20; $50, Book tells all about this. dress. a Week Hollywood R staurant: G.P.; lavish girl Do you want to make more money? Broadcasting sta Find Out What Radio Offers You show; Ar hie Blyer's ork; don't dress. tions employ engineers, operators, station managers and Mail the coupon now for "Rich Rewards in Radio." Jimmy Kelley : hot, G.J.; floor show's fast pay up to $5,000 a year. Spare time Radio set servicing It's free to any fellow over 16 years old. It describes and nude in Greenwich Village; don't pays as much as $200 to $500 a year -full time serv Radio's spare time and full time opportunities, also dress. icing jobs pay as much as $30, $50, $75 a week. Many those coming in Television; tells about my training in Kit Kat: G.J¡; black- and -tan entertainment; Radio Experts own their own full time or part time Radio and Television; shows you actual letters from celebrities 'start arriving after midnight; Radio businesses. Radio manufacturers and jobbers em men I have trained, telling what they are doing and darning; tells about my Money Back Agreement. I AM NOW don't dress. ploy testers, inspectors, foremen, engineers, servicemen, GROUND STATION paying up to $6,000 a year. Radio operators on ships MAIL rTHE COUPON in an envelope, or paste it on FOR Leon & Eddie's: G.J.; a mixture of Broad- get good pay and see the world besides. Automobile, a penny postcard -NOW! OPERATOR way and ark Ave.; risque songs by Ed- THE AMERICAN police, aviation, commercial Radio, and loud speaker E. AIRWAYS, INC. die Davis ith a novel community sing; systems offer good opportunities now and for the future. J. SMITH, President AT CINCINNATI loads of f n; dress optional. Television promises many good jobs soon. Men I trained National Radio Institute, Dept. 7AT6B, MUTER B. MORRAV Onyx: G.J.; ontaneous jazz by ebony Stuff at home are holding good jobs in all these branches of Washington, D. C. LOOSEN ,4RPoRT Smith an boys; no dance floor, tiny, Radio. CINCINNATI, OHIO stuffy, smoky, but fun; you'll see prac- tically all the headliners; don't dress. Many Make $5, $10, $15 a Week Extra in Rainbow Room: S.S.; 65th floor of Radio Their Spare Time While Learning J. E. SMITH, President City, sump uous in sleek glass and metals Practically with a bre th- taking aerial view of N. Y.; every neighborhood needs a good spare National Radio Institute, Dept. 7AT6B, time serviceman. The day you enroll I start Washington, D. C. Ray Noble dress. sending you Extra Money Job St. Regis: 5S.; Emil Coleman plays in Sheets. They show you how Dear Mr. Smith: Without obligating me, send "Rich Rewards in Radio," beautiful Iridium Room; must dress. to do Radio repair jobs which points out the spare time and full time opportunities in Radio and that explains your 50 -50 method of training osen at home in spare time to become Paradise: G.P.; same as the Hollywood; Jer- you can cash in on quickly. Radio Experts. (Please Write Plainly.) ry Freeman's ork; don't dress. Throughout your training I Pierre: S.S.; Mario Braggiotti's ork; society send you plans and ideas that have made good spare time I NAME AGE crowd; dr s. money for hundreds of fellows. Zelli's: S.S.; ecorated to represent a square I send you special equipment in Montma e, with radio's Rachel Carlay which gives you practical Radio I ADDRESS singing; d ss optional. experience -shows you how to conduct experiments and build 1 CITY STATE There's another important night- circuits which illustrate impor L - -a - -ow aeon aI -- - -I1111r- =lam N 8/14 45 BROADCAST WORLD SHORT -WAVE TIMETABLE FITS POCKET EASILY -7ake dins c you; Part 1 of this most complete list of the world's principal short -wave stations provides you with all stations with cgoacycles from 3.04 to 6.15. Part II next week carries on from 6.15 to 9.54 megacycles. Part Ill two weeks hence will complete BEAUTIFUL CLEAR TONE AMAZE the list from 9.54 to 19 mega. EXPLANATION: The heading FN refers to footnotes showing added time on air. Under DIRECT FROM POCKET RADIO and Time On" A means A.M.