On the rights of the manuscript


of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science


Speciality: 5409.01 — geomorphology

Field of science: Geography

Applicant: Stara Abulfaz gyzy Tarikhazer

BAKU — 2021


The work was performed at "Geomorphology and natural risks" and “Landscape science and landscape planning” Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Geography named acad. H.A. Aliyev

Scientific consultant: academic, professor Mammadov R.M.

Official opponents: academician, d.g-m s., prof. F.A. Gadirov academician, d.g.s., prof. A.R. Medeu corresp.member, d.g-m s., prof. T.N. Kangarli corresp.member, d.g-m s., prof. G.J. Yetirmishli

Dissertation council ED 1.23 of Supreme Attestation Commission Under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan operating at Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Geography named acad. H.A. Aliyev

Chairman of the Dissertation council: academic, professor Mammadov R.M.

Scientific secretary of the Dissertation council: candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor Imrani Z.T.

Chairman of the scientific seminar: 2 doctor of geographical sciences Eminov Z.N.


Formulation of the problem and degree of development. The end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries are characterized by intense manifestation of catastrophic natural processes. And therefore, in the vast majority of the world countries protection of the population and utility facilities from the natural disasters and ensuring the conditions for sustainable development turn out to be the main political, socio-economic, demographic and ecological problem. Based on some data1, 13% of territory of Azerbaijan (more than 10 thousand km2) is exposed to hazardous geomorphological processes: 800 km2 is under the threat of landslides, 700 km2 of flooding, 1300 km2 of mudflows, 6518 km2 of seismic shifts, 400 km2 of snowfall and avalanches, and 150 km2 of rockfalls. The third reason is the global climate change over the last years. Finally, one more very important reason is human impact on the environment. The problem of upholding interests of population and government has always been there since it is one of the priority areas of all countries in the world, including Azerbaijan. The environmental safety is one of the essential conditions for human life. The current state of geosystems in Azerbaijan is characterized by its difficult complex of socio-economic intergovernmental problems where the consequences of resource use of nature, neglects or lack of attention to the nature response, to the increasing anthropogenic loads, miscalculations in the location of energy and industrial enterprises, imperfection of technologies of industrial and

1 Бондырев, И.В. География катастроф и риска в зоне влажных субтропиков Кавказско-Понтийского региона / И.В. Бондырев, А.М. Таварткиладзе, Э.Д. Церетели [и др.] - Тбилиси: Полиграф, - 2007. - 378 с.

3 agricultural production, etc. are reflected. A direct result from the underestimation of the existing shifts in nature is social stress, economic instability and further exacerbation of ecological situation. One of the topical challenges of the region is the perspectives of the recreational mastering mountainous areas. The experience has shown that tourism may become the greater threat to the environment in industrial countries. A specific action system is necessary for risk reduction and mitigation of the consequences of the threatening situations. Another important fundamental area of the modern geomorphic science dealing with ensuring environmental safety of the population should be the development of methodology for the comprehensive assessment of the ecogeomorphological factors and development patterns and manifestation of MHGP (modern hazardous geomorphological processes). The proposed approach will allow to solve number of methodological problems and apply them in the practice of studying MHGP. In 2003 the National program on environmentally sustainable socio-economic development was confirmed by the Presidential Decree. The most important step in this area is thought to be the Plan about the range of interventions on ecological situation improvement in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2006-2010. All the key areas of actions were reflected in the plan confirmed by President based on the analysis of the situation, aimed at restoration of the environmental balance. The constant attention of the country leadership to the issues concerning ecology, proclamation of 2010 as the “Year of Ecology” in the country opened the doors to the fruitful work carried out in the field of improving the environment, stimulating the activities in a number of public and private structures dealing with implementation of the large-scale environmental projects. Today, Azerbaijan underpins all actual international conventions on environment protection. A special Public Environmental Council has been established in the republic under the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan. The region under study is the mountain structure of the Greater Caucasus within Azerbaijan, where such dangerous 4 exodynamic processes as glacial, gravitational, erosion, weathering of rocks and plane washout of their destruction products are widely developed. In this respect the complex study and monitoring of the territory ecology, where due to the strong intersection of landscape, mosaic pattern and diversity of vegetation cover any disorder may cause irreversible repercussions, becomes significant and topical. The purpose and main objectives of the study. The main purpose of the study is to demonstrate a principal opportunity of studying MHGP in the Azerbaijani part of the Greater Caucasus through the method of comprehensive and system analysis and protection of the territory from the exodynamic process development to ensure sustainable development. Given the size and significance of the problem being solved, and to achieve this goal, the following tasks were considered as the main ones, which constitute the essence of the protected provisions:  To analyze the history of ecogeomorphology formation; objectives and place of ecogeomorphology in Earth Sciences; essence of concepts “hazard” and “risk”; contemporary scientific- theoretical and methodological basics of studying the issues of balanced development of geosystems in the face of increasing exodynamic threats and risks. A new classification of MHGP shall be proposed.  To establish the key MHGP development and manifestation factors and characterize the most hazardous exodynamic processes, namely, landslides and mudflows in the study area, taking into account new data.  To substantiate the methods and approaches for assessing exodynamic threats and risks in mountain geosystems.  To forecast the changes of geological and geomorphological environment in further use of mountainous areas exposed to MHGP development.  To specify the classes of ecological hazard and ecogeomorphological regions with characteristic types of MHGP. To map the zoning of the Greater Caucasus according to the characteristic types of MHGP. 5

Methods of research. When solving the tasks, a set of methods was used in the work, including the mapping and zoning method of the MHGP, the method of applying satellite image interpretation (SI) and their interpretation for the MHGP in mountainous regions, as well as the morphometric method of analyzing hierarchies, the method of weighted sums, etc. The main method of research in this work is the method of complex and system analysis of the development of MHGP. Protected provisions:  The methodology of complex indication geomorphological interpretation of the ASP of the regional forecast of modern dangerous geomorphological processes developed on the basis of already existing methods.  The regularities of the development of modern dangerous geomorphological processes and their conditionality morphotectonic structure of the territory revealed as a result of the interpretation of the ASP interpretation materials.  Spatial and altitudinal differentiation of modern dangerous geomorphological processes in the Azerbaijani part of the Greater Caucasus and their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.  Geomorphological maps of different content compiled on the basis of interpretation of materials of geomorphological interpretation of the ASP, taking into account the literature and fund data. Scientific novelty of research:  For the first time, the method of complex indicative geomorphological interpretation of ASP was applied to forecast of exodynamic processes.  A morphometric analysis of the territory was carried out and a series of maps (hypsometry, slope steepness, horizontal and vertical dismemberment, slope exposure) were compiled. To establish the general background of fragmentation of the modern relief, a 5-point scale was developed and a map of morphometric tension was drawn up.


 For the first time, the method of analyzing the hierarchy was introduced on the example of the Shamakhi region, to identify the conditions that lead to landslide processes, i.e. a set of natural and anthropogenic factors that provoke these processes.  For the first time, using the example of the Shamakhi region, a risk map from the MHGP was compiled for the population.  For the first time, a forecast map of zoning the territory of the Greater Caucasus was developed according to the degree of susceptibility to the landslide process using weighted sums.  New mudflow sites have been identified based on the interpretation of the SIs and a risk map has been compiled for the development of mudflow sites on a 5-point scale.  In order to identify the exposure degree of MHGP to human being and to the industrial infrastructure within the Azerbaijani part of the Greater Caucasus by the expert statistical evaluation method of the area of distribution (intensity) of the process there are classes of environmental hazard and ecogeomorphological processes with characteristic types of MHGP.  Due to the detailed processing of all available data, based on SI interpretation, also given the morphometric stress, particularly threats of mudflows and landslides a map of morphodynamic stress for the Greater Caucasus has been compiled that will allow to reveal the modern trend of development of these processes, predict and evaluate MHGP related risk. Theoretical and practical significance of research. The obtained data may serve as a database for future research of MHGP development patterns in mountainous geosystems of the Greater Caucasus and in the countries of the Alpine-Himalayan belt, for the effective use of area, solution of the ecogeomrphological problems and ensuring the safety of living and living in populated areas to prevent the risk of MHGP manifestation in further mountain development. The study presents the results that led to the following conclusions in terms of practical values:


 study and analysis of development and manifestation of exodynamic hazards and risks is an important methodological and theoretical base for lessening the vulnerability of the population and the economy due to the natural and natural-anthropogenic threats;  in order to secure the ecogeomorphological safety of the territory, the developed methods for assessing the MHGP are a necessary basis for substantiating the system of safe environmental management and can be the basis for work on the assessment of the ecogeomorphological state of the territories of similar geosystems;  research findings may be used in organizations and structures that are studying the issues related to management and prevention of MHGP;  obtained results make it possible to really assess the exodynamic hazards and risks of the studied area and coordinate further ensuring environmental safety of the territory;  anthropogenic factors of nature transformation cause the activation or occurrence of the MHGP which increases, as the anthropogenic load gets more on geosystems. The study of anthropogenically induced MHGP in order to establish their qualitative and quantitative characteristics is necessary to predict the possible consequences of human use of natural resources and to develop principles for optimizing their use;  compiled maps allow to assess the real threat from MHGP to the territory, consideration of which will allow to carry out preventive measures. Approbation of work and publication. The main results and provisions of many years of research were reported and discussed at the International Scientific Practical Conference of Young Scientists dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev, 2013), a scientific conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the national leader G.A. Aliyev in the BSU (Baku, 2013), the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the national leader G.А. Aliyev at the Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Baku, 2013), the 8

VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference in Vladikavkaz (Russia, Vladikavkaz, 2015), the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Shollar-Baku water pipeline (Baku, 2017), on numerous seminars of the Institute of Geography. Acad. G.A. Aliyev NAS of Azerbaijan, etc. On the topic of the thesis 3 monographs, more than 140 scientific articles and theses have been published. 7 scientific reports were submitted to the Fund of the Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Name of the organization in which the dissertation was completed. The work was carried out in the departments "Landscape Science and Landscape Planning" and "Geomorphology and Natural Risks" of G.A. Aliyev Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in consultation with the director of G.A. Aliyev Institute of Geography of ANAS, academician, professor Mamedov R.M. Structure and scope of work. The thesis consists of an introduction and V chapters, conclusions and references. The volume of work is 368 pages. The illustrated material consists of 96 figures and 25 tables. References has 396 names. Introduction – 15 p., chapter I – 30 p., chapter II – 62 p., chapter III – 194 p., chapter IV – 16 p., chapter V – 16 p., conclusions – 6 p., list of references – 27 p. Volume of dissertation signs 464 338. The initial data were literary, stock and private cameral and field materials collected by the author during the period of 1999- 2019.


