Annual Parochial Church Meeting to be held in Church On Monday 21st September At 4pm

St Bartholomew, Lower Sapey (Harpley) Agenda for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting Monday 21st September 2020 at 4pm Opening Prayers Part 1: Vestry Meeting for the Election of Churchwardens 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of the meeting held 9th April 2019 3. Matters arising 4. Election of Churchwardens Part 2: Annual Parochial Church Meeting 1. Apologies 2. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th April 2019 3. Matters Arising 4. Reports a) PCC Annual Report b) Electoral Roll c) Churchwarden’s (including Fabric) d) Deanery Synod e) WWRT f) Team Rector/Vicar g) Curates h) Readers i) Ladies Bible Group j) Methodist Services k) Choir l) Safeguarding Report m) WWRT Financial Report for the year ending 31/12/19 n) Financial Statement for the year ending 31/12/19 5. Election to Deanery Synod 6. Election of PCC Members 7. Appointment of Independent Examiner 8. AOB Part 3: Meeting of the New Parochial Church Council 1. Election of Lay Officers – Lay Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Electoral Roll Officer, Standing Committee 2. A.O.B. 3. Date of next meeting Closing Prayers



Attendees: Revd Canon David Sherwin, Revd Becky Elliott, Margaret Griffiths, Pat Savage, , Allen Everitt, Candy Connolly, Jane Dallow and Liz Edwards (Secretary) Apologies: Doreen Maclean and Steve Younge (by email) David welcomed everyone to the meeting and said a prayer followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Part 1: Vestry Meeting for the Election of Churchwardens (Anyone who lives in the Parish of Lower Sapey/Harpley or is on the Electoral Roll are entitled to vote) 1. Apologies for absence were read out as above. 2. The minutes of the vestry meeting held on 18th April 2018 were signed by David Sherwin as a true and accurate record of the meeting. 3. There were no matters arising. 4. Election of Churchwardens: Candy Connolly was proposed by Allen Everitt, seconded by Pat Savage. The PCC were all in favour of electing Candy as Churchwarden for the coming year. David expressed his thanks to Candy for her enthusiasm and hard work over the last 12 months, lots of progress has been made. Part 2: Annual Parochial Church Meeting (All those on the Electoral Roll are entitled to vote) 1. Apologies were read out as above. David advised that anyone is invited to this meeting but only those on the electoral roll are entitled to vote. 2. The minutes of the APCM held on 18th April 2018 were signed by David Sherwin as a true and accurate record of the meeting. 3. There were no matters arising. 4. The reports were contained within the APCM booklet and had been read by everyone before the meeting. The following points were noted: a) PCC Annual Report – included a very brief resume of the business of the PCC from the last year. b) Electoral Roll – following the 6 yearly revision the new number on the electoral roll is 29. There was one addition and one omission. c) Churchwardens – Candy was very pleased that Mass was held in the Old Church in May and she would like to continue doing special events/services each May. Candy gave particular thanks to Marion West for all her help. David thanked Candy for her work as churchwarden and said that her confidence with the diocese has grown and he is sure that progress will continue. d) Deanery Synod – There was no Deanery Synod representative from Lower Sapey/Harpley during 2018-2019. There was a talk on modern slavery – the 2 most common forms being nail bars and car washes. The Church of has launched an App that can be used to report anything you feel is suspicious. Margaret James gave a talk on the Diocesan Board of Education – 83% of rural schools are Church of England schools. David Sherwin has stepped down as Rural Dean after 10 years. Anne Potter has taken over. e) WWRT – David and Anne’s report highlighted the things we have done together as a team. The Marriage Preparation Session was very successful with approximately 17 couples ranging in age from their 20’s to their 50’s. David received lots of positive