¡ P means P.M.; N means Noon and M means Midnight. Under code is: first S "Days On," the All one unit-just like the big sets, but weigh. for Sunday, first T for Tuesday, W for Wednesday, second T for Thursday, F for Friday and second S for Saturday. Station only 6 os.Carry it with you.N thing to adjust. showing SMTWTFS would be on every day at hours shown. Station with one or two letters would be heard only those days o batteries, tubes, or electric socket con- represented by letters. To Convert Central time shown to Mountain, subtract one hour. This list w ll be revised frequently nections required. and published again in Radio Guide. At that time all changes in frequency and hours of operation will be brought up to date. Costs Nothing to Operate! Guaranteed! Brings in stations with line tone quality. Tones Your precisely on your men broads t band. Accurately made, Put broadcast with the Dial Record Meg. Call Location Time On (CST) FN Days On assembled, rigidly tested. assures excel- WALCO MIKE, most entertaining lent performance. Should last for years. radio device yet produced. Sing. laugh, 304 YDA Tandjongprio, Tuning knob is the only moving part. Comes talk, crack jokes from another room Java 4:30A- 10:OOA SMTWTFS with easy instructions for use in campa. office, picnics, home. bed, etc. Listen to music, sports, prize fights, radio enter- and your radio will produce every 4 273 RV15 Khabarovsk, U. S. S. R. 10:OOP- 10:OOA SMTWTFS tainment, etc. Thousands of Cathedral ' Radios have been said all sound as though you were miles away over the United States d foreign countries. at a regular broadcasting station. 460 HC2ET Guayaquil, Ecuador 7:OOP- 9:00P W S Y ahoultl be aelighted wim SEND NO MONEY! °° the enjoyable Marvelous Fun at Parties 5 72 TI5HH San Ramon, Costa Rica Evenings Irregular silo tertmbinest that yon get out o- Imitate the big radio stars and croo- 5 72 RV54 S. S. nomy.CGet yours today. Pay postman on'arrival o_nly $2.99, and post. ners. Do a "Ben Bernie" or "1t'udy Khabarovsk, U. R. 9:OOP- 10:OOA SMTWTFS age $2.99 (we pay postage). Order now. Makes deal gift. Vallee." No end of pleasure for grown- 572 YV1ORSC San Cristobal, Venezuela 4:30P- 8:30P MTWTFS Little Giant Radio Co., 399 Lcoln Ave. Dept. 2704, Chlcag0 ups or kiddies. Excellent train- ing in elocution. "Amateur 5 735 HC1PM Quito, Ecuador 8:00P- 10:00P T Hour" practice, or broadcast announcing. 5 74 TGS Guatemala City, Guatemala 5:00P- 8:00P S WT Profitable YearAround Business Special cut -out button 5758 YNOP Managua, Nicaragua 7:30P- 10:00P SMTWTFS allows you to switch UP from home broadcasting to 5 78 OAX4D Lima, Peru 8:OOP- 10:30P W S regular radio reception in 5 80 YV2RC Caracas. Venezuela 4:15P- 8:30P 1 MTWTFS an instant. Can not insure THE WALCO your radio in any way. MIXE 5 82 TIGPH San Jose, Costa Rica 6:00P-10 :00P 2 MTWTFS In blaek /! handsome ' io Nationally Known Has metal. Long ONLY 585 YV5RMO Maracaibo, Venezuela 3:45P- 8:45e 3 MTWTFS Company cord. Less Men Send No Money 5 855 HI1J San Pedro, Dominican Republic 5:10P- 7:40P 4 SMTWTFS Openings for Ambitious - than a min- 5Days Trial at Our Risk! ute to attach 5875 HRN Tegucigalpa, Honduras 5:30P- 9:00P SMTWTFS No Money or Experience Needed! Merely mall the coupon. On to any radio 5 899 YV8RB Barquisimeto, Venezuela 4:30P- 8:30P MTWTFS Get into a fine-paying, dependable year -around delivery pay postman $1 plus without tools. business have few cents postage. If not de- Fully goat-ant (Tit, 5914 HH2S Port-au- Prince, Haiti 6:30P- 8:30P MTWTFS of your own! We openings for am- lighted return it in 5 days bitious men to wear and introduce our famous and your $1 refunded at once. 5 917 YV15RV Valencia, Venezuela 4:00P-11 :00P SMTWTFS Union made tailored -to-measure clothes sold direct from our workshops --tl 594 TG2X Guatemala City, Guatemala 8:OOP- 10:15P M W S at amazingly LOW PRICES. ELECTRICAL LABORATORIES CO., Dept. 121 -D, You need no money or experience and may work 49 East 21st St., New York, N. Y. 5 955 HJN Bogota, Colombia 7:30P- 9:30P 5 MTWTFS either full time or spare time. Send Walco Mike, with complete Instructions. Will pay 5 985 VP3MR Georgetown, British Guiana 3:45P- 7:45P MTWTFS Write today for full details, in- lGVJk atlVlrt.t- postman cluding information about our $1, plus few cents postage. if not delighted, will 599 HJ2ABD Bucaramanga, Colombia 9:00P generous return In 5 days for $1 refund. 