The first chapter provides a brief analysis of modern scientifically-theoretical study of exodynamic threats and risks in mountain geosystems. 1.1. About the history of formation of ecological geomorphology. In recent years, many scientists have increasingly 9 noted that at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries human society has entered a time of brutal environmental crisis caused by the violation of the human environment. The intensity of human impact on nature is continuously increasing along with the growth of technical means and power equipment. But the hazardous natural processes can be the causes of the environmental crisis — volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, avalanches, mudflows, landslides, rockfalls etc. Neither in the countries of the world, nor in the former USSR, including on an international scale, the problems of ensuring the safety of the population and the economy from hazaardous natural threats in legislative and other aspects were not considered. But there were separate private studies of natural processes and phenomena — earthquakes, landslides, rockfalls, mudflows, avalanches, etc. The first geographical research in the field of interaction and mutual influence between environment and human includes the works of D.P. Marsha, Voeikova A.I., Dokuchaeva V.V., C. Troll, Sochavas V.B. and others. In Azerbaijan, the study of exodynamic processes in the Greater Caucasus was reflected in the works of Abih G.V., Podozersky K.I., Panova V.D., Dumitrashko N.V., Budagova B.A., Shirinova N.Sh., Mardanova I.E., Mikailova A.A., Alizadeh E.K. and others. All studies were carried out by them until the 90s. XX century. However, a huge material has accumulated, which demanded that these processes be re-examined using new techniques and technologies. Two rounds of tasks are set before ecological geomorphology: 1. Analysis of the states of geomorphological systems and their transformations due to the impact from natural and anthropogenic, slow and fast processes on these systems. 2. A number of studies of traditional geomorphology are devoted to solving problems of the second type. In our opinion, knowing the processes of relief formation, the researcher can determine what is happening or is likely to happen in this system, and how this will affect the human life. We believe that natural and anthropogenic changes and their ecogeomorphological consequences should be 10 taken into account. In many works, there is the ecological and geomorphological task to study the morphological structure of geomorphological systems and the processes (natural and man-made) that occur in them, to choose the most rational way (type) of environmental management and to predict its consequences. The solution of such ecogeomorphological problems requires the development of new methods for studying the geomorphological system. 1.2. The object, tasks and place of ecological geomorphology in the system of Earth sciences. The object of ecogeomorphology is the relief of the earth's surface, which emerged and develops on the border of the lithosphere and external geospheres, which is a component of the natural-anthropogenic landscapes, where there ar human lives exist. Ecogeomorphology is an area that studies the relationships and results of the interactions of geomorphological systems of any rank with the human ecology system or with the conditions of human life and activity. Forecasting is one of the urgent tasks of ecogeomorphology. Forecasts of avalanches, mudflows, the onset of activation and displacement of landslides, rockfalls, etc. for specific areas are made. But now in ecogeomorphology a completely different situation has arisen. There are no clear ideas about how to carry out ecogeomorphological predictive studies in conditions where other processes operate that modify the ecological situation. There are difficulties in assessing the degree of anthropogenic variability of the relief and relief-forming processes. Here it is also necessary to develop objective criteria and quantitative indicators of expected and observed changes in geomorphological systems caused by any type of anthropogenic impact. 1.3. Ecogeomorphological hazard and risk. Typology of concepts. The classification of natural hazards. Usually the words “extreme event of nature”, “natural disasters”, “catastrophe”, “danger”, “risk” are used as synonyms. The extreme event of nature is a phenomenon that does not depend on man, which goes beyond the everyday states of nature in intensity, duration and scale of 11 manifestation, but allows natural systems to adapt to it. Natural catastrophe is a natural disaster of particular large scale and with the most severe consequences, accompanied by irreversible changes in the landscape and other components of the surrounding natural environment. «Hazardous event or processes of geophysical, geological, hydrological, glacial, meteorological and other origin of such scale that causes catastrophic situations characterized by sudden disruption of the vital activity of the population, the destruction and death of people are called natural disasters»2. Natural disasters are the result of the interaction of negative factors of a hazardous natural phenomenon with the anthroposphere, difficult or not at all predictable, accompanied by damage to people. Consequently, a natural hazard is a process or a phenomenon of nature, which in certain conditions constitutes a threat and risk to human life. «Ecological hazard is the possibility of complete or partial destruction of the habitat of humans, animals and plants as a result of natural disasters and anthropogenic accidents, as a result of which the adaptation of living systems to the conditions of existence is disturbed»3. Geomorphological hazard is the threat, the possibility of disaster, catastrophe or misfortune from the geomorphological object. Thus, the geomorphological hazard is determined by the dynamic and morphological characteristics of geomorphological systems. Protection against hazards - these are methods and ways for reducing the level and duration of hazards on nature and humans. Along with the concept of "hazard" use the term "threat". A threat is a danger at the stage of transition from possibility to reality, the intention or demonstration of the readiness of some sources of danger to cause damage to others. Extreme events of nature «are

2Абдиманапов, Б.Ш. Географические аспекты обеспечения экологической опасности и жизнедеятельности территории (на примере Юго-Восточного Казахстана): / диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора географических наук / - Баку, 2012. - 318 с. 3Тикунов, В.С. Метод классификации географических комплексов для создания оценочных карт // - Москва: Вестник МГУ, Серия географическая, - 1985. № 4, - с. 45-52. 12 understood as emergency situations caused by natural disasters (earthquakes, mudflows, avalanches, floods, landslides, etc.)»4. In our opinion, the predisposition of territories to hazardous natural and anthropogenic influences is of no small importance. A scientific study of the warning and prevention system requires a comprehensive study of hazardous geomorphological processes. We propose to classify modern hazardous geomorphological processes (MHGP) by origin (genesis), by scale of manifestation, by duration, by the nature of the impact, by the severity of the consequences, etc. By origin (genesis): 1) endogenous hazardous processes — volcanic eruptions, earthquakes; 2) exogenous hazardous processes: a) weathering; b) slope processes — avalanches, mudflows, landslides, rockfalls, debris, placers, solifluction, defluxion, erosion of slopes, etc. On the scale of manifestation: 1) regional; 2) rayon; 3) local. By duration (by time): 1) instantaneous (seconds, minutes) — earthquakes, avalanches, landslides, rockfalls, etc.; 2) short-term (hours, days) — mudflows, atmospheric phenomena (heavy rains, snowfalls), etc.; 3) long-term (weeks, years) — volcanic eruptions. By the nature of the impact: 1) destructive effect (earthquakes, mudflows, landslides, landslides, avalanches, etc.); 2) paralyzing effect (heavy rain with flooding, fog, etc.); 3) exhausting effect. By severity of the consequences: 1) poor (disruption of the work of communications); 2) moderate (damage to communications and localities); 3) heavy (damage and destruction of enterprises and settlements, human casualties); 4) destroying (complete loss of the natural basis of the territorial complex, population and economy). However, we believe that with the same destructive power of the MHGP, the size of disasters and their consequences do not equally manifest themselves in different regions. In addition, with the help of preventive and protective measures, the hazard of certain types of geomorphological processes is not only weakened, but also completely eliminated.

