PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 141, Number 5, May 2013, Pages 1719–1733 S 0002-9939(2012)11478-9 Article electronically published on November 26, 2012



(Communicated by Marius Junge)

Abstract. We introduce unbounded multipliers on operator spaces. These multipliers generalize both regular operators on Hilbert C∗-modules and (bounded) multipliers on operator spaces.

1. Introduction Unbounded multipliers play an important role in mathematics, for example in the for unbounded self-adjoint operators. In the context of Hilbert C∗-modules, unbounded multipliers are called regular operators. The definition of such an operator goes back to A. Connes, [Con81], who defines the notion of a self-adjoint regular operator on a C∗-algebra.S.L.Woronowiczdefinesin[Wor91] general regular operators on C∗-algebras. Regular operators are important in the theory of noncompact quantum groups ([Wor91], [WN92]) and can be used to define unbounded Kasparov modules in Kasparov’s bivariant KK-theory ([BJ83]). In this article we define unbounded multipliers on operator spaces. On a Hilbert C∗-module, equipped with a canonical operator space structure, these multipli- ers coincide with the regular operators. Moreover, every bounded left adjointable multiplier on an operator space belongs to the class of unbounded multipliers. We will give several characterizations of unbounded multipliers on operator spaces. For example, it turns out that, roughly, every unbounded multiplier on an operator space is the restriction of a regular operator and that an unbounded multiplier can be characterized using the theory of strongly continuous groups on a . As an application we will generalize a pertubation result for regular operators on Hilbert C∗-modules to operator spaces. Most of the results of this paper are from [Sch09].

2. Preliminaries

For the basic theory of C0-semigroups, we refer the reader to [EN00]. Recall that the generator of a C0-semigroup is unique, densely defined and closed. 2.1. Regular operators. We begin by recalling some basic facts about regular operators. For more details, we refer to [Wor91], [Lan95] and [Kus97]. Let E, F be Hilbert C∗-modules over a C∗-algebra A.

Received by the editors July 22, 2010 and, in revised form, September 11, 2011. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 46L07; Secondary 46L08, 47D06. Key words and phrases. Operator spaces, C∗-modules, unbounded multipliers. The first author was partially supported by the SFB 478 – Geometrische Strukturen in der Mathematik at the Westf¨alische Wilhelms-Universit¨at M¨unster, supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

c 2012 American Mathematical Society Reverts to public domain 28 years from publication 1719

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Definition 2.1. Let A: D(A) ⊆ E → F be a densely defined, A-linear map where D(A) denotes the domain of A.Then   ∗ D(A ):= y ∈ F |∃zy ∈ E ∀x ∈ D(A):Ax, y = x, zy ∗ is a submodule of F . For all y ∈ D(A ) the element zy is uniquely defined and denoted by A∗y.WegetanA-linear, closed map A∗ : D(A∗) ⊆ F → E, called the adjoint of A, satisfying x, A∗y = Ax, y for all x ∈ D(A)andy ∈ D(A∗). Definition 2.2. A regular operator is a densely defined, closed, A-linear map A: D(A) ⊆ E → F such that A∗ is densely defined and 1 + A∗A has dense image. The set of regular operators is denoted by R(E,F). Define R(E):=R(E,E). Regular operators are a generalization of densely defined, closed operators on a Hilbert space H, because the set of regular operators on H is equal to the set of densely defined, closed operators on H.DenotebyB(E) the set of adjointable operators on E.Then (2.1) B(E)={A ∈R(E) | D(A)=E}. If A is a unital C∗-algebra, we get R(A)=A. A regular operator A ∈R(E) is called self-adjoint (resp. skew-adjoint)ifA∗ = A ∗ − ∈R (resp. A = A). For every regular operator A (E,F) we can define the ∗ −1 1/2 adjointable operator zA := A (1 + A A) with zA ≤1. We denote by C(R) the set of continuous functions from R to C. If A ∈ B(E) we already have the notion of a and spectrum for A, because B(E)isaC∗-algebra. For self-adjoint regular operators we have the following functional calculus: Theorem 2.3 ([Lan95, Theorem 10.9]). Let A ∈R(E) be self-adjoint. Let ι be  −1/2 the canonical inclusion of R into C and f : R → C,λ → λ 1+λ2 .Then ∗ there exists a unique -homomorphism ϕA : C(R) →R(E) such that ϕA(ι)=A and ϕA(f)=zA. Woronowicz introduced the following consistent definition: Definition 2.4. Let A ∈R(E) be self-adjoint. The set

σ(A):={λ ∈ R |∀f ∈ ker(ϕA):f(λ)=0} is called the spectrum of A. The set σ(A) is a closed, nonempty subset of R.

2.2. Stone’s theorem for Hilbert C∗-modules. Let E be a Hilbert C∗-module over a C∗-algebra A. The following two results are generalizations of [HQVK92, Theorem 2.1 and Proposition 2.2] from C∗-algebras to Hilbert C∗-modules; see also [WN92, Theorem 2.3]. With some adjustments the proof of the first state- ment can be transferred to the Hilbert C∗-module case. For details see [Sch09], Proposition 1.27 and Satz 1.30.

Theorem 2.5. Let A ∈R(E) be self-adjoint. Let et : R → C,λ → exp(iλt),and Ut := exp(itA):=ϕA(et) for all t ∈ R.Then(Ut)t∈R is a C0-group on E with generator iA such that Ut is a of B(E) for all t ∈ R.

