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Plies for Writ NATIONAL THANKSGIVING DAY When The toniett. STERLING GALT,EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY TERMS-$1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. XXX EMMITSBURG. MARYLAND, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1908 NO. 27 THE OIL CASE CONDITIONS IN AFRICA NATIONAL THANKSGIVING DAY POOR BUT PROUD JAPS DEATH TO RATS MOVES UP Constant Fighting Depletes Poverty That Is Hard For THE SLOGAN The Population When The Annual Call Ceased to Be a Foreigners to Imagine Government Ap- Matter of Mere Local Concern The Resultsof Mod- plies For Writ WOMAN IS BONE OF CONTENTION ECONOMY OF GROUND NECESSARY em Research ABRAHAM LINCOLN REVIVED THE CUSTOM Wealth Based on Number of Wives, Every Inch Must Be Made To Yield HISTORY OF LITIGATION Boys and Cattle Possessed.-Finan- Something For The Struggling DISGUSTING ANIMALS cial Demands Are Satisfied by When Imperilled Federal Union Was at the Lowest Low- Farmer.-Examples of Ingenu- the Sale of Children. Water Mark In Summer of 1863 ity Employed By People. Judge Landis' $29,000,000 Spreaders of Plague Germs Fine Is Reversed The brave show that the Japanese They Menace A New York mining engineer visit- WASHINGTON ISSUED THE PROCLAMATION ON FEBRUARY 19, 1795 Humanity ing in Washington who has been in the people made in welcoming the Ameri- can fleet contained some elements of CASE IS NOW TWO YEARS OLD Dark Continent prospecting for miner- HISTORY OF DEADLY SEWER 12.11 als declares that continual tribal wars After Him Madison Was Devout and Thoughtful Enough to Ask for Its the pathetic to close observers who know in the interior of Liberia hava resulted Observance.-Lincoln Called for People to Invoke Divine Wisdom to Lead the true condition of the country's pover- - -------- ty. Perhaps they knew, says the New Trial Began in January 1907 in United in the depopulation of whole sections of Nation Through "Paths of Repentance and Submission" On 6th of First Mentioned in 1620 as Inhabitina York Sun, that the money spent in the States District Court in Chicago.- country and the extermination of thous- August.-Same Year He Issued Another Proclamation Setting Apart India and Persia.---Migrated in ands of families. Mr. Thatcher says: decoration of Tokyo's streets, the cast- Judge Landis Regretted That Last Thursday In November. Vast Numbers and Invaded "Africa, is the most thinly ing of gold and silver memorial medals He Could Not Make Penal- populated Prussia. --Later Conquered of the continents, there being only thir for the officers of the fleet and the ty Heavier. lavish entertainments in a score of Sweden and Norway. teen persons to the square mile. Li- 0 1 I I I 1 II beria is never without tribal wars. The -_-:-.--;.-Ito towns came ultimately from the meag- er increase of fields no larger in many on Monday natives are always fighting, to the de- The close District Attorney Sims instances than the court of an apart- connection between the triment of the country. Gold, ivory, A THANKSGIVING spread of served notice on counsel for the Stand- ment-house airshaft. the bubonic plague and the on and cattle, which formerly came to the presence of ard Oil Company of Indiana that In old Japan, where hundreds of gen- infected rats has attractel apply to markets of Monrovia, have been divert- no little attention Nov. 30 the Government will BY CLINTON SCOLLARD erations have lived on scraps of land recently to these de- ed into other directions, because of bet- structive the Supreme Court for a writ of cer- that the mountains grudgingly leave animals. Part of an article the fa- ter protection to life and property. Lord of the land and sea, For failure-that which went written by tiorari bringing the record of tillable, every artifice of taxed ingenu- Andre Beaunier in Le Figam before that tribunal. This fact contributes to the scarcity of Our deep Thanksgiving be With some sublime intent; .zz.— and translated for mous rebate case ity has been employed to draw crops the Boston Tron the Court of fresh meat at the capital. Forevermore to Thee! For death's dark sacrament!