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This article can be cited before page numbers have been issued, to do this please use: L. Jin, D. M. Frazer, Y. Lu, S. J. Wilkins, S. Ayton, A. I. Bush and G. Anderson, Metallomics, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C8MT00370J.

Volume 8 Number 1 January 2016 Pages 1–136 This is an Accepted Manuscript, which has been through the Royal Society of process and has been accepted for publication.

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ISSN 1756-5901 standard Terms & Conditions and the ethical guidelines, outlined in our author and reviewer resource centre, still apply. In no PAPER David P. Giedroc et al. The S2 Cu(I) site in CupA from Streptococcus pneumoniae is required for cellular copper resistance Indexed in event shall the Royal Society of Chemistry be held responsible Medline! for any errors or omissions in this Accepted Manuscript or any consequences arising from the use of any information it contains. Page 1 of 12 Metallomics

1 2 3 Significance to metallomics statement View Article Online 4 DOI: 10.1039/C8MT00370J 5 6 Manganese is an essential metal, but how its trafficking is regulated within the body remains 7 incompletely understood. Ferroportin is best known as an iron export protein, although it can also 8 9 transport a number of other divalent metal ions, including potentially manganese. However, the 10 11 literature is divided in this area, and in particular, there are few data on how ferroportin might 12 contribute to manganese homeostasis under physiological conditions. By taking advantage of two 13 14 knockout mouse models with altered ferroportin levels, we have been able to provide new insights 15 16 into the contribution this transporter makes to manganese distribution in vivo. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

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1 2 3 View Article Online 4 Metallomics DOI: 10.1039/C8MT00370J 5 6 7 8 ARTICLE 9 10 11 12 Mice overexpressing hepcidin suggest ferroportin does not play a 13 major role in Mn homeostasis 14 \Received 00th January 20xx, a,b a a a c c 15 Accepted 00th January 20xx Lian Jin , David M Frazer , Yan Lu , Sarah J Wilkins , Scott Ayton , Ashley Bush , Gregory J 16 Andersona,b,d 17 DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x 18 Manganese is an essential metal that is required for a wide range of biological functions. Ferroportin (FPN), the only 19 known cellular exporter of iron, has also been proposed to play a role in manganese export, but this relationship is 20 incompletely understood. To investigate this in more detail in vivo, we examined the relative distributions of manganese 21 and iron in TMPRSS6 deficient mice, which are characterized by constitutively high expression of the iron regulatory 22 hormone hepcidin and, consequently, very low FPN levels in their tissues. Tmprss6-/- mice showed frank iron deficiency 23 and reduced iron levels in most tissues, consistent with FPN playing an important role in the distribution of this metal, but 24 manganese levels were largely unaffected. Associated studies using intestine-specific FPN knockout mice showed that loss 25 of FPN significantly reduced the dietary absorption of iron, but had no effect on manganese intake. Taken together, our

26 data suggest that FPN does not play a major role in Mn transport in vivo. They do not exclude a minor role for FPN in Manuscript 27 manganese homeostasis, nor the possibility that the transporter may be relevant at high Mn levels, but at physiological 28 levels of this metal, other transport proteins appear to be more important. 29 30 metals. For both Fe and Mn, the liver plays a central regulatory 31 Introduction role.8, 9 In broad terms, the regulation of Fe traffic in the body is 32 Metals such as iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) are essential for better studied than that of Mn. Dietary Fe is taken up by 33 a wide range of biological functions. Iron, for example, is intestinal enterocytes, then released into the circulation across 34 required for oxygen delivery, energy production and DNA the enterocyte basolateral membrane through ferroportin 35 synthesis,1 and manganese is required for the activity of many

(FPN; SLC40A1), the only known mammalian iron export Accepted 36 enzymes, including those involved in glucose and lipid protein.10 In the circulation, iron binds to transferrin and is 37 metabolism and antioxidant defence.2 Both Fe and Mn levels then distributed to cells throughout the body. In addition to 38 in the body must be strictly controlled as a deficiency or excess

