CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kemerer at 5:00 pm. Those in attendance were William Kemerer, Mayor; Joe Bernardini, Vice Mayor; and Council Members Robert Battista, Pat Brayton and Betty Erhard. Also attending were City Attorney, Nancy Stuparich; City Manager, Mark Kutney; City Clerk, Jennifer Battista; Interim Finance Director, Autumn Sullivan; Public Works Director, Richard Radacky; Public Works Project Manager, Jon Dowler; Human Resources Director, Lynn Sosa; Community Development Director, Bill Geiger; Fire Chief, Ron Snowberger; Mike Hughes, Cemetery Sexton; and Dodie Barger and Tom Brandhuber, Parks/Facilities and Recreation Department Representatives.



APPROVAL/MODIFICATIONS OF THE AGENDA (Limited to City Council and City Manager)

Mayor Kemerer stated he would like a motion at 7:00 p.m. to have all emails received regarding the Main Street Program to be included as an attachment and part of the record of these minutes. Council discussed the fact that one email included a request for it to be read into the record. Any email received before the 7:00 p.m. time frame would be added to the list to be part of the record as well.

Motion Motion was made by Brayton and seconded by Battista to approve the July 26, 2019 agenda. Motion carried 5-0.

CITIZEN INPUT [NOTE: Limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Input can be on any subject, whether or not on the agenda. However, input regarding ordinances, resolutions, or for quasi- judicial hearings will be accepted now and at the time those issues are presented at the meeting.]

Main Street Program Patricia Lambright, City business owner, distributed a letter and spoke in favor of the Main Street Program.

Debra King, City business owner, distributed a letter and spoke on pro and con points of the Main Street Program. RESPONSE BY CITY MANAGER AND STAFF/COUNCIL None necessary.

REVENUE PROJECTION FOR 2020 City Manager Kutney presented the item, and staff and Council discussed the following specifically:

• Communication Service Tax estimate is not received yet • Lease payment rent for the old PD building is increasing • Good Faith Estimate used to develop Ad valorem for 2020 • Interim Finance Director to check the Electricity Public Service Tax as listed in the General Fund revenue • Interim Finance Director to check the Duke Energy Franchise Fees as listed in the General Fund revenue

UPDATE AND DISCUSSION ON PROJECTED 2019 FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENSES AND IMPACT TO CARRY FORWARD City Manager Kutney and Interim Finance Director Sullivan addressed the following:

• The Fire Department budget was not reflecting holiday pay and the Department has not been at full staff until now • Health Insurance was reduced • Legal fees was added

TENATIVE MILLAGE RATE Proposed Options for Tentative Millage Rate In response to the Mayor’s request for a staff recommendation, City Manager Kutney offered his recommendation that the millage rate be proposed at 7.75% since the costs of the CIP is undetermined, as is the issue of employee raises. He pointed out that usually the millage is tentatively set higher to give Council the leeway to make the decision to reduce it. Motion: Motion was made by Brayton and seconded by Bernardini to set the tentative millage rate at 7.75%. Motion carried 4-1, with Kemerer voting in opposition.

CEMETERY DIVISION LAWN MOWER PURCHASE Update on identifying funding sources for mower for Cemetery. City Manager Kutney went over the 11 line items reduced in the 2019 budget to achieve the $10,000 cost estimate to purchase a new mower. He added that budget amendments would be brought to Council at the end of the Fiscal Year. Mayor Kemerer felt that the City Manager has the authorization to reallocate funds within the same department.

Motion: Motion was made by Brayton and seconded by Battista to accept the proposal by the City Manager for the $10,000 for purchase of a lawn mower. Motion carried 5-0.

Meeting recessed at 5:31 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m.

PUBLIC INPUT - MAIN STREET PROGRAM FUNDING – 7:00 p.m. [NOTE: Limited to 3 minutes per speaker.]

Mayor Kemerer requested a motion to include into the record following emails or letters regarding Main Street Program, as well as any others received up until 7:00 p.m. on July 26, 2019: Attachment NAME DATE RECEIVED 1 Lori Sowers 1) July 21, 2019 2) July 22, 2019 2 John Lee 1) July 22, 2019 2) July 24, 2019 3 Patrick Reeves July 22, 2019 4 Rory Steele July 22, 2019 5 Stacey Lewis White 1) July 22, 2019 2) July 26, 2019 (READ INTO RECORD 6 Lee Golinello 1) July 23, 2019 2) July 25, 2019 7 Mike Dolan July 23, 2019 8 Robert Buckner July 23, 2019 9 Susan Breseman July 23, 2019 (via telephone call to Vice Mayor Bernardini) 10 Howard Pearson July 24, 2019 11 Catherine Reeves July 24, 2019 12 Hernando Preservation July 24, 2019 Society 13 Matt Lowman July 25, 2019 14 Craig DeRoin July 25, 2019 15 Jo-Anne Peck July 26, 2019 16 Robert Cole July 26, 2019 17 Sean Danet July 26, 2019 18 Rhonda Niehauis July 26, 2019 19 Elliott Ambrose July 26, 2019 20 Tammy Heon July 26, 2019 21 Mike DeFelice submitted at 7/26/19 meeting 22 Theresa Babor submitted before 7/26/19 meeting started 23 Roger and Debra King submitted at 7/26/19 meeting 24 Patricia Lambright submitted at 7/26/19 meeting 25 Barbara Manuel Email dated 7/23/19 – City Clerk did not receive until after 7/26/19 meeting 26 Peggy Hope Email dated 7/23/19 – City Clerk did not receive until after 7/26/19 meeting

Motion: Motion was made by Battista and seconded by Brayton to include the above into the record of the July 26, 2019 meeting minutes.

Vice Mayor Bernardini stated that the one of the emails received asked that it be read into the minutes of the meeting. Mayor Kemerer felt that all emails and letters received were important which is why he recommended that they all be entered into the record.

Motion carried 5-0.

Motion: Motion was made by Bernardini and seconded by Brayton to honor the request from Staci White to have her email dated July 26th and received at 11:08 a.m. read into the record. Motion carried 4-1, with Kemerer voting in opposition.

PUBLIC INPUT Lori Sowers, City business owner, spoke against funding the Main Street Program

Stan Putnam, City resident, spoke in favor of the Main Street Program.

Pam Everett, not a City resident, spoke against funding the Main Street Program.

Bob Angier, stated he was not a City resident, but the public participation request form he completed stated a residence of 100 N. Brooksville Ave. He spoke in favor of the Main Street program.

Jennifer Rey, City business owner, advised she was a member of a Main Street Committee and spoke in favor of the Main Street program.

Donna Morin, City resident, spoke against funding the Main Street Program.

Beth Putnum, City resident, spoke in favor of the Main Street Program.

Mike DeFelice, not a City resident, spoke in favor of the Main Street Program.

Jan Knowles, not a City resident, spoke in favor of the Main Street Program.

Ivy Cordell, City business owner, spoke against funding the Main Street Program.

John Lee, City business owner, spoke in favor of the Main Street Program.

Jonathan Stone, stated he owned a business at 19603 Maneke Road, spoke against funding the Main Street Program.

Jeff Mahood, not a City resident, spoke against funding the Main Street Program.

As per motion and approval taken earlier in the meeting, Vice Mayor Bernardini read the following into the record:

I apologize for sending this a second time. I would like to request that this is read into the record tonight at the meeting since I will be out of town and unable to attend. Thank you very much.

Dear Council Members: After viewing the video from the first budget meeting I hope you all have had a chance to reflect exactly what BVF and BMS is in the City of Brooksville. If you review the words of Patrick Reeves owner of the Rising Sun Bistro it is clear. BMS is a way to divide the people and hold the City hostage in fear of “losing everything”. Just like Michael Heard did with the Brooksville Blueberry Festival the folks at the Brooksville Vision Foundation sold the City and the residents big promises (they will be self sufficient within 3 years, they will work closely with all businesses) with Brooksville Main Street. They attempted to win our hearts while putting their hand into our pockets. They sold us on endearing events such as the Christmas Event and have gotten some of our most dedicated citizens involved (Jan Knowles, Barbara Manuel) and then told them that if Brooksville Main Street goes so will all of “their hardwork”. They know by winning over our sentimental side it will be very difficult to be rational and responsible to the citizens by “stripping them of BMS” when they do not fulfill their promises. Patrick Reeves illustrated it perfectly when he listed the number of followers for BMS compared to Destination Brooksville. He showed you the BMS against THEM attitude that runs rampant through our City. He even said in his speech that he “chooses BMS”. There is no reason he needs to ‘choose” either, the two groups can work together. The entire cause of discord between the business owners is over the fact that BMS and BVF will not release their complete financial records. The whole reason Destination Brooksville was formed was because Brooksville Main Street has left out 95% of the businesses in this town and we wanted a voice. So we gathered together to work together, not to divide. We do events with zero tax dollars and we do them well. This is the exact kind of division Michael Heard sowed with the Blueberry Festival and we all know how that turned out. She is gone, as are her “grand unrealistic plans” and left is a fabulous well known Blueberry festival ran by ZERO tax dollars. The City did not fall apart with her exit, we grew stronger and smarter. Please do not fall for their basic psychological trickery. We will not lose the Friday Night Live Concerts and we will not lose the Christmas Events if the council makes the responsible decision not to fund BMS. We will only lose the never ending request for money without transparency to an organization that has not held up their end of the deal. We will only lose what has amounted to an overpaid events planning organization that has completely divided and held this town hostage. I urge you to remember how damaging Michael Heard was to this town and remember she was on the BVF and a very big supporter and instrumental person in the development of Brooksville Main Street and her legacy of division and irresponsible spending needs to finally end. Mr. Battista and our other Council Members were correct in saying that our downtown area is not the area where we have most of our commerce. We would all love to be located in the cute downtown Main Street area but as Mr. Battista pointed out it is not feasible. There are not enough buildings or room to build in the area to make it a successful area of commerce. People can not and will not traverse the steep hills. So why are we continuing to throw good money after bad money for this BMS program when it is physically impossible to make the area a success as they are promising. Why don't we continue to have the great events started by BMS (Christmas and concert events) that are for the enjoyment of the community and stop mislabeling them as "downtown development strategies". Please set a good example and show financial responsibility to your actual tax paying citizens and do not let the comments of concert goers from outside of Brooksville (non tax payers) sway your decision. I apologize I could not be there tonight to speak my words in person but I am in Clermont at a performance. And unlike BMS I realize your schedule can not be changed to suit my schedule. Please vote to protect your citizens and your City and not for the special interest of the BVF. Thank you for your time and consideration

Staci Lewis White Resident of the City of Brooksville Owner of The Wired Bird

Mayor Kemerer reminded Council of their request that Main Street make a presentation at this meeting. The Mayor continued by stating that in a conversation he had with Mr. Manuel and the City Manager, it was discovered that the Main Street Program is currently completing their budgets for the 2020 year and are also working alternatively scenarios if certain funding sources are not available to them. As a result, Main Street requested a delay until August 12, 2019.

Mike Dolan, committee member of the Main Street Program, made a formal request for an extension of time for the Main Street presentation until August 12, 2019.

Mayor Kemerer advised those present that the City Manager does run the City government and Council sets policy in the best interest of the City. He felt that Council is open to both sides of the issue of Main Street funding and he appreciated the input received on both sides. He thanked each person who spoke at the meeting and those who have volunteered their time and efforts in the past.

Council Member Erhard thanked all who attended and spoke at the meeting. She addressed what she felt was a social media posting that was misreported by John Lee. Council Member Erhard stated that she was appalled to read the email from the City Manager advising that the Brooksville Main Street Program had been given an extension for their presentation. She recalled that it was the consensus of Council to request that the Main Street Program make their presentation at the July 26, 2019 meeting. She went on to state that the City committed funding for three years and fulfilled that commitment and she offered her opinion that the program should be self-sustaining.

Council Member Erhard added that she is not against the Main Street Program but was concerned about accountability and transparency issues when dealing with taxpayer’s money. She continued by stating that the Main Street program has asked for funding but were not available at this meeting to make the request. Council Member Erhard advised that she was elected to look out for taxpayer’s money and make tough decisions. She pointed out the poor road conditions and infrastructure issues which she felt needs to be prioritized.

Council Member Erhard commended Destination Brooksville for the success for their Christmas in July event, which she stated was put on without City funding.

Council Member Erhard encouraged the business owners who are members of the Brooksville Vision Foundation to work on their own buildings and be an example of the improvements they would like to see in Brooksville.

She commended the Art in the Park event which she felt was successful before the Main Street Program came into existence.

Council Member Erhard felt that if the program cannot run without money, then maybe it shouldn’t be a program. Her belief is that the Brooksville Vision Foundation failed in the three years to make the program self-sustaining.

Barbara Manuel, committee member on the Main Street Program, was invited to address Council regarding the Christmas Tree lighting event and the donations received towards the purchase of the Christmas Tree.

Vice Mayor Bernardini voiced his opinion that the Mayor overstepped his authority with a possible Charter violation by going against Council consensus that Brooksville Main Street make a presentation at the July 26th Council Meeting. He also disagreed with the time extension being considered and granted at a meeting between the Mayor, Cliff Manuel and the City Manager.

Vice Mayor Bernardini brought up for discussion questions arising from the organizational chart for the Brooksville Vision Foundation and the Main Street Program. Mike Dolan came forward to advise that Natalie Kahler runs the Main Street Program and is directly accountable to the Brooksville Vision Foundation’s Board.

Council Member Erhard questioned the salary of Natalie Kahler, to which Mr. Dolan advised that it is his understanding is that it is $40,000 a year with a performance bonus.

Vice Mayor Bernardini advised that has supported the Main Street Program concept through the years, which has not been successful in the past. He expressed concern about transparency with what he viewed as the Main Street Program not adequately reporting to the Brooksville Vision Foundation and the Brooksville Vision failing in its oversight of the Main Street Program. He added his opinion that the City has failed in the oversight of both.

The Vice Mayor addressed his understanding that the Main Street Program must make quarterly reports to the State and he stated he has never seen those. He referred to quarterly statements submitted by former Main Street Executive Director, Ryan Malloy, which he read as follows:

“Frustrations: I find it very difficult to inspire property owners to invest in their building assets in downtown. The most challenging fact is that two of the larger property owners of downtown buildings also sit on the Board of Directors. I am looking at ways to inspire them to invest in their properties. Going through the transformative period where downtown businesses are beginning question: What does Main Street do for me? Several business owners are really drawing others in and looking to challenge the Main Street Program. This is a period of need for education about what Main Street is here to do and that it is a long term project and not a quick fix. We have just gone over our two period point and businesses are wondering why downtown isn’t transferred yet.”

Vice Mayor Bernardini stated that he does not have a problem with funding another year but with the caveat that monthly reports with the financial statement activity of the preceding month be delivered to the City Clerk at a certain time every month. He felt that failure to turn in those monthly reports should result in a penalty. He added that he will not be at the meeting on August 12th.

Regarding the oversight issue, Council Member Battista recalled in 2016 when the Main Street Program was first discussed, it was a three year commitment and there was no contract established as it was not presented as a City government function. He added that the County also does not have a contract with Main Street. He stated that one consideration would be that a potential contract could establish performance criteria. He added that if they knew that three years was not going to be enough time, it should have been made clear to Council in 2016.

Council Member Battista informed all that he has expressed concern in the past that there are not enough open storefronts and retail to get to the point that the improvements will start happening on their own. He did not feel paying $50,000 a year for businesses to do well during an event was a good return on investment. Council Member Brayton stated he supported getting financials on the program and hoped that Council will work together on this issue. He advised that he had looked at past minutes and he did not see any stipulations that required them to submit financial reports to Council. It was the Vice Mayor’s recollection that the request for financials had been made of the former Blueberry Festival organizers and sometimes it appeared that the Brooksville Vision Foundation, the Main Street program and the Blueberry Festival were tied together and financial reports were not provided.

