- ... ?. .

. ' 7 r: . DaiiV- - C Soott.-i- A . BOOJtS., Ann STATIONKRr, SotDIEKS.--- At For ibe Gaxettav GM. Can. 'w jlOIilf ,LVOJfS, .. ScdfTAM) THE llo Biur'iti which TU(r.plt Bnlldlna;, p'oalts Cenrt llaiiM, day before the fatal accident occurred 1 VitausAJMl fcaTAU amixaim T'. 'Cleveland,, who i ptl-RA- r BOOK8, aaa meeting If Jlr., JenriveH tho United Stats service-o-f one of A Atsnrtmdnt SrflOOL Tai, have-jus- tX. 6lBLl;S,BI.ASK and Variety rantlly being .lordly Ma. Edito-- 1 t, been reading ornament,nod 1KX)K8,FAPER STATION. of Craeariea, Prl served ia tho Mexican war, itB;brightet and moat valued DRV.of supnioraiuUtT.forMla ttveiy low pricwi tr the proccedi b g of, the Senate, when, prepay vmioh, rralt, Glass and Htoaeware, - forward-an- d svddroesed ana pncrimwu pu JOIIZS TUTHItX. OF LAKCASTEB: ftaUed for, camt the Id Detroit or an endearea Jrfy., . l ;. U the attention of tha eltheasef Fairfleld CITY ing to pa; the last tad rite the. racmbry of e INVITES " Brady, while-h- waa taking, aeepW We copy bit remark from the For--, who the; na- en. Hugh BOOKHi rountiea to his eitenaive stock the great nan ha paid debt of by .. MJW . . 1 his usual morning svalk.he escorted nit n cam oe iurpaa.tf. t . -- I . ;..i , tho way of all tUa ;" u mcclretf. Cldrnrnooli. AIU. Cmrv. th aav In ture and ''gone .Earth of this city, who waa about to It'ST hr lie would ia th. &mir. du. uiM k. tll ytV .5 t.Jri.-l eentlcDiaii ,1 Lorgnette, On'tm O by Ik be supplied with all of - . : t:.....i: .t. .1 and, waa; atruVa. with Una fait ot which k.il?Mh liletningi knot Uke i'Uh, te supply as lie e:nu I, ii'iii l utidi:u in Aiu mw vi tart to Washington, and who informing Mam); Kint ImprpMioni ii Englaad, Old Ksd sand, many as amy feel disponed to him A JBteswc.rViHS, Jj!.ft. w any faro whh a call. .when but a .bovi.il.at he waa a every American sliould be proud hen r,rady of ti.e fact, asked if he could do mm, t'ootPiiala of the Craatir, by llii(h Millert CHERRY PECTORAL is from .a . -- l." I . ' . . k- -- ,...... ieAT.-T- following :latv 1.: .I....7 ,J..i i ... u:. -- irrpmt emeu dir. no matter hnw ni'tivfl ... - - r i....,.-,- Ulancq at Kuropp, hv H. Abroad. . , h takn i uu iw- - vii.iiuc.-- u.a ..im: nfnur' - r nsri viv.v.i Gielv: Burkeva .. raw Ike Car . r.in mru,vuj i. i puuir r: i; " him aOV eerwiou et vi ifnivun l f Uie Times: V a part lie way have partizan orthewtr.dnringi in iiropanil the Orient, by 8. 8 plumber of Leuilot. ... . ral orrVuinns sine... f.Vm ause.l tie had borne in the iiVm ." renliod tho Vetrean "call on Geu COVCHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AUULK AN I) UAUMESS MAKING.' ha Cot, tnd auny aUwr Sew and Choice Hooka, tomtlwr tfi and.' liiia, Jiil , struggles for . political supremacy, il he my regard.aud : ' "WS-- n hsscrossi.'i! Atlantic, aoeq Poneral Scoltr lovud Winfield Scott, give bim Jtlnd with hn and gmrral aiwiitinuiH cf School Co-P- .VOit iiiilt; BRONCHITIS, WHOOmC-COUG- B, art aershio, ' . "jr Srst titn-- . In Irs lii to enw- - every soldier had ever nerved under him; 1 merit entitled tq the grateful remembrance tell him for me that having lived to see bim Book; &C..wbkU will ba V!d vkv low at the Book he liVins - . . L' 1. .J - r . i.ll..... 1... II ..... I.. M. Storeof - ; F' haa taken Into partnership In. !: J ot a plain .; ciimciw. no hi bo. win every field on which he has fought KHHU TUrillLL. - itCROrr, ASTU.1IA, ISO , Saddle,inknai ,Br4c' ifi..V,v'"i'r jtftvttKUHry, nJ Urotapjilauae. ticnoral ffaa ' .'X May3. Telegraph Building, opoeaiteourt-lloiM- i T the Harness an Truok ananufscturing .jii-ihu- t ctiUnr.s;-...W- liotf'-'n- 'eeive it, . , : him President business, thai reel ly to to .it man, an t. man, an iiidepcndwit mair, hope yet to see win the great. C0SCMPTI0.i. JohkH. Uatlaoi, and batnsaswill - e Hv oc- 'ihe a brHvc nlono.waai. .This truly, anH I bvlie.vo excluivciy field Cnion in 1852." ; ... ',.-'.- rL.V.ot?.'iin'ZBi """r.tba of LIT. 'iyposib! to whT wau;,andliiteiiinaui3 thai of the Itigbly Important, to theireisannnity this juatlv ce'ebnted MA I - in we INoffucing TLhtc LACK. The patronage of the public pV--i' wUl 1.3' t e'edkn. mcri- an- La been. empbncd .jGen. alas, is no more, .had he aubwribe offora to aell hia valuable fnrdisea&cs ' IroluhJ tattt'SShi ulBi-- K)'trjk. the erttmica of hi; trit. - Brady, but flHK impmv. remedy of tho throat and lungs, it is ia respectfully solicited. ' every- Snw-Mi- ll, maiurity (if jj'er .jv'ip. wltlitcrror.Tiii .Va(i&a rcvtrunoe which has "etn would J. ed Head, Blocks lor upon th notourwishtotrillewl'th the Uvea health or the y rii''liH'nnd Scut'i the try .uldiers approaclud him been spared, his patriotic wish have , r ipAll those indebted.to tb sukecrlber, are ear.-eatl- , . -- l. lollowing lortna: If thny do not work repreteot-td- afllieted, but beftire them opinions - 1.. t,J ..1.L- - il .V...-M- j-- f frankly te lay the requested to call and selUe. aa oVil ii ur .in. I lit' null (i ii.n iii.ni. ii ill irir.il. nn "ir U . IIR IIVI'I il 'III ttLlll H I III! ll'n. OUI.IU V"M t been fulfilled. Detroit Adv. ... of the tiualneas ik) pay will be required. The con. diitinguiahed men and some of the evidences of its mum eecioseaup. ' JUrlM .H. who by tli at ti.ne will h. ivo tiled in the tiatiia enabling one mail te set a log at auxxna, irom whkh cm themselves. March 30, IHSJ. weicau-.Wit- h i bnlhilof Ihoy for ...... , dawls d was for half a century A ResIkmbemo.-Tli- e We sincerely Unitt-- Stattfs, cannot be l;vi . friendly .to enced, idolized him. (TMHcndouapplpitse.1 they mourn, SivrLE Fact. Wobtk tbo same momuat of time, and with, the greatest re nledra. ourselves til makn BA wild Ui truggling days, aettiolis orfatse statement HnrwiH w Tnitoli tlu-i- r er of a great polit.calorganwHtmna Quiney (III.) Whig states that opie 'dttlaritv. aatrKakdcKS. - nflti England, ami ill certainly be bet- Scott mf .leader, tne.Amoman 1. ; ci.orniAfGi some! n'liii r. n v.iininiiu, v.nw.nu:. tkold out any hope to.Miff, ring humanity arhicli facts rLorifiiti; h;T no-.- - for the controi of our since, a child three years old, had by iiiiuamr. un'ii the great wondor excke.neliv ter cuttiinTs tj than they are.'' otdiers felt invincihlr;rdaHger waa forgol- . Diase. Heed and Co . Xenia. Ohio. GENTLEMEN, and I 1 f,. kahL fl... hnn.lUun 1.. njrans got a piece of slate pencil in its noset Ohio- - Man v .ni:..l, is how such a quantity of a Upn.n h,j .Albany pithily re- tkienJ John Young, Columbus, s in .n i. . tliis JwtijI rallrb, poured out cxtrU ' i from rich lnU splendid yon will find ofb s age, had Afterscveral inefiectual attempts to . C.T. Solis, Columbus, Ohio. . quby the public into all we (publish, reeling as- -, Clothin(as with - ty of their Charge; tbeyrcked ynoM u whr-n- w and nured be proprietors of the old remarkable . marks that "there was timo Ireland lUeTfenii.g applauSe. j t hcljr ir but. of respect upoq tomb, pencil wjth instruments, the 1r. di- AmfrUceje, Coluinbua, Ohio. "' they will hud them perfcclly reliable, and the , and Lughrd 'aflorth. eatcthe : , ',-- 8' Mirhael 811II iranf . Coliiinbua, Ohio. their best confidence and CUECKEUED . had of fier" own. Triere wro watered lt their tear , d sacred ashe rected the father of the child to put his mouth patronage. 