LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT this in POPULAR NEW STAR ;sale, in the Brownsville Herald, a give notice by publication, Costs So Little to Merchandise I once a week i. -—— i newspaper published In Cameron j the English language, county. for three consecutive weeks im- Run a Want Ad” 1 said of Witness my hand this 25th day mediately preceding day 60 Seeds, Plants, Flowers of February,’ 1932. sale, in the Brownsville Herald a W. F. BROWN. newspaper published in Cameron You Sheriff. Cameron County. Tex. county. PLANT NOW By J. R SNOEBERGER Witness my hand this 25th day !| 2-26-4-1l-3t-4299 of February, 1832. ROSES W. F. BROWN Ad In These Vigorous well rooted bushes NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sheriff. Cameron County, Tex. No. One Grade TO THE CREDITORS OF W. H. By J. R SNOEBERGER, Ra. lance, Red and Pink CLAY AND J. K. MCDAVITT: Deputy. Columbia, Pink tSc You are hereby notified that W. 2-2U-4-ll-3t-4300 Columns for each $2.K dozen H. Clay and J. K. McDavitt, each PIXIE FLOWER SHOP on FIRST lo- of Cameron County. Texas, did THE NATIONAL Bank Cat I lowers and Designs exec- at in the state the 8th day of February. 1932. cated Brownsville, US Wes Elizabeth — Phono 1S2 i is its affairs. ute a deed of assignment convey- of Texas closing All Three We Deliver and Plant note holders and other creditors of Days ing to the undersigned all o their the association are therefore here- for the benefit of their property by notified to present the notes the FOR SALE creditors, and that undersign- and other claims for payment. For ed has accepted said trust and has R. B. CREAGER, Only CITRUS TREES law. duly qualified as required by Jan. 12, 1932. President Foster Pinks. Marsh to said as- Pinks, All creditors consenting 1-25 to 3-25 inc. 4271. Marsh Seedless, and several within four months after signment Can Place varieties of oranges. Will con- the as- this notice make known to sider exchange of land for trees. in and I-1 signee their consent writing For prices and particulars see the time $ .oo within six months from Announcements 1 Roy Jones, McElwrath Farm of the first publication of this no- A 20-Word Supt„ Harlingen, Texas as | 1 .— tice file their claim prescribed .. ——» by law with the undersigned who Texas, which resides at Brownsville. WRITE YOUR WANT-AD HERE is also his post office address. WITNESS my hand this the 17th and Send or Mail to Brownsville Herald day of February. 1932. I. A HIGHTOWER. Assignee. 63 2-19-26-4-3t—4295. • Apartments ___ __ SHERIFFS sale 4 and 5-room apartments for rent, The State of Texas ) newly furnished Valley View Apart- County of Cameron ) ments. Palm Blvd. X182 Notice is hereby given that by You bet, we serve 2-ROOM virtue of a certain order of sale GRISHAM’S ANGEL FOOD apartment and garage, issued out of the Honorable 103rd ice cream, reasonable price, down town. 1235 District court of Cameron county j PORT-WAY DRt’G STORE Adams, phone 1605. X183 on the 23rd day or February 1932 ; Victoria Heights. VAN SICLEN—furnished. 