Vice Mayor Bernardini read from minutes of May, 2016, as follows:

The Brooksville Vision Foundation is requesting a three year commitment so that those investments will be put in place to sponsor the investment grade that is being discussed with the hope that the Main Street Program will become sustainable and able to support itself.

Vice Mayor Battista asked if funds from the Blueberry Festival would be pulled into this and Mr. Chichester responded yes. Vice Mayor Battista also asked if all of this was subject to Sunshine Law Records and Mr. Chichester responded that all funds had to be reported.

Referring to the minutes (excerpt below), he also questioned if the economic impact was ever provided to the City:

The grant is a technical assistance grant to produce an economic impact study which will be in addition to the $51K. Mr. Chichester then explained what the economic impact study will provide for the City.

He also referred to minutes of April, 2016, in which it was pointed out that many road projects were needed and he did not believe much of those projects had been done. He referred also to minutes of August, 2016. in which then Mayor Natalie Kahler stated that Council’s responsibility is to the taxpayers.

Council Member Erhard advised that she would not be supporting the Main Street funding. She referred to the poor condition of Oak Park Ave. and reiterated an earlier comment that many roads and infrastructure improvements are needed.

Mayor Kemerer advised that Main Street should be prepared to report to Council on August 12th with the information requested.

Council Member Erhard requested that the City Attorney address the memo she emailed to Council. City Attorney Stuparich advised that she provided a memo to City Council concerning the City Code which cross-references Statues, Ch. 112, outlining a prohibition from any previous City official to lobby the City on behalf of an organization. She explained that it sets forth prohibitions on actions by former officers and any findings would need to be fact-based after an investigation and determination of the facts. The City cannot enforce Florida Statutes, Ch. 112, however the City code does have an enforcement provision which states that the City has the authority to restrain such acts that are prohibited. City Manager Kutney confirmed that the Brooksville Vision Foundation has been informed and it is up to them to make the appropriate adjustments to ensure there is no violation.

Council Member Erhard and Vice Mayor Bernardini discussed their opposition to the Mayor’s authority to extend the Main Street presentation for the August 12th meeting after it was Council’s consensus to have the presentation on July 26th. Council Member Battista stated that it is his understanding that neither representative was able to be here for the July 26th meeting and he did not have a problem with the Mayor making the decision to move it to the already scheduled August 12th meeting.

Vice Mayor Bernardini also expressed his concern that the July 22nd meeting was changed to a Workshop instead of his understanding that it would be a Special Meeting.

Mayor Kemerer stated that the already approved Council meeting schedule listed July 22nd meeting as a workshop. There was no motion taken by Council to change it to a Special Meeting. Regarding the extension of time granted to the Main Street Program, Mayor Kemerer stated that he has been advised that as Mayor, he could set the agenda. The current year budget and other information that Council was requesting could not have been compiled in time for the July 26th meeting.

Motion: Motion was made by Brayton and seconded by Battista to accept Main Street’s formal request for a postponement of the presentation until the August 12th meeting. Motion carried 4-1 with Erhard voting in opposition.





ITEMS BY COUNCIL COUNCIL MEMBER BATTISTA He thanked all for coming and he appreciated the public input as it is the manner in which government should work.

COUNCIL MEMBER BRAYTON He thanked all for coming and for those who provided input and emails.

COUNCIL MEMBER ERHARD She thanked all for coming.

VICE MAYOR BERNARDINI He thanked all for coming and for the citizens providing input to their local government.

MAYOR KEMERER He thanked all for coming and providing input on both sides.

August 12, 2019 agenda He advised that the agenda will state that the meeting will continue on the morning of August 13th if necessary.

Main Street Program Mayor Kemerer stated that any approval will most definitely have caveats attached to it from a transparency stand-point.

ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to consider, upon proper motion, the meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.

s/JENNIFER J. BATTISTA Jennifer J. Battista, CMC, City Clerk

Attest:s/WILLIAM KEMERER William Kemerer, Mayor j 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 1 of 51

From: Lori Sowers Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019 7:04:05 PM To: Joe Bernardini Subject: meeting

Mr Bernardini,

I am hoping we could schedule a meeting sometime this week. I just have some information I have compiled about Brooksville Main Street/Vision that may help you with your decision making process on the budget. It should only take 30 min to an hour. If possible, could we meet at my office, 220 N Broad St? If not, I can meet at City Hall later in the day.

Lor1.1A Sowev~ CPA, EA

Lori A Sowers, CPA, PA 220 N Broad St Brooksville FL 34601 Phone: 352-797-0455 Fax: 352-797-4926 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 2 of 51 From: Lori Sowers Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 1:38 PM To: Joe Bernardini ; Betty Erhard ; William Kemerer ; Robert Battista ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member Cc: Jennifer Battista ; Mark Kutney Subject: Brooksville Main Street information

Dear Council Members,

I have been compiling information over the last month in hopes of helping you with your decision on whether to continue to fund the Brooksville Main Street program. I am attaching the information I have gathered and any of the handwritten comments are things I researched to help with your analysis.

In my opinion, some of this is information that should be submitted to you on a quarterly basis by BMS, this is not something a citizen should have to request from city and state agencies to put together.

In the packet are the following:

1. A 2-year comparison of financial statements for Brooksville Vision Foundation prepared from the numbers on their Forms 990 2. The current organization chart submitted by Mike Dolan, my concerns are handwritten on the bottom 3. Florida Main Street quarterly reports submitted by Brooksville Main Street. I was hoping these reports contained some financial information but they don't. However, I am concerned that these reports were not submitted until a year into the program and the reports are not completely accurate. I made notes in red. 4. Listing of Certificates of Use issued to businesses over the last 3 years. I requested and received this information from Bill Geiger's office, quite promptly I may add. I am sending the original report and then the same report broken out by CRA/Non-CRA, type of business, and current status (if known)

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to meet with you. I am going on vacation starting 7/31 and do not know if this item will be voted on while I am gone, so I want to make sure you have this information and I hope it helps. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 3 of 51

LorvA Sower¥, CPA, EA

Lori A Sowers, CPA, PA

220 N Broad St

Brooksville FL 34601

Phone: 352-797-0455

Fax: 352-797-4926 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 4 of 51 Brooksville Vision Foundation Two Year Comparison of Financial Statements for Information from 990s filed Brooksville Vision Foundation

Income Statement 2017 2018 Variance % Change Balance Sheet 2017 2018 Variance

Contributions/gifts/grants 141,395 188,436 47,041 33.27% Cash 34,048 50,181 16,133 Program service revenue 10,322 66,228 55,906 541.62% Investments 22,333 20,148 (2,185) Investment Income 3,134 574 (2,560} -81.68% Prepaid Expenses 400 (400) Fixed Assets 5,041 12,359 7,318 Total Income 154,851 255,238 100,387 64.83% Less Depreciation (1,290} {2,214) (924)

Salaries & PR Taxes 52,896 93,477 40,581 Tota I Assets 60,532 80,474 19,942 Professional Fees 3,485 9,822 6,337 Printing 174 8,717 8,543 Event Promotions 9,564 10,613 1,049 Payroll Tax Payable 1,255 1,998 743 Corporate Fee 111 (111) Fund Balance 59,277 78,476 19,199 Office Supplies 5,030 7,178 2,148 Bank Fees 21 (21) Total liabilities & Fund Balance 60,532 80,474 19,942 Rent 1,220 1,220 Telephone Expense 525 (525) Travel 4,904 8,014 3,110 Conferences/Meetings 2,446 2,446 Event Supplies 34,144 21,619 (12,525} Insurance 8,212 (8,212) Contributors> $5,000 2017 2018 Sales & Use Tax 8 (8) Meals & Entertainment 991 (991) Frank Morsani 12,000 10,000 Talent & Entertainment 51,813 51,813 Hern Co Tourism 7,500 Dues 749 (749} City of Brooksville 58,870 47,340 Permits 80 (80} Hernando Co 51,000 109,316 Other Expenses (not itemizE 20,195 20,195 Caglioni & Miller PA 5,000 Depreciation 1,290 925 (365) Div of Historic Resources 10,000

Total Expenses 122,184 236,039 113,855 93.18% 129,370 181,656

Net lncome/(Loss) 32,667 19,199 (13,468) -41.23%

Program Serv Revenue 10,322 66,228 55,906 541.62% Program Serv Expenses 113,365 234,236 120,871 106.62% Net lncome/{Loss) (103,043) (168,008) (64,965) 63.05% 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 5 of 51 Brooksville Vision Foundation Organizational Chart


Board of Directors Main Street Program

Cliff Manuel - President Natalie Kahler- Executive Director Sonny Vergara - V ice President Tina Marie Poulson - Marketing Robert Buckner - Treasurer Sue Rupe Organizing Committee Michael Dolan Barbara Manual (Board of Directors) Darryl Johnston Jennifer Ray Michael Dolan Jimmy Kimbrough Economic Vitality Design Promotions Jo-Anne Peck Committee Committee Committee Matt Lowman L Jennifer Ray Jo-Anne Peck Barbara Manual

, . \ C t ~(l-l cc_ "·-'. \._i 'I~, I • s I' he s {Za.prr-ti-J ~,vJR..d .f2,~(rrl1 R- ~"-- Sna-t­ - Bl-\S°J'Nf) l ()J"f--L-S ~ ( "'(f'gY+-.PGJ - w+- 1 )'\ "1/ 11.o (\,0 r~ +:W ~ I V tCL P.Y-h\ic.. (~+o ~u.12_.rt- ,{17 QV,-,./\., w/u fuc.. Florida Department of State DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES l)~',

------<&\-~iel~w~~ kA.V ~ Quat1erly Reports ~ pl a. c.,

Florida Majn Street Quarterly Report for 7/1/16 - 9/30/ 16 (1st Quarter) 07.26.2019 Special Review Page City Council Meeting Attachment 1 Note: Due to the new system's implementation of some new logic, the baseline is not currently received from Lori calculated into the review. We hope to have to corrected in the near future. Sowers Page 6 of 51 Florida Print ()uarterly Report Main Street Quarterly Reports Based on Division of Historical Resources FORM HR3EO l 9R0 102 (March 12, 2003) City: Organization: Months/Year: 7/ 1/16 - 9/30/16 Executive Director: Ryan A. Malloy President: Cliff Manuel Community Population: 7719 Main Street Organization Annual Budget: $162667 Annual Reinvestment Ratio: 0 Date Submitted: 2017-07-14 15:37:50.537

Property Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Area # of Projects $Cost # of Projects $Cost ' Private Projects New Construction 0 $0.00 1569 $604,286,606.00 Building Rehab. 0 $0.00 8569 $360,090,891.35 Total Private Investment 0 $0.00 10138 $964,377,497.35 Public Project New Construction 0 $0.00 368 $329,330,467.85 Building Rehab 0 $0.00 1057 $471,860,923.54 Infrastructure 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Total Public Investment 0 $0.00 1425 $801,191,391.39 Total Private and Public I 0 $0.00 11563 $1,765,568,888.74

Investment I

Property Report Details

Private Projects 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 7 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Address !Business Category !Project Cost fProject Type No Private Projects Specified Public Projects Address !Business Category !Project Cost !Project Type No Public Projects Specified

Business Report Summary

This Quarter From Start of Program Including this Quarter Within Program Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time # of Business # of Business Area Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs New Businesses 0 0 0 6354 12625 0 Started Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expansions Business 0 0 0 0 Relocated In 0 0 Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reolcated Out Business Closings 0 0 0 0 0 0 NET GAIN/LOSS 0 0 0 6354 12625 0

Business Report Details

Businesses Full Time Part Time Address Business Category Jobs Lost / Jobs Lost/ Type Created Created No Businesses Specified

Downtown Residential Units (within Program Area)

: I,'1•(1111 Stau'l of Pt·ugr•a,n This Quarter Including this Quarter # of Residential Units I 0 Total# of Housing Units I 0

Occupany versus Vacancy Rate

This Quarter Total Nwnber of Commercial Spaces 0 Total Number of Vacant Spaces 0 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 8 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Average rental rate in $/sq. (lnclude total sq. ft. if possible)

This Quarter IA verage Rental Rate 0

Human Resources with Volunteer Hourly Value Based on Minimum Wage of $8.05

Supporting Local Program and From Start of Program This Quarter Projects Including this Quarter Volunteer Hours 0 441609 Volunteer Hours Value $8.05 -- Total Volunteer Hour Value $0.00 $0.00

Special Pay Volunteer Hou rs

Special Pay Volunteer Hours (Specialists who volunteer within their'profession) Hours !Rate !Total No Special Pay Specified Total Special Pay Volunteer Hours: 0 1-- j$0.00

In order to have a better understanding of the situation in your community, please describe your recent successes and current frustrations.


Brooksville Main Street was certified in August 2016. There was no Executive Director in place at this time and data collection did not occur.


Should you have any questions about the preparation of your Quarterly Report, please contact the Florida Main Street office at 850-245-6333.

Florida Department of State - Bureau of Historic Preservation 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 9 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Florida Department of State DIVISION O F H ISTORICAL RESO URCES

Quartet·ly Reports

FJorida Main Street Quarterly Report for J 0/1/16 - 12/31/16 (2nd Quarter) Review Page

Note: Due to the new system's implementation of some new logic, the baseline is not currently calculated into the review. We hope to have to corrected in the near future.

Print Quarterly Report

Based on Division of Historical Resources FORM HR3E019R0102 (March 12, 2003) City: Organization: Months/Year: 10/1/16- 12/31/ 16 Executive Director: Ryan Malloy President: Cliff Community Population: 7719 Maio Street Organization Annual Budget: $162667 Annual Reinvestment Ratio: 0 Date Submitted: 2017-07-14 15:49:55.467

Property Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Area # of Projects $Cost # of Projects $ Cost Private Projects New Construction 0 $0.00 1569 $604,286,606.00 Building Rehab. 0 $0.00 8569 $360,090,891.35 Total Private Investment 0 $0.00 10138 $964,377,497.35 Public Project New Construction 0 $0.00 368 $329,330,467.85 Building Rehab 0 $0.00 1057 $471 ,860,923.54 Infrastructure 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Total Public Investment 0 $0.00 1425 $801,191,391.39 Total Private and Public 0 $0.00 11563 $1,765,568,888.74 Investment

Property Report Details

Private Projects 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 10 of 51 Florida Main Address !Business Category Street Quarterly Reports!Project Cost !Project Type No Private Projects Specified Public Projects Address !Business Category !Project Cost !Project Type No Public Projects Specified -··

Business Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time # of Business # of Business Area Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs New Businesses l 2 0 6355 12627 0 Started Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expansions Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relocated In Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reolcated Out Business Closings 0 0 0 0 0 0 NET GAIN/LOSS 1 2 0 6355 12627 0

Business Report Details

Businesses Fun Time Part Time Address Business Category Jobs Lost/ Jobs Lost / Type Created Created New :J • Retail 2 0 6t Young & Co. Business

From Start of Program This Quarter Including this Quarter # of Residential Units I 0 Total# of Housing Units I 0

Occupany versus Vacancy Rate

This Quarter Total Number of Commercial Spaces 0 Total Number of Vacant Spaces 0 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 11 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Average rental rate in $/sq. (Include total sq. ft. if f)Ossible)

This Quarter IAverage Rental Rate 0

Human Resources with Volunteer Hourly Value Based on Minim um Wage of $8.05

Supporting Local Program and From Start of Program This Quarter Projects Including this Quarter Volunteer Hours 0 441609 Volunteer Hours Value $8.05 -- Total Volunteer Hour Value $0.00 $0.00

Special Pay Volunteer Hours

Special Pay Volunteer Hours. (Specialists who volunteer within their profession) Hours IRate ITotal No Special Pay Specified __ Total Special Pay Volunteer Hours: 0 , l$o.oo

In order to have a better understanding of the situation in your community, please describe your recent successes and current frustrations.