feedback. Some administration and finance is being centralized by using a joint Team account. We welcomed Jen Denniston as Curate. f) Team Rector – David said that the year has gone by very quickly. Due to dilution of clergy availability changing services and times helps the wider picture. Thank you for your understanding. David is very grateful to the clergy and lay team that help to facilitate services. David looks after 6 parishes and 5 of them currently have building issues. We can all help each other with regard to applying for grants. We can share information. The new fairer share system for parish share has helped most parishes in the team. David is grateful for what is paid in but says that we have an on-going responsibility to keep increasing this. It is preferable to pay small amounts regularly. g) Curate – Becky’s highlight was her priesting in June last year. Youth Group is going really well – the team are always looking for more helpers. Becky has been involved in Dementia Awareness, Churches Together and is a governor at The Chantry. It was wonderful to be waved off from Harpley church on the recent bike ride. Becky very much enjoys taking services at Harpley and is very happy with David as her training incumbent. h) Reader – A report was provided by Pat Snelling. David thanked the ALM’s and Candy who also lead when necessary. Jill Smith is more active again now, particularly in Churches Together who are arranging 3 talks in May and June in Clifton Village Hall, with a meal and excellent speakers. i) Ladies Bible Group – They enjoy meeting once a month. The summer outing this year will be a river trip from Upton. They will be joined by Ruth Wintle and her Bible Study group. j) Methodist Services –David read out the report received from Doreen Maclean. The joint Remembrance service will be on-going but with a slightly more Anglican content. k) Choir – Candy provided a report on the choir. Dick Stephens injects a great deal of energy and Mark Griffiths is also involved. They enjoy practicing songs for events and services. Thank you to all those involved – it really adds to the life of the church. Thank you also to Sue Rigby for her role as librarian and organizer. l) Safeguarding – this report is legally required. There were no safeguarding issues during 2018. m) Financial – Allen presented the accounts as displayed in the APCM booklet. He said that 3 or 4 fundraising exercises during the year are needed to keep the finances on track. David would like someone from the new board of trustees on the Centenary fund to come to a PCC meeting to discuss the use of their funds/interest on funds to help the church. David gave thanks to Allen for all his work at Treasurer. 5. Election of Deanery Synod Representatives: The parish is entitled to 2 Deanery Synod Representatives. They are elected for the term of that Deanery Synod. Anyone elected after the first call for deanery synod members holds a casual vacancy for the rest of the three year term of office not for three years from the date of their election. The current office runs from 2017 to 2020. Allen Everitt was proposed by Steve Younge, seconded by Pat Savage (to a 1 year term 2019-2020) 6. Election of PCC Members: Margaret Griffiths was proposed by Pat Savage, seconded by Doreen Maclean) Pat Savage was proposed by Margaret Griffiths, seconded by Doreen Maclean) Steve Younge was proposed by Pat Savage, seconded by Margaret Griffiths) All in favour Allen Everitt was proposed by Pat Savage, seconded by Margaret Griffiths) Doreen Maclean was proposed by Margaret Griffiths, seconded by Pat Savage) Jane Dallow was proposed by Pat Savage, seconded by Margaret Griffiths)


7. Tony Dipple was proposed by Allen Everitt, seconded by Candy Connolly as Independent Examiner for 2019. All were in favour. 8. There was no other business.

Part 3: Meeting of the New Parochial Church Council 1. Election of Lay Officers: Lay Chairman: Candy Connolly was proposed by Allen Everitt, seconded by Margaret Griffiths. Treasurer: Allen Everitt was proposed by Candy Connolly, seconded by Pat Savage. Secretary: Liz Edwards was proposed by Jane Dallow, seconded by Pat Savage. Electoral Roll Officer: Pat Savage was proposed by Margaret Griffiths, seconded by Jane Dallow. The Standing Committee consists of the Vicar, Lay Chair, Warden, Treasurer and Secretary. The purpose of the Standing Committee is to meet at short notice to discuss anything that is urgent. 2. Car Park Resurfacing: Candy expressed her concern about the car park and the need for it to be useable for vehicles. The only long term solution is to clear the overhanging trees. Candy will contact Council to see if the trees are protected and if we CC need permission to take them down. Once we have this information Rooftops (who own the land) to be approached about their removal. 3. Outside Porch Door – Allen suggested adding an outside porch door to keep more heat in the church. This would need a PCC resolution and a faculty. Allen Everitt proposed and Candy Connolly seconded exploring the possibility of putting AE an extra door on the porch. All were in favour. 4. A.O.B: Heating – another meeting is needed with the DAC.

