Volume 7 Number 57 Indiana Unhrerslty-Purdue University at Indianapolis April 19,1978

— v m ; .- *2>i Circle City Circuit the week in review t SoQomor* 4/19/71

A LECTURE ON KUNDALINI YOGA Levitation possible, says TM rep by M a t G aia way ties. One u rn mental formula s, or BY It fa bow possible (or • human to autroa, to attain a aldhi, be explained levitate utilizing the power of his There la a different sutro for each There will be two free lectures at SWAM1CHETANANDA mind That ! the view of Don Howard aldhi. Thee* tut res are private and IU PU I this week, the first being an In­ at the Transcendental Meditation are exchanged only between teacher troductory lecture which will be held (MICHAEL SHOEMAKER) Center, O B N College A ve and student, Howard said. Wednesday. April IB, at B pm, Room Howard explained that levitation fa 1(B In the Lecture Hall Tha second Stdhis are a part of the advanced only one of eevoral “ supernormal" will ba a preparatory lecture Thurs­ TUESDAY. APRIL 25. S:00 P.M. TM courses which a n taught To evonta, or atdhia, pouible (or people day. April » . at 1:30 pm, In the learn to perform tidhfa, a student LECTURE HALL. ROOM IOO to learn Another U invisibility, which Lecture Hall, Room 104 Howard must learn the basic art of TM The IUPUI(Cora«rof A|i m &N«« York) Howard aaid he haa not teen yet, but stresses that interested persons basic course is taught in seven parts. hai heard of It being performed to a should attend the first lecture before The first step is to attend a free intro­ SPONSOHED BY limited degree. they attend the second so as to under­ ductory lecture which is given each RUOftANANDA YOGASMRAM “ The TM aldhi program ia not un­ stand what the alms and goab of TM Wednesday, at B pm, at tha Center *OANAPOUS 925-0622 like T M ." Howard aaid. "In TM we are. The next step Is to attend another free teach the itudent to lower himself Into The main reason people meditate, lecture which is held on Thursday the level of peer consciousnaa* Peer Howard said, is not to Just be medi at B pm The next lessons require a fee comciouaneas makea up everything tatlng, although meditating in itself U which Howard says goes solely for the in nature and haa alwaye ex tiled, but enjoyable He said that the relaxing maintenance of the TM program The man is only now beginning to discover feeling a person experiences after he government considers the TM pro­ and tap this power mediate* is what makea meditating gram to be a non-profit organization, Ned Ingberman, who handle* publi­ worthwhile to moat people ThU U Howard explained city for the Broad Ripple based what the TM program hopes to center, compared peer conaciousneea Paying the course fee makes the achieve, to allow people to relox and to watching a movie In a theater person a lifetime member of TM, en- be free from outside pressures “ You watch the movie but when the projector la ihut off and the image* stop coming, you notice the white Osgood speaks Friday screen. You realize that while you wore watching the picture, there wa* The Department of Psychology of tentative To War Or Surrender and tomething there all the while That'* the 1UPUI School of Science and the Perspective la Ferelga Policy. what we try to do In TM ; we try to section of Psychiatry at tha School of The address U free to the public as make the student see thii level of peer Medicine, IUPUI. will sponsor a well as to the university community consciousness which exists even lecture by Dr Charles E. Osgood, a though it cannot be seen noted psychologist and past president Indiana s largest photographic supplier Howard said that anyone can be of the American Psychological taught to meditate “ I like to say that Association at 5 pm Friday, April 11, IW Cnk US 5151 • HI Buit M t » « !S3 3« J if you can think, you can meditate in the IUPUI Law School, Room 102 TM is 100 percent effective for every­ Osgood, • professor of psychology St. W ill) • m S Pm flirt Ol Bloonmglon one. We have doctors, lawyers, stu­ and communications at the Univer­ dents, anyone you can think of in our sity of Illinois will discuss “ Mankind program TM does not require drugs, 2000?” as he details problems that he strange foods; it is not a religion or feels must be resolved before the end philosophy; there are no cramped of the century The main Issues facing positions one must perform to mankind will be outlined and the clas­ Introducing meditate; TM is Just a way of relaxing sic means of thinking about issues will and getting rid of the everyday stress be demonstrated that builds up inside the human body ." ThU address will summarize much a distinguished Different individuals are best quali­ of hu life's work. The author of at fied to perform different sidhfs, least 75 papers and magazine article!. Icelandic bird svho Howard aaid, and a student is taught Osgood has also written three books has the answer the aldhi which is best for his capabili­ The Measurement of Meaning, An Ak Dr. Charles E. Osgood to all those contusing air hires to Europe.

Du lard mu *v hm-1* kikMii a.m. .ix .i Puffin A Mini iln uuhirul i tr^rtml ii It vk.nl < k. 14 lh> 4 to-l lluiii' i Hut ihervs l>.inii"ik'i' urn In IViSumt \pnl l l‘*7K .'tank than |utl Inside l.rtaah «d lh .an \>«jth • fans ilHiftnn ivrvmihitwtvn Ymu1 1. 1 » art-ji IUPUI newt...... page* 2,3 \2-Si (hvnrnndnu+ Comment...... page 4 tri.iiSv« YiakIt km mtv. vim hunt** aw U«i no viwrlnp And Crittur...... page 4 trunkI».h!" Kvtuni livLaak « 6 m1 Lettera...... page 4 nvidnwn naht i> I hi itwhk irf Our View...... page 4 Kurn*'. » 1» tv yulla-sM laurv Midwest Arts .i*» hi If.wi trim Gazette...... page* 3,6 ,urn»'Mt«rtl U i. un l.ntiurV>. CCC wrap-up.... pagea 8,9 ShJu'jirnTthp Zodiacal Zingera l.irtii III Lawf-. L.kimt- »nl I. .an in Hi luiaxk 4 Help...... page 10 ii.a lr.nvt.i0 ia. l*r » thv Kelly A Duke...... page 12 lk|H . »i I'Mui.rt. Wtam v M l Sports...... page 13 . II,x III.. Ili il IIiii.M i ,al NY llVit k.d wnii.W liUtia i.il tin ClaiBlfledt.... pagea 14,15