One new business confirmed to open during this time period. Other specific program data not being recorded due to no staff on hand.


Should you have any questions about the preparation of your Quarterly Report, please contact the Florida Main Street office at 850-245-6333.

Florida Department of State - Bureau of Historic Preservation 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 12 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Plorida Department of State DIVISION OF H ISTORICAL RESOURCES

Quarterly Reports

Florida Main Street Quarterly Report for 1/1/17 - 3/30/17 (3rd Quarter) Review Page

Note: Due to the new system's implementation of some new logic, the baseline is not currently calculated into the review. We hope to have to corrected in the near future.

Print Quarter!" Report

Based on Division of Historical Resources FORM HR3E019R0102 (March 12, 2003) City: Organization: Months/Year: 1/1/17 - 3/30/17 Executive Director: Ryan Malloy President: Cliff Manuel Community Population: 8000 Main Street Organization Annual Budget: $162667 Annual Reinvestment Ratio: 0 Date Submitted: 2018-01-11 I 0:29:52.843

Property Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Area # of Projects $ Cost # of Projects $ Cost Private Projects New Construction 0 $0.00 1569 $604,286,606.00 Building Rehab. 0 $0.00 8569 $360,090,891.35 Total Private Investment 0 $0.00 10138 $964,377,497.35 Public Project New Construction 0 $0.00 368 $329,330,467.85 Building Rehab 0 $0.00 1057 $471,860,923.54 Infrastructure 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Total Public Investment 0 $0.00 1425 $801,191,391.39 Total Private and Public 0 $0.00 11563 $1,765,568,888.74 lnvestment

Property Report Details

Private Projects 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 13 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Address !Business CategoryReports !Project Cost !Project Type No Private Projects Specified Public Projects Address !Business Category !Project Cost !Project Type No Public Projects Specified

Business Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time N of Business # of Business Area Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs New Businesses 0 0 0 6354 12625 0 Started Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expansions Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relocated In Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reolcated Out Business Closings 0 0 0 0 0 0 NET GAIN/LOSS 0 0 0 6354 12625 0

Business Report Details

Businesses Full Time Part Time Address Business Category Jobs Lost / Jobs Lost/ Type Created Created No Businesses Specified

Downtown Residential Units (within ProgrHm Area)

:I<" rom Start of .Program This Quarter Including this Quarter # of Residential Units I 0 Total# of Housing Units I 0

Occupany versus Vacancy Rate

This Quarter Total Number of Commercial Spaces 0 Total Number of Vacant Spaces 0 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 14 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Average rental ra1e in $/sq . (Include total sq. ft. if possible)

This Quarter IAve'"l!e Rental Rate 0

Human Resources with Volunteer Hourly Value Based on Minimum Wage of $8.05

Supporting Local Program and From Start of Program This Quarter Projects Including this Quarter Volunteer Hours 0 441609 Volunteer Hours Value $8.05 -- Total Volunteer Hour Value $0.00 $0.00

Special Pay Volunteer Hours

Special Pay Volunteer Hours (Specialists who volunteer within their profession) Hours IRate !Total No Special Pay Specified __ Total Special Pay Volunteer Hours: 0 , IS0.00

In order to have a better understanding of the situation in your community, please describe your recent successes and current frustrations.



Should you have any questions about the preparation of your Quarterly Report, please contact the Florida Main Street office at 850-245-6333.

Florida Department of State - Bureau of Historic Preservation 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 15 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Florida Department of State DIVISION OF HISTOR ICAL RESOURCES

Quarterly Reports

Florida Main Street Quarterly Reportfor4/ l/17 - 6/30/17 (4th Qual'tc1·) Review Page

Note: Due to the new system's implementation of some new logic, the baseline is not currently calculated into the review. We hope to have to corrected in the near future.

Print Ouarterl v Report

Based on Division of Historical Resources FORM HR3E0 l 9R0 102 (March 12, 2003) City: Organization: Months/Year: 4/1/17 - 6/30/17 Executive Director: Ryan Malloy President: Cliff Manuel Community Population: 8000 Main Street Organization Annual Budget: $162667 Annual Reinvestment Ratio: 0 Date Submitted: 2018-01-11 11: 15:27.82

Property Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Area # of Projects $Cost I# of Projects $Cost Private Projects New Construction 0 $0.00 1569 $604,286,606.00 Building Rehab. 0 $0.00 8569 $360,090,891.3 S Total Private Investment 0 $0.00 10138 $964,377,497.35 Public Project New Construction 0 $0.00 368 $329,330,467.85 Building Rehab 0 $0.00 1057 $471,860,923.54 Infrastructure 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Total Public Investment 0 $0.00 1425 $801,191,391.39 Total Private and Public 0 $0.00 11563 $1 ,765,568,888.74 Investment

Property Report Details

Private Projects 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 16 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Address !Business Category Reports !Project Cost !Project Type No Private Projects Specified Public Projects Address !Business Category (Project Cost !Project Type No Public Projects Specified

Business Report Summary

This Quarter From Start of Program Including this Quarter Within Program Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time # of Business # of Business Area Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs New Businesses 0 0 0 6354 12625 0 Started Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expansions Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relocated In Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reolcated Out Business Closings 0 0 0 0 0 0 NET GA£N/LOSS 0 0 0 6354 12625 0

Business Report Details

Businesses Full Time Part Time Address Business Category Jobs Lost/ Jobs Lost / Type Created Created No Businesses Specified

Downtown Residential Units (within Program Arca)

From Stan of Program This Quarter Including this Quarter # of Residential Units I 0 Total # of Housing Units I 0

Occupany versus Vacancy Rate

This Quarter Total Number of Commercial Spaces 0 Total Number of Vacant Spaces 0 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 17 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Average rental rate in $/sq. (Include total sq. ft. if' possible)

This Quarter kverage Rental Rate 0

Human Resources with Volnotcer Hourly Value Based on 1\tlinimum Wage of $8.05

Supporting Local Program and From Start of Program This Quarter Projects lncludini this Quarter Volunteer Hours 0 441609 Volunteer Hours Value $8.05 -- Total Volunteer Hour Value $0.00 $0.00

Special Pay Volunteer Hours

Special Pay Vi)lunteer Hours (Spec~alists who voJunte~rwi•hin their profession) Hours IRate !Total No SpeciaJ Pay Specified Total Special Pay Volunteer Hours: 0 1-- 1$0.00 In order to have a better understanding of the situation in your community, please describe your recent successes and current frustrations.



Should you have any questions about the preparation of your Quarterly Report, please contact the Florida Main Street office at 850-245-6333.

Florida Department of State - Bureau of Historic Preservation 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 18 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Florida Department of State DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES

Quarterly Reports

Florida Main Street Quarterly Report for 7/1/17 - 9/30/17 (1st Quarter) Review Page

Note: Due to the new system's implementation of some new logic, the baseline is not currently calculated into the review. We hope to have to corrected in the near future.

Print Vuarterly Report

Based on Division of Historical Resources FORM HR3EO l 9RO 102 (March 12, 2003) City: Organization: Months/Year: 7/1/17 - 9/30/17 Executive Director: Ryan Malloy President: CJiff Manuel Community Population: 7719 Main Street Organization Annual Budget: $162667 Annual Reinvestment Ratio: 0 Date Submitted: 2017-07-14 15:34:28.377

Property Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Area # of Projects S Cost fl, of Projects $Cost Private Projects New Construction 0 $0.00 1569 $604,286,606.00 Building Rehab. 0 $0.00 8569 $360,090,891.35 Total Private Investment 0 $0.00 10138 $964,377,497.35 Public Project New Construction 0 $0.00 368 $329,330,467.85 Building Rehab 0 $0.00 1057 $471,860,923.54 Infrastructure 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Total Public Investment 0 $0.00 1425 $801 ,191,391.39 Total Private and Public 0 $0.00 11563 $1,765,568,888.74 Investment

Property Report Details

Private Projects 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 19 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Address !Business CategoryReports !Project Cost !Project Type No Private Projects Specified Public Projects Address !Business Category !Project Cost !Project Type No Public Projects Specified

Business Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time # of Business # of Business Area Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs New Businesses 0 0 0 6354 12625 0 Started Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expansions Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relocated In Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reolcated Out Business Closings 0 0 0 0 0 0 NET GATN/LOSS 0 0 0 6354 12625 0

Business Report Details

Businesses Full Time Part Time Address Business Category Jobs Lost / Jobs Lost / Type Created Created No Businesses Specified

Downtown Residential Units (within Program Arca)

:trrom Start of Program This Quarter Including this Quarter # of Residential Units I 0 Total # of Housing Units I 0

Occnpany versus Vacancy Rate

This Quarter Total Number of Commercial Spaces 0 Total Number of Vacant Spaces 0 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 20 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Average rental rate in $/sci. (Include total sq. ft. if possible)

This Quarter !Average Rental Rate 0

Human Resources with Volunteer Hourly Value Based on Minimum Wage of $8.05

Supporting Local Program and From Start of Program This Quarter Projects Including this Quarter Volunteer Hours 0 441609 Volunteer Hours Value $8.05 -- Total Volunteer Hour Value $0.00 $0.00

Special Pay Volunteer Hours

Special Pay Volunteer Hours (Specialists who volunteer within their profession) Hours !Rate !Total No Special Pay Specified TQtal Special Pay Volunteer Hours: 0 1-- 1$0.00 ln order to have a better understanding of the situation in your community, please describe your recent successes and current frustrations.


Program Certification happened in August of 2016. At this time no data was collected as there was no Executive Director in place until February 1, 20 l 7.


Should you have any questions about the preparation of your Quarterly Report, please contact the Florida Main Street offic.e at 850-245-6333.

Florida Department of State - Bureau of Historic Preservation 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 21 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Florida Department of State DIVISION OF HISTORICA L RES OU RCES

Qoartetly Reports

Floi·ida Main Street Quarterly Report for 10/1 /17 - 12/31/17 (2ud Quarter) Review Page

Note: Due to the new system1s implementation of some new logic, the baseline is not currently calculated into the review. We hope to have to corrected in the near future.

Print Quarterlv Report

Based on Division of Historical Resources FORM HR3EOI9RO102 (March 12, 2003) City: Organization: Mouths/Year: 10/1/17 - 12/31/17 Executive Director: Ryan Malloy President: Cliff Manuel Community Population: 8000 Main Street Organization Annual Budget: $162667 Annual Reinvestment Ratio: 0 Date Submitted: 2018-01-12 14:42:33.257

Property Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Area # of Projects $ Cost # of Projects $ Cost Private Projects New Construction 0 $0.00 1569 $604,286,606.00 Building Rehab. 0 $0.00 8569 $360,090,891.35 Total Private Investment 0 $0.00 10138 $964,377,497.35 Public Project New Construction 0 $0.00 368 $329,330,467.85 Building Rehab 0 $0.00 1057 $471,860,923.54 Infrastructure 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Total Public Investment 0 $0.00 1425 $801,191,391.39 Total Private and Public $0.00 11563 $1 ,765,568,888.74 Investment 0

Property Report Details

Private ProJects 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 22 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Address !Business Category Reports !Project Cost !Project Type No Private Projects Specified Public Projects Address !Business Category !Project Cost !Project Type No Public Projects Specified

Business Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time # of Business # of Business Area Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs New Businesses 1 1 0 6355 12626 0 Started Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expansions Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relocated In Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reolcated Out Business Closings 0 0 0 0 0 0 NET GAIN/LOSS 1 1 0 6355 12626 0

Business Report Details

Businesses Full Time Part Time Address Business Category Jobs Lost/ Jobs Lost/ Type Created Created Dennis Realty & New • Professional 1 0 Investment Corporation Business

From Start of Program This Quarter Including this Quarter # of Residential Units I 0 Total# of Housing Units I 0

Occupany versus Vacancy Rate

This Quarter Total Number of Commercial Spaces 0 Total Number of Vacant Spaces 0 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 23 of 51 FloridaMainStreet Quarterly Reports Average rental rate in $/sq. (Include total sq. ft. if possible)

This Quarter !Average Rental Rate 0

Human Resources with Volunteer Hourly Value Based on Minimum Wage of $8.05

Supporting Local Program and From Start of Program This Quarter Projects Including this Quarter Volunteer Hours 0 441609 Volunteer Hours Value $8.05 -- Total Volunteer Hour Value $0.00 $0.00

Special Pay Volunteer Hours

Special Pay Volunteer Hours (Specialists who volunteer within their profession) Hours !Rate !Total No Special Pay Specified Total Special Pay Volunteer Hours: 0 1-- l$o.oo In order to have a better understanding ofthe situation in your community, please describe your recent successes and current frustrations. Successes


Should you have any questions about the preparation of your Quarterly Report, please contact the Florida Main Street office at 850-245-6333.

Florida Department of State - Bureau of Historic Preservation 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 24 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Florida Department of State DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES

Quarterly Reports

Florida Main Street Quarterly Report for 1/1/18 - 3/30/18 (3rd Quarter) Review Page

Note: Due to the new system's implementation of some new logic, the baseline is not currently calculated into the review. We hope to have to corrected in the near future.

Print Ouruterl\' Report

Based on Division of Historical Resources FORM HR3E019R0102 (March 12, 2003) City: Organization: Months/Year: 1/1/18 -3/30/18 Executive Director: Ryan Malloy President: Cliff Manuel Community Population: 8000 Main Street Organization Annual Budget: $250000 Annual Reinvestment Ratio: 0 Date Submitted: 2018-08-07 12:35:41.153

Property Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Area # of Projects $Cost # of Projects $ Cost Private Projects New Construction 0 $0.00 1569 $604,286,606.00 Building Rehab. 0 $0.00 .8569 $360,090,891.35 Total Private Investrpent 0 $0.00 10138 $964,377,497.35 Public Project New Construction 0 $0.00 ~68 $329,330,467.85 Building Rehab 0 $0.00 1057 $471,860,923.54 Infrastructure 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Total Public Investment 0 $0.00 1425 $801,191,391.39 Total Private and Public 0 $0.00 11563 $1,765,568,888.74 Investment

Property Report Details

Private Projects 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 25 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Address !Business Category !Project Cost IProject Type No Private Projects Specified Public Projects Address !Business Category !Project Cost !Project Type No Public Projects Specified

Business Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time # of Business # of Business Area Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs New Businesses 4 7 ( I) 6358 12632 Started (I) Business 4 6 2 4 6 2 Expansions Business 2 8 1 2 8 1 Relocated In Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reolcated Out Business Closings (I) (I) 0 '1) ( I) 0 NET GAIN/LOSS 9 20 2 6363 12645 2

Business Report Details

Businesses Full Time Part Time Address Business Category Jobs Lost / Jobs Lost / Type Created Created broad S+- KLW~+ 4 N Broad St • Resturant 5 (I ) New Business

Glose.J. ~ 202 8 Rroad St • Service \\...a. va..r ~d 0 0 New Business

~l~- ' t\,et- ~~ I28 N Broad St • Resturant J u.r\- ~ 2 0 New Business -/:)~5'l,.....')? I 1""£2.,i\J'_fu-r ~I(".£.a.]'u..<~ 410 E Liberty St • Retail &_lo~"q-..,,_ - ~+ 0 0 New Business Y\tL&A-1 - r\--o \.(.).(_ 0~ Pa..rSCl'i;C. Business 0 0 36 N Broad St • Retail C.. lcJ£.d Expansion

l K.. Srnffi~ Business • Service 2 0 3 N Bailey St Expansion 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 26 of 51 Florida Main

r\..Q....~ Street Quarterly Reports IO S Main St • Resturant 3 2 Business ~p.::i-fr tt--- Expansion Gt r+ ~.:,(e_ '('\'\ vJ Q.~LvY"I Business 601 Museum Ct • Retail I 0 Expansion

503 E Jefferson l<-.w__t Es-nu-~ C....O . • Professional 5 1 Relocating In St

203 W Jefferson ~ "'-"'--~ I ~ Ghd-..ll... • ofessional I k~C2... 3 0 Relocating In St tup Fr-~ 4~0.-rr n r~+ }JLJ,J.Q ~~.-.Q_J (a.Jc - 220 N Broad St • Professional Oz.. Ioc a.ra_J. (1) 0 Closing

Downtown Residential Units (within Program Arca)

From Start of Program This Quarter Including this Quarter # of Residential Units I 0 Total# of Housing Units I 0

Occupany versus Vacancy Rate

Thjs Quarter Total Number of Commercial Spaces 0 Total Number of Vacant Spaces 0

Average rental rate in $/sq. (Include total sq. ft. if possible)

This Quarter IA verage Rental Rate 0

Human Resources with Volunteer Hourly Value Based on Minimum Wage of $8.05

Supporting Local Program and From Start of Program This Quarter Projects Including this Quarter Volunteer Hours 1250 442859 Volunteer Hours Value $8.05 ·- Total Volunteer Hour Value $10,062.50 $10,062.50

Special Pay Volunteer Hours

Special Pay Volunteer Hours (Specialists who volunteer within their profession) Hours IRate !Total 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 27 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports No Special Pay Specified Total Special Pay Volunteer Hours: 0 1-- l$o.oo In order to have a better understanding of the situation in your community, please describe your recent successes and current frustrations.


