The Conservation Status of Bird Species at Tahi

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The Conservation Status of Bird Species at Tahi The conservation status of bird species at Tahi. English name Maori name Latin name Conservation status NZ status Australasian Brown Bittern Matuku Botaurus Poiciloptilus Nationally Critical Native Australasian Gannet Takapu Sula Serrator Not Threatened Native Australasian Shoveler Kuruwhengi Anas Rhychotis Not Threatened Native Banded Dotterel Tuturiwhatu Charadrius Bicinctus Nationally Vulnerable Endemic Banded Rail Moiweka Rallus Philippensis Declining Native Bellbird Korimako Anthornis Melanura Not Threatened Endemic Black Shag Kawau Phalacrocorax Carbo Naturally Uncommon Native Black Swan Kakianui Cygnus Atratus Not Threatened Native Brown Teal Pateke Anas Chlorotis Recovering Endemic Caspian Tern Taranui Hydroprogne Caspia Nationally Vulnerable Native Fairy Tern Tara Iti Sterula Nreeis Nationally Critical Native Fernbird Matata Bowdleria Punctata Declining Endemic Grey Duck Parera Anas Superciliosa Nationally Critical Native Grey Teal Tete Anas Gibberifrons Not Threatened Native Grey Warbler Riroriro Gerygone Igata Not Threatened Endemic Kaka Kaka Nestor Meridionalis Recovering Endemic Little Black Shag Kawau Tui Phalacrocorax Sulcirostris Naturally Uncommon Native Little Penguin Korora Eudyptula Minor Declining Native Little Shag Kawau Paka Phalacrocorax Melanoleucos Not Threatened Native Long-Tailed Cuckoo Kawekawea Eudynamis Taitensis Naturally Uncommon Endemic Morepork Ruru Ninox Novaeseelandiae Not Threatened Native New Zealand Dabchick Weweia Poliocephalus Rufopectus Recovering Endemic New Zealand Dotterel Tūturiwhatu Charadius Obscurus Recovering Endemic New Zealand Fantail Piwakawaka Rhipidura Fuliginosa Not Threatened Endemic New Zealand Pigeon Kukupa, Kereru Hemiphaga Novaeseelandiae Not Threatened Endemic New Zealand Pipit Pihoihoi Anthus Novaeseelandiae Declining Endemic New Zealand Scaup Papango Aythya Novaeseelandiae Not Threatened Endemic North Island Brown Kiwi Kiwi Apteryx Australis Declining Endemic Paradise Shelduck Putangitangi Tadorna Variegata Not Threatened Endemic Pied Shag Karuhiruhi Phalacrocorax Varius Recovering Native Pied Stilt Poaka Himantopus Leucocephalus Not Threatened Native Pukeko Pukeko Porphyrio Melanotus Not Threatened Native Red-Billed Gull Tarapunga Larus Scopulinus Declining Native Reef Heron Matuku Moana Egretta Sacra Nationally Endangered Native Royal Spoonbill Kōtuku Ngutupapa Platalea Regia Naturally Uncommon Native Sacred Kingfisher Kotare Halcyon Sancta Not Threatened Native Shining Cuckoo Pipiwharauroa Chalcites Lucidus Not Threatened Native Silvereye Tauhou Zosterops Lateralis Not Threatened Native South Island Pied Oystercatcher Torea Haematopus Finschi Declining Endemic Southern Black-Backed Gull Karoro Larus Dominicanus Not Threatened Native Spotless Crake Puweto Porzana Tabuensis Declining Native Spur-Winged Plover Lobibyx Novaehollandiae Not Threatened Native NATURE SANCTUARY. ECO-RETREAT. SUSTAINABLE WELL-BEING ©TAHI_2823_Tahi_BirdsListA4_V2_20/01/2020 1 English name Maori name Latin name Conservation status NZ status Swamp Harrier Kahu Circus Approximans Not Threatened Native Tomtit Miromiro Petroica Macrocephala Not Threatened Endemic Tui Tui Prosethemadira Not Threatened Endemic Novaeseelandiae Variable Oystercatcher Torea Haematopus Unicolor Recovering Endemic Welcome Swallow Warau Hirundo Neoxena Not Threatened Native White-Fronted Tern Kahawai Sterna Striata Declining Native Australian Magpie Gymnorhina Tibicen Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Barbary Dove Streptopelia Risoria Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Brown Quail Synoicus Ypsilophorus Introduced and Naturalised Introduced California Quail Lophortyx Californicus Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Canada Goose Branta Canadensis Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Cape Barren Goose Cereopsis Novaehollandiae Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Common Myna Acridotheres Tristis Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Common Pheasant Phasianus Colchicus Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Common Starling Sternus Vulgaris Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Dunnock Prunella Modularis Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Eastern Rosella Platycercus Eximius Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Eurasian Blackbird Turdus Merula Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Eurasian Skylark Alauda Arvensis Introduced and Naturalised Introduced European Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis Introduced and Naturalised Introduced European Greenfinch Chloris Chloris Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Feral Goose Anser Anser Introduced and Naturalised Introduced House Sparrow Passer Domesticus Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Mallard Anas Platryhynchos Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Peafowl Pavo Cristatus Linnaeus Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Song Thrush Turdus Philomelos Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Wild Turkey Meleagris Gallopavo Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Yellowhammer Emberiza Citrinella Introduced and Naturalised Introduced Grand total - 71 Introduced and Naturalised - 23 NATURE SANCTUARY. ECO-RETREAT. SUSTAINABLE WELL-BEING ©TAHI_2823_Tahi_BirdsListA4_V2_20/01/2020 2.
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