5 by J. J. Bishop, clerk of said court, rooms, screened porch. Phone 518W or 65. for the sum of *$195959) dollars Prompt Dependable X90 and costs oi suit, under a Judg- Phone 353 ment, In favor of Will Cablcr in James screen sensation ALONSO well Dunn, who Is starred In Pox Movietone pic- No. APARTMENTS^ fu7- a certain cause m said court, close In. tures. with Ellers in “Dance Team" now at the nished. Corner 6th and Playing Sally showing 10921 and styled: Will Cabier vs. Title Brownsville. Brownsville Levee, phone 839. V190 Capitol. E. J. McGinley, placed in my han£s for service, I, W. F. Brown, as Company sheriff of Cameron county. Texas, Coolest Place In Town did on the 24th day of February, Opposite Court House South Texas FITCH Radio Features 1932, levy on certam real estate, Brownsville Today’s Tex- Apartments situated In Cameron county, to-wit: Finance Corporation St. Charles A W. 6th FRIDAY, MARCH 4 (Central Standard Time) as, described as follows, Abstracts of Title All that certain tract, piece or Offers reduced rates. Modem, I*. M. unless Indicated. Procrams and station lists subject to chance. ,parcel of land lying and being Title Insurance Automobile Loans roomy, well furnished. Excellent me Associated rresst wcco kmox kmbc: Captivatora—Only situated in the of Cameron location. Phone 358. wxyx wbcm wlap wflw wdod wroc wlac county 454.3—WEAF-NBC—660 the abstracts of title wodx wdsu wknh wtaq wfbm wmbd and state of Texas, and being Complete $25 and • :00—Charles Francis Cos—Also Up wwj wmt klra kfjf krld ktrh kls; Mem- east ten tlO) acres of block No. %cfl kfyr koa k*l kshl to all lands in Cameron orv Mist—Only kscj kfjf ktrh ktsa kdyl Let us 2-ROOM southeast a 4:1ft— Lanin Orch.—Also wtam wenr three <3», of the Solis Subdivision refinance your car. apartment, 9:30—Shilkret Occh,—Also wgst wxys Texas If you live in Brownsville 8 ■wcw wdaf County, just phone bargain for permanent tenant. wbcm wlap wflw wdod wrec wlac wnox hi the La Feria Grant, according 4:10— Alice wit* Room 5 Madison Hotel Arcade Joy—Also wtam wdaf wbrc wdsu wlsn wkbh wowo wfbm to the or of said sub- Telephone 1163W. XI30 kstii map plat ■wtmj webc wday kfyr woal wbbm wmbd wcco kscj wmt kmox Harlingen. Texas • division of record in the office of :4ft—Goldbergs—Also wtam wwj wenr: kmbc klra wnax wibw kfjf ktrh ktaa Phone 761 NEL ROY Apartments, beautifully •tebblns Boys—Also kyw woe who wow waco kvor kix the clerk of Cameron coun- kdyl wrr county furnished. reasonable. 701 St. wdaf wtmj kstp whas wsm wme wsb and — which reference is IT 9:45—Myrt Margs Only wxys ty, Texas, to DO NOW wsmb wfaa kpre woal wky ko.a wbbm wcco Charles, phone 642. XI63 wlap kmoe kmj kfbk kdyl made for all purposes; subject, i 7:00—Orch. and Cavaliers—Also wfss klz; Vivien Ruth — Also wflw wdod « easements wtam wwj kyw ksd woe wdsf wrec wlac wodx wdsu klra however, to necessary 64 Rooms webc ktha — wtmj kstp kpre woal wky 10:00— Barlow Symphony Also wxys for roads or highways and ksl public koa wbcm wlap wflw wdod wrec wlac wodx of •:00— waterways In the nature ditches, j Eskimo Night Club—Also wwj wdsu wlsn wfbm wmbd wcco kscj wmt 22 Beauty Shops ATTRACTIVE bedroom, Scaly mat- wla ksd woo who wow wdsf kmox klra canals, or laterals for the proper i kmbc kfab wibw kfh kfjf _Livestock_ tress, all conveniences and reas- • :30— Reiiman Orch.—Also wtam wenr ktrh ktsa waco kvor kix kdyl irrigation thereof, Automotive onable. 235 ksd woe who wow wdaf 10:30—Olsen Orch. — Washington. W148 Also wflw wdod and levied upon as the property of NEW LOCATION—504 LEVEE • :00—Sannella Orch.