We have had a new restaurant owner come to town and they have opened one restaurant in the district called Broad Street Market Restaurant. This new establishment has provided a new level of quality to the food sector in downtown by providing a fresh seafood choice to the community. At this time, it has been very well received. The second restaurant is due to open late in 2018 and will be just outside the district boundaries, but will be a great addition to the City - called Chop Block Grill. Enchilada's Mexican Restaurant has undergone an ownership change. The new owners have revamped the menu providing a much better quality and higher level of service. Being very well-received by the community.


I find it very difficult to inspire property owners to invest in their building assets in downtown. The most challenging fact is that two of the larger property owners of downtown buildings also sit on the oard of directors. I am looking at ways to inspire them to invest in their properties.

Should you have any questions about the preparation of your Quarterly Report, please contact the Florida Main Street office at 850-245-6333.

Florida Department of State - Bureau of Historic Preservation 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 28 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Florida Department of State DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES

Quarterly Reports

Florida Main Street Quarterly Report for 4/1/18 - 6/30/18 (4th Quarter) Review Page

Note: Due to the new system's implementation ofsome new logic, the baseline is not currently calculated into the review. We hope to have to corrected in the near future.

Print Quarterly Report

Based on Division of Historical Resources FORM HR3E019R0102 (March 12, 2003) City: Organization: Months/Year: 4/1/18 - 6/30/ 18 Executive Director: Ryan Malloy President: Cliff Manuel Community Population: 8000 Main Street Organization Annual Budget: $250000 Annual Reinvestment Ratio: 0 Date Submitted: 2018-08-07 12:39:04.69

Property Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Area # of Projects $ Cost # of Projeds S Cost Private Projects New Construction 0 $0.00 1569 $604,286,606.00 Building Rehab. 0 $0.00 8569 $360,090,891.35 Total Private Investment 0 $0.00 10138 $964,377,497.35 Public Project New Construction 0 $0.00 368 $329,330,467.85 Building Rehab 0 $0.00 1057 $471,860,923.54 Infrastructure 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Total Public Investment 0 $0.00 1425 $801,191,391.39 Total Private and Public 0 $0.00 11563 $1,765,568,888.74 Invesbnent

Property Report Details

Private Projects 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 29 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Address !Business Category !Project Cost IProject Type No Private Projects Specified Public Projects Address !Business Category !Project Cost !Project Type No Public Projects Specified

Business Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time # of Business # of Business Area Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs New Businesses 0 0 0 6354 12625 0 Started Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expansions Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relocated In Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reolcated Out Business Closings 0 0 0 0 0 0 NET GAIN/LOSS 0 0 0 6354 12625 0

Business Report Details

Businesses Full Time Part Time Address Business Category Jobs Lost/ Jobs Lost/ Type Created Created No Businesses Specified

Downtown Residential Units (within Program Area)

.Frum Shtrl of P.rogram This Quarter Including this Quarter # of Residential Units I 0 Total# of Housing Units I 0

Occupany versus Vacancy Rate

This Quarter Total Number of Commercial Spaces 0 Total Number of Vacant Spaces 0 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 30 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Average rental rate in $/sq. (Include total sq. ft. if possible)

This Quarter IAverage Rental Rate 0

Human Resources with Volunteer Hourly Value Based on Minimum Wage of $24.69

Supporting Local Program and From Start of Program This Quarter Projects lncludin2 this Quarter Volunt~er Hours 0 441609 Volunteer Hours Value $24.69 -- Total Volunteer Hour Value $0.00 $0.00

Special Pay Volunteer Hours

Special Pay Volunteer Hours (Specialists who volunteer within their profession) Hours IRate !Total No Special Pay Specified

Total Special Pay Volunteer Hours: 0 1-- IS0.00 I

In order to have a better understanding of the situation in your community, please describe your recent successes and current frustrations. Successes

I have used the 3rd quarter report as a tool to catch up our reporting data. In our early phases, we did not have the resources to collect data accurately. Moving forward, we will be able to provide much more accurate data.


We are still working on obtaining rental data associated with the buildings in the district. I hope to have this data collected so as to be able to report in the 1st quarter of the next reporting year.

Should you have any questions about the preparation of your Quarterly Report, please contact the Florida Main Street office at 850-245-6333.

Florida Department of State - Bureau of Historic Preservation 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 31 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Florida Department of State DIVISION OF H ISTORICAL RESOURCES

Quarterly Reports

Florida Main Street Quarterly Report for 7/1/18 - 9/30/18 (1st Quarte.-) Review Page

Note: Due to the new system's implementation of some new logic, the baseline is not currently calculated into the review. We hope to have to corrected in the near future.

Print Ouarterlv Report

Based on Division of Historical Resources FORM HR3E019R0102 (March 12, 2003) City: Organization: Months/Year: 7/ 1/18 - 9/30/ 18 Executive Director: Ryan Malloy President: Cliff Manuel Community Population: 8000 Main Street Organization Annual Budget: $250000 Annual Reinvestm.ent Ratio: 0 Date Submitted: 2018-11-30 11: 19:20.003

Property Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Area # of Projects Is Cost # of Projects $ Cost Private Projects New Construction 0 $0.00 1569 $604,286,606.00 Building Rehab. 6 $53,470.00 8575 $360,144,361 .35 Total Private Inveshnent 6 $53,470.00 10144 $964,430,967.35 Public Project New Construction 0 $0.00 368 $329,330,467.85 Building Rehab 1 $166,907.00 1058 $472,027,830.54 Infrastructure 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Total Public Investment 1 $166,907.00 1426 $801 ,358,298.39 Total Private and Public 7 $220,377.00 11570 $1,765,789,265.74 Investment

Property Report Details

Private Projects 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 32 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Address Business Category Project Cost Project Type kfwdable. ... Srt.0w.....,&_\ \ • Professional 22 N Broad St ~+\A.?~JL $23,000.00 Building Rehab. l\..,.jk.... LC~j' CJ v..b • Service 131 S Main St $6,340.00 Building Rehab.

t)\~ Z)M'i\-+ b\~ l~it0- • Professional (Q..,rl'\- 316 S Broad St $3,460.00 Building Rehab.

\/ Q C.o..,(I.:¼- w .s d~ • Professional ' 304 E Ft Dade Ave $2,422.00 Building Rehab.

led Sev-1.4/S • Professional 220 N Broad St $6,248.00 Building Rehab. lovW ~ro...-l k(J"W\...C._ • Service 210 W Jefferson St $12,000.00 Building Rehab.

Public Projects Address Business Category Project Cost Project Type IO 1 S Brooksville v,... :b..+12...r Tc w 11.. r • Government Business $166,907.00 Building Rehab. Ave

Business Report Summa ry

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time # of Business # of Business Area ,Tohs .Jobs ,Jobs ,Jobs New Businesses 0 0 0 6354 12625 0 Started Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expansions Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relocated In Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reolcated Out Business Closings 0 0 0 0 0 0 NET GAIN/LOSS 0 0 0 6354 12625 0 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 33 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Business Report Details Reports

Businesses Full Time Part Time Address Business Category Jobs Lost/ Jobs Lost/ Type Created Created No Businesses Specified

Downtown Residential Units (within Program Arca)

From Start of Program This Quarter Including this Quarter # of Residential Units I 0 Total# of Housing Units I 0

Occupany versus Vacancy Rate

This Quarter Total Number of Commercial Spaces 0 Total Number of Vacant Spaces 0

Average rental rate in S/sq. (Include total sq. ft. if possible)

This Quarter IAverage Rental Rate 0

Human Resources with Volunteer Hourly Value Based on Minimum Wage of $8.05

Supporting Local Program and From Start of Program This Quarter Projects Including this Quarter Volunteer Hours 0 ~41609 Volunteer Hours Value $8.05 -- Total Volunteer Hour Value $0.00 $0.00

Special Pay Volunteer Hours

Special Pay Volunteer Hours (Specialists who volunteer within their profession) Hours Rate Total 1,442.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Special Pay Volunteer Hours: 1442 -- $0.00 In order to have a better understanding of the situation in your community, please describe your recent successes and current frustrations. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 Successes received from Lori Sowers Page 34 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Friday Night Live (monthly concert series) showed tremendous staying power during the hot summer months despite cautionary statements that people "won't come out when it's so hot."


Our new Un-Common-Ly Artsy Market continues to show low attendance.

Should you have any questions about the preparation of your Quarterly Report, please contact the Florida Main Street office at 850-245-6333.

Florida Department of State - Bureau of Historic Preservation 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 35 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Florida Department of State DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES

Quarterly Reports

J.florida Main Street Quarterly Report for 10/1/18 - 12/31/18 (2nd Quarter) Review Page

Note: Due to the new system's implementation of some new logic, the baseline is not currently calculated into the review. We hope to have to corrected in the near future.

Print Ouarterlv RePort

Based on Division of Historical Resources FORM HR3EO 19RO 102 (March 12, 2003) City: Organization: Months/Year: 10/1/18 - 12/31/18 Executive Director: Ryan Malloy President: Cliff Manuel Community Population: 8000 Main Street Organization Annual Budget: $250000 Annual Reinvestment Ratio: 0 Date Submitted: 2019-01-23 t 3 :51: t 3.44 7

Property Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Area # of Projects $ Cost # of Projects $Cost Private Projects New Construction 0 $0.00 1569 $604,286,606.00 Building Rehab. 4 $49,024.00 8573 $360,139,915.35 Total Private Investment 4 $49,024.00 10142 $964,426,521 .35 Public Project New Construction 0 $0.00 368 $329,330,467.85 Building Rehab 0 $0.00 1057 $471 ,860,923.54 Infrastructure 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Total Public Investment 0 $0.00 1425 $801,191,391.39 Total Private and Public 4 $49,024.00 11567 $1,765,617,912.74 Investment

Property Report Details

Private Projects 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 36 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Address Business Category Project Cost Project Type Llt.J.Al'"u-. • Service 210 Bell Ave $2,012.00 Building Rehab.

Br~~ LO\\o,T wCU' • Professional ":3. ~7 IN Main St $17,500.00 ,, Building Rehab.

~(C..,.~ • Service 210 Bell Ave $22,012.00 Building Rehab.

~\S+rb • Resturant 10 S Main St $7,500.00 Building Rehab.

Public Projects Address Business Category Project Cost Project Type No Public Projects Specified

Business Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time # of Business # of Business Arca Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs New Businesses 2 7 0 6356 12632 0 Started Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expansions Business 2 9 0 2 9 0 Relocated In Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reolcated Out ,. Husiness Ciu~ings 0 (J 0 0 V 0 NET GAIN/LOSS 4 16 0 6358 12641 0

Business Report Details

Businesses Full Time Part Time Address Business Category Jobs Lost / Jobs Lost / Type Created Created New 310 E Jefferson St fC_.\ \ 'f\.\JO..~ ~,Sctn'""-S 5 0 Business 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 37 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports 15 N Main St • etail 2 0 New Business ~ ka.v t o-r o.1 t-t(l.()..L+l-.... Relocating 51 W Ft Dade Ave • Professional 7 0 In

~ D ~ Relocating 36 N Broad St • Retail j ~ 2 0 In

Downtown Residential Units (within Program Area)

From Start of Program This Quarter Including this Quarter # of Residential Units I 0 Total # of Housing Units I 0

Occupany versus Vacancy Rate

This Quarter Total Number of Commercial Spaces 125 Total Number of Vacant Spaces 15

Average rental rate in $/sq. (Include total sq. ft. if possible)

This Quarter IAverage Rental Rate 0

Human Resources with Volunteer Hourly Value Based on Minimum Wage of $8.05

Supporting Local Program and From Start of Program This Quarter Projects Including this Quarter Volunteer Hours 1750 4433S9 Volunteer Hours Value $8.05 - Total Volunteer Hour Value $14,087.50 $14,087.50

Special Pay Volunteer Houn;

Special Pay Volunteer Hours (Specialists who voJunteerwithin their profession) Hours !Rate !Total No Special Pay Specified Total Special Pay Volunteer Hours: 0 1-- l$o.oo

In order to have a better understanding of the situation in your community, please describe your recent successes and current frustrations. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Successes Sowers Page 38 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports

We held one of the most successful month-long celebrations of the Christmas Season with record numbers in attendance.


Small Business Saturday - there was less participation from businesses this year and thus less public participation. We need to work to grow this better in 2019. We started for the first time asking the businesses to chip in $50 each to offset the costs of advertising/marketing and I believe this swayed many to not participate.

Should you have any questions about the preparation of your Quarterly Report, please contact the Florida Main Street office at 850-245-6333.

Florida Department of State - Bureau of Historic Preservation 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 39 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Florida Department of State DIVIS ION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES

Quarterly Reports

Florida Maio Street Quarterly Report for 1/1/19 - 3/30/19 (3rd Quarter) Review Page

Note: Due to the new system's implementation of some new logic, the baseline is not currently calculated into the review. We hope to have to corrected in the near future.

Print Quarterh· Report

Based on Division of Historical Resources FORM HR3E019R0102 (March 12, 2003) City: Organization: Months/Year: 1/1/19 - 3/30/19 Executive Director: Ryan Malloy President: Cliff Manuel Community Population: 8000 Main Street Organization Annual Budget: $250000 Annual Reinvestment Ratio: 0 Date Submitted: 2019-04-17 11:28:12.72

Property Report Summary

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Area # of Projects $Cost # of Projects $Cost Private Projects New Construction 0 $0.00 1569 $604,286,606.00 Building Rehab. 4 $229,292.00 8573 $360,320,183.35 Total Private Investment 4 $229,292.00 10142 $964,606,789.35 Public Project New Construction 0 $0.00 368 $329,330,467.85 Building Rehab 2 $21,468.00 1059 $471,882,391.54 Infrastructure 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Total Public Investment 2 $21,468.00 1427 $801,212,859.39 Total Private and Public 6 $250,760.00 11569 $1,765,819,648.74 Investment

Property Report Details

Private Projects 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 40 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports Address Business Category Project Cost Project Type 51.J.A n 5\e.. ~ t"JL l • Service 250 N Broad St tue-\ i..:,~ N)..1 ht? e. I'-- $21~80.00 Building Rehab. cLO"t"Z ( ~ -

G,o~ ~W;'.. 0 f P4S.S4SX- • Retail 5 N Main St $13,400.00 Building Rehab. Q..u.n"~l~ "~<: 4t...~-t--

FC.-l \ ~ vQ l t-~S, cul.--"i irvJ • Service 310 E Jefferson St $4,462.00 Building Rehab.

