Association agreement between the EU and the Republic of Moldova European Implementation Assessment (update) STUDY EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service Editor: Anna Zygierewicz Ex-Post Evaluation Unit PE 642.834 – May 2020 EN Association agreement between the EU and the Republic of Moldova European Implementation Assessment (update) In November 2019, the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) requested to draw up an own-initiative report on the implementation of the EU association agreement with Moldova (2019/2201(INI)). Dragoş Tudorache (Renew Europe, Romania) was appointed rapporteur. This European implementation assessment (EIA) is an update to the EIA on the association agreements between EU and Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine prepared in July 2018 to assist the AFET committee in its scrutiny work. After AFET drafted three implementation reports, one for each of the three countries, the European Parliament adopted resolutions on the EU's association agreements with Georgia (2017/2282(INI)) and Moldova (2017/2281(INI)) in November 2018, and with Ukraine (2017/2283(INI)) in December 2018. EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service AUTHORS Part I: The in-house opening analysis was written by Dr Anna Zygierewicz from the Ex-Post Evaluation Unit, EPRS. To contact the author, please email:
[email protected] Part II: The analysis of the implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Moldova was written by Kamil Całus from the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), Warsaw, Poland. ADMINISTRATORS RESPONSIBLE Anna Zygierewicz, Ex-Post Evaluation Unit, EPRS. To contact the publisher, please e-mail
[email protected] LINGUISTIC VERSIONS Original: EN Manuscript completed in April 2020.