—Also wtam wwj wrec wlac wodx wdsu Morton j 48 klra; on the Dog* Cat* Pets ksd wdaf — E J. and that New Price* woe who Downey (Repeat) Only wowo nen McGinley Featuring LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms; • :10—Theater of ths Air—Also wtam kdyl kix first in 1932, the wave Tuesday April. 11 Wanted Autos Shampoo and art .... 75c. POLICE for sale low rates. Heart of city, phone 486. wenr ksd woe who wow — puppies very wwj wtmj 10:45—Olsen Orch. Also wxyx wbcm same the 5th day of said Facial* $1.00 and $1.50 being ..... wlba kstp wday kfyr whas wine wsb wlap wflw wdod wrec wlac wodx wdsu cheap. Inquire 42 S- E Madison at the court house door of A touch __XI07 wsmb wjdx woal wky koa ksl wisn wgl wfbm wmbd kscj wmt kmbc month, j Eyelash eyebrow up $1.50 Y12 of 10:00—Marion Harris—Also wwj wcky klra kfab wlbw kfh kfjf ktrh waco kvor Cameron county, in the city TRUCKS WANTED MARY PAT BEATTY SHOPPE 65 Houses ksd kdyl kix between the Texas, Phone 1272 .. .. Brownsville, ■' to haul FOR SALE—Pedigreed Boston Ter- ■ 10:1ft—Alice Joy (Repeat)—Only wenr 11:00— Ben Dump trucks wanted I Bernle—Also wlap wlsn wpl a. m. and 4 m.. Mrs. wow hours of 10 p. by Ella Mae rier Males and ksd 'roc who whas wsm wine wsb wmbd wcco kscj wmt kmbc kfab wlbw concrete materials. Good road Murphy puppies. females, COOL CORNER—6-room house, wsmb wjdx kths kvoo wbap kpre koa kfjf krld ktrh waco kvor virtue of said levy and said order kdyl to haul over. Apply F. P. Mc- $2500 and up. At stud, Little Tom- unfurnished. Call 457. kchl 11:30—Isham Jones Orch. — Also said above de- X170 kffir wlap of sale, I will sell ELWRATH CONSTRUCT I O N my Tooter, 14 pounds, son of 1u:30—Lopes Orch.—Also wtam wow wisn w*l wfbm wmbd wcco kscj wmt 6 Personal scribed real estate at public ven- Rio Grande 24 champion Little Jack Horner. Fee wwj w-ofl ksd wdaf kmbc wlbw ktrh kvor kdyl kix COMPANY. Valley Dressmaking SMALL COTTAGE, efficiency ar- Coon Sanders' due, for cash to the highest bid- Winfair Boston 11:00—Ralph Kirbery; 394.5—WJZ-NBC—760 MRS RUUD, Spiritual medium. Life Insurance Company Build- $15.00. Kennels, rangement, for Water fur- Orch.—Also wtam ksd woe who as of said E. J. ! couple. wtmj der. the property 8 Texas. East Houston Street t Phone 927), kstp wme wsm wsb wky koa 4:13—SaoneHs Orch.—Also wlw readings daily. Circles Tuesday ing. Harlingen, nished. Garage. Rent, $15.00. Phone 4 — McGinley. Texas. Y23 11:30—Brandwynne Orch.—Also wtam 30— Serenade Also wenr wren m. 856 S. E. St. Charles St., phone McAllen, 1293. Y21 koil And in with law. 1 p ksd wcfl woe w ho wlba wsb (15m.) compliance 1529. Dressmaking to 7:00—Joy’s Orch.—Also wjr wcky wls _ 13 Used Trucks 49 Horses Cattle 348.6—WABC-CBS—860 kwk wren koil FOR RENT— room unfurnish- i®:1ft—Bing Crosby — Also wxys wbcm 7:30— Lambert A Hillpot—Also wjr wlw 9 Cafes and Hotels Measure, Designing ed cottage. West St. Charles and wfiw wdsu wisn wkbh wtaq wfbm wls SEVERAL fresh milk cows for sale Wlap We are any kind fifth, phone 909 or 427, Jesse Den- wmbd ksej wmt wibw kfjf krld ktrh 7:45—Sisters of the Skillet—Also wjr making i Some giving 4 gallons or more. wlw wls nett. X174 ktsa waco kvor kdvl kwk wren koil of Dresses and guarantee Price $30 00 to $65 00. Pharr Mule • :30— Boswell Sisters—Also w*xys wbbm 8:00—Friendship Town—Also wjr kvw WHITE KITCHEN i kmox kmbe; Southern Orch. — Only kwk wren koil wiba wtmj webc to fit Barn, Pharr, Tex. Y24 kstp it* NEWLY