Dublin University Undergraduate Weekly 3 CHURCH LANE HEMPENSTALL COLLEGE GREEN 111 LR
CAMERAS AND Tailoring Under the supervision of DRAWING our London-trained cutter INSTRUMENTS TRIN ITY N E /S GOWNS, HOODS, CASSOCKS, BLAZERS DIXON A Dublin University Undergraduate Weekly 3 CHURCH LANE HEMPENSTALL COLLEGE GREEN 111 LR. GRAFTON ST., BRYSON 14 SUFFOLK STREET DUBLIN, 2. THURSDAY, 27th FEBRUARY, 1964 PRICE THREEPENCE LTD. - 4" .’.:.: : ~:~. Capt o BOYCOTT ....+ ........ VerSUS A movement " ’ " last Friday into much simmering forlorn-looking picket ful." Buffet takings were "Apathy," we were told, bourgeoisie or workers." The leaflets distributed by the Direct Action group claimed that if the Taberna restaurant can make a profit on a --Photo " Irish Times " three shilling lunch, Buffet, with a guaranteed clientele of a thousand, Waiter jones~ Heather Lukes and Ralph Bates who are in the Players’ Term Production "Cuchulain." See should be able to produce edible food at reasonably low prices. The review, page 3. pamphlet also said that Buffet was subsidised to the tune of £6,00t) a year. Half a League After a complaint to the S.R.C. meeting he spoke of quality, and and a meeting of the Buffet Com- wanted to get his teeth into a PROF. COULSON New Forms mittee at which these claims few tangible complaints, but the Onward were challenged by the Agent, only tangible.criterion of quality for Travel is public opm,on itself." The The Itinerant Action Group, Professor Charles A. Coulson, Hr. Tom Chandler led his team led by Gratton Puron, picketed into action carrying placards and Agent has, however, promised, to F.R.S., Rouse Hall Professor of Concession look into the position of allegedly the City Hall for three-quarters Mathematics at Oxford Univer- a meat pie on a plate.
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