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Theorem 2.6 (Stone’s theorem). Let (Ut)t∈R be a C0-group on E such that Ut is a unitary element of B(E) for all t ∈ R.

(i) There exists a self-adjoint A ∈R(E) such that Ut =exp(itA) for all t ∈ R. (ii) If (Ut)t∈R is norm continuous, then A ∈ B(E). Proof. To prove (i) denote by C∗(R) the group C∗-algebra of the locally compact ∼ group R and by Rˆ the dual group of R.WehaveRˆ = R.LetC0(R)(resp.Cc(R)) denote the set of continuous functions on R vanishing at infinity (resp. with compact support). For all f ∈ C (R), c 

α(f)= f(t)Ut dt R defines an operator in B(E)andthemapα can be extended to a nondegenerate ∗-homomorphismα ˆ : C∗(R) → B(E). Moreover,α ˆ can be extended to a ∗-homo- morphismα ˇ : M(C∗(R)) → B(E) ([RW98, Proposition C.17]), where M(C∗(R)) denotes the algebra of double centralizers of the algebra C∗(R). Let t ∈ R. Define 1 1 λt : L (R) → L (R),f → (s → f(s − t)). 1 Using the translation invariance of the Lebesgue measure, we get λt ∈M(L (R)). By approximating any f ∈ C∗(R)byelementsofL1(R), we can define the double ˆ ∗ centralizer λt ∈M(C (R)) using λt. For all f ∈ Cc(R)andx ∈ E we obtain ˆ αˇ(λt)α(f)x = α(λtf)x = Utα(f)x and thus ˆ (2.2)α ˇ(λt)=Ut. 1 ∼ ∗ The Fourier transform F : L (R) → C0(Rˆ) = C0(R) can be extended to a -iso- ˆ ∗ morphism F : C (R) → C0(R) ([RW98, Example C.20]). Denote by Cb(R)theset of bounded continuous functions on R. Because there is an embedding of C0(R) ∼ ˆ ∗ into M(C0(R)) = Cb(R), we can regard F as a map from C (R)toM(C0(R)). Using [Lan95, Proposition 2.5], we can extend this nondegenerate ∗-homomorphism ∗ ˇ ∗ to a -homomorphism F : M(C (R)) →M(C0(R)) and conclude ˇ ˆ (2.3) F (λt)=et. ∗ ˆ−1 The nondegenerate -homomorphism β :=α ˆ ◦ F : C0(R) → B(E) extends to a ∗-homomorphism βˇ: M(C (R)) → B(E). Recall that ι is the canonical inclusion 0 ∼ of R into C.Usingι ∈ C(R) = R(C0(R)) ([Wor91, Example 2]) and [Lan95, Proposition 10.7], it follows that A := β(ι) is a self-adjoint regular operator on E. | Because ϕA(ι)=A = β(ι) we conclude with [Kus97, Result 6.3]: ϕA C0(R) = β. | ˇ ˇ◦Fˇ With [Lan95, Proposition 2.1] it follows that ϕA Cb(R) = β and β =ˇα. Together with (2.3) und (2.2), we obtain   ˇ ˇ ˇ ˆ ˆ exp(itA)=ϕA(et)=β(et)=β F (λt) =ˇα(λt)=Ut. To prove (ii) we notice that there exists a unique nondegenerate injective ∗- homomorphism ψA : C0(σ(A)) → B(E) such that ψA(ι|σ(A))=A ([Kus97, Theorem 3.4]). Due to [Lan95, Proposition 2.5] the map ψA can be extended to an injec- ∗ tive -homomorphism ψA : Cb(σ(A)) → B(E). With [Kus97, Lemma 3.6] we have

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ϕA(f)=ψA(f|σ(A)) for all f ∈ C(R). Denote by 1 the function that is constant 1 on R. We conclude that  

Ut − idE = ϕA(et − 1) = ψA (et − 1)|σ(A) = (et − 1)|σ(A) .

Because (Ut)t∈R is norm-continuous, σ(A) is bounded. Therefore ι|σ(A) is bounded and we get: A = ψA(ι|σ(A)) ∈ B(E). 

2.3. Operator spaces. This section discusses basic results from operator space theory that we will need later in the paper (see e.g. [ER00], [Pau02], [Pis03] or [BLM04]). Let H be a Hilbert space. Denote by L(H) the algebra of linear, continuous operators on H.A(concrete) operator space is a closed subspace X of L(H). Let Mm,n(X) denote the space of m × n matrices with entries in X,andsetMn(X):= n Mn,n(X). We may view the space Mn(X) as a subspace of L(H ). Thus this matrix space has a natural norm · n for each n ∈ N. Note that operator spaces can be characterized intrinsically. Let X, Y be operator spaces and α: X → Y be linear. Define

(n) αn := α : Mn(X) → Mn(Y ),x → (α(xij))i,j , called the nth amplification of α.Themapα is called completely contractive (resp. completely isometric)ifαn is contractive (resp. isometric) for all n ∈ N.Further- ∞ more, α is called completely bounded if α cb := supn∈N αn < . An operator space X is called unital if it has a distinguished element eX such that ∗ there exist a C -algebra A with unit eA and a completely isometric map η : X → A satisfying η(eX )=eA. Observe that unital operator spaces can be characterized intrinsically ([BN11], [HN12]). Recall that an operator space X is called injective if for every operator space Y ⊆ Z and every completely contractive map ϕ: Y → X there is a completely contractive map Φ: Z → X such that Φ|Y = ϕ. For every operator space X there exists a unique injective envelope (I(X),jX ), i. e., a completely isometric map jX : X → I(X) and an injective operator space I(X) such that for every injective subspace Y of I(X) satisfying jX (X) ⊆ Y we have Y = I(X). Let X ⊆ L(H) be an operator space. We can embed X into an operator system, i. e., a self-adjoint closed subspace of L(H) containing idH . To accomplish this we form the Paulsen system