4Тимофеев, Д.А. Геоморфология и проблемы изучения окружающей среды // - Москва: Известия АН СССР, Серия географическая, - 1989. № 4, - с. 8-16. 13

Often, in the scientific literature, the terms "geomorphological hazard" and "geomorphological risk" are also used as synonims. But researchers see that risk and hazard are not the same thing. Natural risk — natural hazard, the likelihood of loss or threat. Natural risk «is usually seen as the expected loss due to the manifestation of a specific natural hazard in a given area for a certain period of time»5. Under risk is meant the expected frequency or probability of occurrence of hazards of a certain class, or the size of possible damage (loss, harm) from an undesirable event, or some combination of these quantities. The use of the concept of "risk" allows you to translate the hazard in the category of measured categories. Consequently, scientific and methodological approaches stand in the basis of studying the risk and threats of the MHGP and ensuring ecogeomorphological safety, that reveal the essence of the existing problems and approaches, revealing the significance and relevance of their research. The second chapter discusses the ways of structural- spatial difference of geomorphological processes of modern hazards in the Greater Caucasus. 2.1. Some scientific, theoretical and methodological issues of studying the problems of sustainable development of geosystems in the context of increasing natural hazards. In recent decades, the problems of forecasting the development of environment around the globe and, in particular, in individual mega regions, have been actively discussed. In the meantime, the reasons that led to a sharp exacerbation of global environmental problems are generally taken into four groups: a) extraterrestrial, associated with helio-activity and other near-earth processes; b) endodynamic, due to the ongoing chemical and physical changes between the individual inner shells of the Earth and in the lithosphere; c) exodynamic; d) anthropogenic, most dramatically affecting almost all natural components. The unstoppable increase in human technical

5Мазур, И.И. Опасные природные процессы / И.И. Мазур, О.П. Иванов - Москва: Экономика, - 2004. - 702 с. 14 capabilities leads to an increase in the role of the anthropogenic factor in the development of ecosystems on a global scale. The least protected from external impacts, i.e. geosystems of young mountains are less stable. As a result, the balanced course of their development is disturbed, the likelihood of the emergence of major spontaneous destructive phenomena with coverage of large territories increases. When characterizing the ecogeomorphological situation in the study area, various classifications of its states are usually used. But none of the proposed classifications is generally accepted6. Studying the MHGP requires the creation of a universal observation methodology, especially in areas of new development. The essential point in the study of MHGP is the creation of a general classification of exogenous relief-forming processes. In geomorphology, there are several classifications of exogenous relief formation processes. These classifications are based on the causes or agents of material transport. Only by defining and analyzing the most important of them, can one with a certain degree of reliability be able to identify the leading process of any part of the earth's surface. The anthropogenic factor also has a great influence on the balanced development of geosystems. It forms "new forms" of relief (man-made), its actions can distort the natural course of the processes - strengthen them or weaken them, and also significantly change the set of processes in the area. The goal of prognostic works can be viewed as solving the arising problems of the relationship between nature and society in the interests of ensuring the global conditions of human survival. Hence the problem of forecasting global changes, in which it is necessary to identify the ways and rates of development of society — the main source and victim of adverse natural and anthropogenic processes. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop maps of individual regions and the whole world, reflecting the dynamics of geographic

6Alizade, E.K. Exomorphodynamic of the mountains relief and its estimation (on the example of the north-eastern slope of the Major Caucasus) / E.К. Аlizade, S.А. Tarikhazer - Baku: Viktoriya, - 2010. - 236 p. 15 systems, processes of landscape-geochemical migration, the emergence of areas with crisis ecological-resource situations, etc. The third chapter provides an assessment of geosystems of the Greater Caucasus on the intensity of development of modern dangerous geomorphological processes. 3.1. The influence of MHGP on the structure and stability of landscapes of the Greater Caucasus. In the general tendencies of the development of relief-forming processes and in the formation of landscapes of the Greater Caucasus, the vertical zonality of the relief plays an important role. The altitudinal zonality of the mountain range determines an uneven average annual amount of precipitation, which, in turn, entails different turffing of the slopes, different intensities of planar erosion, stream erosion, slope processes, etc. Therefore, the altitudinal zonality of the relief is an important factor in the formation of mountain geosystems. According to the results of the interpretation of materials indicative landscape- geomorphological interpretation of the SP in the Greater Caucasus, we distinguish the following series of landscape-geomorphological complexes: 1. The nival-subnival landscape-geomorphological complex, which occupies the watershed and watershed stripes of the Greater Caucasus, located above 3100–3200 m; 2. The alpine- meadow landscape complex is developed between the 1600–1800 m and 3100–3200 m heights and covers an area of about 2500 km2; 3. Mountain-forest landscapes in the Greater Caucasus which occupies a significant area between the 600–700 m and 2000–2200 m heights; 4. The mountain-meadow-shrubby landscape complex is developed at heights from 500–600 m to 900–1100 m; 5. The arid type of morphosculptures covers the southeastern low-mountain and piedmont bands in the altitude range of 500–1500–1600 m (the exception of the Dubrar Mountain (2209 m), where this complex has a local distribution) with mountain-steppe and semi-desert landscape complexes developed here. An analysis of the materials of the complex landscape- geomorphological interpretation of the Greater Caucasus SP's made it possible to determine the conditionality of formation and 16 development of morphosculptures and landscape complexes by vertical zonation as a whole and determine the main regularities of their development and differentiation. 3.2. Morphological analysis of the relief of the Greater Caucasus. The development of MHGP in the Greater Caucasus is determined by a number of natural factors, among which the main role is played by intense neotectonic and differentiated modern tectonic movements characteristic of the young Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt: features of morphostructures (longitudinal and transverse zonality of morphostructures), climatic and hydrological conditions. In connection with the strengthening or weakening of tectonic activity, the modes of development of exogenous processes also changed, i.e. each morphostructure separately, carries a certain, own structural and morphological load. In the southeastern part of the Greater Caucasus, exogenous relief-forming processes almost always proceed in strict accordance with faults, block tectonics and are limited by them. Here, almost all large river valleys are confined to a complex and multi-order grid of faults. Alizadeh E.K.7 within the Greater Caucasus, identified longitudinal folded-block, folded-block- spherical morphostructures, transverse morphostructural block segments, and linear (discontinuous) morphostructures. The zones of articulation and intersection of large faults are identified as “morphostructural nodes”. The active zone of faults is characterized by high seismicity, causing the greatest intensity of development of exogenous processes. 3.3. Morphometric analysis of the territory of the Greater Caucasus. Morphometric parameters, as investigative signs, reflect the whole course of relief-forming processes and the results of

7Ализаде, Э.К. Appropriates of morphostructural differentiation of the mountainous constructions of the eastern segment of central part of the Alpine- Himalaya joint zone (on the basis of materials of interpretation of space photos): / of the dissertation for the degree of doctor of science/ - Baku, 2004. - 365 p.

17 interrelated factors of morphogenesis. The main morphometric features of the relief, which have a decisive influence on the development and formation of geocomplexes, are hypsometry, surface tilt angles, exposure of slopes, vertical and horizontal dissection of the relief. We carried out a morphometric analysis of the Greater Caucasus using a digital elevation model (DEM), the ArcGIS package. The orientation of exogenous processes is determined by common Caucasian morphometric movements. The following transverse segments are clearly distinguished by the density and orientation of the isolines: 1. On the northern slope there is the Shakhdag-Gyzylgai segment, where the depth of dismemberment reaches 1800-1900 m. Glacial exaration occurs intensively on steep slopes, snow erosion is widely developed, cirques, corries, trough valleys and moraines are widespread, landslides, debris, placers, and rock falls are actively developing. Mudflow processes that are catastrophic form and develop on steep, bare slopes. The dominant processes are landslides-rockfalls, landslides-flows (basins rr. Babachay (tributary of r. Velvelichay) Gilgilchay, Atachay, and on slopes Nohurlar, Sohyub, Yerfin, Khaltan synclinal hollows on Gilgichay graben). The largest values of the depth of dismemberment and dense arrangement of isolines are characterized by the interfluve of the upper reaches of the rr. Tairzhalchay-Guruchay (depth of dismemberment 1300-1400 m and more), and the upper reaches of the rivers Gudialchay, Agchay and Garachay (1000–1200 m), where landslide processes are developed. 2. In the interfluve Velvelichay-Atachay, the size and complexity of the location of the isolines decreases from south-west to north-east. The Daggushchi synclinal plateau, the Khaltan graben-synclinor basin, the Tengi-Beshbarmag horst-anticlinor suture ridge, the Altyagadzh horst-anticlinal ridge, the Khyzyn synclinal belt of the basin, are distinguished by the density and direction of the strike of the isolines. These zones are characterized by dismemberment values ranging from 300 m to 890 m. 3. The smallest values of vertical dismemberment (50 m and less) are characteristic of the depression zone of the Greater Caucasus, represented by a wide accumulative 18

Samur-Devechi lowland. The ravine net is developed here, clay karst and bedlands are rare. 4. Located on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus, the latitudinal segment between the rr. Vandamchay– Girdymanchay corresponds to the Ismayilli morphotectonic block segment. 5. Between rr. Girdymanchay-Pirsagatchay along the spread and density of isolines is allocated a block segment of the general Caucasian orientation, the Shamakhi block. The smallest indicators of vertical dissection fall on the southern slopes of the Lengebiz mountain ridge (up to 100 m). A higher (dense) vertical dismemberment (up to 800 m) is observed in the high mountainous part of the city of Gulumdostu. We have carried out a comparative analysis of the maps of averaged surface slopes, where the isolines are drawn through 5°. From the map of averaged surface slopes it can be seen that the quantitative indicators of averaged surface slopes range from 0°–1° within the -Devechi lowland) to 42°–43° (in the high- mountainous zone of the Main Watershed Range). Within the northeastern slope of the Greater Caucasus, along the thickening and distribution of isolines of averaged surface slopes, there are the Samur-Velvelichay, Velvelichay–Atachay and Atachay–Yashma flexures. On the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus, indicators of minimum averaged slopes are observed in the central parts of the Ganikh-Ayrichay hollow and the Jeyrankechmez basin. The maximum indices of averaged slopes are observed in the high- mountainous zones of the Babadag and Nialdag ranges (350–430 and more). By the sparse density of isolines, by the abnormal decrease in values and by the small differentiation of the surface slopes, a series of intra-mountain basins are clearly identified: Khynalyg graben- synclinor hollow, Sokhub-Yerfinskaya graben-synclinor strip of hollows, Khaltan and Gyzylkazma graben-synclinor hollows, Dagkushchi synclinal plateau, Gilgilchay synclinal hollow, etc. In this latitudinal segment, using the quantitative indicators, the density and the nature of the distribution of isolines, the following morphometric block segments (Ajinour-Lengebiz, Ganykh-Ayrichay,


