Wednesday May 27 Location: Elite Park Avenue Hotel

19.00 Welcome reception hosted by the City of Göteborg · Elisabet Rothenberg, Deputy Lord Mayor of Göteborg

Thursday May 28 Location: Elite Park Avenue Hotel 08.30 – 09.00 Coffee and registration

09.00 – 09:45 Opening of conference. Presenter: Ove Lundgren, Project Leader at the City of Göteborg

· Dario Espiga, Deputy Mayor and Chairman of the Board, Administration for Allocation of Social Welfare, Göteborg · James F. Mack, (Ambassador) Executive Secretary of the Inter- American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Secretariat for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States (OAS)

09:45 – 10.45 Developing local public policies. Moderator: Anna Chisman, Head of Demand Reduction, CICAD/OAS

· Carlos Encarnação, Mayor of Coimbra, Portugal · Hugo Marcelo Cabrera Palacios, Mayor of Cuenca, Ecuador · Nery Saldarriaga de Kroll, President of the Regional Government of Lambayeque, Peru

10.45 – 10.55 Information from the City of Göteborg including practical information.

10.55 – 11.15 Coffee Break

11.15 – 11.45 Guidelines for thematic areas

· Anna Chisman, Head of Demand Reduction, CICAD/OAS · Antonio Lomba, EU-LAC Project Manager at CICAD/OAS

11.45 – 13.30 Thematic Area 1. Introduction to Coordination and Inter-Agency cooperation: policy management. Presentation of “the Göteborg model” for Inter-agency cooperation Presentations followed by open forum discussion. Moderator: Javier Sagredo, Project Manager SAVIA, CICAD/OAS

· Kristina Jung, Planning Officer, City office, Unit for welfare and education, City of Göteborg. Presenting: "Intersectorial cooperation for individuals with drug abuse in the social services - experiences, difficulties and success stories" · Sven-Eric Alborn, Deputy Head of the Clinic for alcohol and drug dependence, Sahlgrenska University Hospital · Malin Östling, Director of local Prison and Probation Authority

13.30 – 14.15 Lunch

14.15 – 16.15 Study visits (four options)

· “Högsboanstalten” – Högsbo Prison – prison with treatment program for Drug Abusers · “Krami” Offers Job training and practice as well as treatment for ex convicts. Co-operated between the Social Service, the Employment Office and the Prison and Probation Authority · “The Opportunity” Low Threshold housing for homeless people and Outreach work among homeless. This housing also contains a Centre for Medical Health care · “City Mission” – NGO (Swedish Church) working with treatment programs, detoxification, medical care, housing etc. In co-operation with the Health and Medical Care Authority

18.00 – 23.15 Dinner at Carlsten fortress at the island of Marstrand

Friday May 29 Location: Elite Park Avenue Hotel 08.30 – 09.00 Introduction

· Lars Bäckström, Göteborg County Governor

09.00 – 10.15 Thematic Area 2. Planning and programming in public policy. Presentations followed by open forum discussion. Moderator: Luis Alfonzo, Psychiatrist and Demand Reduction Specialist CICAD/OAS

· Bartolomé Pérez Gálvez, Drug Plan Director for Alicante Province, Spain; former Director General of Drug Dependence for the Region of Valencia. Spain

10.15 – 10.30 Coffee Break

10.30 – 11.15 Feedback from the Montevideo (Uruguay) and the Montego Bay (Jamaica) Technical Forums. Update on the results and first analysis of city profiles provided after the two forums. Moderator: Luis Alfonzo, Psychiatrist and Demand Reduction Specialist CICAD/OAS

· Winston de la Haye, Psychiatrist, University of the West Indies, Jamaica · Rodrigo Portilla, Treatment and Rehabilitation Specialist, Catholic University of Chile, Chile

11.15 – 12.45 Thematic Area 3. Information and research. (From evidence to policy). Presentations followed by open forum discussion. Moderator: Francisco Cumsille, Head of the Inter-American Observatory on Drugs CICAD/OAS

· Siv Nyström, Researcher at the Institute for Evidence based social work practice at the National Board of Health and Welfare. Title: "Using the ASI to assess clients´ needs in the social work practice", · Jane Mounteney, Bergen Clinics Foundation, Bergen, Norway · Bert Gren, Specialist in clinical psychology, Växjö University and City of Göteborg. Presenting DOK – a Swedish model for integrating self-evaluation and national documentation in the field of drug dependence, Sweden

12.45 – 14.00 Lunch (separate Lunch for City Mayors)

14.00 – 15.00 Thematic Area 4. Financing and costs of drug treatment programs Presentation followed by open forum discussion. Moderator: Francisco Cumsille, Head of the Inter-American Observatory on Drugs CICAD/OAS

· Alphonse Franssen, Coordinator of the drug treatment service providers of the province of East Flanders, Belgium

15.00 – 15.15 Coffee break

15.15 – 16.30 Thematic Area 5. Citizenship and community participation Presentations followed by open forum discussion. Moderator: Javier Sagredo, Project Manager SAVIA, CICAD/OAS

· Efrem Milanese, Treatment Community Researcher, Treviso, Italy

16.30– 17.15 Guidelines and summary of sessions: what are the main ingredients of a city drug treatment plan? Moderator: Maria Paula Luna, Demand Reduction Specialist, CICAD/OAS

17.15 – 17.30 Closing of conference

· James F. Mack, (Ambassador) Executive Secretary of the Inter- American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) of the Organization of American States (OAS) · Jörgen Linder, Chairman of the City Council/Lord Mayor of Göteborg

20.00 Dinner at

Saturday May 30

11.00 – 14.00 Boat trip including lunch in the Göteborg archipelago