1: 8TOUE, '( Rnrufirfr?? Ir. Wynmr then gavp a general doription Ohio. . from thtiliatiiigiiithed 1. : ,1 1 1. Mnaes Shielfer, Orovopoit, Profcuor Can possibly be disposed , mind the .mmorta U . I. .. 1. HlrtDA 1.1. lim Aniutdit, i Chmutnani of in due season, unlm iu maUersi;? Mexico, cucised the of IIIU I IIWU 9 IIIUULII, LIW"n M v uj'won-- V. SpringlieU, Ohio. Materia Medico, Bouxloi proip'oruuslinoeri nnJ jik tftalac Ul :K. McUuil.liii. . Cvllcge. ia the prospect of a large Increase to the population' could. t Trbmia, Drar tirr I delayed th-- . intereeli,j4acuc.mnectdwiththohis.o4 Joud.' nostril andthen blow'as hard as he William Terl, Ohio. answering the receipt of your of our healthy N weavers in L'inster, cotton mill were ' and beautiful city., doubt tbi ( and child HarHv and Clark, Pipia O'nio.' prupa- ution, until I had an opportunity of wUneaaing richneaa of the surrounding country; enmbined doringthutWo- - to pro. hiiplan succeeded at once, the ' ' with cii J ofth.touermg.Chieftain f ' B. hadliclt, Fletcher, Ohio. Ita effocta in my own fjmily, 01 io the thriving 5! mJ Prthml, tfotlcn -. Similar are contin- F. f families of my the spirit and industry of our biiterpnsing farmers, Hp ol .1110 villain- - On.r'- was relieved. accidents . . mciitoiM period. saking u'"" , Janwa llurbin. Texaa, Ohio. :miriiu. haa stimulated those parties in laying in such moun- ones at Kilkenny, iiloiintnv'lk'Ji and Abboy. lives huvu been given to their conn is ' Thia I 6t OOneral Ctrottt ue whoso ually occurring, and the above fact worth J. C. Kiak and Co.. Texaa.Ohio. have now done with a high degree of satis tains of goods In way of Cxoth-i- . out, iiutrugi'oii"rrot ' the Fashionablx while forgetful alike of party difle'rences, . William Halter, Napoleon, Ohio. taction, in caaea both of aJulta and childran. - 1 Mx: But tJiat wh?n tli;;r,e was In Irish of 1'acbla when the try, JV1 remembrance. y wai said ' I ivss jn the city 1 n mid political opiuio. s, Americans ...' KtRnhena and Co , Defiance. Ohio. , have found it, at ita ingredients show, a powerful The manner In which they are made Parlinm'-n- hieftuiu was arrested The conflicting superior the in Colh'go .(it'oin to pmtect 'lorioin oU John Moren, Blutfton, Indiana. remcay tor co las ana eougns, and pulmonary diseases. fashionable and workmanahip : di to atid .fame of men Row The colored i . atyle of their cut the wild-tin- , can justice thu iiahio . at St. Cathamses. ... Di DiL"n il L' lirL'l v f if n thoin. When England Union, now ot the outrage spread like West and YVilkina, Blooinliolil, Ohio- - 1 i.i.i.n 1 r.i.n..ii. ni. ir. quality of the material, and the variety or shades and w li'.wc lives belong to the National history, population is numerous in Upper Canada, Anr.. Manyot the. eolilicr. would not believe The abnvo aro porsona who have purchaied the inn Brunswick, Maine, February 5, 1847. colors they are composed or, would induce you to Irchhd bcfum? a dependanf ji'iivlnc, and St. Catharines has some 400 blacks in anil have it now in nse. foinoii.ODcrTii the Hamilton MiU$, in thltritt, say the W hen convinced of ite realiiy. j '."r uuf proromfnt without hesitation that the proprietors muatbe report. nu u'.'rtfr V: ,Z All I.nwiXL. AuLunt :0. 1H4M. w.-v- ... j a. population of four or five thousand. At ordwn addromud, postpaid, fo the anliuriber, untiring in thoir e Holla and their ingenuity anore s' could soo no rij.anjn why tho bosom of evofV rT . American burned wiiti,w at jAiuvwter, Fairfle lil county, Ohln.viH he prompt- Dr. C. Aver: I have been cured of the worst thsn common, to collect tuch a quantity of beau'iful ii'nn-J- ,i L'osuescrouk, let disuriranizers and uistiniotl- - a recent militia, training a colored company to W' - .i...... n..i,f . cough had in my - Vrotse'.ion should bo fste.id?.! .:r11 1, p'lmw" mm iiiuigiiauvui:ji.ii iii ly attended to. JOHNS SNYDER.. lever life, by your "Ciikrv P:c- garment together. And the beat of all Is, the ... appeared ground and a acrious di- I Hn-gi- 'for tho furtherance of party purposes, on the muster lfjN. II. The above Improvement obtained a tohai.," and never lail when have opportunity, of tifi'.tur.--i- would" bmlj u,i their beloved ,. Scott had been .degraded., its - Uuaraallow Free Tenia threaten and the dissolution of our row occurred which resulted in the severe ploma and a premium of a nilver run at the Ohio recommending it to others. Yours, respoctfullv. Prices they are Sold for, idianie tliat their govomnient had disgraced predict Would almost fuct ries, though it .won! J ruin wq ha,ve death of al per- State Fair, IH61. . S. D. EMKRSdN. mike you swear that you would never in eyes of (.'cnfederarJS whilo a National wounding and probably eeer buy of in a . itself, eternally disgraced itself the Ohio State Journal puMinh tlireomontha and charge JT Head the following, and see if thia medicine is s yard atuff atore to have made up for' vonPfV, Ti--i d.'i're.-d- nnil the WO assault was af 111 so e Tradw the world, and indignation at tho perpetra- heart, whilo us a na'ttah.' can water with sons whiie and colored. .'An this office. wof a trial. Thia natienl had become varv feeble. yourself of the boya. Ifyou buy s asit of clothes,' ' you fit or was but li in the applause. our tears the grave of a CLa'Y, or any other terwards made oh the colored settlement near Lanrater,Sontembcr2S, 1851. 6m?l and the effect of the medicine was unmiatakeably see the the quality the goods-a- nd all ruin folloreJ. It on? tors of the foul deed. Thunder of done In few little groat one who has exemplified in, his life and town, and much property was wantonly de- msiiiru t minutes, with trouble, before chni.i of tyranny en.l opi'retion by which We determined to give him a triumphant Cmitko you pay one cent of your money. - Notwithstanding. with his to his stroyed. A boasted asylum, but neverthe- Froth Arrival of BookS(...j Status IIotkl.Sasatooa Sfbinos reception; learning onr intentions he. sealed bis death, .devotion . July S. IS4U. one of our modest, unassuming neighbors will raise Irel.;n.l wa broke down, Ht'irved and unpop-u.'ate- but undnraigned h opened at hia Rook country,. ,'wiiat fear. peed we have for the less perilous. ju' Str, Dr. J. ...I been with a meir voice ana you, very ni uke( to desist. When C Aver. Sin have afllieted caution piously, against entreated us, for THE Shajftr't lloltl.m KxrKKaivK AitoiiT-mks-t, adminis- painftil alfoction of the lungs, and symptoms of j PTl"c,'un of Slop Shops!" in city,the soldier stood mute safety of our 6ountry. or the faithful ci niiiitiiig of every of Slatinnrru aim all the ininit ol he arrivsd the he tlio Of I "J- - Wtl such - 03-T- Plailtdealer in in midst trib- settled bunsumpiinn, for nioro than a year. could w'd suppose it s brilliant surges School llnol.t. and a large and lot ' Wull, Ireland has spint all hor mUstanco and with rage. Ho descended from his tration of our government! .', very excellent al find Hon! Oh! what a waa! pule ulation, and irt every demonstration of the Miscellaneous nd btind.ird wori;a. no medicine that iou Id reach my case, until I bean your granny Wondef in English ' end midst, and drawing his l;ut it was to cast my small mito in the commenced the