~ ~~',.,-a.l t+ fl. A-l4-l._ 55 W Ft. Dade Ave, • Pro essionaJ $750.00 Building Rehab. STEA

Public Projects Address Business Category Project Cost Project Type

234 E Jefferson St • Government Business $500.00 Building Rehab.

20N Main St $20,968.00 Building Rehab.

Business Report Summa ry

From Start of Program Including this This Quarter Quarter Within Program Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time # of Business # of Business Area Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs New Businesses 2 5 0 6356 12630 0 Started Business I 1 0 I I 0 Expansions Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relocated ln Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reolcated Out Business Closings 0 0 0 0 0 0 NET GAIN/LOSS 3 6 0 6357 12631 0

Business Report Details

Businesses Full Time Part Time Address Business Category Jobs Lost/ Jobs Lost / Type Created Created 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 41 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Reports 270 N Broad St • Professional 2 0 New Business

8._.~ UJ'Y'-SlA..l~~ 143 S Main St • Professional 3 0 New Business

550 E Jefferson -~'.j c}.\ Business • Professional I 0 St Expansion

Downtown Residential Units (within Program Area)

From Start of Program This Quarter Including this Quarter # of Residential Units I 0 Total# of Housing Units I 0

Occupany versus Vacancy Rate

This Quarter Total Nwnber of Commercial Spaces • 0 Total Number of Vacant Spaces 0

Average rental rate in S/sq. (Include total sq. ft. if' possible)

This Quarter kverage Rental Rate 0 Human Resources with Volunteer Hourly Value Based on Minimum Wage of $24.69

Supporting Local Program and From Start of Program This Quarter Projects Including this Quarter Volunteer Hours 0 441609 Volunteer Hours Value $24.69 -- Total Volunteer Hour Value $0.00 $0.00

Special Pay Volunteer Hours

Special Pay Volunteer Hours (Specialists who yolunteerwitbin their profession) Hours !Rate !Total No Special Pay Specified Total Special Pay Volunteer Hours: 0 I- 1$0.00

In order to have a better understanding of the situation in your community, please describe your recent successes and current frustrations. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 42 of 51 Florida Main Street Quarterly Successes Reports Hosted our Downtown Design Town Forum which was an extreme success and has garnered a lot of public support and awareness to the program.


Going through a transfonnative period where the downtown businesses are beginning to question "What does Main Street do for me?" Several business owners are really drawing others in and looking to challenge the Main Street Program. This is a period of need for education about what Main Street is here to do and that this is a long-term project and not a quick fix. We have just gone over our two-year point and businesses are wondering why downtown isn't transformed yet.

Should you have any questions about the preparation of your Quarterly Report, please contact the Florida Main Street office at 850-245-6333.

Florida Department of State - Bureau of Historic Preservation 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 43 of 51 Listing of Certificate of Use New Business - Certificate of Use list Unmodified as submitted by Bill Geiger's office on 6/24/19 Beginning Date: 06-01-16 to 05-30-19

New Business Nome I Address Key l/ Date Cert. of Use Issued, II of Employees COU ii Justin Gr;ibelle for Congress 19229 Cortez Blvd 10198225 6/6/20161 BBU6023 --- The ITM Group 212 Ponce de Leon Blvd 848934 6/8/2016 ~f BBU6024 Rick Hess dba Pasco Kids First 1690 Broad St. S. 143972 6/13/20161 10 BBU6025 T. Trentino dba Country Cottage- Main St. Adult Day Care 201 S. Main St. 146470 6/13/2016f 1 BBU6026 Hamid dba Uncle Ed's Citgo 119275 Cortez Blvd 1057304 6/24/20161 1 BBU6027 Ernest Norma~, Jr. dba Motorsports Apparel & Co 1941 Cand~light Blvd 992643 7/7/2016 2 BBU6028 Hernando County Facilities 214 Ponce de Leon Blvd 848934 7/21/20161 1 BBU6029- Jomarysa Rivera-Perez dba Steam 33 4 N. Broad St. 1409661 7/28/2016 4 BBU6030 Bobbie Morgan dba Green Acres Outdoor Power Equipment 1640 W. Ft. Dade 354896, 8/1/2016 2 BBU6031 Dawn Boyer dba Hair Studio One, LLLC 962 Candlelight Blvd 4531461 8/1/2016 6 BBU6032 David Monk dba Supersonic Car Wash 7377 Broad St. 1520574 8/12/20161 1 BBU6033 Kyle Charett dba Launderland of Brooksville j19434 Cortez Blvd 10615491 8/12/ 2016 2 BBU6034 Peter "Mike" Barbee dba Advance Green Energy, Inc. 2 N. Broad Street -- 1409661 9/8/20161 3 BBU6035 Shar Stew Inc. dba Visiting Angels 12 S. Main St 141055 9/15/2016 2 BBU6036 Beshai Properties LLC dba Oak Mobile Home Park 626 Broad St., S., 1A 1437581 9/19/2016 1 , BBU6037 Amber Marcotte dba The Teal Plank, LLC J949 Candlelight Blvd 992643 9/21/2016 2' BBU6038 Mid Fl Comm Services, Inc. dba Child Advocacy Center 711 Benton Ave. 1065313 -- 9/22/2016 31 BBU6039 Lynzy Thibault dba Beyoutiful Design Team 10 Jefferson St., W 140528 10/6/2016 11 BBU6040 Robert A. Riley dba Marke Cleaners Corp 1194 $. Broad St. 1250979 10/6/2016 BBU5041 5, - Katherine R. Brooker dba Bookkeeping Solutions & More 808 Dr. M.L.King, Jr., Blvd., W 749051 10/10/20161 1 BBU6041 - Pentecostal Church of God of America, Fl. District, Inc. 1710 S. Main St. 147969 10/10/ 20161 2 BBU6042 Angelica Paine dba Brooksville Nutrition I19229 Cortez Blvd 1098225 10/10/ 2016( 2 BBU6043 Telly Roundtree dba T & T Minor Mechanics & Car Wash 724 S. Brooksville Ave. 149609 10/ 11/ 2016 1 BBU6044 Brooksville SNF Investors dba Northbrook Health & Rehab 575 Lamar Ave. 355190 10/ 12/ 2016 140 88U5042 Southland Technologies dba Liberty Tax Service 19522 Cortez Blvd 1061549 10/12/20161 8 BBU6045 - Juliann Schrader/N.incy George dba Re5,;1 le Gypsies, LLC 203 Jefferson St. W 140608 10/26/2016 2 BBU6046 The Cove of Brooksville, LLC 307 Howell Ave. - 145113 10/ 28/2016 54 BBU6047 Bernice Haderthauer dba BR Medical Billing Services 723 Benton Ave. 144043 10/28/2016 1 BBU6048 Children's Home Society 20158 Corte, Blvd 984732 11/3/2016 6 BBU6049 Michael Dolan dba Dolan House 701 MUS€Um Court 8869 11/4/2016 2 BBU6050- G. Willimas Rosseau - dba fDS Trucking, LLC 20150 Cortez Blvd 984732 11/17/2016 3 8BU6051 Henry Miller dba Taxes made EZ, Inc. 20170 Cortez Bl vd 984732 11/ 18/2016 4 BBU 6052 Lance Udell dba Anthus Enterprises, LLC l 1220 Jefferson St. E 899013 11/18/2016 4 BBU6053 Susan M ignoli dba Protech Roofing Serv. & Collage Charms 36 N. Broad St. 140939 11/18/2016 2 BBU6054 Carl Tudor dba lnernational Metal Fusion Corp 19280 Cortez Blvd 1273941 11/22/2016 2 BBU6055 Alan Hardy dba RPR of Hernando • ReMax Marketing Spec. ,824 E. Jefferson St. 9252 11/23/2016 5 BBU6056 Marilyn Person-Adams dba Century 21 Alliance Realty 7615 Horse ---lake Rd. 1150603, 11/28/2016 5 BBU6057 Randy Woodruff dba Sunc:oas:t CPA Group, PLLC 801 S. Broad St. 148771 11/ 29/2016 5 BBU6058- Troy Robinson dba Brooksville Chiropractic, Inc 803 S. Broad St. 148771 11/29/2016 5 BBU6059 McGowan & Mursidi dba Peace Tree Trading Post 770 E. Jefferson St . 759593 11/29/2016 2, BBU6060 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 44 of 51 Listing of New Business - Certificate of Use list Unmodified as submitted by Bill Geiger's office on 6/24/19 Certificate of Use Beginning Date: 06-01-16 to 05-30-19

New Business Name Address Key II !pat e Cert. of Use Issued! # of Employees COUii Jay & Crystal Marshal - dba Bromar, LLC 790 Providence Blvd 1211272 12/7/2016 4 BBU6061 Gail Huecker dba OT4kids, Inc. 951 Candlelight Blvd 992643! 12/9/2016 4 BBU6062 David Thorpe dba The Thorpe Law Firm PA 105 S. Main St. 1405191 12/12/2016 Si BBU6063 Belaugari Inc. dba Mopacs - Capital Tacos 1147 S. Broad St. 1037194 12/13/2016 5 BBU6064 Gabie I Montelongo dba Carlisle's Meat Market 20178 Cortez Blvd 984732 12/13/2016 4 1 BBU606S Hing Hin Kwok dba B & B Massage Therapy 7370 Broad St. 359445 12/16/2016 1 BBU6066 Heather Spradlin - dba Jayne's Dancy Academy I19249 Cortez Blvd 1098225 12/30/2016 3 , BBU6067 Michelle Margotta dba Artful Possibilities, LLC 414 E. Liberty St. 9163 1/3/2017 3, BBU7001 Blac Invest ments, Inc. dba Tri Coutny Metals 1922 Ponce de Leon Blvd 351871 1/4/2017 2; BBU7002 Bob Riley dba Citrus Wash and Dry laudramat, LLC 7362 Broad St. I 359445 1/4/2017 11 BBU7003 Zahrie Edwards dba Zahrie Consulting Service 721 Benton Ave 144043, 1/10/2017 2 8807004 Deborah Townsend dba Vivify by Varcare' Inc 675 Harvard St. 143936 1/13/2017 3: BBU700S Sober Solutions Counseling 630 Jefferson St. W. 1436231 2/1/2017 21 BBU7006 Ann Weipz dba J.5. Weipz Enterprises, Inc. 309 S. Main St. I 146S40 2/3/2017 3 1 BBU7007

G. William Rosseau dba FDS Trucking, llC 120162 Cortez Blvd. 9847321 2/13/2017 3 BBU7008 Steve Champion dba Tactfcal Supply and Surplus 490 Smith St. 9449, 2/ 14/2017 3 BBU7009 Nicholi, LLC 133 Ponce de Leon Blvd. 144070 3/6/2017 1 BBU7010 Cemex Construction Materials Florida, LLC 935 Candlelight Blvd 992643 3/8/2017 3 BBU7011 Bravotampa, LLC - OBA: Burger King I 20093 Cortez Blvd 1760142 3/20/2017 2.4 BBU7012 Raul Figarola - ASAP Anima~!!_!:lic 433 W. Jefferson St. I 147736 3/21/2017 6 BBU7013 Brandon Gordon dba Bar Codes Talk 924 Hale Ave. 972772 3/22/2017 11 BBU7014 Michele Campbell dba AFA Racing & Performance, Inc. 202 S. Broad St. 750271 3/29/2017 1 BBU7015 Edda Gallastegui - dba Gala Installation Services, LLC 943 Candlelight Blvd 992643 4/20/2017 2 BBU7016 Kelly Services 19332 Cortez Blvd 3S9472 4/25/2017 3 BBU7017 Christie Woods dba Weight 2 Go Health Center, UC 20209 Cortez Blvd (one of these was temp address} 986632 4/25/2017 5 BBU7018 Tina Williams dba Pee Wee BBQ (refunded-can only be temp 715 S. Broad St. 14634S 4/27/2017 11 BBU7019 Christie Woods dba Weight 2 Go Health Center, UC 20203 Cortez Blvd {one of was temp address) 986632 4/28/2001 5 BBU7020 Jorge Vargas - T-Mobile 1220 S. Broad St. 359365 5/17/2017 13 BBU7021 J. Nikolich dba Mainbrook of Hernando LLC (laundry fac) 770 S. Main St. I 997577 5/18/2017 1 BBU7022 Justin Nikolich dba Villas of Oakdale Apartments (office) 715 Oakdale Ave. 858432 5/18/2017 2 BBU7023 Michael Bahamonde dba Rental Bleachers, Inc. , 720 Ponce de Leon Blvd 351005 5/23/2017 2 BBU7024 Impact Hospitality Brooksville LLC dba Huddle House 1170 S. Broad St. I 419149 6/2/2017 15 BBU702.5 Dennis Cordeiro - Super Discount Beverage & Tobacco 814 S. Broad St. 358972 6/2/2017 1 BBU7026 The Illas Group Inc. dba McDonalds #3723 845 S. Broad St. I 425711 6/9/2017 65 BBU7027 Robert Arthur, LLC dba Kaz's Downtown Familty Bar & Grill .4 N. Broad St. 140966 6/16/2017 10 20170002 Yohanna Baez dba All Curves Boutique 636 W. Jefferson St 143614 6/22/2017 1 20170009 Jeffery Fletcherdba Xtreme Towing & Recovery, Inc. 413 Ponce de Leon Blvd 355075 7/12/2017 4 20170057 Robert E. Dennis dba Dennis Realty & Inv Corp. 75 N. lemon St. 140608 7/14/2017 51 20170060 Carl Steinkamp II, DDS dba Brookville Dental Assco. PA 711 S. Broad St. 146336 7/19/2017 9 20170069 Keith Krueger dba Papa John's Pizza, LLC 7260 Broad St. 977063 7/25/2017 6 20170085 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment

1 received from Lori Sowers Page 45 of 51 Listing of New Business - Certificate of Use list Unmodified as submitted by BIii Geiger's office on 6/24/19 Certificate of Use Beginning Date: 06-01-16 to 05-30-19

New Business Name I Address I Key II \Date Cert. of Use Issued, II of Employees COU ii Juan Illas - dba Illas & Illas Investments, LLC 1315 Howell Ave. 144971 7/25/20171 101 20170091 Tim Dozier - dba I.R. Staffing 3 N. Bailey Ave. t 143348 8/4/2017 3 20170108 Arcip Horobet dba Arland Car Wash, LLC 7377 Broad St. 1520571 8/18/20171 5 20170154 Theresa M. Babor dba Swap N Shop, Inc. 10 W. Jefferson St. 140528 8/23/2017 1 20170160 Yori Ilana Ullua dba Concrete Creations of Brooksville LLC 715 S. Broad St 146345 8/28/20171 1 20170173 Shanean I. Hicks dba Wagging Tails Grooming Sa lon 341 Ponce de Leon Blvd 147460! 8/29/2017 1 20170179 Troy Robinson dba Brooksville Chiropractic, Inc. 803 S. Broad St. 1487711 8/30/20171 8 20170181 --AT&T 7179 Broad St. I 261030: 9/ 20/ 20171 8 20170209 Hong Huynh dba My USA Motors, Inc. 605 E. Jefferson St. I 9074 9/27/20171 1 20170234 Dimitrios Taxiarchis dba Smokezone, LLC 7366 Broad St. 359445 10/2/2017! 1 20170243 Xiaohong Ren dba GLT-R Massage 7370 Broad St. 359445 10/4/2017 2 20170246 Gary James Inc., dba Labor Finders 600 W. Jefferson St. I 143641 10/11/2017 3 20170257 Lenard White, Jr. dba White & Sons Carwash/Mobile Detail 724 5. Brooksville Ave. I 149609 10/13/2017 2 20170270

