
Our Vision, Mission, and Values 2 Governance and Management 3 Affiliations and Associations 5 Life and Honorary Members 6 Perpetual Membership 6 Board Report 7 President’s Report 11 General Manager’s Report 12 Riders Council Report 14 Health and Safety Report 15 NZPCA Membership Numbers 16 Centre Membership 19 Technical and Events Committee 20 Education and Development Committee 29 2017 Achievers Awards 33 2017 Volunteer Awards 44 NZPCA 2017 Financial Year and Audited Accounts 47

Cover Photography supplied by:

Take the Moment Photography Pamela Stephen Photography Pip Hume (Morgan Beere)

NZPCA Conference 2017

Our Vision To develop, promote, govern, and lead the best youth equestrian training/coaching organisation in .

Our Mission The NZPCA is a voluntary organisation for young people interested in /horses and riding that: . Encourages young people to ride and enjoy all kinds of connected with riding. . Provides instruction on riding and /horse management. . Promotes the highest ideals of behaviour, sportsmanship, citizenship, and loyalty, to create strength of character and self-discipline. . Values, encourages, develops and recognises the volunteers who are the backbone of Pony Club and its success.

Our Values The NZPCA is committed to the following: . Friendly, fun, helpful, encouraging, and respectful environment at all times, whether at rallies, events or in competition. . Responsive to change and opportunities for continual improvement. . Honest and transparent in all communications.

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Officers of NZPCA . Heather Grant President . Geraldine Rae Vice President . Ian McKelvie Patron Board

. Wendy Lansdown (Chair) . Dudley Brown . Hamish Butler-Gallie . Brent Snellex (Co-opted July 2015 . Rebecca Dearden for a period of 12 months) . Jill Desborough (Resigned Aug ’16) . Rachel Walker (Resigned Apr ’16) . Emma Barker

Management Staff . Samantha Jones General Manager . Yvonne Steers Education and Development Administrator . Joanna Dixon Finance Administrator . Tracey Sherwin Administration/Events Office situated at: House, 480 Gloucester Street, Taradale, Napier


Finance Committee . Wendy Lansdown (Chair) . Emma Barker . Hamish Butler-Gallie . Samantha Jones . Dudley Brown

Technical and Events Committee

. Emma Barker (Co-Chair) . Felicity Dobell-Brown . Hamish Butler-Gallie (Co-Chair) . Rob Essex . Jane Simpson . Roger Bevage . Bing Allen . Raewyn Lawrence . Nicky Williams . Tanja Notter (Resigned Jan ’16)

NZPCA Conference 2017 Education and Development Committee . Rebecca Dearden (Chair) . Ginni Thurston (Resigned Aug ’16) . Nicola Ward BHSII . Jane Withers (Resigned Aug ’16) . Jeanette Garrett BHSI . Andy Parker (Resigned Aug ’16) . Sue Graham . Louise Ilton (Resigned Aug ’16) . Sarah Bishell . Steph Mann (Resigned Aug ’16) . Jo Street . Racheal Rae (Resigned Aug ’16) . Ally Todd

National Coaching Advisory Panel

. Jacque McKinley BHSI . Jennifer Howard BHSI . Kay Hogan BHSI . Louis Ilton . Kevin Lawrence BHSI . Jane Withers BHSII . Peter Barke BHSI

National Coaches

. Jacque McKinley BHSI . Peter Barke BHSI . Kay Hogan BHSI . Nicola Ward BHSII . Kevin Lawrence BHSI (Resigned Jan . Jane Withers BHSII ’17)

National Emeritus Coach

. Jennifer Howard BHSI

Riders Council

. Zephania Steele . Stephanie Jasperse . Paige Harris . Dana Hawkins . Jess Land (Resigned Feb ’17) . Stormy Harris . Aiden Viviers . Leah Zydenbos (Joined Nov ’16) . Todd Magner

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Sport New Zealand: Sport NZ provides NZPCA, as a National Sporting Organisation (NSO) with support and resources as well as specific funding for coaching. The Pony Club: NZPCA is an overseas branch of The Pony Club in Britain. Club membership figures are sent to Britain annually, with an affiliation fee. Equestrian Sports New Zealand: NZPCA has a “memorandum of understanding” with ESNZ through which both organisations are committed to working together for the benefit of in New Zealand. New Zealand Standards Association: Continual testing and monitoring of safety standards in New Zealand. Of particular importance, NZ safety standards for riding helmets. Coaching New Zealand: Fostering, promoting, and improving the quality of coaching in New Zealand. Working very closely with Sport NZ in all matters relating to coaching as well as the Sports Science and Drugs Agency. Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand: The Royal Agricultural Society, which was established in 1924, and is one of the few organisations in New Zealand with a “Royal” charter, acts as an umbrella organisation for 97 A&P Associations and over 65 breed and kindred societies throughout New Zealand. The Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand (RAS) promotes the development of agricultural, pastoral, horticultural, stock raising and forestry resources in New Zealand. Historically, it is an organisation that has paved the way for initiative and forward thinking in the rural sector; playing an active part in the formation of laws relating to agriculture. New Zealand Equine Health Association: The NZEHA was constituted in 1997, mandated by Government, to provide them with a single equine representative body to consult with on issues such as equine diseases, health, and welfare. The NZEHA has five goals;

1. Ensure readiness and response procedures for equine exotic disease emergencies. 2. Establish optimal communication and action across equine sectors and government, for disease response. 3. Eradicate equine viral arteritis in New Zealand. 4. Facilitate the safe entry and exit of horses in and out of New Zealand, and prevent equine disease incursions. 5. Develop and sponsor a code of welfare for horses.

New Zealand Pony Clubs Association: . Is a Life Member of the NZ Riding for the Disabled Association. . Subscribes to the NZ International League for the Protection of Horses. . Is a member of the Sport NZ Fair Play Sports Charter. . Is a member of Volunteering New Zealand (VNZ).

NZPCA Conference 2017 LIFE AND HONORARY MEMBERS Life Members

. Suzanne Dickens QSM, BHSI, IIH . Keith Bennett . Helen (Tiny) White OBE . Max Pryce . Ann Roke . Lynley Price . Barbara Harvey . Anne Atkins . Edna Harwood . Allan Ferguson . Graham Barkman . Nicky Williams Honorary Member

. Gillian Kingsbury Honorary National Coach

. Suzanne Dickens QSM, BHSI, IIH

PERPETUAL MEMBERSHIP We welcome the following new Perpetual Members who have joined over the past year:

. Colin Cromarty Waverly PC . Errol O’Brien Te Kauwhata D PC . Dave Falconer Parenga PC . Yvonne Parker Edgecumbe PC . Fransiska Falconer Parenga PC . Chris Walsh Ellesmere PC . Joel A Falconer Parenga PC . Sue Walsh Ellesmere PC . Siska Falconer Parenga PC . Esther Yates Ellesmere PC . Tina Mapu Edgecumbe PC

What is Perpetual Membership? Perpetual Membership was founded in 1973, by the late Mr Charles Levin QSM, a former Association Treasurer, President, and Patron. It was introduced to create an Endowment Fund for the Association with the interest only to be used. The original target was to establish a fund of $10,000. How do I become a Perpetual Member? By application to the General Manager, NZPCA, PO Box 7537, Taradale, Napier 4141 or email [email protected]. What do I get? A specially minted “Perpetual Membership Badge”. (This may be a practical way of rewarding volunteers, helpers etc., within your Area, Club, or Branch).

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The NZPCA Board has over the last year focused on:  Developing Coaching Pathways  Governance Mark  Improving Communications

Developing Coaching Pathways

NZPCA were successful in gaining funding from Sport NZ in 2016 for specific coach development projects. These were planned in the 2016 year and are now being delivered. This funding comes with strict parameters and reporting criteria. A part of this funding is for the organisational arm of coach development and a part of the funding is for delivery of the coach development.

The National Coaches Advisory Panel has been developed. This panel of National and Association Coaches works on specific projects and gives advice to NZPCA on matters relating to coaching. The Association Coach Development Pathway has been started with the first Association Coaches being appointed. This pathway is a step in our succession plan for coaches. The Association Coaches are being supported to develop their skills through a structured plan. NZPCA would like to develop more Association Coaches in areas not well serviced by National Coaches but are aware that the quality of the coach is more important than the number of coaches. The Board would like to pay tribute to Kevin Lawrence who resigned as a National Coach during the year. Kevin has been a champion of Pony Club for many years; he re-wrote the Pony Club Manuals and has advised and supported the Board on many occasions. His affable coaching style both with coaches and riders has been a huge asset to the organisation. We wish Kevin well in his future endeavours but have also managed to retain his services for the upcoming Manual rewrites.

The Education and Development Management Committee work on projects which target grass roots coach development. Success is being measured by outcomes such as the number of coaches completing the D Fast Track programme. NZPCA are also measuring progress of coaches by collecting anecdotal stories on coach development before and after courses have been attended.

Governance Mark

Sport NZ rolled out a project called Governance Mark for Sporting Organisations in 2016. This process involves the National Sporting Organisation (NSO) working with a Sport NZ evaluator to look at the Board as a whole and the Board processes. The NZPCA Board felt that the time was right to enter into this process to check that appropriate systems are in place and that the quality of the governance was of the high standard that our members expect.

NZPCA Conference 2017 Sport NZ completed their evaluation in February 2017 and a development plan was put in place for the Board to complete to reach Governance Mark (GM), an award which lasts for two years. Sport NZ commented in their report that an organisation the (small) size of NZPCA had not been evaluated since the project was rolled out, and several aspects of Governance Mark were difficult to quantify in NZPCA.

Major achievements noted of the relatively young Board, having worked through a change of governance from a Committee of Management to a Board, was the Strategic Plan; the Constitution which was evaluated as being a very good document; the people which were acknowledged as being knowledgeable and governance focused and leadership which identified the role of the General Manager and the Board all working positively.

Improving Communications

Communication with our members is important. It can always be improved but communication is a two-way process. We have found this year that the increased vehicles that we are using to communicate with our members does not necessarily mean that more information is being read by our members. It is frustrating to attend meetings and hear that people delete emails that come from NZPCA or that the information does not apply to them so it is not read.

NZPCA is your organisation.

Not buying into the communication process puts riders and volunteers at risk of missing out on opportunities. In this day and age, we all need to take responsibility for managing information. Having an up to date email address is the first step.

NZPCA appointed Ian McKelvie MP, as the Patron at Conference 2016. The Board benefitted by having Ian attend a Board meeting in October 2016 alongside President Heather Grant. Heather Grant and Geraldine Rae also attended the February Board meeting which was useful for both them and the Board.

