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The Current Volume 20 : Issue 24

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March 2, 2010 Volume 20, Issue 24 INSIDE News Dalai Lama Urges the Globe to Encompass Continue Reading about Archbisop Responsibility and Compassion Desmond Tutu’s PERRY UWANAWICH we become mentally biased and visit to NSU CONTRIBUTING WRITER that meditating on this leads to Page 2 conviction and compassion: “That In a world where “every compassion,” he declared, “can man for himself” is a common reach six billion human beings,” Current Affairs mentality and seemingly sim- Mike Everhart, freshman ilar religions are at odds with exercise science major, was Fashion one another, the Dalai Lama inspired by the statement, and is spreading a message of said, “Since the world is getting Photographer religious harmony and universal smaller and we’re becoming Edward Streichen responsibility. more global, we have to think Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th of things as a whole. We’re all comes to the Dalai Lama, spoke at NSU’s Don human beings in that the color of MOAFL Taft University Center Arena on our skin or where we come from Page 5 Tuesday, Feb. 23, giving two doesn’t matter.” speeches: the first, for mostly Although he was very students, faculty and staff, on serious about his message, the Features universal responsibility and the charismatic Dalai Lama drew a second, open to the general public, few laughs out of the crowd as Spring Break: on global compassion. He was he wrapped himself in his scarlet awarded a honorary bachelor’s garb to portray the previous Things To Do degree from Broward , Tibetan generation, placed a Under $100 co-host of the event, in teacher matching sun visor on his head education for his humanitarian and when asked about his talk Page 8 efforts and philosophy of peace, with President Obama, replied, empathy and conscientiousness. “That’s top secret!” Sports The Dalai Lama was in- Jokes aside, the Dalai Lama formed that the two Tibetan expects the individual to heed students given full scholarships his message personally, “One’s Men’s Baseball at his last visit, biology major, own interest depends very much Ends the Week in Tashi Wangla, and business on other people’s [interests],” he major, Tenzin Chokden, will be said, explaining that we should not Fine Style graduating in spring and that two assume that others will solve our Tibetan women, Tenzin Kelsang problems. He shared an approach Page 10 and Tenzin Seldon, were granted of his, that he imagines himself full scholarships to begin their on one side and all of humanity college careers at NSU in the on the other, which helps him Arts & fall. After accepting the degree, focus on universal responsibility he greeted the audience saying and consider the greater cause. Photo by A. Chang-Story Entertainment “Dear brothers and sisters, indeed His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. He professed that it is in the best I am very happy once more here. interest of a selfish person to be See our Oscar Picks Personally, I want to thank this altruistic. If one takes care of institution, as it takes some good concern and compassion: “Race, human, on that level [there are] no others and is concerned with their for 2010 Tibetans.” nationality, religious faith, pro- differences.” He later explained, welfare, he or she will have more Page 12 The Dalai Lama opened fession, social background, I when asked about forgiveness, people on his or her side when in his speech urging the audience always consider secondary. Most that when we become fixated on a time of need. to develop a general sense of important, we are the same, an aspect or action of a person, Silvana Fasce, junior fi-

Opinions SEE DALAI LAMA 2 Read our latest “Letter to the Editor” Archbishop Desmond Tutu: Page 15 “Good vs. Evil: Human Rights vs. Human Wrongs” Forecast ASHLEY CHANG-STORY his speech by addressing the CONTRIBUTING WRITER dichotomous topic of character-

Today NSU was honored with the Scattered opportunity to have Nobel Peace Laureate and human rights T-Storms izing activist Archbishop Desmond Hi: 76 Lo: 50 Tutu speak on Friday, Feb. 26. Also known as “South Africa’s God as Wednesday Conscious,” Archbishop Tutu captivated the audience with Sunny his jovial spirit and engaging ana- logies. The Archbishop began Hi: 66 Lo: 46 Photo by A. Chang-Story Archbishop Desmond Tutu addresses the NSU community. SEE TUTU 2 SEE FORECAST 2 2 March 2, 2010 News FORECAST from 1

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Mostly Sunny Partly Mostly Mostly Sunny Hi: 66 Lo: 51 Cloudy Sunny Sunny Hi: 64 Lo: 47 Hi: 70 Lo: 59 Hi: 73 Lo: 61 Hi: 75 Lo: 65 3301 College Avenue DALAI LAMA from 1 Athletics and Student Affairs (ASA) Building, Room 105 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314-7796 (954) 262-8455 [email protected]

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Chief of Visual Design Lauren Aurigemma Photo by A. Chang-Story [email protected] nance major, believed it was a democracy […] These values in Haiti and believes the world is simple message we should each [are] still there. [As] the greatest becoming much more civilized. Visual Design Assistant Chelsea Seignious apply to our lives, “I think he’s democratic country, you have the “Compared [to] the early part [email protected] awesome, everything he said was moral responsibility [of] global of the century, I think much has beautiful. Use common sense, responsibility,” he said. changed, people have been forced work on your inner beauty and Ryan Montero, junior psy- to think. I think, still, we need News Editor/ Webmaster Annarely Rodriguez be realistic.” chology major, thought he was some effort, a global universal [email protected] Touching on the difficulties funny, very in tune with the responsibility. Sense of global the American economy is facing, crowed and agreed with him, responsibility is growing. We Current Affairs Editor Amanda Cazacu the Dalai Lama stated that too saying, “As Americans, we have simply need to educate,” he said. [email protected] much emphasis is being placed more responsibility to promote For more information on on it rather than other values. democracy in the world.” other speakers coming to NSU “At such [a] period, you must The Dalai Lama said, in soon, visit Sports Editor Craig Heenighan remember America as the conclusion, he was touched by pubaffairs. [email protected] champion of liberty, freedom, the global reaction to the tragedy Arts & Entertainment Juan Gallo TUTU from 1 Editor [email protected]

Contributing Writer Ashley Chang-Story [email protected]

Contributing Writer Perry Uwanawich [email protected]

Distribution Manager Juan Calle [email protected]

Advisor Lori Albrizio [email protected]

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Photo by A. Chang-Story Advisor Michelle Manley [email protected]

The Current serves Nova Southeastern University from its location in Room 105 of the Athletics and Student Activities (ASA) Building. The Current is NSU’s established vehicle for student reporting, opinion and the arts. All community members are invited to contribute anything they desire to The Current.

Editorials, commentaries and advertisements in this publication reflect the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University or its officials, The Current staff or other advertisers. The Current will not publish unsigned letters except under special circumstances at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. The Current reserves the right to edit.