Published on 13 March 2019. Downloaded 3/13/2019 11:02:47 PM. being important for intestinal Fe absorption, FPN is required 39 of either metal can be harmful. Iron deficiency can lead to for Fe export from most body cells. This iron export process is 40 anemia and its associated pathological consequences, regulated by the hepatic hormone hepcidin, which binds to 41 including compromised neurological development when FPN and leads to its internalization and degradation.11 When 42 present in infancy.3, 4 In contrast, since Fe can catalyze the body iron levels rise, hepcidin production is increased and FPN 43 formation of toxic oxygen radicals, excess iron can damage levels decline.12 This in turn reduces iron absorption and iron 44 vital organs including the liver and heart. Mn is also toxic when accumulates in intestinal enterocytes. Iron also accumulates in 45 present in excess, and its neurotoxicity is particularly notable.2 other cells in the body. Conversely, when body iron levels are 46 Significantly, high Mn levels have been associated with depleted, hepcidin expression is downregulated to allow for 47 neurological disorders such as hepatic encephalopathy and

increased dietary Fe absorption and mobilization of body Fe Metallomics 48 parkinsonism.5-7 Because of this dual nature, being essential, stores, both of which require active FPN on the cell surface.13, 49 yet being toxic in excess, sophisticated mechanisms have 14 Pathological disturbances leading to either increased or 50 developed to maintain the cellular and body levels of Fe and decreased hepcidin expression lead to anemia and 51 Mn within the optimum physiological range. This is largely hemochromatosis respectively.15-17 52 achieved by regulating the cellular intake and efflux of the 53 FPN has been shown to transport several divalent metal 54 ions other than Fe2+, including Co2+ and Zn2+, but not others a. Iron Metabolism Laboratory, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, such as Cu2+ or Cd2+.18 The literature on whether FPN is able to 55 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 56 b. Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia transport Mn is confusing and apparently contradictory. Some 57 c. Melbourne Dementia Research Centre, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and in vitro studies have suggested that FPN transports minimal Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia amounts of Mn,18, 19 but others have suggested otherwise.20, 21 58 d. School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, University of Queensland, 59 Brisbane, Australia. In vivo studies have generally suggested that FPN is able to 60

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1 ARTICLE Journal Name 2 3 transport Mn, but its influence is usually modest. For example, protease which acts upstream of hepcidin toView reduce Article Online its 4 it has been reported that the flatiron mouse (ffe/+), a model of expression.46 Tmprss6-/- mice lack DOI:the 10.1039/C8MT00370J protease and 5 genetic FPN deficiency, albeit with an unusual underlying consequently hepcidin is expressed at a constitutively high 6 mechanism, has a reduced capacity to absorb orally level.47 This in turn reduces FPN expression and leads to iron 7 administered Mn and has reduced Mn levels in the blood, liver deficiency in the mice. These animals represent an ideal model 8 and bile.22 In addition, there is evidence that intestinal in which to study the effects of increased hepcidin (and hence 9 absorption of Mn is increased in Hfe knockout mice, a mouse reduced FPN) on Mn metabolism. Using both these mice and 10 model of HFE-related hemochromatosis23 where FPN mice carrying an intestine-specific deletion of FPN, we showed 11 expression is increased secondary to diminished hepcidin that FPN likely plays a minimal role in body Mn homeostasis. 12 expression.24, 25 While these studies provide some evidence to Metal transporters other than FPN appear to be more 13 implicate FPN in Mn homeostasis, its relative contribution at important in regulating Mn flux in the body under normal 14 physiological levels of Mn remains unclear. physiological conditions. 15 FPN is only one of more than ten transmembrane metal 16 transport proteins that have been implicated in Mn 17 homeostasis.26 These include proteins involved in Mn import, Experimental 27, 28 29 18 such as DMT1 (NRAMP2), SLC39A8 (ZIP8) and SLC39A14 Animal care and procedures (ZIP14),30-33 and those involved in Mn export, such as 19 All experimental procedures were approved by the QIMR SLC30A10 (ZNT10),34-35 ATP2C1 (SPCA1)36 and ATP13A2 20 Berghofer Medical Research Institute Animal Ethics (PARK9).37-40 Recent studies have suggested that the plasma 21 Committee. Homozygous Tmprss6 knockout mice (Tmprss6-/- membrane proteins SLC30A10 and SLC39A14 play particularly 22 )47 on a C57BL/6 background were used as a model of important roles in coordinately regulating body Mn levels. 23 constitutively high hepcidin production. This strain has been Patients with loss of function mutations in SLC30A10,41, 42 or 24 validated previously in our hands to show that Hamp1 mRNA mice lacking this protein,43, 44 show accumulation of Mn in the 25 levels and plasma hepcidin levels are constitutively high and blood, liver and brain, and associated parkinsonian-like 26 that FPN protein is reduced in the proximal small intestine48. Manuscript symptoms. The localization of SLC30A10 to the canalicular 27 Heterozygous littermates (Tmprss6+/) were used as controls as membrane of HepG2 cells44 is consistent with it being involved 28 we observed no phenotypic differences between wild-type in Mn excretion into the bile. Mice with a liver-specific 29 mice and heterozygotes.48 In some studies, we also used mice knockout of Slc30a10 show minimal alterations in body Mn,45 30 lacking FPN specifically in the enterocytes which were created implying that other Mn export pathways exist. The gut is a 31 and characterized as previously described.48 Briefly, they were strong candidate for an alternative excretion route as 32 produced by crossing FPN floxed mice with vil-Cre-ERT2 mice SLC30A10 is also expressed on the apical membrane of mature 33 (both on a C57BL/6 background), which express tamoxifen- enterocytes and appears to be responsible for effluxing Mn 34 inducible Cre recombinase under the control of the villin into the intestinal lumen.45 SLC30A10 does not appear to be 35 promoter. Cre recombinase expression was induced in these involved in regulating brain Mn levels under basal conditions, Accepted 36 mice by injecting tamoxifen (75 μg/g body weight) but it can protect against neurotoxicity when levels of the 37 subcutaneously at 8-10 days of age. Ferroportin floxed metal are increased.45 Disruption of the metal importer 38 littermates lacking Cre recombinase also were injected with