C idH X S(X):= ∗ ⊆ M2(L(H)). X C idH

There exists a completely contractive map Φ: M2(L(H)) → M2(L(H)) such that the image of Φ is an injective envelope of the operator space S(X). Moreover, ∗ I(S(X)) is a unital C -algebra with multiplication x·y := Φ(xy). Let p1 := idH ⊕ 0 and p2 := 0 ⊕ idH be the canonical projections in I(S(X)). Then p1 and p2 are orthogonal and corner-preserving. Therefore, with respect to p1 and p2,wemay decompose I(S(X)) as

I11(X) I12(X) I(S(X)) = ∗ I12(X) I22(X)

and have I12(X)=I(X).

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The following operator spaces will play a crucial role in this article. ∗ ∗ If A is a C -algebra, then the -algebra Mn(A) has a unique norm such that ∗ Mn(A)isaC -algebra. With respect to these norms, A is an operator space. Let X be an operator space and m, n ∈ N. We can regard Mm,n(X) as a subspace of Mp(X), where p := max{m, n}.ThusMm,n(X) is an operator space. The set Cn(X):=Mn,1(X) is called a column operator space. Furthermore, every Hilbert C∗-module E over a C∗-algebra A carries the struc- ture of an operator space. For every n ∈ N and x ∈ Mn(E),  1/2 n   (2.4) x n = xki,xkj k=1 i,j defines a norm such that E becomes an operator space.

2.4. Multipliers on operator spaces. Let us recall some facts about multipliers on operator spaces (see e.g. [BLM04]). These multipliers generalize multipliers on C∗-algebras. Definition 2.7. Let X be an operator space and T : X → X be linear. (i) T is called a (left) multiplier on X if there exist a Hilbert space H together with a completely isometric map η : X → L(H)anda ∈ L(H) such that η(Tx)=aη(x) for all x ∈ X. The set of all multipliers on X is denoted by Ml(X). (ii) For all T ∈ Ml(X) define the multiplier norm  | T Ml(X) := inf a there exist a Hilbert space H, a completely isometric map η : X → L(H)anda ∈ L(H)s.t.  ∀x ∈ X : η(Tx)=aη(x) . (iii) T is called a left adjointable multiplier on X if there exist a Hilbert space H, a completely isometric map η : X → L(H)andamapS : X → X such that η(Tx)∗η(y)=η(x)∗η(Sy) for all x, y ∈ X. The set of all left adjointable multipliers on X is denoted by Al(X).

For any operator space X we have Ml(X) ⊆ Al(X). Moreover, Al(X) is a unital ∗ ∗ C -algebra. The multiplier algebra of a C -algebra A is isomorphic to Al(A). If E is a Hilbert C∗-module, then

(2.5) Al(E)=B(E) ([BLM04, Corollary 8.4.2]). Define

IM(X):={a ∈ I11(X) | a · X ⊆ X} and I ∗ I ∩I ∗ M (X):= M(X) M(X) . I I ∗ M A Then M(X)(resp. M (X)) is isometrically isomorphic to l(X)(resp. l(X)). Left multipliers are characterized intrinsically by the following result: Theorem 2.8 ([BEZ02, Theorem 1.1], [Wer04, Corollary 3.13]). Let X be an oper- ator space, T : X → X be linear and λ>0. The following assertions are equivalent: 1 ∈ M M ≤ (a) T l(X) satisfies T l(X) λ .

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(b) The map x λT x τ : C (X) → C (X), → , λT 2 2 y y is completely contractive. Proposition 2.9 (cf. [Wer99, Corollary 4.3], [Ble01, p. 308]). Let X be an operator space and U : X → X be linear. The following assertions are equivalent:

(a) U is a unitary element of Al(X). (b) The map x Ux τ : C (X) → C (X), → , U 2 2 y y is a completely isometric isomorphism. ∈I ∗ · ∈ (c) There exists a unitary u M (X) such that j(Ux)=u j(x) for all x X. 3. Unbounded multipliers on operator spaces In this section we will introduce three different definitions of unbounded multi- pliers on an operator space. 3.1. Unbounded skew-adjoint multipliers. An operator space has less struc- ture than a Hilbert C∗-module E. Therefore it is not obvious how to define an unbounded multiplier on an operator space. We know that the set B(E)ofad- jointable operators is isomorphic to the set Al(E), where E is equipped with the canonical operator space structure of equation (2.4). The fact that skew-adjoint regular operators can be characterized using C0-groups (Theorems 2.6 and 2.5) motivates the following definition: Definition 3.1. Let X be an operator space.

