Agenda Item No: 5


Development Control Committee

Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 4 November 2008

Venue: Council Chamber

(Meeting held in public)


Councillor Judy Shephard (Chairman)

Councillor George Blackwell Councillor Don Edwards Councillor Ulric Gravesande Councillor Stan Heggs Councillor Pat Jones Councillor Ron Pinnock Councillor Rupert Reichhold

Also in attendance

Councillor Andrew Grant Northamptonshire County Council, East Division Sarah Bevin Development Control Officer (NCC) Roy Boulton Chief Planner (NCC) Jenny Rendall Committee Assistant (NCC) (minutes) Simon Shipp Land Lease Projects Agent Claire Spokes Development Control Officer (NCC) Phil Watson Development Control Manager (NCC)

There were 4 members of the public in attendance.


Meeting commenced at 10:00am.

39/08 Apologies for non-attendance

There were none.

40/08 Notification of requests from members of the public to address the meeting

The Committee Assistant advised that the following members of public had requested to address the Committee;

Item 6A – Construction of a new fire station with associated exercise tower and yard at Land at St James Road Brackley. Councillor Andrew Grant.

Item 6C – New vocational centre at , Herne Road, , PE8 4BS. Mrs Jan Endersby

41/08 Declarations of interest by Councillors and declaration of whip, if any

Item Councillor Type Nature 7A George Blackwell Personal Member of Earls Barton Parish Council Member of Borough Council of Earls Barton Resident 6A Andrew Grant Personal Member of South Northants District Council 6A Ulric Gravesande Personal Member of the IRMP Sub- Committee 6A Stan Heggs Personal Member of the IRMP Sub- Committee 6C Rupert Reichhold Personal & As divisional member for Oundle Prejudicial has taken part in discussions with prince William School. 7B Judy Shephard Personal & Boughton Local Liaison Forum Prejudicial Boughton Parish Council

42/08 Chairman’s Announcements

The Chair informed the Committee and members of the public that to ensure the smooth running of the meeting all members of the public would need to sign in and be seated in the public gallery. If they had registered to speak the Chair would invite them to address the meeting at the appropriate time. The Development Control Manager (DCM) would introduce each item relating to applications and summarize the main points. The Chair would then invite members of the public to address the meeting on the item. Once all public speakers had completed their statements the DCM or appropriate officer/person would respond to the points made. Members of the Committee would then be given the opportunity to ask further questions or to clarify statements.

43/08 Minutes of the Public meeting held on 16 September 2008

The minutes of the meeting held in public on 16 September 2008 (copies of which had been previously circulated) were agreed as a true and accurate account of the meeting subject to the following amendment: Inclusion of Councillor George Blackwell’s declarations of interest as a member of Earls Barton Parish Council, member of the Borough Council of Wellingborough and Earls Barton Resident.

Matters Arising

The Development Control Manager, Phil Watson informed the committee that NCC had not yet been informed of the final position on the application relating to the former

Chelveston Airfield site. Local residents had requested an environmental impact and a letter had been sent to the relevant Government Office requesting it be called in for determination by the Secretary of State. Whilst no decision had yet been taken NCC had been reassured the issue would be dealt with in the near future.

In relation to this same site several letters (copies of which were provided at the meeting) had been received by the Chief Executive from the & Caldecott Parish Council and the Hargrave Conservation Society Responses to these letters were also provided as was a letter from the Hargrave Conservation Society to the Government Office requesting they cal in the decision.

In answer to a query on this matter the Development Control Manager confirmed NCC was pursuing a decision from the Government Office as all of the work relating to the relevant Section 106 agreement had been undertaken and the development company were keen to start. However objectors had indicated they would exercise their right to challenge the decision.

RESOLVED that: the Minutes of the meeting of the held in public on 16 September 2008 (copies of which had been previously circulated) be signed as a true and accurate account of the meeting subject to the following amendment: Inclusion of Councillor George Blackwell’s declarations of interest as a member of Earls Barton Parish Council, member of the Borough Council of Wellingborough and Earls Barton Resident.

44/08 County Council planning applications: a) Construction of a new fire station with associated exercise tower and yard at Land at St James Road, Brackley.