use of xonreCnKHitr PucTnaai.." why they did not warn you against dometUc Stbpi- - enriching her oppressor, carriago in their People in response to the nomination of lil it 11k Book, ol' every description, and at the national" tribute the of the gteat which gave 11. c and 1 havo been stead eery out oaucmM, ami 1 ase a lias of towering form up to its full height, said) to memory vrrv lowoiit ratm. gradual relief, penoraieo ciotns. stroll now she grown tJ3 psor to 1J any and Graham, it sees a umce gaining till m ia well nigh along Afaln street and see the figure we cut. You I am in na- statesman who has been called from 'tho Scott "fost Bibles, a largo and splendid assortment and at ex- strength v health restored. "Fellow soldiers, a'priscncf tho Idle medicine, I will conclude poor Old Mother Ooote in de- further 111c to tli?n. Hot thoy ilo not give Time, hopora and full of clique!' That clique must have been mul- tremely low pricea. I. using our had tho gratification it such tion we cnn'iiercd; I cannot accept a public shore of full of of curing with it friend, Mr mand, she will be compelled to hide herself tiplied as by miracle when its fifteen hun The public real assured that the y, can obttain mv reverend Trumsn.nl' orerery it n;'yet. When the Irishman scrape togeth- years, that I took up my pen. was not inav Sumpter DUtri.-t-, Calico boy on the streets will certainly pluck her demonstrotiou." (The nuilienco was silent It at tho abnvestand, every thinr usually kept in a atore who had been ami ended from hia to a dred crowded the Melodeon. Where are parochial dutica by attack death. W hat Parisian Croottt we hare got ol er what hi can lim! an J comes t v America, fur a few moments; every eye flashed with for the purposo of giving to your readers e( this kind and at pricea as low as at other es- t severe of bmnchiiis. late eighty-one- " who ratified uiy I in the ahape of old uomm batch of fulsome adulation, but to express in the "utttdfrltled tablishment in this region. have I'loasQro in certifying these rscts tj you,' and thop boy; pure char- in search nf work t a keep him from starving, indignation; every hand was clenched; every And am, sir, ity for the lii"h friends, 1 suppose, haa bvoufht ' Pierceand King at Johnson's it all! It is said past the yonn respectfully, then a simple language the veneration for Clay, of Thankful for rVrnrr undersigned hopes t il; well, well! a. lip was pale ami compressed; suddenly J. K, CALHOL'N, of South Carolina. to this it the age of they ptirJii'-- him still to profit by hi.i eatu-in(j- twenty-thre- e crowd already pledg- merit a continuance of the public patrouagn. by progression, car. who I10111 boyhood thought or ol that sre or oT tainly. Tor candid, deafening yell went up that shook the build- one, his never faithful attention tb huninea and a disposition TTThe following was one the worst cae, be thoto who want to aare at ) or- ' waver- T)i Tories of England nn.l tluir - ' ed for Scott, and half the balance are t which physician friends be iucur-aLl- e u.uch in thu purcliase of a suit ofclothes, aa its acted, nor in manhood never voted with the please all who may favor him with a call. . tho and thought to will give ing to centre. .''"h",T!' C'leve. consumption: the child a schooling would gnn tho Ltinitin Timn, follow him With exill of which the deceased states- ing. Herald. . JOHN SEARLES. hilf year's do well to Mr. Caldwell was next called liport. lie political party '23, 1846. oallattheOLDCiiKCKEIU'.D STOKE Lancaster, fovember 20, 1861 - S3 Chkstrb. Pennsylvania, August where you advic-.- ' leader tho "embodiment." Ayer,-Sir:- be fitted Ution an J bestow bucj upon him as said he hnd served his country nearly twelve man was the earhintrs of the Mansfield and J. C. -I waa taken with a terrible cough, ran out from head to foot, eut 01 those pile years. a Pebrua-rv- , of clothing we hove stored this: ' years; that he had been under Atkinson, He has irone cone iu the fullness of June, 400 pounds machine made Putty brought on by cold, in the beginning of lat away. What we tell yeu Sandusky Railroad, fertile month of wan confined '2 e wan-an- t in every particular. Worth, llutlcr, Scott, and a number of other f honors, of virtue ;nd let a nation gather 1l!TTY. for sale bv OTTO W.KREAMER. and Io my bed mom than months. If anything hap- "G across Patrick, and la- were over 40,000 being an increaso of KE Coughing iucessantly nightsnd day, i became pens to bo wrong in yi.ur purchase, return the goods, J the Atlantic, now 110 woo Lancaster, Mayfi'J. ghastly commanders. He said they were all brave round tits colhn ojiu contemplate and pale my eyes sunken n'nd and and select from our sioc'i a froah U Old tin; $18,000 over the same mouth last year-- A were glitsy. my supply. It use-- bor for tho good of Engl inl and ruin in life could gather and control the elements very ' I iwpi. , men. and wood soldiers: "but." snld he with million pounds of wool, and two million OLD PENS A new supply of the best quality! breath short. Indeed. was ranidlv iailim. and iu 'iiduiuu iu V4ii'.,y ui WUl - in such dihtresa fur breath, hope of Youmr America. Never mind Ireland, emphasis, was nono of them at all e- - of partizan strife, and when the billows of G at tne new coos tore. that but Utile of my Spring nnd Summer there lor sale . Stock of Clothing. bushels Of wheat are expected to pass over recovory could bo enterlained. While In this situa- - to June! J. II. lill.EY si CO. .. : B.Vt. we'll take euro of her. We'll fill up ynur nual to tho Hero of Lundy's Lane. Great dissolution threatened enguiphtno union .! c..i e II. .. Jiihn Keller, ,in.P",: The greatest variety of COATS 0! that road tho present season; linn, a ll iuntl ui mine, line nev of the all re- could by the force of bis mighty genius and I kinds andpatterna, PANTALOONS and VESTS iri place with Englishmen, Scotchman ml cat- applsusp. After a few brief but happy Methoilist church) ii ught ire a bottle of your Ci: Kn- bind Tickings Muslins, Cotnnndss, Drills, I thoiwandi, of every description; large quantitiea of marks, he resumed his seat amidst tho most the power of his surpassing eloquence, gentleman in Attica has acted up- ur Pkctosal, which tried more to einl.fv him. than GCrA AG01NU, & a thousand things selling daily SlilKTS, under and over IJrawert, Bilk Handker-chief- a tle, Patrick, an J continue to rob them with his the hearts of her peo- other from any expevtstiou cf obtaining rcli'.'f. Its good enthusiastic tighter to country on the odd fancy of being married iu an Odd at in an abundnce;.Cravats of thebest,Half-Hoae- , , .J"..".'