(i) An operator A: D(A) ⊆ X → X is called a C0-left multiplier if A generates a C0-semigroup (Tt)t≥0 on X satisfying Tt ∈ Ml(X) for all t ≥ 0. (ii) An operator A: D(A) ⊆ X → X is called an unbounded skew-adjoint multi- plier if A generates a C0-group (Ut)t∈R on X satisfying Ut ∈ Al(X) for all t ∈ R. (iii) The set of all C0-left multipliers (resp. unbounded skew-adjoint multipliers) M C0 A C0 on X is denoted by l (X)(resp. l,s (X)). Using the fact that t → etA (A ∈ L(X)) defines a norm-continuous semigroup with generator A and [EN00, Proposition I.3.5], we have the following, similar to equation (2.1): Proposition 3.2. Let X be an operator space. Then: A C0 ⊆ M C0 (i) l,s (X) l (X). M { ∈ M C0 | } (ii) l(X)= A l (X) D(A)=X . { ∈ A | } { ∈ A C0 | } (iii) A l(X) A skew-adjoint = A l,s (X) D(A)=X . In a unital C∗-algebra A the set of (bounded) multipliers is equal to R(A). A similar result holds for operator spaces: Proposition 3.3. If X is a unital operator space, we have M M C0 (i)  l(X)= l (X) and  ∈ A | A C0 (ii) A l(X) A skew-adjoint = l,s (X).

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Proof. We will only prove (i), because the proof of (ii) is similar to the proof of (i). ∈ M C0 Let A l (X). Due to Proposition 3.2 it suffices to show D(A)=X. Let (Tt)t≥0 be the C0-semigroup generated by A. For every t ≥ 0thereexists an at ∈IM(X) such that jX (Ttx)=at · jX (x) for all x ∈ X. There exists a Hilbert space H such that X ⊆ L(H)andeX =idH . Because X is unital, we have ∈ M that S cb = S Ml(X) for all S l(X) ([Ble01, p. 20]) and that the embedding jX : X → I(X) is unital ([BLM04, Corollary 4.2.8]). Together we obtain that − ≤ − − − Tt idX Tt idX cb = Tt idX Ml(X) = at eI11(X)

= at · eI(X) − eI(X) = at · jX (eX ) − jX (eX ) = Tt(eX ) − eX

converges to 0 for t → 0. Thus (Tt)t≥0 is norm-continuous. We conclude that D(A)=X, and the assertion follows with Proposition 3.2.  Theorem 3.4. For a Hilbert C∗-module E, we have

{ ∈R | } A C0 A (E) A skew-adjoint = l,s (E). Proof. Let A ∈R(E) be skew-adjoint. Then h := −iA is self-adjoint. Moreover Ut := exp(ith) defines a C0-group on E with Ut ∈ B(E)=Al(E) unitary and with ∈ A C0 generator ih = A due to Theorem 2.5 and equation (2.5); thus A l,s (E). The other inclusion follows with Theorem 2.6, Theorem 2.5 and the uniqueness of the generator of a C0-group.  3.2. Unbounded multipliers. In this section we will generalize the definition of regular operators on Hilbert C∗-modules to operator spaces. Let A : D(A ) ⊆ X → X be an operator for all i ∈{1,...,4}. Define i i A1 A2 :(D(A1) ∩ D(A3)) × (D(A2) ∩ D(A4)) ⊆ C2(X) → C2(X), A3 A4

(x, y) → (A1x + A2y, A3x + A4y).   0 A To introduce the notion of an unbounded multiplier we use the fact that i A∗ 0 is a skew-adjoint regular operator on E ⊕ E for every A ∈R(E). This motivates the following definition: Definition 3.5. Let X be an operator space. A map A: D(A) ⊆ X → X is called ⊆ → 0 A ∈ an unbounded multiplier if there exists B : D(B) X X satisfying i ( B 0 ) A C0 A C0 l,s (C2(X)). The set of all unbounded multipliers on X is denoted by l (X). Every unbounded multiplier is densely defined and closed. We will show in Theorem 3.20 that B is unique. If X is a Hilbert C∗-module, we will obtain B = A∗ (Theorem 3.8). Therefore B can be viewed as the adjoint of A. Proposition 3.6. Let X be an operator space. Then: A ⊆ A C0 (i) l(X) l (X). A A C0 (ii) If X is unital, we have l(X)= l (X).   ∈ A ˜ 0 A ∈ A Proof. To prove (i) let A l(X). Then A := i A∗ 0 l(C2(X)) is skew- ∗ ∗ adjoint, where A denotes the adjoint of A in the C -algebra Al(X). With Propo- ˜ ∈ A C0 ∈ A C0 sition 3.2 we conclude that A l,s (C2(X)); thus A l (X). Part (ii) is deduced by using Proposition 3.3 and the following lemma. 

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The following is straightforward using [BP01, Corollary 1.3]: Lemma 3.7 ([Sch09, Lemma 3.20]). Let X be an operator space. Let A: D(A) ⊆ → ⊆ → ˆ 0 A ∈ A X X and B : D(B) X X be operators satisfying A := ( B 0 ) l(C2(X)) ∗ ∗ and (Aˆ) = Aˆ.ThenA, B ∈ Al(X) and B = A. The following important theorem shows that on a Hilbert C∗-module unbounded multipliers coincide with regular operators: Theorem 3.8. Let E be a Hilbert C∗-module. A C0 R (i) l (E)= (E). ∈ A C0 ⊆ → (ii) Let A l (E), and suppose there exists B : D(B) E E such that 0 A ∈ A C0 ∗ ∈R i(B 0 ) l,s (C2(E)).ThenA = B (E).