- script is given This is the case which commensurate with the heavily increas- below: Judge Landis' fine of "Women are invariably the cause of 0 [1 It appears Appeals reversed — For Thy so lenient ways For beckoning beacon-hopes ing population. Hills have been leveled, that rats are not only dis- $29,240,000 against the corporation. every contention. Wealth among the agreeable and disgusting little In the dead other days, That show, beyond the slopes, 0 mountains terraced into paralled alley- beasts, against the Standard Oil aborigines is based solely on the num- D but. actually a foe The suit How wide the Future opes! - ways only wide enough to hold a double to humanity. Dr fine of ber of wives, boys, and cattle possess- 1:1 We lift our worship-praise l- 0 A. Calmette Company, in which the great — row of plants and rivers so carefully devotes an article in th‘ Judge Kene- ed. The man who has the most wives For all our land's increase Revue Du Mois $29,240,000 was imposed by For all our radiant names banked up and tenderly petted into do- to a very learned, ver-,/ Landis, was brought by the can easily be king. The abduction of 0 That slowly, without cease amusing and at the saw M. 0 cility that they are made to share their same time ver-5( one of the wives of a Pessy man, and — That History acclaims,- Man's paths trend more toward ---= alarming government in 1906. The Standard beds with the rice planter. study of rats. "Let us de- Company of Indiana was indicted in the refusal to give her up when demand The deeds that now are Fame's l- peace! clare war on Oil So precious is the arable land that re- rats!" says he, while point- federal courts on the charge of hav- is made, is casus belli. The men of a ing out the strategic the Forevermore to Thee, cently when the Government built a measurea w. Elkins law, in that it captured town are frequently put to must take. ing violated the Our deep Thanksgiving be, new railroad across the main island of demanded and received freight re- death in a most cruel manner, while The rats are had Lord of the land and sea! Hondo hundreds of claims had to be on the way to conquei bates from the Chicago & Alton Rail- the women and children are reduced to ing the world. And -Success. settled for the dots of ground preempt- this invader is nol road Company. These rebates were on abject bondage. Of these the king the old rat, known to _- ed for the erection of telegraph poles. the remotest an shipments of oil in carload lots from takes the lion's share, and distributes -- tiquity and against 0 11 I 1 1 t 1 El One of the' fertile valleys near the which dogs, cats, Whiting, Ind., to East St. Louis, be- the remainder among his followers. hogs and owls waged a base of Mount Fuji, when viewed from fairly success- tween September 1, 1903, and March 1. "The children are frequently sold, ful warfare; it is an elevation, resembles nothing so much not the mus rattua, 1905. Evidence was given at the trial pawned, or given to satisfy financial On November 25th, 1897 the New It remained for Abraham Lincoln of town rat or country rat, rather as a piece of cloth figured with rec- a nuie showing that the oil company had to demands, very often among themsel- York Sun published the following on blessed memory to revive a custom so ance than a curse; no, tangular blocks of gold and green. The the new conquer pay a rate only one-third of that which ves or to members of neighboring "A National Thanksgiving Day :" grateful to the hearts and so alluring to or is the mus decumanus, rice fields are squared about by mud or-to giv, other shippers at the same time paid. tribes, or sometimes to Liberians, who How many of our good Americans re- the homes of the American people. him his least flattering name sew- dikes, each in perfect order. Next to -the It was held for the company that the pay the price for them, and then keep member when Thanksgiving became a The cause of the imperilled er rat. Federal them, on slightly higher ground, are the rate was not secret, but the jury found them under the apprentice system un- national holiday? It is worth while to Union was at the lowest His history runs back low-water patches of barely, and millet, arranged no great dis- to the contrary. til they reach maturity, when they do remind the younger generation, at least, mark in the summer of tance through 1863. The with a precision almost mathematical. the ages. He is first The trial was held in the United not run away in the meantime." when and how this happened. Every men and women of the present genera- mentioned in 1620. He then inhabited States District Court in Chicago, prac- schoolboy is familiar with the story of tion of Americans cannot know the India and Persia. But he BANEFUL EFFECT OF ADENOIDS invaded Eu- tically beginning on January 3, 1907, VIRGINIA VS. WEST VIRGINIA the early settlers of bleak New England, bitterness of the dark days of that rope in 1727, and this is how: India when demurrers were overruled, and who, when unexpectedly delivered from summer.
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