Published on 13 March 2019. Downloaded 3/13/2019 11:02:47 PM. SLC39A14 in both humans and mice has also been associated 39 tamoxifen as the control group. Our previous work has shown with body Mn accumulation in multiple organs, including the 40 that these animals have a 90% reduction in intestinal iron brain, with associated adverse neurological consequences.30-33 41 absorption and that this is associated with loss of FPN protein However, in this case, Mn levels in the liver are low. 42 in the small intestine.48 For consistency in our experiments, Radioactive 54Mn distribution studies comparing Slc39a14 null 43 only male mice were used. Some sex differences in Fe and Mn and wild-type mice indicate that this protein is important for 44 homoeostasis have been observed in mice,31, 43, 49, but, where hepatic and pancreatic Mn uptake, and for its gastrointestinal 45 present, these are almost always quantitative in nature and do excretion.31 Taken together, these data suggest that SLC39A14 46 not represent fundamental differences between the responses and SLC30A10 work together in hepatocytes to facilitate Mn 47 of males and females. Thus, we anticipate that the findings will excretion into the bile, and studies with Slc39a14/Slc30a10 Metallomics 48 be equally applicable to females. The animals were weaned 3 double knockout mice are consistent with this.44 The loss of 49 weeks after birth, then provided with unlimited access to a this major excretion pathway leads to the accumulation of Mn 50 standard pellet diet (Norco Stockfeed, Lismore, NSW, in the body and its associated adverse consequences. 51 Australia; Metal ion content: Fe 120mg/kg; Mn 80mg/kg; Zn Interestingly, loss of SLC39A14 specifically in the liver in mice 52 200mg/kg; Cu 16mg/kg) and tap water. does not lead to substantive extrahepatic Mn loading,33, 44 53 In initial studies, Tmprss6-/- mice and Tmprss6+/- controls implying that Mn can be excreted through other routes, most 54 were examined at 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of age. Animals were likely via the pancreas and intestinal epithelium. 55 anesthetized (200mg/kg ketamine and 10mg/kg xylazine) In this study, we have taken advantage of transmembrane 56 before euthanasia. Blood was taken by cardiac puncture and serine protease 6 (TMPRSS6) knockout mouse to further 57 mice were perfused with trace-metal grade saline (Sigma). explore the links between FPN and Mn metabolism and to 58 Organs, including the liver, brain, heart, kidney and spleen 59 compare this to the homeostasis of iron. TMPRSS6 is a 60