Cover: golf photo by Rick Bsngha $275 Other photos by Evalds Y aUlnls Whenever a child says "/ don't naaaltn|i 11-- l.'iiknl.'Yikw AI‘K\ \I*K\ (.av(.hi (nan N Y ' believe In /alries" there's a little /airy somewhere that fall* right down dead $400 James M. Barrie imaitkn|i iimill Ian-. < *««lln ;t|#' -• Peter Paa Icelandic to Europe. Sux pipor pnitnlod Prof Cohn Wilhama will pre­ IUPUI News Outer ricd vM fuMowshlp sent a paper. There Ha* Bean Edward Gubar of the IUPUI Ne Sexual RevolutMn -sociologi English department has received cai Reasons Why ," atT pm. April IUPUI ROTC awards given a resident fellowship from the » , in Cavanaugh Hall. Room M7 National Endowment for the Hu Prof Wilhama. senior roe to rch n e IUPUI ROTC awarded the of thou ROTl inanities This fellowship will pay associate at the Kinsey InsUtute George C Marshall Award, its up to *14,000 tor nine months of for Sex Research and associate Isghret honor, to Brant A Bennett full time research and study dur profeasor of aocialogy at IUPUI. at the ROTC Honors Day core c z r . r r r ^ r r ing the ll7»-7* academic year mritat all who wwh to attend to many on April 17 theur ROTC clem, weet to Gerald Gubar is one of 145 successful take pert In a cribcnl discussion The Marshall award n present T Kitchen* end Ttacy L Clymer applicants and was recommended of his explanations The presents ed annually to the outstanding for the fellowship at a meeting of bon is being sponeored by the senior ROTC cadet The Depart Humphry Meven E WUhnms the Nations! Council on Human) Sociology Club Refreshments ment of the Army Superior Cadet Elisabeth A Manor sad James ties in February of this year will be served Award was given to Gary R K Greil 4 Sagamore 4/19/74

i m u sST t a As o S n I i /i . Mm W i i m V st , , STbeiCPIlW* CAMMIS X> MBIT A H t t N fi b u t Too W / P6 1 A C C R S MUSTK A * Of SOMf

We sure had a good time at this year’s Circle City Circuit fes­ tivities—didn’t you? We just realized, though, that we were so JUST Off OttfSTiON«. WHADPYA busy watching the volleyball and golf tournaments and eating DO wrm allThe w a t T h e pizza and ice cream and international dishes and listening to the ^ MU.TH6 QUtieRS m a k e ? New York Street Singers and cheering the canoers at Eagle Creek P a rk -w e forgot to say “ thank you” ! We’re really feeling guilty about taking CCC for granted now that we’ve heard about what happened in Bloomington at the IU regatta It seems there was some disagreement between the president of the IU Student Foundation and people connected with the De­ partment of Natural Resources over why there were sixteen law- enforcement officers at the regatta (as opposed to six last year) SPONGES and as to what motivated the 90 arrests made (on 39 charges, ranging from illegal possession or consumption of alcohol to fish­ ing without a license). Apparently, officials at the Department of Natural Resources had recommended the Monroe Reservoir facilities not be made available for the regatta this year After the IU Student Founda­ tion appealed the recommendation, the Natural Resource Com­ Letters mission gave its approval. The IU regatta—patrolled, this year, by guards with binocu­ Thank you,says Grigsby lars on the rooftops of nearby buildings—is a day of canoe and paddle boat races, which is a part of the annual spring festivities To the Editor Barry Sample, Chria Carter, Tim planned by the IU Student Foundation. The Circle City Circuit T U e ie a abort note to thank the Breeo and the other committee men. committee that organised the 1976 Canoe Race is an unfettered, relaxed part of the annual spring Circle City Circuit, I h»d a great time »"w w nt thanks festivities planned by the CCC committee and sponsored by Indi­ The Wednesday concert ice cream for giving all of IUPUI a wonderful anapolis citizens and businesses. Moreover, the event is wel­ social and puza eating contest were time comed by the people at Eagle Creek Park and water safety per­ greet fun The party at Eagle Creek sonnel are on hand to help No one seems to mind the noise, Saturday was even better Chuck Gngsby everyone obeys the rules, and no one has ever been arrested. What we’re trying to show you is how lucky we are to have people at IU PU I and in Indy who plan fun things for us to do, and how really fortunate we are to have the Indianapolis community Comment welcome us and our antics each year. And another thing. Somebody cleaned up after we left the docks Saturday afternoon. How easy can you have it? Matter’s perverse laws given

Research is a prime concern of many of us, and there are Corollary Two—Any nagging intruder who stops by with few among us who have not experienced the effects of unsought advice will spot in immediately Murphy s law But Murphy never knew the half of it, as Fourth L a w - I f in any problem you find yourself doing a noted below in a compilation of the pitfalls of research by trainfinite amount of work, the answer can be obtained by /ogomore Bill Roy, graduate student in geology I find great humor inspection here I hope you do too And for those who are new to the pains and pleasures of The Sagamore is published by stu those of the student body, admim Laws of the Universsl Perversity of Mstter “ doing research," we have the following suggestions dents of Indiana University Pur strati on or faculty of IUPUI The First Law -In any field of scientific endeavor, anything 1 Build no mechanism simply if a way can be found to due University at Indianapolis Sagamore is a bt weekly (weekly that can go wrong will go wrong make it complex and wonderful Views expressed are those of the during the summer) newsmaga Corollary One—Everything goes wrong at one time 2. A record of data is useful; it indicates that you have staff or of the individual whose une published at 925 W Michigan. Corollary Two—If there is a possibility of several things been busy name appears in the byline Those Indianapolis, Indiana 46302 Phone going wrong, the one that will go wrong is the one that will 3. To study a subject, first understand it thoroughly views do not necessarily reflect 264-4006 do the moat damage 4. Draw your curves, then plot your data. Corollary Three—Left to themselves, things always go 5. Do not believe in luck; rely on it. Editor ia Chief Office sun ('ontrthnUrs from bad to worse • Always leave room when writing a report to add an ex­ L Mark Finch Jackie Korbly, Mgr Harry Goodyear Corollary Four-Experiments must be reproducible, planation if it doesn’t work ( rule of the way out). Dan Motto they should fail in the same way 7. Use the most recent developments in the field of inter­ Tuia Fulmer pretation of experimental data. Maaagtag Editor Andrew Valentine Jr Corollary Five—Nature always sides with the hidden Pamela Maxwell a. Items such as Finagle s Constant and the more subtle Elsa F Kramer J.N Williamson flaw Corollary S ix - I f everything seems to he going well, you Bougeurre Factor (pronounced "bugger") are loosely AssigaaenU Editor Sales have overlooked something grouped, in mathematics, under constant variables, or If Mike Callaway Second Law -It Is usually impractical to worry before­ you prefer, variable constants. Paul A Kagan Production hand about interference; if you have none, someone will b. Finagle s Constant, a multiplier of the zero order Ramona Heath Sharon Brown, Mgr Advertising Manager Pavla Miles supply some for you. term, may be characterised as changing the universe to fit Paul Miner Chris Carter Corollary Ooe— Information necessitating a change In the equation. design will be conveyed to the designer after, and only c. The Bougeurre Factor is characterized as changing Business Manager Sports Charles Poole after, the plans are completed. the equation to fit the universe It is also known as the Roy Yates Ann Miller. Ed Randall Redman Corollary T w o -In simple cases, presenting one obvious "Soothing" Factor Mathematically somewhat similar to Robert Maybaum, Credit right way versus one obvious wrong way, it is often wiser to the damping factor, it has the chara tensUc of dropping the sun Writers Shirley Miller, Asst choose the wrong way so as to expedite subsequent revi­ subject under discussion to zero importance Charles Gngsby Circulation sions d A combination of the two, the Diddle Coefficient, is Mason R Norwood EnterU lament Don Deputy, Mgr Corollary Three—The more innocuous a modification characterized as changing things so that the universe sod Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp the equation appear to fit without requiring any chaise in M William Lutholtz, Calvin Brown appears to be, the further its influence will extend, and the more plana will have to be redrawn either Senior Editor Photographers Third Law—In any collection of data, the figures that are Evalds VaUinis, Ed — Hebert D. Hall Christine Kopitzke Editorial C artoonist obviously correct, beyond all need of checking, contain the Tom Lanham Don Gorman Tom McCain errors. reprinted with permission from Corollary O oe-N o one whom you ask for help will see School of Science Ceamaaiqee the errors. 4/19/78 SogomorB 8 ‘Tunafish’ should TO MARKET, TO MARKET,

