Handbook 2010-2011
Handbook 2010-2011 CONSTITUTION, DIRECTORY, BY-LAWS, REGULATIONS, POLICIES, AWARDS AND HISTORY As amended to June 27, 2010 BC Hockey Handbook 2010-2011 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE As we head into the 2010-2011 hockey season, I look forward to assuming my new responsibilities as President of BC Hockey. I am privileged to work with a strong and experienced team of committed Officers and Executive Committee as we continue our longstanding tradition of excellence in all aspects of BC Hockey. Hockey at all levels has experienced challenges in the past couple of years as the nation works towards economic recovery. Government funding cuts, HST, business closures, and changing demographics have had a direct impact on player registration in hockey communities across the province. Many associations are facing ice shortages which have resulted in wait lists while others have declining player registration. Shannon Bell Additionally, all Branches and their members are President experiencing a decreased volunteer base, the backbone of minor hockey. We are cognizant of the financial strain experienced by our membership and accordingly, we strive to maintain both a long term financial plan and high level of accountability to our membership. We will also continue to develop revenue streams to reduce dependence on membership fees. BC Hockey has just updated our strategic plan that will direct our operations through to 2015. Some of our goals include increased player participation starting at the youngest ages in minor hockey through to high school hockey leagues, junior, college and university, and senior recreational leagues. The success of Canada’s hockey teams at the Vancouver Olympics has brought a renewed interest and national pride in our game.
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