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1 Journal Name ARTICLE 2 3 were collected, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at - treatment groups were determined using t Viewtests Article when Online 4 80°C for subsequent investigation. Intestine-specific Fpn comparing two groups or one-way DOI:analysis 10.1039/C8MT00370J of variance 5 knockout mice were processed similarly at the age of 8-10 (ANOVA) followed by Sidak’s multiple comparisons test when 6 weeks. Perfusion with trace-metal grade saline was three or more groups were involved. Differences were 7 performed. In this case the liver was the only tissue collected. considered significant when p < 0.05. All analyses were carried 8 In some experiments Mn was administered by oral gavage out with GraphPad Prism 7 software (GraphPad Software, San 9 (100mg Mn/kg body weight) for 5 consecutive days. This Diego, CA, USA). 10 represents approximately 5 times the daily intake of Mn each 11 mouse would receive from a standard pellet diet. Both 12 Tmprss6-/- and Tmprss6+/- mice were studied (n=6). Five days Results and discussion 13 after the final gavage, mice were euthanised and blood and Tmprss6 deficiency affects iron and manganese metabolism 14 other tissues collected as described above. differently 15 In this study, we systemically compared iron and manganese 16 Real time quantitative PCR homeostasis in Tmprss6 deficient mice. We first confirmed 17 Trizol reagent (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Scoresby, Victoria, that these animals had constitutively high hepcidin expression 18 Australia) was used to extract total RNA according to the by examining Hamp1 mRNA levels in mice aged 2, 4, 8 and 12 19 manufacturer’s instructions. Complementary DNA was weeks (Fig. 1) and we have previously shown that Hamp1 20 synthesized using M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase (Thermo mRNA expression correlates with plasma hepcidin protein 21 Fisher Scientific) and an oligo (dT) primer according the levels and intestinal FPN protein in these mice48. Hepatic 22 manufacturer’s instructions. Real-time quantitative PCR was Hamp1 expression increased in both Tmprss6-/- and littermate 23 performed on a CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection controls as the mice aged, but at all ages hepcidin expression 24 System (Bio-Rad, Gladesville, NSW, Australia). Each sample was significantly elevated in Tmprss6 knockout mice compared 25 was analyzed in triplicate, and gene expression was calculated with their heterozygous littermates. These results are

26 Manuscript from the Ct value using the standard curve method. Gene 27 consistent with published data on hepcidin expression in this expression levels were expressed relative to the housekeeping 47 28 mouse strain. gene, hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase 29 (Hprt). Validation of primers and analyses were consistent with 30 the MIQE guidelines.50 The primer pairs used were: Hamp1 31 forward: AGAGCTGCAGCCTTTGCAC; Hamp1 reverse: 32 ACACTGGGAATTGTTACAGCATT; Hprt forward: 33 GGACTGATTATGGACAGGA; Hprt reverse: 34 GAGGGCCACAATGTGATG. 35 36 Accepted 37 ICP-MS 38 Tissue for ICP-MS was dried at 110°C, weighed, and wet-

Published on 13 March 2019. Downloaded 3/13/2019 11:02:47 PM. 21 39 digested prior to metal analysis. Briefly, 50 µL of HNO3 40 (14.4M, 65% Suprapur, Merck) was added to the dried sample 41 and digestion was allowed to proceed overnight at room 42 temperature. The temperature was then raised to 90°C using a 43 heating block and incubation continued 20 mins. After the 44 addition of an equivalent volume of hydrogen peroxide (9.9 M, 45 30% Aristar, BDH), the samples were incubated for 30 mins at 46 room temperature, followed by a further 15 mins at 70°C. The Fig. 1 Hamp1 gene expression in Tmprss6 knockout mice. Hamp1 (hepcidin) mRNA 47 volume of each sample was then determined and 1% HNO3 levels were assessed in the liver of Tmprss6 knockout mice (KO)(open squares) and Metallomics 48 (0.22M) added to a total volume of 500 µL. Trace element heterozygous littermates (Het)(solid circles) at 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of age. Gene 49 levels were measured using an Agilent 7700 series ICP-MS expression was analysed using qPCR and the data were normalized to the Hamp1 50 instrument under routine multi-element operating conditions mRNA level of 8 week-old heterozygous mice. Data are shown as means ± SEM, n=6 51 and differences between Tmprss6 knockout and heterozygous mice were determined using a Helium Reaction Gas Cell. Metal concentrations were by t test separately at each age. (**p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; ****p < 0.0001) 52 expressed as µg/g dry tissue for tissue samples or µM for 53 serum samples. 54 Tmprss6 knockout mice also showed obvious anemia as 55 indicated by reduced hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit Statistical analysis 56 and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) at all ages studied (Fig. 57 Each experimental group contained 5-10 animals, and data are 2A-C). Red blood cell (RBC) number was not influenced by the 58 presented as the mean ± SEM. Statistical differences between loss of TMPRSS6 (Fig. 2D). This anemia is consistent with 59 60