. ... B ItUKLliX a. effect induced mi toconlinu.1 1's use, an 1 1 toon found 0113 hand, whilo wo stunt from you with the ple. could in the-ful- confidence of faith, Suspenders, Metalic Cloaka, Fellotys' I.odgei dressed in the regalia of the my health much improved. Now in three I Overcoalt, &c: ' months, Hats. Caps, Boots and Shoes, other, fioovcr to America 11ml earn money linrrlv Vnim 'SrloW.' Tliestf- schools (nnd with (he simplicity of a child, compose order. We wonder what kind of regalia the Ott mtV.S I.ICilKrrVS. on well and strong, and ran a'tribute my cuieonly to Umbrellas, Trav- All elling Bsgs of all kinds, Trunks, fcc. Several doz. ttt - now in a un- limself and calmly wait the stroke of death. Few Boxes received at the city city Dru your great medicine. With the deepest gratitude, and speml it for English goods; Refuse to are prosperous, condition and bride appears in. i just Silk Under fhirti.tai Fin Thibet Wool do, will man-g- roat store. EDWARD L.SLOCUM. VourarSc. JAMES GODFREY". City lias proved himself a truly great i v ... ( v answer for either ladieaor gentlemen. Msny arti- protect American labor, just ns wo refused der the iimnagomentbfthe Board and Teach- Unraster, JUHe CG a PK.PAK.n BV J. C AVFR. CI.WI.IST, MlWCI.l., MASS in life, find surpassingly great in death. Patrick's Cathedral, in New York; cles In the furnishing way all of which will dis- OrSt. Sold in Lancaster by E. L. Slocuin and Dr. M.Z. Krei-Jc- r be to prntoct yours. Vot) for tho party 'that ers give genrruj satlsfnction. They are foun- I l. . ' 1 .4 ...... 1 t posed of 00 the most reatonablt term and lowest Ho was one who "drank deep at the nss nan an urguu uum ai n cubi hi 9 ' ivvu; 11 iTe Howe's t'onph randy. and hvDruggista generally thioughoul the Sli te. J prim. , COULE1IAN CO. proud inoiiumentsof tho love of education and March II 18B-- 8m4o a breaks down American manufactures. Don't tain of liberty, yet dissolved not tho pearl of has 43 stops, over Z,00U o'CSj and tnrec sets wholesale retail by K. L. 8LOCITM, May 26. 18tfl SOLD Druggist, Lancaster, Ohio. have to do with fho Whigs and liberalitv in our citizens. A corrrsnon- - hjs salvation in tho draught." Burn in an of keys. Knti'rrd anything for November 30, 1861 Q!) aoranllnit to Act of rnngniw, In the Tew his coun- , .861, hy J. S. I)., they don't believo In Freo Trade. But. go dent of the f lunking SmtitHl who was present age when the policy and destiny of HOliailTON, M. ill I ho clerk's mado their apperance 00.ee of the DiKtrirt Court fcr thu Kantcrn try woro just developing, holms seen ' t.vi-.- vi.-.- during the examination, alter alluding to tho that Jnst Received at the Old Drng Store, IHstrict of 1'cnnsylTanla. concern' f:io ind lui sh the whole "Democratic" ticket, and throw nillfl.V I..,.. Hnl.nn..!w.. in Fifth Street Market, Cincinnati, on Tues- - WMAl . Pinmi ll.il ...il Oalloni Linseed Oil. of anpnr'or uualilv. people ii al all liii i, 'i iiia most valuable coiumodiiius buildings, iiiauagemeiit, &.c, ol fJSTH irotii'irtdllcii. I it up your hat for Pierce and King and the yatem beneath the sun, and upon every llay morning last, at forty cents per dozen. UOU O. KAUr'FMAH Ik CO. Another Scientific 'Wonder! take for mat.: ilMo all their To mem hviiooiv, wiyn: pag our Uncastir,July3l,IK6l 13 GREAT OUR6 in nower save the lives of their Queen ami the London Times! Then you oi naiiouui nisiory since eariv .. FOR chillren,an I ... " that every portion will endoavor to pro-m- D!,,nt' nskt'!1 "I have boeu a regular attendant upon manhood, ho has made his mark.' '.'"r"0. lao.ke it...... ucor8e ' their ow n health at all I will have tho satisfaction of knowing that P"ayd card, rephed,"! cannot, WAIT A MOMENT! iirrilicea. Ire! it to these exercises for tho pustthrco days, and - A partizan leader, hu forgot the interests h? be my duty totolemnlv assnr- - sou that woniwt, ac- helped, as far as yon rould, to make the. your'"'" tell a king from Y name iaheiflier Abr'itham, liiaar nor Jacob and DYSPEPSIA! you his for good his country "'sjOsty, a knave." flf cording tthi! opininnnrtho most celebrated Phyii-clan- can attest that in few points, If any, are they of party, tho of A I sell an article for whnl it (v; give a call. us If mf Dr. HOUGHTON'S sre the primary causes ol s large majority of country of your adoption as dependent on ' Thrico defeated when aspiring for tho first V. ".T." ' Lancaster, Ma. 2M. JAMES GATES. J. 8. excelled by tho most rigid colleges...... T V. 7. diseases to wuii h cbildron and a!uli am liabh j if as the Country of your birth. Then you This afternoon, presented in the North ' you have an sppetitn rtnitimiallv c! sugeal'le from, A i.:.'J:..-- :. .1 : KOHfiV, L. ECKERT still ronllr.uss it Ills n Dissolution of Partnership. one kind ol spec. B.u-- ... ,1.1.1101,1..,....i , of fund to another, lad Lreath, pain in the will still be in our service, and we shall get school house one thu most pleasing . "io. uu ljr .,, ,,. Slauherru-- ll,,7,fv. rilliK Partnership heretofore esiMing under the slomach, picking si the Junta; hVrfhe s'(M fiillnesi of WC were v.aiumniuiea unu irauuceu, 110 11ns u Vullcy i your taxes and your tithes!" Inclesupon which permilledto look. ,iwn ,nor, Eait if the Hvrkirg Hank, where 1 name end firm of UOI'E & HECK, ia this day dia-- tho belly, dry lOr'A. Slow fercF, pulse ii'regulnr; The room was crowded with listening au- - ''is slanderers, and has his proudest hiogrn-- : ill he inund s usual a general assortment of CA1II-ilitor- so'ved bv mutual conuent. the books and accounts are that ill (hese denote 01tl, tad yctf , Just such advice as that, wo are admitted ,11 1 confident, and every breath was suspended to Py written in the hearts of his country men. by tube in the haiuls of P. BOPK, who will make all aeltle-- ..hodlj if b'ftce tfp'Jfly Hro felfler)y: I all every adopted Irishman will spurn, as he lb! His form-n- longer towers in. the Senate, mi'Uts.and by uhuiti claiins gaiht sal firm will llOBESs.itk'S WORM SYRL'P. catch word. they fell from the eloquent "'"."" be paid. P. HOPE. in ? .. a - . m.. a, .'would tho tyrania whogivo it. TI10 "party tousues of the fair students, (surely they de nut ins mine immortal. muckrye. cnnaWt ni i. r March 16, mi. J. E bE( K. , An article rounded upon scientific principle!, serve the title.') rehearsals from the .J.r $ ROT A anlld M.lm.i.iL. with purely vegetable being .who fur Knlish "O J talk against Englund and ycl work Am Chippewa Re- r.j perfectly tale when taken, and in from soma Incident at and the CliA Divans. TA ULES, vTT New Arrmiseiiicnfi determined all in little girls, and Cerrnnu ones of ins. Stands, letlecbi and not leaving the in a dia her and adopt inoasures to her ailvantagn,ure sult. Our tieorgetown correspondent has anil fine HedsteiolH. Kr. Ike. f I111K undersigned having bought thn enlife Inter aytem ascd the younger boys, allorded a very agreeaulo V. will Hard- as mo,t advertised nostrums composed of Ci!