NZPCA have entered into a contract with Sport TG for a new database which, when it is running will allow you the member to update your own details. We are hopeful that this will increase the flow of information as out dated email addresses makes sending members news very difficult.

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Grow Participation Improve Rider and Coach Performance and Development

Total membership numbers for NZPCA are Fast Track coaching programmes have tracking upward. Centre Membership is increased each year for the last three years increasing and riders 18-25 are holding with 43 participants completing the course steady. at year end. ECTP passes are up at all levels. Information available to coaches and riders via the manuals is up to date and relevant. Coaches Insurance for all coaches that are financial members of NZPCA. The A Certificate Pass with Honours has been introduced and has been achieved this year. More riders are competing at A1 level

Organisational Excellence Communication and Collaboration

A new database has been developed for Head Office is fully staffed and members NZPCA to allow members to be connected are able to speak to staff easily. with their organisation. Volunteers are recognised and valued via The Membership Review has been the Awards Programme. actioned and sent to the membership for Survey Monkey has been used to get consultation. feedback from the membership on Health and Safety is an embedded part of changes to events. planning for all pony club activities.

Templates for Health and Safety are available on the website.

Safe Sport for Children Policy developed.

Templates have been developed for Branches, Clubs and Areas to use for running meetings.

Financial Sustainability

The Board is fiscally prudent, using tools such as Latest Estimate to ensure that the Budget is adhered to. A tiered Sponsorship Plan has been developed. Grant applications are targeted to specific projects.

NZPCA Conference 2017 Board Member Activities Attendance at Board meetings has been consistent.

Meeting 23/07/2016 16/08/2016 3/10/2016 22/11/2016 14/02/2017 11/04/2017 13/06/2017

Apologies Emma H. Butler- H. Butler- H. Butler- H. Butler- Barker Gallie Gallie Gallie Gallie Rachel Rachel Rachel Walker Walker Walker

Jill Desborough resigned as a Board member at Conference 2016, due to work commitments. Rachel Walker also resigned due to work commitments in April 2017. Board Portfolios The last twelve months has been very full for the current Board members. We have carried a vacancy since July 2016 which has meant that some Board members have carried more than one portfolio. Board members participate in teleconferences and face to face meetings with Management Committee members. This year the focus has been moving the Management Committees from a Board Member Chair to a Management Committee Chair appointed by the Board.

Board Member Committee Involvement Wendy Lansdown Finance, Strategic Planning, Health and Safety Dudley Brown National Coaches Advisory Panel, Finance Rebecca Dearden Education and Development, Riders Council, Finance Emma Barker Technical and Events, Finance Hamish Butler Gallie Technical and Events, Finance Rachel Walker Health and Safety

Board members enjoy getting to National and Island Competitions where they can talk to both riders and volunteers. This year the Board have worked hard to attend as many events as they have been able to.

Dudley Brown, Rebecca Dearden Manawatu Championships Springston Trophy Wendy Lansdown Bruce Forbes Teams Event SI Championships Emma Barker SI ShowJumping Championships NI Dressage Championships Dudley Brown, Rebecca Dearden NI ShowJumping Championships Timberlands Teams Event Wendy Lansdown, Emma Barker, National Championships Hamish Butler-Gallie

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NZPCA is blessed with quality Board members who give their time and energy freely. They not only attend Board meetings, but work at night and in the weekends to provide the structures to make Pony Club work for its members. I would like to thank all members of the Board for their contribution over the last year. Members have stepped up and taken on new roles, and having a vacancy has meant that we have all had to have multiple roles. We look forward to having a full Board in 2017-2018. The organisation has a dedicated, passionate General Manager in Samantha Jones, who thinks of the whole membership, a team of highly motivated staff and management committee members who give up days to provide modern and complete rules and activities for the members. Pony Club could not run without it’s volunteer army of parents, coaches, officials, and helpers. To all those that spend days at Pony Club in many different capacities, thank you. I would like to pay tribute to Hamish Butler-Gallie, who is stepping down from the Board. Hamish came to the Board as it moved from a Committee of Management to a Board and has ridden some turbulent times. The organisation has moved into the 21st Century, sometimes kicking and screaming but it is now a modern youth equestrian environment, fit for purpose. Hamish on behalf of the membership, thank you.

Wendy Lansdown Board Chairperson


It is with pleasure I present my report to the 71st Annual Conference. The year has provided many highlights mixed with Airpoints, as I visited events from Mosgiel to Whangarei. These events included birthdays, rallies, Christmas parties, and funerals, National and Island events, and chaired Area forums.

The South Island Dressage was not without drama, as nature in the form of the Kaikoura earthquake destroyed Blenheim as a venue. Many thanks to Otago Southland who rose to the occasion and offered to host at extremely short notice. To Waikato who hosted the North Island Dressage, and Northland the Eventing Championships, thank you for providing a positive experience for the riders. Many Areas hosted Zone Games on rotation-thank you also.

Our core business is education. The Coaches Conference held in Christchurch was attended by many who enjoyed a variety of presentations and practical demonstrations. Thank you, Yvonne for your organisation and congratulations to

NZPCA Conference 2017 Lynley Price, our Coach of the Year. Thanks to our National Coaches who prepare riders, inspire coaches, and examine A Certificates.

Congratulations to our Inter Pacific Team of Nicole, Jenny, Rosa, and Zoe who are to represent us at the Inter Pacific Rally in the .

An organisation such as Pony Club requires the input of volunteers at many levels if it is to provide positive learning outcomes for riders. To all who give their time at rallies, events and national competitions, many thanks.

Hamish Butler-Gallie stepped down as Board Chair in July last year. Thank-you Hamish, for the many hours you devoted to Pony Club - often at the expense of your own business. Wendy Lansdown is a worthy replacement as Board Chair bringing experience, passion, and knowledge to the role. To all Board and Management Committee members, thank you for your time working on behalf of all riders. To our wonderful staff; Sam, Jo, Yvonne, and Tracey - thank you for your professionalism and approachability to your jobs. It has been a pleasure working with you. At the last Conference, we welcomed three new life members; Nicky Williams, Anne Atkins, and Allan Ferguson. All continue to support Pony Club events and activities in many capacities-a true indication of their commitment. My last thank you is to Geraldine, who as Vice President, has been loyal and very supportive. As she assumes the presidency, I wish her well and hope she receives the support from you all which I have had.

This is my final report as your President. Thank you for the privilege of the position and the opportunity of meeting so many wonderful people throughout the country All have offered sincere friendship and hospitality. My final thanks are to the riders. It has been humbling to witness your progress and participation in events. The privilege is all mine.

Heather Grant President


As I sit to write my annual report this year, I find myself doing so with a smile on my face. We have had another positive year and I am so proud to be part of an Organisation as passionate, agile, and forward thinking as the NZPCA.

As with all Organisations, not all of our hoped-for projects have been successful. This year significant effort has been put into a renewed application for Charitable status, not just by me but by all of those of you who took considerable time to write your positive pony club stories to help with the submission. I am sad to say that for every query we answered, the Department of Internal

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Affairs raised more and it has become apparent that until either our structure, or the Charities requirements changes Charitable status will not be obtained. Our relationship with Sport NZ however continues to be a success story. Our funding has been assured until 2020 for specific coaching projects and the delivery of these projects is well underway with the help of our fantastic coaching administrator Yvonne Steers.

Head Office has welcomed a new member this year in Tracey Sherwin. Tracey has taken up the role of Events and Administration, and I am sure you will all join me in welcoming her to our team. Joanna continues to improve all our financial practices and takes considerable pride in being able to provide the membership with our audited financial accounts well in advance of the AGM.

I would like to thank our head office team for all their work and dedication to the Organisation.

One of the big projects over the last twelve months has been the membership review. In my role as GM I often receive queries and requests for assistance from members and committees around our current membership structure. From these queries, a discussion document was circulated and feedback sought. As this is such a big project, it will continue into the next year with more discussion and clarification of its intent.

This again is one of the important things about our Organisation which sometimes gets forgotten, that decisions to change our structure and Constitution are voted on by the Membership and that votes from each individual Club shape the future of the whole Organisation. This is why communication between us all is important. Communications from members to head office help us to look at the big picture for the NZPCA and communications to our members help to support and enhance the Pony Club network for the good of all Clubs.

The NZPCA Board and Management Committees are committed to the improvement and continued success of the NZPCA. The strong membership numbers and excellent fiscal control are good indicators that the NZPCA is in capable hands and is well placed to deliver quality equestrian education into the future.

On a personal note, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Hamish Butler- Gallie, as he steps down from the Board. Hamish was Board Chair when I joined the Organisation, and I cannot thank him enough for all the help and support he has given me. A better boss I could not hope to find who has grown me as a professional and driven the organisation to be the modern, well governed body that it is today.

Samantha Jones General Manager


The Riders Council members in the 2016-17 season were: Zephania Steele, Paige Harris, Aiden Viviers, Todd Magner, Stephanie Jasperse, Jess Land, Dana Hawkins, Stormy Harris, and Leah Zydenbos. Jess retired part way through the season, and Zephania and Paige completed their term with the Council at the end of the season. Zephania and Paige have been involved with the Riders Council since its inception and over the last three years have made great contributions to NZPCA. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours.

Riders Forums were held at Springston Trophy, Bruce Forbes Team Training, North Island and South Island Championships, North Island and South Island Dressage Championships, and National Eventing Championships. These were well attended by riders, and discussion was positive. The focus of the forums was to gather feedback on what riders felt was done well at Pony Club, and what could be improved on. Consideration of international opportunities was also on the agenda.

Some common themes from forums was that riders enjoyed the opportunities and comradery that Pony Club provides, and that more support was needed for Senior Riders, who are looking to transition to coaching within Pony Club, and that upcoming international opportunities should be advertised more.

A formal process for joining the Riders Council has been developed along with an Area rotation to try and ensure riders from all Areas are given the opportunity to be involved with the Riders Council. It has been wonderful to work alongside and assist such a great group of riders as they continue to ensure that Pony Club stays relevant to its members.

Rebecca Dearden Chair Riders Council

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Congratulations to the administrators within NZPCA that have taken up the Health and Safety programme. Members have taken time to learn about Risk Management Plans, hazards, and potential hazards. We have seen many Branches and Clubs develop systems to suit their situation, all working within the Health and Safety framework.

Thank you to those people that have fed back suggestions to us. Health and Safety will always be an evolving process and the programme a living document. Knowing what is working well and what can be improved helps the H & S Committee keep the programme up to date and relevant to the members.

This year we have developed the Safe Sport for Children programme which includes Police Vetting of Coaches. This is another programme which will evolve over time but the feedback that we have received shows that the membership understands why it has been introduced and are supportive of Police Vetting going forward.

