Chapter 8

Choice: Empress Theodora Changes Emperor Justinian’s Mind

This activity corresponds to the “Empress Theodora Changes Emperor Justinian’s Mind” feature in your textbook. The following questions are designed to help you understand the impact of empress Theodora’s influence upon the emperor Justinian during the so-called Nika riots of 532 C.E. Once you have answered the questions in the Comprehension section, submit your answers and move on to the questions in the Analysis and Outside Sources sections. Each section is designed to build upon the one before it, taking you deeper into the subject you are studying. After you have answered all of the questions, you will have the option of emailing your responses to your instructor.


The true reason for the Nika riots of 532 C.E. remains a mystery. However, the violence of the rioting was fueled by the crowds’ sentiments against the emperor and empress. As a result of the disorder, the emperor was about the abandon the capital in order to regroup his forces outside of on the shore opposite the city. Justinian’s change of mind, influenced by the argument offered by empress Theodora, turned the tide of the crisis. This resulted in a decisive, though brutal, victory for the imperial forces and ultimately, a consolidation of the emperor’s power over his people.


1. What was the personal background for both Justinian and Theodora? What prepared them for their ascension to power?

2. What were the apparent causes behind the Nika riot of 532 C.E.?

3. What was Theodora’s advice to Justinian? What was her motivation in offering this advice to the Emperor?


1. How did Theodora’s background prepare her for dealing with the world of political intrigue and treachery?

2. To what part of Justinian’s personality did Theodora appeal in order to motivate him to directly confront the rioters? What does this episode say about Justinian’s character and personality?

3. After the riots, what were the results of the imperial measures taken? Did Constantinople itself benefit from his actions?

Outside Sources

1. Consult this well-documented website about the emperor Justinian and his times at What additional information is offered about the role of Theodora in the settlement of the Nika riots?

2. A parallel website about the empress Theodora can be found at What aspects of Theodora's early life prepared her for life as Justinian's consort? How did she complement Justinian's strengths?

3. View the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s website, based on its exhibit on the life and artistic life of Byzantium during his life, at Follow the links to the discussion of the monumental church of . What can be inferred about Justinian based on his construction of this church dedicated to "Holy Wisdom"?