5:00P- SMTWTFS FREE SUIT offer. FREE Cheek here 1f ENCLOSING s1 -thus saving postage 6 00 OAX4J Lima, Peru 6:00P- 10:00P SMTWTFS 1-1 charge. Same refund guarantee applies. FAIRBANKS TAILORING CO u RNE Moscow, U. S. S. R. F ir' 600 (RV59) 3:00P- 4:00P SM W 2226 Wabansia, Chicago, Ill. oF.: F Ei..:-*<. Name 6 003 XEBT Mexico, D. F. 9:OOA- 12:45P SMTWTFS Address 6 005 HP5K Panama City, Panama 6:00P- 9:00P 6 SMTWTFS Check here If you prefer chromium plated De Luxe D model. Price. $1.39. 6005 CFCX Montreal, Canada (Relays CFCF) 6:45A- 12:00M 7 MTWTFS 6 01 FIU Tananarive, Madagascar 9:00A- 10:00A SMTWTFS 6 01 CJCX Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada Not yet on the air. 601 VK9MI S. S. Kanimbla 5:OOA- 5:30A SMTWTFS 601 COCO Havana, Cuba 6:55A- 9:00P SMTWTFS Sensational Invention. Almost human in 6012 HJ3ABH Bogota, Colombia 3:OOP- 10:00P 8 MTWTFS appearance. A life -like cut out figure. t1,11. i ' ® ® Any snapshot, photograph or picture 6 017 HI3U Santiago, Dominican Republic 3:40P- 8:40P MTWTFS can be "immortalized" by this strange new process. Surface covered with 6 02 DJC Zeesen, Germany 10:35A- 9:45P SMTWTFS moisture-proof transparent PORCE- LITE. Will not peel, tear, crack, or 1 ,,LIGIIT 602 VEUW Veracruz, Mexico 9:00P-12:00M SMTWTFS soli. Looks like porcelain bee relief. BIG MONEY FOR AGENTS 6 025 HJ1ABJ Santa Marta, Colombia 4:30P- 9:301' MTWTFS Law prices make HUMANETTE$a big seller. We furnish list of pros- From ONEmaich! 603 VE9CA Calgary, Canada 9:00A-11 :00P SMTWTFS pects in your neighborhood who will pay from $1.00 to $2.50 for showing samples of LIFE- Amazing new breath -taking invention. 6 03 OLR Prague, Czechoslovakia 1:25P- 3:30P 9 SMTWTFS TIME HUMANETTES. If you want to make money fast, Can -O -Liter banishes lightera and semi nom for free s mnle proposition at once. forever -gives 1,000 lights with 6 03 HP5B Panama City, Panama 7:001'- 9:45P SMTWTFS Ohio thetcheshis one ysterious new kind of match. AL SCHULER, Dept. 13 -AX, 1037 Evans St., Cincinnati, Never needs to be re- filled. Sure as a 6 033 HJ4ABP Medellin, Colombia 6:00P- 10:001' MTWTFS match, it strikes like a match and re- places the match, yet there are no burnt 6035 HJ4ABC Ibague, Colombia 7:00P- 9:00P MTWTFS out matches strewn around. In- stantly you have a big giant 6 04 PRA8 Pernambuco, Brazil 1:30P- LOOP SMTWTFS AGENTS! Big Profits flame that will light a pipe, cigar, Men and women! Here's cigarette, gas stove. Retails for 604 W1XAL Boston, Massachusetts 6:00 ? - 8:001' 10 M F big quick profita foryou! only 25c. Can -O -Liter replaces Can -O -Lites wanted by old -fashioned matches and light- 6 042 HJ1ABG Barranquilla, Colombia 5:30P- 9:00P MTWTFS CORDIONIS millions. One man sold ers everywhere. No wicks, gears, over 15,000 in 3 months. or wheels. Nothing to get out of 6 045 XECW Mexico D. F. 8:OOP- 12:OOM SMTWTFS JUST OFF THE PRESS! Ask for Money - Making order. Men and women -write for 5 Plan and territory offer. Write amazing details. CAN- O- LITES, 6 05 GSA Daventry, England 5:00P- 7:001' SMTWTFS us today. D pt DA -7, Youngstown, Ohio. Latest Catalog 605 VPB Relay Colombo, Ceylon 5:30A- 6:45A SMTWTFS 500 Arrangements and 605 HJ3ABD Bogota, Colombia 6:00P- 11:00p SMTWTFS 35 Folios for the '1 606 W8XAL Cincinnati, Ohio (Relays WLW) 5:30A- 7:00P 11 MTWTFS Accordion. G 606 ZHI Singapore, Straits Settlements 4:40A- 7:10A 12 M WT It's FREE. Write Dept. R 6 06 W3XAU Phila. Penn. (Relays WCAU) 7:OOP -10 :OOP SMTWTFS 606 OXY Skamlebaek, Denmark 13 SMTWTFS 12:00N- 5:30P O. PAGA N I a$ BRO.,is 6.069 HJ3ABF Bogota, Colombia 