To the Mayor and Councillors of the London Borough of Lambeth YOU ARE SUMMONED TO ATTEND A VIRTUAL MEETING of the COUNCIL to be held via Microsoft Teams (please click here) on Wednesday 14 October 2020 at 7.00 pm ANDREW TRAVERS CHIEF EXECUTIVE Further Information If you require any further information or have any queries please contact: Wayne Chandai, Telephone: 020 7926 0029; Email:
[email protected] Published on: Tuesday 6 October 2020 @LBLdemocracy on Twitter or use #Lambeth Lambeth Council – Democracy Live on Facebook AGENDA Page Nos. 1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interests Under Standing Order 4.4, where any councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (as defined in the Members’ Code of Conduct (para. 4)) in any matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council, a committee, sub-committee or joint committee, they must withdraw from the meeting room during the whole of the consideration of that matter and must not participate in any vote on that matter unless a dispensation has been obtained from the Monitoring Officer. 2. Minutes - 3 June 2020 1 - 12 To approve the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 3 June 2020. 3. Minutes - 15 July 2020 13 - 26 To approve the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 15 July 2020. 4. Announcements 5. Deputations and Petitions The deadline for the receipt of requests for a deputation is 5pm, 9 October 2020. Email:
[email protected] Petitions will be presented at the meeting by Councillors. 6. Cabinet Statement 7.