The Health and Safety Committee were asked to review back protectors and have developed a set of recommendations for body protectors using the British and American Safety standards. These are recommendations until 2020 when the standards will become mandatory for NZPCA.

I would like to thank the small group of volunteers that work on this committee. They review the programme each year, consider and action suggestions.

Wendy Lansdown Chair Health and Safety


2016/2017 2015/2016

RM RM RM RM Club U18 18-25 Adult Other Total U18 18-25 Adult Other Total

Amberley 22 7 23 18 70 23 8 24 16 71

Ashburton 97 6 71 19 193 92 8 82 16 198

Auckland District 95 15 126 3 239 84 19 120 3 226

Bay of Islands 49 2 39 2 92 80 5 62 6 153

Bream Bay Kaipara 25 0 36 2 63 23 2 39 1 65

Cambridge 46 1 49 4 100 38 0 42 3 83

Carlyle 0 0 0 0 0 30 1 25 1 57

Central Hawkes Bay 35 1 38 0 74 30 0 38 0 68

Central Otago 123 2 106 10 241 108 1 92 6 207

Christchurch 249 11 161 28 449 264 14 180 40 498

Dannevirke 25 0 12 0 37 10 0 13 0 23

Dunedin D 66 7 75 12 160 68 12 55 27 162

Eastern Southland 31 1 24 7 63 31 3 24 2 60

Eltham 10 1 15 0 26 15 1 13 1 30

Franklin D 133 17 124 12 286 150 15 136 15 316

Gisborne 25 3 18 4 50 29 1 28 0 58

Golden Bay 10 0 7 0 17 13 0 7 0 20

Greymouth D 31 2 15 0 48 0 0 0 0 0

Hamilton 74 3 75 1 153 89 2 72 1 164

Hawera 14 0 11 0 25 9 0 10 0 19

Heretaunga 155 10 149 12 326 173 11 159 17 360

Horowhenua 113 3 106 9 231 119 1 108 5 233

Hurunui 12 0 13 2 27 22 1 19 2 44

Hutt Valley 52 3 20 26 101 50 0 42 4 96

Inglewood 22 3 9 11 45 26 1 8 12 47

Kaikoura 10 0 14 0 24 10 0 19 0 29

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2016/2017 2015/2016

RM RM RM RM Club U18 18-25 Adult Other Total U18 18-25 Adult Other Total

Kokatahi Kow 18 0 15 4 37 0 0 0 0 0

Kumeu District 159 11 137 20 327 149 8 165 16 338

Manawatu 85 14 109 11 219 78 9 102 1 190

Mangonui 34 2 50 0 86 37 1 56 0 94

Manukau D 81 6 80 6 173 71 14 75 2 162

Marlborough 61 2 49 14 126 58 3 52 13 126

Matamata 27 0 22 8 57 21 0 18 8 47

Mercury Bay 22 0 21 2 45 21 1 19 1 42

Motueka 28 2 26 5 61 25 2 21 3 51

Murchison 5 0 14 0 19 6 0 13 0 19

Nelson Bays 19 0 20 1 40 24 0 26 1 51

Ngaruawahia 14 0 18 1 33 12 0 19 1 32

North Canterbury 218 18 151 36 423 248 23 190 35 496

Northern Southland 44 3 38 0 85 35 1 29 0 65

North Harbour D 94 2 81 28 205 98 1 93 15 207

North Otago 37 6 46 1 90 26 5 39 1 71

North Taranaki 54 4 56 1 115 69 2 68 0 139

North Wairarapa 33 2 31 0 66 36 2 40 1 79

Opotiki 9 0 7 0 16 8 0 8 0 16

Opunake 7 1 10 1 19 10 1 8 6 25

Otorohanga 23 0 5 2 30 16 2 5 2 25

Papatoetoe 38 9 126 0 173 44 8 123 0 175

Parenga 33 2 22 1 58 46 1 24 4 75

Patea 15 0 18 0 33 0 0 0 0 0

Pointways 44 6 41 0 91 36 2 37 0 75

Rangitikei 57 0 25 5 87 50 0 24 2 76

Reefton 12 3 16 0 31 11 4 18 0 33

Rotorua District 83 5 74 7 169 99 5 91 8 203

NZPCA Conference 2017 2016/2017 2015/2016

RM RM RM RM Club U18 18-25 Adult Other Total U18 18-25 Adult Other Total

Silverpine 14 7 14 3 38 15 7 22 3 47

South Canterbury 92 5 56 37 190 91 2 70 36 199

Southland 97 6 91 6 200 96 7 84 6 193

South Otago 22 1 26 0 49 19 0 23 1 43

South Wairarapa 25 4 23 1 53 29 4 23 2 58

Stratford 23 2 19 0 44 20 3 20 0 43

Taieri District 74 11 59 10 154 60 9 50 12 131

Taumaranui D 21 0 13 1 35 17 0 10 2 29

Taupo & D’s 69 4 61 4 138 68 9 56 7 140

Tauranga 91 0 90 9 190 108 2 96 4 210

Te Awamutu 48 4 42 13 107 27 3 28 8 66

Te Kauwhata D 43 3 43 0 89 48 3 44 1 96

Te Kuiti & D’s 30 2 24 0 56 32 0 23 0 55

Te Puke 12 1 17 3 33 7 3 10 2 22

Thames Valley 29 6 25 0 60 43 4 60 0 107

Timberlands 20 4 30 3 57 21 6 30 3 60

Tuakau H’ville 42 1 53 0 96 45 1 55 0 101

Waiau 13 0 21 0 34 14 0 17 0 31

Waiheke Island 11 2 12 1 26 21 2 18 1 42

Waikouaiti D 10 1 9 1 21 8 1 9 0 18

Waimarino 15 0 14 3 32 15 0 15 3 33

Waimea 38 0 20 0 58 34 0 23 1 58

Waingaro 15 1 16 4 36 19 1 17 2 39

Waiotira 0 0 0 0 0 7 2 11 0 20

Wairoa 20 0 16 2 38 17 0 16 0 33

Waitara 36 0 32 2 70 35 1 31 5 72

Waitemata D 177 28 167 20 392 177 30 185 32 424

Wanganui Petrie 9 0 12 2 23 7 2 13 1 23

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2016/2017 2015/2016

RM RM RM RM Club U18 18-25 Adult Other Total U18 18-25 Adult Other Total

Warkworth D 30 1 44 0 75 37 4 53 0 94

Waverley 15 1 15 0 31 0 0 0 0 0

Wellington 80 19 81 8 188 74 17 78 10 179

Wellsford D 32 8 59 1 100 35 7 58 3 103

West Auckland D 80 22 104 7 213 95 23 104 22 244

Westport 3 0 3 0 6 2 0 7 0 9

Whakatane D 63 1 41 21 126 51 2 38 0 91

Whangarei 111 3 74 32 220 99 0 59 31 189

Whenuapai 24 22 3 49 8 1 12 0 21

Grand Total 4,412 344 4,092 533 9,381 4,461 358 4,272 505 9,596

Extract from NZPCA Database 31.03.2017

Centre Membership

2015/2016 2016/2017

RM RM RM RM Club U18 18-25 Adult Other Total U18 18 - 25 Adult Other Total

Arion Equestrian 43 0 0 0 43 43 0 0 0 43

Carnmore Equestrian 13 1 0 0 14 13 0 0 0 13

Diamond Lodge 23 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0

Egmont Village 25 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0

Kyrewood Equestrian 21 1 0 0 22 22 3 0 0 25

Thompsons Horse Centre 32 0 0 0 32 23 0 0 0 23

Waikato Equestrian Centre 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0

Wellington Indoor 29 0 0 0 29 30 0 0 0 30 Grand Total 196 2 0 0 198 131 3 0 0 134


The 2016-2017 season saw NZPCA bring the age limit for all NZPCA competition in line with the NZPCA membership age limit of 24 years and under. This age limit change came into effect for Eventing and Mounted Games including Zone Games. As a result of the change in the age limit for NZPCA competitions adjustments were made to the age group for Eventing Championship and Area Eventing Trials as well as for Junior Pairs for Zone Games as shown in the table below: Eventing 14 yrs & under, MT/95cm 18 yrs & under, DC/105cm 24 yrs & under, A1/110cm

Mounted Games 14 yrs & under, Junior Pairs 24 yrs & under, Open Pairs 24 yrs & under, Open Teams

In the case of NZPCA Dressage Championships and Area Dressage Trials, new ages will be introduced for 2018 NZPCA Dressage Championship. The T&E Committee have consulted widely through an online survey with our membership on what changes are necessary for Dressage to accommodate the new upper age limit of 24 years and under.

Technical and Events have continued to encourage First Start as the entry level competition for our riding members. More First Start events have been run this year than last. NZPCA have had a video competition running to help branches and clubs showcase their event. We look forward to sharing the winning clip at conference. 2016 saw NZPCA actively promote the phasing out of helmets with EN1384 and BSEN 1384. These helmets are not permitted for use at NZPCA as of the 1st August 2017. A red tagging system was introduced and from the 1st August 2017 only helmets carrying Red tags or certified and marked with approved standards are permissible. In 2013 NZPCA decided to trial A1 at 1.10m for three Championships, this was in an effort to ensure a Championship that was relevant to existing Pony Club competitive riders. This decision was announced to the Membership in October 2013. Manawatu in 2015 was the first Championship of the trial, then Canterbury 2016 with the recent Northland event this year. Technical and Events have following the Northland event surveyed the membership through an online survey and have had an excellent response with over 530 members completing the survey. The survey was still open at time of submitting this report and the decision will be presented at this conference.

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EVENTS Dressage 2017 NZPCA Pryde’s EasiFeed Teams Dressage Championship Hosted by Otago Southland and Waikato Area Pony Club The first leg of the 2017 NZPCA Dressage Championship was hosted by Otago/Southland at Otago Taieri A and P Show Grounds, Mosgiel. Otago/Southland stepped in to assist at late notice when Blenhiem Pony Club found themselves regrouping following the Kaikoura Earthquake. The organising committee provided an excellent event as they maintained the use of extra classes. The two days of competition were fun and enjoyed by those who attended.

The South Island event saw all four South Island Area’s represented with full teams of six riders. Each area also had reserves competing meaning participation was at a high compared to previous years. As the competition progressed it saw Canterbury again winning the South Island leg over Ashburton/South Canterbury/North Otago. In the second leg of the Championship we saw the North Island Teams be hosted by Waikato at the Waikato Equestrian Centre, Hamilton. Eight North Island Area Teams competed, each with 6 riders. Two Areas, Manawatu West Coast and Northland took advantage of the Alternative Team rule with each having an extra Junior rider. Most Areas had reserve riders in each age group who rode in the extra tests. King Country, Wairarapa Wellington and Taranaki were not represented.