DECORATED 5 room WR*t wdod wnox wbre wsfa; Oon Ross. wday kfyr whas wsm wme wsb wapl Famous for wisn wsmb house, sleeping porch; modern; St. Organ—Only wkbh wmt: Song, wjdx kths kpro woal wky koa Cooking — Immaculacy Men’s and Boys’ Shirts 50 Poultry Supplies smiths— ksl and Underwear Charles and West 13th. Phone 1230. • :4ft— Morton Downey—Also wxys 8:30—Irvin S. Cobb—Also wjr wlw Vyw and Service X171 wlap wdod wree w lac w nox whre wdsu kwk wren wtmj webc koil wliae Repair all kinds of Leather kstp for — wUn wfbm wmbd wceo wmt wsm wme wsb The popular place CHICKS GUARANTEED ksej kmox wapi wsmb wjdx wfaa 1930 CHEVROLET OPEN CAB. Goods. FOR RENT: 4-room fur- kmbe klra wnax kXab wibw kfjf krld kpre woal wky koa ksl business lunches TRaPNESTED house, — — Pick ktrh ktsa waco • :00 Whiteman's Band Also wjr 12th between Elizabeth and up body. Mechanically E. & O. KARTHAUSER nished or unfurnished. Call Palm 7:00—The Club—Also wbcm w dsu wcky wenr kwk wren new wxys koil wtmj wiba Levee reconditioned, good tires, 1094 Courts. 557. X153 wisn wfbm wceo krnox Telephone 2 DAYS OLD 7c wri; kmbe; kstp wfbe wday kfyr whas wsm wme % Duco Fiorito's Oreh.—On! k \i kfab wibw wsb wsmb paint. wjdx kvoo wbap kpre woal Custom hatching. We ship C. O D 66 kfjf krld ktrh ktr waco kvor wkv koa ksl kpir kghl Just Received 1250 E. Elizabeth Business Property — :1ft— Sam Als<> wxv* wfbm Orch. — FORD 1-TON TRUCK, MAGIC VALLEY HATCHERIES »fh Smgm* 9:30—Arden's Also wjr wcky j 9 Cafes and Hotels plat- ___ WRn wceo kn "X knrb-; Mala Chorus— kvw kwk wren koil New Shipment of form body. Good mechanical and POULTRY FARMS FtfR RENT in Port Isabel new Only wdod w ree wlac klra 9:45— Ballads and Songs—wjs chain COOL ROOMri $2 50 week The condition, at a Combes Hiway, one mile north i modem stores. Lighthouse — up bargain price. 7:3G—Today and Yesterday—Also wx»t 10:00—Amos 'n* Andy Only Apply wmiq 486. XI05 1932 license 28 of 173 Port Isabel. wxys wree wowo w«n wcco kmox kmbe wenr kwk wren wdaf koil wtmj wiba Plaza Hotel. Phone paid. Moving, Trucks, Storage Harlingen—Phone Drug Co.. Y23 wrr « kstp webc whas wsm wme wsb wsmb • :00—Prgeant — Also west wxys wree wjdx kths wbap kpre woal wky kai GARDEN HOSE j 1930 CHEVROLET ROADSTER wowo wsn wceo kn.ox kmbe 10:15—Slumber R. REDS. Barred Rocks Music—Also wcky DELIVERY. L $675. • :30—Belasco Orch.—Also — Large pick up wpst wxy* 10:30—Jack Denny Also kstp webc 50 ft. lenpth (TO White Leghorns $6 00, Australorps wowo wfbm wgn wcco kmox kmbe kfyr koa wjr wcky wenr wren wiba QO Automotive body, new Duco First MASON TRANSFER CO. Estate paint. orders for Feb 22 Real krld 11 ... $10 00. Booking :C0— Blue Rhythm Band—Also wren with coupling class mechanical condition. Contractors for Missouri • :4ft—"Casey" Jones—Also wxys wree koil until May 11. Galloway Poultry

wnox — USED CAR LOT Pacific Ry. wlac wbre wdsu ugn wcco wmt 11:15— Stoess’ Orch. Also wren wlw (Highest Grade) 10 Autos for Sale Farm, Falfurrias, Texas. X37 kmox kmbe kfjf krld klx wenr koil Pick up and delivery sendee 72 Farms Ranches • :00—Beau Bachelor—Also wxy* wree TELEVISION of All Kinds wbbm wcco kmox kfh kfjf krld Hauling POULTRY RAISERS. ATTEN- [wowo Stevenson Motor FOR SALE: 5 or 10-acre citrus fctrli kdyl kli W9XA0—iOOOkc (WIBO—540ke) 1105 ADAMS ST. PHONE 139 TION! FISHER POULTRY FARM 4:1ft— Or. Save 20% to 50% orchard near