The Chairman invited Councillor Grant to address the Committee who stated he was in favour of the application. As the divisional councillor for the area he noted the site had been identified 20 years previously as the current unmanned, retained station was no longer fit for purpose. He noted Brackley had grown in size often as a result of applications that had been successful in appealing a decision but without provision for the required infrastructure. He concluded by stating this was a better site and building which had been well received by Brackley Town Council.

The Chairman then invited the Development Control Manager to introduce the report (copies of which had been previously circulated) who stated the application had been through several stages relating to location and design, this being the third scheme. The original position of the building was closer to properties of residents who had raised concerns about the impact of the part of the building that was 2 stories high. South Northants District Council had also raised concerns about these properties and a nearby Conservation Area. The Committee were referred to a map of the site (copies of which were provided) and following discussions with the applicants the building had been moved further away from these properties with the higher part of the building being turned on a different angle.

The Development Control Manager went on to state this design was considered an improvement on previous designs and he noted a feature had been made of the entrance. It was also felt there was no significant impact on the conservation area to justify refusal.

In answer to queries on the report the following was confirmed: The apple tree would be retained and there was a proposal for some further planting in that area of the site. NCC Highways Department had objected to access on Oxford Road but had agreed to access on St James Road, although Highway’s view on the latest proposal to have a joint access with the Police Station was awaited. The suggestion by Councillor Heggs to include yellow boxes road markings at the junction of these 2 roads would also be forwarded to the Highways Department. No concerns had been raised about noise from the site although it was noted there could be increased noise as a result of this building and the nearby police station. Training on the site which could include the use of hydraulic equipment, and artificial smoke would take place no more than 2 hours per month. The sirens on the fire appliances would not be sounded until the vehicles were on the public highway. It was anticipated that the operational plans for the fire station would include a method by which the high gates could be opened quickly in times of emergency.

The Committee also felt it should be a condition that laminated glass windows be fitted.

It was also noted the Committee wished to return to the site after the building had been completed.

RESOLVED that; planning permission be granted subject to the conditions specified in Appendix A of the report as well as the fitting of laminated glass windows.

At this point the Chairman proposed and the Committee agreed that Item 6C on the agenda be taken next.

(Councillor Rupert Reichhold left the meeting at this point) c) New vocational centre at Prince William School, Herne Road, Oundle, PE8 4BS

The Chairman invited Mrs Jan Endersby to address the Committee who stated she appreciated the structure had moved an additional 1.3 metres away from her property but she felt this still did not meet recommendations from the East Northants District Council on there being a 23 metres distance between residential properties and new developments. When enquiring why the structure could not be moved further away she had been informed the land was not suitable. However she felt moving the structure further on its current angle would have less affect on its neighbours and benefit the school. It would also address accessibility issues and provide a safer meeting place for youths. She also queried the need for the atrium. She emphasised that both herself and her husband were not against this new education provision for the school. Mrs Endersby concluded by indicating to the Development Control Manager her suggestions on the plans.

The Chairman then invited the Development Control Manager to introduce the report (copies of which had been previously circulated) who stated this application was part of a plan to provide more vocational training within school curriculum. This particular school would specialise in engineering and invite other schools in the East Northants partnership to make use of these facilities. The Council planning unit had stated the need to consider concerns raised about the amenity impact on nearby residents. Oundle Town Council had raised no objections but had requested that local neighbour amenities and school facilities be maintained. The school had confirmed they were able to re-site the netball courts elsewhere in school grounds.

The Development Control Manager went on to state that the neighbouring property next to Mr and Mrs Endersby had a high fence, large tree and garage that would offer some screening. The 23metre distance requirements quoted by Mrs Endersby were no longer part of the saved elements in the East Northants District Council Plan and the atrium was in line with Mrs Endersby’s neighbour’s property but screened by their double garage. He concluded by stating the distance from Mrs Endersby’s property was now 18 metres which he considered acceptable particularly given that the building was mainly a single storey and the Developers were willing to fund more trellis work on their fence. He therefore could see no reason to refuse the application.

The Development Control Manager then introduced the applicant’s Agent, Simon Shipp and queries from the Committee were answered as follows: The block adjacent to the building was the Design & Technology Block and moving the building further to the east of this block would create issues for the school. Relocating the building to sit on the footprint of the the third netball court would create emergency access issues to the existing school buildings. Moving further back from the rear of Mrs Endersby’s property would require a taller building. There was a 1 metre difference between the existing school buildings and site of this building which they wished to build as low as possible. The Land Agent would suggest to the applicants they move half a metre further back from the boundary fence. The engineering machinery used by the school was not of industrial size. The new orientation of the building provided an access point for materials and machinery through the existing building. Although there were practical reasons for not moving the building further away a further plan could be requested indicating the furthest possible distance from Mrs Endersby’s property.