Babadag and Nialdag) can be identified with a common Caucasian trend of spread. On the map of the surface dismemberment density the isolines are drawn through 0.5 km/km2. The maximum dissection of 3–4.5 km/km2 is observed in the high mountain watershed of the Greater Caucasus. A dramatic change in the density values of dismemberment is observed in the basins of such rivers as the Gusarchay, Velvelichay, Gilgilchay, Atachay, Kishchay, Shinchay, Kurmukhchay, Girdymanchay and others, which is reflected in an increase in the differentiation of the relief and the appearance of sloping gravitational processes. The smallest dismemberment densities are characteristic of the Samur-Devechi lowland — 0–0.5 km/km2. On the map of horizontal dismemberment, two transverse segments are distinguished according to the degree of thickening and the spread of isolines. The first segment from the southeast is bounded by a valley of the r. Velvelichay. Here, strongly dissected river valleys, patholes, ruts, landslides, rockfalls, debris, placers, etc. predominate. The maximum value of the dismemberment gets in the valley of the r. Samur near the catchment area of the Samur-Devechi Canal — 4.5 km/km2. Within the second transverse segment, the isolines are less dense. This segment corresponds to a large transverse Velvelichay-Yashma morphostructural block segment. The first segment covers the area located between the rr. Mazimchay and Kishchay. Here the maximum value of the depth of dissection and average slopes, respectively, is 1316 m and 45°. The second segment covers the space between the Kishchay-Bumchay interfluve. The maximum values of the depth of dissection and the average slopes of this area are inferior to the first section, amounting to 1240 m and 40°. The third segment is located between the rr. Bumchay and Girdymanchay. The location of the isolines of this segment is more complex. The maximum depth of dismemberment and average slopes is 1360 m and 43°. On the map of horizontal separation of the surface, isolines are drawn every 0.5 km/km2, where quantitative indicators vary from 0.1 to 4.0 km/km2. On the map, four morphological block segments are identified by the 20 features of the distribution of isolines: 1. The block segment between the Goychay-Girdymanchay interfluve, where the isolines have an average density. 2. Block segment between the Girdymanchay- Pirsagatchay interfluve, where the isoline density has lower indices. 3. A block segment covering the Maraza (Gobustan) plateau and the territory adjacent to it, which is clearly limited to isolines on the map of horizontal dismemberment. 4. Jeyrankechmez-Dzhangi zone, where arid-denudation processes are actively occurring (eolian, pseudo-karst and surface erosion), and a decrease in their density in the south-east direction is observed in the stretch of isolines. To establish the general background of fragmentation of the modern relief, a 5-point scale for assessing morphometric intensity (table 1) was developed and adopted, which included the degree of horizontal and vertical dissection of the territory, slopes etc.

Morphometric tension rating scale Table 1.

Vertical Tilt angles (º) Horizontal Scoring in partition (m) partition points (km/m2) >1000 >40 >2,5 V 500-1000 30-40 1,5-2,5 IV 200-500 20-30 1-1,5 III 100-200 10-20 0,5-1 II 0-100 <10 <0,5 I

Thus, the analysis of various quantitative indicators of the relief of the Greater Caucasus and the developed synthetic map of morphometric tensions make it possible to identify the type, intensity and direction of development of modern hazardous geomorphological processes, the values and nature of the relief dimemberment, the high indicators of which are morphometric indicators показатели. The obtained actual data of morphometric intensity also make it possible to quantitatively characterize the identified MHGP within the studied mountain region. 21

3.4. Ecogeomorphological hazards and risks in the Greater Caucasus. The unfavorable ecogeomorphological situation in the mountainous region of the Greater Caucasus, associated with the excessive intensification of the development processes in this region, necessitates the development of new scientific and methodological approaches to the issues of environmental safety and environmental protection. Avalanches are developed in the Greater Caucasus, and in the direction towards the eastern part, the avalanche risk decreases. The avalanche sites are corries, narrow erosion incisions, etc. The last are channeled avalanches, which occur most frequently and are very destructive. The most avalanches are the slopes with the steepness of 25-35о. In the Greater Caucasus, they account for 55% of all avalanche foci. 40% of avalanche foci have a slope of 35-45°. More rarely, avalanches occure on slopes with a steepness of less than 25° and more than 45°. Snow avalanches in the Greater Caucasus mainly come down in December and February. Landfalls are most common in the rr. Samur, Shahnabadchay, Gudialchay, Garachay, Velvelichay and others. They are common at the foot of the cliffs of the Shahdag, Gyzylgaya, Budug, Girdag and other plateaus. For example, the bottom of the valley of r. Gusarchay between mm. Shahdag and Gyzylgaya is filled with landfalls, the deposits of which are Middle-Pleistocene deposits, since they cover younger sediments — especially high terraced complexes. Landfalls are most common in the basin of rr. Kishchay, Shinchay, Kurmukhchay, Balakanchay, Talachay and others. The landslides involved in the formation of mudflows are observed within the highland zone of the basin of rr. Kormukhchay, Gusarchay, Tikanlychay and others. The slopes of the trough valleys, corries and cirques within the watershed of the northern slope of the Main Caucasus Range are unstable and subject to collapsing processes. Large landslide masses are characteristic of the slopes of the trough valleys of Tufan, Kurve, Garanlyg and others. On the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus Mountains, taluses have denudation and accumulative parts. Taluses from the 22 slopes enter the river beds and are gradually carried away. Such taluses are characteristic of the high-mountainous sections of the river valleys of Gusarchay, Gudialchay, Velvelichay, Jimichay and for those parts that are embedded in the synclinal plateau of the Shahdag-Gyzylgaya array. At the Shahdag, Gyzylgai and Budug syncline highland plateaus, the denudation part of the talus is confined to steep cliffs and eaves of gravitational-tectonic origin, to zones of vertical displacement of individual limestone blocks along fracture lines. Extensive diluvial loops with a hilly relief are created by a talus material at the southern wing of the mm. Shahdag and Gyzylgaya (at the left side of the Shahnabadchay river valley), Atashgah tract, the left side of the Tskhoamush valley (left tributary of the Gudialchay river). These are the tracts of Guzuntahta- Kechaldag at the northern slope of the mm. Shahdag and Mykhtekan- Deligai at the northern wing of the Gyzylgaya and Budug Plateaus. 3.4.1. Landslide hazard. Currently, more than 400 settlements with a population of about 1 million people are in landslide-prone areas. Every year, due to landslides, the economy of the republic is damaged by about 40-50 million manat. In the Greater Caucasus, landslides are formed in almost all vertical zones, but they are most common in the middle mountain belt. Landslides are located at altitudes from 1300 m to 3000 m on the southern slope of the Main Caucasian Mountain Range between the Mazymchay and Goychay rivers. Here they are developed in the marl-clay stratum and are due, among other factors, to the presence of active faults and rock fracture. Landslides are located mainly on the slopes of the lateral spurs, which are distinguished by large slopes and clay composition, where such genetic types of landslides as tectono- gravitational block landslides, landslides-landfalls and landslides- flows (ishgyns) are formed under conditions of significant moisture8. The latter are available in both indigenous and superficial formations. In the development of landslides, the presence of lateral