Contributing writers must not be directly involved with their coverage. Coverage by contributing writers must be meaningful and of interest to the NSU community. The Current reserves the right to edit, publish or deny submitted works as it sees fit. The Current shall remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility or otherwise create a bias, real or perceived. News March 2, 2010 3 4 March 2, 2010 News Changes in Policies Offer Hope to Homosexuals

ANNARELY RODRIGUEZ organizations working on it. I NEWS EDITOR get e-mails to vote on laws and campaign, but the other day I was At the beginning of Feb., watching a documentary against Robert Gates, defense secretary gay people and it was saying how of the U.S., announced the it’s wrong for kids to have a book Pentagon was preparing to revoke called ‘King and King,’ pushing the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” everything in the other direction,” policy in the military. Established said Myers. in 1993, the doctrine dictates that She also said same-sex while homosexuals can serve in marriage is not the only pressing the U.S. military, they cannot issue, “It’s not just gay marriage, be forced to reveal their sexual it’s employment laws and orientation and cannot be asked adoption laws. It’s the same as by other members of the military having a racist law, like saying to do so. ‘You’re black, so you can’t do The repeal of the policy this and this’.” would mean that gays and Courtesy of To find out more about lesbians would be able to serve the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” openly. This step is considered them kicked out,” said Mikaela Another positive political more specifically, in Fla. policy, visit by some as a positive move, Myers, freshman of undecided move for homosexuals took “It’s hard to say because about-dadt. “It is definitely positive. It major and president of the Gay- place last Dec. in Mexico City, there are too many people in Fla. The Graduate Gay-Straight is not someone else’s job to tell Straight Student Alliance. where same-sex couples were who don’t think gays deserve Student Alliance will also be you what you should tell and not Others believe the military given the right to marry, have some rights,” said Jackie Vienes, hosting a three-day event on tell about yourself. [Besides,] the would benefit from the change the same benefits as heterosexual freshman marine biology major. April 8 through April 10 to dis- law is being abused. People are in policy more than the soldiers. couples and adopt children. The “I don’t see it happening [in Fla.] cuss hatred toward homosexuals being kicked out of the military, “If they want people to serve, decision taken in the heavily- for maybe 10 years.” in Jamaica. not so much for being gay but they shouldn’t discriminate,” Catholic country raised the “I think we’re on our because someone did not like said Kaitlyn Brucker, sophomore question as to when the changes way but it’s going to take a lot them and used the law to get marine biology major. would happen in the U.S. and, more work. There are a lot of

Tragedy in Haiti Continues to Hit Close to Home

AMANDA CAZACU According to Voice of CURRENT AFFAIRS EDITOR America News’s Web site, “Pledges from Europe and Although it has been over other nations are making Haiti’s a month since the 7.0 magnitude recovery the biggest global earthquake hit Haiti, people all relief effort since the 2004 over the world are constantly Asian tsunami.” reminded of the tragedy that So, what is NSU doing occurred on Jan. 12. Britney to help out? The university has Gengel, a sophomore at Lynn made an effort to help out since University in Boca Raton, Fla., the disaster reached home. Clubs and three other students and two and organizations have donated faculty members had been miss- proceeds to Haiti by hosting ing since the tragedy. The remains events and on Feb. 15, the Health of all six were found recently, Professions Division’s College while eight other members were of Osteopathic Medicine’s Rural evacuated from the country back Medicine Club presented a check to Fla. The group was in Haiti on for $1,000 to George Hanbury, a humanitarian mission. Ph. D., NSU president and chief As the country remains operating officer, for use in the in turmoil, relief efforts are still Haitian relief effort and some of going on, but are they enough? the members plan to go to Haiti As the rainy season quickly in the near future. approaches the shelter-less To help out, donate to Food country, “It is feared that rain for the Poor by visiting www. will turn camps into quagmires,, calling (800) trigger mudslides and spread 487-1158 or by bringing donated disease. We need latrines, we items to the Food for the Poor need field tents, we need plastic headquarters office, located at sheets so that people can cover 6401 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, themselves,” stated the United FL 33073. The charity will accept Nation’s top official in Haiti, canned fish, canned meat, canned Edmond Mulet. “I don’t think we milk, canned baby formula and are going to be able to shelter all bottled water. Monetary donations these people in time.” will go toward purchasing In an effort to provide the food and supplies, as well as people in Haiti with clean water shipping costs. and food, Oxfam has provided There are many organ- assistance to about 100,000 izations ready to accept any help people and continues to scale up possible, just a quick search operations, planning to reach at online can help find a multitude least 500,000 people by the end of resources. of July. Current Affairs March 2, 2010 5 6 March 2, 2010 Current Affairs

Fashion Photography Through the Eyes of Edward Steichen

Upon visiting the museum, you’ll Vega explains, “While incorporating AMANDA CAZACU instantly travel back in time to an era of elements from that era, I also wanted to CURRENT AFFAIRS EDITOR black and white visuals and old Hollywood incorporate my signature style and make To some photography has little glamour. All the photographs on display the gown fresh and modern, wearable but importance. Now pair it up with fashion and portray Steichen’s talent of portraiture and dramatic, and of course, simply fabulous!” it is almost extinct. Fashion photography his ability to make any piece of garment The $20,000 dollar gown will be sold as has a bad rep for being “superficial” and look fabulous in a time when fashion was a benefit for the museum in a raffle with just false advertising, but Edward Steichen changing and fashion photography was only 200 tickets available at $100 each. was eager to change that. If you ever had just beginning. Long gone were the corsets Mercedes Lardizabal, an art man- the chance to browse the pages of “Vogue” that created the hourglass shaped dresses agement graduate student and intern at the or “Vanity Fair” from the 1920s through as you begin to notice that Steichen’s MOAFL urges students to take advantage the 1930s, you have seen Steichen’s photographs portray garments that are of the merger between NSU and the high fashion photographs. If you do not airy and liquid with a touch of elegance. museum and visit more often because happen to have a nearly six decades old Over the 15 years he worked for the there is a new exhibit up almost every “Vogue” magazine lying around, the magazines, Steichen invented modern three months. Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale | Nova fashion photography. “The mission of “This is a subject that is still Southeastern University (MOAFL) now photography is to explain man to man important today,” says Lippman. It is still features over 200 of Steichen’s vintage and each to himself. And that is the most relevant as we flip the channels through photographs of when he served as chief complicated thing on earth,” Steichen Project Runway and Launch My Line, photographer for Vogue and Vanity Fair. has said. fashion is everywhere, whether we are According to Irvin M. Lippman, executive Along with Steichen’s works on conscious of it or not. On display till director of the MOAFL, “Steichen was the display is also a beautiful gown by April 11, this exhibit brings you to the celebrity photographer in the 1920s who designer Ivonne de la Vega to compliment root of it all through a photographer’s eye. introduces a great sense of fashion.” the exhibit. When asked about the dress,