6:00P-11 :00P MTWTFS 289 Bleecker St New York, N. Y. 6 07 CFRX Toronto, Ont. (Relays CFRB) Not yet on the air. SALE CATALOG- FREE 607 VE9CS Vancouver, B. C., Canada 5:00P- 6:30P 14 MTWTFS Nearly 200 Styles and Sizes of Maracaibo, Venezuela IN PRIZES GO Heaters, Ranges, Furnaces at Fac- 6075 YV7RMO 4:00P- 9:00P MTWTFS $400,000 tory Prices. Easy Terms - 6075 HP5F Colon, Panama 6:00P- 9:30P SMTWTFS as little as 18c a day-Year 6 08 ZHJ Penang, Straits Settlements TO THOSE WHO KNOW to Pay. More Bargains than 5:40A- 7:40A MTWTFS in 20 Big Stores. New 6 08 W9XAA Chicago, Ill. (Relays WCFL) SMTWTFS In addition to the several big contests announced In styles, 3:OOP- 10:00P Radio Guide, CONTEST MAGAZINE and NUGGETS MONTH- new features, new colors. 6 083 VQ7L0 Nairobi, Kenya SMTWTFS LY, America's foremost contest publications, list every 30 days free trial -360 days 10:30A- 1 :30P month more than $300,000 in prizes offered by other spon- approval test -24 -hour 6 085 HJ5ABD Cali, Colombia 6:00P- 9:00P SMTWTFS sprs you may not know about. They also tell you NOW TO shipments. 'The Kalamazoo WIN. Stove Co.. Manufacturers. 609 CRCX Bowmanville, Ont.(Relays CRCT) 4:301'- 10:301' S MTWTFS YOU CAN WIN IN MANY OF THESE CONTESTS, 2414 Rochester Avenues 6095 JZH Nazaki, Japan Schedule irregular. BUT YOU CAN'T WIN UNLESS YOU DO KNOW Over 1,100,000 Kalamazoo. Michigan. ABOUT THEM 6 097 ZTJ Johannesburg, South Africa 8:OOA- 3:00P 15 S MTWTFS Satisfied Users SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER 6097 HJ4ABE Medellin, Colombia S MTWTFS 37 Years in Business 6:30P- 9:30P That you may become acquainted with these Impala, Write for FREE Catalog 6 10 YTC Belgrade, Yugoslavia 11:OOA- 4:151' 16 5 MTWTFS helps, we will send you both magazines, FOUR MONTHS for ONLY ONE DOLLAR. Single copy 20e, copy of each 35e. 6 10 W9XF Chicago, Ill. (Relays WENR) 10:00A- 1OO A S MTWTFS Published on the Srst and 15th of each month. A. D. Freese Si Son, Publishers, L. Box 103, Upland, Ind. 610 W3XAL Boundbrook, N. J. (Relays WJZ) 5:00P- 10: 17 5 MTWTFS 6108 HJ4ABB Manizales, Colombia 7:001'- 9:001' MTWTFS 6109 VUC Calcutta, India 12:35A- Indef. 18 MTWTF 611 GSL Daventry, England Temporarily off the air. 6115 XECU Guadalajara, Mexico 7:00P- 10:00P S MTWTFS Secrets of Successful 6 115 HJIABB Barranquilla, Colombia 5:00P- 9:00P MTWTFS Salesmen making FORTUNES FOR AGENTS STOP BEING A FAILURE! §4, to g One moth In a home means thou- 6 12 XEFT Veracruz, Mexico 6:30P- 11:001' SMTWTFS year now buss in fascinating Salesmen's Home Trainingsalesmen sands more in almost no time, SMTWTFS Plan. Comingevery business boom bound to make $the BIGsPAY causing untold damage to clothing, 6 12 W2XE Wayne, N. J. (Relays WABC) 9:00P- 10:00P wanted everywhere t top tames. Get into the BIG PAY blankets, furs, etc. Now this cost- 19 SMTWTFS GROUP Master through "knowinga hots." 6122 OAX4P Lima, Peru 8:00P- 10:00P Cooks, "The Key to Master Salesmanship'pto and "Mistakeswho want ly destruction can be prevented. New. Commonly Wr in Sellemt sent NATI to Sn who want Super -Value PURO- daintily colored. 6122 HJ3ABX Bogota, Colombia 4:30P- 10:30P 20 SMTWTFS to get ahead. NATIONALSALESCEG delicately scented tablet evaporates 6125 CXA4 Montevideo, Uraguay 21 SMTWTFS TRAINING ASSO., Dept.2194-A,Dept. 2194 -A, 21 W. Elm St., CHICAGO. into gas harmless to humans-dead- 1 :00P- 9:001' ly to moths. No sprinkling, spraying, 6 13 COCD Havana, Cuba 11:OOA- 12:OOM 22 MTWTFS EXTRA LOW CUT -RATE WINTER PRICES! dusting-just hang it up and for - S T F get it. Banishes unpleasant odors. 