under- Bundesen—Also wxys wbbm 5:00— Audiovision (15m.) Packing of AU Kinds OF RAYMONDVILLE is opening Mercedes; Co., Inc. ground trees five to ten Here! a branch HATCHERY in SAN Irrigation, by Trading 10th A Levee St. TeL 1300 BENITO at TESTED SEED CO.. years old and in A-l condition. C AMERA HELPS FIGHT FIRE I STORE BRING EGGS for CUS- Home site on land Wonderful soil, Fire crews in Paris are AUSTIN TRANSFER CO. 800 ^Married By Proxy fighting TOM HATCHING everv Thursday. orchard a real producer. Located now cameras. Washington. Moving and crating. equipped with movie ! QUALITY CHICKS FOR SALE. just off main highway. Bargain The cameras are rushed to each BRAKE LINING Phone 421. U66 for cash sale. Inquire Post Office fire covered and movies are made box 232. Mercedes. Modem mech- 1929 FORD TUDOR SEDAN. Business Services 32 Print. • Office of the progress in putting it jut. ; equipment—good Suppls. 1 Flaws in the work of the firemen anic*—money-saving prices. Merchandise 74 For or Trad* Good tires, some new. New ---* arc picked out when the film ■& We have Thermoid. Ray-bestos re- 22 shown later. Duco paint, mechanically Beauty Shops 52 Household Goods SAN ANTONIO DUPLEX and John-Mansville Lining conditioned, seat covers. Duty PRINTING Beautiful two-slory rock du- LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT paid to Mexico. Only $235.00. FOR SALE: New electric stove, or Re-wave or just i Service plex. six rooms and two tile Prompt Dependable will exchange for gas stove. Mrs SALE A Full Stock of Sewing 1931 CHEVROLET ends curled. f Prices baths to each apartment. Fin- SHERIFF'S COyPE. At Attractive A or Oil Permanents.. 87 I Hamlinck, 16th Cleveland, est location Clear of debt. The State of Texas ) Machine Part* X157 New Duco paint, dark blue. Frederic. 8« 1 D box 310 Will trade for well located Val- County of Cameron > Eugene E L I Z O N O’S New tires, first class condi- Others 83.50 ley Notice is hereby given that by 1133 Washington Phone 1068 property. tion. Looks like new. Today 54 For Sale MisceL 707 Travis San Antonin. Tex. virtue of a certain execution issued Bldg.. only $475.00. Mra. Ajniew M’sa Ammons out of the Honorable 103rd District sedan for COVACEVICH I TRADE: 1930 Dodge 76 Wanted to court of Cameron county on the at Near Herald or Chevrolet cash Buy .USED CAR LOT AmAvs's» Ford coupe, pay 23rd of 1932 J. nHlciya PHONE 1605 day February. by difference. Used gasoline engines, WANTED: 5 or 6-room house in J cl*rk of said for Supply Company Employment Bishop court, 1 to 6 h. p. Used stock saddles, limits. Must for The Store of a Million Articles Stevenson Motor COTTAGE BEAUTY SHOPPE city be bargain the sum of ($1263.91) dollars and large used refrigerators for meat Eugene wave complete $6 cash. Write Y7 Herald. Y7 costs of suit, under a Judgment, I Across Street from Chamber market, new and used water pipe, Inc. S[»cclal wave $3.50; Manicure 35c 36 Hip. Wanted Female in favor of The Texas Bank Ac of Commerce Co., roofing, bean scales, HAVE a cash for close in Shampoo and finger wave 50c galvanized buyer Trust Company of Brownsville. Brownsville. Texas WANTED- All-around beauty op- weigh to 60 lbs., $4 50. Phillips i resaca farm Must be bargain from 10th & Levee St. Tel. 1300 333 S. E. Levee—Phone 1526 1 Texas in a certain cause in said L erator. Write X184 Herald. Hardware, San Benito. X74 