All photos by E. Steichen provided by the Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale | Nova Southeastern University Events Calendar Mar. 2- Mar. 8 03.2.10 – 04.11.10 03.05.10 – 03.21.10 Edward Steichen: In High Fashion the Condé Nast Years, 1923-1937 The Dumb Waiter The exhibition features over two hundred of Steichen’s celebrity and fashion The Dumb Waiter is a classic comedy of menace and suspense. This rarely portraiture made while he served as chief photographer for Vogue and Vanity performed production stars two award-winning performers, Ricky Waugh Fair magazines between 1923 and 1937. and Gregg Weiner, as a pair of hit men awaiting information on their next “job.” However, an onslaught of unforeseen circumstances continuously Museum of Art | Fort Lauderdale | 954.525.5500 muddles their usual routine, causing them to question just who is next in line for the kill. Tickets for The Dumb Waiter are $5 for NSU students.

Mailman-Hollywood Building, Second-floor auditorium | 866.811.4111 or visit Current Affairs March 2, 2010 7

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LOWE ROCHE 260 Queen Street West, suite 301, Toronto, Ontario M5V 1Z8 416 927 9794 Client: Johnson & Johnson File Name: JJOU-1081-DR1_5x7.indd Page: 1 Production Artist(s): BK Business Manager: Leslie Uy Creative Team: Erik/Simon Production Contact: Beth Mackinnon, Ext. 254 Publication(s)/Description: Campus Newspaper – Vertical First Ins. Date: N/A (due Feb 24) Ad #: JJOU-1081-DR1 Final Trim/Ad Size: 5"W x 7"H Bleed: N/A Live/Safety: N/A Visible Opening: N/A File Scale: N/A Other Info: N/A Colours: Black 8 March 2, 2010 Features SPRNG Things ITo Do in South Over Spring Break For Free or Under $100!

>> Get in touch with your artsy >> For all you TIVO and DVR self by bringing your student fans, we know you recorded all ID to get into the Museum of the episodes of “Lost.” You can Art Fort Lauderdale for no cost stop wondering when you will to you. >> You can stop putting off have the time to sit and watch Free cleaning your closet and finally them and catch up on all your get something done. Empty out missed shows. >> We live where Canadians wish those piles of clothes and shoes Free they lived: the sunniest place on and donate what is left to a Earth! So bring a volleyball, some homeless shelter, or make some water and lots of sunscreen for a quick cash by selling them to >> Check out beach day (or two). Plato’s Closet. You will be browsing through Free Free random Web pages until your eyes bleed. It will keep you >> Rent movies at the library. >> Go canoeing (or kayaking)! busy for hours without even NSU’s Alvin Sherman Library It almost sounds medieval, but noticing it. it is just what you might need actually has a ton of movies and Free after a stressful week of exams. seasons of TV shows. Fire up The Anne Kolb Nature Center in Get a head on your that DVD player in case these Hollywood has a beautiful scenic >> cold spells decide to stay for route and it is right next to the schoolwork! Just kidding. Relax spring break. beach. and take this time to really be a Free Total Cost: $7-$13 coach potato and not feel guilty. Think of the present and not the >> Scrapbooking might not be future for a few days and really for everyone or so you think. your time off. Scrapbooking can actually be Free relaxing and bring you back to good old times. Create a scrapbook of your college years thus far, you will thank your- self later. Free

By: Amanda Cazacu Current Affairs & Features Editor Features March 2, 2010 9 BREAK Things To Do in South Florida Over Spring Break For Free or Under $100!

>> Bring your camera and enjoy >> Go to the Bahamas for a the eclectic nature South Florida day. Discovery Cruise Line takes has to offer. Visit the historic you to and from the Bahamas Vizcaya museum and gardens or in one day with food and drinks the Fairchild Tropical Botanical >> Forget what it is like to be included in the price. One minute Garden in Miami. a kid? Let Miami Seaquarium you will be on an exotic island and Total Cost: $10-$20 remind you. See dolphins, whales the next you will be in sleeping in and stingrays galore. your own bed. Bon Voyage! >> If the sand is not your thing, Total Cost: $38 Total Cost: $50 parks are a great alternative. With acres of nature, a picnic with your >> Be a tourist for a day and significant other is all you need. enjoy South Beach like one, just >> Got the need for speed? Free leave the fanny pack behind. If your car is just not doing it Lincoln Road and Collins Avenue for you, then check out Xtreme are filled with a variety of shops Indoor Karting. This is not your >> Music makes the world go five miles per hour type of go- round, so check out vendors like and restaurants and that famous art deco vibe. Tired of walking? karting. It is so fast, it requires Revolution or Culture Room for you to create a license with shows. They are rarely over $20. Roam Miami Beach in style by Total Cost: $15-$20 renting a GoCar. This GoCar takes them and to wear a helmet. you around on a GPS guided tour Total Cost: $27 that lets you explore the city at >> If you enjoy intense foreign Ever wonder what is that films, then join the festivities at your own pace. >> Total Cost: $25 wooden concoction off of I-95 the Miami Film Festival. This is and Griffin? Well, wonder no more not your typical movie night. Visit and spend a day at Boomers. for >> If you have a stack of dusty novels you have wanted to Go on a Tuesday or Thursday more information. for unlimited video games and Total Cost: $6 per film or read,this is the time! $35 for student ticket Free miniature golf. Add $10 more to package that and get unlimited go karts rides, bumper boats, family speedway rides, samba balloons, >> Ever wondered what it would carousel rides and wave rider. be like to drive by 900 animals This can only mean one thing: roaming free within inches of unlimited fun. your vehicle including giraffes, Total Cost: $22 zebras, rhinos, lions, wildebeests and more? Then visit Safari World Amusement Park to get a taste of the wilderness. Total Cost: $25

All photos courtesy of 10 March 2, 2010 Sports Women’s Softball Moves to an Overall 10-4 Season Record