-- beginning to bo appreciated, ami when thelr y communicated to us an ngreeablo lit- CINCINNATI EUHMTl'HE He will also keep X est o Jacob Bkck, ho cnntiniiethe I between more acrious exercises, ware business M eld sUndnnpmitetheTalbnilde nmel for the remnvi. of woitMf, sm f an r.ozcngp-- , recreation un hand s eeneral assni tnient of Cincinnati Furniture, his ' tle anecdote, iiesuyslhataworlhy Democrat Vi'rmifuies; etc.: bltt his Derlcfl-nVe- Hie. hollow professions arc uuderxtiiiid, tf eir Original dialogues and colloquys were an which will bo sold at a small advance upon city pricea, House, where he will constsnllv keepon hand a gen m.tti satn from tho Old Dominion yesterday called upon eral assortment of llanlwaro, which he will positive- THE TltUB 1 hing curat, ind taved the lives of thousands. Loth 110 an- itttructivo nut contrary thus obviating the necessity of ritiena goingi else- can longer cava them from feature; and ere it than any bouse in can old and young, who have been proiiciu'ic d hopelc s, I Gen. Scott, and was kindly received, ns is where to buy furniture, hy inaUing it to Ineir advan- ly sell cheaper the rity sell. to the iitcur.'ble by Physicians. Read the be- 'A nihilation. custom, I might locution names of tage to purchane of subscriber, lie Invites his nld friends and the puhlir generally tb DIGESTIVE FLUID, following and everyone who approaches him."I would linvo the ottering them come tatiafiud of ita ctlicicy some composers who uciputted themselves .diner hoinenrcity inanufarturo. All liirniture sold call on him before purchasing elsewliere, a he it over all others. called upou you with pleasure," said the ayncitl OH, UASTUH - MohMi Rivin, Nrw , I.trya Ctt'f- A few duys wince,, wo pub- with much credit." by ins will be wariauled to be well mado and durable lo give satifction. JIICK. J. Iki I A Mr. N. Hobensack.Tbis to guest, "on my own account, but, as it U, material. persons knowing thi'inielres indebted tothe Prepaml Irom Rknhkt, or the fnartth StobIaoi or it certify that my lished bull city did f & child, IB of age, having been, tiik for 5 an account ol'a calf raised by Mr. Absent from the at the time, wo cumo with a message from my was A HOOD MKAnsElsalwaya in readiness tnattond undert'gnt'd. or the late firm of Hope Beck, are Ox, direction! of Hah6k Llkiiia, the yeirt years, f.ither. lie thk liter wat tttended by Drt. I ope, WMKhirYd, phlsler, for oiuorala. The subai rllier has now and hnreatter will earnestly requested to rsll snd settle, as the businett greit chemist, by J.S. Houghton M. Warren Young of Warren, Ohio, which not witness these cxuiiiiiiiilions, and we al with you at Chippewa; and when he fell se- Physiological a long time without receiving any benefit) keep constantly on hand Cotfina ready made, ao that of the firm mult be settled up at as earlv day sa I). Phllnl Iphis, Pennsylvania when after 5280 verely wounded, you llowpl'liloo.l HOPE. giving her up at incurable, I went to Philadelphia when eleven weeks old weighed pounds. ludc lo the matter now, merely to show the stopped the he will he enabled to furnish them iu a few minutca' possible. i. This lae trulylwnnderful remedy for Indigestion.Dys-pepsi- a and comulted on 3 of the beat diseaae from bis wound Willi your own hand, and notico. He will promptly attend funerals any where Lancaster, March 29. IfWS. ' , Juandlce, liver complaint, constipation, and Physicians; her It is a cross between a Bakewcll nnd Dur- effort which such important improvements still growing worse. It was st this time I was induc- ministered to his reliel. his In tho rnuntv without extia charge. llcbilily, curing after Nature't own method, by a to Ho sends ymi 11 M N ed to try Hobcnsacs's Woast SrHcr, ind after tak- ham. Air. J. It. l'nrker of this city, hns n have at distance, cud bear our tribute Thankful for past favors, resD.'ctl'ullv askt a con- - NEW S T A B 8 II E T . Ntture's own Agent the Gastric Juice. thanks, and the assurance thnt. thomrh n he M ing two bottlet the entirely regained her health. . , , . .. Iinuance of the public patronage. In the smno build 1 Hlall'a tcasnoonful of I'kfiin. infliteil in water. heller onlf from a Durham bull and common to the excellent inniingcniciit of these schools r. it v. ... Hoping that this will prnvo a benefit to parents whole ui.iiincrui,noanu ail Ills UOinocruilC sons" will hw j, ,,. (J. Smith's Chair and lledntnad I actorv,ao rity Grocery Store. will dlge.it or dissolve, Fins Pounds iloast Beef under Hoard undersigned respectfully informs hit friends of children are similarly affected. cow, which wn one yoar old, on tho liOlh of our preset efliclont and well sustain you on tilt day when your friends that customer can be accommodated 111 either line at fTMIti in auont i it i, nvHrs, oui oi me iiomacn. and public generally, that he hat opened a lamyourt.ac, R.BOWMAN. should show P1""- - OKOUijE L. ECKEItT. I the PEPSIN it the chier element, or Great Digesting weighed 897 A nullified Teachers. We w ill take other oc tho tnselvcs such!" General ' Jtuio lust, and at that time "';" November I 1B60. 'ill Naw Osockht EarAsi itniMKisT under tho above Principle of tlio Oastric Juice the solvent the Scott reinemberd well tbo Incident and U. 1 of HOUENSACK'iJ Llv-E- PILLS. pounds. It has roarhed this uxtraordiuary casiuns to ulludn to tho matter more in de tho name in the Queenswars lloom of Thomas hilt, Food, the Purifyitg, Preserving, and Slimilhtirfr man, to whom ho returned the kiudest assu- CAlsINKT 'AND CHAIR SHOP. nearly opposite the Philadelphia Commission Store, Agent of the stomach and Intestines. It it extracted No part of the sytem it more liable to diseaie than weight with only ordinary care; tail. Uncsslur, Ohio, where he will rnnstanllv koep on blood.-o- rances of bis rememborunco and esteem. REMOVAL T. ;. Dodson hu removed his from the digestive kloniach of tho Ox, thus forming the Livas, It serving as a ftltererto purify the Chair Shop rom Cnnnell'a Hnw, to hand s general variety of (irocorlua. turh as: an Artificial Digestive Elulo, preciel like the na- giving the proper secretion to the bile; ao that any In rociling this story in Georgetown last lu.af nf. fntfen. New Orleans filipse .'tirWhat are tho Whigs fighting for! A Timi krance JukE. Joe Hurriswasa the Hnom on I) road titreet, Smith of John l.yont' Tk. nf tural Oastric Juice in iltchi'inical powers, and fur- wrung action of the Liver effect! the other impor- night, our correspondent savs his Virujnia cm.lied,iuPowdered and l.osf Suosi s; ik. whole souled merry fellow and very fond of llrortru, and formerly occupied In J). K. . nishing a complete and porfect substitute for it. By tant parts of the ivatem, snd resu'te variously, itt friend made one convert iu the crowd, cer- where he will continue t manufacture all articles in New Orleans & Sugar-hous- e Molat'es: Sugar-hous- e the aid o! this preparation, the psins and (evils of indi- Liver complaint, Jaundice, Dyapepaia, etc- - Wa tho glass. After living !n New Orleans for a (inldxn For the man who fought for his country; tain! Wdtli. TJiyraph. his linn as heretofore. Syrup and superior svticle of Syrup; gnation and dyspepsia ro removed,just aa they would should therefore witch every symptom that might fine lot Black, Young Hy- - many years, he ci.mc to the conclusion'of vis Coffins on hand at all times, with a good hearse to 'Aim. a of Imperial and be by a healthy stomach. It it doing wonders s, indicate a wrong action of the Liver. These Pills K . thu safety of inlnnd commerce; for pro-i.