be diet of rock fans > R.E.O.Speedwagon whole dty to see. R.E.O. will be per 3 9 You Cai Tone A Plane forming songs from their just-re­ 7 * Bnt Yen Can’t Tunafish leased Yon Can Tone A Piano Bat Yon (Epic—JE35062) Can’t Tanaflsh and hopefully they’ll by Tom Lanham sound as good live as they do on this Change has played an integral part disc. in the history of a band called R.E.O. The record is an amazingly well- Shop Speedwagon. These changes have executed followup to their live effort, slowly sharpened the hard edge of a and it was produced by none other band that is finally getting recognition than and Kevin outside of its home territory and Cronin. H ie lineup for this one is the at - spawning grounds, the M idwest same as before with the exception of R.E.O. lost their first vocalist, Terry bass player who replaces LU LuttreU, after the first album and be Gregg Phiibin. With Gary on lead was replaced by guiding light Kevin guitar, Kevin on vocals and rhythm CITY MARKET Cronin for the classic R.E.O. T.W.O. guitar, Neal Doughty on keyboards, Lp. and Alan Gratzer on drums this group is virtually unstoppable. Fate took a hand and kicked the band back down to the regionals when The songs on Tone A Pinno are al­ & the pninspired Mike Murphy took the most perfect, with fast rockers alter­ nating with anthem-like ballads. helm after Cronin left to pursue a solo career. Murpy hung on for several “ Roll With The Changes,” “ Runnin’ Blind,” “ Lucky For You,” and “ Say boring albums and kept the other LUNCH You Love M e Or Say Goodnight" burn more talented members of the band in with all the fire of an inferno, while a state of limbo. Suddenly the gods “Time For Me To Fly,” “Blazing smiled on them as Murphy left and was called back in. This Your Own Trail Again,” and “ Sing To Me” are so smooth and polished they change produced the R.E.O. (fur) al­ could slide. Most of the tunes were bum which was quickly followed by the well-received live Lp, Yon Get written by Cronin and Richrath, and their mastery of their respective What Yon Play For. Parts of that set were recorded at the Indianapolis talents aids a thousandfold in making Convention Center, and R.E.O. went this one of the best albums of the year. R.E.O.’s brand of good-time, jump- out on the road again in support of and-shout rock and roll is inescapable their album. TO MARKET. TO MARKET. and a main item in the diet of any half­ Doors were suddenly thrown open way decent rock fan. As long as they and the group found itself playing to keep putting out vinyl masterpieces enthusiastic fans ,in packed halls and bringing the roof down live they’ll everywhere. They’ll hit Market be around for a helluva long time. I Square Arean this Friday night con­ hope so, ’cause I think I’d starve with­ firm ing their superstar status for the out them. The Puffin fare spring home * auto for youths.

One of the first (fangs young PtAns learn to do ELECTRONIC SHOW Mflykdnfc. Begimmg April. 197Mcefe&wfl During the fly any youth (Puffin or person) from 12 mu 23 yo n old rotmdt C B'ars CONVENTION > But there sntore to York to Luacmbotag AT farjust$40a*i30 icehndk than iust from Chicago. Re­ nwmres. turn tickets are Youlgeta INDIANA CONVENTION EXPOSITION CENTER great (inner and good for a U j 100 S. Capitol Aw*.. Indianapolis. Indiana year. Fares are ooyour trj). And kebuficwfl FOUR BIG DAYS - APRIL 20*21,22,23 ■et you down THURS. A FRIDAY 5-10 • SAT. V10 • SUN 18 ADMISSION ».5 0 CHILDREN 1/2 PRICE UNDER 6 TREE right m the mid- de of the Euro­ THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF CONSUMER HOME ft AUTO PROOOCTS AT SPECIAL SHOW PRICES pean Continent, where you! be C l RADIOS. TVs, STEREOS. TAPE PLAYERS. TV GAMES, RECORDS. RECREATIONAL ITEMS. just homzwxy by AUTO SUPPLIES, VANS. AUTOS. CRAFTS. CLOTHING. JEWELRY tnm from Europe's most famous famkrarks. So take a travel tip from Iceland’s SPECIAL APPEARANCE 0 KxhibiU favorite bvxl 8 Free Door Pru«-< Daily Learn to 9y Icelandic. Recording Star 8 Auction E m v Night See your travel 8 Workshops A Seminars C. W. McCall rent. Or write 8 Square Dancing Daily #(352, Sept 8 Fjiter Uinment Daily Icefandc Airimes, featuritig P.O. Bax 106. West Hempstead, * THE LIZ MADISON SHOW N.Y. 11552.CM 800-565-1212 for Jerry Lowe A The Country Music Makers toll-free number The Don Witfman Show in your area. Hoosier Square Dlitre Callers Gibe Owens A Marty (CB Handle “Call Girl*’) Fertiy