8 Budagov, B.А. Relief of Аzerbaijan. Gravity morphosculptures. - Baku: Elm, - 1993, - p. 22-28. 23 spurs (Gubakh, Gamzagor, Gaflan, Gochumyryg, Gyzylgaya, Gyurdzhivan, etc.) in the near-watershed strip is of great importance. Here landslides are observed mainly on the slopes of the northern exposure. In the highland zone of the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus, landslides are observed in the sources of the r. Shinchay, on the slopes of some lateral spurs in the region of the Gdym Pass, on the slopes of the mm. Kazhal, Gotur, Peigambarbulag and others. Here, in the development of landslide processes, tectonic faults play the main role. In the development of landslides, their regular occurrence is observed to the northern exposures of the Lateral Range and to the slopes of the erosion-structural mountains of the Main Caucasus Range. This is due to the stratification of the rocks forming these slopes, predominantly clay and limestone facies. According to genetic and morphological features, such landslides are referred to as delapsive (slipping), which form landslide morphosculptures on the northern and southern slopes of the Lateral Range, on the southern slope of the Main Caucasian Range, within the basins of the rr. Gusarchay, Gudialchay, Velvelichay, in the upper reaches of Garachay and Dzhimichay. Landslides (ishgyns) are common on the slopes of syncline plateaus, monoclinal ridges and ridges, and within the arid and semi-arid zones of the lowlands. Landslides – ischgyns are developed in the rr. Atachay (Bakhyshli landslide flow), Gilgilchay, Tugchay and, in places, in the middle flow of the river Velvelichay. Landslides – flows of the delapsive type are widespread in the low mountain and foothill zones. They are developed on marine terrigenous, carbonate-terrigenous, continental- alluvial sediments of Neogene, Paleogene, Upper Cretaceous (in the upper course of the Gilgilchay River, in the basins of the Agchay, Garachay, Atachay, etc.). Landslides-landfalls are common in the high-mountain and mid-mountain belts (Shahdag, Budug, Gyzylgaya, etc.), where the seismicity and its energy are very large. The increase in landslides here is explained by the wide distribution of clay deposits of the Maikop suite. So, on the slopes of the Baku Syncline Plateau, they are caused by its structural and lithological features, human economic activities and fluctuations in the level of 24 the . The wide spread of syncline plateaus also determines the development of landslides, and the largest of them are confined to the slopes of the syncline plateaus (Khizi, Dag-Gushchi, Yarymdzhan, Atuch, Girdag, Budug, Gyzylgain, Himran, Nuran, Takhtayaylag and others). In the course of the study, we carried out a comparative analysis of landslide processes based on the materials of Budagov B.A., Mikailov A.A. and others, with the results of our data based on the interpretation of the color SIs of 1996, 2000–2019, scale 1: 60000 and field research. It was revealed that over the past 50 years, the area of the territory subject to landslide processes has increased 1.5-2 times. For example, the landslide area in v. Dvorian in 1996 was 13 hectares, now is 19,9 hectares, a landslide on the right bank of the r. Hirdymanchay area of 10 hectares increased to 15,1 hectares, from 27 hectares increased to 40 hectares on the river Agsuchay, from 16 hectares increased to 24,8 hectares in the village of Nuran Agsuchay rayon. In Shemakha region landslide area is from 3 hectares to 5,2 hectares in the village Chabani, from 4 hectares to 5,7 hectares in the village of Dedegunesh, from 1,4 hectares to 3 hectares in the village Sagiyan. In Gobustan district, it is from 2,5 hectares 4,8 hectares in the v. Gurbanchi, from 4,2 ha to 6,1 ha in the vv. Poladly and Jairly. In Agsu district it is 2.3 ha to 5 ha in vv. Gyurjivan and Sangalan. They found out that at the moment the landslide area in the Guba region is more than 200 hectares, more than 100 hectares in the Gusar region, etc. In the works of Budagov B.A. the landslide area on the territory of the Greater Caucasus is 3982 km2 (1917 km2 on the northeastern slope, 425 km2 on the southern slope, 1640 km2 in the southeastern part). According to field studies, deciphering of the SI and analysis of stock material it was found out that now the area prone to landslide processes is 5910 km2. Considering that these geodynamic processes have created a great hazard to the development of mountain areas of the Greater Caucasus, we have carried out zoning of this region according to the degree of susceptibility to the landslide process by analyzing the hierarchies on a 4-point system. At the same time, all landslide formation 25 parameters were clarified, including morphometric features of the terrain (slope steepness, hypsometry, slope exposure, horizontal and vertical dissection), high-altitude landscape zones, seismic activity of the territory, lithological composition of rocks, precipitation amount, hydrological conditions (fig. 1). The total area of the study territory is 27,670 km2. We refer the areas of 2401 km2 (8,7%), where the possibility of landslide scope is 65-70% of the total area to the ones with the high susceptibility of the geological environment. Such hazardous zones are the middle-mountain and low-mountain zones of the Greater Caucasus, in the basins of the rr. Velvelichay, Girdymanchay, Gilgilchay, Atachay, Pirsagatchay and others.

Fig. 1. Map of landslide hazard in the territory of Greater Caucasus (in points)

V points – highly intensive territories with active landslide processes (landslide occurrence probable in 65-70% of the territory); IV points – intensive territories with active landslide processes (landslide occurrence probable in 50-65% of the territory);


III points – moderately intensive territories with intensive landslide processes (landslide occurrence probable in 30-50% of the territory); II points – territories with relatively weak landslide processes; I point – territories without landslide processes.

Territories with moderate susceptibility of the geological environment, the area of which is 6001 km2 (21,6%), the possibility of landslide scope is 50-65% of the total area. In recent years, landslide processes in the high-mountain zone within the subalpine and alpine geocomplexes of the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus, between the Girdymanchay-Tikanlychay, have become especially active. The reason is a sharp increase in anthropogenic pressure (overgrazing). Intensive deforestation in the middle mountain zone of the northeastern slope of the Greater Caucasus also caused the activation of landslides, which led to its separation as an area with intensive development of landslide processes, which can reach up to 50-65%. Territories with a weak susceptibility of the geological environment to the development of landslide processes area of which is 1826 km2 (63%), the possibility of the development of landslides is 30-50% of the territory. The territories where landslide processes are not observed have an area of 17,442 km2 (6,6%). 3.4.2. Mudflow hazard. In the Greater Caucasus, mudflow processes are developed in all landscape-geomorphological zones — from lowlands to the high-mountainous zone. 20% of mudflows fall to a height of 1000 m, 60% of mudflows occur at an altitude of 1000- 2000-2500 m, and the remaining 20% is at an altitude of 2500 to 3500 m. Given that a large number of people live in river valleys (most of which are mudflow areas), they are constantly at risk of mudflows. The development of mudflows within the mountain territories of the Greater Caucasus is facilitated by the lithological composition of the rocks that form them — clay shale of the Jurassic and clayey-sandy-marly facies of the Mesozoic and Paleogene flysch, which cause the formation of mudflow sites. In April - September, more than 1200 mm of precipitation falls in the high- mountainous areas of the southern slope of the study area, on the 27 north-eastern slopes it is 600-700 mm. In the most mud-prone areas of the southern slope, the highest daily rainfall in some cases reaches 150-200 mm. In these areas, often in 1.5-2 hours up to 60-80 mm of precipitation falls. On the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus, showers with a daily amount of precipitation of 50-60 mm are observed almost annually. After a long dry spring-summer period, the fall of such intense precipitation is accompanied by the catastrophic mudflows on the rr. Bаlаkanchay, Kurmukhchay, Kishchay, Shinchay, Damiraparanchay and others. All these conditions favor the formation and descent of mudflows, which are observed here every 3-5 years. We have made a map of the risk of development of mudflow foci according to a 5-point scale on the basis of interpretation of the SI within the Azerbaijani part of the Greater Caucasus, by the degree of hazard of mudflow processes (the amount of material carried, the erosive effect of flow on the valley, taking into account tributary manifestations and the basin as a whole, as well as by the prevailing types and classes of mudflows, geomorphological conditions of formation, formation and the passage of mudflows, and on the statistical data on past mudflows), on the actual and possible damage to the population from mudflows. The area where there is no development of mudflow foci is 2728 km2 (9.85%), the area with a potential risk of developing mudflow foci is 2921 km2 (10.55%), the area with a weak risk of developing mudflow foci is 13381 km2 (48.35%), the area with the average risk of developing mudflow foci is 7817 km2 (28.25%), the area at high risk of developing mudflow foci is 823 km2 (3%). The reasons for accelerating the frequency of passing destructive mud- stone and stone mudflows on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus as highland-meadow and mountain-forest landscapes between the Mukhakhchay-Dashagilchay, Vandamchay-Pirsagatchay and other rivers degrade. Here, the probability of the passage of strong destructive mudflows is estimated once in a period of 2-3 years. The same tense areas also include the Devechichay-Atachay interfluve on the northeastern slope of the Greater Caucasus. Based 28 on the interpretation of the SI, calculations were made of quantitative indicators of mudflow areas in the basins of the most muddy rivers of the Greater Caucasus (table 2). As follows from table 2, the most powerful mudflow foci are confined to the rr. Kishchay, Dashagylchay, Girdymanchay, Damiraparanchay and others. For the period 1961-90-ies the area of mudslides varies in the range of 15- 51,5%. For the period 1990-2019 this, the area of mudflow foci ranges from 20,8-64,6%. For the period 1990-2019 this indicator is within 5,4-17,7%. The largest increase is observed on rr. Kishchay, Shinchay and Girdymanchay (by 17,7%, 16,3% and 13,1% respectively). The smallest is noted on rr. Velvelichay and Talachay (5,8% and 5,4% each).