- " tor itiiiL' n old uncle, awny up in Alassachii' attosd iunerals in any part of the county, at reduced ton Ten, which I know can'l be beat; i urlni casea of Debilitr. emaciation, nervous being composed of noon snd fiHrft furnisfrecf I'nouRf.ss. Certain of our Locofoco con- Rice, Spli e.clovet, cinnamon, Mitmegi.fcc.s tf t!.n to American Inbor; in a word, for one setts, whom he had not teen for many years. rates. Thankful for past favors, he respectfully pepper, decline and dyspeptic consumption, tup posed to boon nature to heal tho aick: Namely, lat. An ExrsjJTOJ temporaries are obluininir much consolation contl rtvomliah and aix twUt tobacco, cut and dry ti bicro, - PiTAW--j 1I10 a uance nf public patronage, ile will ,ni- verge in inegrave. no ocitniinc evidence npnn which sngmenta these cretion from the n( best men and truest patriots and for ,Vow is a tliflbronce between New Or i ir, thero from the growls which are emitted from labor to give general sati'laction, both as regards price and s large astoiimeni oi legtra; a line lot of mull which it is based, is in the highest degree curious and nary inucui membrane, or promote! the discharge of ?iil the creat interests ttl' the euiintryj the loans mid HIiisHarhusetts, in ropard to tho Wull street at tho nomination of Gen. Scott. and quality of his work. such aa Ixrnons, Oranges, Eigs, currents, -Almonds leuismauie. tecr. ted matter. 2d. An Altchativc. which chin-- nf Lancaaten, April 8, 6m 1(1 snd Brazil Null; F. gea in inexplicable manner the certain morbid r. will use ardent spirits, and when Joe arrived Locofocoism is ISil SCIRSTIFW VWF.KCK! tome suit ofibe buttle be, ''.SCOTT, (R. often comforted by the groans In roncluninn, my thing that cm be thought of In 1 ami found all the mad BARON 1EHIG In hia celebrated work on Animal action of the tyatem. 3rd, A Toitio, which gives' then1, people run of rich men, for it seems to have adopted tho Dissolution of I'nrtncrsliip. the Grocery line, you can find by calling it the city HAM und VICTORV. he felt.btid, chemistry, lays: "Aa Artificial Diceative Fluid, ana- - lone indttreneth to the nervous tvtteo. renewltnr U'liiporan.'.e, thinking, wilh seiitlinoiit of I'rou.llion " Property is Rob- Partnership herelnrore enisling between V, wmcery mure. logout Ui the Gastric Juice, may be readily prepared health and vigor to all parts of the body. 4th, A oa- You will find there, alio, a superior article of bran- the od song, that "keeping the spirits up by bery" and to THEShaMfor and Jacob Slm'ffer.undnr the e from the mucous membrane of the alomach of the Calf, ahtic, which acts in perfect harmony with the oth- "Oi.n Fi'ss Fr.ATHKRs." We see have looked upon tho posses- dy and imported wines, which will not aold in leaa th and that pouring the spirits down," was one of tho ol Stl.ftEEER & SON, waa dissolved by mutual ron- - be in which various aiticlet of food at meat and eggs, er ingredients, and operating on the Bowels, and sor of property as a 11 enemy of mankind, and . .. mi. i .. i . i.v qusntiliet thsn a quirt, snd a general assortment of tome of the whljf papers are rbiirging the host of ways to make timo pass, and began cni uu me illiuiii in'i. ins dooms anu notes are ien will be sqflencd, changed and digested juit in the the whole mass of corrupt and vitiated mat- Democracy having originated tho aliove therelbro it has waged unrelenting war a- - in mv handa lor solllemont. to whom all claima are arways on nana. time manner as they would be in tiie human stomach." ter, and purifying the Blood, which destroys disease 'ith to. four, indeed, w aa in Iliit I would, moat that he a pMlc. gainst every man who has been successful to be paid and by whom all debts will be settled therelore, reportfully request mv Dr COMBE, in his valuable writings on the "Phy- and restores health. Prepared at Hobensack'l Lab- Kiiggistlveiippi'tliitioii ami applied it to Gen. friends from the country to give mo a call, aa I will on the morning after his arrival, the old man Thoe indebted are requested to call immediately and ' siology of Digestion," obtervet that "a diminution of oratory, Philadelphia. Price 56 cents. Chi'iii-iitkt- in business, and fortunate enough to acquire furnish thein with good articles, and Scott. Adml'mr. his his settle their arcounta, either by rash or note. as cheap aithev tiie due quantity el thetiastrlc Juke It a prominent AGENTS. and sons being out at work, aunt came (property. Things Loco- - can buy them any place elae. Ufvn me a - are changednow; The TANNERY will be carried on in future by the call. Look snl all prevailing cause of Dyapeptis;" and he states M. 7. Kreider Lancaster. Alia mistake. The Whigs say it origl- to him nnd Hiiid ci-r- focoism and Wall street sympathize, and unanraivneo. who reaneciiuuv solicits a continusnce for the sign esooMsv stob. that a distinguished professor of medicine in London, R. B. Walker... .West Rushvllle. Tinted U'ltli 111., Ilrlliuli ill ,lia luut i.iiit iu you living in April al. 3m51 II. A. GEBEI.E1N. who wasev-rel- y afllieted Joe, have been the South mere is to no a between of the lortnur custom. Always kept on hand s largo with thia complaint, find- E. Kalb v. .Ruahville. 110 i stock of leather, Upper, Call, Kip, Harneis. Skirting, ing everything else to fail, hid recourse to the On- Otto II. Mruller Somerset now echoed by conn- - doubt, are in the habit of takinff well-born- ," ' the I.ncofocos of this ".'"'i the "rich and to put Sole, all Groceries 11. It) Sc. Cash at times paid lor Hides, for which and Fruit. iric Juice, olHslned from the stomichi ol living i, J. Sunderman Amanda...... ittle something drink, about eleven o' candidato-Winfie- try. It will have about rflort in in- down the people's ld Scott, the highost price will bo paid. IO JAVA COEKEE, Young ilvaon, Imperlsl ft which proved completely successful." U. V. Hamlin ...Oakland. fur mrdictil clock. Now a7 soa hero the illustrious horo of Chepultepoc. This is sauju eu.r-- r ran, mars i r..l, unoana, Loal and fow'd l OAK, ur. ukaiiam, tumor oithe lamous workionHVe- - June 1, 1S63 6 ' juring his prospects. IKS I li Cinnamon no It, hus- Lancaster, aep IS 20 Pepper, Allflplct, Clove hgetUi' liflt,M nyv: rpmark&Me In phv- - pn'jmef, hut let one know as my a strange condition of things; but this is a ind i, Ibliint it fet band to the a good Citron. Pltinra and Curranta. fm sale hv aiology.that the tomarha of animals, macerated in Vnlunble Property Tor Bnle. wants set boys example." wonderful era, wo sliould i Dcfeatiu .'oi.mnA.s Juki;. Tho and let nothing 'I I iw i July 81 . O. KAl'U MAN 4 Water, impart tu the fluid the property of dissolving subscriber ntrers st privste stle, will Joe promised, and thinking he would get Ovn'Ulii'lmlnt! on). CO. Eighty lluffalo surprise even this new Iraternal in- HALE a Millirn of Teatamnniala have been vsrioua aiticloa or food, andoieffocting s kind ofec-tijici- THE of Und, being the Southwest pirt of the Morning Express Ins the. following. as usnot OVER no morn that day, took, ho expressed il"a timacy between Looofocoism and the Bank- by the Proprietor of MrAllster'a ALL City llenl Kstnte for hale. digestion of them innowiaodillorent from the Kaim on which she now resides, ind adjoining the It Is a home affair, and our peoplti will nstural digestive process," lands of Isaac Reea, ono and a quarter miles ot up. busier." Afterwards he walked out to the ers and Hrokrrs of Wall who IIEALINO OINTMENT! subscriber olfcrs for tale tho House ami Lot, wed street, have all on the Agent, and get Descriptive circu- Lanci-stcr- , on the Royalton Road, affording one or the prorinto it. .Tin Kxitrt'sssays: stable nnd who should he meet but bis uncle. jirT,- rrnm mosi THE upon Wheeling street, a low Etsl ITt been dealing very largely, of late, in unprofi-tabl- e rnyttriana ine dsi lar, gratis giving