“Lead, Follow, Or Get out of the Way”— “What Can This Mean for the Local Government Employee? J

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“Lead, Follow, Or Get out of the Way”— “What Can This Mean for the Local Government Employee? J “Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way”— “What Can this Mean for the Local Government Employee? J. Kent Kimes overnment organizations can be For any organization, including city or “Follow” plagued with expressions of county governments, to move forward or “Following” means, at a minimum, a employee dissatisfaction at ev- have effective customer service they must spirit of cooperation and team work. ery attempt to implement new policy constantly change by implementing and Changes need to be supported to be prop- changes, improve job activities, or intro- testing innovations and new erly tested. Changes should be recog- duce new ideas from within the work ideas. This concept is the nized as opportunities to move forward. unit. This dissatisfaction may not be a advice given by Tom Pe- Even though the change may not be our thoroughly pervasive attitude, but there ters and others to project or idea, it is our job to test it with is often enough negativism among em- those who wish to honest efforts and to provide sincere cri- ployees to add a definitive character to tique with positive suggestions for the work unit. improvement. This type of attitude doesn’t have to exist in the government work force. Although supervisors have the ultimate responsibility for the effectiveness of pro- gram changes, each one of us has the responsibility to adjust to changes with- out negative impact on those around us. There are three positive approaches that we can take to be supportive of change. “Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way” is a phrase that Lee Iaccoca made famous while head of the Chrysler Corpo- ration. He applied this positive philoso- operate an effec- phy to the development of new automo- tive organization. bile models and the management of a We continue to live in an huge corporate entity. The same “Lead, era of government reductions Follow, or Get Out of the Way” approach caused by citizens’ request for “less gov- If there is a change in development in to change in government organizations ernment” or reduced sources of revenue. which we are not presently involved but would produce a more positive attitude in Compared to the practice of bonuses or would like to be, let’s speak up. Creating the work unit and help negate the nega- performance/production-based salaries a team or adding perspective to a new tive reaction that appears to be dominant that is common in private industry, there project always provides a greater chance among some employees. are virtually no substantive rewards to of success for almost any project. Sup- government employees for excellent work. porting change and sharing in the accom- Aside from the hope for the possibility of plishments are nearly as fulfilling as tak- “Lead” promotion to a higher position, the only ing the lead. Taking the lead means displaying ini- reward for excellent work that govern- To “follow” also means accepting bu- tiative or being proactive. Finding ways ment employees can count on is the per- reaucratic policies even when their es- to make our job better or somehow im- sonal satisfaction and fulfillment from tablishment was out of our control. The prove on what we are doing may come the job accomplished. Taking the “Lead” goal is to not let negative feelings or under the name of innovation or simple as often as possible can provide that sat- expressions about the changes affect our change. This should be expected of all isfaction and fulfillment. work quality or output, impair our rela- supervisors, but could certainly be an Supervisors must be committed to pro- tionships with coworkers or supervisors, important element in the way all of us viding a climate that encourages innova- or become a definitive factor in how we approach our job. Tom Peters and his co- tion and promotes the introduction of feel about our job. authors in Thriving on Chaos and In new ideas by employees. Supervisors These types of frustrations and their Search of Excellence encourage the act of must work to minimize or remove the detrimental effects can be seen daily. “failing fast,” which means trying and bureaucratic road blocks to the testing During particular times and in certain implementing new ideas or changes and implementation of new ideas. At the work settings, frustrations play a large quickly and testing them for failure. If same time, we must realize and accept role in defining the character of the work something fails, then great! Believe it or that supervisors may not always have unit. We are all aware of the “morale” not, learning what doesn’t work is a step the authority necessary to remove all problems that frustrations can generate. forward. barriers to implementing ideas. That is When we feel “short changed,” we may Thomas Edison achieved much of his why the administration of an organiza- adopt the attitude to extract satisfaction progress by finding out what didn’t work; tion should embrace the concept of inno- from the city or county in some way. This his failures lead to eventual successes. vation and allow failures to occur. attitude may lead to a conflict with policy, 34 • OCTOBER 1997 • FLORIDA WATER RESOURCES JOURNAL a risk of personnel consequence, and, News Splashes from Page 32 will include assessment and site rehabili- most important, a devalued respect for tation activities at a site impacted with the work and the position. 15 square miles, including approximately chlorinated solvents and petroleum hy- 190 miles of gravity wastewater piping. drocarbons. “Get Out of the Way” Flow monitoring is being carried out at “Get Out of the Way” means not acting 56 locations, and manhole inspection of City of Ocoee-South Water Plant as an inhibiting force to change or to the more than 4,000 structures is being con- Ocoee’s South Water Plant, one of three day-to-day work. All too often the focus is ducted. Because limited accurate map- water treatment plants owned and oper- on what administration can’t do for the ping is available, URS Greiner is per- ated by the city, utilizes two deep (ap- employee or what is being done to the forming aerial photogrammetry and proximately 1400 feet) potable water employee. This focus may cause negative preparing 100-scale mapping for the en- supply wells rates at 3000 and 3500 gal- feelings that have an impact on interper- tire city. The mapping will be used during lons per minute. Raw water is injected sonal relationships. Even when not ex- field inspections to accurately depict the with fluoride and chlorine and pumped to pressed by a majority, negative attitudes locations of I/I sources and for the comple- two 0.67-MG pre-stressed concrete can be strong enough to drag down an tion of rehabilitation designs. ground storage tanks. entire work unit. Manhole and internal pipeline inspec- Prior to pumping into the water distri- If we disagree with policy or adminis- tions will be completed using the Hansen bution system the chlorine concentration trative changes that are implemented IMS 7.0 Sewer Module database. All is polished by adding more sodium hy- without our input, we need to seek oppor- physical attributes will be recorded with pochlorite to the treated water, if neces- tunities to influence the change or accept the use of digital cameras and hand-held sary. Flow is pumped from the ground the change. Discussion of the issues for a computers. storage tanks to the distribution system short time with coworkers or using hu- In addition to the I/I analysis, SSES through five high service pumps. The city mor for “administration bashing,” as seen field activities, and aerial digital map- serves approximately 10,000 residential in the popular comic strip “Dilbert,” may ping, URS Greiner is updating the city’s and commercial customers. The rated relive some of the stress of the the change. water distribution and sanitary sewer capacity of the plant is 5.076 MGD. However, when a cycle of criticism for utility planimetric maps and developing The new sodium hypochlorite solution criticism’s sake develops, the trend must a utility GIS for the entire city. The origi- generating system has recently been in- be broken. We need to have positive atti- nal hand-drawn mylars are being dupli- stalled as part of system improvements to tudes that are focused on the job at hand. cated using the results of GPS surveys replace the previously existing gas chlo- To “Get Out of the Way” may occasion- and aerial mapping to produce 220 new rine system. The installation of the hy- ally mean finding another job. If we are at Autocad maps which show the location of pochlorite was shown to be cost effective the point where acceptance of the current existing infrastructure elements. The GIS when compared to provisions which are circumstances is not an option and we is being developed from the utility maps soon to be required for chlorine gas stor- cannot see a way to effect a change, then with inventory data and attribute fields age which include enclosed storage facili- it is most likely time to move on. If we directly accessed through the mapping ties and chlorine gas scrubbers. The addi- have lost all ability to reap satisfaction platform. tional reduction of safety hazards when from our job, then it is time to pursue The five-year contract covers annual compared to a chlorine gas system con- fulfillment elsewhere. Setting realistic services for sewer system rehabilitation. firmed that a hypochlorite generation career goals, even though they might in- The first project was initiated to meet the system was the better alternative.
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