CRAIG HEENIGHAN this season as they were defeated patched of the Mercyhurst Lakers SPORTS EDITOR by the Florida Tech Panthers 2-1 by an impressive 7-0 score-line on Feb. 21. on Feb. 23. Valdosta State No runs were scored by Despite the Sharks’ land- The NSU women’s softball either team in the opening four slide victory the night belonged team dropped only their second innings of the contest and it was to Caron who pitched a perfect game of the season as they were indeed the Sharks who broke the game on the mound, the first of defeated 7-3 by the number six deadlock in the fifth. Hart secured her career at NSU. Although nationally ranked Valdosta State her second RBI of the season as coming close in the past, it is the Blazers on Feb. 19. her single to past second base first time Caron has achieved the The Sharks exploded out drove Lamb home who had feat in Sharks colors. En route to of the traps against the Blazers advanced to third. the perfect game she retired 21 scoring three runs in the first The Panthers reacted im- straight batters striking out four inning. Blazers were unable to mediately scoring two runs in the in the process as she claimed her score for the opening four innings bottom of the fifth inning to take fifth win of the season. courtesy of solid pitching from the lead. The game remained close junior Lexi Sarradet. Valdosta Drama ensued towards the for most of the early play and finally got on the board and they end of the game as Phillips it wasn’t until the bottom of the did so in style, tying the game at doubled to left field and senior fifth inning that the Sharks put three apiece courtesy of a three Dana Bergner hit a ball over to some breathing space between run homer. right field to claim base. Caron themselves and the Sharks. A The Blazers secured the Courtesy of Sports Information pinch hit to centerfield but the grand slam courtesy of Phillips comeback victory in the seventh Rachel Talenfeld hit a perfect 4-for-4 at the plate against Mercyhurst. Panther centerfielder threw a saw the Sharks home with inning as they scored the go ahead perfect throw to home plate that four runs in the bottom of the run on a throwing error with two the fourth and seventh innings bases home and give the Sharks a narrowly beat Phillips to clinch fifth inning. outs on the board. Valdosta would sandwiched either side of two 3-1 lead. the game for Florida Tech. Caron, Bergner and senior go on too score three runs in the more Shark runs as NSU went on Hernandez led the Sharks Lauren Lopez all garnered runs inning to claim the victory. to claim the victory 7-4. with 2-for-3 hitting with her St. Leo in the one-sided victory. Junior Brittney Phillips had Senior Brittney Lamb led double in he fifth being the NSU bounced back in fine Mercyhurst-Game 2 a solid performance at the plate the Sharks with 3-for-4 hitting catalyst for the Sharks victory. style as they got back to winning In the second game of despite the defeat as she went 1- including one run and fellow ways with a 4-1 victory over the the night things went from for-3 with two RBI. Junior Rachel senior Patty Rivero hit her first Flagler St. Leo Lions. bad to worse for the Lakers of Talenfeld went 2-for-3. home run of the season. Pitcher In their second game of the The Sharks scored one run Mercyhurst as they were again Dani Caron continued her fine day, the Sharks fell to a shock in innings two-through-five as comprehensively beaten, this West Florida early season form allowing three defeat against the they looked in complete control time 9-0. The Sharks bounced back earned runs and striking out five Saints by a score of 2-0. of the encounter. Leading 4-0 Despite the landslide score- in fine style as they dispatched of batters to preserve her perfect 4-0 The Sharks struggled to in the fifth inning Caron had an line the game remained close West Florida for the second time early season record. find any real rhythm in the opportunity to close out the game as the Sharks led 1-0 heading this season by a score of 7-4. contest as they were unable to get with the bases loaded and two into the fifth inning. The Sharks NSU took the lead in the Drury on the scoreboard. NSU amassed outs on the board but she failed scored a whopping eight runs to top of the second, however the The Sharks continued their six hits however; no one Shark to execute. The Sharks ran out claim victory in the bottom of lead proved to be short lived as impressive form with a victory had more than one hit. The two comfortable winners despite the the fifth. Hernandez, Talenfeld, the Argonauts of West Florida over Drury University by a score Flagler runs came in the fourth Lions earning a run in the top of Phillips and Rivero had garnered quickly responded with two runs of 3-1 on Feb. 20. and sixth inning. the fifth. multiple RBI’s in the contest. of their own in the same inning The game remained score- Despite the defeat Caron The Sharks were led Talenfeld led the way for the The Sharks snatched the lead less for the opening four innings impressed on the mound in offensively by seniors Noemi Sharks as she was a perfect 4-for- back immediately with two runs until Drury took the lead with a what was her first defeat of the Luciani and Brittney Lamb with 4 from the plate earning two runs in the top of the third inning, a run in the fifth courtesy of a Sharks season, striking out two batters, Luciani scoring two runs on and two RBI. lead that they would not surrender throwing error. The Sharks came allowing only three hits and no 1-for-2 with Lamb contributing The Sharks move to an for the remainder of the contest. alive after hits from Talenfeld, earned runs. with 2-for-3 hitting. overall season record of 10-4 The Sharks further extended Rivero and junior Sarah Hart as they look to continue their their lead with two more runs in loaded the bases. Senior Jessica Florida Tech Mercyhurst-Game 1 impressive early season form as the top of the fourth to lead 5- Hernandez hit a double to left The Sharks dropped back- The Sharks continued their they compete in the Delta State 2. The Argonauts scored runs in centerfield to drive all three to-back matches for the first time impressive form as they dis- tournament in their next outing. Men’s Basketball Edged Out in Heartbreaking Road Defeat