The organisation of the whole event ran like clockwork and it was most enjoyable. Officials felt the standard of dressage was an improvement on last year. The winner was Auckland, with Waikato having to settle for second in the North Island event. Overall the National Team NZPCA champion title went to Auckland with Canterbury placed second. The Judges who attended both events commented on how impressed they were with the conduct and sportsmanship of our riding members.

2017 NZPCA Pryde’s EasiFeed Team Dressage Championship Area Score Placing Auckland 555.434 1 Canterbury 548.028 2 Waikato 541.634 3 Hawkes Bay 538.645 4 Franklin Thames Valley 534.191 5 Ashburton South Canterbury North Otago 534.131 6 Manawatu West Coast 526.238 7 Bay of Plenty 523.300 8 Northland 521.096 9 Otago Southland 518.293 10 Waitemata Rodney 505.289 11 Marlborough Nelson West Coast 505.166 12

NZPCA Conference 2017 The Atchison Silver Salver for the Overall Winning Team Winner Auckland Area Bella Small Kingslea Busy Bee Lauren Kats Lord Rubert Sami Green Green Just Joey Alena Dorotich Astek Ginsling Kate Herdson Eon Amy Sage RM All About Me National Coaches Rosettes – Best Junior Team of Three

Winner Auckland Area Bella Small Kingslea Busy Bee Lauren Kats Lord Rubert Sami Green Green Just Joey National Coaches Rosettes – Best Senior Team of Three Winner Auckland Area Alena Dorotich Astek Ginsling Kate Herdson Eon Amy Sage RM All About Me Barbara Harvey Rosebowl Junior Championship

Morgan Beere Wembleybrook Sergio Waikato Blue Legend Rosebowl Senior Championship

Amy Sage RM All About Me Auckland The Lynley Price Trophy

Morgan Beere Wembleybrook Sergio Waikato Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand Sash

Morgan Beere Wembleybrook Sergio Waikato Highest Placed First Timer to Champs

Junior Charlotte Roberts Brookfields Panache Ashburton South Canterbury North Otago

Senior Amy Sage RM All About Me Auckland NZPCA Rosette for Overall Secondary School Champion

Junior Morgan Beere Wembleybrook Sergio Waikato

Senior Alena Dorotich Astek Ginsling Auckland

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ZONE GAMES 2017 Quality Presentations Zone Games The 2017 Quality Presentations Zone Games were again hosted by five various Areas. Thank you to these organising committees for taking on these events. This year we continue to see some Areas remaining strong in Games while others continue to struggle to field teams. Pairs are increasing in entries and providing some assistance for areas lacking in teams. Our thanks again for the continued and valued support of Jane and the team from Quality Presentations, without you Zone Games just wouldn’t be the same. Results Zone 1 Winners Junior Pairs Ardmore 2 Abigail Liggins and Casey Mitchener Open Pairs Ardmore 5 Ikaia Blackwell and Ruth Arvidson Team Ardmore ASAP Ikaia Blackwell, Abigail LiggIns, Casey Mitchener, Molly Dawson, Alisa Cunningham Zone 2 Winners Junior Pairs Waikato Junior Aces Nakita Howl and Thomas Perham Open Pairs A & R (Turangi) Anne So Borthieu and Rhys Valentine Team Team Black Shayla Shaw, Sam Proud, Nikita Howl, (Cambridge East/ Tegan Walmsley Ngaruawahia/Matamata Otorohanga) Zone 3 Winners Junior Pairs Petre Greys (Wanganui) Adrienne Swan and Ella Kingston Open Pairs Puketapu Pumas (HB) Isobel Thomson and Natasha Keen Team Puketapu Pumas (HB) Natasha Keen, Zoe Keen, Karys Ramsay, Isobel Thompson, Monique Avery Zone 5 Winners Junior Pairs Methven Magic Bella Casey Solly and Ruby Stewart Open Pairs Bangor Leah Zydenbos and Mya Reid Team The Leftovers Mya Reid, Leah Zydenbos, Izzy Confait, (Bangor/Halswell/ Ellen Jones Springston) Zone 6 Winners Junior Pairs The Irish Girls Cara Quinn and Catherine Guilfoyle Open Pairs Clyde Rockets Hannah Hutton and Bridget Airey Team Wakatipu Blues Cara Quinn, Amber Jarvis, Ella Vanderwilt, Catherine Guilfoyle

NZPCA Conference 2017 JUMPING NZ Pony Club Team of the Year at Horse of the Year 2017 The Hawkes Bay hosted the country’s biggest equestrian event in NZ in March 2017. 12 Areas had teams compete in Round 1 in the Pony Club Team of the Year. Half the teams were called back to jump Round 2 in the Premier ring, however the weather was against the event and the grounds become extremely muddy. The HOY committee made the decision to cancel a number of events including the Round 2, with place-getters decided on jumping faults for Round 1. This meant that three Areas ended up 1st equal and three 4th equal.

1st = Tayler Nalder 1st = Maddison Grainger 1st = Briar Wooley CBY Brittany Fowler TAR Fransesca Florence WR Ben Weir Brianna Bailey Emma Mahony Ruby Sattler Holly Crean Charley Scrider Keeva McCambridge

4th = Jaimee Bird 4th = Phoebe Kirk 4th = Dana Hawkins ASCNO Megan Harrison AUK Mackenzie Parker NOR Isabelle Jameson Olivia Harkerss Milla Huang Sharon Klijn Harriet Stock Ginna Parker Jasmin Todd

EVENTING 2017 NZPCA Eventing Championship Hosted by Northland Area Pony Club Northland Area hosted for the 61th NZPCA Eventing Championships, at Barge Park. Robbie McLean built an exciting championship track for the riders. There were 13 Areas with rider representation. 13 Teams (six full teams, four alternative teams and three composite team). 80 riders contested for the three Individual championship titles. This was an 30% increase in rider numbers from the 2016 South Island hosted Eventing Championship. Another 34 riders competed in the extra classes. After the dressage it was the 2014, 2015 Champions, Franklin Thames Valley Area, who took a lead into the cross-country phase. Closely followed by all three South Island Areas. The cross country saw mixed results. Our DC age group, had more problems than the other groups with 20% picking up 20 jump faults early in the course, however many A1 and DC riders flew through the technical combinations and finished on their dressage scores. The lead changed with MNWC Area zooming ahead with all 6 riders having no jump faults on the cross-country phase. Neville Edge designed an excellent show jumping track with related lines and combinations.

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With a number of faults here and there as the rain fell on many, it was too hard to keep track of team places and the pressure fell on those biding for a National Individual title. In the end Canterbury Area moved into the winning team spot and was unaware till the rugs arrived pre-presentation to their truck park. Hugs and screams were shared. The 2016 winners MNWC had to settle for second and Auckland Area third. Thank you Northland, for hosting a great event and adding another dimension to the event with the Amazing Race event on the Saturday evening.

The Area Team Championship Challenge Cup 2016 Awarded to winning Area team Winner Canterbury Tayla Moriarty Sir Jack Sparrow Jessie Fitzjohn What’s the Buzz Niamh Rayne My Hallucination Sophie Jarvis Time to Tango Too Charlotte Thomas Picollo Jordan Kruger Bamboozle

2nd Placed Team Marlborough Nelson West Coast Gretchen Anderson Tallyho Cleopatra Todd Magner Kawhaka Concorde Maisie Hopkins Awatuna Classic Rose Ella Rae-Wood Tallyho Primrose Kirk Magner Marsden Magic Kendal Thompson Awatuna Alpine Rose

3rd Placed Team Auckland Alena Dorotich Clifton Comanche Molly O’Leary Willesden Green Phoebe Kirk Telemagic Rosa Rieger Toa Francesca Masfen Kinnordy Gallilee Claire Webster Artful Dodger

4th Placed Team Wairarapa Wellington/Waikato Vania Mason JKA Seduction Jenny Bevege Ngatamahine Joy Ride Jess Viviers Trogg LS Hollie Falloon Phoenician Soho Emma Gibb A Patchy Pony

5th Placed Area Team Waikato Mackenzie Belfield All In Time Storm Harris Irish Foxtrot Dayna Fox LV Little Chief Sian Macdonald Chellar Clay Harris Swan Lake Molly Nelson Tawa-iti Princess

NZPCA Conference 2017 6th Placed Area Team Manawatu West Coast Meg Dempster Pixie Caramel Charlotte Gray Coup Perfectly Done Kaitlyn Freeman Rhapsody II Grace Henley-King Griffin Jackie Giesen Missing Pieces Georgia Moody Irish Sky

Team Management Award Hawkes Bay Manager Jo Wynne-Lewis Coach John Holmes Team Aidan Wilkins Carys McCrory Ella Simcox Portia Wright Brittany Tilson

Knox Thompson Perpetual Challenge Cup Highest Placed A1 Dressage Rider

Beth Wilson Alto Et Audax Franklin Thames Valley Dickens Perpetual Challenge Cup Highest Placed DC Dressage Rider

Eden Doull Nobel Value Franklin Thames Valley

NZPCA Dressage Cup Highest Placed MT Dressage Rider

Kirk Magner Marsden Magic Marlborough Nelson West Coast David Jones Trophy Overall Winning Dressage Team Winner – Franklin Thames Valley Beth Wilson Alto et Audex Bridget Sullivan Judicious Katrina Butler-Gallie Wexford Toy Boy Harriet Gelb Byways I’m Sweet Eden Doull Nobel Value Lara Butler-Gallie Poppet

National Coaches Award Highest Placed Team of two riders at a single level, with a minimum of C Certificate

A1 Team – Waikato Dana Fox LV Little Chief Storm Harris Irish Foxtrot

DC Team – Wairarapa Wellington Emma Gibb A Patchy Pony Jess Viviers Trogg LS

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MT Team – Auckland Francesca Masfen Kinnordy Gallilee Molly O’Leary Willesden Green

NZ Horse Society A1 Challenge Cup Highest Placed A1 Rider

1st Jenna Hampson Pintado Prima Rosa Waitemata Rodney 2nd Beth Wilson Alto Et Audax Franklin Thames Valley 3rd Dana Fox LV Little Chief Waikato 4th Todd Magner Kawhaka Concorde Marlborough Nelson West Coast 5th Storm Harris Irish Foxtrot Waikato 6th Silvie Maclean My Black Beauty Auckland Overall A1 Secondary School Rider

Kendal Thompson Awatuna Alpine Rose Marlborough Nelson West Coast Dorothy Campbell Challenge Trophy Highest Placed DC Rider