alarge amount ol scientific best sites for a country rosnsion within a n d celebrated, of the resilience of Dr. Bo?i ilor. being a pari of Lot evidence, the vicinity is s iid ol thu distinguished "Well Joe," says he, ."I expect you are skilful similar to the above, together with of remark- or the rity: one-thi- part wood land, and the remain- "It democrats, political speculations. Ci'. Oazttk. from Couucillort learned Nn. 6. in Square No. 19. The Hotn is a y repnrli accustomed drinking in I able from parti of t'nited der in four fields under fence. The improvements lletijHiniii F. lliitler ul Hum Stale and Gov. to something New in the law, from Judget of frsme and the ot ia 31 font front. There is a stable caret, ill the States. ire As a lhjupepsi Curer, . two imill Frime Dwellings, Shed Barn, ind Stabling, Wood of Ohio, who chanced to Orleans, hut you find moll temperance hero, Rkvoi.utio!at Relic A few days ago nn ine uencn, k other out houses. cittern am) well, upon the t. meet since ceienritr or Dr, HOUGHTON'S Ki.VhlN hat produced the most two welli, one wlths Pump, the other a draw well. for we from Mlnintnra Ooa-pe- l, I will also aell an out lot 4 airua. being a the Ualtimure Convention. and tho sake of my sons, I don't let them wrro Bhown tho Identical gun used by of the F.ma-tiatit- Wood is nn ar- out-l- marvellous effects, in curing cases of Debility, Possession given to the purrhaaer In timo to in- portion of No. 9, situated at the North end of teed know I hav brandy about; but whose undevlating VecHns HANNAH LEVERING. dent admirer nnd warm friend Cnns, that just keep Ethan Allen during his service in tho revo- Bread-stree- Nervous ind Oysyepfic consumption. wheat thii Fill ufOn. tegrity have made them either lim holt or in pirl. ' - I ia Impossible to give ibe lim- March 29, 1863 - and labored hard for his mmiiuniitin, while a little out here IW my rheumatism. Will lutionary war. It now belongs to N. H. . li...... 1. IK. ..,k The alove property will he aold low and terms detsila of cites in the 6wS ' it! Hiitl.-- made SAMUEL EHKltlt'CK. of thii idvertiieinencbutiuthenlicated certificate! Mr. iiuxhod bis hostility tu the (ien you accept a little!" , Underbill, of this village who received it of Truth, from enlighten-- -' reasonsble. LANCASTER MACHINE "FOUNDRY. 91, 18M CmM have been given of mora thin Two Hundred remark- J mi his readiness, .5 ml Professors, from acute Lancaster, April to the bitter end. After exeliiiniring friend-- 1 signilied and took anoth- from his father, not long since deceased. The I JUL able cures, in Philadelnhia.NewYork and Bolton alone. DE VOL & CO. ate prepared to furnish all kinds er big Merensnts, trom those nearly sll vjT. of ly salutations Butler says to Wood rather i horn. Then continuing his walk, he grandfather of tho present owner was on every ) These were desperate casea. and the curea Steam Engine, upon short notice and came nf it at Ion. name rbiiU'ARsMloK'iMl Fiirini ICrmovrd were not only rapid and wonderful, but permanent. at Cincinnati and Pittsburgh prices. nceriney "Wei,, Governor, I suppose the! to where the hoys wero mauling rails. terms of intimate Iriendship with Allen, and VI which, d aree anions mttmuid all of without EOROE SMITH hit removed hit Chtlr ind Bed- - It ia a great Nersous Antidote, and particularly Alto, all kinda of Mill Gearing. Hoisting Screws, noibO and cciuufioii Haiti-fiuo- r After conversing awhile, one of his served one diasentiug objection, pranounce this Ointment to V was u great at eutisihs wilh him, and some timo previous to atead s'sctorv from the coruer of heelinx ind useful for tondency to bilious disorder, liver com- Remitting 8cret,Jack 8crewi;Tullr'sbcrewi snd said ,. , oe , that you could not get Cuss iiominut. the doso ol the war they exchanged guns. titiuii: Columbut ttieeti. fo Stanbsry's Building on Mats plaint, fever snd ague, or badly treated fever and Cider Screws. 1 Aadsvbvdav It unobtrusive! v extends ita sphere Valley ed." "No," ruspondetl the Governor eooly, 'Ju:, expect you would like to havo a The guns were alike, but after having used street, two doors Host the Hocking Bank sgue, ind the evil iillw ts of Quinine, Mercury, and Mill Spindles of cast iron or wrought. along borders of our vast country, and on--- ' of action the it tmd directly opposite the Checkered Store. He hit 1 other drugs upon the Digestive Balet and drc. c. I drink, and as old , ... 1. : Organs, after a long Driven, do not think was (ho cause it the folks are down on liquor, his fur some time, A lien discovered a Haw in ita extent, of i. --. 1. "I that of circulated throughnut new evidences lit 'us h"- -- ' '"raiHB KvtT,ug on aickneat. Also, for excess in eal ing, and the too free They will alto furnish the Wheel to, we keep nouui )tcl alia new eril larcu Parker tin of the opinion, Mr. Dutler, that It was for uul horo lo lw w it, and proposed to exchange with Underbill, and proofs of in scy are cortiaoally kind the largest and belt laaortment ef use ef ardent spirits.' It almost reconcile! Health suit any head of water, snd with either iron or woeet Sower TArcf sn'Wossnr boxes, te tho want of "the ttaUd jiraiehluj llu; (iot our work." , v who had some knowledge of applied CIIAIItS nnd BEDPTEAJtN with Intemperance. shaft. Alto, the Atkinson V heel fit up as above. vf r. gunsmithing, within the laat lour year have eatabliahed the -. Out came the bottle, - before kept iu t hia place ; consisting Old Stomach . The patent on ha expired and con- pel I" .Mr. Duller loft. - and do 11 they aat, and could repair the defect. Underbill ex- ever Complairt. the Parker Wheel t astounding fart, beyondthe power of ravil or ron( in part, of Cane seal. Cottage, Bustlj There il aa for in or Old Somachemnnlaintm which sequently they can be had much cheaper. and he says, that by the tim he home It Is in wcut changed, and tho gun has ever since been that im Ai.i.isi.r the cure of all Fn nrh, Scroll tent, Vinage, common anil It does not a em to reach and remove at once Nn They alto contiuue to make Devol's Threshing; Gcn 8cott Is proud and to dinner he was as tight as he Ulcors, Sores, Hums, Tetter. Piles, Scrofula, rain, empty, could well In the family. .It is a shot gun, and is five 9 Children's Chain. SoriarJot ind Settees. ) asmtter hnw bad they may be, it gives infant relief! Machines, ind keep a lot constantly on hand; war- bo, and all from visiting a U Ery aipelss, chilblains, acald Head, tore Eyes, Quinsy, li lly . Pierces liio:. , ;i,67. mpcvancr. family. and I half feet in length. It was originally All descriptions ni BEDSTEADS manulaclured ol A aingle nrarsitMiavei all rhe aninlnastnt aptontt; ranted the beat in Ohio. croup. Rheumatism, Broken Breast, Ague In the Kace, Walnut. Maple er Sugar, ind it only AH will made a foot longr-r- , either Cherry. needs to be repealed for short time to the above articles be with especiil" Gen. ricotl bus alwnys been "vain" one foot having been taken corns, ax. It completely rettoret the Insensible : j oiutttgh Tub PruockaTic I'lathum ot,ino..