$275 8 Meet the Tallest OB’er in the World 110‘ S’ i M Rounfltrip W-45 day APEX fsre from N. Y.’ 8 Meet Mia Midland CB Radio 8 Hear John Small, FCC Representative 8 Radio A T V Personalities $400 8 CB dull Registration Roundtrip Youth Fare. Good thru age 23. 8 Circle City .React T rim I nhibit Icelandic to Europe 8 National Association of CB'rrs Exhibit 'SSSfam Cheaper Tickets mmt be maermd 45 6y» prior Id departre and THOUSANDS OF FREE MIDLAND TEA-SHIRTS AITCKJRAPHED BY CM MC CALL peel far eWwiSdmrfiesenotiim. Add SIS «mfa way far ttaedo* weekends. * Sogamore 4/19/78

fTtidwest Rit$ Gazette The Sagamore s Guide To Entertainment In Indianapolis

Long-running ‘Moustrap’ still good, durable theatre

by M. William Lutholti world—25 years and roughly a thous­ ‘who dunnit" and probably can recite So why is The Mousetrap playing at them Few complaints can be brought Any good trivia freak can tell you and or so performances in London the Beef ’n’ Boards with Noel against the stage folk it's the longest running play in the Any mystery Harrison in the lead role of Detective Less can be said of the set design Sergeant Trotter? and tech work The great room of the Probably because after all these manor house i the one and only set in years it is still good theatre Like the the play) is arranged such that most many other works of Dame Agatha of the audience views all of the action Christie, it is made of durable stuff— from the back of the fireplace, looking not scintillating, perhaps, but certainly over a set of logs and hearthstones durable Throughout the play, although there are frequent references to the winter For those of you who still haven't storm that is raging outside, doors seen the play, it is full of your arche­ and windows open and close without typal mystery drama stu ff-th e snow so much as a single whistling of wind bound country guest house with its While no wind is conjured up by the troupe of suspicious characters on the folks In the sound booth, they do eve of a murder As the wind whirls manage to prey upon the play with au­ the drifts higher, the radio crackles dacious “ mood music’’ which, at with the news that the police are points, gets so far out of control as to searching the area for a murder overwhelm the dialogue suspect And over in the makeup depart If it sounds hackneyed, it is. You’ve ment, somebody would be doing well seen it all played out before on those 3 to give the character of the retired am Saturday night mystery movies * Army major some wrinkles and a t$w But consider that at one time all of it gray hairs-Ralph M Clift is simply was original stuff Long before there too young for the role without some was a Kojak, there was Dame theatrical aging techniques Christie Harrison does nicely with his de­ Naturally, there is little known tective role, although he plays the about any of the guests in the house character much differently from the With the arrival of Inspector Trotter other interpretations I’ve seen. I must comes the news that someone in the admit, he is the most believable of the house is suspected of doing the mur­ bunch der and is expected to strike again— The Mousetrap will be playing perhaps even murder one of the through the end of the month guests With or without Noel Harrison, the Christopher cast is a professional bunch, working Ann Hern) are only two of the many suspects under the adequately with the parts before SUMMER JOBS Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio is now hiring students from ALL_ _ all over the Midwest for a variety of jobs. SEATS I TIMES •Over 3,200 positions available W GREENBRIAR 1& 2 • Housing available for 2,000 WIS* Hl»|l HI 101) ' Most positions work 4Q hours per week Mel Brooks Spend a summer working in one of the finest resorts in High Anziety p g America. For further information, contact your place­ ment office or write Cedar Point, Personnel Dept., San- Which Way Is Up? r

ESQUIRE 113) *»» ID mi Mel Brooks

High Anziety p g

Which Way Is Up? r

Mel Brooks .

High Anxiety p g J^N^hitdreMJnd^^MTJi 926Broad Ripple Ave. 5347 North Keystone Ave. 2i*North Post Rood RECAPTURE THE BEGINNINGS OF • Sagamore 4/19/78

Circle City Circuit: the week’s events in review

The barmen are down, the canoes have been put away, and Circle City Circuit is o ve r-fo r this year, at least Volleyball got the CCC ball rolling with a tournament at the 38th Street campus The tournament was even­ tually w on by the chemistry team, which was made up of faculty members Martin O'Donnell, Peter Rabideau and John Williams, and students Nora Cenns, John Kupferschmid, John Masengale and Wayne Overbey Second place honors went to lUPUfs international team, coached by Mostega Seddikiom ke cream, a flea market and a pizza-eating contest highlighted a windy Wednesday's activities The qualify mg heats of the pizza-eating contest were w on by Brad Baylrff, who devoured a medium cheese pizza in 9.55.5, and later went to take the messiest eater title; Sean Carroll, 3.46.0; George Wnght, 5.23.2, and Andy Valentine, 3.31.2. Valentine was the eventual winner of tfte contest, with a final heat time of 4.54.3. Friday brought the first-ever Circle City Circuit Golf Classic at the Eagle Creek Golf Course. Despite gusting winds, Tom Wegang took the low gross competition with an 85, and Gregg Ellis won low net with a 67. The foursome of Scott Bingham. Doug Dorrell, Greg Ellis and Dan Teague w on the four way handicap with 127 points, beating the team of Allen Pike, Bruce Placek. Gene Placek and Robert Strother by six points. Fifty teams competed in Saturday's canoe race, de­ spite a chilly breeze and choppy water. The team of Gary Gotsch and Jerry Hetrick stroked their way to vic­ tory with a 1.11.11, edging out last year's winners, Mark Finch and Lee Hooper (120 06). and the thud place team of Phillips and Phillips (1 27.76). The week's activities were capped off by a Sunday concert by the New York Street Singers and Monday s International Dinner, which featured exotic cuisine and an address by veteran United Nations observer John A Miles. Besides providing several days' worth of entertain­ ment, the Circle City Circuit raised about $1400 worth of scholarship money which will be awarded next year, according to Barry Sample, CCC committee co- chairman. W e're already beginning to plan next year's activities," Sample said, “and anyone w ho wants to help out is certainly welcome." Those interested in helping TIM tea crmm toclsl and coo*-owl q** thoM attending th« opportunity lo soak diy e Oell loumeweiiMCwli-owt pholoe by Ewwlds Velelnle; geh pholo by me* up N M m m i. wi»*d and food Al K M n *l»ooU on* out of (ho rouph during Fri- Bouphw, HJPUI Offtco of Publication*) plan for the next Circle G ty Circuit should contact the Student Activities Office at 264-3931, Sample said 4/19/78 Sagamore 9