⊆ ∈ A C0 ˆ Proof. We first show (ii) and the inclusion ‘ ’of(i).LetA l (E)andA := 0 A ⊕ ( B 0 ). The direct sum E E is equipped with the inner product       (x1,y1), (x2,y2) E⊕E := x1,x2 E + y1,y2 E , a Hilbert C∗-module. Moreover E ⊕ E is isometrically isomorphic to the column operator space C2(E)ofE viewed as an operator space ([Sch09, Proposition 2.14]). Both A and B are densely defined and closed. Using Theorem 3.4 we obtain ∗ ˆ ∈ A C0 ∼ { ∈R ⊕ | − } (3.1) iA l,s (C2(E)) = R (E E) R = R ;   0 B∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ 0 A ∗ ∗ thus A∗ 0 =(A) = A =(B 0 ). We conclude: B = A . Therefore A is densely defined. A simple calculation shows that 1 + A∗A has dense image. It follows that ∗ A is regular. With [Lan95, Corollary 9.6] we get A ∈R(E).   ⊇ ∈R ˆ 0 A To prove the inclusion ‘ ’ of (i) let A (E). Then A := A∗ 0 is regular ˆ ∈ A C0 ∈ and self-adjoint. With equation (3.1) we obtain iA l,s (C2(E)); thus A A C0  l (E). 3.3. Characterizations of unbounded multipliers. Our next goal is to char- acterize unbounded multipliers. Let us recall the following two definitions: Definition 3.9. Let H, K be Hilbert spaces. A ternary of operators (TRO) is a closed subspace Z of L(H, K) such that ZZ∗Z ⊆ Z.Asubtriple of a TRO Z is a closed subspace Y of Z satisfying YY∗Y ⊆ Y . Every TRO Z is a full Hilbert C∗-module over the C∗-algebra Z∗Z.Conversely, every Hilbert C∗-module can be represented faithfully as a TRO. We can view the injective envelope I(X)asaTRO. Definition 3.10. ThetripleenvelopeT (X)ofanoperatorspaceX is the smallest subtriple of I(X) containing X. We have T { · ∗ · · ∗ ··· | ≥ ∈ } (3.2) (X)=lin x1 x2 x3 x4 x2n+1 n 0,x1,...,x2n+1 j(X) . The following is straightforward from [Har81, p. 341]: Lemma 3.11. Let X be an operator space. There exist a Hilbert space K,aunital ∗ injective -representation π : I(S(X)) → L(K) andclosedsubspacesK1, K2 of K such that

(i) [π(T (X))K1] := lin{xy | x ∈ π(T (X)),y ∈ K1} is dense in K2,

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T ⊥ { } (ii) [π( (X))K1 ]= 0 and (iii) [π(j(X))K] ⊆ K2.

Definition 3.12. The quadruple (π, K, K1,K2), introduced in Lemma 3.11, is called a T (X)-embedding of X. In the following theorem it is shown that an unbounded multiplier can be char- acterized intrinsically (part (b)) or with the help of a C0-group on a Hilbert space (part (d)) and that an unbounded multiplier is essentially the restriction of a regular operator on the Hilbert C∗-module T (X) (part (c)).

Theorem 3.13. Let X be an operator space. Let (π, K, K1,K2) be a T (C2(X))- ◦ → ⊆ embedding of C2(X),andsetη := π jC2(X) : C2(X) L(K).LetA: D(A) X → X be linear. The following assertions are equivalent: ∈ A C0 (a) A l (X). (b) There exists a map B : D(B) ⊆ X → X such that i( 0 A ) ⊕ ( 00) generates a ∼ B 0 00 completely contractive C0-group on C2(C2(X)) = C4(X). (c) There exists B ∈R(T (X)) with the following properties: (i) j ◦ A = B ◦ j|D(A) and (ii) there exist λ, μ > 0 such that the restriction of     − 0 B 0 B λ i B∗ 0 resp. μ +i B∗ 0

to jC2(X)(C2(X)) is surjective onto jC2(X)(C2(X)). ⊆ → ˜ 0 A (d) There exist a map B : D(B) X X such that A := i ( B 0 ) is densely defined with ρ(A˜) = ∅ and a C0-group (bt)t∈R consisting of unitary elements of K2 such that: (i) L : η(C (X)) → η(C (X)),y → b y, and L ∗ define C -groups on the bt 2 2 t bt 0 space η(C2(X)) and ˜ ⊆ (ii) for the generator C of (Lbt )t∈R, we have η(D(A)) D(C). Note that part (c)(i) of the above theorem implies that j(D(A)) ⊆ D(B). A first step in the proof of the above characterization is the following result: Theorem 3.14. Let X be an operator space and A: D(A) ⊆ X → X.Then ∈ A C0 ⊕ A l,s (X) if and only if A 0 generates a completely contractive C0-group on C2(X).

∈ A C0 Proof. Let A l,s (X) and denote by (Tt)t∈R the C0-group generated by A.Due to Proposition 2.9, (Tt ⊕ idX )t∈R is a completely contractive C0-group, which is clearly generated by A ⊕ 0. Conversely, let (St)t∈R be the completely contractive C0-group generated by A ⊕ 0. We conclude that St = Tt ⊕ idX ,where(Tt)t∈R is the C0-group generated by A. Because St is a completely isometric isomorphism for all t ∈ R the assertion follows with Proposition 2.9.  With this result we conclude that (a) and (b) in Theorem 3.13 are equivalent. Thus unbounded multipliers can be characterized using generators of completely contractive C0-groups. Such generators are analyzed in the following two theorems, which generalize well-known results from the theory of contractive C0-semigroups to the setting of completely contractive (c. c.) C0-semigroups on an operator space X. By using the classical result on each matrix level, one can prove the following theorem. For details see [Sch09, Satz 3.33].