1st Meg Dempster Pixie Caramel Manawatu West Coast 2nd Ella Simcox Roo Baloo Otago Southland 3rd Niamh Rayne My Halluncination Canterbury 4th Jess Viviers Trogg LS Wairarapa Wellington 5th Masie Hopkins Awatuna Classic Marlborough Nelson West Coast 6th Peta Kuluz PK Pure Zing Waitemata Rodney Overall DC Secondary School Rider

Meg Dempster Pixie Caramel Manawatu West Coast Sir Mark Todd Challenge Cup Highest Placed MT Rider

Francesca Masfen Kinnordy Gallilee Auckland Clay Harris Swan Lake Waikato Kirk Manger Marsden Magic Marlborough Nelson West Coast Charlotte Thomas Picollo Canterbury Alyssa Harrison Da Vinci Code Bay of Plenty Hollie Fallon Phoenician Soho Wairarapa Wellington Overall MT Secondary School Rider

Francesca Masfen Kinnordy Gallilee Auckland


Pony Club Tetrathlon is very much like Modern Pentathlon, which is seen at the Olympics. It provides members with a challenging competition requiring practical horsemanship, general athletic ability and, a steady for shooting. It involves running, swimming, shooting and cross country or show jumping. Tetrathlon originated as a competition for boys however there are now competitions for girls and for different ages groups. 2016 is the first time NZPCA has sent a team to this international event. In 2014 NZPCA endorsed Central Otago PC to send a team to the competition in Western . A team member from 2014 had asked E&A to look into the possibility of an NZ team for 2016, noting she had heard it was in Ireland. We investigated and an invitation from Ireland arrived with the exchange commencing on the 20th July. As NZ does not currently have Tetrathlon, an expression of interest from our members was sought. NZPCA were pleasantly surprised to have 10 riders express interest. It was agreed as the exchange was self-funded if the riders were competent and proven at 1.05cm cross country and could swim, we would offer them a place. The Squad was: NZ Girls: Lisa Milliken, Storm Harris, Claudia Hurley, Steph Jasperse and Caitlinn Perry Reserves Danni Gubb and Emelia Forsyth NZ Boy: Jesse Mahony The reserves and Jesse would compete in a composite team put together by Irish Pony Club of other reserves. Emma Milliken was appointed coach, she attended as a team member in 2014 and had studied in personal training, therefore had the ability to design training programmes. Emma Barker was appointed Manager of the squad, NZPCA are keen to introduce tetrathlon as a possible discipline in future years and with Emma's E&A role she could gain as much knowledge as possible. We also had concerns about horse matching for 1.05m XC and with Emma's experience from Inter Pacific, she could support our young coach and keep safety paramount. With eight athletes, it was decided to appoint Meg Wheatstone as Assistant Manager and Chaperone. The trip cost of $5000 per person this covered all accommodation, tours, meals and gifts. The girls team won the riding phase and made excellent improvements from the warmup competition to the International event in the other phases. We are now in the process of creating some guidelines for Areas and Clubs interested in Tetrathlon competitions and hope to trial some 'give it a go' days. There is the possibility of NZPCA sending a team again to the International competition, which is being hosted by USA in 2018 and we are also investigating a possible trip to Australia late in 2017.

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Conclusion On behalf of the Technical and Events Committee we would like to thank all of those who have assisted in all levels of Pony Club events, from National Championships to Island Championships, to Regional and Local competitions and International exchanges. In particular, those who have given their time as Judges, TD’s, Stewards, Coaches, Designers, Builders, Organisers, Committee Members as well as all of the various helpers who have ensured that Pony Club has functioned well at all levels. Emma Barker and Hamish Butler-Gallie Co-Chair Technical and Events Committee


The Education and Development Committee has had a positive year, working through the works plan projects, and providing oversight and support for regional activities.

Activity 14/15 15/16 16/17 Equine Skill 17 27 32 Enrolments Equine Skill passes 7 16 7 A&H exams 15 11 12 ECTP Enrolments 59 55 79 ECTP Passes 21 34 45

The Committee congratulates all who received certificates in the past year.

We held the second annual National Coaches Conference in Christchurch in late May which was well received. My thanks to all who contributed to organising, and the delivery of presentations and demonstrations. The National Coaches put together a wonderful programme for the conference. For the second time the “NZPCA Coach of the Year” was awarded, this time to Lynley Price from Oruanui Pony Club in Bay of Plenty Area. Congratulations Lynley. Eleven nominations were received from across the country. While there can only be one Coach of the Year, it is always great to see coaches recognised.

Three Senior Coaches Clinics were held over the season in Auckland, North Otago, and Wairarapa Wellington.

NZPCA Conference 2017 Good coaching is key to the strength of NZPCA and Clubs and Branches need to ensure they support their coaches to upskill and develop. The increase of ECTP enrolments and passes are a good indication that the opportunity provided by D Fast Track weekends are valued and supported by our coaches. I am looking forward to seeing this number increase again in the coming season and for some of the coaches who have completed D ECTP to look to further their qualifications by signing up for C level. The Committee has been working towards improving a number of existing NZPCA programmes and resources including; 1. Putting together a Coaches Induction Pack, this is available online and provides quick links to a number of very useful coaching resources. I encourage all coaches to utilise this resource. 2. Investigation of Coaching development options and the concept of a “Coaches Rally” as an easy way for coaches to upskill. This will be piloted in the coming season. 3. A review of the Riders without Horses programme. 4. The appointment of three Association Coaches. 5. Organisation of the 2017 Coaches Conference in Taupo 6. Conducting three D Fast Track weekends 7. A review of the Certificate rules The committee has been well supported by the Education and Development Administrator, and has benefited from having the National Coaches Advisory Panel available as both a sounding board and additional experienced coaches to assist with project work. I wish to thank the Education and Development Committee, for their work over the past year. Their assistance while I got up to speed as the new chair was greatly appreciated.

Rebecca Dearden Chairperson Education and Development Committee

National Coaching Advisory Panel Membership J McKinley, L Price, K Hogan, J Withers, L Ilton, K Lawence, J Howard.

The Panel communicated through the year via Conference Calls and Email. Primarily the Panel has supported the completion of the Education and Developments Workplan Projects namely: 1. Developing Examiners Report Templates for C+ and B Exams. These Templates will assist in monitoring exams and support uniformity of Assessment nationwide. 2. Reviewing National Certificates content and standards.

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3. Reviewing Learning Records (Record Cards) to align with the Certificate review. 4. Provided comment on “First Start” and Eventing at lower heights. 5. No major matters raised by the Panel through the year under review. Thank you for your contribution to NZPCA through this past year.

Dudley Brown Chair Education and Development Committee

Equestrian Coaches Training Programme 2016/17

Enrolments 2016/17 North Island - 68 South Island- 11 ECTP passes 2016/17 D Level - 71 D Level - 42 C Level - 7 C Level - 3 C+ Level - 1

Qualified at D level ECTP Lisa Amon Rotorua Sophie Bain Manawatu Charelle Marshall Rotorua Meg Dempster Manawatu Natarsha Farrier Rangitikei Melanie Davies Manawatu Harriet McKelvie Rangitikei Kate Latty Horowhenua Janine Ball Rangitikei Grace Henley-King Manawatu Hazel Thompson Manawatu Prue Glen Auckland District Dana Sutton Manawatu Jean Newman Hamilton Tiffany Good Manawatu Elin Frick Whakatane Nicola Stewart Kyrewood Kylie Burt Te Puke Nicky Perrin Manawatu Abbey Lawrence Te Puke Jenni Funnel Taupo Sally Millington Whakatane Petra Leusink Taupo Helen Mandeno Te Awamutu Aimee Janssen Taupo Jo Alexander Wairoa Deb Tye Rotorua Trudy Lyles Parenga Samuel Amon Rotorua Eilish Duthie Southland Sally Goodyear Tauranga Mitch Bradley Whakatane Grace McColgan Tauranga Ashley Drury Huntly Chelsea Simon Tauranga Fransiska Falconer Te Kauwhata Daisy Morgan Taupo Joanne Wilson Waingaro Deborah McIntyre Taupo Kelly Teesdale Egmont Village Charlotte Young Taieri District Ashley Robb Central Otago

NZPCA Conference 2017 Qualified at C Level ECTP Sarah Borelli Christchurch Faye Lausten Manukau Leanne Baird Hamilton

Equine Skills Junior Equine Skills – Bronze Junior Equine Skills - Silver Amy Brensell Gemma Fitzgerald Brooke Flower Hannah Brooks Georgina Broughton

Senior Equine Skills - Silver Senior Equine Skills - Gold Maise Mann Siska Falconer

H and A Exams

Taupo January 2017 South Island Feb 2017 H Portia Matthews A Maria van Kuijk H Daisy Morgan A/H Jessie Fitzjohn (Honours) H Elise Power A Charlotte Edwards AR Gemma Hampson AR Jonti Owen AR Scarlett Pulham AR Abbey Thompson (Honours) H Brooke Harris

Senior Coaches Clinics

63 Coaches attended at three venues Auckland North Otago Wellington Wairarapa

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These awards are awarded in two categories. Category A: To nationally recognise high achievements of Pony Club riders, and; Category B: To nationally recognise a dedicated Pony Club member or Coach (all under the age of 25).


Jeffrey Amon – 20 years old, and a member of Rerewhakaaitu Pony Club.

Voluntary Contribution: Jeffrey has always been very helpful at pony club setting up jumps etc., and packing up. Jeffery has given of his time coaching at our branch and has been a leading coach of the “Eventing Development Squad” run by the Amon family for RDPC over the last 12 months. Jeffrey always has assisted in setting up for events recently assisting with designing and building the cross-country course. He also played a big part in building new portable cross-country jumps for Rerewhakaaitu. Outside of any official coaching sessions Jeffrey makes himself available to assist his students, with riders knowing they can call him any time if they are having problems.

Competition Achievements: 2017 1st Timberlands Team 2017 1st CNC 105 Kihikihi international Horse Trial 2017 1st CNC 105 Matamata Horse Trial 2017 1st CNC Junior & Young Rider 2017 3rd CIC 2* Springbuck Horse Trial 2017 2nd CNC 2* Plus EBOP Riverdale Horse Trial 2015 2nd CNC 105 Yr. & Jr Central Districts Horse Trial 2015 1st CNC 105 5 & 6 Yr. old’s Kihikihi International Horse Trial

Scholastic Achievements: C+ Certificate, ready to sit B Certificate and signed off for much of A & H, Telford Certificate in Equine Knowledge (Level 1), Telford Certificate in Farrier Knowledge (Merit)

Career Aspirations: To continue working with horses. Jeffrey currently breaks in/starts horses, is a Farrier, trains horses for Eventing and other disciplines, and coaches other riders. Jeffrey wishes to continue to increase his skills and knowledge

NZPCA Conference 2017 to be the best that he can be, and his big goal is to ride for New Zealand in Eventing.

