Monthly Bulletin of the Ainerican Association of Title Men
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$"' " Monthly Bulletin of the Ainerican Association of Title Men Vol. 1 SEPTEMBER, 1922 No. 10 V ICE P RESIDENT BREWER IS The officials are interested-willing Wednesday was the big day for en ELECTED P RESIDE NT 1922-1 923. to sacrifice personal affairs and give tertainment, there being the boat-ride Mark B. Brewer, of the Security their best to promote the interests of to Put-in-Bay in the afternoon and the Abstract and Mortgage Co., Texar the title men and the title business. banquet that night. The banquet was kana, Ark., and Vice President of the The law of evolution has worked a great success and much credit should American Association of Title Men, in our profession as it has in every be given the Ohio Association of Title 1921-1922, was elected President of thing,- especially in the past few years. Men for this and othe1· entertainment. the Association for 1922-1923. The profession now finds itself con Thursday was the last day and the Other officials elected to serve with fronted with more problems than in afternoon session was presided over by him for the year were. George E. all the years past. The American As the newly elected President, Mark Il. Wedthoff, Northern Title and Trust sociation of Title Men is the clearing Brewer. Co., Bay City, Mich., and Treasurer of house through which they may be The meetings adjourned promptly the Association for several years fought and solved. Therefore, give each afternoon at 4 :30 and then there past; Treasurer, T. M. Scott, Scott your best interest and cooperation to was a scramble to the beach for a dip. Title Co., Paris, Texas. this organization and the officials who Cedar Point is an ideal place for Title Examiners Section: President, are endeavoring to make it serve you such a meeting and everyone had a Henry J. Fehrman (re-elected), and your business in the best way pos great time. It is one of the finest Peters Trust Co., Omaha, Neb.; Sec sible. summer resorts in the country and no retary, J. R. West, Security Title Co., place has any better beach. The pro Nashville, Tenn. THE 1922 CONVENTION. gram was arranged so that there was Title Insurance Section: President, The convention just held at Cedar ample opportunity for recreation and John E. Potter, Potter Title and Trust Point was the most profitable ever held play. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Secretary, Roy in the history of the association. The At no other meeting has there been E. Calhoun, Atlanta Title and Trust attendance was not as large as it any more enthusiasm or better feeling Co., Atlanta, Ga. should have been, due to the railroad than at this one. The past three years Executive Committee (to serve years strike situation. This reached its have been memorable in the history of of 1922-23 and 1923-24), M. P. Bous most strained and tensest point just at the Association. Each one has brought log, Louisiana Abstract and Title the days when people would be leaving more progress and new developments Guarantee Co., New Orleans, La.; J. for the meeting. Many who had and many things have been accom W. Woodford, Title Guarantee and planned to attend did not feel like plished to prove the success of the As Trust Co., Tulsa, Okla.; Henry E . taking· the risk of traveling under the sociation as now organized, and the Monroe, California-Pacific Title In circumstances and could not be blamed wisdom of having a paid Secretary. surance Co., San Francisco, Calif. for feeling that way. However, there The organization is on a sound finan The Executive Committee for tho were more in attendance than were cial basis, and if the same support is ensuing year will, therefore, be com expected and the morale and spirit was given to the Sustaining Fund as has posed of the President, Vice President, of the highest degree. been, there is no doubt as to the future Treasurer, President of the Title In The registration shows that they of the Association and the benefit the surance Section, President of the Title came from all parts and corners of the title profession will receive. Examiners' Section, the three mem country, and there was a better dis If you are not as yet a contributor ber~ elected as shown above, and in tribution geographically than at any io the Sustaining Fund, become one addition to these eight just mentioned, other convention. It was also very now. Money could not be invested in ex-President Pryor, who automatically gratifying to note the number of title a better way. becomes a member ex-officio. W. h. examiners present, showing that Mr. The work done by President Pryor Jones and George Whitcomb remain Fehrman has done some real work in and Secretary Doherty in the past for one more year