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Theorem 3.15 (Theorem of Hille-Yosida for c. c. C0-semigroups). Let X be an operator space and A: D(A) ⊆ X → X be linear. The following assertions are equivalent:

(a) A is the generator of a completely contractive C0-semigroup on X. (b) A is densely defined and closed, R>0 is a subset of the resolvent set ρ(A) of A and −1 λ(λ − A) cb ≤ 1 for all λ>0.

An operator A: D(A) ⊆ X → X is called completely dissipative if An is dissipa- tive for all n ∈ N,i.e.,

(λ − An)x ≥λ x for all λ>0andx ∈ D(An).

Theorem 3.16 (Theorem of Lumer-Phillips for c. c. C0-semigroups). Let X be an operator space and A: D(A) ⊆ X → X be linear and densely defined. Then A generates a completely contractive C0-semigroup if and only if A is completely dissipative and there exists a λ>0 such that λ − A is surjective onto X. Proof. The direction ‘⇒’ is a consequence of Theorem 3.15, because

− ≥ 1 ≥ (λ A)nx −1 λ x (λ − A)n x

for all λ>0, n ∈ N and x ∈ D(An). The other direction follows from the theorem of Lumer-Phillips for contractive C0-semigroups ([Wer07, Theorem VII.4.16]). 

Using the two theorems above together with the equivalence of (a) and (b) in Theorem 3.13, we obtain the following theorem. For details see [Sch09, Proposi- tion 3.41]. Theorem 3.17. Let X be an operator space and A: D(A) ⊆ X → X be linear. The following assertions are equivalent: ∈ A C0 (a) A l (X). ⊆ → ˜ 0 A (b) There exists B : D(B) X X such that A := i ( B 0 ) is densely defined and closed satisfying R \{0}⊆ρ(A˜) and   | | − ˜ ⊕ −1 ≤ ∈ R \{ } λ λ (A 0) cb 1 for all λ 0 , ˜ ⊕ ˜ ⊕ 00 ∼ where A 0=A ( 00) is an operator on C2(C2(X)) = C4(X). (c) There exists B : D(B) ⊆ X → X with the following properties: ˜ 0 A (i) A := i ( B 0 ) is densely defined, (ii) A˜ ⊕ 0 and −A˜ ⊕ 0 are completely dissipative and (iii) there exist λ, μ > 0 such that λ − A˜ and μ + A˜ are surjective onto C2(X). The following result shows that we can lift unbounded multipliers from an oper- ator space X to the ternary envelope T (X):

∈ A C0 ∈ Proposition 3.18. Let X be an operator space and A l,s (X) (resp. A A C0 ∈ A C0 T ∈ A C0 T l (X)). There exists a unique B l,s ( (X)) (resp. B l ( (X))) such that j ◦ A = B ◦ j|D(A).

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∈ A C0 A C0 Proof. The case A l (X) follows directly from the assertion for l,s (X). ∈ A C0 Therefore let A l,s (X). Let (Tt)t∈R be the C0-group generated by A.There ∈I ∗ · ∈ exists at M (X) unitary such that j(Ttx)=at j(x) for all x X. Define St : T (X) →T(X),z → at · z.ThenSt is a unitary element of Al(X) for all t ∈ R. We conclude that ∗ ∗ ∗ (3.3) at · (j(x) · j(y) · j(z)) − j(x) · j(y) · j(z) ≤ Ttx − x j(y) · j(z) →0 for t → 0andforallx, y, z ∈ X. Equation (3.2) implies that the set { · ∗ · · ∗ ··· | ≥ ∈ } V := lin x1 x2 x3 x4 x2n+1 n 0,x1,...,x2n+1 j(X)

is dense in T (X). It follows that lim → S x = lim → a · z = z for all z ∈ V and ∼ t 0 t t 0 t I11(T (X)) = I11(X) ([Sch09, Proposition A.6]). We obtain · ≤ Stz T (X) = at z T (X) at I11(T (X)) z T (X) = at I11(X) z T (X) ∈ R ∈T ≤ for all t and z (X); thus St at = Tt Ml(X) = Tt . With the char- acterization of C0-semigroups ([EN00, Proposition I.5.3]) we conclude that (St)t∈R is a C0-group. ∈ A C0 T Let B denote the generator of (St)t∈R.ThenB l,s ( (X)) and a · j(x) − j(x) (3.4) j(Ax) = lim t = B(j(x)) t→0 t for all x ∈ D(A). ∈ A C0 T ◦ ◦ | To show that B is unique let C l,s ( (X)) such that j A = C j D(A). Define { · ∗ · · ∗ ··· | W := Wj(D(A)),j(X) := lin x1 x2 x3 x4 x2n+1

n ≥ 1,x1 ∈ j(D(A)),x2,...,x2n+1 ∈ j(X)} .

With equation (3.4) we obtain B|W = C|W . Because W is a core for B,i.e.,W is dense in D(B) for the graph norm, it follows that B = B|W = C|W = C. 

⊆ ∈ A C0 Proposition 3.19. Let X, Y be operator spaces with X Y and A l,s (Y ). Suppose there exist λ, μ > 0 such that λ − A|X and μ + A|X are surjective onto X. | ∈ A C0 Then A X l,s (X). Proof. Due to Theorem 3.14 we have that A ⊕ 0 generates a completely contractive C0-group on C2(Y ). Define

A|X := {(x, y) | x ∈ D(A) ∩ X, y = Ax ∈ X}.