Recreation Activities and Hobbies: Outside of horses, Jeffrey enjoys hunting and fishing and spending time with his family.

His DC says: Jeffrey Amon is a young man who emulates all that our young riders aspire to be. He has worked extremely hard over the six years he has been riding, to gain the skills and the knowledge to compete competitively at close to the highest level of Eventing. He has done this largely on horses that were either green or unbroken when he started with them and not fashionably bred, which makes his achievements all the more impressive. Jeffrey has been a member of Rerewhakaaitu Pony Club throughout this time regularly attending rallies. Over the past year, Jeffrey has proved himself to be competent coach, coaching at pony Club rallies and the Development Squad which the Amon family has been running for the past 12 months for Rotorua District Pony Club. The quality of his coaching was well demonstrated with three riders from the development squad in the successful RDPC Timberlands Team. Jeffrey, although enjoying significant success remains modest, humble, and unpretentious, he relates well to people of all levels and is a great ambassador for Pony club. Jeffrey has also been very giving of his time when it comes to working bees at Pony Club and setting up for events. Recently our branch built new portable cross- country jumps. Jeffrey learnt how to do this and built many of them himself. I have no problem recommending Jeffrey for this award.


Daisy Hope Sennilt Morgan – 17 years old, and a member of Oruanui Pony Club

Voluntary Contribution: Teaches regularly at OPC rallies taking D, D+ and C groups, Manager of Taupo & District team, BOP Gymkhana Championship team 2016, managing team to set up SJ’s for Christmas Classic Taupo NEC, gate steward Christmas Classic, writer in Premier ring SJ Christmas Classic, stewarding at PC Gymkhana open day 2015, SJ writer closed ribbon day 2016, librarian duties is school library 2015 & 2016, School Treasurer for Cultural Committee.

Competition Achievements: 2015 Gymkhana Team T & D rode in Dressage Quadrille 1st Hackjigsaw 1st Individual placing 2015 Bruce Forbes Team 4th place

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2015 North Island Secondary School ODE team, School Gymkhana team, and School SJ team 2015 School Cricket team 2015 & 2016 Taupo & District Show Hunter Team Hack Rider. Individual and Team placing 2016 Bruce Forbes Team 5th place 2016 Taupo & District Dressage Moss Cup Senior Winner 2016 BOP Dressage Team 6th place 2016 Mounted Games Team 6th place 2016 Timberlands team 9th place 2016 Taupo & District Show Hunter Team Co-Captain 2016 Taupo & District Dressage Team Captain 2016 School Ski Team North Island Championships 2016 & 2017 School Equestrian Team Captain 2017 Timberlands team – qualified but withdrew due to concussion

Scholastic Achievements: D, & D+ Certificate Instructor, School Treasurer for Cultural Committee, Year 11 Merit Endorsement, Year 12 Merit Endorsement, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze & Silver Awards (working towards tramp to complete). In December 2016, Daisy was the youngest ever member of Taupo District to achieve her H Certificate. Daisy had a fall in Area games and suffered concussion. This has stopped her from being able to ride, or attend school full-time, and has not been able to compete or take her A Certificate.

Career Aspirations: To become a large animal vet, possibly specializing in Equine.

Recreation Activities and Hobbies: Hunting with hounds, skiing and snowboarding, baking, and photography.

Her DC says: Daisy is a dedicated Pony Club member who is involved in many team events, representing her Branch, Club, and Area. She attends rallies regularly as a rider, instructor, and helps at working bees. She is also stepping into team management positions on occasions when she is not riding. Daisy holds her H Certificate, is working towards her A, is a qualified D Level Instructor, has started and is currently studying for C Level instructing. She is extremely motivated and has an attitude that is rare in someone so young. Her bubbly personality and kind, caring nature makes her popular across all age groups. Her talents are not confined to Pony Club; Daisy is involved in numerous other activities, and achieves at a high level academically. Daisy is the perfect example of a worthy recipient of a Pony Club Achievers award.

NZPCA Conference 2017 CATEGORY A

Lilly Anderson – 18 years old, and a member of Clyde Pony Club.

Voluntary Contribution: Lilly is a helpful member of the Clyde Branch of the Central Otago Pony Club. She assists other members at rallies. She unofficially instructs in horse management, dressage, show jumping, and particularly cross country. When at events she often walks the show jumping and cross-country courses with the younger riders, at both pony club and non-pony club events. She is a member of the Central Otago Hunt and assists junior riders on hunts. Lilly also takes some private dressage lessons at no charge. Lilly is a member of the Alexandra Pipe Band, where she plays the bagpipes. She often attends community events with the band. At some local A & P Shows, Lilly changes from the show ring, to the pipe band, and back to show jumping. Lilly is also a member of the Clyde 50 Squadron Air Training Corp. This year Lilly was promoted to Warrant Office, the highest cadet rank in the squadron. This see her taking on much of the instruction, planning and day to day administration of about 20 Cadets. Lilly has also worked voluntarily as a groom and fence judge at Purinui Horse Trials in 2016. This year she groomed voluntarily for a large team at Kihikihi, while also there as a competitor. Lilly is competing three horses, including a young horse she is producing, who has been off the track for just under 12 months. Lilly bought him straight off the track with the exception two days at EventStars. Both her other two horses have evented at 105cm this season, with success. Although both were started prior to her purchase, they both had limited schooling. One had hunted two seasons, and the other had ten months with Black Hawk Farms, after purchase from EventStars. Lilly has not been able to fit in a lot of registered dressage this season, but has points at Levels 1 & 2. She won the Level 3 Class at our local Dressage Groups’ unregistered competition in 2016. Along with winning the dressage and eventing cups at our local branch, Lilly also won the Riders Choice award for this season. This is voted on by the riders for a rider that inspires you. Lilly enjoys attending any equestrian training available, and attends the annual COPC camp in August each year. Last year she attended an eventing camp at McLeans Island. She has regular dressage lessons with a local instructor, and takes any opportunity to train with visiting instructors. She has also spent time as a working student during the school holidays.

Competition Achievements: 2015 Clyde Team – Springston Trophy 2016 Clyde Team - Springston Trophy, 105cm Class – 2nd 2016 Cave Composite Team SI PC Show Jumping Championships 2016 & 2017 Otago Southland Dressage Team (NZPCA) 2016 & 2017 Eventing Southland Young Rider for 2016/2017 Season (17-21yrs) 2017 Otago Southland Eventing Team – DC Rider 2017 Kihikihi International Horse Trials, 105cm Champs Class – 14th 2017 Awarded her colours with the Central Otago Hunt

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2017 Maniototo A & P Show – Masters Trophy 2017 Upper Clutha A & P Show – Masters Trophy 2017 Wanaka A & P Show, 110cm Class – 1st 2017 Maniototo A & P Show, 110cm Class – 1st & 2nd 2017 Clyde Team SI PC Show Jumping Championships 2017 Awarded Branch Riders Choice Award (voted on by the riders, for a rider that inspires you)

Scholastic Achievements: Lilly holds her C+ Certificate, and is currently working towards her B Certificate, hoping to complete this later this year. She is Year 13 at Dunstan High School. Last year she attained Level 2 NCEA with an Excellence Endorsement. This year she is studying the 3 sciences and calculus, plus geography by correspondence.

Career Aspirations: Lilly is very interested in the sciences, and engineering is of great interest; she would prefer to study this at Canterbury University, rather than Auckland, as continuing equestrian activities is easier. She would also like to take some time off studying to work as a working student, and concentrate on her eventing. She sees some of the great opportunities that riders that she has groomed or competed with have experienced.

Recreation Activities and Hobbies: Competing three horses, pipe band, Air Cadets, and rock climbing.

Her DC says: I have watched Lilly come through all Pony Club levels. She began like most riders on her pony and progressed to where she is today. She has been fortunate to be able to have her chances competing throughout New Zealand. I recommend her as a very suitable candidate for consideration for this Young Achievers Award.


Willa Aitken – 18 years old, and a member of Heretaunga Pony Club.

Voluntary Contribution: Coach at Otane Pony Club Rallies, helps with the younger riders. Willa is able to run a ridden rally with all members attending by encouraging games, skills and Horse Mastership whilst on horseback. HM trainer. Helps with our annual pony club fundraiser “Hairy ’ during set up and running of the show. NZPCA Dressage Champs 2016 Organising Committee. Woodford House (College) – Head of Equestrian Academy for 3 years, organised the main fundraiser for the senior school trip to Europe in the form of a horse trek, Lunch (including sponsors lunch). Co-ordinator and creator of the Woodford House

NZPCA Conference 2017 Equestrian event run annually in September (Dressage, jumping and cross country). Founder of the Equestrian Academy which was fully adopted in 2017. Two years Academic Committee Rep, three years Sports Council Rep. Bronze and silver and Gold awards for Leadership (Total 100 hours of leadership as head of Sport, including coaching, umpiring and training) Other Roles at School: Head of Drama Head of Junior Choir Senior leader (equivalent of deputy) for Sport Senior leader for Arts Senior leader for Academic Year Twelve boarding leader Year Twelve House Drama Director Member of the Woodford House Chapel Team Woodford House B Team for Debating Crewed on the Spirit of Adventure 2015. Captain on voyage and Captains Award winner on voyage 697

Competition Achievements: 2011-2017 NZPCA Dressage Champs – Member of the team 2015/2016 Stately Aristocrat Trophy for overall points for Pony Club Riders for the season (4 times winner, 2015-2016 winner) 2016 NZ Pony and Young Rider 3rd Overall Level 2 2016 Horse of the Year 3rd Overall POY and 6th Overall L2 Dressage Horse 2016 NZPCA Dressage Champs Team Captain and Team placing 3rd Overall and 3rd Overall Senior Rider 2016 Gisborne Area Dressage Champs Level 4 Champion (on a pony) and Reserve Champ Level 2 and Reserve Champ Young Rider 2016 AMS Pony and Young Rider Performance Awards 2016 4th overall (over 200 riders all levels) 2016 NHB Dressage Champs 2016 Selected for the FEI World Dressage Challenge in Zone 9 NZ 2016. Finished 7th out of 13 on a pony (only rider on a pony) Final ranking 38th in the Medium class out of 71 riders on a pony. 2017 NZ Pony and Young Rider Level 3 Champion 2017 NZPCA Dressage Champs Team placing 4th Overall and 3rd Overall Senior Rider 2017 AMS Pony and Young Rider Performance Awards 1st in Level 3 and 3rd overall NZ (200 riders all levels)