Quantitative indicators of the areas of mudflow hearts in the basins of the most mudflow hazardous rivers of the Greater Caucasus Table 2. # River Drain Basin area before Area of hearts of The area of hearts The total area of area going out of the mudflow of mudflow mudflows hearts (km2) debris cones (km2) formation (km2) formation from the basin area (%) For the 1961–1990 For the 1990–2019 1. Mukhakhchay 572 287 92 32,1 128,6 2. Kurmukhchay 562 289 105 36,4 111 3. Shinchay 306 228 91 41 130,7 4. Kishchay 265 165 75 45,5 104,4 5. Dashagilchay 1810 259 106 40,9 133 6. Turianchay 1840 898 280 31,2 352,1 7. Geychay 1770 687 215 31,3 265,2 8. Girdimanchay 727 451 232 51,5 291,2 9. Talachay 410 153 46 30,1 54,3 10. Gusarchay 694 400 150 38 196,7 11. Velvelichay 628 475 71 15 98,8 12. Damiraparanchay 596 321 108 33,6 146,2

For the period 1961-1990 the calculations were carried out according to Rustamov S.H., Budagov B.A., Mammadalizade M.O. et al. For the period 1990-2019 the calculations are based on the interpretation of the ASP for 1996-2019 from the Landsat satellite (scale 1:60 000). 30

The total area of mudslides for the period 1961-1990 was 1571 km2, i.e. 34%. The area of mudslides for the period 1990-2019 is 2012,2 km2, i.e. 43,6%. Consequently, over the past 30 years, the area of mudflows in the Greater Caucasus has increased 10-15% times. In the fourth chapter, the zoning of the territory of the Greater Caucasus by the degree of ecogeomorphological tension was carried out. In the course of the study, we identified and mapped the types of ecogeomorphological situations that are in different degrees hazardous from the point of view of the heterogeneous activity of the development of hazardous exogeomorphological processes and the recommended measures for their monitoring. The main attention was paid to assessing the degree of danger of the existing relief-forming processes. In this case, we considered: 1. the number of MHGP; 2. the degree of their intensity and area of distribution. Each type of ecogeomorphological situations is widely spread, which largely contributes to ecogeomorphological zoning of the territory of the mountain belt of the Greater Caucasus. The development of MHGP entails the creation of unfavorable ecogeomorphological situations: territories with very high, medium and low risk of manifestation of exogenous processes. Areas of the catastrophic manifestations of MHGP, that took place, including additional adverse changes in the relief and its modern dynamics, caused by strong earthquakes or catastrophic changes in the regime of the exogenous processes themselves. Stand out areas are the relatively stable ones, where the degree of MHGP is low. Let view in detail the essence of the identified ecogeomorphological situations and the features of their distribution within the Greater Caucasus. 1. Districts of the most hazardous ecogeomorphological situations These include areas where the area occupied by one or more MHGP is about 60-70%. MHGP here are created by glacial and gravitational processes — avalanches, rockfalls, landslides, debris. With their intense manifestation, blocking of river valleys, the formation of powerful mudflows, and 31 others occur. The ecogeomorphological situation of the type distinguished is characteristic of the high-mountain and middle- mountain zones of the Greater Caucasus. However, local areas or rayons where the intensive group of landslide-rockfall phenomena, mudflows, avalanches, etc. are observed in a small area are more dangerous in terms of the intensity of MHGP development. Such dangerous areas include areas of thickening of modern seismic dislocations, where there are adverse changes in relief caused by strong earthquakes. In such areas, continuous monitoring of the development of MHGP should be carried out. 2. Rayons of hazardous ecogeomorphological situations. These territories are characterized by a smaller area of the distribution of MHGP (about 40-60% of the occupied area) and erosion-gravity processes dominate here — landslides, mudflows, etc. These processes have a wide and long-term manifestation. The ecogeomorphological situation of the type distinguished is characteristic of the middle mountain zones of the Greater Caucasus. It is also recommended to monitor the dynamics of the development of the MHGP. 3. Distribution areas of less dangerous ecogeomorphological situations. These include areas where the area occupied by one or more MHGP, is about 25-40% of the occupied area. Catastrophic manifestations of MHGP occur infrequently and without coverage of large areas. The ecogeomorphological situation of the type distinguished is characteristic of the low mountain and foothill zones of the Greater Caucasus. 4. Relatively stable areas. SOGP characteristic of large intramountain and foothill hollows. In general, the scope of the negative impact of the MHGP over the past decades has expanded rapidly with a simultaneous increase in the degree of their manifestation intensity and frequency of transmission. In the Azerbaijan part of the Greater Caucasus, with its vast diversity of natural conditions, more than 10 types of adverse and dangerous natural phenomena are observed — earthquakes, mud volcanism, mudflows, landslides, rockfalls, avalanches, floods, debris, erosion, gullying and many more others. Differences in the

32 size of environmental damage and other effects of MHGP, including casualties, are primarily related to their regional potential. In order to determine the degree of impact of MHGP on a person and on the economic infrastructure within the Azerbaijani part of the Greater Caucasus, we have identified classes of environmental hazard and ecogeomorphological areas with characteristic types of MHGP. However, each of the ecogeomorphological regions, as well as the entire geosystem of the Greater Caucasus as a whole, is significantly differentiated according to the set and degree of MHGP. Some researchers used the method of expert-statistical estimates of the area of distribution (intensity) of the process in the geo- ecological area to assess the structure of the MHGP. We have used this method with some changes and additions to estimate the MHGP within the separately taken ecogeomorphological regions of the Azerbaijan part of the Greater Caucasus. Taking into account these data, the study area is divided into the following ecogeomorphological regions (fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Map-scheme of ecogeomorphological zoning of the Greater Caucasus


1. Absheron (seismicity up to 8 points, badland, clay karst, aeolian processes, etc. are spread) 2. Mountain- (seismicity up to 9 points, high activity landslides are spread) A. Pirkuli (landslides are spread) B. Agsuchay-Pirsaatchay (landslides, mudflows are spread) 3. The southern slope of the Greater Caucasus (seismicity up to 8 points, high mudflows, active landslides are spread, snow avalanches in high mountains are spread, enhanced gravitational-denudation and erosion-denudation processes) C. Mazymchay-Kurmukhchay (active landslides, landslips, mudflows are spread) D. Sheki (landslides, mudflows are spread) E. Turianchay-Girdimanchay (active landslides, landslides, mudflows are spread) F. Adjinohur (seismicity up to 8 points, ravines, gully are developed) 4. The north-eastern slope of the Greater Caucasus (seismicity up to 8 points, intense gravitational-denudation processes, active landslides, snow avalanches in the high mountains, mudflows are average) G. Shahdag (snow avalanches, landslips, landslides, screes, placers, mudflows are spread) H. Tengi (landslides, landslides are spread) 5. Gobustan (seismicity up to 7 points, intense arid-denudation processes) I. Kurkachidag (landslides, ravines, pseudo-karsts are spread) J. Maraza (arid-denudation processes, badland are developed) 6. Foothill plains of the Greater Caucasus (seismicity up to 7 points, intensive abrasion processes, aeolian accumulation is developed) K. Gusar-Sebetler piedmont inclined plain (landslides are spread) L. Samur-Devechi lowland (abrasion, accumulation are developed, because of rising levels of the Caspian Sea waterlogging are developed) M. Ganykh-Ayrichay valley (seismicity up to 7 points, divided by riverbed channels, debris cones and inter-cone depressions are dominate, anthropogenic activity)

Separately, these areas are characterized by varying degrees of ecogeomorphological hazard, and some of the leading morphogenetic processes there pose a real threat to human life: Foothill plains of the Greater Caucasus and Absheron Peninsula-low ecogeomorphological intensity, Mountain-Shirvan and Gobustan- medium ecogeomorpholo-gical intensity, the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus and North-eastern slope of the Greater Caucasus- high ecogeomorphological intensity.


The fifth chapter discusses ways of optimizing the operation of mining geosystems under enhanced endo- and exodynamic hazards and risks. The increased anthropogenic influence on natural geocomplexes leads to the activation of undesirable processes that pose a great risk to the population of these regions. Therefore, the problem of research and assessment of the ecogeomorphological risk that people face in the development of this region is currently relevant. An important part of this problem is the development of new methods for mapping hazardous exodynamic processes, and on the basis of them and the risk of environmental management of the mountain geosystems of the Greater Caucasus. The unfavorable ecological situation in the Greater Caucasus, associated with the excessive intensification of the development of this territory, necessitates the development of new scientific and methodological approaches to the issues of environmental safety and environmental protection. The principle of locating national economic facilities in different areas of the Greater Caucasus and, accordingly, the requirements for their protection against destructive MHGP should not be similar. As a result of the studies, tables 3 and 4 were compiled, where estimates are made of the degree of engineering and geomorphological danger of the leading relief-forming processes of the mountain geosystems of the Greater Caucasus. The territory of the mid-mountain ridges is less favorable for economic development, requiring complex engineering and geomorphological works. Gravitational processes (landslides, rockfalls, debris, etc.) are intensely manifested on the Lateral Ridge. Afforestation and sodding of the slopes dramatically reduces the degree of manifestation of catastrophic exogenous processes. Therefore, in the case of deforestation in the region under study, the above-mentioned gravitational processes are sharply activated, plane flushing, gullying occur, and the formation of mudflows is possible on steeper slopes. The territory of the mountain ranges, located in the nival-glacial zone, is unfavorable for economic development. The relief of this 35 territory is strongly and deeply dissected, here collapses, avalanches, debris, etc. are actively manifested. When building these or other objects, the possibility of activating gravitational processes during earthquakes should be taken into account. It is dominated by glacial forms of relief, pike-shaped peaks, corries, cirques, trogs, etc. Therefore, in such conditions, even with a complex set of protective measures, it is not always possible to ensure the reliability of structures. As a result of a detailed processing of all available materials and data that we obtained in the field and based on the interpretation of SI, as well as taking into account the morphometric tension, namely mudflow and landslide hazard, a map of the morphodynamic tension of the Greater Caucasus was compiled (fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Map of morphodynamic tension of the Greater Caucasus This will make it possible to identify the current development trend of these processes, to predict and evaluate the risk posed by MHGP — avalanches, landslides, landslides, mudflows, etc., which are becoming more acute and relevant in the Greater Caucasus every year. An analysis of the map makes it possible to identify areas with

