The student vOice since 1904 WOMEN SCORE UPSET ROBINSON: VICTORY IN FIRST ROUND NEW YORKER OF TOURNAMENT AT HEART » PAGE 1B » PAGE 1B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 2008 www.KANSAN.COM VOLUME 118 ISSUE 113 » ENTERTAINMENT LISTENERS WELCOME A step up from ‘the shack’ Student Senate to vote on $75,000 contribution for KJHK’s relocation BY BRENNA HAWLEY
[email protected] Student Senate will vote tonight on paying for $75,000 of KJHK’s move to the Kansas Union. KJHK, the student-run campus radio sta- CONTRIBUTED PHOTO tion, is located in the Sudler Annex — com- The Pilobolus Dance Theatre is known for its exag- monly called “the shack” — a building near gerated body contortions and physical interaction of JRP Hall. The University gave KJHK until its seven dancers. The international touring company Fall 2009 to move out of the building. The performs at 7:30 p.m. at the Lied Center. Sudler Annex was donated to the University in 1929 and does not meet current building codes, including handicap accessibility. KJHK has proposed a move to the third Theatre dancer floor of the Kansas Union, which would be a $245,200 remodel project. The alcoves next to the FedEx Kinko’s center would be remod- eled into a studio and production center for performs on the radio station. KJHK plans to contribute $100,000 of its own money, and the Kansas Union will hometown stage pay for $20,000 of the project. The station is asking Student Senate for $75,000 from the Student Senate Reserve Account, which has Lawrence native and KU alumnus Jun almost $360,000.