A hungry hound presided over Wednesday's pizza-eeting con t«t. Anything G o m con tost (above) featured s variety of zany events. Winner Andy Valentine established the event's record, downing (all photos by Evalds Vale inis) a medlbm-stzed pizza jn a blinding 3.31.2. Saturday s Almost

Saturday's canoe race provided thrills and chills— especially for the taem of Staley and Glaze, who capsized during the third heat. The eventual victors of the canoe race were Gary Gotsch and Jerry Hetrick, who churned up the course in 1.11.11. Presenting the first place awards are (left to right) announcer Lou Sherman, Oave Essies and Barry Sample, (canoe photo by Clarence Brooks; award photo by Evalds Valalnls) to Sogomor* 4/19/78

Elections.. The representative group for the School a# Education Zodiacal SAM at Indianapolis, the Student Coor­ dinating Board will hold its elec bona May 1-5 In education classes Seven representatives will be e- the iected from students enrolled in the education degree program Society for the Advancement of Management Students who would kike to run for one of the seven offices may pick Invites you to its 2nd up a candidate's petition in the Marott Building, Room 10IA, before April 38 Eligible students by Jerry N. WUttamMS Organizational Meeting not currently attending education What doaa the rest of the year hold for the students at IU PU I? Astrotagically courses but who would like to who is apt to do well and who may have problems’ Date: April 21,1978 vote, may do so at the reception­ These questions arise because of a new planetary influence Jupiter departec ist's window in the Marott Build Gemini, after two years, moving now through Cancer since April 11. The plane! Place: Roof Lounge, Union Bldg. mg. N Meridian St. 8 amS pm of expansion, self-confidence, increase and unwise luxury will be in Cancer unti any day of the election Time: 7 — 9 pm September 5, in Lao the rest of 1878 The first transit is exceedingly favorable foi PPNs expire... Cancer. Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo natives who can do much to promoU Purpose: Membership & Election security, make money, improve home and furnishings, help children and betta one's reputation in the community The second, Leonine transit is beneficial tot All educational (student! PPNs Leo. Libra. Sagittarius. Arias and Gemini persons who may succeed in flam Of Officers issued for Spring Sessions. 1871. boyant or ego-salving areas, gaining publicity, earning rich appreciation or inde I will expire on May 13, unless a pendent leadership different expiration date is speci • But Jupiter in Cancer also influences other signs For Aries, it aids km gTtngi fied by the instructor planning plus home conditions and new ca ree rs -A rie s seniors, take note! Bui Educational PP N s issued to guard against extravagance, entertain simply, and enjoy yourself with moder IU P U I instructors are in the ation Capricorn people may find this Jovian influence bringing a remarkabk range 30000.nnnn through 37777. number of new contacts, many favorable but requiring that you curtail over nnn Educational PP N s issued to doing Spending sprees are wrong for Capricorn now Seek ties you can build of non-IUPUI instructors are in the safely for the future Lastly, Li brans need to use Jupiter, 'til September t, bj range SOnnn.lnnn through guarding against carelessness, "outside" influences on your personal views, am 57nnn,3nnn becoming conceited. Use opportunities as foundations, Li brans, without making DARKROOM Instructors requesting a dif­ demands ferent expiration date should Saturn enters Virgo on July 38 and is, as befits the Taskmaster of Grim Pro send their P P N list and new vider of the heavens, powerfully influential on IU P U I students and others Fw expiration date to: Computing Virgo folk it may mean rewards for efforts expended, but those will have to havi Services, Krannert Building. been competent, industrious and logical efforts It is a period of climaxes foi Room 156. IUPUI. 38th Street Virgo, many things drawing to a close in your Uvea, and a period of revising ym Campus. All files assigned to ex­ pUnstnay be upon you pired student PP N s will be r e CLASSES Natives of Pisces will perhaps find Saturn gainful in your personal lives if ym moved from the system before avoid being neurotic or temperamental Don’t overdo. guard ties that are vital U June 1.1978 you. don't expect others to understand you, especially those who never have Middle East... Know yourself now, Pisces, without deceiving yourself I Our course is concerned with familiarizing the stu­ Under Saturn's two-year reign of Virgo. Sagittarians may "well get whs dent with film processing, printing and creative ex­ The Great Decisions senes, they've got coming "-go od or bad Much prestige may be yours. Archers Other sponsored by POLSA will contin­ pression Classes are taught in our own darkroom wise, look inside for the cause of your troubles Gemini natives now are apt to be ue one additional week Persons gin new ventures, even find new residences Things may move a bit slowly tot lab Each student will be assigned an enlarger and interested in participating in this you restless people but nothing you do will speed it up. work directly under the supervision of an instructor. weak's discussion of the Middle Uranus in Scorpio continues to have a changeful influence on those born fron East are invited to join the group Nov. 4-13; Jan 3-18; Feb. 1-8; March 3-11, May 3-18; July 4-13; Aug. 4-13; Sept 5 This course will enhance the student’s understanding on April 10, 1978, at 11:30 am - 13. through the rest of the year. You veer from good deeds to bad now, personally of film, exposure and composition. Class size is li­ 13:31 pm in Cavanaugh Hall, magnetic and believed, with love or sex paramount in your life Seek settapotro Room 430 mited to four students, two separate classes are held and know what is best to believe each month. Darkroom is available on a rental basis w henever class is not in session. Does it Again


Class number one meets Class number two meets Thursday evenings Saturday mornings Apnt 20th 6 pm — 9 pm Apr! 22 nd 9 am — 12 noon and and April 27th 6 pm — 9 pm April 29th 9 am — 12 noon I’m gonna win You Quys Ready I’m Ready for that' Class size is hmited— CaA today for registration information that BEER to Parly Tit's still PIZZA EATING CHUQQINQ WATCH FOR OUR NEW CONTEST 2 5 S CONTEST j INDIANAPOLIS LOCATION a beer 5 * \ BWffl COMING SOON