36 the highest intensity of the modern relief that cause the development of such dangerous morphodynamic phenomena as mudflows, landslides, etc. The area of weakly stressed territory is 2140 km2 (I b.), and the area of medium-stressed territory Is 5204 km2 (II b.), the area of tense territory is 8853 km2 (III b.), the area of highly tense territory is 10319 km2 (IV b.), the area of extremely tense territory is 1154 km2 (V b.). Based on complex data and using a point system, an assessment of the ecological tension and natural risk of geosystems within the Greater Caucasus was carried out, which allows for detailed and concrete development of engineering-geomorphological and landscape-reclamation measures in order to optimize or stabilize the geoecological situation in the region. Most of them are based on a probabilistically determined approach, which makes it possible to predict the frequency (repeatability) of the occurrence of MHGP in a given territory according to the available initial information. As experience shows, the development of MHGP can be anticipated and prevented, and in some cases predicted. In many ways, the main risk components that determine the extent of a natural disaster depend on economic and social factors, information about it, early protection measures, and the effectiveness of measures to overcome the consequences of SOGP. The increase in risk is also facilitated by a sharp expansion of the territories developed by man, and their resettlement in regions dangerous for life. In the mountainous regions of the Greater Caucasus, until recently, measures to protect against MHGP were carried out on a limited scale. For example, to protect against landslides, these measures were carried out only during the construction of roads, when protecting against mudflows, anti- mudflow fortifications were erected along rivers, etc. However, it should be noted that not all of them have reached the intended goal. It is clear that continuous monitoring of the pattern of MHGP should be carried out. The MHGP management system, we believe, should include: assessing the potential risk of MHGP; control of anthropogenic factors that can activate MHGP; emergency response 37 and liquidation of consequences in case of activation of MHGP; individual protective measures at facilities in the MHGP development zone; monitoring the status of protective structures; damage assessment from MHGP, etc. In our opinion, this problem can be solved by using GIS technologies and creating a system of cartographic models.


This thesis is a scientific generalization of the theoretical and methodological research of the applicant. The results of the comprehensive studies allowed us to draw the following conclusions, which are of fundamental importance for understanding the basic laws of the development of modern geomorphogenesis and assessing the ecogeomorphological situation within the Azerbaijani part of the Greater Caucasus, as well as in similar alpine-type mountain countries: 1. The history of the formation of environmental geomorphology has been analyzed; tasks and place of ecological geomorphology in the system of earth sciences; the essence of the concepts of “hazard” (a process or natural phenomenon that, under certain conditions, poses a threat and risk to human life) and “risk” (the likelihood of activating a dangerous natural phenomenon, causing material damage and possible human casualties associated with any geomorphological conditions); modern scientific, theoretical and methodological foundations for studying the problems of balanced development of geosystems in the face of increased exodynamic threats and risks (19, 25); 2. A new classification of MHGP by origin (genesis) is proposed: 1) endogenous processes; 2) exogenous processes: a) weathering; b) slope processes; by the scale of manifestation: 1) regional; 2) district; 3) local; by duration (by time): 1) instantaneous (seconds, minutes); 2) short-term (hours, days); 3) long-term (weeks, years); by the nature of the impact: 1) destructive effect; 2)

38 paralyzing effect; 3) debilitating effect; by severity of consequences: 1) weak; 2) medium; 3) severe; 4) destroying (19, 25); 3. In the development of existing methods for assessing the development of MHGP, the use of an integrated approach based on morphometric data, geological and geomorphological, landscape and other studies is justified. All these methods are mutually complementary, the combination of which as a result of the predictive assessment of MHGP has increased reliability. Consequently, the integrated use of various methods can significantly increase the reliability of the estimation and forecast of MHGP, which is confirmed by practical results (3, 9); 4. Anthropogenic factors of the transformation of the nature of mountain geosystems of the Greater Caucasus are an additional, and sometimes the main reason for the activation or occurrence of certain processes of relief formation. As the anthropogenic load on unstable mountain geocomplexes increases, the geodynamic stresses caused by this load increase. Therefore, it seems necessary to further expand research to identify the nature of the impact of the anthropogenic factor on exodynamic processes in order to establish not only qualitative, but also quantitative characteristics of them, without which it is impossible to predict the likely consequences of human use of natural resources and develop principles for optimizing their use (18, 26); 5. Analysis of various quantitative indicators of the relief of the Greater Caucasus and a compiled synthetic map of morphometric tension make it possible to determine the type, intensity and direction of development of MHGP, as well as the value and nature of the dismemberment of the relief, which morphometric indicators are a high indicator. To establish the general background of the fragmentation of the modern relief, a 5-point scale for assessing morphometric tension was developed and adopted, which includes the degree of horizontal and vertical fragmentation of the territory, slopes etc. (19); 6. For the first time, zoning of the Greater Caucasus was carried out according to the degree of susceptibility to the landslide 39 process by the method of hierarchy analysis (MHA) using a 4-point system. In this case, all parameters of landslide formation were taken into account: morphometric features of the relief (steepness, vertical and horizontal sections), lithological composition of rocks, amount of precipitation, hydrological conditions, seismic activity of the territory, high-altitude landscape zones. A map has been compiled where the following are highlighted: 1. Territories with a high susceptibility of the geological environment (area 2401 km2 — 8.7%) with very active development of landslide processes (it is possible to develop landslides in 65–70% of the territory) - IV points; 2. Territories with moderate susceptibility of the geological environment (6001 km2 — 21.6%) with the active development of landslide processes (it is possible to develop landslides in 50-65% of the territory) — III point; 3. Territories with poor susceptibility of the geological environment (1826 km2 — 6.6%) to the development of landslide processes (development of landslides by 30-50% of the territory is possible) — II point; 4. Territories where landslide processes are not observed (17442 km2 — 63%) — I point (37); 7. The territory of the Shemakhi administrative region was used as a testing ground for the HAM testing in assessing the degree of landslide susceptibility. The following areas were identified: 1. The first zone is with a low susceptibility of the geological environment to the landslide process and, therefore, with low landslide hazard (area 14.54%, where LH < 1); 2. The second zone is with an average susceptibility of the geological environment to the landslide process, i.e. with moderate landslide hazard (area 11.78%, where LH≈1); 3. The third zone is with a high susceptibility of the geological environment to the landslide process, i.e. with high landslide hazard (area 73.68%, where LH> 1) (37); 8. Based on the interpretation of the Greater Caucasus SP's according to the degree of danger of mudflow processes (the amount of carried out material, the erosive influence of the flow on the valley, taking into account of the mudflows of tributaries and the basin as a whole, as well as the prevailing types and classes of mudflows, geomorphological conditions of the formation and 40 passage of mudflows and on the statistics of past mudflows) and on the assessment of the actual and possible damage to the population from mudflows, a mudflow hazard map is compiled on a 5-point scale: 1. Territories, where there are no mudflow processes — I point; 2. Territories with potential mudflow hazard — II points; 3. Territories with a weak mudflow hazard (once in 5–10 years is possible 1 strong mudflow) — III points; 4. Territories with an average mudflow hazard (once in 3–5 years is possible 1 strong mudflow) — IV points 5. Territories with high mudflow hazard (once in 2–3 years is possible 1 strong mudflow) — V points. The area where there are no mudflow-forming foci is 2728 km2 (9.85%), the area with a potential risk of mudflow-forming foci is 2921 km2 (10.55%), the area with a low risk of mudflow-forming foci is 13381 km2 (48.35%), the area with an average risk of mudflow-forming foci is 7817 km2 (28.25%), the area with a high risk of mudflow-forming foci is 823 km2 (3%) (20, 37); 9. Based on the interpretation of the satellite from the Landsat satellite (M 1: 60.000) for 1996-2019 it was revealed that the most powerful mudflow-forming foci are confined to the basins of the rr. Kishchay, Dashagylchay, Girdymanchay, Damiraparanchay and others. For the period 1961-90-ies. the area of mudflow foci ranges from 15-51.5% of the basin area to the alluvial cone. For the period 1990-2019 this, the area of mudflow foci ranges from 20,8-64,6%. For the period 1990-2019 this figure is in the range of 5,4-17,7%. The greatest increase is observed on rr. Kishchay, Shinchay and Girdymanchay (by 17,7%, 16,3% and 13,1%, respectively). The smallest increase is obserbed on rr. Velvelichay and Talachay (5,8% and 5,4% each). The total area of mudflow hearts for the period 1961-1990 amounted to 1571 km2, i.e. 34%. The area of mudflow hearts for the period 1990-2019 amounts to 2012.2 km2, i.e. 43.6%. Consequently, over the past 30 years, the area of mudflow hearts in the Greater Caucasus has increased by 10-15% (11, 29). 10. As an assessment of ecogeomorphological situations, rayons are identified where, depending on a particular combination of individual factors, a certain type of geodynamic situation of 41 modern relief formation is formed: 1. Areas of distribution of the most hazardous ecogeomorphological situations. These include territories where the area occupied by one or more MHGP is about 60-70%. In such territories, constant monitoring of the dynamics of the development of MHGP should be carried out; 2. Areas of distribution of the hazardous ecogeomorphological situations. These territories are characterized by a smaller area of distribution of MHGP (about 40-60% of the occupied area). There should also be carried out the monitoring for the dynamics of the development of MHGP; 3. Areas of distribution of less dangerous ecogeomorphological situations. These include territories where the area occupied by one or more MHGP is about 25-40% of the occupied area; 4. Relatively stable areas. MHGP are characteristic of large intramountain and foothill basins. Here it is recommended to conduct local observations in separate areas of active manifestation of these processes, as well as studying the general development trends of modern geomorphogenesis (19); 11. According to the peculiarities of the manifestation of MHGP, their impact on the ecogeomorphological situation, the living conditions of people, a geomorphological risk map is drawn up on the example of the Shemakha administrative rayon, where three zones with different levels of geomorphological risk are identified: weak, medium and high. The first zone with an area of 481 km2 (29.8%), with a population of 13781 people, is characterized by low risk for the population from the effects of MHGP; the second zone with an area of 973 km2 (60.4%), with a population of 80,500 people, is characterized by an average risk to the population from the effects of MHGP; the third zone with an area of 157 km2 (9.8%), with a population of 8719 people, is characterized by a high risk for the population from the effects of MHGP (19); 12. As a result of the detailed processing of all available materials and data obtained in the field and based on the interpretation of the SIs, as well as taking into account the morphometric tension, namely the risk of developing mudflow foci 42 and landslide hazard, a map of the morphodynamic tension of the Greater Caucasus was drawn up: extremely stressed territories (V b .— the area is 1154 km2), highly stressed territories (IV b. — 10319 km2), stressed territories (III b. — 8853 km2), moderately stressed territories (II b. — 5204 km2), weakly stressed territories (I b. — 2140 km2) that appears to be valuable summary data for the development of the foundations of an integrated and scientifically justified development of geosystems of the studied mountain region (30).