Guixia Tian dba Sunny Massage Therapy 73 70 Broad St. 359445 10/20/2017 I 1 20170282 Tiffany Flanders dba Southern Belle Rea lty, Inc 503 E. Jefferson St. I 8930 10/25/2017 2 20170290 Arslan Aftab dba Brooksville Food Mart 101 Ponce de Leon Blvd 143785 10/26/20171 2 20170892 Eric Gallery/Todd Smith dba The Chop Block Grill 691 S. Broad St. I 146292 11/ 14/20171 14 20170336 Andrei Soldatov dba the IPS Store 1204 S. Broad St. 359365 11/16/2017 2 20170359 Fireworks Unlimjted UC dba Gibtown Motor Sports 7310 Broad St. 359409 11/17/2017 4, 20170361 Scott Gibson dba Xtreme Xperience Rentals, Inc. 689 S. Broad St. 146292 12/1/2017 1 20170378 Debra Sele dba Above and Beyond Salong-Day Spa 18734 Cortez Blvd 992518 12/7/ 20171 6 20170390 Ann Daniel Borgialli dba House of Passage, LLC 36 N. Broad St. 140939 12/19/2017 1 20170420 Lewis Pitre dba Broad Street Motors LLC 715 S. Broad St. 1463451 12/29/2017 1 20170435 Salvare, Inc. dba Dawn Center of Hernando County 415 E. Jefferson St. 8958 1/2/2018, 2 20180002 Ja son L Ba ldree dba B-Line Carrieris, Inc. 329 W. Jefferson St. I 1433201 1/ 2/ 20181 13 20180005 Carols Gonzalex dba Growing in Grace Intl Ministry 679 S. Broad St. 146292 1/ 4/20181 1 20180010 Luis Rucobo/Sarah Bergfjord dba Gibtown Motorsports 7310 Broad St. 359409 1/4/20181 3 20180015 Yahya Hamed dba Your Discount Co rp 7394 Broad St. 359445 1/ 22/2018 2 201800S3 Katterine Guzman dba Tropical Detailing & Auto Sales 640 S. Broad St. 143767 1/24/2018 4 20180066 Rodney 5. Ackley dba DaVita Brooksville Dialysis 7326 Broad St. 359454 1/ 24/2018 2 20180068 Mason Chickonski dba Advanced Pace Tech, LLc 310 E. Jefferson St. 8690 1/31/2018 9 20170425 Joseph Strada, Jr. dba Strada Services Inc. 18786 Cortez Blvd 992518 2/ 5/ 2018 5 20180087 Joyce Ridley dba Mindful Balance & Wellness Center 719 Benton Ave. 144043 2/28/2018 2 20180131 Anna & Jason Hunt dba Copperheads Southern Distillery 7635 Horse Lake Rd 1150603 3/1/ 2018 2 20180133 Scotl Schult dba Fraternal Order of Police, lodge #164 18754 Cortez Blvd 992518 3/ 2/ 2018, 3 20180137 Brittany Sdesky dba Front Porch Vintage Market & Boutique 503 5. Main St. 146158 3/7/2018 2 20180141 Shana Ewell dba Tactical with a Twist, Inc. 943 Candlelight Blvd 992643 3/8/2018 1 -20180144 James Joyner dba 163 LLC c/o Lowman Law Firm 633 Ward Ave. I 147497 4/2/2018 3 20180191 Dr. Greg Champagne dba New Journey Church, Inc. 20182 Cortez Blvd. I 984732 4/6/2018 3 20180208 Crystal Harris dba Praise Deliverance Ministry 670 5. Broad St. 143972 4/6/2018 3 20180206 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 46 of 51 Listing of New Business - Certificate of Use fist Unmodified as submitted by Bill Geiger's office on 6/24/19 Certificate of Use Beginning Date: 06-01-16 to 05-30-19 New Business Name Address Key # Date Cert. of Use Issued # a/Employees COU # Jim Breen/Alta Cima Corp dba Factory Expo Home Centers 19280 Cortez Blvd 1273794 4/30/2018 4' 20180258 Seated Restaurant 4 N. Broad St. 140966 5/8/2018 8 20180266 Jacq_ueline M. Smith-Beard - Florida's Best Choice Realty 7360 Broad St. 359445 6/29/2018 2 20180397 Brian Rogers - OBA Enforcers Motorcycle Club 615 Old Hospital Dr. 1376273 6/27/2018 3 20180388 Peacock & Swan LLC OBA The Mirador 302 S. Brooksville Ave. 146558 5/27/2018 3 20180386 Brian Campbell OBA Brooksville Focus Fit 1260 N. Broad St. 359355 6/26/20181 11 20180383 Victor Olascoaga OBA Enchiladas, LLC 128 N. Broad St. I 140868 6/19/2018 5 20180369 Nicole Baker OBA Little Smokey's BBQ 910 N. Broad St. 1100178 6/13/2018 1 20180359--- Cassandra Oayton OBA Mz. Cassandra's Alphabetz Kidz Cente 801 W. Dr . M L King Jr. 358659 6/ 12/20181 5 20180354 Mary Batista - Rock It Properties, LLC 630 S. Broad St. 143776 7/13/20181 1 20180424 Shaileshbai A. Patel - V&H Food Market 955 Howell Ave. 134624 7/20/2018 1 20180438 Fatrlcia & Jarrod Campbell OBA J.T. Campbell Funeral Home ll 210 W. Jefferson St. 140591 8/10/2018 2 20180496 Vanessa Guy DBA Metropolitan Tech Career 683 S. Broad St. 146292 9/10/20181 1 20180546 S&A One Management, LLC 630 S. Broad St. 143766 9/17/2018 1 20180555 CPA Office 220 N. Broad St. 141796 10/15/2018 1 20180615 Church 925 Howell Ave. 133553 10/26/2018 10 20180657 Patrica Stephens DBA Rivers of Life Ministry 1015 Howell Ave. 350694 11/5/2018 8 20180685- Janie Wiley OBA Mr. & Ms. Salon & Day Spa 19283 Cortez Blvd. 1057304 11/8/2018 7 1 20180689

Hawkeye Partners II LLC DBA Insurance Investigations Office 310 E Jefferson St. 12/5/20181 51 20180732 86901 South Plaza Center Assoc., LLC OBA Temporary Information 1248 S Broad St. 12/13/2018 21 20180743 Center I 3593651 Robert Bucker OBA Manufacturing Wine/Sales 15 N Ma 1n St., Suite D 00140715 12/18/2018 3 1 20180754 I Zeneda Partners Limited Partnership OBA Retail Sales 36 N Broad St. I 12/18/2018 2! 20180757 I 00140939 I - Horse Lake Plaza, LLC OBA Meat Market & Deli 7635 Horse Lake Rd. I 1150603 12/28/2018 4 1 20180766 JHK Properties, LLC OBA Behavioral HealthCa,e 51 W Fort Dade Ave. I 013729181 12/31/2018 7 20180767 Bill McClure - Maxwell Marketing, Inc. 20150 Cortez Blvd. 984732 1/10/2019 4 20190010 Neva Jeffreys - Neva Jeffreys Tax Preperation 628 Decatur Ave. 426337 1/14/2019; 2 20190016 Angel Cabrera dba Cox Builidng Services/Construction 939 Candlelight Blvd. 992643 1/23/2019 2 20190043 Gloria S. Prado-Kruft - Retail 19281 Cortez Blvd. 1057304 1/29/20191 1 20190057 casey Isaac dba Health Fund Solutions Office 143 S. Main St. 147594 1/31/2019 3 20190063 Marilyn Pearson-Adams dba Century 21 Alliance Realty 550 E. Jefferson St. 90101 2/8/2019 1 20180076 Christy Branham dba Christy Allison & Co., Inc. 312 S. Broad St. 143375 2/1/2019 1 20190066 SWC Brooksville Botanicals, UC - 745 S. Broad St. 426319 2/14/2019 6 20190086 Lori Blankenship dba Bangz Etc. 7623 Horse Lake Rd. 1150603 2/14/2019 5 20190096 Christie Woods dba Weight 2 Go Health Center, LLC 604 Decatur Ave. 426337 2/26/2019 1 20190131 Christie Woods dba Weight 2 Go Health Center, LLC 600 Decatur Ave. 426337 2/ 26/ 2019 1 20190132 John McGrath dba Taco Bell 849 S. Broad St. I 358963 3/25/2019 50 20190199 Marwam Khalaf dba Texaco 101 Ponce de Leon Blvd 143785 3/25/2019 3 20190198 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 47 of 51 Listing of New Business - Certificate of Use list Unmodified as submitted by Bill Gefger's office on 6/ 24/ 19 Certificate of Use Beginning Date: 06-01-16 to 05-30-19 New Business Name Address Key# ~ ate Cert. of Use lssueclj If ofEmp loyees COUii

Dianna Yoder dba Southern Insurance Agency 1270 N. Broad St. 8798 3/8/20191 2 20190158 Cahterine Mercogliano dba Great Stuff, Inc. 503 S. M ain St. 146158 4/22/20191 1 20190255 Gina La lane dba Mosaic Song Cafe 417 W. Jefferson I 1477181 5/ 30/20191 1 20190353 Lewis Pitre dba Ink Life Tattoo & Piercing Co. 819 S. Broad St. 828670 5/30/20191 1 20190351 Bo Pend dba Ahi Sushi 1-iabachi 1147 S. Broad St. 1037194 5/21/2019! 1 20190335 Catherine Mercogliano dba Great Stuff, LLC 503 S. Main St. 00146158 5/20/20191 1 20190326 Jose Macceira & Jessica Fontanez dba Unbroken Tattoo 642 W. Jefferson St. 143614 5/20/2019, 1 20190324 Brooksville Tire Shop, LLC 1360 E. Jefferson St. 10669 5/ 14/20191 1 20190316 John May dba Father & Son fencing 628 W. Jefferson St. 143623 6/3/20191 2, 20190363 Delamere Industries, Inc. 19370 Oliver St. 1738837 6/17/2019[ 21 20190395 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 48 of 51 Listing of Information sorted from s,n Geiger's report. Items in red are prepared by Lori Sowers for better analysis ofstate of business openings and closings. Certificate of Use

New Business Name Address Key # Date Cert. a/Use Issued r,/Emp/aye COU # BusinessTvDe CRA CurrentlY In Business JHK Properties, LLC DllA Behavioral HealthC;,re 51 W Fon Dade Ave. 01372918 12/31/2018 7 20180767 Medical Sefvices y ? Casey tsaac dba Health Fund Solutions Office 143 !.. Main St. 147594 l/31/2019 3 20190063 Profession~ Services y ? Christy Branham dba O,risty Allison & Co., Inc. 312 5. Broad St. 143375 2/1/2019 l 20190066 Prafe.ssional Services y ? Juliann 5 ct>rader/ Nancy George dba Resale Gypsil!'S, l LC 203 Jefferson St. w 140608 l0/ 26/2016 2 BBU6046 Retail y Moved Jomarysa Rivera-Perez dba Steam 33 4 N. Broad St. 140966 7/28/ 2016 4 BBU6030 :Restaurant y N Petet • M ike· Barbee dba Advance Green Energy, lnc4 2 N. Broad Street 140966 9/ 8/2016 3 BBU603S Professional Services y N Shar Stew Inc. dba Vis,ling Angels 12 S. Main St 141055 9/15/2016 2 BBV6036 Adult Care y N l ynzyThibault dba Beyoutiful Design Team 10 Jefferson St., W 140S28 10/ 6/ 2016 1 BBV6040 !Reta~ y N Susan Mignoli dba Protech Roofing Serv. & Collage Charms 36 N. Broad St. 140939 11/18/2016 2 BBV6054 Bldg Contractor y N Michelle Margotta dba Artful l'l>ssibili1ies, LLC 414 E. Liberty St. 9163 l / 3/ 2017 3 BBU7001 Retail y N Michele Campbell dba AfA Racmg S. Performance, Inc. 202 5. Broad SI. 750271 3/29/2017 l 88U701S Auto Services y N Robert Arthur, LLCdba !Caz's Oownlown Famitty Bar & Grill 4 N. Broad SI. 140966 6/ 16/ 2017 10 20170002 Rostauranl y N Theresa M. Babor dba Swap N Shop, Inc. 1 0 W. Jefferson St. 140528 8/ 2-3/ 2017 1 20170160 Retail .V N Ann oaniel Borgialh db• House of Passage, LLC 36 N. Broad St. 140939 12/19/201 7 1 20170420 Retail y N Mason Chickonski dba Advana,o Pace Tech, llc 310 E. Jeffers.on St. 8690 1/31/ 2018 9 2017042.S Bldg Cantractor V N .!!•ittany Sdesky dba f ront Porch Vintage Market & Boutique 503 S. Main St. 146158 3/7/ 2018 2 201S0141 Retail V N

Robert Bucker OBA Manufacturing Wine/Sales 15 N M ain St., Suile D 12/ 18/2018 3 20180754 00140715 Reta~ y Never Opened T. Trentino dba Country Cottage-Main St. Adult Day Care 201 5. Main SL 146470 6/ 13/ 2016 l BllU6026 Adult Cane y y Michael Dolan dba Dolan House 701 Museum Court 88691 11/ 4/ 2016 2 88U6050 Hospitality y y David Thorpe dba The Thorpe law firm PA 105 5. Main St. 14os19J 12/12/2016 5 BBU6063 IProfessional Services y y Ann Weipz d baJ.S. Weipz Enterprises, Inc. 309 5. Main St. 1465401 2/ 3/2017 3 B8U7007 Truckimi y y Robert E. Dennis dba Dennis Realty & Inv Corp. 75 N. Lemon St. 140608, 7/ 14/2017 s 20170060 Professlooal Services y y Tim Doz.ier · dba 1.R. Staffon& 3 N. Bailey Ave. 143348 8/ 4/2017l 3 20170108 Professional Services y y Hong Huynh d ba My USA Mo1ors, Inc. 605 E. Jelierson St. 9074 9/27/2017 1 20170234 Auto Services V V Tiffany Flanders dba Southern Belle Realty, Inc 503 E. Jefferson St. 8930 10/ 25/ 2017 2 20170290 Professional Services y y Salvare, Inc. dba Dawn Ce nter of Hernando Coonty 415 E. Jefferson St. 8958 1/ 2/ 20181 2 20180002 Non Profit y y Seated Restaurant• Broad St Market 4 N. Broad St. 140966 S/ 8/ 20181 8 20180266 Restaurant y y Victor Olascoaga OBA Enchiladas, Ll C 128 N. llroad St. 140868 6/19/ 2018 5 20180369 Restaurant '( '( Fatricia & Jarrod Campbell OBA I.T. Campbell Funeral Home & Cremation Servlc 210 W. Jefferson St. 140591 8/ 10/ 2018 2 20180496 Personal SeMces y '( CPA Office - l ori A Sowers CPA PA 220 N. Broad St. 141796 10/ 15/ 20181 1 2018061S Professional Services '( y Hawkeye Partners II llC OBA Insurance Investigatio ns Office 310 E Jefferson SL 8690 12/5/2018 5 20180732 Profes.sional Se1vic:es y y Zeneda Partners Limited Partnership OBA Country Oepot 36 N Broad St. 00140939 12/18/ 2018 2 20180757 ,Retall '( y Marilyn Pearson-Adams dba Centu~ 21 Alliante Realty 550 E. Jefferson St. 9010 2/8/20191 l 20180076 'Professional Services y y Dianna Vader dba Southern Insurance Agel'\CV 270 N. Broad St. 8798 3 / 8/ 2019! 2 20190158 :Professional Services y y (athe11ne Mercogl1ano dba Great Stuff, LLC 503 !.. Main St. 00146 158 5/20/ 20191 1 20190326 Retail y y