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1 ARTICLE Journal Name 2 3 elevated hepcidin expression and with previous descriptions of We also examined the effects of increasedView Articlehepcidin Online 4 Tmprss6-/- mice.47,48 expression on Fe levels in several tissues DOI:other 10.1039/C8MT00370J than the liver. A 5 marked decline in Fe levels was observed in the brain and 6 heart of Tmprss6-/- mice (Fig. 3A,B), although the decrease was 7 not as striking as it was in the liver (Fig. 3B). In the kidney, a 8 significant drop in Fe level was only observed in 12 week-old 9 Tmprss6 knockouts (Fig. 3C), and no significant differences in 10 splenic iron were observed between the two genotypes at any 11 of the ages studied (Fig. 3D). The latter results may reflect 12 slower iron turnover in the kidney and spleen. 13 Some studies have suggested that FPN contributes to Mn 14 homeostasis and may be involved in cellular Mn export,18, 19 15 but others have suggested otherwise.20, 21 Since Tmprss6-/- 16 mice have greatly reduced tissue FPN levels as a result of 17 hepcidin overexpression, we were able to use them as an in 18 vivo model to investigate whether altered FPN expression 19 20 affected Mn distribution. We thus measured Mn levels in -/- 21 various tissues of Tmprss6 mice. In most cases, no significant 22 differences were observed in Mn concentrations between 23 Tmprss6-/- mice and controls in the serum, brain, heart, kidney, 24 spleen and liver (Fig. 4A-F). Small, but significant, differences 25 were observed in the heart of 8 week old mice (Fig. 4C), the

26 spleen of 12 week old mice (Fig. 4E) and the liver of 8 week old Manuscript 27 mice (Fig. 4F), but in each case Mn levels were increased. (In 28 the same samples, Fe levels were decreased.) Whether these -/- 29 Fig. 2 Hematology and iron status of Tmprss6 mice (open squares) and heterozygous changes are sufficiently large to be physiologically relevant is littermate controls (solid circles) at various postnatal ages. (A) Hgb: hemoglobin 30 concentration; (B) Hct: hematocrit; (C) MCV: mean corpuscular volume; (D) RBC: red difficult to determine. 31 blood cell count; (E) serum iron; and (F) hepatic iron. Data are shown as means ± SEM, Interestingly, Mn levels in the livers of 2 week old Tmprss6- 32 n=6 and differences between Tmprss6 knockout and heterozygous mice were /- mice were significantly decreased (Fig. 4F). Mn determined by t test separately at each age. (**p < 0.01; ****p < 0.0001). 33 concentrations have previously been reported to be similar 34 between fetal and suckling mice,51 suggesting that the amount 35 of Mn in the suckling pup depends largely on how much of the 36 -/- Accepted Tmprss6 mice also had lower serum and hepatic iron metal was transferred across the placenta before birth. 37 levels at all ages (Fig. 2E,F) which is to be expected in the Placental transport of Mn to the fetus could be impaired by a 38 presence of elevated hepcidin as the peptide binds to FPN on reduction in FPN caused by high fetal hepcidin in knockout 39Published on 13 March 2019. Downloaded 3/13/2019 11:02:47 PM. the surface of target cells, thereby reducing the donation of 40 fetuses, but this seems unlikely since Fe levels are far more iron to the plasma. This might be expected to lead to iron 41 sensitive to hepcidin action and they were not reduced. accumulation within the tissues, but since intestinal 42 Further studies are required to examine the mechanisms enterocytes are a major site of hepcidin action, dietary iron 43 operating in suckling mice. Since no decreases in Mn levels 44 absorption is reduced when hepcidin levels are high, and were seen in older mice, our data suggest that intestinal Mn 45 hence the iron content of most tissues is reduced (Figs 2F and absorption is not impaired in response to increased hepcidin 46 3A-C). An exception to this pattern is seen in 2 week-old mice and argue against a strong role for FPN in Mn transport in the 47 when Tmprss6 deficiency exerts little effect on tissue iron gut. These data highlight a significant difference between Mn 48 levels. This apparent anomaly can be explained by the finding and Fe. Metallomics 49 that hepcidin is unable to bind to enterocyte FPN when the 50 mice are suckling (up to 3 weeks of age) and thus iron 51 continues to enter the body at the same rate as in animals 52 with normal TMPRSS6 levels.48 However, the extra-intestinal 53 tissues remain responsive to high hepcidin and this explains 54 why hepatic iron levels were slightly raised in two week-old 55 Tmprss6-/- mice (Fig. 2F). After weaning, mice have access to 56 much larger amounts of iron in their diet, leading to a dramatic 57 increase in liver iron levels between 2 and 4 weeks postnatally 58 in wild-type animals. 59 60