Scholastic Achievements: B Certificate. NCEA Level One and Level Two Endorsed with Excellence and Level 3 Endorsed with Merit (2014-2016). Course Endorsements for NCEA  Biology: Level 3  Classical Studies: Endorsed with Excellence Level 3  English: Level 3  History: Level 3  Statistics: Level 3 38 | P a g e

 Biology: Endorsed with Merit at Level 2  Classical Studies: Endorsed with merit at Level 2  English: Endorsed with merit at Level 2  Mathematics and Statistics: Endorsed with Merit at Level 2  Accounting: Endorsed with Merit at Level 1  English: Endorsed with Excellence at Level 1  History: Endorsed with Excellence at Level 1  Mathematics: Endorsed with Merit at Level 1  Visual Art – Painting: Endorsed with Excellence at Level 1  Member of the Woodford House Scholarship academy (for girls of exceptional talent wanting talent wanting to receive scholarships at the end of year thirteen).  Speech and Drama: Willa holds and has completed up to Grade 8 the highest level. Willa has her Associate Diploma in Speech and Drama  Member of the Woodford Sports Academy (top level mental and physical training with Olympians and a Sports Psychologist. Participants are selected on National and International performance and their commitment to the schools sporting cornerstone.  School Colours awarded for Academics, Cultural, and twice for Equestrian.  Citizenship Badges – All badges including the White Citizenship Badge which has only been awarded 15 times since its inception.  Leadership Bronze and Silver Awards  Awarded the Vet Services Scholarship 2016 $2000  ESNZ Bronze and Silver Incentive Awards

Career Aspirations: Currently I am studying law with a BA in History and Classics at Victoria University. I have set up a business working horses and ponies in the holidays to help pay my university fees. I am also aiming for my A Certificate and hoping to sit this in 2017. My future ambitions are to go to Europe after my studies to further develop my dressage skills. I also plan to train my own horse to Grand prix dressage and my future aim is to represent NZ at the Olympics.

Recreation Activities and Hobbies: Running, fitness, and farming, Woodford House 3rd XI Soccer Team, Member of the Close Up (Barbershop), Drama: Actor in Lindisfarne College and Woodfords House’s production of the Lion King in the Musical 2016, Actor in Woodford House’s production of John Lennon 2015, Woodford House B team for Debating

Her DC says: Willa is a focused and determined young lady, she sets herself goals and follow her pathway to achieve those goals, setting herself very high expectations and standards. Willa is totally involved in her Branch, coaching younger riding members to achieve and enjoy their riding and ponies. She also sets a good example to the members with her contribution to all things Pony Club and the Otane Branch. Willa’s achievement is scholastic and cultural areas are admirable, for a busy young lady, and shows her commitment and dedication, with a zest for life which is also reflected in her attitude to her riding and equestrian pursuits. We are very proud of her achievements.

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Elise Rose Power – 18 years old, and a member of Waitemata District Pony Club.

Voluntary Contribution: Coach for Branch ODE Team (Rosedale), Coach for Pony Club - Dairy Flat and Ngaruawahia, Assistant Coach at Pony Club (Rosedale), Waitemata Rodney Area Events Secretary. Competition Achievements: 2015 WR Eventing Champs Team – DC, 5th 2015 Waitemata Team SJ Champs Senior 2015 ESNZ Grassroots Series 6th 2016 WR Eventing Champs Team, Captain A1, 2nd 2016 Papatoetoe PC 105 1st 2016 Northland HT 1* 1st 2016 BOP HT, 2nd and 6th, both 1* 2016 WR Dressage Champs Team, Senior and Captain, Individual Reserve Champion Level 3 Horse 2016 Area Showhunter Inter-Club Comp, Overall Hack Champion 2016 2017 Springbush HT First 2* Start 2017 Area SJ Comp Senior

Scholastic Achievements: H & A Certificate. NCEA Level 2 Endorsed. Top in Year for L2 Statistics and Health. D, D+ and C Coaches Courses. ‘A’ riding passed 2016, H Certificate passed 2017. Position of rider and working pupil at Balmoral Eventers, 2016.

Career Aspirations: In my riding career I aim to compete internationally at the 4* Level. I am travelling to Europe this May through September to train and base with Blyth Tait and other 4* team NZ riders during my stay. I will be attending Massey University next year to begin my studies in psychology, towards a sports psychology major specifically for equestrian.

Her DC says: Elise is a bright, outgoing, hardworking young equestrian, who has proven her ability across the disciplines. She is always ready to put up her hand; at working bees, to manage, to coach, or Captain teams, and is a great role model for younger riders. She has reached the pinnacle of Pony Club this season, gaining her full ‘A’ Certificate by the age of 18 years. Most recently she has taken on the role of Event Secretary for W.R.A.P.C. Elise is passionate about Pony Club, and has involved herself at all levels.

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Ginny McKenzie – 18 years old, and a member of Murchison Pony Club.

Voluntary Contribution: Ginny has regularly helped with setting up for rallies, building showjumping and derby courses, working bees and setting up for pony club events. She has also been a guinea pig rider at clinics and assists young riders at rallies and events. While working towards her A certificate coaching component, Ginny found a love of coaching young riders at rallies and at home. At school, Ginny coached younger students in a range of sporting and assisted teachers in a class situation. She has also helped with fund-raising and organizing for the school team to attend South Island Secondary Schools netball 2016.

Scholastic Achievements: B Certificate, plans to complete H and A in the future. At school she has gained NCEA Level 3, gaining maximum credits in Equine Studies, and has earned multiple Murchison Area School badges for application, attitude and achievement. She has represented her school each year in multiple sports at Area Schools Tournaments, plus represented in volleyball and badminton at Top of the South Secondary Schools and has been the only MAS horse rider in recent years to represent the school at Top of the South Secondary Schools equestrian competitions. She has also won the senior girls’ cross-country trophy three years in a row and holds the record time.

Other Achievements: Ginny has been a regular at rallies for more than 15 years, earning the Attendance and Turnout Trophies multiple times. She has competed throughout the MNWC Area in Games, Dressage, Showjumping and Eventing competitions and many pony club team events, including helping her team win Horsemastership at Area Teams Dressage Champs for a record four years in a row. She has also competed in South Island Dressage, Showjumping and Springston Teams, including joining composite teams from other Areas. In 2016, Ginny attended the Showtym Camp as an enthusiastic participant, winning Rider of the Day on the first day of camp.

Recreation, Hobbies, and Career Aspirations: Ginny is happiest outdoors working with stock, riding or hiking in the hills with friends. Ginny is enrolled to complete her introductory Animal Care course with sights set on a Diploma in Veterinary Nursing with a view to travelling and working in a variety of situations, including equine and agriculture. While studying, she plans to continue with assisting and coaching at pony club at a new branch or club.

Her DC says: In a very small geographically-challenged club with no older riders to look up to, Ginny has worked hard to ride and achieve at a high level and take advantage of any training opportunities offered. She exemplifies the real pony club

NZPCA Conference 2017 rider with punctuality, a high standard of turnout and horsemastership and a determination to learn and compete, even though she has had to travel many miles to do so. She has shown a wide range of riding skills across all disciplines including even being a wrangler on a fundraising horse trek while also being the first rider in our club to attain full B in more than 30 years. Ginny is a popular role model for our junior riders and has always been happy to help inspire them at rallies and events.


Zoe Gordon – 20 years old, and a member of Heretaunga Pony Club.

Voluntary Contribution: I attend Pony Club rallies regularly both to ride and tocoach – I have coached the younger Heretaunga eventing teams to Bruce Forbes Teams Training and Timberlands over the past five years. I help at all the pony club working bees and HM coaching sessions. I also coached netball teams for Havelock North Intermediate and Havelock North High School. I was a Leader of the student support groups as part of the Havelock High School senior leadership programme. Now in my second year as a Bachelor of Computing Studies student, I have been selected as an Eastern Institute of Technology ambassador. I will be working as an advocate at the Hawkes Bay Careers Expo and visiting high schools to promote all EIT has to offer.

Scholastic Achievements: I achieved my B Certificate in 2016 and am now working towards my A and H Certificates. I have been a member of many PC teams including – Bruce Forbes Teams Training (x5), Timberlands Eventing (x3), Show hunter Championships (x3), Show jumping Championships (x2), Nations Cup Show jumping (x3), Dressage (x2) and Eventing Championships (x2). In 2015 I was awarded the Heretaunga Bill Dooney Trophy for recognition of my contribution to the Club over the years. I am very excited to be part of the NZPCA InterPacific Team for 2017.

I passed NCEA Level 3 in 2014 with good results in Design and Visual Communication, Physics, Technology, Physical Education, and Calculus. I then decided to have a gap year so that I could keep riding, I worked in Retail at the Saddlery Warehouse in Hastings which helped develop my skills in customer service and marketing. Following this gap year, I began my studies in Computing at the Eastern Institute of Technology in Taradale. I had great results passing all my classes with A and B+ grades and am now in my second year taking Programming, Design, and Project Management related papers with the aim of once finishing my Degree, working in a successful Software Development Team.

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Other Achievements: I have attended two ECTP coaching clinics and will be attending the NZPCA Coaches Conference in Taupo next month where I plan to enrol into the coaching program. I have had a successful season riding, I have been bringing along my own young horses with my focus for the season to improve my show jumping. We are now competing competently in the 1.25m classes and was placed 1st and 3rd in the 1.20m classes at Masterton A&P Show. I am currently competing in the Hawkes Bay Autumn Dressage Series on a number of young horses of mine and others’. I am also giving private dressage lessons to local riders.

Recreation, Hobbies, and Career Aspirations: I will complete my Bachelor of Computing Degree in 2018 which should give me plenty of job opportunities. I am currently interested in working with a Software Development Team. I hope that working in IT will give me many options that will allow me to continue my riding and coaching as it is a huge part of my life. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I love the outdoors, keeping fit and helping on the farm. I have also enjoyed playing netball for many years as I like to feel part of a team – However I am currently taking a break from netball as it is hard to balance it with my work, study, and horses. I still work at the Saddlery Warehouse during the holidays and am currently working for the Master of the Hawkes Bay Hunt Club – keeping horses fit and riding his second horse on the weekend hunts.

Her DC says: Zoe is a treasured and valued member of HN and Heretaunga. She is the epitome of a complete Pony Club member. Zoe’s commitment and dedication to Pony Club, her riding and all things equestrian, is a credit to her. Being involved at her Branch, not only as a rider, coach, and helper, she is also an awesome role model to riders in the HN Branch and Heretaunga Club, and a wonderful team member and leader to Pony Club members. We are very proud of her InterPacific selection in 2017. Zoe’s success scholastically, and continued studies are a credit to her. She has excellent communication skills at all levels, and is always a willing helper and participant.