613 ZGE Kuala Lumpur, Fed, Malay States 5:40A- 7:40A Guaranteed as advertised in 6132 VP3BG Georgetown, British Guiana 4:00P- 5:00P S Good Housekeeping Magazine. B OS Agents make up to $5 -$8 in a 6 132 VE9HX Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Relays CHNS Irregu lar COLE day. Free premiums to mis- ARNS 1 L ers. FREE SAMPLE. Distribu- 6137 CR7AA Laurenco, Mozambique 11:45A- 2:151' 23 MTWTFS Worsteds, Shetlands, Velveens, etc. A'l' tors and Crew Managers -Write for Special Exclusive Franchise 6138 HJ4ABD Medellin, Colombia 7:00P- 10:00P SMTWTFS CUT -RATE PRICESI FREESample Cards. Needles & Knitting Bag FREE with orde Proposition. FREE 614 W8XK Pittsburgh, Pa. (Relays KDKA) 12:OOM SMTWTFS THE PURO CO Inc., ept. A -707, 9:00P- Mail Orders promptly delivered. Est. 20yrs. 8107 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. SAMPLE 6145 HJ4ABU Pereira, Colombia 6:00P- 7:001' SMTWTFS F & K YARN CO., 85 Essex St., Dept. RG -1, New York, N, Y. 6147 ZEB Bulawayo, South Rhodesia 11:15A- 2:15P 24 T F 615 CJRO Winnipeg (Relays CBC net) 5:OOP -11 :OOP 25 MTWTFS Earn Cash at Note! 615 H15N Santiago, Dominican Republic 5:00P- 8:30P 26 SMTWTFS 1. Sun. 2:30P -8P. 1 1. Also I0P -1A; Sun. 7A -7P. 19. Also 11A -12N. BREED CANARIES FOR US We paid M. M. $207 in 3 weeks 2. Also 11A -1P. 1 2. Sat. 9:40P- 12:IOA. 20. Also 9:30A- 1:3OP. for exceptional "cellar crop" 3. Also 9:95A- 11:90A. I :3. Sun. 10A -61'. 21. Also 7A -11A. WE SUPPLY BIRDS AND BUY ALL YOU CAN BREED patented mushrooms! Big free 9. Also 10:40A- 12:40P. 1 4. Also Sun. 12:45P -12111. 22. Stn. 9A -:3P & 7P -9P. We need thousands -- paying you highest prices! 5. Also 10A -1P. 1 5. Also 10:45P- 11:3OP & 2:30A- 23. Also weekdays 3 :45A -5 :15A; picture book tells if your cellar, Breeders ship us birds from all Parts of the shed, barn suitable. We buy all 6. Also 7:30A -9A & 12N -1P. 6A. Sun. 4:30A -6A & 9A- 11:30A. 7. Sun. 8A- 10:15P. 1 6. Also 1211I -2A & 5:15A- 7:15A. 24. Mon. 10A -118; Thur. 9A-i lA; fauntry. Large illustrated Canary Book cata. crops thru ten branches. Write 8. Sun. 3P -8P. 1 7. Sat. to 12M. Sun. 2:30P -5P. lague IOc today. (Estab. 1908). 9. Mon. & Thur. 6P -8P. 1 8. Also Sat. 8:35P-Sun. 1:05A: 25. Sat. 3P -12M; Sun. 2P- 8:30P. and list of prices sent; (coin) to UNITED MUSHROOM CO. 10. Sun. 4P -6P. Sun. 6:05A- 9:35A. 26. Also 5A -6A, 11A -1P. rover cost of mailing. 3848 Lincoln Ave., Dept. 37, Chicago (To Be Continued Next Issue. Reserve Your Copy Now!) KRAFT BIRD CO., Dept. K, 24 Stone St., New York 46 8/14 f Handwriting Contest ma3íng [ Sensational! ACTION Victory List REFINISHES ,!,,;, The final winners! Below are listed V#'e1-/ the lucky contestants for the twelfth TOS ing o r Painting week of the handwriting contest con- No Polishing.Wax.ingaR THE ducted by RADIO GUIDE. ON This list concludes the prize -money winners in the handwriting group of KAR -NU Pays YOU Tó $7ÁÑ HOUR! RADIO GUIDE'S great dual handwriting - slogan contest, which closed on Jan- A miracle discovery! A transparent magic -like fluid with Not a Wax, Polish or Paint which anyone can refinish any color automobile easily, KAR -NU is not just another ordinary refln- AIR uary 6, 1937, at 5 p.m. isher -there is nothing in the world quickly and economically without polishing, waxing, rub- else like it. Now no need to spend long, But there are more winners to come! bing or painting. JUST WIPE IT ON WITH A CLOTH! tustedious. back- straining, muscle-thing hours Immediately dullness, discoloration, shabbiness and sun polishing, waxing and rublling to produce a Every contestant who submitted an ere shine" that is only fairly satisfactory fade DISAPPEAR. INSTANTLY, as if by magic, the old -that lasts for only a short time, and that entry in the handwriting contest is paint is covered with a tough, elastic coat which is trans- leaves the ear looking worse than before when It wears off, KAR -NU is free from the automatically entered in the slogan parent, self -levelling and self -polishing. KAR -NU ac- and dangerdange of so-called "cleaners' tually fills the pores and rebuilds the old finish. Paint or with acids and abrasives that remove some group as well. Even those who have of the finish each time they are used. WAR - Dues is rejuvenated, restoring lus- NU produces a result that is equal in beauty won in the weekly contest are eligible ter, life, glow and beauty to the to a repaint or finishing job which costs for new