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1 Journal Name ARTICLE 2 3 View Article Online 4 DOI: 10.1039/C8MT00370J 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Fig. 3 Iron levels in various tissues of Tmprss6-/- mice (open squares) and heterozygous 20 littermate controls (solid circles) at various postnatal ages. (A) Brain, (B) heart, (C) 21 kidney and (D) spleen. Data are shown as means ± SEM, n=6 and differences between Tmprss6 knockout and heterozygous mice were determined by t test separately at each 22 age. (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; ****p < 0.0001) 23 24 Other metals such as copper (Fig. 5) and zinc (Fig. 6) 25 showed similar behaviour to Mn, with no or minimal -/- 26 differences between Tmprss6 and wild-type mice. A previous Manuscript 27 in vitro study16 showed that FPN was unable to transport Fig. 4 Mn levels in the serum (A), brain (B), heart (C), kidney (D), spleen (E) and liver (F) of Tmprss6-/- mice (open squares) and heterozygous littermate controls (solid circles) at 28 significant amounts of Cu2+, but it was able to transport Zn2+, 29 various postnatal ages. Data are shown as means ± SEM, n=6 and differences between albeit far less efficiently than iron. These findings are largely in Tmprss6 knockout and heterozygous mice were determined by t test separately at each 30 line with our data. age. (**p < 0.01; ****p < 0.0001) 31 Taken together, our findings with Tmprss6-/- mice suggest 32 that FPN levels are not a major contributor to Mn distribution, 33 as they are for Fe. These data do not exclude some role for 34 FPN in the cellular export of Mn, but suggest that it is likely to 35 36 be a minor role and that other (and potentially Mn-specific) Accepted 37 Mn transport pathways are involved. Further investigations 38 into the contributions of known or suspected Mn transporters

39Published on 13 March 2019. Downloaded 3/13/2019 11:02:47 PM. are required to clarify the mechanisms underlying the 40 physiological distribution of this metal. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Metallomics 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Fig. 5 Copper (Cu) levels in the serum (A), brain (B), heart (C), kidney (D), spleen (E) and 57 liver (F) of Tmprss6 deficient mice (open squares) and heterozygous control mice (solid 58 circles). Data are shown as means ± SEM, n=6 and differences between Tmprss6 59 60

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1 ARTICLE Journal Name 2 knockout and heterozygous mice were determined by t test separately at each age. 3 View Article Online (**p < 0.01) 4 DOI: 10.1039/C8MT00370J 5 To provide some support for the data obtained with mice 6 overexpressing hepcidin, we examined Fe and Mn levels in 7 mice with specific deletion of FPN in the intestine.32 In 8 intestinal Fpn/- mice, Fe levels in the liver were strongly 9 decreased relative to those of control mice, whereas the 10 hepatic Mn concentration was unchanged (Fig. 7). These 11 findings are consistent with our observations in Tmprss6 12 deficient animals. Fig. 7 Mn (A) and Fe (B) levels in the liver of mice lacking FPN only in the intestinal 13 tract. At 8-10 days of age, mice carrying, a floxed Fpn allele and a tamoxifen- 14 inducible Cre recombinase under the control of the villin promoter were injected 15 with tamoxifen to inactivate the gene encoding FPN (open squares). Mice carrying a 16 floxed Fpn allele but no Cre recombinase gene were also treated with tamoxifen and 17 these animals acted as FPN positive controls (solid circles). Fe and Mn levels in the liver were measured when the mice were 8-10 weeks old. Data are shown as means 18 ± SEM, n=6 and differences between groups were determined by t test. (****p < 19 0.0001) 20 21 Effects of loss of Tmprss6 in the presence of supraphysiological 22 amounts of Mn 23 As loss of Tmprss6 did not affect Mn distribution under 24 normal physiological conditions where body Mn levels are 25 relatively low, we investigated whether we could see any