Outside Tap – Candy proposed and Allen Everitt seconded that we put down a gravel path from the existing path to the outside tap. All were in favour. Candy will now proceed with CC

the faculty.

Kitchenette and Toilet – Candy is waiting for a quotation from Carl. It is understood that a septic tank will be needed. Funding will be applied for once we have received a quote. CC

Coping Stone – Candy is getting a separate quotation to repair the coping stone. This will CC hopefully be brought to the next meeting.

Pew re-ordering – Candy is visiting St Peter’s in the Golden Valley and 2 churches in Hereford for ideas. She will take photos ready for the next PCC meeting. There was CC concern that if any more pews are removed there won’t be enough for weddings.

Morning Prayer – Candy would like the PCC to consider changing Morning Prayer to an ALL Afternoon Church. This to be discussed at a future PCC meeting. PCC 5. Date Next Meeting: Monday 17th June, 4pm in Church. Churchwarden’s Service of Admission: Tuesday 4th June, 7.30pm at St Stephen’s, Barbourne. The meeting finished at approximately 12 Noon with all saying The Grace.


ST BARTHOLOMEW, LOWER SAPEY (HARPLEY) Membership of the PCC 2019-20 Clerks in Holy Orders beneficed or licensed to the parish or incumbent within the group: Revd Canon David Sherwin – Team Rector – [email protected] 01886 888664 Revd Anne Potter – Team Vicar – [email protected] 01886 832355 Revd Becky Elliott – Curate – [email protected] 01886 812451 Revd Jen Denniston – Curate – [email protected] 01886 853280 Revd Jennifer Whittaker – Assistant Priest – [email protected] 01886 833897 Revd Canon Ruth Wintle – Retired Priest – [email protected] 01905 427109

The Churchwarden (and Lay Chair): Candy Connolly – [email protected] 01886 853248

Readers who are licensed to the parish: Pat Snelling – [email protected] 01886 812443 Jill Smith – [email protected] 01886 853311 Mark Wild – [email protected] 01905 732806

All persons who are on the roll of the parish who are lay members of any deanery synod (or diocesan synod or general synod) (2 members for an electoral roll of 26-100) Allen Everitt – 2019-2020

Representatives on the Deanery Pastoral Committee Allen Everitt – 2019-2020

Elected Representatives of the Laity (up to 6 for an electoral roll up to 50) Allen Everitt (Treasurer) [email protected] 01886 853593 Margaret Griffiths - [email protected] 01886 853543 Doreen Maclean – [email protected] Pat Savage (Electoral Roll Officer) Hatt House 01886 853455 Steve Younge - [email protected] 07828 205487 Jane Dallow - [email protected] 01886 953495

PCC Secretary: Liz Edwards – [email protected] (non-member of the PCC) Parish Safeguarding Representative (PSR): Sue Everitt (non-member of the PCC) - [email protected] 01886 853593 Team Safeguarding Officer (TSO): Alison Khan – [email protected] 01905 423987 Delegates to Report Any Serious Safeguarding and Non-Safeguarding Incidents to the Charity Commission: Candy Connolly and Allen Everitt – From March 2019

(A quorate amount for a meeting is 1/3 rounded up)

The Standing Committee comprises of the Vicar, Lay Chair, Warden, Treasurer and Secretary 5