NZPCA Conference 2017 2017 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Jo Baldwin - Bay of Plenty Area

Everyone in Rotorua District knows Jo Baldwin and everyone who knows her knows it’s all about the kids! Jo has been a volunteer for Rotorua District since its formation many years ago. Jo’s memory of our history is phenomenal. She is generally working in the background, helping with scoring, registration, and horse management. Her horse management classes are run with the expertise of an ex-schoolteacher, and are a fun way for our young riders to learn. She has been on Branch, District and Area committees over those years and her knowledge is immense. She is really our volunteer of the century!

2017 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Charlotte Young - Otago Southland Area

Charlotte began her association with Pony Club in her youth as an active member with the Otahuti Branch in Southland. Her coaching and administrative role commenced when her children joined the West Taieri Branch eight years ago.

Charlotte is Head Coach for the Branch and the Taieri District and she examines up to B level. She has an active role on the Otago Southland Training sub-committee as well as holding the position of ECTP Coordinator. She attends Branch, Club, and Area meetings as well as national coach’s conferences and training sessions.

Charlotte is extremely competent at organising and planning fun, safe and informative rallies. She encourages all riders to work towards certificates and has the expertise to coach successfully up to A & H level. She gives extra tuition and assistance to parents, coaches and riders when needed and always carries this out with a positive and pleasant manner. Her time, effort, passion, and skills for pony club are highly valued and appreciated.

2017 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Jo Fox - Waikato Area

Waingaro Pony Club wishes to nominate for all her volunteer work as Waikato Area Pony Club (WAPC) secretary over the past 10 years. Jo started at Otorohanga Pony Club with her daughter, riding in 2001 and in 2003 started attending WAPC meetings as a delegate. By 2015 she was the WAPC secretary in a voluntary capacity and in wasn’t until 2015 she stepped down.

Jo was a dedicated secretary and very efficient in what she did. Jo still attends area meetings as a delegate for her club and has a lot of input into the running of WAPC.

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2017 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Felicity Dobel-Brown - Hawkes Bay Area

Felicity is a valuable and integral member of Hawkes Bay Area, Heretaunga, and Havelock North Pony Clubs. She has given selflessly of her time, commitment and amazing knowledge to our riders, Branches, and Clubs. Being a member of Havelock North Branch for some twenty-five years, Felicity has worn many hats; as a parent, a Branch Coach, then Head Branch Coach for eight years, Head Coach of Heretaunga Club for six years (2007-2013), a member of Havelock North and Heretaunga Committees for twenty years. Hawkes Bay Area Committee member for 15 years, Dressage Co-ordinator on committee, a team manager and coach, Vice President for four years, twice on the organising committee both for Dressage and Eventing. An examiner for NZPCA at B Level and a judge at all levels along with her national dressage ESNZ status. Most recently Felicity has spent six years on the Technical and Rules Committee of NZPCA. Felicity – we are very grateful and proud to have you as a member of our Area, and honoured that you accept this acknowledgement of your time, and commitment to Pony Club.

2017 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Leanne Larmer - Manawatu West Coast Area

Leanne has been an invaluable member of Pony Club since 1997, as a committee member of Levin Pony Club, going on to become President for three years before taking over the role as District Commissioner for Horowhenua Pony Club, then moving on to Club Secretary. Leanne is now the Secretary for Manawatu West Coast Area Pony Club, and was on the organising committee for the 2015 Eventing Championships, hosted by Manawatu West Coast.

Leanne has been Team Manager for the Manawatu West Coast Area Eventing team for seven years, as well as Team Manager for Timberlands, and the Bruce Forbes teams for Horowhenua Pony Club. At all times, Leanne is always willing to help at events hosted by our Clubs and Branches. She ensures that riders are given the encouragement and support needed to participate in Area events, and are given all opportunities to compete at championship level. Leanne also assists with Horse Trial events with scoring and as Event Secretary.

Leanne has embraced the NZPCA strategies, and has gained a wealth of knowledge that she willingly shares with committees, parents, and riders alike.

NZPCA Conference 2017 2017 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Chris Webster - Auckland Area

Chris joined Mangere PC in 2007 and joined the committee straight away. In 2011 Chris became President of Mangere, he joined the ADPC committee as a delegate the same year and then went on to join the Area committee in 2012. Chris spends many hours setting up for ODE’s and can be seen towing the mobile jumps around after work and in his spare time and is the one who gets everything finished for the event hours after everyone else has gone home. Chris recently took up the role of HT TD and has got his ESNZ TD qualification, he spends many hours in this role at the local PC events and HT, he is a very popular TD always willing to go the extra mile to help out. Chris has become our go to person in our Area for technical advice for eventing questions and problems.

2017 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Linda Huitson - Taranaki Area

Linda has been an invaluable asset to the Taranaki Area Pony Club community for the past thirteen years in her role as Secretary. Over this time, she has also been the database authorised person, and been involved when Taranaki hosted the Zone Games, Dressage, and Eventing Championships. Last year she took over the role of Coaching Co-Ordinator; where she organised ECTP Fast Track, D, C, & C+ Coaches Clinics, and Vanessa Way and Scott McKenna courses. As well as this, she can always be counted on at events as an ESNZ , cross-country judge, indeed any job that is required. She has also been involved with many of the Clubs within the Area. Originally in Inglewood, when she moved down from Cambridge. Prior to this, she coached at Maungukawa and Leamington. For the past eight years, Linda has been coaching at Stratford, where she has also been rally co-ordinator for five years, prior to taking on the role of Head Coach three years ago; while also coaching at Hawera and Eltham. Linda has a genuine passion for Pony Club, encouraging the true Pony Club spirit in everyone. Thank you Linda, for your service to Pony Club in the Taranaki Area, whomever takes on your role as Secretary has big boots to fill!

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NZPCA 2017 Financial Year It is with pleasure that the NZPCA Board can present to the members a net Surplus for the 2017 Financial Year of $36.4k. (comparative to a surplus in the prior year of $17.6k and a budget surplus of $3k). The NZPCA Finance Committee has proposed that $6k of the 2017 Surplus be allocated from the Accumulated Funds account to the Inter Pacific Reserve, therefore contributing to the increase in the reserve which will be utilised to fund the Inter Pacific event when hosted in New Zealand, now sitting at $19.2k. Please find below an analytical overview of income and expenditure items that have contributed to the 2017 result compared to prior year.

Income Gross profit of $297.6k is $19.9k higher than prior year of $277.7k. Items to note are: + Membership Fees are $42k higher than prior year, the 23% increase relates predominately to the increase in the NZPCA Rider and Adult Levy charged. + Net Shop sales year to date of $37.2k, $3k higher than prior year. This improvement was mainly generated by the introduction of new stock lines. - Cost of Sales has remained consistent with prior year now at 40% vs 39% in 2016. - Sponsorship and Grant income is down by $9.2k from last year, this is largely due to a one-off grant secured in 2016 which was not secured again in 2017. Other net variances to prior year were a Communications grant received in 2016 and 11 months of the Pet n Sur sponsorship agreement in 2017.

Education and Development deficit for the year of ($31.2k) is a $22.8k greater deficit than 2016. Items to note are: - Coaches’ Training Programme, four highly successful Fast track ECTP D level weekend courses were run in 2017 vs two in 2016. - In 2017 NZPCA introduced a four year project, to review the Organisational Structure of Coaching, costs to date are $24k which include Administration and National Coaches Advisory Panel meeting costs, these are recorded under the Coaches & Training Programme + Only two North Island Coaching clinics were held in 2017, compared to three (2Nth Island + 1 Sth Island) in 2016, this resulted in a $4k decrease in Coaching Training Clinics costs for the year. + Education & Development Committee meeting costs are $2k lower than prior year, a result of utilising audio conferencing.

NZPCA Conference 2017 Events and Activities surplus for the year is $2.4k, a $7.2k increase on prior year’s deficit of ($5.2k). Items to note are: -/+ Net Eventing Championship costs have remained consistent with 2016. In 2017 it was decided that no Eventing Championship hosting fee was to be charged by NZPCA and that the corresponding travel subsidy was to be paid out to traveling Areas directly by the hosting Area. NZPCA has further paid $1k to assist traveling Areas affected by the road closures caused by the November 2016 earth quake. -/+ As 2017 Dressage Championships were held in both Islands there was no travel subsidy payment required, however it did increase judges travel costs in order to fly them to both events. + 2017 was an “Off” year for the biennial Inter Pacific Event which incurred a shortfall of $8.5k in 2016.

Expenses Total Administration expenses year to date are $258.6k, which are inline with expenses in the prior year (259.5k - 2016). Items to note are: - from 2016 to 2017 there has been a $5k increase in Affiliation Fees and Subscriptions. This increase relates to the following new subscriptions being paid; $2.5k Equine Research Foundation, $1k Microsoft Office subscription, $0.9k Mailchimp and a one-off payment of $1k Woodhill Sands Trust. + AGM and Conference costs were down by $2k from prior year. - Board Travel, Accommodation and Meeting costs were up by $5.8k from 2016. $3.7k relates to an “Area Review” conducted by the GM and Board Chair. The remaining increase of $2k is attributed to the ratio of South Island vs North Island residing board members increasing, which incurred greater flights costs to attend board meetings. + Marketing and Communications expenses are down by $4k in 2017. In 2016 a Communications Grant was received and a Communications specialist engaged to increase NZPCA’s Facebook presence and manage news letters to the membership. This year NZPCA has engaged the same specialist on a casual basis. - Riders Council costs of $3.5k are up $2k on 2016, as all members were invited to Wellington to attend a council meeting, whereas in prior year only 4 members attended. + Salaries and Wages of $131.2k are $27.5k lower than 2016. NZPCA Head Office has 2.75 full time equivalent staff, which consists of one full time and three part-time roles. This year Salary allocations to Resolutions (noted below)

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and Administration associated with Organisational Structure of Coaches project (mentioned above) has occurred. - The costs associated with the NZPCA Website and Database have increased by $5k from 2016. NZPCA has engaged Sports TG, a digital solutions company, to build a higher functioning database to meet our current and future membership needs. - Resolutions Committee expenses of $10.8k are up $8k from prior year, this increase reflects Samantha Jones time spent resolving disputes.

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ALL MEMBERS: Riding, non-riding, coaches, officials and parents belonging to the New Zealand Pony Clubs Association undertake to uphold the principles of good sportsmanship and fair play:

 To act within the spirit and intention of the rules

 Respect coaches, judges and officials

 Respect other riders and their supporters

 Respect their horses and care for their welfare

 Be gracious winners and dignified losers

 Play hard but Play fair. Play to enjoy our sport

Play Hard - Play Fair Te Tutohinga Takaro Wairua Tokeke O Aotearoa