owner. Write Y16 Herald court. No. 10967 and styled: The Texas Bank A; Trust Company of Brownsville. Texas vs. A. A. Tre- FU MAN CHI' — The White Peacock—Karamaneh’i Treachery AN EXCLUSIVE BROWNSVILLE HERALD FEATURE By SAX KOUMER. vino and Mariano Trevino, placed in my hands for service, I. W. f. second was heralded a stirred, near to me in tke room, and set Brown, as sheriff of Cameron N-10 My awakening by returning Something my sense of for I became conscious of a nerves with a new I became county. Texas, did on the 24th day smell; faint, eiquisite creeping fully afire to the apprehension. of February, 1932, levy on certain perfume. It brought me to my senses as nothing else possibilities of the darkness. To my certain real estate, situated in Cameron could have done, and I set upright with a hoarse cry. I knowledge. Dr. Fu Menchu had been in England at this county. Texas, described as fol- could have distinguished that perfume amid a thousand time for fully three months which meant that by now he lows, to-wit: me it one must be with others. For had one meaning, and meaning equipped ad the Instruments of destruction , All the right, title and estate of \\ on*Y—Keramaneh. She was or which eiperionce had taught me to associate with him. A A Trevino and Mariano Tre- V., had been near to mel What new horror was me in the darkness I vino In and to lots 7 and 8 of ^ crawling upon to snuff out the life which had returned to me so and I block 89. city of Brownsville, Tex- slowly as. and levied upon as tlie prop- erty of A. A Trevino and Mariano p\i s.. AVk.rnml Trevino and that on the first Tuesday In April, 1932. the same being the 5th day of said month, at the court house door of Cam- eron county, in the city of Browns- ville, Texas, between the hour* of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., by virtue of said levy and said execution. I In tha first moments of my awakening, I groped about will sell said above real sir described m the darkness seekinq her. Then my swollen throat and estate at public vendue, for cash How I remained I was to de- Atsoclattd Prttt Photo long unconscious, unable throbbing head, together with my utter to move to as the inability the highest bidder, prop- but the first sensation to return me was one of s termine. to my neck even gttly, reminded me of the facts as Oscar J. Rumbo. Argentine naval erty of said A. A. Trevino and they The blood seemed to be itself into eyes were. I knew in that bitter moment that llPIcer, couldn't come to Washing- Mariano Trevino. pain. forcing my Karemeneh was —f choked—I felt that end was near. And, my no for all her ton to wed Dorothy Bayllss, so he And in compliance with law. I my raising longer my friend; but. beauty and charm, hands to throat, I found it to be swollen and inflamed. was Commissioned a close friend to act give this notice by publication, in my the most heartless, the most fiendish creature in the the The Then the floor seemed to be and I back into service of Dr. Fu Menchu. I IS his proxy at ceremoay. the English language, once a week rocking glided groaned aloud in my despair idle plans to sail soon and Join for three consecutive weeks, im- unconsciousness again. and c 1Mi su iamt iwthm tm* 1 misery. S|iei»w mediately preceding said day of —— 'LL. I I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■—mr^ST—ami