Castle Community Land Trust (CCCLT)

Proposed housing development on Land behind 98-102 West Street,

In October 2019 the village supported proposals for the CCCLT to develop 20 residential units on the field behind 98-102 West Street. This would be 14 affordable units to rent and 6 open market houses (OMH). 3 of the OMH would be to the benefit and at the cost of the landowner, the Bond family, in recognition of providing the plots for the affordable dwellings. The other 3 would benefit the CCCLT to cross-subsidise the affordable units with the aim of rents being as close to 60% of market rents as possible.

Heads of Terms have been agreed with the Bond family to secure, as before, a 125 year lease at £1 premium and annual rent. Aster has been appointed as our Housing Provider – who will build the entire project and be responsible for the management of the social housing by way of a 125 year under lease. Etchingham Morris has been appointed as architect and Excello Law are the CCCLT lawyers. We also have the considerable assistance, as before, of the Wessex Community Land Trust. Apart from lawyer and architect, the project has needed the employment of numerous other professional advisors with the total cost approaching £100,000. Council has provided a grant to meet these pre-development costs.

The cost of the social housing and infrastructure is to be met by Aster by way of grants from Homes , Dorset Council and their own funds. Several months ago Aster advised that due to a more sympathetic view toward villages like Corfe - where environmental considerations add substantially to build cost – Aster was confident that higher public body grants would be achievable which, when added to their own contribution, would enable social rents being charged to tenants. Under current legislation social rents are set at approx. 60% of open market rent. Aster has confirmed their commitment to this new arrangement throughout their lease term.

Consequently, the CCCLT has maintained the 20 units but increased the social rented element to 16 dwellings and reduced the OMH to 4. (The benefit of the fourth OMH will be shared between the Bond family and the CCCLT to be used as a reserve fund for future projects.)

Dorset Council commissioned a Housing Needs Survey, published in January 2020, indicating 37 families in housing need. The report acknowledged the Parish Council’s own records, showing 68 housing needs applicants. Dorset Council’s survey covered residents of Corfe Castle village only, whilst the Parish’s records include other sources, principally counting people originally living in the village who had to leave through a lack of accommodation, but now wishing to return.

Having regard to these reports, the proposed social housing project will have 6 x 3 bedroom houses, 8 x 2 bedroom houses and 2 x 1 bedroom flats.

The homes will be for rent to people in housing need as defined by registration with Dorset Home Choice. Those with a connection to the Parish will be prioritised using criteria approved by CCCLT.

The project’s layout reflects the outcomes of the many surveys undertaken which include environmental, archaeological and arboricultural. Whilst not in the village’s conservation area, our architect is in dialogue with the conservation officer who will liaise with the planning officers. As the site is in an area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB) we have also employed the services of a landscape architect who has offered input to layout, building design and landscaping. Elevations will be largely Purbeck stone. Roofs will be a mixture of stone lookalike tiles, clay tiles and slate. The roads are primarily designed for adoption although the section serving the OMH will not be to adoptable standards.