of their terms. building up the membership of. that year is little short of marvelous. They The distribution of officials, both section and, too, that the examiners put the finishing touches to the prop vocationally and geographically, is are becoming more interested in the osition and left knowing everything is most favorably balanced and will be association of organized title men. complete and in the best condition conducive to obtaining the best of re The Executive Committee met on possible. They gave their successors sults in matters undertaken. At no Monday, the 28th, and transacted such a perfect machine to steer and the con time has there seemed to be so great necessary business as had accumulated vention was little short of astounded a demand for an or.ganization to pro since the Chicago meeting in January. at the reports of pro,gress of the As mote the interests of the title men and The convention proper began Tues sociation under the guidance it has had their profession, and likewise there has day. The Rotary banquet was held during the last three years and espe never before been the well organized on the evening of this day and there cially the very fine results of the last body to accomplish the big program were a goodly number of Rotarians one. which presents itself. present. (Continued on page 8.) j 2 MONTHLY BULLETIN MONTHLY BULLETIN the early settler was asked by what bring suit in court involving land un right he occupied his tract of land and til the abstract is furnished. Back of of the said, as he patted his rifle or squared all this evidence, the abstracter has a American Association of Title Men off with his fist, "This is my right," responsibility and is held to the ac was there much use for further evi curateness of his work, and thus with Published monthly by Kahle Brothers Company a little thought, one can get a big and as the official organ Qf the American dence. Probably he was not needed Association of Title Men. in the days of the code of Hammurabi, fresh realization of what an abstracter Publication Office... ................. Mount Morria, Ill. EDITOR. made centuries before Christ, which is, the importance of his work and his RichardIB. Hall. ........................... Hutchinson, Kan. was a masterpiece of legislation and usefulness to society. Hall Abstract Co. a credit to any well organized nation, It takes him years to get his equip Entered as second-class matter December 25, and which even provided for various 1921, at the post office at Mount Morris, Illinois, ment, both physical and mental, and under the Act of March 3, 1879. muniments of title and forms of writ unlike the other professions besides ten deeds drawn with all the clever the training and knowledge required OFFICERS. desire. Mark B. Brewer, President .... Texarkana, Ark. ness which jurists could he has a tremendous financial outlay Security Mortgage Co. The first real act of a nation, which George E. Wedthoff, Vice President, ........... in his plant. The nature of his work ................................................ Bay City, Mich. started a system making abstracters has an inclination to tie him down and Northern Title & Trust Co. necessary and thereby creating the T. M. Scott, Treas urer .................. Paris, Texas take him away from the whirl and Scott Title Co. profession, was the Domesday Survey buzz of development and the ever . Richard B. Hall, Executive Secretary, ....... of William the Conqueror in 1086 changing times. His product repre .......................................... Hutchinson, Kansas the first of a definite sys Title Examiners' Section... which was sents personality and is one of skill Henry J. Fehrman, President.. ........ Omaha, Neb. tem of records of the land titles of and individual effort. By reason of Peters Trust Co. England and the master step of a J. R. West, Secretary ..............Nashville, Tenn. this, not only he himself but those who Security Title Co. government in preserving the evi use and must have his product are in Title Insurance Section. dence of ownership to land. clined to look upon him as one who John E. Potter, President ........ Pittsburgh, Pa. Our land title system being copied Potter Title & Trust Co. travels in a rut and whose profession Roy E. Calhoun, Secretary ............ Atlanta, Ga. from the English can also be said to has been slow in progressing. He may Atlanta Title & Trust Co. have had its beginning here and the be likened unto the violin maker, who idea given by this survey therefore to labors hard in an effort to create a Executive Committee. have descended to us. For years the Mark B Brewer, Ex-Officio. beautiful instrument, perfect in its George E: W>edthoff, Chairman. old-time conveyance, searcher of rec makeup, or the potter who sits at his Will H.