REPORTS: A) PCC ANNUAL REPORT The PCC met 7 times during the year (April 2019 to March 2020), a short meeting to appoint officers following the APCM in April, ordinary meetings in June, October, December, February and March. There was also an extra-ordinary meeting in May to propose a resolution to temporarily move the pews from the church and replace with chairs received from All Saints Church Worcester

A short summary of business discussed: The PCC were shown draft proposals for the deanery pastoral re-organisation of the Worcester West Group Ministry. There were no objections to these proposals. The diocese is running at a deficit which has led to redundancies at the Old Palace. Clergy posts are likely to follow. Parishes were advised that paying parish share is more important than ever. The PCC agreed to setting up a monthly standing order to pay their Parish Share. A licence for Temporary Minor Reordering for removal (and storage) of the pews to enable the trial of chairs from All Saints, Worcester, was received from the Archdeacon on 8th May 2019. This is being trialled for a period of at least 6 months when the situation will be reviewed. A grant of £9,980 was awarded by the Lottery Fund (Awards for All) to carry out a feasibility study to equip the church with facilities of water, heating, a toilet and kitchen. The feasibility study should be ready by the end of March. Repairs have been carried out on the coping stone under an Archdeacon’s Faculty. St Bartholomew’s received the Silver Eco Church Award from A Rocha in December 2019. The Methodist Service pattern changed from January 2020. The safeguarding and domestic abuse policies were amalgamated with a new single policy on 10th February 2020. Following the APCM in April 2019 the PCC had 6 elected members of the Laity (leaving no vacancies) and one churchwarden. There was one Deanery Synod Representative - leaving one vacancy. During 2019 there were 2 weddings and no baptisms. There were 2 funeral services held in church. There were no funeral services held at the Crematorium for Lower Sapey/Harpley parish. The PCC has complied with the duty under section 5 of the Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016 (duty to have regard to House of Bishops’ guidance on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults). Each meeting opened with a prayer and closed with all saying ‘The Grace’ Liz Edwards - PCC Secretary

B) ELECTORAL ROLL The electoral roll is revised every year and every 6 years a new Parish Roll is produced. The new roll was produced in 2019 with 29 names included.


The revisions for 2020 are as follows: Removed – Elizabeth Nicholls (deceased) Additions – Roy Dursley and Beryl Dursley New Address – Jean Evans has moved from the Parish but wishes to remain on the electoral roll. Her address has been updated.

There are now 30 on the electoral roll at 1 April 2020 Pat Savage – Electoral Roll Officer C) CHURCHWARDEN’S (INCLUDING FABRIC) Church Fabric

We managed the churchyard, sprayed around the church building, cut back the yews so that they are now all the same height. The east end is completely clear of trees which allows for an area for Ashes.

We have temporarily put the pews to the side of the Church to see how the space can be more imaginatively used. We have 100 x third -hand chairs from All Saints Worcester. These are until we get new ones. We have 6 months (September) before we need to apply for a faculty for this.

We have a Feasibility Study being prepared for us by APEC Architects with plans of future developments ready at the end of March. This is funded by £10,000 from Awards for All, part of the National Lottery Fund. The architect is a Conservation specialist and will advise on the best option for heating, loo and kitchen facilities.

Research into heating was carried out by Steve, Howard and Sue Rigby and Candy. We visited St John’s in Gloucester to see a n electric heating system suited to a church with a regularly high footfall and wondered if this was really suitable for our very low average footfall. It would need to be maintained at a reasonable temperature throughout the winter. We experimented with heaters this year to maintain the temperature through February and the beginning of March and the number of kilowatts needed will cost about £2000 per year.

We have repaired the Coping stones on the North side to stop the damp getting into the organ chamber. Carl Gibbs has done this work March.