CRAIG HEENIGHAN the half the Sharks led 40-36 at lay-up and was fouled en route Palm Beach Atlantic Sailfish 65- out comfortable winners in the SPORTS EDITOR the break. to the basket providing him 54 on Feb. 24. end to secure only their third The second half followed with a subsequent free throw The Sharks poor offense victory of the season. Florida Tech much of the same format as it opportunity which he didn’t miss was their Achilles heel on the Tassy led the way for NSU The NSU men’s basketball was the Panthers who made most to give the Sharks a one point night as they struggled to find a with 15 points with junior John dropped an agonizingly close of the running early in the half. lead. However, it was heartbreak rhythm and shot only 27.6 percent Brooks the only other Shark in encounter against the Florida Leading for most of the latter for the Sharks as the Panthers from the field in the first half in double figures with 10 points. Tech Panthers by a score of 70- stages of the contest the Sharks made two free throws of their own what was their lowest offensive The Sharks will be opening 69 on Feb. 20. found themselves down by as with only four seconds remaining output since the opening game of to get back to winning ways as The two teams battled many as seven with the end of to claim the victory by one. the season. they face Florida Southern on valiantly throughout and could regulation fast approaching. Cahill and Gynes led the Despite the below par per- the road in their next encounter not be separated at the end of However, NSU forced their way way for the Sharks offensively formance from the Sharks they which is the final regular season regulation so overtime was back into contention courtesy of with 14 points apiece, sophomore led 31-28 early in the second game of the season. The Sharks needed and the Panthers prevailed a jumper from junior Alex Gynes, Rob Huntington contributed with half. However, the Sailfish overall season record moves in well fought encounter. a lay-up by junior Lemar Dyer 13 and Tassy amassed 10. stormed into the lead with a 13- to 13-13. The Panther led for much and a game tying three pointer 2 run to lead the Sharks 41-33. of the early first half play but a from junior Teddy Tassy with 34 Palm Beach Atlantic The Sharks were unable to make 14-0 run by the Sharks propelled seconds remaining in the contest. The Sharks succumbed to a dent in the Sailfish lead as the them into the lead and despite a Down by three in overtime, back-to-back losses for the week closest they would come is seven Florida Tech comeback late in freshman Brian Cahill made a as they were edged out by the points. Palm Beach Atlantic ran Sports March 2, 2010 11 Women’s Basketball Men’s Baseball End Struggles the Week in Fine Style to Find Rhythm Against Panthers CRAIG HEENIGHAN The game appeared to be SPORTS EDITOR going from bad to worse for the Sharks as they found themselves The NSU women’s basket- trailing by as many as 23 early ball team came up short on the in the second half. However, in road against the Florida Tech true Sharks fashion the women Panthers as they were defeated stormed back into proceedings 75-63 on Feb. 20. closing the gap to just ten points The game remained close on two separate occasions. The throughout the early exchanges Panthers were able to hold on as both teams looked to find their for the victory with two late rhythm. A three pointer from free throws. junior Priscilla Perez pulled the Despite the defeat the Sharks to within two at 19-17 sophomore Erin Zampell scored to the Panthers. However, this a team high 19 points, one point would ultimately be the closest away from her previous career the Sharks would come as the high. Freshman Rheisa Burke Panthers were ruthless executing also contributed in the defeat a 17-3 run to lead 36-20 late in with 11 points. the first half. NSU did cut the The Sharks conclude their deficit to 12 points but a late regular season program as they Panther basket gave Florida face Florida Southern on the Tech a fourteen point lead at road. The Sharks’ overall season the break. record moves to 11-15. Courtesy of Sports Information Men’s Baseball got back to winning ways with a crushing victory over Mercyhurst.

CRAIG HEENIGHAN insurance run to lead the game 4- offs to score three runs for a 3-1 SPORTS EDITOR 1. Valdosta replied with a run in lead. NSU responded in fine style Women’s Tennis the bottom of the eighth but that scoring two runs in the top of the Valdosta State-Game 1 would be the closest they would third to tie the game. The NSU men’s baseball come to victory as the Sharks The Blazers regained the Struggles in team was defeated in the first of a looked comfortable in the end. lead courtesy of a solo home run four game series against Valdosta Junior reliever Isaac Hicks before the lead again changed State on Feb. 19 by a score of 8-3. was tagged with the win after four hands as the Sharks scored twice Single’s Play Despite the defeat it was and one-third innings pitched in in the top of the fourth inning to the Sharks who came out firing which he allowed just two hits lead 5-4. Valdosta slowly started on all cylinders as they scored and one unearned run. to take advantage of the game as two runs in the top of the third they scored one run in the bottom inning. The two-run inning was Valdosta State-Game 3 of the fourth and a further two ignited by a triple from fresh- In the penultimate game runs courtesy of a two run homer man Alex Marrero with junior of the series, the Sharks were in bottom of the fifth to lead 7-5. Haven FitzSimmonds and senior comprehensively beaten by the After the Blazers added Eric McCans securing RBI’s in Blazers going down by a score- another run in the bottom of the the inning. line of 8-2. sixth inning, the Sharks closed Valdosta replied immed- It was Valdosta who took an the lead to just one run after iately as they tied the game with early lead, scoring off a sacrifice scoring two runs in the top of two runs in the bottom of the same fly in the bottom of the first. The the eighth inning. Senior Rhys inning. The Blazers of Valdosta Shark responded to tie the game Roberts scored on a sacrifice fly State then stormed into the lead in the top of the third in similar and junior Dusty Maggs garnered scoring three runs in the bottom of fashion on a sacrifice fly from a run after smart base running. the fifth courtesy of consecutive Penate. However, the Sharks were home runs. The Sharks continued The Sharks took the lead unable to close the deficit any Courtesy of Sports Information Mary Crider was the only Shark to claim a victory in single’s play. to battle valiantly and despite the in the top of the fifth inning off a further as they were narrowly Blazers two runs in the seventh triple from junior Sharad Johnson edge out in a hotly contested CRAIG HEENIGHAN However, singles play and one run in the eighth, NSU who was brought home by an RBI encounter. SPORTS EDITOR proved to be an obstacle for added a consolation run in the top groundout from Valencia. This the Sharks as they claimed just of the ninth courtesy of an RBI would ultimately be the closest Mercyhurst The NSU women’s tennis one victory out of a possible double from FitzSimmonds. the Sharks would come to victory The Sharks rounded out team dropped their first game of six matches. Egorova was Junior Luis Penate led the as the Blazers were ruthless in their week with an impressive the season as they were defeated comprehensively defeated in the Sharks at the plate as he went 2-4 their response as they scored four 7-1 victory over Mercyhurst on by the Florida Tech Panthers on number one spot 1-6, 0-6 whilst with a double and a single. runs in the bottom of the fifth Feb. 25. the road 6-3. Porizkova was edged out in a and a further three runs in the The Lakers of Mercyhurst In a clash of two nationally hotly contested encounter 5-7, 2- Valdosta State-Game 2 bottom of the sixth to secure a took the lead in the top of the ranked teams the #23 Sharks 6 in the number two slot. Leeder The Sharks got back to comfortable victory in the end. second inning off a solo home- came up just short against the was defeated at the number three winning ways as they defeated Junior pitcher Nick Avila run. The Sharks responded #25 Panthers. slot despite winning the opening the Blazers by a score of 4-2 was tagged with the loss allowing immediately with two runs in the The Sharks made a positive set, the senior went down 7-5, on Feb. 20. five runs in five and two thirds bottom of the second and one run start as they took two of three 0-6, 2-6. Feaster competed at It was Valdosta who took the innings pitched. in the bottom of the third inning doubles matches to take an early the number four slot and lost 1- lead first with a run in the bottom courtesy of a two run RBI from lead. In the number two doubles 6, 6-7. The Sharks’ lone singles of the third, however the Sharks Valdosta State-Game 4 junior Penate. The game would slot seniors Karolina Porizkova victory came at the number five quickly replied in the top of the In the final game of the remain in the balance until the and Elisa Leeder claimed victory slot as Crider dispatched of her fourth with an RBI groundout series the Sharks were edged out bottom of the eighth inning when by a score of 8-5. In the number opponent 6-2, 7-5. NSU’s defeat from senior Brayan Valencia. in a close encounter by the Blazers the Sharks added a further four three slot senior Mary Crider and was cemented with a loss at the The Sharks took control of by a score of 8-7 on Feb. 21. runs on a bases clearing triple junior Paige Lindsley claimed number six slot with Lindsley the proceedings as they scored The Sharks took an early by junior Matt Seese, who then victory in a closely fought losing 1-6, 6-3, and 6-2. two-runs in the top of the sixth lead courtesy of a double from scored on an errant throw. encounter 8-6. The Sharks’ only The Sharks will be looking courtesy of Penate and McCans Penate who was brought home The Sharks will be hoping defeat in doubles play came in the to get back to winning ways as who scored due to two throwing by an RBI single from McCans. the victory against Mercyhurst number one slot as sophomore they take on Florida Southern on errors by the Blazers. NSU made Valdosta stormed into the lead will spark a winning streak as Justine Feaster and junior Daria the road in their next outing. the victory all but secure in the in the bottom of the second after they head out on the road against Egorova were defeated 4-8. top of the eighth with a further taking advantage of two walk- Florida Tech in their next outing. 12 March 2, 2010 Arts & Entertainment Award Season is Written by Juan Gallo & Stefani Rubino Arts & Entertainment Editor & Managing/Opinions Editor

