Rugby magazine_01.pdf 1 1/8/16 上午9:36 GAME ON C M Y CM MY CY CMY K RUGBY CONTENTS A heads-up on what’s inside this issue including competition draws and team profiles. MANAGING EDITOR: Oliver Lee EDITOR: Peter White
[email protected] SUBEDITOR: Elise McDowell WINNING MOMENT PHOTOGRAPHY: CANTERBURY CAPTAIN LUKE WHITELOCK holds the ITM CUP after winning COVER DESIGN LAST YEAR’S FINAL over AUCKLAND. ONTIME Associates PRINTING: THE INVESTEC RUGBY CHAMPIONSHIP .... 4 2016 FIXTURE LIST 1617 We preview the 2016 Investec Rugby Championship PMP Auckland CHAMPIONSHIP PREVIEWS: and the All Blacks end-of-year tour. PUBLISHER: OTAGO ........................................................ 18 MITRE 10 CUP SEASON PREVIEW ............... 7 What’s ahead in this year’s Premiership and Championship. MANAWATU ................................................ 18 NORTH HARBOUR ........................................ 21 Box 331-667, PREMIERSHIP PREVIEWS: Takapuna, AUCKLAND .................................................... 8 NORTHLAND ............................................... 22 Auckland 0740, COUNTIES MANUKAU ..................................... 10 BAY OF PLENTY ........................................... 22 New Zealand T: 09 486 6966 HAWKE’S BAY .................................................. 10 WELLINGTON ............................................... 24 E:
[email protected] CANTERBURY ................................................. 12 SOUTHLAND ................................................ 26 W: