Joule Heating Effects in Electroosmotically Driven Microchannel Flows

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Joule Heating Effects in Electroosmotically Driven Microchannel Flows International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 3085–3095 Joule heating effects in electroosmotically driven microchannel flows Keisuke Horiuchi, Prashanta Dutta * Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-2920, USA Received 26 September 2003; received in revised form 23 February 2004 Abstract Analytical solutions for temperature distributions, heat transfer coefficients, and Nusselt numbers of steady elec- troosmotic flows are obtained for two-dimensional straight microchannels. This analysis is based on an infinitesimal electric double layer in which flow velocity becomes ‘‘plug-like’’, except very close to the wall. Both constant surface temperature and constant surface heat flux conditions are considered in this study. Separation of variables technique is applied to obtain analytical solutions of temperature distributions from the energy equation of electroosmotically driven flows. The thermal analysis considers interaction among inertial, diffusive and Joule heating terms in order to obtain thermally developing behavior of electroosmotic flows. Heat transfer characteristics are presented for low Reynolds number microflows where the viscous and electric field terms are very dominant. For the parameter range studied here (Re 6 0:7), the Nusselt number is independent of the thermal Peclet number, except in the thermally developing region. Analytical results for cases with and without Joule heating are also compared with the existing heat transfer results, and an excellent agreement is obtained between them. Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Microfluidics; Electroosmotic flow; Joule heating 1. Introduction electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) have made a breakthrough progress toward utilizing electroosmotic Electroosmosis, one of the main electrokinetic effects, flows in complex microfluidic networks for ‘‘lab-on-a- is the process by which an ionized liquid moves with chip’’ applications. Lately, scientists at Sandia National respect to a stationary charged surface under the action Lab [3] and Stanford University [4,5] have successfully of an external electric field. The electroosmotic phe- developed electrokinetic micropumps capable of creat- nomenon was first observed by Ruess in 1809 from an ing in excess of 20 atm by packing micron sized non- experimental study on clay diaphragms [1]. In the mid- porous silica particles in a 500–900 lm diameter fused 19th century, Wiedemann repeated the experiment and silica capillary. Due to the ability of pumping a wide formally introduced the mathematical theory behind it range of working fluid, this non-mechanical pumping [2]. Though the electroosmotic phenomenon has been has become an attractive fluid handling method in the known for more than a century, the application of emerging ‘‘lab-on-a-chip’’ microfluidic devices for sam- electroosmotic flow was only limited in the field of ple loading, mixing, flushing and reagent transporting analytical chemistry to transport samples in capillaries. [6,7]. So far, most of the studies have been focused only But, recent developments in microelectronics and micro- on the fluid flow behavior where the velocity distribution is plug like in most of the channel [8–12], and not much attention has been paid on the thermal behavior. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-509-335-7989; fax: +1-509- One of the main objectives of electroosmotic action is 335-4662. to generate pressure head for pumping liquid in micro- E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Dutta). fluidic devices for bioanalytical applications. Here the 0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2004.02.020 3086 K. Horiuchi, P. Dutta / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 3085–3095 Nomenclature 2 AC cross-sectional area of a microchannel [m ] b0 Fourier coefficient cp specific heat at constant pressure [J/(kg K)] bn Fourier coefficient D half channel height [m] d99 effective Debye layer thickness [m] DH hydraulic diameter [m] e permittivity of the medium [C/(V m)] ~E applied electric field [V/m] U viscous dissipation function Ex electric field component in the streamwise cn exponentialpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi decay parameter, 2 direction [V/m] ð PeT þ 4kn À PeTÞ=2 e electron charge [C] g non-dimensional cross-stream distance, G non-dimensional generation term y=D h local heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2 K)] k Debye length [m] k thermal conductivity [W/(m K)] kn eigenvalues 2 kB Boltzmann constant [J/K] l dynamic viscosity coefficient [N s/m ] L channel length [m] h non-dimensional temperature m_ mass-flow rate [kg/s] ha auxiliary temperature field n0 average number of positive/negative ions in hp particular type of function the buffer [1/m3] Dh non-dimensional temperature difference Nu Nusselt number, Dh=k hs À h 3 PeT thermal Peclet number, Re Á Pr qf fluid density [kg/m ] 3 Pr Prandtl number, m=a qe electric charge density [C/m ] 00 2 qs surface heat flux [W/m ] r electrical conductivity of the buffer fluid Re Reynolds number, umD=m [S/m] 2 Rev ratio of Joule heating to viscous dissipation t kinetic viscosity [m /s] T temperature [K] n non-dimensional streamwise distance u velocity component in the streamwise x=D direction [m/s] w electrokinetic potential [V] uHS Helmholtz–Smoluchowski velocity [m/s] f zeta potential [V] V~ velocity field [m/s] Subscripts v velocity component in the cross-stream c centerline direction [m/s] h homogenous W channel width [m] i inlet z valence m mean Greek symbols o non-homogenous 2 a thermal diffusivity, k=ðqcpÞ [m /s] s surface an Fourier coefficient pumping action can be achieved by applying a very high little attention, especially for electroosmotic microflows. external electric field along the channel. This high However, there are several analytical and experimental external electric field creates both conduction and con- works that appeared in literature describing the effect of vection current in the liquid, where convection current Joule heating in capillary electrophoresis for identical contributes to net flow in the system and conduction electric field and ion concentration [14,15]. Those works current generates volumetric Joule heating in the system identified thermal band broadening due to Joule heating. [8]. This Joule heating effect is very significant for high Explicit analytical solutions have been reported in electric field strength and/or highly conductive buffer. the past for both developing and fully developed thermal Since Joule heating is a volumetric phenomenon, its transport problems with or without volumetric heat magnitude is directly related to the channel volume. In generation. In a seminal work, Sparrow and co-workers typical electroosmotic flows with a fluid of 10À3 S/m [16] studied the effect of an arbitrary generation term in electrical conductivity and an applied electric field of 10 pressure driven thermally developing flows, and they V/mm, the Joule heating term contributes 105 W/m3. obtained analytical solutions for heat transfer charac- Depending on the surface (thermal) conditions, this teristics. Their framework is very similar to this study, thermal energy may elevate the system enthalpy signifi- but in our case the hydraulically fully developed elec- cantly [13]. The thermal energy generation and the troosmotic (plug like) velocity is used instead of pressure associated dissipation mechanisms have received very driven parabolic velocity profiles. In literature there also K. Horiuchi, P. Dutta / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 3085–3095 3087 exist numerous heat transfer studies in the slug flows by the anode. This results in the net movement of ion- both in parallel plates and in circular channels [17,18], ized fluid in the direction of the electric field. where they have not considered any Joule heating or generation terms. Recently, Maynes and Webb have 2.1. Governing equations presented thermal analysis of electroosmotic flows for circular tubes and parallel plates under Debye Huckel The steady electroosmotic flow is governed by the linearization [19]. However, that study is limited only to modified Navier–Stokes equations as [20] the fully developed thermal region. q ðV~ rÞV~ À lr2V~ þrP À q ~E ¼ 0 ð1Þ In this article, we obtain analytical solutions for f e temperature distributions and heat transfer characteris- ~ where qf is the fluid density, l is the dynamic viscosity, E tics for thermally developing steady electroosmotic flow is the applied electric field, and V~ ¼ðu; vÞ is the velocity in two-dimensional straight microchannels. Our analysis field. The incompressibility condition requires a diver- takes care of the interaction among convection, viscous, gence free velocity field (rV~ ¼ 0), subjected to no slip and Joule heating terms to obtain the temperature dis- and no penetration boundary conditions at the surface. tribution of the fluid in microchannels. This analysis The first and second terms of Eq. (1) indicate the inertia identifies the effects of Joule heating during electroos- and viscous forces, respectively. While the third term motic pumping in designing electroosmotically driven ~ shows the pressure force, and the final term, qeE, rep- micropumps, valves, and mixers where surface can be resents the electrokinetic body force due to the forma- maintained either at constant temperature or at constant tion of the EDL next to the surface. Here qe is the heat flux with the surrounding. electric charge density, and for a symmetric univalent dilute electrolyte it can be found as [20] 2. Theory ezw qe ¼2n0ez sinh ð2Þ kBT The formation of electroosmotic flow in a straight microchannel is shown in Fig. 1. Here the channel walls where w is the electrokinetic potential, n0 is the average attain net negative charges due to ionization, ion number of positive or negative ions in the buffer, e is the absorption, or ion adsorption from the polar liquid next electron charge, z is the valence, kB is the Boltzmann to the solid surface. These trapped surface charges sig- constant, and T is the absolute temperature.
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