We have achieved Silver Status in the Eco Church. For this we filled in a form with A Rocha church. Key features for the Eco church Silver Status at Harpley Church include aspirations towards Sustainable Church Flowers: the church has not used floral foam for the last 4 years although weddings and funerals are still outside this aspiration; we have also contributed to raising awareness in the wider community by the flower demonstration given by Shane Connolly last August (2019) for the West Worcester churches in Church and wreath making workshops in November by Kate Hurst in Church and Brigette Manton this at Clifton Church. The Chair of the Worcester Guild who manages the flowers in Worcester Cathedral came to the August demonstration by Shane 7 and they have now created structures for the Lady Chapel so that arrangements can be made without the need for Floral Foam. Furthermore all the Cathedral florists have made a pledge to make the whole Cathedral foam free as soon as possible.

Our regular practise of annual litter picks between Clifton and Harpley by self-directed and self- responsible members of the community was celebrated with a drink at the Lion on March 6th at 6pm. We covered the 3 miles around Harpley, High Lane, Holly bush and Hope Lane to Clifton. We also spent 2 hours clearing the hill to Stanford Church extending our services to the wider Parish network – during which time 3 of us collected 17 bags.

Our Churchyard has been surveyed by the Natural Networks and we have planted daffodil bulbs and spread wildflower seed so that the churchyard to encourage biodiversity. Bats, birds and bees are encouraged. Our snowdrops are just beginning to show their multitude.

We have eco LED bulbs in all the lights. We do not use single use plastic (eg for refreshments or decorations). We order cleaning kit and loo rolls from Fair trade. We have twinned with a loo in Tanzania.

With Corona Virus I locked the Church door on 25th March for the first time in my 8-year spell as Church Warden in order to keep infection out of the church. The church will be closed and there will be no services until the Virus has been brought under control. Candy Connolly

D) DEANERY SYNOD The Parochial Church Council appoints two current members of the PCC to be their representative’s at Deanery Synod meetings. The period of service in this capacity is usually three years. The Deanery Synod meets three times each year at a different parish within the area. Following welcome and prayers it is usual to have a speaker who will give the main address and then reports from other representatives such as Finance, the Parsonage Board and any other relevant body from the church. Information is also provided about current church matters and any issues arising and discussions resulting.

The first Deanery Synod meeting of the new season was held at St Kenelm’s on 15th May. The main speaker was Mr John Preston, the Diocesan Secretary who spoke on his role in respect of the development of the Worcester Diocese in relation to the decline in church attendance and income and how these might be increased in the future. Discussion followed on how to increase income at parish level and thus in contribution to parish share.

The October meeting was held at the church of St John-in-Bedwardine. Ms Alison Maddocks, the Diocesan Stewardship Officer gave a presentation focussing on giving. She suggested different ways that the church can encourage an increase in giving such as covenanting rather than gift aid and also encouraging the next generation in the concept of giving and our stewardship - and theirs - of our Grade 1 Listed Buildings.


February saw the Deanery Synod meeting taking place at Christchurch, Lower Broadheath. The Diocesan Surveyor, Mr Mark Wild was the invited speaker and his presentation was on Eco Friendly Churches. He brought to our attention through Genesis 1 that earth was created for us and that we have stewardship of all creation. Churches should consider biodiversity on their land, to share creative ideas of conservation and reduce their carbon footprint. When questions were invited later, members did comment on the difficulties posed by the faculty process. (Incidentally Eco Churches and carbon-neutrality were some of the highlighted subjects discussed at General Synod, convened almost concurrently.)

However, a variety of other church issues are also discussed throughout the year with contributions made from many of the parish representative’s attending.

Allen Everitt is currently the sole Deanery Synod Representative for St Bartholomew’s.

