Issue 19/20 AFP 2017 Main Body
MIRACLE SHINGLES VACCINE TURNS INTO NIGHTMARE FOR MANUFACTURER, VICTIMS. SEE PAGE 29. AmericanFreePress# VoLumE XVII • NumBER 19 & 20 • mAY 8 & 15, 2017 • • PoSTmASTER: Do NoT DELAY • mAILED mAY 5, 2017 • $3.00 THE INSIDE SCOOP 8 • Protesters get off but FBI informant convicted The illegal alien welfare state MISTRIAL! funded by American taxpayers. By Mark Anderson See page 8 AS VEGAS, Nevada—In the three-part, landmark case that arose from the 2014 standoff near Bunker - Lville, Nev. between multiple federal agencies and supporters of rancher Cliven Bundy, the jury dead- 14 locked on April 24, forcing U.S. Dis- trict Judge Gloria Navarro to declare “Anti-fascists” more intolerant, a mistrial. Federal prosecutors were violent than any Trump supporter. unable to secure convictions for See pages 14-15 four of the six defendants in the first of three trials. Shockingly, one of the two men convicted had been an FBI informant for years. His cover Above, supporters and critics of the six men who were on trial for defending Cliven was blown during trial testimony. Bundy from overzealous federal agents gathered in front of the courthouse in Las Vegas The four defendants who escaped in February. Without ever firing a shot, the defendants face life in prison because they conviction were Richard Lovelien, had the audacity to stand up to the Bureau of Land Management. Eric Parker, O. Scott Drexler, and Engel was charged with obstruc- terfering with federal officers, and Steven Stewart. The 12-member jury tion of justice and using interstate extortion. The New American re- 18 fell far short of convicting these commerce to commit extortion.
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