and larger prizes in the slogan JUST WIPE IT ON finish. As KAR -NIT dries it seals S25.00 to $75.00. the pigment and protects the finish group. WITH A CLOTH! from further wear. Lasts 8 to 12 ikOTIVFA, Seal of Approval These slogan contest winners will be months. GUARANTEED. awarded by the announced as soon as RADIO GUIDE'S LASTS 8 TO 12 SALES GALORE! BIG /T _ 'q Automotive Test contest judges can give fair and MONTHS - I Laboratories of Am- their PROFITS! ITESTEDaaaAPPROVE l erica shows that considerate attention to each entry. GUARANTEED Enormous demand! Millions want Ana KAR -NU is a Be be a it! W. I. Morgan, of Mass., earn- `_ product of merit. patient -and soon, you may ed $10.61 in a single hour. Sell to winner! 2,028 OTHER USES individuals, fleet owners. garages. Besides refinishing automo- auto accessory stores, used car biles, KAR -NU has hundreds dealers. etc. No experience neces- FREE SAMPLE COUPON of other uses in the home, sary. Send no money for sample 1 KAR -NU CO., Dept. M -60, First Award-$100 office, factory, store and and details. Get in on ground floor. I Oakley Station, Cincinnati, Ohio shop. It refinishes typewrit- coupon -NOW. ,Just nail RUSH FIlF.F, SAMI'l.R to prove your' ers, adding machines, cash clams about KAR -NU and Territory Offer G. R. Fox, Box 787, Dalhart, Texas registers, scales, desks, THE KAR -NU COMPANY chairs, file cabinets, furni- Dept. M -60, Name ture, book cases, safes. etc. Oakley Station. Cincinnati, Ohio -in fact, anything made of Address Second Awards Each metal or wood on which the -$50 original finish has become MAIL COUPON TOW! I Town State s dull or discolored. l,------e------al Babe Ruth: The Bambino was F. C. Hedrick, Dandrige, Tennessee Joe Cook's mike star, Jan. 9 Helene Bedard, 134 Water St. W., Brock- ville, Ont., Can. THERE IS AN EDITION OF RADIO GUIDE FOR EVERY SECTION OF NORTH AMERICA Third Awards -$25 Each Á ó WITH sLTC7?iRGE Mrs. Charles Beebe, 2501 E. Douglas, Wichita, Kansas e8,41: ei1l i PRINCIPLE R. D. Lawton, 106 Flora, Peoria, Illinois n I' Earl Griffin, 515 Masonic Ave., San Fran- y SAV cisco, California USERS PESOS., /NNN,y/:/r} I E S GA S D. W. Staveley, 25 Moncton Ave., Quebec / , -" te Gb,LLO / City, Quebec, Can. - Automotive engineers have mashed down the s 7 A ss AT LASTI barriers to perfected combustion! The new VACU- 11lOTOA18t MATIC solves the secret of power, putting new life and pep a É1 split- seeand q.oe si o adding mileage to ,very gallon go. . . . Patting firearm rond v.. vora du: m t°m puup, uve i ueok,.nr response. quicker Fourth Awards -Each One TM malts and running. pydtd Mau. -s-1Wb Fsldw Guaran Gas Saving, eiratatia. - Nothing Like h! bel,nable the super-Marge uf, the autd t. VACU- hIATIC proves itself on every car t/ACP -MATIC is satire/, dif . 1c operates on RCA-Victor Record - Player d to ,no .Pe' principle bF automatically adding harge of ,afro ascoen. drawn fs lY .vm It is guaranteed to give worthwhile gas sav- It ì, .Wooly 6 free 1, n rho outer air, into the bear« of the ga. minute. *be ing., said., -up, and mote power mom h " he or en ,enñ., Dirk .UTOM.4TIC and allows the o "bra at Ä>¿tV' 1 obiited ol you nothing. You nay tell thatdieer- I Tris an' opening and closing automaticallylaee required. It m simple it I and IO Shep Fields Records 6 otxily mce in motor pedona -in euh sayings o0 a sal it many dollars on gas costa gasoline. amass yea-so 'Ihis P S. Pstl.Cdìl. mt 1s ' to Fits All Can pm m 1180 1 Nd d -FREE OFFER COUPON - ' - VACU-MATIC is mn,oacted af - Adeline Earhart, Put -in -Bay, Lake Erie, ndr a Sg. T11E VALU -MATIC COMPANY