Mainly taken from the Clifton Deanery Synod Report

E) WWRT The WWRT Ministry Team and wider leadership have continued to work together in a variety of ways. The clergy have gathered together in one of the churches each Monday at 9.00 am to say Morning Prayer together before their weekly staff meeting during which they discuss preparations for the coming week and reflect on mission and ministry across the parishes. The wider ministry team meet regularly to ensure the services across the team have people, whether clergy or lay, to lead them. A good number of worshippers from across the parishes gathered together for the annual Palm Sunday team service at Laylocks. The Lent talks in Martley church took the theme of finding God in film and again were reasonably well attended. Six candidates were confirmed by Bishop Robert in Church in October. We are grateful to Paul Reeve for continuing to administer the Team account, into which the parishes pay to cover the costs of running the website, and any WWRT mission, such as the successful Alpha Course which ran through the Autumn. Working with the Churches Together in the Teme Valley, around 70 people from across all our parishes attended the ten-week course in Martley Village Hall. The WWRT mission tent was effectively used to invite folk to the Alpha course, with a loving cup of sloe gin, at the Martley Show in July and the & Show in September. At the latter show the tent was also used to provide a quiet, play area for toddlers using equipment from the diocese. As always, we want to say a big thank you to all who actively work across our team in proclaiming the gospel of love in Christ through word, action and prayer. God bless you. David Canon David Sherwin and Revd Anne Potter


F) TEAM RECTOR/VICAR As I reflect over 2019 my first thoughts are to thank you all for your continued work in the lord across the parishes. You continue to maintain worship, pastoral work, schools work and keep our buildings in a good state of repair throughout the year.

I think that all the buildings within the parishes I have care for have had some issue to be resolved, and I am grateful for the hard work in both assessing what needs to be done, finding those to complete the work and of course the efforts that are put in to obtain faculties.

We have some wonderful buildings which are a continued witness within our parishes, and as the diocese have encouraged us over the last few years, we need to make sure that they are fit for purpose for the years to come, and I know that this is your desire too.

Our schools continue to be open to us and I am grateful to those who serve as Governors and those who are on the Open the Book teams or going to the school to help in any way. We have maintained a weekly assembly, one being carried out by the clergy, reader or one of the Open the Book teams.

Children and youth work extends beyond school and I am thankful to the Messy Church team for their efforts in holding monthly events as well as our summer holiday club. Brenda Williams and team do a great job in maintaining our work with them. We do, however, notice that the holiday club seems to be lower in numbers now due to extensive holiday clubs across the area that cater for full days of which parents are more likely to send their children to. We have said we need to rethink how we will do any future holiday clubs. Youth work has been in the capable hands of our Curate Becky Elliott and Marianne Cole and they have had a few events that have met the needs of our young people.

Our pastoral teams, which are guided by Jennifer Whittaker and Pat Snelling, continue to work hard across the area in visits, tea services, Lunch in Company, bereavement visits, home communions and the like. This is a vital aspect of our work and everyone who receives benefit from this speaks well of it.

Our high standard of worship is maintained by the team of clergy, readers and Authorised Lay Ministers (ALM’s). I am grateful to them all for their input and for their work both on Sundays and during the week.

I also wish to make note of the hard work of all our churchwardens and PCC’s and all that they do to maintain the work and witness of the church within the parishes that they serve.

At the beginning of 2020 the diocese called us to share in Open Conversations to consider how the church moves forward in the years ahead with less full-time clergy, more non-stipendiary clergy and more lay worker involvement within the parishes.

I wish to thank the staff team – Anne, Becky, Jennifer, Jen and our readers – Jill, Mark and Pat for their work amongst us which we all benefit from. It has been a pleasure to train Becky, and I am aware as 2020 approaches she will eventually be signed off and looking for a post beyond July. We wish her well when that time comes. 10

I would just finish by saying that as we prepare for the APCM’s the international crisis of Coronavirus has hit us and the next few months are rather uncertain, and our APCM’s are now on hold until further notice, but the work of the church will carry on in some way or form as we move through this.

Thank you all for all your hard work and ministry and support. God bless.

