Life and Times of Anne Bailey, the Pioneer Heroine of the Great
— 1- - 1 1 1 ip ,,, i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation Ann Bailey.* --'>. Cabin of Ann Bailey. of fence rails. It was on the Ohio River Hills, below Gallipolis. and built by her Collections of Copyrighted. 1888, by Henry Howe & Son. and copied from Historical Ohio, Centennial Edition, by permission <>t the publisher-. — . LIFE AND TIMES —OF- ANNE BAILEY. THE PIONEER HEROINE -OF THE- GREAT KANAWHA VALLEY, -BY Virgil a. Lewis, secretary "West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society. Corresponding Member of the Virginia Historical Society ; Membt Pennsylvania Historical Society ; Corresponding Member of the Western Reserve IBstorical Society of Cleveland', rmd Au- thor of the "History of West Virginia." "Out of monuments, names, wordes, proverbs, traditions, private record* ments of stories, passages of bookes and the like, we doe save and recover somewhat from the deluee of time." Bacon. CHARLESTON, W. VA.: The Butlek Printing Company. MDCCCXCI. eight hundred Entered according to an act of Congress in the year one thousand and ninety one, By VIRGIL A. LEWIS, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. PREFACE. Is it possible at this late date to save from oblivion the Pioneer History of West Virginia? What shall the answer to this question be? That much of that history is now lost—gone with those who were the principal actors in the drama—is certain, but that very much yet remains and with proper effort, may be preserved from the ruthle-- hand of oblivion, is equally certain.
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