Well, it’s that time of year again and the Oscars are right around the corner. Here are our Oscar picks and predictions for the most important night in Hollywood.

Cinematography Directing

∙ “Avatar” Mauro Fiore ∙ “Avatar” James Cameron ∙ “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” ∙ “The Hurt Locker” Kathryn Bigelow Bruno Delbonnel ∙ “Inglourious Basterds” ∙ “The Hurt Locker” Barry Ackroyd ∙ “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by ∙ “Inglourious Basterds” Sapphire” Lee Daniels Robert Richardson ∙ “Up in the Air” Jason Reitman ∙ “The White Ribbon” Christian Berger Juan & Stefani’s Pick: “The Hurt Locker” Kathryn Bigelow Juan’s Pick: “Avatar” Mauro Fiore Stefani’s Pick: “The Hurt Locker” Barry Ackroyd

Music (Original Score) Music (Original Song)

∙ “Avatar” James Horner ∙ “Almost There” from “The Princess and ∙ “Fantastic Mr. Fox” Alexandre Desplat the Frog” Music and Lyric by ∙ “The Hurt Locker” Marco Beltrami Randy Newman and Buck Sanders ∙ “Down in New Orleans” from ∙ “Sherlock Holmes” Hans Zimmer “The Princess and the Frog” Music and ∙ “Up” Michael Giacchino Lyric by Randy Newman ∙ “Loin de Paname” from “Paris 36” Music Juan & Stefani’s Pick: by Reinhardt Wagner Lyric by Frank Thomas “Fantastic Mr. Fox” Alexandre Desplat ∙ “Take It All” from “Nine” Music and Lyric by Maury Yeston ∙ “The Weary Kind (Theme from Crazy Heart)” from “Crazy Heart” Music and Lyric by Ryan Bingham and T Bone Burnett

Juan & Stefani’s Pick: “The Weary Kind (Theme from Crazy Heart)” from “Crazy Heart” Music and Lyric by Ryan Bingham and T Bone Burnett

Writing (Adapted Screenplay) Writing (Original Screenplay)

∙ “District 9” Written by Neill Blomkamp ∙ “The Hurt Locker” Written by and Terri Tatchell Mark Boal ∙ “An Education” Screenplay by Nick ∙ “Inglourious Basterds” Written by Hornby Quentin Tarantino ∙ “” Screenplay by ∙ “The Messenger” Written by Alessandro Jesse Armstrong, , Camon & Oren Moverman , ∙ “A Serious Man” Written by Joel Coen ∙ “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by and Ethan Coen Sapphire” Screenplay by Geoffrey Fletcher ∙ “Up” Screenplay by Bob Peterson, Pete ∙ “Up in the Air” Screenplay by Docter, Story by Pete Docter, Jason Reitman and Sheldon Turner Bob Peterson, Tom McCarthy

Juan’s Pick: “District 9” Written by Juan’s Pick: “Inglourious Basterds” Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell Written by Quentin Tarantino Stefani’s Pick: “In the Loop” Stefani’s Pick: “A Serious Man” Screenplay by Jesse Armstrong, Written by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen Simon Blackwell, Armando Iannucci, Tony Roche Arts & Entertainment March 2, 2010 13 Award Season is Heating Up

Actor in a Leading Role Actor in a Supporting Role Animated Feature Film

∙ Jeff Bridges in “Crazy Heart” ∙ Matt Damon in “Invictus” ∙ “Coraline” Henry Selick ∙ George Clooney in “Up in the Air” ∙ Woody Harrelson in “The Messenger” ∙ “Fantastic Mr. Fox” ∙ Colin Firth in “A Single Man” ∙ Christopher Plummer in ∙ “The Princess and the Frog” ∙ Morgan Freeman in “Invictus” “The Last Station” John Musker and Ron Clements ∙ Jeremy Renner in “The Hurt Locker” ∙ Stanley Tucci in “The Lovely Bones” ∙ “The Secret of Kells” Tomm Moore ∙ Christoph Waltz in “Inglourious Basterds” ∙ “Up” Pete Docter Juan’s Pick: Jeff Bridges in “Crazy Heart” Juan & Stefani’s Pick: Juan & Stefani’s Pick: Stefani’s Pick: Colin Firth in Christoph Waltz in “Fantastic Mr. Fox” Wes Anderson “A Single Man” “Inglourious Basterds”