P h o n e Cameras & Accessories 852-7996 Darkroom Supplies Brownsburg Shopping Center 1030 E. Main Street Brownsburg, Indiana 46112 SAT. APRIL 22 5 PM-MIDNIGHT 16th and Lafayette PH. 639-9511 Less than 5 miles west off Indianapolis on Hwy. 136 4/19/78 Sogamore II LUBE CETA program works, says Davenport OIL CHANGE by Andrew Valentine Jr. In the field, the officers are super­ ployee status. Officer Andrea & OIL FILTER IUPUI has proven that the CETA vised by Capt Clyde Rodgers, who.is Williams, who recently completed the’ program works, according to Col. the Operations Division Chief. hospital security course conducted by Spurgeon Davenport of the IUPUI Rodgers stated that he shows "No Wishard Hospital’s security depart­ preference to (these) officers because ment, will be promoted to regular em­ IUPUI Special —$ 7 .9 9 Police Department. Currently there are 18 officers in the guard division erf they are hired on the CETA program. ployee status May i. the IUPUI police that were hired They are required to meet the same Five other graduates of the Wishard through the C ETA program. Each rules and regulations as any of my of­ class were IUPUI (CETA) officers CASTLETON GOODYEAR applicant had to pass the same rigid ficers.” Rodgers went m i to say that Lester Carter, Mary Phillips, Donald standards that anyone must pass to they are performing as well as any of­ Dodson, Norman Bennett and Cheryl TIRE CENTER become a guard or patrolman, said ficer in the field. Davis. D avenport Those hired through the The Wishard course consisted of 56 6411 E. 82nd ^ 842-0730 CETA program also receive the same Both Davenport and Rodgers are hours of classroom instruction that in employee benefits as do regular full­ hopeful that many of the CETA offi­ eluded sections in first-aid, CPR tech­ Offer expires April 30, 1978 time staff members at IUPUI. cers will be transferred to regular em­ niques, public contact and security. {Bring this ad) ^Watcoma to the ring sale. BROAD RIPPLE $5995 ■ ? . String Bede f • V 0 • * 0 | • No time to visit the shop7 Have a ~ bede party right in your home Call ^ save up to $ 4 300 urn X Dayle for information • 255-5268 6308 N. Guilford * 6309 Guilford Broad Ripple Village * Broad Ripple Village • Hours Tues-Sat 11 5 3 days only! 251-7878 0 0 * 0 m

®n iV i l ] a g ^ cLe3thersmith off of the finest •election of quality men's and women's 10 drees boots, shoes, % coats and accessories In Broad Ripple Village 925 Westfield Blvd. Mon. • Sat. 10-8 Sun. 12-6 (317)257-2784


Taylor' .y J ^ g u y s . ' UOIRCHRE CENTER Mon.— Sat. I 8 am to 8 pm Sun. \ | \ 1 pm to o pm 1

Men’s traditional Siladium* rings and selected women’s fashion rings . Guilford __ I \ Because we care BROAD RIPPLE VILLAGE1 are an unusual buy at $59.95. If you want really outstanding savings, VJ y 255-31 77 I now is the time to buy your college ring. “ 20% discount with this coupon. REPRESENTATIVE COLLECTORS BOOK STORE "71RTQ1RVED has a large collection of rings Used Hardback Books on Ask to see them. Almost Every Subject. Commo| k Collectors Books Friday, April 2 1 Campus Bookstore Village Square Shopping Center MondayMpril 24 Cavanaugh Hall 37th & High School na.Bs Tuesday, April 25 Place *0 am’ ^ Pm each daV 299-4274 Deposit required Ask about Master Charge or Visa _____jB s s s a a k > ______j 12 Sogomora 4/19/76

Bikinis still radioactive

i NewScnpt > - Nine years ago, the by the Atomic U S government told the residents of Engergy Commission in IM At the the Bikini atoll that it was sale to re­ time, an AEC official said he found turn to their Pacific paradise, even leas radioactivity on the Bikini atoll though it had been transformed into a than in Denver, Colo But teste con­ radioactive wasteland by 23 nuclear ducted last year found the atoll's bombs detonated in the early ’SOs water and crops were highly polluted But now the government says it with the radioactive element Strotium g o o fed -th e islands are not safe to live on New teste show that the Bikini The test results come ground water is still too radioactive railUon-dollar attempts by the U.S. for human consumption, as are the government to clean up the Bikini coconuts, fruits and vegetables grown atoll Soldiers were sent in to plow up in the radioactive soil And such the entire land surface, replace it and levels of radioactivity have been plant 50,000 coconut trees But after found to cause cancer, the House » years, the radioactivity remains Appropriations Committee has set And according to one source, the aside $15 million to move the 100 Biki- Bikini islands will continue to be a w living on the atoll to yet an­ “ living laboratory" for scientists to other 1bea lion explore the hazards of radiation ex- The government's goof steins from

sophomores LEAD A


Army ROTC can help you develop Two careers For detmte. contact two career opportunities after c d a g e . Phil Sawyer First. Army ROTC gives you two years of practical management Military Sclanca Dept training and leaders!*) experience 812-337-0566 (coilact) while you're still in school Extra credentials that w d sot you apart m or the ctvikan job market. IUPUI Bua. phona Second. Army ROTC offers you a part-time leadership opporturaty as an 627-9566 officer m the Army Reserve or Army National Guard that means extra income, management responsttxfety. community involvement


iS F jZ jZ 5460 E. Fall Creek Pkwy., N. Drive ^ (E. 56I 56th 6 Emerson) 547-1772 11-9 M-F w a rd ro o m 11-6 Sat Backgammon Safa— padded vinyl, crushed velvet, wood, and other materials— square, round, small and large— from $6. Many other games too, of course. SANDER’S DELICATESSEN famous for our slant ham, roast beef and corned beef sandwiches served with our own garlic dills and flaHrkwn ‘ ‘home made’ ’ salads

“A step down In eieganc ^ v\ 7-6:30 pm M-F 7 ^ 7 * * ) 10 am— 3 pm Sat A step up in cuisine" SANDER'S Closed Sunday 32 N. Pennsylvania St. 631-3283 or 632-0762 J> 4/19/76 Sogamon « Sports USAC champs begin countdown toward Indy