With the theorem of Lumer-Phillips (Theorem 3.16) A ⊕ 0andalsoA|X ⊕ 0are completely dissipative and generate completely contractive C0-groups. We conclude ∈ A C0 with Theorem 3.14: A|X l,s (X). Let (Tt)t∈R be the C0-group generated by A. Because the C0-group generated by A|X is equal to (Tt|X )t∈R, we obtain with [EN00, Corollary II.2.3]: A|X = A|X .  Similar to regular operators, every unbounded multiplier has an adjoint:

∈ A C0 Theorem 3.20. Let X be an operator space and A l (X).Thereexistsa  ∗ ∗ ⊆ → 0∗ A ∈ unique operator A : D(A ) X X, called the adjoint of A, such that i A 0 A C0 ∗ ∈ A C0 ∗ ∗ l,s (C2(X)). We have A l (X) and (A ) = A.

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Proof. The existence follows directly from the definition of an unbounded multi- ⊆ → ∈{ } plier. To show the uniqueness, let Bi : D(Bi) X X (i 1, 2 ) be such that B˜ := i 0 A ∈ A C0 (C (X)). Due to Proposition 3.18, we find a regular operator i Bi 0 l,s 2 (i) C˜ ∈R(T (C (X))) satisfying j ◦ B˜ = C˜ ◦ j| .Let(T ) ∈R be the C -group i 2 i i D(B˜i) t t 0 ˜ (i) ∈I ∗ (i) (i) · generated by Bi.Thereexistsat M (C2(X)) such that j(Tt x)=at j(x) for all x ∈ C2(X). Note that C˜i is the generator of the C0-group that is defined (i) T →T → (i) · ∈ N ∪{ } ∈ ˜ by St : (C2(X)) (C2(X)),z at z. For all k 0 , x1 D(Bi)and ∗ ∗ x2,...,x2k+1 ∈ C2(X) we obtain with z := j(x2) · j(x3) · j(x4) ···j(x2k+1), (i) · −   at j(x1) j(x1) j(B˜i(x1)) · z = lim · z = C˜i j(x1) · z . t→0 t ∼ Set W := W .UsingT (C (X)) = C (T (X)) ([BLM04, 8.3.12.(4)]), i D(B˜i),C2(X) 2 2 ˜ | ˜ 0 ∗ we conclude that Ci Wi has the same form as Bi,namelyi(∗ 0 ). Moreover, Wi is ˜ ˜ 0 ∗ a core for Ci. Therefore, Ci has the form i ( ∗ 0 ). Using Theorem 3.8, there exists ˇ ∈RT Ci ( (X)) such that   ˇ ˜ 0 Ci Ci =i ˇ∗ . Ci 0 ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ The set W := Wj(D(A)),j(X) is a core for C1 and for C2.UsingC1|W = C2|W ,we obtain

Cˇ1 = Cˇ1|W = Cˇ2|W = Cˇ2.

It follows that C˜1 = C˜2;thusB˜1 = B˜2 and B1 = B2. ˇ∗∗ ˇ ˇ∗ ∈RT With Ci = Ci ([Lan95, Corollary 9.4]) and Ci ( (X)) ([Lan95, Corol- lary 9.6]) we conclude that   ˇ∗ 0 Ci Cˆi := i ∈R(T (X) ⊕T(X)) Cˇi 0

T ⊕T ∼ T ˆ ∈ A C0 T is skew-adjoint. Using (X) (X) = C2( (X)), we get Ci l,s (C2( (X))).

Set Y := jC2(X)(C2(X)). With the theorem of Lumer-Phillips and Proposition  ∗  ˆ | ∈ A C0 0 A ∈ A C0 3.19 it follows that Ci Y l,s (Y ). We obtain i A 0 l,s (C2(X)); thus ∗ ∈ A C0 ∗ ∗  A l (X)and(A ) = A. We can now prove the equivalence of (a) and (c) in Theorem 3.13: ∈ A C0 Let A l (X). Due to Proposition 3.18 and Theorem 3.8 there exists ∈ A C0 T R T ◦ ◦ | B l ( (X)) = ( (X)) satisfying j A = B j D(A). Then Theorem 3.20 0 A 0 B C0 implies ±i ∗ = ±i ∗ | ∈ A (C2(X)), and by definition this A 0 B 0 jC2(X)(C2(X)) l,s operator generates a C0-semigroup. With the theorem of Lumer-Phillips we obtain part (c)(ii) of Theorem 3.13. ∈RT A C0 T Conversely, suppose there exists B ( (X)) = l ( (X)) satisfying (i) and | ∈ A C0 (ii) of (c). With Proposition 3.19 we conclude that B j(X) l (j(X)); thus ∈ A C0 A l (X).

3.4. Connection to operators on Hilbert spaces. In this subsection we char- acterize unbounded skew-adjoint multipliers using C0-groups on Hilbert spaces.

Theorem 3.21. Let X be an operator space. Let (π, K, K1,K2) be a T (X)- embedding of X and let η := π ◦ j : X → L(K).LetA: D(A) ⊆ X → X be linear.

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The following assertions are equivalent: ∈ A C0 (a) A l,s (X). (b) A is densely defined with ρ(A) = ∅,andthereexistsaC0-group (bt)t≥0 of unitary elements in L(K2) such that: → → ∗ (i) Lbt : η(X) η(X),y bty and Lb define C0-groups on η(X) and t ⊆ (ii) for the generator C of (Lbt )t∈R, we have j(D(A)) D(C).