Actress in a Leading Role Actress in a Supporting Role Film Editing

∙ Sandra Bullock in “The Blind Side” ∙ Penélope Cruz in “Nine” ∙ “Avatar” Stephen Rivkin, John Refoua ∙ Helen Mirren in “The Last Station” ∙ Vera Farmiga in “Up in the Air” and James Cameron ∙ Carey Mulligan in “An Education” ∙ Maggie Gyllenhaal in “Crazy Heart” ∙ “District 9” Julian Clarke ∙ Gabourey Sidibe in “Precious: Based on ∙ Anna Kendrick in “Up in the Air” ∙ “The Hurt Locker” Bob Murawski the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire” ∙ Mo’Nique in “Precious: Based and Chris Innis ∙ Meryl Streep in “Julie & Julia” on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire” ∙ “Inglourious Basterds” Sally Menke ∙ “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ Juan’s Pick: Sandra Bullock in Juan’s Pick: Mo’Nique in “Precious: by Sapphire” Joe Klotz “The Blind Side” Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Stefani’s Pick: Carey Mulligan in Sapphire” Juan’s Pick: “The Hurt Locker” Bob “An Education” Stefani’s Pick: Maggie Gyllenhaal in Murawski and Chris Innis “Crazy Heart” Steafni’s Pick: “Inglourious Basterds” Sally Menke

Documentary (Feature) Foreign Language Film BEST PICTURE

∙ “Burma VJ” Anders Østergaard and ∙ “Ajami” Israel ∙ “Avatar” James Cameron and Jon Landau, Producers Lise Lense-Møller ∙ “The Milk of Sorrow (La Teta Asustada)” ∙ “The Blind Side” Gil Netter, Andrew A. Kosove and Broderick Johnson, Producers ∙ “The Cove” Louie Psihoyos and Peru ∙ “District 9” Peter Jackson and Carolynne Fisher Stevens ∙ “A Prophet (Un Prophète)” France Cunningham, Producers ∙ “Food, Inc.” Robert Kenner and ∙ “The Secret in Their Eyes (El Secreto de ∙ “An Education” Finola Dwyer and Amanda Posey, Elise Pearlstein Sus Ojos)” Argentina Producers ∙ “The Most Dangerous Man in America: ∙ “The Hurt Locker” Kathryn Bigelow, Mark Boal, ∙ “The White Ribbon (Das Weisse Band)” Nicolas Chartier and Greg Shapiro, Producers Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers” Germany ∙ “Inglourious Basterds” Lawrence Bender, Judith Ehrlich and Rick Goldsmith Producer ∙ “Which Way Home” Rebecca Cammisa Juan’s Pick: “A Prophet (Un ∙ “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire” Lee Daniels, Sarah Siegel-Magness and Prophète)” France Gary Magness, Producers Juan and Stefani’s Pick: Stefani’s Pick: “The White Ribbon ∙ “A Serious Man” Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, Producers “The Cove” Louie Psihoyos and (Das Weisse Band)” Germany ∙ “Up” Jonas Rivera, Producer Fisher Stevens ∙ “Up in the Air” Daniel Dubiecki, Ivan Reitman and Jason Reitman, Producers

Juan & Stefani’s Pick: “The Hurt Locker” Kathryn Bigelow, Mark Boal, Nicolas Chartier and Greg Shapiro, Producers 14 March 2, 2010 Arts & Entertainment

Check This Out, “For Art’s Sake!”

WRITTEN BY JUAN GALLO ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR show. Created by graphic “For Art’s Sake” art did not go to the in Ft. Lauderdale. The Then again, Wilde 20, at The Bubble art is quite useless.” Feb. 19 and Notes, Michelle Wilde said “All place Friday and Saturday, from DJ’s Twilight Oscar Sake” art show took performances Lopez, the “For Arts styles and included artist Jose spanning many different 16 different artists event exhibited and culture Alexander. the lack of local art Stevens and, the local band, complaining about in “People are always County are overlooked A combination of “passion for fineLopez arts” alsoand mentioned,a desire to “help enhance the growingof times, art we culture in Broward in Ft. Lauderdale” is what ” has idea,” said Lopez. build one here. A lot catapulted this whole rather than help and to seek it out elsewhere Art’s Sake’ is meant to say ‘Hey, we have talentmixed as well.’ media but then they leave of classic and contemporary, paintings, mixtures McIlvenny, John Kissee, comparison to Miami and South Beacha withlot of their graphic galleries, design, but ‘For artists were Matylda on display included of the most impressive The works to name a few. Some artists print infused on metal, the plethora of talented photographic from that and with to this Volkus and Gwen Gersich. with motivation we can have access Willie Morris, Steve Baum, Olga both nights and hopefully, will be created and a great turn out on shows like this one The show had not on display, more even those that were on display here, and amazing art as much as possible.