by Abb M iller Division king, should be sponsored by had a good hold on first place in the Always competitive Wally has been having valve problems with Tbe calendar reads April 19, and the Avis Rent-a-Car, not Norton. He is standings until the Texas race. He Dallenbach, now driving for Jerry his First National City Travelers USAC Championship Division season running number two in the point cam e in third at Phoenix and fourth at O'Connell, Jud Phillips and SugaRipe Checks McLaren. He has yet to finish is well underway, rapidly approaching standings by virtue of his two straight Ontario. The winningest racer of aU Prune, holds down seventh place with a race this season; his best showing May 6 and the official opening of the second-place finishes behind Ongais time embarks on the drive for number 328 points. Eighth position and 325 came at Ontario where he finished USAGCihcorp “ 30 days in May." As at Ontario and Texas. Sneva will be five starting Saturday, May 6. points go to AJ Unser, whose V-8 Lola 13th we countdown toward Indy, let's take out to catch the “ Hawaiian Punch" on 5. Steve KrisiMV (350 points) was demolished after getting friendly Unser's best for the year has also a look at driver standings and update Sunday in New Jersey before heading The aforementioned Krisiloff with the third turn wail during prac­ been a 13th-place finish at Texas In the happenings on the Champ trail to to Indianapolis, where Tom ended jumped from the seventh to the fifth tice for the Texas race. Number nine 1977, after ending hi$ association with date: up—you guessed it—second to A.J. in slot following his eighth-place finish is Bloomington's^ Sheldon Kinser. Dan Gurney and subsequently joining 1. Danny On gab (81S points) last year's run for the riches. at Texas. Steve flew past the check­ driving for Thermo King and veteran Bob Fletcher’s Cobre Tire Organiza­ Ongais, last year’s “ Rookie of the 3. Gordon Johncock (500 points) ered flag behind his stablemate chief mechanic A.J. Watson. Three- tion, Bobby had a tremendously Year," is leading the pack in the Johncock captured the first race of Johncock for second at Phoenix. He time USAC Sprint champion Larry disappointing campaign, chalking up Champ car standings, winning both this year’ s trail, Phoenix, in his 4- led a lap, then was running a strong Dickson is running tenth with 216 only 75 points for 36th place in USAC- the Ontario 200 and the Texas 200 in cyUnder No. 20 North American Pace­ third at Ontario when engine troubles points. Citicorp Cup rankings. He has re­ impressive fashion. Victory speeches setter. Everyone is anxiously await­ forced his No. 40 Goodyear/Patrick united with Gurney and All American may even make an extrovert out of ing those brand new Drake DT-160 Special to the sidelines. This seven- As you may have noticed, two mighty Racing for this season, but the team the reticent, soft-spoken Hawaiian turbocharged V-8 Wildcats that Pat year veteran’s name is not as fam iliar well-known names are missing from has failed to dial in the winning com­ native, who prefers to do meet of his Patrick, George Bignotti, Louis as Foyt’s, Johcock’s, Rutherford’s or this list. Johnny Rutherford and bination on their ARCO Graphite talking with his throttle foot. If Ongais Meyer, et al. are preparing for the Unser brothers', but just you Bobby Unser. Rutherford, who has Special because of mechanical does well at Trenton, the traditional “Gordie Go Past" and teammate w a it.... consistently ranked very high in the troubles. Like Rutherford. Unser has race before THE RACE, on Sunday Steve Krisiloff. The car may run at 6. Dick Simon <340 points) point standings the past few years. yet to finish a race. April 23, be will arrive at the corner of Trenton, although the minor mechani­ RoUa Vollstedt is smiling these 16tb and Georgetown with “ favorite" cal problems that have beset the days. Simon has turned in soUd per­ stamped all over his jet-black No. 25 machine may keep it out of action formances at Phoenix and Ontario for Intercope Racing Special. until next month. the Vollstedt team. This is the best 2. Tom Sneva (640 points) 4. A J .F o y t <450 points) year ever for the 45-year-old Simon, Sneva, 1977’s Championship Of ever-present “ Wily Coyote” an ex-sky-jumping and parachuting champion turned race driver and in­ surance-real estate executive. IUPUI Week in Sports Indiana Central handed the IU P U I tennis Metros a 6-3 setback on April 12. IU P U I points came from Duane Boldt and Eric Ellis in the singles and Boidt- Metros vs. Butler today Cooper in the No. 3 doubles. The IU PU I racqueteers took third place in the recent city tournament. The Metros tennis team, now 1-3 on Butler tallied 41 points to take the crown. Indiana Central placed second with the year, finish up their season this 27 followed byftUPUTs 20 and Marian's 11 points. week with matches against Butler on The Metros had four finalists, all of whom lost to Butler netters. Wednesday, April 19 at the IOJ IUPUI Finalists courts, at Marion College on Thurs­ No. 3 singles: Hoover (Butler) d. Scotten 6-3,6-2 day, April 20, and both Wabash and No. 6singles: Cook (Butler) d. Ellis6-3,6-1 Franklin Colleges on Saturday. No. 2 doubles: Butler

RECRUITING ANNOUNCEMENTS C «r«er Counseling. Placement, and Professional Practice* Program Center Classifieds Student Union Building, Suite G025M