Proof. At first we show that (a) implies (b). Let (Tt)t∈R denote the C0-group ∈I ∗ · generated by A.Thereexistsat M (X) such that j(Ttx)=at j(x). Define | T ⊆ bt := π(at) K2 . Because [π( (X))K1]isdenseinK2,wehavebt(K2) K2. With equation (3.3) it follows for all z ∈T(X)andξ ∈ K1 that

bt(π(z)(ξ)) − π(z)(ξ) = (π(at)π(z) − π(z))(ξ) ≤ at · z − z ξ →0

for t → 0. Therefore (bt)t∈R is a C0-group on K2. Using the theorem of Hille- Yosida, we obtain that A is densely defined with ρ(A) = ∅. It is straightforward to show (i) and (ii). → → To prove the other direction, define dt : K K, ξ bt(pK2 (ξ)), where pK2 → denotes the projection from K onto K2 and St := Ldt : η(X) η(X). Then it can −1 be checked that Tt := η ◦ St ◦ η defines a C0-group on X with generator A.  With the above theorem we obtain the equivalence of (a) and (d) in Theo- rem 3.13. So we have finished the proof of this theorem.

∈ A C0 Proposition 3.22. Let X be an operator space and A l,s (X).Thereexista Hilbert space K, a completely isometric map η : X → L(K) and a generator C of a unitary C0-group on K such that η(Ax)=C ◦ η(x) for all x ∈ D(A).

Proof. We use the notation of Theorem 3.21. Using this result, we find a C0-group (bt)t∈R with the properties stated in Theorem 3.21. Let C˜ be the generator of this C0-group. With Theorem 3.21 we get (b ◦ η(x))(ξ) − η(x)(ξ) η(Ax)(ξ) = lim t = C˜(η(x)(ξ)) t→0 t for all x ∈ D(A)andξ ∈ K;thusη(Ax)=C˜ ◦ η(x). The assertion follows from setting C := C˜ ⊕ 0 ⊥ .  K2

3.5. The strict X-topology. If we want to transform a C0-group (bt)t∈R from a Hilbert space to an operator space X, we have to impose a stronger condition than strong continuity on (bt)t∈R (cf. Theorem 3.21), namely

lim bt ◦ y = y for all y ∈ η(X). t→0 In order to formulate this in a more abstract fashion, we introduce the following topology for an operator space X ⊆ L(H0,H): Definition 3.23. For all x ∈ X a seminorm is defined by

px : L(H) → R,T → T ◦ x .

The locally convex topology on L(H) generated by (px)x∈X is called the strict X-topology. The norm topology on L(H) is finer than the strict X-topology on L(H). If X is unital and H0 = H, these two topologies coincide.

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The proof of the following proposition is straightforward:

Proposition 3.24. Let X ⊆ L(H0,H) be an operator space with [XH0] dense in H.ThestrictX-topology on L(H) is finer than the strong topology. It is not hard to see that the assumption in the above proposition can always be fulfilled by choosing an appropriate embedding of X. Proposition 3.25. Let X be an operator space. Let K be a Hilbert space and η : X → L(K) a completely isometric map. Let C : D(C) ⊆ K → K be the genera- tor of a C0-group (bt)t∈R of unitary elements in L(K) such that

(i) (bt)t converges in the strict η(X)-topology to idK for t → 0 and ∗ ⊆ ∈ R (ii) btη(X),bt η(X) η(X) for all t . ∈ A C0 Then there exists A l,s (X) such that η(Ax)(ξ)=C(η(x)(ξ)) for all x ∈ D(A),ξ ∈ K. Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Proposition 3.22.  3.6. Pertubation theory. The following result generalizes a pertubation result of Damaville ([Dam04, Proposition 2.1]; see also [Dam07]) from Hilbert C∗-modules to operator spaces: Theorem 3.26. Let X be an operator space. ∈ M C0 ∈ M ∈ M C0 (i) If A l (X) and B l(X),thenA + B l (X). ∈ A C0 ∈ A ∗ − ∈ A C0 (ii) If A l,s (X) and B l(X) with B = B,thenA + B l,s (X). ∈ A C0 ∈ A ∈ A C0 (iii) If A l (X) and B l(X),thenA + B l (X). Proof. Part (i) follows directly with [EN00, Theorem III.1.10]. ˇ ∈ A C0 T R T To prove (ii), we notice that there exists A l,s ( (X)) = ( (X)) satisfying ˇ ˇ ∼ j ◦ A = A ◦ j|D(A) due to Theorem 3.18. There exists B ∈ Al(T (X)) = B(T (X)) skew-adjoint satisfying j ◦ B = Bˇ ◦ j. Using [Dam04, Proposition 2.1], we conclude ˇ ˇ ∈RT ˇ ˇ ∈ A C0 T that A + B ( (X)). With Theorem 3.4 we get: A + B l,s ( (X)). Because B and the C0-group generated by A leave j(X) invariant, the C0-group generated by Aˇ + Bˇ leaves j(X) invariant. We obtain with [Sch09], Proposition 3.53: (Aˇ + ˇ | ∈ A C0 ∈ A C0 B) j(X) l,s (j(X)); thus A + B l,s (X). Part (iii) is a consequence of part (ii).  Acknowledgment The authors thank the referee for a number of helpful suggestions. References

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