26 Manuscript effects when wild-type and Tmprss6-/- mice were challenged 27 with a large dose of Mn. When Mn was administered by oral 28 gavage at a dose of 100 mg/kg, both Tmprss6-/- and 29 heterozygous control mice accumulated more Mn in their liver, 30 kidney and brain than saline treated mice (Fig. 8A-C). However, 31 only small increases were observed in the serum, spleen and 32 heart, and these were not statistically significant (Fig. 8D-F). 33 Previous studies have shown that in Mn overload situations, 34 the metal preferentially accumulates in the liver and brain, 35 52

consistent with our findings. With one exception (see below) Accepted 36 tissue Mn concentrations did not differ between Tmprss6-/- 37 and heterozygous control mice, consistent with our earlier 38 observations that FPN does not appear to play a significant 39Published on 13 March 2019. Downloaded 3/13/2019 11:02:47 PM. Fig. 6 Zinc (Zn) levels in the serum (A), brain (B), heart (C), kidney (D), spleen (E) and role in Mn distribution in vivo. The exception was the brain, 40 liver (F) of Tmprss6 deficient mice (open squares) and heterozygous control mice (solid where Mn levels in Tmprss6 deficient mice were significantly 41 circles). Data are shown as means ± SEM, n=6 and differences between Tmprss6 lower than those of heterozygous control animals, but only 42 knockout and heterozygous mice were determined by t test separately at each age. (*p under Mn overload conditions (Fig. 8B). The reason for this 43 < 0.05; **p < 0.01) surprising finding (which is not consistent with the effects of 44 elevated hepcidin expression on FPN) is not immediately 45 obvious. However, Mn transport in the brain is complicated, 46 with a range of transporters likely to be involved and the 47 26, 53, 54

potential for crosstalk between these transporters. Metallomics 48

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1 Journal Name ARTICLE 2 3 this, combined with high local concentrations ofView Mn Article in Online the 4 incubation solutions, likely does not accuratelyDOI: 10.1039/C8MT00370J reflect in vivo 5 conditions. However, one cellular study where endogenous 6 FPN was knocked down suggested that this led to a reduction 7 in Mn-associated toxicity, but neither Mn levels nor transport 8 per se were investigated20. Our work with the Tmprss6 and Fpn 9 knockout mice is one of the very small number of studies to 10 address this issue in vivo. Experiments with the flatiron mouse, 11 which has dominant negative mutation in FPN that leads to 12 altered body iron distribution,58 provided some evidence that 13 FPN could contribute to Mn export, although the differences 14 observed were smaller than those generally found in in vitro 15 studies.22 In a mouse model of HFE-related hemochromatosis, 16 there were either no or only very small effects on Mn.23 In this 17 model, levels on FPN are reduced, but some of the transporter 18 is likely to remain, so the weakness of the effect may not be 19 considered surprising. In our own work, we found no clear 20 evidence that overexpression of hepcidin, the normal 21 physiological repressor of FPN, had a significant influence on 22 Mn distribution, nor that loss of FPN itself in the gut. Taken 23 together, these data suggest that if FPN does contribute to Mn 24 transport in the body, it only does so in a very limited way. 25 If FPN does not play a major role as a Mn export protein, at least at physiological concentrations of the metal, then 26 Manuscript 27 other transporters must be involved in Mn traffic around the 28 body. As noted above, a range of other transporters have 29 either been demonstrated to export Mn from cells/organelles 30 or are likely to perform this function. Current attention is particularly focused on the coordinated roles of SLC30A10 and 31 Fig. 8 Mn concentrations in the liver (A), brain (B), kidney (C), serum (D), heart (E) and 32 spleen (F) in the Tmprss6-/- and heterozygous (control) mice following Mn SLC39A14 in maintaining body Mn homeostasis, with 33 administration by oral gavage. Data are shown as means ± SEM, n=6 and differences SLC39A14 acting to transport Mn into hepatic, intestinal and 34 between groups were determined by ANOVA. (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; pancreatic cells from which it is excreted via SLC30A10.44 The ****p < 0.0001) 35 roles of other Mn transporters, such as the lysosome protein