All photos courtesy of Scorsese Creates a Modern Classic with Shutter Island JUAN GALLO (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his punishes the locale. With all the the missing patient, find his wife’s as a Scorsese trademark by now. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR partner, Chuck Aule (Mark power down, Daniels is able to killer, find out what goes on at DiCaprio, Ruffalo, Ben Ruffalo), are assigned to travel sneak into forbidden areas and the secretive lighthouse (where Kingsley and Michelle Williams There are certain things, like to the island to investigate the he interviews one patient, who he believes the brain surgeries all provide spectacular per- fixing a transmission, cleaning a escape of a female patient. creates even more mystery by are being performed) and escape formances that bring out the film’s grouper or flying a plane, that are The film begins as a mystery arousing suspicions that things from the island safely with characters with rich emotion and better left to an expert. Perhaps, with the brilliant mind of Daniels are not as they seem and a cunning his partner. palpability. DiCaprio’s stellar if you or I tried some of these working rapidly to try to put all trick may be being played on From the first ten minutes of performance in this film was things, the result would not be as of the pieces together. Although Daniels. However, Daniels also the film, it is clear that Scorsese nothing short of perfect. The good as it should, but when in the the institute’s staff are not being reveals that there are some ulterior has complete domination over gifted actor moves stealthily hands of a master, they often lead as cooperative as Daniels would motives for his wanting to come every aspect of the filmmaking through the vast array of emotions to the greatest outcome. When it like, he finds a note in the missing to the island, one is to confront process. There are quick, that he is required to convey. comes to film, there are no better patients room that he believes is his wife’s alleged killer, and the almost choppy cuts that provide There are lots of twists and hands to be placed in than those implying that there is a secret other is to assert his theory that the audience with a sense surprises in this film, hopefully of Martin Scorsese. patient at the hospital. Although the hospital is a cover-up for of uncertainty about what is none will get spoiled for you This time around, Scorsese he is told there are only 66 secret government experiments happening. There is also the before you go see it. Even if this is brings his mastery of the art to patients, the note hints that there to control individuals minds. use of music and sound, which the case though, it is still a highly the adaptation of the Dennis may be actually 67. As everything begins to Scorsese manipulates at certain enjoyable film. It is a great ride Lehane novel, “Shutter Island.” Frustrated with the un- unfold and Teddy becomes times to create both tension conducted by what is certainly The plot is based around a mental cooperative and shady attitudes more personally affected by and suspense. There are also one of the greatest directors of institution for the criminally of the hospital workers, Teddy the revelations, he suffers from some amazing shots that seem all time. insane, constructed on an island and his partner decide that they migraines and then becomes indistinctive to the average viewer off the coast of Massachusetts. want to leave the island but are suspicious of everyone around but actually add a lot to the film, Federal Marshall Teddy Daniels detained by a terrible storm that him. For him, the key is to find which pretty much cements this Opinions March 2, 2010 15 Editor’s Note Letter to the Editor SERENA MANN The Current, very effective stress relieving click all the links and look around EDITOR-IN-CHIEF qualities, and tends to make you for the info on location and times After reading the article on more sociable. As such, although etc in unexpected places — it’s Last week NSU hosted two Hookah places, I realized that a lone person can go there and still rough. monumental spiritual leaders — the NSU community may be become VERY destressed, it The Proprietors: Holland His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama unaware of another alternative — lends itself to group experiences. is the former long-time Wahini and ArchBishop Desmond Tutu. Kava Bars. The Ft. Lauderdale It doesn’t taste particularly good, at Kahuna Awa and can fill you Press from across South Florida area now sports two — one off but that is not why you drink in on the Kava experience, as can and the nation had their eyes of Sunrise and A1A, the other it. You drink it for the relaxing Avi who seems to have quite a on our university to hear what on Hollywood Blvd off of Dixie. effect and the sociable communal bit of knowledge of the physical messages these two individuals The newest is the one in Holly- experience — and because you properties and history of Kava. had to bring to NSU’s student wood, and is called Mystic Water. may meet a few unique persons I got introduced to Kava body and the U.S. at large. It was started by a former Kava that you may not ordinarily come through an excursion by Ocean- During events like these, I Wahini at the other Kava Bar across. Kava Bars tend to attract ographic Center students to the feel proud to call myself a Shark. which used to be called Kahuna the Offbeat folk, artists, thinkers, then new Kahuna Awa about NSU went above and beyond to Awa (had a Myspace website), spiratualists, etc. An open mind four years ago and it stuck for a world peace problem should deliver speakers that many people but is under new ownership since is a must — and generally pays number of us. be solved.” wish they could have heard from the start of the year and is called off. Just a Thought for Some- The speakers stretched my in their lifetimes but will never the Fiji Kava Bar, I think. The The website for Mystic thing Different, mind to think, “Why can’t world be able to. The Dalai Lama and decor is different now than it was. Water is: peace still be possible? Who is to ArchBishop Tutu both spoke I don’t know if the atmosphere I don’t know what the other one say that the world doesn’t deserve about how we, as individuals and is different. is for Fiji, since it tuned over at Christopher Jordan to be rid of world hunger?” students, have a responsibility Kava is a root-based tea the start of the year. NSU Oceanographic Center If anyone is going to be the and the power to influence from the Pacific islands. It is The one thing about the Candidate MS Marine Biology/ change in the world it is the next the world for the better. Their non-alcoholic, but it does have Mystic Water site is you have to Marine Environmental Science generation of educated scholars speeches reminded me of the late and young people. We have the Mahatma Gandhi and his famous ability to do great things, but we quote, “Be the change you want have to start remembering how to to see in the world.” think about someone else before Archbishop Tutu stated, thinking about ourselves. At a Issue 23 Correction “Don’t be cynical like me and my time when the U.S. is facing great generation...dream...the idealistic economic turmoil and dismay, the dream. Dream of a world without • In the story Elongating Your Shark Lifespan printed in Issue 23 it should be noted that the hopeful words hit home more than war.” His words made me hopeful. Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences also offers an M.A. degree in Writing with more to come ever before. His words made me youthful. this Fall. Have something to say? It reminded me of when I was The Current is listening. Send an innocent, younger version of •In the story “The ‘N’ Word: What Is in a Name?” it should be noted MultiCultural Affairs your opinions, letters, and story myself and listened to the news Programming hosted this event. ideas to [email protected]. We with my parents and thought, want to hear from you. “When I grow up that whole

On the Scene ANNARELY RODRIGUEZ NEWS EDITOR What did you think of the Dalai Lama’s presentation?

“I really couldn’t hear him but from what I could “I assumed he was going to talk about peace and hear, he had good information and insight.” happiness and I read the Bible for that.” Bridget Musto, sophomore marine biology major Vicky Duclos, freshman biology major

“I didn’t get a ticket because it was too late. I wish “I had class but I don’t regret not going, [because] I I would have been able to see and hear him. I heard haven’t heard that much about it, just that there was the speech was interesting.” a lot of traffic.” Melissa Rosen, freshman psychology major Sherelyn Gonzalez, junior dance major

“I am in law school, [so] I had no time but it “I couldn’t get a ticket but I didn’t know that much would have been more interesting than con[situ- about him, so I didn’t care to see him.” tional] law.” Caleb Rodriguez, junior psychology major Adam Diaz, first year law student Get out of the cage and into the Fan Foto Frenzy! Want a Flip Video™ HD Camera*, t-shirts or a 42” TV? Go to nova. edu/social, get the guide and snap a pic of yourself showing the world why you love NSU. Then upload to or Facebook and get in the FRENZY! Get in gear now and tweet “Fan Foto Frenzy – 3.4.10 University Center 11am-1pm, see you there! @novase” to be entered to win these great prizes. Thursday March 4th swim on down to the University Center from 11am – 1pm for the Fan Foto Frenzy! We’ll have food and music primed and ready for your arrival.You’re not going to want to miss this one!

*One of many Flip Video HD Cameras (and other prizes) will be selected from a tweet (or retweet – RT) as random drawing at event.