W. B. Rule, 327 E. 7th, Plainfield, N. .1. Alice Bashford, 116 Cherry St., San Fran- cisco, California Mrs. C. Whiddon, Cedar Key, Florida Peter Sharp, North Scituate, Mass. Roma Hawkins, MacMurray College, Jacksonville, Illinois Florence Dyer, 1209 N. 6th St., Durant, Oklahoma E. Lund, 632 4th St. W.. Washington, With Wisconsin Phil Payne, 108 W. Sycamore, Indepen- ADDATUBE dence, Kansas On your strong local stations come in all over the dial? Do they Willis Williams, RFD No. 1, Enfield, keep you from listening to out-of -town stations you have always Anna Ben North Carolina wanted to hear? We guarantee ADD -A -TUBE to bring your radio Sten: Bernie puts up to date and to co ect these conditions, your money hack. my Elmer Cooper, 94-09 168th, Jamaica, L. I. ADD -A -TUBE gives any radio the same mellow tone, the re her on the air, January 19 sharpness of selectivity, thethe sanie static-free reception the latest, most expensive sets on the market! OPERATES ttOTH ON LONG AND SHORT WAVES AND ON INSIDE OR OUTSIDE AERIALS. Amazing new invention Improves reception on every Sixth Awards -$5 Each lyre of set, battery or electric. Easily installed In a few minutes. USES NO EXTRA GET Mrs. Hattie Thomas, 725 High St., New- CANADA CURRENT ark, N. J. THESE Mrs. W. E. Pickard, 518 Pine Ave., Al- CLEARLY tithingnothing to operate no extra current bany, Georgia SEATTLE FOREIGN Betsy Schnitzer, 300 N. 20, Fort Smith, COUNTRIES money yby preventing overloading of tubes. Arkansas With Increased power Mrs. H. A. Brand, 703 State St., New Or- of many nations, the average radio cannot leans, La. handle volume or dis- Carl Johnson, 1626 N. Avers Ave., Chi- tance without distor- cago, SHORT --,14 E W tion and overloading. ADD -A -TUBE Illinois gives Your radio automatic volume con- Effie Rolls, Coalgate, Oklahoma WAVE YORK trol, and prevents overloading, sset same as neweta Imprve Mrs. J. K. Jennings, 110 Loring Place, can Install. Sumter, S. C. a Anyone Mrs. Lester Hamm, Ramer, Tennessee SEND NO MONEY Mrs. Nellie Webb, 3031 Stevens, Parsons, LOS -' POLICE Try ADD -A -TUBE at our risk. We guar- ANGELES antee you'll be delighted with new Kansas CALLS thrill of clear local and long distance Vance Vasbinder, 124 E South St., Alli- reception. Simply send n and ad- dress and ADD -A -TUBE will be mailed ance, Ohio Stations erywhere-- distance, for to you at once. Pay postman only $1.00 C. Morgan. 1925 Pane Ave., Bethlehem, sign, short-wave-by installing ADD MEXICO plus few cents postage on delivery. Pennsylvania A -TUBE on Your set Complete with Instructions. Nothing Mrs. Eva Woodward, 109 E. Elm St., else to buy. Lansing, Michigan 'My set works like new." "Amazed." Money -Back Guarantee R. H. Malone, R.R. 1, Alexandria, Ind. t "Can't believe ft's the same radio." Robert Preston, Leesburg, Virginia USERS SAY I "Send 2 more for friends -it's great." Use 5 days -if not delighted, return ADD -A- Marjorie Lunne, 19 Woodruff Ave., Brook- Etc.. Ete. TUBE and your money will be refunded instantly. lyn, N. V. Order today. Lauritz Melchior: He was au- Thomas Hale, Batesville, Arkansas to symphony singer, Jan. 10 John Strafford, Babson Park, Florida M. J. Matlack, 1510 East St., Grinnell, la. R -E ENGINEERS Edith Ferren, Leon, Iowa W. Boss, 13 Toy Ave., Ottawa, Canada Dept. M M -477, Marburg Ave. at B. & O. R.R. Cincinnati, Ohio N 6/11 47 SIX- CYLINDER EACH WITH 1000 GALLONS OF TEXACO FIRE -CHIEF GASOLINE P NTIAC AND E ALSO 960 THRILLING CASH PRIZES: PONTIAC AUTO RADIO

GET 1000 GALLONS OF rad Wed 170 titvs. TEXACO FIRE -CHIEF GASOLINE FREE/ 10 FIRST PRIZES -Each a PONTIAC 2 -door de Luxe 6 Sedan - AS YOU NEED IT ! Each with 1000 gallons TEXACO FIRE -CHIEF Gasoline - Wherever you need it ... In all 48 states! Its speci- and $53.95 Pontiac Auto Radio FREE. Each Week! fications altered to match the season, the locality, 10 SECOND PRIZES, $50 each 50 THIRD PRIZES, $5 each even the altitude ... to give you full mileage and 100 FOURTH PRIZES, $2.50 each full power ...quick starts iii cold weather. Texaco dealers will service your new car carefully and LOOK! expertly. 0 YOU MAY WIN THIS BEAUTIFUL `1937 PONTIAC 2 -DOOR DE LUXE 6 SEDAN i

The most beautiful thing on wheels ...enriched with more basic advancements than any 1937 car of its price ... new Ijnisteel Body by Fisher ... greater power, get -away, and economy ... five inches more wheelbase

. America's finest low - priced car.