ATP13A2 and the Golgi protein ATP2C1 in Mn efflux have yet Accepted 36 After being absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, Mn to be fully explored. 37 enters the bloodstream and most is quickly transported to the 38 liver which plays an important role in Mn storage,

39Published on 13 March 2019. Downloaded 3/13/2019 11:02:47 PM. redistribution and elimination.2, 55 Mn that is not required for Conclusions 40 physiological functions within the body is sequestered by 41 hepatocytes and excreted via the bile.56, 57 If FPN is involved in In this study we have demonstrated that Mn and Fe behave 42 the export of Mn from hepatocytes, as it is for Fe, it might be quite differently in the presence of constitutively high hepcidin 43 expected that the amount of Mn reaching other body tissues expression (and hence low tissue FPN levels). Fe export into 44 would be compromised in Tmprss6 knockout mice, but we did the body from the intestinal epithelium is significantly reduced 45 not find this to be the case. Interestingly, in the flatiron mouse, when hepcidin is high, and hence Fe levels in internal tissues 46 there was a significant reduction in the amount of Mn in the are low. In contrast, Tmprss6 deletion had little effect on Mn 47 bile,22 suggesting that FPN could be involved in the biliary levels in any of the tissues studied, consistent with the Metallomics 48 excretion of the metal. This will require further investigation. conclusion that FPN does not make a major contribution to Mn 49 There is evidence from a range of in vitro studies that FPN distribution under these conditions. The use of intestine- 50 is capable of transporting Mn,20,21 although not all studies have specific FPN knockout mice confirmed that FPN had little effect 51 supported this conclusion.18,19 Differences in experimental on dietary Mn absorption. Several other Mn transport proteins 52 systems (e.g. mammalian cells vs Xenopus oocytes), Mn have been identified and these are likely to be more important 53 concentrations and details of the incubation conditions could than FPN in the homeostasis of this metal, but further 54 account for these discrepancies. However, the in vivo situation investigations are required to determine the relative 55 is far less clear, and whether the in vitro studies can be used to contributions of these transporters and whether they have 56 reliably infer what happens in a normal physiological tissue-specific effects. 57 environment is questionable. The in vitro studies are almost 58 entirely dependent on the overexpression of FPN protein, and 59 Conflicts of interest 60

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1 Knockout mice with constitutively low ferroportin show that ferroportin 2 3 does not make a major contribution to manganese homeostasis in vivo

4Published on 13 March 2019. Downloaded 3/13/2019 11:02:47 PM. 5 BMP/SMAD 6 TMPRSS6 7 pathway 8 Fe Mn 9 Fe 10 Normal Fe Mn 11 Hepcidin Mn hepcidin Mn Manuscript 12 Fe Fe Mn 13 FPN1 14 15 16 Accepted 17 18 TMPRSS6 BMP/SMAD 19 pathway 20 Mn 21 X 22 High Fe Metallomics 23 Fe Mn Hepcidin Mn 24 hepcidin Mn 25 Fe Mn 26 27 FPN1 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Minerva Access is the Institutional Repository of The University of Melbourne

Author/s: Jin, L; Frazer, DM; Lu, Y; Wilkins, SJ; Ayton, S; Bush, A; Anderson, GJ

Title: Mice overexpressing hepcidin suggest ferroportin does not play a major role in Mn homeostasis

Date: 2019-05-01

Citation: Jin, L., Frazer, D. M., Lu, Y., Wilkins, S. J., Ayton, S., Bush, A. & Anderson, G. J. (2019). Mice overexpressing hepcidin suggest ferroportin does not play a major role in Mn homeostasis. METALLOMICS, 11 (5), pp.959-967.

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