The main content of the dissertation is published in the following works:

1. Тарихазер, С.А. Выявление направления развития оползневых процессов в Юго-Восточном Кавказе и возможности их прогнозирования (на основе материалов дешифрирования аэрофотоснимков) // - Москва: Анкил, Материалы Общероссийской конференции «Риск-2000», Оценка и управление природными рисками, - 2000, с. 44-45. 2. Тарихазер, С.А. Влияние усиления оползневых и селеформирующих процессов на эколого-геоморфологическую обстановку (на примере Юго-Восточного Кавказа) // Материалы международного симпозиума «Стратегия и методы оценки экологического риска аридных и горных территорий». Казахский Национальный Университет им. Аль-Фараби, Казахстан, Алматы: -10-11 октября - 2001,- с. 123-124. 3. Тарихазер, С.А. Некоторые вопросы методики исследования экзогенных процессов и морфоскульптур молодых горных стран (на основе индикационно-геоморфологического дешифрирования АКС) // - Баку: Труды ГО Азербайджана «Современные эколого-географические проблемы горных стран», - 2001. Т. VII, с. 123-130. 4. Тарихазер, С.А. Оползни: последствия их проявления (на примере северо-восточного склона Большого Кавказа) // Материалы всероссийской научной конференции «Современные 43

аспекты экологии и экологического образования», Казань: -19- 23 сентября, - 2005, - с. 380-381. 5. Тарихазер, С.А. Особенности эколого- геоморфологической ситуации на южном склоне Восточного Кавказа // Материалы «VIII научного совещания по прикладной географии», Иркутск: изд-во Института географии СО РАН, - 12-13 апреля, -2005, - с. 67-68. 6. Тарихазер, С.А. Об опыте картографирования экогеоморфологического риска горных геосистем Восточного Кавказа // Материалы VIII научной конференции по тематической картографии «Геоинформационное картографирование для сбалансированного территориального развития», Иркутск, - 21-23 ноября - 2006, - с. 28-29 /Э.К. Ализаде, С .А. Тарихазер/. 7. Тарихазер, С.А. Динамика изменения структуры опасных экзоморфодинамических процессов на Восточном Кавказе // Земная поверхность, ярусный рельеф и скорость рельефообразования». Материалы Иркутского геоморфологического семинара-чтений памяти Н.А. Флоренсова. Иркутск: - сентябрь - 2007, - с. 98-99 /Э.К. Ализаде, С.А. Тарихазер/. 8. Тарихазер, С.А. Изменение структуры опасных морфогенетических процессов и их воздействие на горные геоморфосистемы (на примере северо-восточного склона Большого Кавказа) //- Баку: Известия НАН Азербайджана, Серия науки о Земле, - 2010. № 2, с. 16-23 /Э.К. Ализаде, С.А. Тарихазер/. 9. Тарихазер, С.А. Экзоморфодинамика рельефа гор и ее оценка (на примере северо-восточного склона Большого Кавказа) / Э.К. Ализаде, С.А. Тарихазер - Баку: Viktoriya, - 2010. - 236 с. 10. Тарихазер, С.А. Некоторые характерные особенности эколого-инженерно-геоморфологической оценки северо- восточного склона Большого Кавказа (в пределах


Азербайджана) // Пермь: Географический вестник, - 2012. № 3(22), с. 20-31 /Э.К. Ализаде, С.А. Тарихазер/. 11. Тарихазер, С.А., Гамидова, З.А., Алекперова, С.О. Оценка геодинамической активности селевых явлений в горных геокомплексах (на примере азербайджанской части Большого Кавказа) // Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых, посвященной 95-летию Национальной академии наук Украины «Потенциал современной географии в решении проблем развития регионов» /С.А. Тарихазер, З.А. Гамидова, С.О. Алекперова/ Украина, Киев: «Логос»: - 3-5 октября, - 2013,- с. 396-403. 12. Тарихазер, С.А. Опыт использования дистанционных методов для прогноза развития оползневых процессов на Восточном Кавказе // Материалы Всероссийской научно- практической конференции «Современные проблемы геологии, географии и геоэкологии», посвященной 150-летию В.И. Вернадского. Грозный, Махачкала: -25-28 марта, - 2013, - с. 350- 352. 13. Tarikhazer, S.A. Dynamics of change in mountain ecogeosystems under the influence of natural-destructive phenomena (an example from the Major Caucasus) // - Baku, Azerbaijan: IGCP 610 Second Plenary Conference and Field Trip-12-20 october, - 2014, - p. 11-13 /E.K. Alizade, S.A. Tarikhazer/. 14. Тарихазер, С.А. Динамика усиления селеопасности в горных регионах и их воздействие на природно-хозяйственную систему (на примере азербайджанской части Большого Кавказа) // - Воронеж: Вестник Воронежского Государственного Университета, Серия География. Геоэкология, - 2014. №1, с. 28- 38 /С.А. Тарихазер, С.О. Алекперова/. 15. Тарихазер, С.А., Гамидова, З.А. Исследование оползневой опасности в пределах азербайджанской части Большого Кавказа с целью выявления экогеоморфологической обстановки // - Симферополь: КНЦ, «Геополитика и экогеодинамика регионов», посвящен 80-летию со дня основания географического факультета Таврического 45

национального университета им. В.И. Вернадского, - 2014. Т. 10, вып. 1, - с. 266-273 /С.А. Тарихазер, З.А. Гамидова/ 16. Тарихазер, С.А. Ландшафтно-геоморфологическая обстановка Большого Кавказа и степень влияния на нее процессов экзоморфогенеза // - Москва: Медиа-Пресс, Геоморфология. Новые решения старых проблем (к 110-летию И.П. Герасимова), - 2014, с. 23-34 /С.А. Тарихазер, И.Я. Кучинская/. 17. Тарихазер, С.А. Современные тенденции усиления геодинамической напряженности в горных регионах (на примере северо-восточного склона Большого Кавказа) // -Пенза: Известия Высших учебных заведений «Естественные науки» Поволжский регион, - 20214. № 3(7), с. 68-79 /Э.К. Ализаде, С.А. Тарихазер/. 18. Тарихазер, С.А. Развитие опасных геоморфологических процессов в г. Баку // - Баку: География и природные ресурсы. Труды ГО Азербайджана, - 2015. № 2, с. 16- 20 /Э.К. Ализаде, С.А. Тарихазер, С.Г. Мамедов/. 19. Тарихазер, С.А. Экогеоморфологическая опасность и риск на Большом Кавказе (в пределах Азербайджана) / Э.К. Ализаде, С.А. Тарихазер - Москва: МаксПРЕСС, - 2015. - 207 с. 20. Тарихазер, С.А. Прогнозирование селевых явлений и их воздействие на природно-хозяйственную систему южного склона Большого Кавказа (в пределах Азербайджана) // -Россия: Вестник САФУ, Серия «Естественные науки», - 2018. №1, с. 38- 50 /С.А. Тарихазер, С.О. Алекперова/. 21. Тарихазер С.А. Высотно-ландшафтная обусловленность развития селевых процессов в горных геосистемах южного склона Большого Кавказа //- Владикавказ: Научный журнал «Устойчивое развитие горных территорий», - 2015. № 4(26), с. 33-41 /Э.К. Ализаде, С.А. Тарихазер/. 22. Тарихазер, С.А. Оползни: самое «спокойное», но смертельное стихийное бедствие // - Баку: Вестник НАН Азербайджана, - 2016. Т. 3, № 2, с. 10-19 /Э.К. Ализаде, С.А. Тарихазер/. 46 23. Тарихазер, С.А. 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The defense will be held on 30.03. 2021 year at 14 00 at the meeting of the Dissertation council ED 1.23 of Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan operating at Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Geography named acad. H.A. Aliyev

Address: AZ 1143, Baku, G. Javida avenue, 115, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Geography named acad. H.A. Aliyev

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