[ISN'T THIS IVORY ME,TOO! THINK CONTEST EASY? OF WINNING A W¡] IN ! NOW! JUST COMPLETE THIS SENTENCE, I'M GOING TO ',NEW PONTIAC ENTER EACH i AND 1000 WEEK! GALLONS OF eJ Anyc/l/'62fy &catoe- -, _ in 25 additional words or less) FIRE -CHIEF GASOLINE! New contest each week! Enter now . . enter every week! in the entry blank ... in 25 additional words or less. 60 Pontiacs! ... each with Texaco Fire -Chief Gasoline to HINTS TO WIN! Probably you use Ivory for your bath, last the average driver a year! ... each with a Pontiac complexion, shampoo ... for baby's bath ... for silks and Auto Radio! 960 cash awards! What a wealth of prizes! woolens ... for dishwashing and smooth hands. So just TUNE IN ON "THE O'NEILLS" FOR We chose Pontiacs for distinctive Silver -Streak styling tell us about it ... as simply as this: MORE HINTS ON WINNING! ... remarkable economy ... extra size and roominess ... "I like Ivory Soap because it's pure. and so kind to the tender (Here are the times, see your local newspaper for stations) their long list of special safety features. skin of my baby I know it's kind to everything it touches." We chose Texaco Fire -Chief Gasoline because you'll N. B. C. Red Network Coast to Coast See it's not fancy writing that counts. It's sincerity . . . enjoy driving your new car on this full -mileage, full -power ... MONDAY THRU FRIDAY your own thoughts . . . and clearness! So, sit down and just gasoline. Eastern Central Mountain Pacific "talk on paper" ... as though you were writing to a friend. Standard Time Standard Time Standard Time Standard Time We chose Pontiac Auto Radios for their greater power Ivory is a friend. And one day a letter may come from p.m. 2:45 p.m. P. M. P.M. ... better sensitivity and selection ... finer tone! Procter & Gamble telling you ... that you have won a 3:45 1:45 12:45 And all you have to do is finish the sentence that starts brand new Pontiac ... for your own. Prize- winners will be announced on "The O'Neills" shortly after each contest closes. ------be postmarked before Saturday mid- ' ENTRY BLANK F/LL OUT TINS READ THESE EASY RULES: night to be eligible for the contest. ENTRY BLANK Those arriving late fOr one contest will 1. Finish this sentence "I like Ivory be automatically entered in the next AND MA /L iI! Soap because " (in 25 week's contest. TODAY! additional words or less). Write your entry on one side of a sheet of paper, 6. Enter each week's contest as often signing your name and address. Be sure as you choose, but be sure to attach the to give name and complete address of wrappers from one Medium Size cake 1 dealer who sells you Ivory Soap. and one Large Size cake of Ivory Soap (or facsimiles) to each entry. 2. Entries will be judged for clearness, sincerity, and individuality of thought. 7. The contests will be judged by Miss Your own words are most important. Elsie Rushmore and her associates. Fancy entries will not count extra. Duplicate prizes will be awarded in case of ties. All entries and the contents 3. There will be six weekly contests, thereof become the property of Procter each with a separate list of prizes. & Gamble. No entries will be returned. I 1pening and closing dates are as follows: FINISH THIS SENTENCE IN 25 ADDITIONAL WORDS ... OR LESS B. Any one may compete except em- I ployees of Procter & Gamble, their ad- IVORY SOAP, Dept. RG -17, Box 28, Cincinnati, Ohio. OPENING CLOSING vertising agencies, and their families. 1st Contest-Now Sat. Jan. 23 Contests are limited to the United Here is my entry for the Ivory Soap Contest. I ttach the wrappers from ' 2nd Contest-Sun-Jan-24 Sat. Jan. 30 States only and are subject to all Fed- I one M ize c: - and one Large ze ca o vory Soap (or facsimiles). 3rd Contest -Sun. Jan. 31 Sat. Feb.6 eral, State and Local Regulations. 4th Contest -Suit. Feb. 7 Sat. Feb. 13 9. Prizes to be awarded in each weekly I NA t 5th Contest-Sun. Feb. 14 Sat. Feb.20 contest are as follows: -Ten First prizes, ' 44 0 6th Contest -Sun. Feb.21 Sat. Feb.27 each a Pontiac de Luxe (6 cylinder) ), 2 -door Sedan, equipped with a Pontiac I STREET? / 99 100 /0 4. Attach the wrappers from one Large Auto Radio and accompanied by 1000 / 1, Size cake and one Medians Size cake of gallons of Texaco gasoline. 10 Second I CITY ,..,.. STATÉ / Ivory Soap or a facsimile of each) to prizes of $50 each. 50 Third prizes of $5 PURE your entry. Mail to IVORY SOAP, each. 100 Fourth prizes of $2.50 each. LPlease enclose the name and address of dealer or dealer's clerk who sold you Ivory Soap Dept.RG-17,BOX 28, CINCINNATI, O. Every dealer who helps a winner of a --- fl- t------w J1 IT FLOATS S. Entries for each week's contest must first prize will receive $50 in cash.

Q Refuse substitutes; buy the advertised brand every time!