RESOLVED that: subject to repositioning the proposed building 9 metres away from the existing boundary fence with Nos 35 & 37 St Christopher’s Drive planning permission be granted subject to the conditions specified in Appendix A of the report as well providing a plan indicating the furthest possible distance from nos 35 & 37 St Christopher’s Drive and further planting and fencing in consultation with the residents of no 37 St Christopher’s Drive.

(Councillor Rupert Reichhold returned to the meeting at this point) b) New vocational centre at Community College, Hayway, Rushden, NN10 6AG

At the Chairman’s invitation the Development Control Manager introduced the report (copies of which had been previously distributed) stating this plan was for a vocational centre that would specialise in hair and beauty. The building was now placed at right angles to the original plan and following concerns raised by 4 neighbouring homes it had been moved further away from the majority of neighbouring properties. He went on to state the school’s sports fields were located on flood plains and the building could not move closer to the brook, and therefore further away from residential properties, without objections from the Environment Agency. Objections by East Northants District Council related to the amenity impacts on the occupiers of the nearest property to the site – no 55 Batsman Drive. They also objected to the fact that this was in an area defined as a green wedge which in their unadopted Three Towns Development Plan Document plan which seeks to avoid adverse development in that green wedge. The unadopted plan has very

little planning weight in the decision. However because the building was within an existing school site it should not be viewed as adverse. The Development Control Manager concluded by stating Rushden Town Centre had no objections and it was felt the amended location was a more acceptable site.

In answer to queries on the report the following was confirmed: The building was now planned 24 metres from the nearest property and 14 metres from the boundary. Because the ground banks up to the boundary fence the building would be set lower down. Condition 5 requested an explanation of lighting and NCC would ensure no issues arose from lighting.

It was also noted the Committee wished the informative on the decision to include the suggestion that consideration be given to fencing and landscaping the full length of the building as far as the Spinney.

RESOLVED that: planning permission be granted subject to the conditions specified in Appendix A. d) County Council planning applications determined and outstanding

The Development Control Manager introduced the report (copies of which had been previously circulated). He then invited the Chief Planner, Roy Boulton to provide an update on the conversion of the Court and Sessions House. The Chief Planner confirmed the Sessions House had been approved by the Secretary of State. The flagpole had been deemed dangerous and removed but because planning permission for it’s removal was required a retrospective application had been submitted.

RESOLVED that: the Development Control Committee: 1) noted the report; and 2) noted the update on the Sessions House.

45/08 Minerals and Waste Planning Applications a) Minerals and Waste Planning application determined and outstanding.

The Development Control Manager introduced the report (copies of which had been previously circulated) informing the Committee that the mineral and waste planning applications listed in the report had either been determined since the last meeting of the Development Control Committee or were still outstanding with some minor issues.

RESOLVED that: the report be noted. b) Enforcement action undertaken by the County Planning Authority

The Development Control Manager introduced the report (copies of which had been previously circulated) highlighting the following: A new notice had been served on the first individual named in the report (Mr C). The issue was not related to a lot of waste but where it was located. The Environment Agency had informed NCC as it had been happening for some time. Mr C had claimed he was attempting to stop his land flooding but the Environment

Agency did not agree with filling flood plain. The area from which the fill had to be removed had been marked out and Mr C was co-operating. The second individual in the report (Mr W) had not committed a further breach of the order since the last meeting. The situation at Boughton Quarry was currently being monitored. No progress had been made with the final individual in the report (Mr D). He had made no payments and it had not been considered appropriate to pursue this through further court action at this moment in time, when considering previous efforts already made with no success.

RESOLVED that: the report be noted.

46/08 Minutes of the Private Meeting held on 16 September 2008

RESOLVED that: the minutes of the meeting held in private on 16 September 2008 (copies of which had been previously circulated) were agreed as a true and accurate account of the meeting.

47/08 Urgent Business

There was none.

The Committee were informed that the date of the next site visit would be Friday 12 December 2008 and the date of the next meeting was Tuesday 16 December 2008.

There being no further business, the meeting concluded at: 11.10am.

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