The following on-campus schedules have been confirmed for the date* indicated Specific information regarding the com­ panies and their recruitment needs is available at the Center where the sign-ups and interviews are conducted It is prefer Services For Sale able to go to the Center to sign on schedules CANDIDATES Services For Sale MAY NOT PARTICIPATE IN INTERVIEWS UNLESS THEY HAVE ESTABLISHED A PLACEMENT FILE AT AKC Cocker Spaniel puppies Black WMd HEERBRUOQ M 12 tuf optical THE CENTER NEED MONEY'’— Borrow 81.000 Pre-medcai pra-dsnM M CAT DAT comprehensive review or Black and Brown Mats 870 nominating ayatam and accea- <'DegreeLegend A Associate. B-Bachelor; M Masters) $1 000.000 tor any oppose Farrs* & Associates Box 50750 Oepl S manuals 88 00 monaytack guar an B42-1B0B (M6B)______sonea Mint condmon Asking 81.260 Indisospotis. Indians 46250 KLU FILM SERIES Bad News Bears.'' noon. Krannert Build­ SERVICES 6100 N Keystone. Smte 357 ing. 8 15pm. Union Building M/F EO E April 21 KELLY 9ERVICEE INC. FILM SERIES Bad News Bears. ' 8:15 pm. Lecture Hall THE SENIOR SHOW < through May 5) 9 am. Herron Gallery 1971 Buick Skylark Cuftom HONORS DAY CONVOCATION School of Engineering 1977 Silver Toyota Callca Classified Advertising Onaownar *1895" Llftback G T Automatic air con and Technology. 7 30 pm. Lecture Hall. Room 101 For in­ Daadllnat and Terms formation call 264 2533 dihonmg AM FM Stereo 1977 Toyota Hllux Pickup The deadline for Classified Advertising a ngon Monday for Wednesday HONORS DAY CONVOCATION School of Science. 3 pm, Radio heater 4 speed rear step $5795" publication and 5 pm Thursday tor Monday piAikcation Krannert Building. Student lounge For information rail Insertion of advertisements a subject to the approval of the advenisxig 923 1321 ext 337 bumper Striping •419500 1974 Pontiac Vantura manager HONORS D A Y —IUPUI Student Association. 6 pm. Union 6 cylinder automatic transmission 1976 Chavrolat Monza No refund or credit is given on Classified Advertising except xi esses Building. Hoosier Room For information call 264 3419 5 speed air conditioning AM FM AM FM tape PS vmytroof Styled where the Sagamore is at fault Rasd your ad csrafulty whan rt appsars m radio Vinyl root____ *3495°° ‘2M 51 the paper and notify us of any errors xnmediatety The Sagamore w i not April 22 ItrtD iU un Pickup give credit for more than one day s incorrect insertion Canoe Race RAIN DATE FOR CIRCLE CITY CIRCUIT 1975 Toyota Callca G T 4 speed 15.000 miles I g f g M i AM Classified Advertising requxes payment x> advance, except for those Goes, and Almost Anything coolest 3 speed AM FM Stereo Mag university departments organisations or businesses which have Ned an PHYSICAL EDUCATION ALUMNI PICNIC 1972 Toyota Wagon wheels account credit application with the Sagamore RADIO TELEVISION NEWS DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION 4 door automatic Ax conditioning $3495" Ptease make checks payable to Sagamore No Classified Adverliaxig wt* MIDWEST MEETING AND WORKSHOPS 9 am. Lecture Like new $1695" be accepted by phone Hall Workshops. Cavanaugh Hall. Rooms 137. 201. 221. 223 1969 Pontiac Firebird 1974 Dataun 260Z 2/2 Classified Advertising should be addressed to Classified Ad Manager AM radio heater V-8 automatic 4 speed ax cond AM FM rado Sagamore. 925 W Michigan S t. Indianapoiia. Ind 48202 April 23 Bucket seats with console rear window defroster g IUPUI CHAMBER SINGERS CONCERT Lectures and CltisHiBd Rate* Students and IUPUI employees: 7c per word per issue (minimum of 10 Convocations Committee. 3 pm. Lecture Hall ______*1795" CANOE T R IP Student Activity Board. 9 am. fee 17 For words) Non-university businesses 6 general public: t0« per word per teeue information call 264-8265 Tom Wood Toyota 7 (minimum of 10 words) 8c per word per issue if id runs two consecutive April 24 issues or more with no copy change Note: An entvo phone number counts as on# (1) word Since coel it D E N TAL: Final examinations begin i through April 28 > hgurad par word, pis ass do not abb(fvtata & 4/19/78 Sooomora IS


Help Wanted f Help Wanted j Help Wanted j Miscellaneous | Personals T H e lp Wanted

Person wanted to fM credit manager Summer Job: I am looking for a re­ Sale* management trainees positions Free brown Persian cat to good I love you Wendy! How about lunch If you wiH be in school through the position. Responsible tor collections, sponsible young man who doean’l available in Indianapolis arse immedi­ home Spayed and shots Cal 898-3893 the Hyatt again? Charlie summer semester and will continue credit check*. Report to manager. T y ­ mind working long hours to make ately or In your home town for summer (MWS9|______through to fall and ii you need a pan ping skifl helpful VA or financial aid money. I have a very lucrative offer for employment. Full or part-time eve­ time |ob call us ai 925 8915 Need work study only WHJ train. Business, the right person. For Information call nings and weekends. Write PM at someone to answer phones and moni­ student preferred Contact Roy 284- Mr. Walcott 896-9899.(M W S7) Sagamore. 925 West Michigan (MW57) Help Wanted Help Wanted tor alarm signal You can also use the 2639______time tor studying M F {Mw57)

Part-time, 32 hours, two desk shifts, two night audit shifts. Apply: Classic Nursing Aides PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT Unlimited Opportunity Mow Lodge, 4666 West 18th S t(W S7) United Parcel Service is seeking permanent loaders, Management Potential |We do have special consideration for nursing Large national corporation needs re­ PART-TIME LAB TECH Needed to unloaders, and sorters to work 3-5 hours per day, 5 da/s presentative m Fort Wayne. Muncte nmanalyees on lecithin and routine lab jstudents. Full-time and part-time employment a- and Norm Eastern Indiana territory chorea on Sat.. Sun. and all normal a week. Pay ranges from $5.02-$7 .74 per hour, including vailable. Lovely surroundings. No overnight travel Native of the area plant holidays Working hours flexible, paid health insurance, vacations and holidays Business degree or work experience but required to work 4 hours each of Apply On-campus Interviews will be helpful, but not necessary Excellent aforementioned days $3 20/hr For training program Superb benefit ptan appointment, call Mrs. Shelton. (317) Americana Health Care Center told Thursday, April 20,10 U p S 3 year salary plus commission to start 832 -84 41 . ext 204. Equal Opportunity 8350 Naab Road Send resume to J Otvey. Box 2225, Central Soya Co , Inc •m— 2 pm, Union Bldg. Riley Employ* Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F (across from SL Vincent’s Hospital) An equal opportunity employer, M/F ______(W 65.W 57)______Room. phone: 297-4111 MW61 Unlimited Opportunity— Management UNITED PARCEL SERVICE potential. Large national corporation needs representatives m Fort Wayne, r Muncle and North Eastern Indiana ter­ ritory. No overnight travel. Native of the area. Business degree or work ex­ Become part of a rapidly growing perience helpful, but not necessary. Excellent training program Superb benefit plan. 3 year salary plus com­ mission to start. Send resume to J. Typists student organization- Otvey, Box 2225, Fort Wayne, ln

Wanted: Lionel toy trams, handcars, free lance news and trolliea. Cash waiting. 2 41 -69 66 , (M W 60) ______| Need women softball players to form copy. Call 264-4008 team to play m Grade "B " or "C " YM CA league. Fee wH be $ 2 1 .0 0 per /ogomore person Games atari 20th of May. for details. Contact J i 264-7900 or 637-9066 (M W 57)______Editorial-264-4008 Guitar Teacher W a n tA , Production— 264-3458 Call Mr. Richards 293-4717 Sales-264-3456 "BACK WHEN I WAS IN SCHOOL, I COULD’VE USED A LESS FILLING BEER. ON WEEKDAYS I CARRIED 21 CREDITS. ON WEEKENDS I CARRIED DEFENSIVE TACKLES, LINEBACKERS ( AND WEAK STRONG SAFETIES:’