Revd David David Sherwin

G) CURATES How quickly time flies! I am fast approaching the time when the Bishop will sign me off. This of course brings very mixed feelings. I am delighted by all that I’ve learned and experienced here in preparation for having my own churches, but it will be with a heavy heart when we have to leave this place that we have come to love. This might not be for another year! The past year has been one of consolidating skills, gaining more experience of leading service, taking weddings, baptisms and funerals, school assemblies and learning more about Church administration. I continue to be involved in a range of activities across the Parishes, including an Open the Book Group, Messy Church, the Youth Group, the Teme Valley Churches Together Group and two Pastoral Groups as well managing the WWRT Facebook page and the usual services and special events that take place. A highlight has been to be involved in the planning and leading of our Autumn Alpha course which saw a lot of people enjoy evenings with super meals and in-depth conversations about life and faith. As part of my training I have undertaken two one-week placements. The first was in the Anglo- Catholic Benefice of Kidderminster West and the Second was with a very large rural benefice in Norfolk. Both gave me a fascinating insight into how other churches go about their ministry and mission. As always, I am very grateful to David, the rest of the ministry team and all those across the WWRT who continue to support me in my developing ministry. Revd Becky Elliott

It’s a privilege to be part of the WWRT team and to be able to participate in a wide variety of services and activities across the parishes. I’m a self-supporting part time curate, half-way through my three- year curacy. I get involved in what I can, and learn from all the things I participate in.

Besides leading regular Sunday Communion services, Circle Services and Evensong, there were special services like the Palm Sunday evening Reflection, and the opportunity to participate at Heaton House Eucharist and some funerals.


I’ve helped local communities to participate in the Eco Church initiative, focusing on being more sustainable and carbon neutral. This includes things like planting wildflower areas, using church buildings more flexibly, and promoting alternatives to Floral Foam in flower arrangements.

A group of us enjoyed a ‘steeple to steeple’ (hostelries included!) cycle ride around the 14 WWRT churches and chapels.

Around 65 people from across the WWRT attended the Alpha Course. Over 10 weeks we shared a meal and lively informal discussion around the tables in Martley village Hall.

Rev Becky and I go once a month for Saturday curate training, and we have monthly Theological Reflection with curate colleagues.

We all need down time, and time to be refreshed. The Deanery Quiet day and personal retreats have been enriching, and it was lovely to lead the WWRT Quiet Day at Holland House in March. Revd Jen Denniston

H) READERS I have enjoyed a very varied and full year’s ministry. I have officiated at over 70 services in the WWRT, the majority of which were in the Clifton, Shelsley and Lower Sapey benefice. I have also officiated at several services at Hallow during their interregnum/vacancy. Also I have taken 10 funerals and was privileged to lead the Remembrance service at St Kenelm’s, and participated in what has now become our annual All Souls Service. A particular joy has been the school assemblies together with Barbara and Pam which we have taken monthly using the Open the Book assembly programme. I would like to give thanks to the school staff and children for the enthusiastic welcome we always receive. We all enjoyed our Annual Quiet Day at Holland House which was well attended and has become a day that is very much appreciated by those who attend year after year, long many we be able to continue. Home Communions have taken place to all who have requested them on a monthly basis and always brings great comfort to those who can no longer make the journey to St Kenelm’s. I have continued to be a Day Chaplain at Worcester Cathedral on a twice monthly basis something which I find to be a stimulating aspect of my ministry. May I say thank you to all who have supported me and welcomed me into their churches and congregations with faith and prayers. It has been a joy to serve. Pat Snelling


Over the past year I have taken at least one service a month ranging from Circle services at Harpley to Cafe Church at both Clifton and Martley. Christmas was busy taking services at Shelsley and Harpley.

Churches Together held a series of three suppers with speakers sharing their testimonies at Clifton village hall with 50+ attending each evening. Churches Together instigated and supported an Alpha course for the WWRT held at Martley village hall during the Autumn with around 60+ people attending.

My involvement with Christian Aid continues with the group at Clifton. Again, this group raised an amazing amount of money. It is hoped this year, with its creative ideas, it will do the same.