-T- ie Ilia work will all be madeof the very best tnaferirl, make these good effect! p suit. JrrirjreBJoeat adky the best workmen, and will be warranted to believe that, at the head of his gallant from its length. The full name of Ethan srtn atiox, ana oy una means opens tnnseavenuea oy by good workmen and of the latest and moat approved and vigor Body follow at once. It ia parriralar-- All kiiktaof matrinc done uoon the shortest notice.' lOUso of Representative haa eiveu a drrl, intenihid te expel the morbid matter of if troops, he Allen is engraved on tlio barrel, which which nature patlema. It wiu ne inieriop io eons manu actureu iy excellent in cases oi rtauaea, vomiting, cramps, They also eep constantly oe hand, ALL KIND8 0F" could whin the enemies ofhiseoun. nil.. vnt iu favor lbs distrlbutimi ,,f.i. was, us - of the body-th- is the system cleansed: the blood pu- and be sold the very lowest oricee. soreness of pit of CASTINGS, Mnally kept in a Foundry. s try two to one. ile was alwaya too"prond" done w lieu he owned the gun. Elyria Cour. elsewhere will al the the stomsch. dittreai after eatinc. Thy have i.xy millions of acfes of public lands among nlleu: snatne neann renoreo. A continuation ol tua very uuorai patronage ol the low, cold Hate of the Blood, Ileevineaa, lownesltV corapl.ted their freat abop, ae that those who call A, to surrender and never It has Dower to cause all external tores, Scroril- - "sillv"onMiL'h.to faint .11 ii.n .( Tim ir,uiM nf Rfanmanimi... Shimiest public ie respectfully aoliciled. It is the iutetrtion ol ipirka,deapondency , emaciation, weakness, teadeacy can examine their work. smeii ot lor or Cattle. Tho Albany (N. ovi Humors, and Poisonous tnmnds to diarharge the subscriber to keen a lull and general anertmert to Insanity, suicide, tu They are alto st thii time manufacturing the Le uiiue gunpmviier. As his being A, J)enioeratic by a very large' majority, and ) Kxpress their putrid matter: and ihon heal them. It ia rightly - anys, the shipment of cattle at all times, to that fie will be enabledtoaccommn Dr. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN, tt told by'neirly all Tell Cook Stove, which received the first Premi- 'empty, tho people- intend tr punish him body ' All Healing, for ia a diseaae yet this measure, which has passed that from that port has termo there scarcely date both old and new customera with anything in hi the deilerain flue drug! k PopularMedioines,thnugh-im- t um at the Ohio Suie Fair at Cincinnati lest Fall, sod , tor offence by him become one of the most interns!, will benefit. I have tint compelling infill the by a handsome majority, is the directestpoa-- I external or that it not line. In connection wltn aiteatwiianment it Air. U the . It ia prepared in Powder and still keep them constantly on hand. important items of commerce. It has more Inrthe laat fourteen vesrs tor all the diseatea residential Chair on thu lib of Mnruh nevi ii.i.. .,:..ii:..,. -- r ..r.i. than used it L. Eckert'i Cibinet Wire Room, to that customers cai in fluid form snd Prescription visit lor the use of The known quality or the work dose st (hit ettab' -- quadrupled .since last season, and ev- of the cheat; conjiiaiption and livert Involving the lit-- all article! llshment lor many past.ls'the A'wiy (A. V.) Journal, stituting the platform of tho Iste Democrat- be accommodated with reqiilaite to com Phyaiciant. yoirs best guarantee that' ery Saturday from B00 to 800 are shipped to leost danger ami reiponiuiiu vi and i aeciare oeiore elnte a full naortment of Household r nrnirure. Call Prieata Circulars for the use ot Physicians, may ia future, the tubacribers will labor to desire the and man, that not in one sinsle esse haa fail MicnioAH,-,T- ic .National convention. All the Democrats New York hy the beaven it and . OEORGB SMITH. . be obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, describing of the public. They invite examination. , . ho Whigs of Michigan propellers, "Hoboken" lee. have of Congress endorsed the Baltimore ticket and -- Gen. Wool." ed to benefit when the patient wit within reach ef Lsncsster.Nevenaber I,18o0, sg the whole process of preparation, and giving the au- Lancaster, May 33, 1851 O. DEVOL k CO. gone to work with It I. ow Mtimate to meant. spirit, and are resolved to Bal- mortal thorities upon which the daima ol thia new remedy and all of them pretended to endorse the say al least 6,000 head trahe-porte- OILS! OILS!! win under Ihat have been d J. McAI.lSTKK. Ml r uHnnwt .iSew York. Sole lie. Impoitaut to Lovers of Uood Horses. are baaed As it is not secret remedy, no objection OILS!U the ever victorious bunner of platform, wil- - ft i ' Scolt, timore or it least they were to New York by these boats since the prieror. A. 8 Hsuner, Agents fnxOhio. inttotheni who are fond of raising good ran be raised against itt usobv Physicians io respecta- Just received at the Old Drug Store,-Qft- They have nouiiuatod no cons as aiald bv E-- L. Klocum and Olio W. Knewer, Ijncaa. IARMEItS referred to ble eat) pnettee. bottle. Znchary Chaqdlcr of ungto acrd endorsing it, and yet, opening of navigation, and it . U the pedigree ttinding regular Pricejl per JilonTannera Oil 8 barrels Sperm Oil" within W.W. Reed, Carroll. M sinp-bnl- l. hand-bil- at the first ter;E. Kalb.Rushvillei t of TOP BKLLFOUNHKH in the l. Thk . OHJasKsva hii! Every bettht of the genuine 600 do Flaxseed de 1 do Sweet do , Wayne, for Governet.ondD. 8. very opportunity,- they go for a bounds to say thstfull 12,000 head have keen Leonard and Brother, Baail; A.i',. OUU Walbfidge Pickeringtoo; Horse took the first premium at the State Eiir in PEPSIN bean the written,signalure of J. 8. HOUGH I barrel Lard do 4 do TurpsaliM of Kalmazoo, for measure in diract Opposition to the platform. sent by railroad and steamers to New York Mitthoff, Lockville; Samuel Bartlet, Winchester; I fbmnd upon examination TON, Philadelphia, Pa. JUentvnant Coyerner. The ' 1H51, ind he will be to be one M D sole proprietor, Cory . , Capal, Coach snd Jspan Varnish. "" , CVrt. Herald.- - V.ndsley, Lithopolis; E. Oeohegan, Baltimore; J.Clay-poo- l. of in Western He aecsired. - ' tisiance on the State ticket are sod Huston. the best Hemes the country. can snd Trade Mak Lsncaater, July 81 , 1. KAUFFMAK k CO.' iw' .ki New (talem; J. end 8. Henbea, Amandai Daniel Walnut townahip, Drugglafs and in Medic inee. tiopnlarmon, and s Electoral, be seen at my leva la oa Monday trBeul by all Dealer! stronj ticket (KrGcueral Pierce is 46, 47, 48r 40, and "Gone a ducking," this is what they say itawkln,8ugar Orore; Ashbaugh ana Beery. Bremen. snd Tnasdiys; and aa Wedneadaya, Tburadaya, Pri--. AgrntM jLtiWAKLt u. aiajuu M,l.aiioa!Ta:i,M FORGET That the place ta boy the best, haa been formed. , October M .1851 jjj I- M-- : DON'T pricet, is cheap store The iVi,;aup JO yeara 1 day! and Saturday f each week, si Crim'i Stable 77.", - WsisoJi.Newsjk) ii the lowest st the of age, accord! to. lb t to a young fellow Arkanea, who l, f,.. . mm una op ft, nt, goes to laUneatteT - JAM13 W. PEAR8K. ISeasaar, Circlerdle; - opposite Shaffer's Hotel. :'.- : W. T. VVI8S. win ranermefl. ocafoc editots, s s'. - . . set p,'ioyou.ngwoman.,"'i.' ClankiSulpa;iia April SI, mu-1- " r - .Jwiri March W SeB,CcA7aie i i' Lancattwr.NovemberJLleW.. .' l .' l;

, ...... rT , 1 lf -- ' ' "wn wi.y- iiiii,m. ,...,, ... . ., , . mi. mm . l""Wj'1W'''"hWl"IMlAWlWiM-,tfw.A..- M