Underwriting Issues and Innovations Seminar
Underwriting Issues and Innovations Seminar Attendee List by Last Name As of July 12, 2017 Stephen Abrokwah Merly Agellon Geoff Andrews Swiss Re Life & Health America Inc Sun Life Financial Carpe Data Fort Wayne, IN Toronto, ON Santa Barbara, CA David Aronson Thomas Ashley Denise Bates MIB Gen Re Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co Braintree, MA Stamford, CT Horsham, PA Natalie Bergstrom JP Bewley Phillip Beyer AIG Big Cloud Analytics USAA Life Insurance Company Milwaukee, WI Atlanta, GA San Antonio, TX Donnamarie Blake Paul Boudreau Laura Boylan Lexisnexis Risk Solution Munich Re Haven Life Alpharetta, GA Atlanta, GA New York, NY Greg Brandner Colin Bruesewitz Jessica Bublitz Munich Re American Family Insurance Milliman Intelliscript Nashwauk, MN Sun Prairie, WI Brookfield, WI Peggy Buck Marc Cagen Minyu Cao Milliman Intelliscript Fidelity Life Association RGA Brookfield, WI Chicago, IL Chesterfield, MO Eric Carlson Paul Carmody Audrey Chervansky Milliman Inc Pacific Guardian Life Insurance Swiss Re Life & Health America Brookfield, WI Honolulu, HI Armonk, NY Amanda Christensen Juliet Christenson Jennifer Ciollaro Riversource Insurance Royal Neighbors of America Swiss Re Minneapolis, MN Rock Island, IL Fort Wayne, IN Derek Coburn Brian Coens Joanne Collins Unum Clinical Reference Laboratory Stoneriver Worcester, MA Lenexa, KS Waxhaw, NC Chris Connor Sean Conrad Steve Cox Illinois Mutual Life Insurance Hannover Re Oneamerica Financial Partners Company Charlotte, NC Indianapolis, IN Peoria, IL Kathryn Cox Kim Curley Mike Curran RGA Great-West Financial Force Diagnostics, Inc. Chesterfield, MO Greenwood Village, CO Bannockburn, IL Bruce Dahlquist Donna Daniells Ben Davidson Clinical Reference Laboratory AXA US Sagicor Life Insurance Lenexa, KS Charlotte, NC Scottsdale, AZ Jim Davis Dee Davis Paul Dennee Synodex Swiss Re Trustmark Insurance Co Canton, CT Fort Wayne, IN Lake Forest, IL Tedd Determan Ammon Dixon Cris Downey Force Diagnostics, Inc.
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