We strive towards being recognized as second to none within the plantation industry, producing high quality products, always focusing on the sustainability of our practices and our employees’ welfare whilst attaining acceptable returns for our shareholders. (Company No. 240-A) Contents Corporate Information 2 Executive Committee and Senior Management 3 Group Structure 4 Financial Highlights 5 Notice of Annual General Meeting 6 - 11 Profile of Directors 12 - 20 Chairman's Statement 22 - 38 Corporate Social Responsibility 40 - 87 Statement on Corporate Governance 88 - 96 Statement on Directors' Responsibility 97 Statement on Internal Control 98 - 99 Audit Committee Report 100 - 102 Additional Disclosures 103 Financial Statements 106 - 190 Shareholders Information 191 - 192 Comparative Statistics 193 All Properties of the Group 194 Group's Plantation Properties 195 Front Cover: Oil Palm, the highest oil yielding crop in the world. UNITED PLANTATIONS BERHAD - ANNUAL REPORT 2011 1 Corporate Information Country of Incorporation Malaysia Board of Directors Ybhg. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Johari bin Mat (Chairman, Independent, Non-Executive) Mr. Ho Dua Tiam (Senior Executive Director (CEO)) Mr. G. Peter Selvarajah (Independent, Non-Executive) Ybhg. Dato’ Carl Bek-Nielsen (Executive) Mr. Ahmad Riza Basir (Independent, Non-Executive) Y. Hormat Dato’ Jeremy Derek Campbell Diamond (Independent, Non-Executive) Mr. Martin Bek-Nielsen (Executive) Mr. Mohamad Nasir bin Ab. Latif (Non-Independent, Non-Executive) Mr. Brian Bech Nielsen (Non-Independent, Non-Executive) Company Secretary Mr. A. Ganapathy Registered Office and Jendarata Estate, 36009 Teluk Intan, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia Principal Share Phone : +605-6411411 Register Fax : +605-6411876 E-mail :
[email protected] Website : www.unitedplantations.com Copenhagen Office and 3rd Floor, 49, H.C.