Luisa and the Most Precious Blood of Jesus in the Divine Will
Luisa and the Most Precious Blood of Jesus in the Divine Will From the Writings of Luisa Piccarreta Little Daughter of the Divine Will V1 – I go about looking in the middle of the street – but what do I see? I see the street all filled with people, and, in the middle, my Loving Jesus with the Cross upon His Shoulders. Some pulled Him to one side, some to another. All panting, with His Face dripping with Blood, He raised His Eyes toward me in act of asking for my help. V1 – “My Heart was taken by such grips, that I felt It as if It were under a press; so much so, that I sweat Living Blood. Tell Me, when have you arrived at Suffering so much? Therefore, when you find Yourself without Me, afflicted, empty of any Consolation, filled with sadnesses, with worries, with pains, come close to Me, wipe that Blood from Me, offer those Pains to Me as relief for My Most Bitter Agony. By doing so, you shall find the way to be able to remain with Me after Communion.” V1 – “Daughter, see how My Son is treated by men – the horrible offenses they commit, that never give Him respite. Look at Him, how He Suffers.” And I tried to look at Him, and I saw Him all Blood, all Wounds, and almost cut up, reduced to a mortal state.” V1 – As I lost consciousness, Our Lord made Himself seen once again with the Crown of Thorns on His Head, all dripping with Blood; and turning to me, He said: “Daughter, take a look at what men do to Me.
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