I feel that I have built strong links with Harpley, Clifton and Shelsley. It has been a joy to see Harpley move forward in reordering the Church.

I have supported Becky in her initiative of cycling the WWRT. On two Saturdays in Spring last year, with enthusiastic cyclists, we visited most churches in the WWRT and prayed in each. At the end of each ride a hearty lunch was eaten at a local hostelry.

Jill Smith

I) LADIES BIBLE GROUP We continue to enjoy meeting on the second Tuesday of the month (not August) to study Kuniholm's 'Essential 100’. We will finish this shortly and will then start a new text, as yet to be decided.

We meet in the home of one of our members, where we also enjoy cake and tea.

Our membership stays pretty stable as although we sadly lost Bettie last December and Barbara Raybould who moved away, we have welcomed the two Sues and also Becky to our group.

We had to cancel our winter outing and lunch because of Bettie's funeral, but hope to have the usual summer outing in June or July.

All are welcome to join.

Margaret Griffiths


J) METHODIST SERVICES The Methodist services are now held on the 3rd Sunday of the month instead of on the 2nd Sunday. Also, there is no service in the 1st month of each quarter. i.e. January, April, July & October. We hold a Communion service 4 times a year. The services are enjoyed by both Methodists & Anglicans & members of other denominations or none are always welcome to join us. Doreen Maclean

K) CHOIR The pop-up choir has met occasionally and is enthusiastically followed by a few members. We are experimenting with it in zoom meetings during the isolation of Corona virus lock down.

Candy Connolly

L) SAFEGUARDING REPORT Alison Khan is the Team Parish Safeguarding Officer (TPSO) who can be contacted on [email protected] or 01905 423987. She is responsible for filling in all the safeguarding forms and making sure that everyone is compliant with the safeguarding regulations. Each PCC is legally responsible and needs their own Parish Safeguarding Representative (PSR) who will be in contact with Alison and relate any relevant information to the PCC. If there are any issues within a parish the PSR will pass the information straight to the diocese. The PSR will ensure that all safeguarding policies are up to date. They will also be responsible for filling in the Safeguarding Toolkit each year. Sue Everitt has been appointed as PSR for Lower Sapey/Harpley. Sue is looking forward to meeting with all the leads in the WWRT to clarify responsibilities. Safeguarding arrangements are clearly visible on the front page of the WWRT website. The Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse Policies were amalgamated with a new single policy on 10th February 2020 which is displayed on the church notice board. Safeguarding is on the agenda for each PCC meeting. There were no Safeguarding Issues during 2019. Sue is looking forward to meeting with all the leads Coronavirus: The community has been badly affected by isolation. Everyone has complied with government and Archbishop edicts. There will be a review of the safeguarding issues surrounding this pandemic when safe to do so. Sue Everitt


M) WWRT FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31/12/2019 WEST RURAL TEAM TREASURERS REPORT 2019 (with adjustment to take into account 2020 to date)

I have pleasure in attaching a copy of the WWRT accounts for 2019 from which you will see that we ended the year in a positive position and I am very grateful to the contributions from all PCCs

As you will see the major expenditure related to the Alpha course but this was covered mainly by your contributions, and indeed since the year end additional donations have been received which will be shown in the 2020 accounts. The purchase of the Benefice tent was a one-off and if your Parish wishes to borrow this it is available for all, please contact Rev. Anne

The other main outgoing relates to the monthly website fees and a review is currently being undertaken by the clergy and staff to ensure that we are receiving value for money.

The WWRT team account usage continues to evolve but at present there are no large payments anticipated. Following publication earlier in the year of the 2019 accounts and prior to lockdown, each PCC was requested to provide the sum of £50 towards 2020 expenditure. No further call upon your finances is anticipated this year.

Paul Reeve Treasurer WWRT









Worcestershire West Rural Team