Count y 18 I N 12 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 49 of 51 Listing of lnfotmation soned from Iliff Geiger's repon. Items in red are prepared by Lori Sowers for better analysis of State of business Ol)enings and closi11gs. Certificate of Use New 8u5in~M Nome Addrve,I. It of Emplo~e,-s COUii BusinessT.,,,.. CRA CUm!ntly in Business The ITM Group 212 Poncedeleon Blvd 848934 6/8/2016 2 88U6024 Professional Senlices N ? BHnice Hadenhauerdoa BR Medical B~~n1 Servias 1723 Benton Ave. 1440<3 10/28/2016 1 88U6048 Professian.t Services N ? Ouldren's Home Society 20158 Cortez Blvd 984732 11/3/2016 6 BBU6049 Non Profit N I? Henry Miller dba Taxes made EZ,, Inc. 20170 Cortez Blvd 984732 11/18/2016 4 88U6052 Profe<.sional Ser,ices N ? Nochoh, UC 33 Ponce de Leon Blvd. 144070 3/6/ 2017 l BBU7010 Professional Services ? Cemex Cons:truction Materia.1s ff:onda, UC 935 Candlelight Blvd I 992843 3/8/2017 3 BBU70ll Industrial '"N ? Carols Gonzale• dbaGrowin;g m G.race Intl Minrstr; 679 S. Broad St. I g6292 1/4/2018 l 20180010 Non Profit N ? Pa1nca Stephens OBA Rivers ol ufe Ministry I101s Howen Ave. 350694 11/6/2018 B 2018068S Non Profit N ,? Sill McOure • MaxweN Marketing. Inc. 20lSO Corte• Blvd. 984732 1/10/2019 4 20190010 Pro&ssional Serva. ,N ? Angel Cabrera dba Cox Budidng Services/Construction 939 Candlelight Blvd. 992843 1/23/2019 2 20190043 Bldg Contr.ictor N 1 Olnstie Woods dba Weight 2 Go Hulth Center, llC 60e Decatur A\'e.. 426337 2/26/2019 l 20190131 P~l Services N ,1 O,ristie Woods doa Wt.ight 2 Go Health Center. UC 600 Decatur A'Je.. I 426337 2/ 26/2019 l 20190132 Personal Services N ? John May dba Father & Son Fencing 628 W. Jefferson St. I 14:3623 6/3/2019 2 20190363 Bldg Contractor N ? Nicole Balcer 08A Little Smokey's BBQ 910 N. Broad St. 1100178 6/1:3/2018 1 20180359 Restaurant N Food Truck l'_,!_arilyn Person-Adams dba Century 21 Altiance Realty 7615 Ho,se L.alce Rd . 1150603 ll/28/2016 5 B8U60S7 Professional Serva. N Moved Gabrel Montelongo dba Carlisle's Meat MarlntractClf" N N AT&T 7179 Broad St. 261030 9/20/2017 8 20170209 Retail N N X..aohong P.en dba GlT-R Massage 7370 Broad SL 359445 10/4/2017 2 20170246 Per-.onal Services N N Scott Gibson dba Xueme Xpe.rience Rentals, Inc. 689 S. Broad St. 146292 12/1/2017 1 20170378 Reliii N N Rucabo/5.anih Berafjord db.t Motorspcrts 7310 Broad St. 359409 1/4/2018 3 20180015 Auto Services N N Yahya Hamed dba Your Discount Corp 739il Broad St. 359445 1/ 22/2018 2 20180053 Retail N N Anna & Jason Hunt db.a Coorvrheads Southern Distillery 7635 Horse uke Rd 1150603 3/1/2018 2 20180133 Retatl II Neve,O,_,,,,. Eric Gallery/Todd 5mrth dba The Chop Block Gr[II 691 S. Broad St. 146292 ll/14/2017 14 20170336 Res=rant ff NotOoen Brian Campbell OSA Brooksville Focus Fit 1260 ~- a,oad SL I 359365 6/26/2018 11 20180383 Penonal S6vic>es ,., NOIIO""" Peacock & Swan LlC DaA The Mirador 302 s.. BrookMLle Ave_ r 146568 6/27/2018 3 20180386 Homiblity H NotOOPR SWC BrooksviUe 80tan1cals. LLC . 745 S. Broad St. I 426319 2/14/2019 6 20190086 Medical Services ,., Not 0""" Bo Pend dba Ahl Sushi H~b.-chi '1147 S. Stood St. 103719• 5/21/2019 1 20190335 Restaurant N Not Open Gina Lalane dba Mosaic Song Care 07W.Jeffersoo I 147718 5/30/2019 1 20190353 Remurant N Not Open De-lam.ere lndusmes, Inc. il9370 Oliver St. i 1738837 6/ 17/ 2019 21 20190395 lnduSU'ial N NotODen Fireworks Unlimited lLC db.a Gibtown Motor Spans 7310 Broad SL 359409 11/17/2017 4 20170361 fleet.ail N Seasonal Ride Hess oba Pasco Kids FirSt 690 Sroad St. S. t 143972 6/13/2016 10 BBU6025 Non Profi1 N y Hamid dba Uncle £d's CitR.o 19275 Cortez Blvd 1057304 6/24/2016 1 BBU6027 Conveni~nce Store N y Hernando County facilities 214 Ponce c!e leon Blvd 84&934 7/ 21/ 2016 1 BBU6029 Gowemment N y ~wn Sayer dba Hair Studio One.. U LC 962 candlelight Blvd 453146 8/1/2016 6 BBU6032 Personal S..rvices N y B,obbie Morgan dba Green Aaes 01.1tdoo-r Power Equipment 640 W. ft. Dade 354896 8/1/2016 2 88U603! Reta~ N ,Y David Mon k dba Supersonic ca, Wash r3 77 Broad SL 1520574 8/12/2016 1 8BU6033 Auto Services N y Kyle Cha.reu dba LaundtU"lan d of 8rooksville 19434 Cortez Slvd 1061549 8/12/2016 2 BBl/6034 Personal Services N y Beshai Propenles LlC dba Oak Mobile Home Park 62 6 B,oad St., s.• lA 143758 9/19/ 2016 1 BBU6037 Rental Pro-~ N 'y 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 1 received from Lori Sowers Page 50 of 51 Listing of lnfonnalion sort~ from Bill Geiger's tepofit N y Robe« A.. ll~O\' dba Marke OeanersCorp 1194 S. Broad St. 1250979 10/6/2016 5 BBUS041 Personal Services N V Telly Roundtree dba T & T Minor Mechanics& Car Wash 724 S. Brooksv,lle Ave. 149609 10/11/2016 I BBU60« Auto Services N y Brooksville SNF Investors dba Nonhl>rook Health & Rehab 575 Lamar Ave. 35S190 10/12/2016 140 BBUS042 Adult care N V Southland Technolog,es dba Uberty Ta• Service 19522 Cortez Blvd 1061549 10/12/2016 8 BBU604S Professional Sef'vices N 'Y The Cove of Brooks'to'1Ue.. LtC 307 Howell Ave. 145113 10/28/ 2016 54 BBU6047 Adulture N y G. Willimas Rosseau · dba FDS Tmclting, LLC 201S0 Cortez Blvd 9114732 11/17/2016 3 BBU60S1 T"~~:... N 'v Lance UdeUdba Anchus U C 1220 Jefferscn 51. E 899013 11/ 18/2016 4 8BU6053 Alllo Services N y Alan Hardy dba RPR ol Hemando - ReMax Markenng Spec. 8 24 E. Jefferson St. 9252 11/23/2016 5 8BU60S6 Professional Services N y Tmy Rob.nson dba Brooksville Chiropractk, Inc 803 S. Broad St. 148TT1 11/ 29/2016 s BBU60S9 M~ol Services N y Randy Woodruff dba Suncoast CPA Grot1p, PLLC 801 S. Broad SL 148771 11/29/2016 s 8BU6058 Professional SeNices N y Gai Hueckerdba 0T4kidst Inc.. 951 candlelight Blvd 992643 12/9/2016 4 8BU6062 Retail N y Heather Spradlin • db• Jayne's Dancy Academy 19249 Conez Brvd 1098225 12/30/2016 3 88U6067 oa~ N y Bia< 1nve,1ments. Inc. dba Tri Coutnv Metals '92 Z Ponce de Leo.n Btv<:I 351871 1/4/2017 2 88U7002 Metal Shoo N y Bob Rilev d ba Citrus Wa>h and D-y Laudramar. UC 17362 Broad St. 359445 1/4/ 2017 l 88U7003 Personal Services N tv Deborah Townsend dba Vivify by Varcare' Inc 67S Harvard St. 143936 l/l3/ 2017 3 88U7005 M~ical Services N y Sober Solutions Coun seline 630 Jellerson St. w. I 143623 2/1/2017 2 BBU7006 Pn>fessional Sernces N '( G. William Rosseau dba FOS Trucking. LLC 20162 Cortez Slvd. 984732 2/13/2017 3 88U7008 Trucki111 N y ~ Champion dba Tactical Supply and S..rplus 490Smith St. 9449 2/14/2017 3 B8U7009 Retajl N y Bt°'otamp•. LLC • OBA: Bureer 1Cine 20093 Cortez Slvd 1760142 3/20/ 2017 24 BBU7012 Resuurant N y Raul ASAP Animal Oin1c 433 w. Jefferson St. 147736 3/21/ 2017 6 B8U7013 Veterinary/Animal SeMc:es N '( Brandon Gordon db" Bar Codes Talk 924 Hale Ave. 9121n 3/22/2017 11 BBU7014 Pmfessional Service< H V Christie Woods dt>a Wefgh< 2 Go Health Center, LLC 20209 Cortez Blvd (one of the:se wa 986632 4/25/ 2017 5 BBU7018 Personal Servia!s N y KeJly Services 19332 Cortez Blvd 3S94n 4/25/2017 3 88U70l7 Profes.s>GNI Services N y Tina_Wtlliams dba Pee \'lee BBQ (refund~-can onfy be temo 715 S. Broa,J St. . 146345 4/27/2017 1 BBU70l9 Food/Bewraee N V Jorse Vargas - I-Mobile 1220 S. Broad St. 359365 5/17/2017 13 BBU7021 Retail N y J. Nikolich dba Mainbrook of Hernando LlC !laundry fatl 770 S. Ma in St. 997577 5/ 18/ 2017 l BBU7022 PefsonalSenlices N y Justin Nikolich dba Villas of0,1 kda!e Apartments (office) 715 Oakdale Ave. 858432 5/18/2017 2 -BBU7023 Rental Property N y Mlch,1el Bahamonde d ba Ren1al, Inc. 7 20 Ponce de Leon Blvd 351QCQ S/23/ 2017 2 8BU7024 Personal Services N y De.nn1.s Cordetlo • Super Discount Beverage & Tobacco 814 S. Broad St. 35B9n 6/212017 l BBU702.6 Convenience St~ N y ~ p.c:t Hospitality Broolcsv111e LLC dba Hudd!e House 1170 S. Broad St. 419149 6/2/2017 15 BBU7025 Restaurant N y Ttie IUas Group Inc. dba Md>onalds :3723 84S S. Broad St. 425711 6/9/ 2017 65 88U7027 Re=urant N V Cati Steinkamp II. DOS dba Broolfession;,I 5elVices N y 1Cei1h Krueger dba Papa John's Prua, LLC 7 260 Broad St. 977063 7/ 25/ 2017 6 20170085 Restaurant N V Ard o Horobet dba Arland,h,, llC 7377 Broad St. I 1520571 8/18/ 2017 5 2017015C Auto Service5 N V Sho:1nean I. Hides dba Wagging Taiits Grooming Salon 341 Ponce de Leon Blvd 147460 8/29/ 2017 1 20170179 Veterinary/Animal Services N V Troy Robinson db.. Brook.MIJe Chiropractic.. Inc. 803 S. Broad St. 148771 8/30/2017 8 20170181 Medical Services N y Dimitrios Taxiarthis dba Smol White & Sons carwash/Mobile Detail 71.4 S. Brooksville Ave. I 149609 10/ 13/ 2017 2 20170270 Auto Services N y Guixi.a Tian dba Sunny Massage The1apy 7370 Broad SL I 359445 10/ 20/2017 l 20170282 Personal Services N y Arslan Aftab dba Brookm lle food Man 101 Ponce de Leon Blvd 14378S 10/26/ 2017 2 20170892 Com,enje,nce Stor~ N y Andrei Soldatov dba the IPS Store 1204 S. Broad St. I 359365 11/16/2017 2 20170359 Personal Services N y Debra Sele dba Above and Beyond satong-Day Spa 18734 Cone, Blvd 992518 12/7/ 2017 6 20170390 Personal Services N V Lewis P1cre dba Bro;,d Street Motors LLC 715 S. Broad St. 146345 12/ 29/2017 l 20170435 AutoSeNices N V Jason L. aaldree dba 8--Line Carr1,eru, Inc. 329 W. JeffersonSt. I 143320 l/2/2018 l3 20180005 'Trucking N V K..atterine dba r,op,cal Detaitins & Auto S.Jes 640 S, Broad St. 143767 1/ 24/2018 • 20180066 Auto Selvtces N IV Rodney S. Acl

Dr. Greg Champagne dba New Journey Churdl. Inc. 20182 Cortez Blvd. 984732 4/6/2018 3 20180208 Non Profit N y Jim Bre,n/Alta Oma Corp dba Factory Expo Home Cen1ers 19280 Cortez Blvd 1273794 4/30/2018 4 20180258 Home Sales N y Cassandra Clayton OBA Mz. cassandra's Alphabett Kidt Cent< 801 W. o,. M l King Jr. 358669 6/12/2018 5 20180354 Dav care N y Btian Roge,s - OBA Enforcers Motorcycle Club 615 Old Hospital Dr. 1376273 6/27/2018 3 20180388 Non Profit N y Jacqueline M . Smith-B.eard - Florida's Best Choice Realtv 7360 Brse 1..ake Rd. 1150603 2/14/2019 s 20190096 Penonal 5eNices N y Marwam Khalaf dba Texaco 101 Ponce d e Leon Blvd 143785 3/25/2019 3 20190198 Convenience Store N V John McGrath dba Taco sea 849 S. Broad St. I 356963 3/25/2019 50 20190199 Restaurant IN y 8roo~sville Tire Shop. UC 1360 E. Jeffe rson St. I 10669 5/14/2019 l 20190316 Allto SeMces N y Jo-se Macceira & Jessica fontanez dba Unb1oken Tauoo 6-<2 w. Jefferson SI. I 1436JA 5/20/2019 l 20190324 Penonal Services N y Lewis Pitre dba lnt. Life Tattoo & P1eron.g Co. 819 S. Broad St. I 828670 5/30/2019 l 20190351 Pets0nal Se1\llces N y

Count V I 84 N I 20 I 11 l3 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 2 received from John Lee Page 1 of 2

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 10:53:45 AM To: Betty Erhard ; William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; Robert Battista ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member Subject: Brooksville Main Street

T sure hope we can continue to support Main Street. It has always been a very worth program and I think with it's New Leadershjp it will get far more Business support. I for one look forward to working with them in their efforts to keep Downtown Brooksville vibrant and active.

John Lee 727-410-0072 Coney Island Drive-lnn 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 2 received from John Lee Page 2 of 2

From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2019 8:11 AM To: Betty Erhard ; William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; Robert Battista ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member Subject: Brooksville Main Street

To The City Council: I was recently advised by a Council Member of your Fiduciary responsibility in regards to the Main Street Program. I for one think that the City needs a cohesive and bonding effort to find a path to prosperity. The divisive tones that are cTrcling on social media are certainly not in the best Interest of the City. The Main Street Program (properly managed) offers us an opportunity for Grant Funding that can be of benefit to the City and it's future. Cutting another program or service in the name of Fiduciary responsibility is not the answer. I have never seen anyone cut themselves into Prosperity, The City of Brooksville can easily transform Into a vibrant economic gem. It takes a vision, investment.commitment and hard work. A strong Main Street program that truly works with the local governments and Business can lead us to a brighter future for all residents. I for one trust that you will do the right thin_g .

The duties of a fiduciary include loyalty and reasonable care of the assets within custody. All of the fiducia ry's actions are performed for the advantage of the beneficiary.

Respectfully yours: John Lee Coney Island Drive-Inn 727-410-0072 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 3 received from Patrick Reeves

From: Patrick Reeves Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 10:36 PM To: Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member Subject: Request Information

I would like to thank you for allowing me to speak at tonight's meeting. My lack of experience speaking in this type of forum combined with my passion for the subject led to a remark that, after looking back was wrong. I have seen all of you in our establishment over the years. I am usually only there in the evening and on weekends so for me to assume that you do not come in at other times is unfair. I guess seeing Joe B there Thursday nights just led me to a conclusion that may not bet true. Tonight's meeting was something of an emotional roller coaster from the perspective of a Downtown business owner. To hear council members state that they do not believe downtown Brooksville can be successful and that funding and efforts should be focused on other parts of the city is gut wrenching. Having spent countless hours building a successful business and getting involved with every organization and program to help improve the downtown we fell like our elected officials are ready to abandon us. I live life knowing that the man who says it can be done and the man who says it can not be done are both correct. I chose to believe it can be done and have invested a great deal ohime and money to help make it so.

I am in complete agreement that there needs to be transparency and accountability when it comes to programs funded by tax payers. I believe you all have a duty to use the citizens money responsibly. I also believe that pulling the plug on a program that is gaining traction and has some issues to resolve would be wasting the $150k already invested over the past 3 years. Perhaps BMS will not be the same in the future but before killing it off and wasting the money spent to where we are give it a grace period to restructure. It has been built once why have to build it again. I think the Blueberry festival is a great example of what can be done. BMS has created events such as the Christmas tree lighting, Friday night live and uncommonly artsy that Bring people to downtown. These were the focus of the previous director and are now up and running. The focus of the new director needs to be filling the vacant storefronts.

Patrick Reeves Mobile 727-251-4923 Sent from my iPad 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 4 received from Rory Steele Page 1 of 3

From: Rory Steele Sent: Monday, July 22, 201911:02 AM To: William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; Robert Battista ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Betty Erhard Subject: Budget Workshop Funding

July 22, 2019

Good Morning Council Members,

Most of you may know who I am, but for those that don't.

My name is. Rory Steele, I own The Little Lady Ca fe right here in beautiful downtown Brooksville. I have owned the business since February of 2017, and worked there prior to owning it. I am the current president of the local business owners group named Destination Brooksville, and also host the Saturday Pop Up Market twice a month in downtown. Our group has been in existence since September of 2017. We have approximately 30 members, and recently growing. Our goal and mission is to draw positive attention and crowds to downtown for the success of our businesses and also the town in general. I chose this t own to raise 5 krds, build a home and build my business here. This is home, and this town Is going to be what we make of it as the citizens and as well as the council making sound decisions regarding the finances of the city. I do understand it isn't easy being in your position, but you were voted there with confidence and trust of your constituents. We now rely on you to make t ough decisions, but fair and monetarily wise choice for us. I have watched for years now you put in posit ions that weren't always easy, and harshly scrutinized. I hope today when in the budget workshop you keep your financially responsible thinking.

As a group, we have hosted several events-with 2 larger ones scheduled for the end of this year (October-Fall Crawl a shopping and scavenger hunt game, and December Christmas Festival to be held after parade). This past rd weekend we held our 3 annual Leon Party/Christmas in July Event. The event w as to encourage old and new customers, people of all ages to visit downtown and each of the merchants that were open and ready to participate. This was a fun event for the whole family, and we had raffles at the end that cost us each a few bucks in donations of goods and services to bring back potential customers. The reviews we got were positive, and reward self satisfying. So many people got to enjoy the love of our small town.

Personally I had over 250 people pass through our doors, we gave out tickets to each and everyone of them to keep count. I hod business in the numbers com pored to that of the Blueberry Festival.

Several other businesses have also reported to me the same type ofsituation ;

The Pop Up Market had 16 vendors with 9 selling out offood and merchandise-cant wait to return next month.

Country Depot recorded numbers that he called his mast successful day yet since opening downtown In December of 2018.

Transformed Treasures located on Jefferson St also stated the same, including opening her shop almost 2 hours early to accommodate guests.

-We had a great day Saturday and Saturday night with market. We loved participating in Christmas in July Catherine- Rising Sun 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 4 received from Rory Steele Page 2 of 3

-Hey Rory, We didn't get much, if any, visits related to Xmas in July. Pretty much just our regulars. I attribute that to the nature of our business and not any fault of the event. Lee- Downtown Loser

Great day for us, got rained out this evening.- Breadbox Bakery

We raised $297 at the event. Thank you for allowing to use space. We appreciate the tent and tables too- HYL Team Florida

Rory, Hi lady, thank you for all you did to make Saturday a big success. Here's my report: The merchants of The Hawkins House ; Westover's Flowers & Gifts, The Pearl Porch, and Mallie Kyla's Cafe had a very successful Christmas in July. We saw people from all over Cen tral Florida, Tampa, Dade City, Inverness, The Villages. We had 110 people fill out raffle tickets and the cafe had a record summer day. Our sales overall were up by 40 %, mostly gift buying for the holidays. We had a lot of nice comments. The only complaint we heard was that merchants that advertised being open at 10am were not. Thank you to the committee that put this together!- Tricia 8- Westovers Flo wers

Hi Rory. We at AKA Salvage and Designs were very happy with the turnout for the Christmas in July event. We had a huge amount of foot traffic through the stare which was a mix of regular customers and new faces. It was our pleasure to host the drawing. We couldn't be more happy with how well all of the business owner worked together to make this event such a big success. It is showing how well the Destination Brooksville team is at growing the town!

We saw man new aces and dozens of kids. Any time you put more people in Brooksville we sell more Hot Dogs. We had a great day and met many new people. Nice Job.-John Lee Coney Island

For us the numbers f rom Saturday are staggering. And the best part is we didn't need o ridiculous amount of funding. the only money I spent was for the posters and for a small amount of Focebook promotion. And I hope it w/11 be pointed out that Brooksville main street did not promote our event even once but local community pages etc. did promote us. I'm not sure if you all want to mention it but they also took part of our ad and cut our information out including our hours and used it for their ad.· Staci- owner of The Nest Air BnB, 41 & Bird Retail Shop, and also The Wired Bird Retail Shop/Boutique

This event drew a large crowd to downtown, brought sales above average and expectations for many of us, and it cost the city /tax payers zero dollars. Our group has never asked the city for any favors, but more importantly no funding. Once a month we use the council chambers to hold our meetings with the company of the city manager, mayor, members from the community policing unit and traffic unit from the Hernando County Sheriffs Office. We have become our own entity, and looking to become more official with the forming of a non profit, all proceeds would continually be returned to the promotion of our downtown events we plan on hosting. It has always been our goal to not accept handouts, or ask our financially burdened city for any sort of funding. We believe in working hard to grow ourselves, our business and our town-and we do this on our own. While it may seem like small movements forward, we are definitely moving forward with working together and helping one another.

In closing, I ask all of you to consider, and reconsider the true financial state of the city and how you plan to spend money in the near future. Offering or granting money to a promotional/self serving group that isn't working directly with the business owners seems almost wasteful, and ignorant of the city. Ask yourselves, what has that 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 4 received from Rory Steele Page 3 of 3 group done for the city, for the citizens, and for the business owners? Then review this letter and see what a group of actual business owners has done for this city, and will continue to do so, at zero cost to the city. Reach out to the actual business owners, ask them what have they gotten in return from this group, ask them how they have gotten help, and then review who has gotten the handouts for years from the city with no results, structure or true help to the very business owners they are set to help and promote. Excess monies should be returned to a general fund, or possibly put towards programs better suited to actually help the city grow. When your businesses are thriving, everyone starts to thrive- we can create more jobs, bring more people into our area, and hopefully draw other businesses into ourtown. Consider the example set of offering hadnouts with no return- it just isn't fair to anyone involved. As an active member of our community I want conservative and responsible spending. Offering the handout of t ens of thousands of dollars will create some discord between the city and its business owners as we see this as wasteful and Irresponsible. We have worked hard to form relationships, our group, and building the downtown so please lets keep this going for the sake of a better financial future in t he making. Unfortunately I cannot be there today to answer any questions directly, but I am always reachable, my cellphone number is 352- 457-5676, or by email at [email protected].

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to hearing from you all soon and would gladly answer any question.


Rory Steele

Sole Proprietor, Little Lady Cafe

President, Destination Brooksville-A local business owners group 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 5 received from Staci Lewis White Page 1 of 4

From: staci lewis white Sent : Monday, July 22, 2019 2:52:36 PM To: William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; Robert Battista ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Betty Erhard Subject: Budget Workshop

Dear Counc il Members,

Jam wriling in regards to a request I was recently made aware of concerning the budget for the City of Brooksville. I was very disheartened to see that Brooksville Main Street it again showing up to the City with "their hand out" for more funding. It is my understanding that the original agreement was that Brooksville and Hernando County would fund them for three years and you all have clearly met your commitment. At that time it was also conveyed that Brooksville Main Street would be a catalyst to promote Brooksvi lle and the wonderful businesses, events and opportunities that are here. I realize at the time of funding you all only knew what you were being told but now that they have been here for the three years I would like to point out that they have failed in many of their promises. I own three businesses here in the City of Brooksville and have been a resident for 40 plus years. I can tell you that Brooksville Main Street does not support or promote local businesses unless you are in their "favor". /\ few months back we (some of the business owners) met with Brooksville Vision Foundation over our concerns as were were being treated very poorly and ifwe did not "pay to play" were were basically ignored or publicly bad mouthed. They attempted to bully many of us into providing money for their events as well as donations of items and gift certificates. We all gave as much as we could but when we could not show up to volunteer at their events we were often shamed and told we "did not support Brooksville". Sad ly, that is so far from the truth. We own businesses here, live here and pay ta,xes here. We love our town and many times spend 12+ hours at our businesses not to count the atler hours where we are doing bookkeeping, etc. l personally have three businesses and have very little "spare time" to volunteer at the events downtown and should not be shamed by a Community Organization. The folks at Brooksville Main Street receive salaries for their work and are supposedly here to promote the town and all it has to offer. l can assure you they do not do that. Please take a few minutes to look over their last few weeks of P'B posts on their page and see how much they support local businesses versus how much they support themselves and their specific events. Their events are money makers as they sell alcohol and rely on volunteer labor. Sadly Brooksville Main Street also advertises theiJ' voltmteers gift cards to any of the downtown businesses as a reward for helping, yet when the volunteers ask for a specific business they are told they can not get a gift certificate there (if the business is not one that is in the good graces of BMS).

As you know we just had a super successful Christmas in July Event that was completely ignored by Brooksville Main Street and disregarded. But they have post after post about their events and even started promoting their Christmas (in December) event as soon as they saw we were holding a Christmas in July event. The only interaction Brooksville Main Street had with our event is they had theirs scheduled to start as soon as our ended on Saturday and Michael Defelice apparently "borrowed with out permission" the graphics I created for the Duwntuwn Bruuksvill~ Cliristmas in July Event, removed our information and added it to his flyer for his car show/Main Street Event. We often feel as though we are dealing with spoiled children that are playing a "tit for tat" game with us and it is dividing Lhis town. Our Christmas in July Event was done I00% without public funding, grant money or any financial assistance. And please remember the Blueberry Festival is also done without public funding.

Recently we became aware that BMS was again misleading the public and aski ng for donations for the 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 5 received from Staci Lewis White Page 2 of 4 Good Neighbor Trail. Mike Dolan, Brooksville Vision Board Member actually sent out letters stating they were having to raise money for maintenance of the Good Neighbor Trail and for the repaving of the trail. Sadly, this gives the public the impression that the City and County are failing in their contractual duties to maintain the trail. When we made Mr. Dolan aware of his misinformation he backpedaled and said he meant it is fundraising for trail improvements such as kiosks and such so they can be more like the Rails to Trails group. Well, he has not corrected the letters or the emails that he is sending out and still telling people that BMS is raising money through a GNT Bike Ride for the trail maintenance and paving. I feel as though the City Council should let Mr. Dolan know what he is doing is wrong and will not be tolerated. I will attach a copy of the letters/emails he is sending out. Also, BMS is accepting these "donations" under BMS and telling folks they are tax deductible but when they are asked for financials to show where these donations are actually going and how they are being spent they absolutely refuse to share the information. We asked where the money they raised last year went (as they did no maintenance on the trail or paving) but they refuse to provide the information.

I hope that you all consider all of this information from an actual citizen and business owner and realize that Brooksville Main Street misled both the City and the County for three years and should not be allowed to continue. They are NOT helping downtown. They are not friendly. They are not inviting and are not what this town needs.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.


Staci Lewis White Owner of The Wired Blrd, 41 & Bird and The Nest 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 5 received from Staci Lewis White Page 3 of 4 From: stad lewis white Sent: Friday, July 26, 2019 11:08 AM To: WIiiiam Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; Robert Battista ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Betty Erhard Subject: Fwd: Re: Budget Workshop l apologize for sending this a second time. I would like to request that this is read into the record tonight at the meeting since l will be out of town and unable to attend. Thank you very much.

----- Original message ----- From: staci lewis white To: William Kemerer , Joe Bernardini , Robert Battista , Pat Brayton City ofBrooksville Council Member , Belly Erhard Subject: Re: Budget Workshop Date: Friday, July 26, 2019 I0:52 AM

July 26, 2019

Dear Council Members:

Afler viewing the video from the first budget meeting I hope you all have had a chance to re nect exactl y what BYF and BMS is in the City of Brooksville. If you review the words of Patrick Reeves owner of the Rising Sun Bistro it is clear. BMS is a way to divide the people and hold tbe City hostage in fear of "losing everything". Just like Michael Heard did with the Brooksville Blueberry Festival the folks at the Brooksville Vision Foundation sold the City and the residents big promises (they wi ll be self sufficient within J years, they will work closely with all businesses) with Brooksville Main Street. They attempted to win our hearts while putting their hand i_nto our pockets. They sold us on endearing events such as the Christmas Event and have gotten some of our most dedicated citizens involved (Jan Knowles, Barbara Manuel) and then told them that if Brooksville Main Street goes so will all of "their hardwork". They know by winning over our sentimental side it will be very difficult to be rational and responsible lo the citizens by "stripping them of BMS" when they do not fulfill their promises. Patrick Reeves illustrated it perfectly when he listed the number of followers for BMS compared to Destination Brooksville. He showed you the BMS against Tl IEM attitude that runs rampant through our City. He even said in his speech that he "chooses BM S". There is no reason he needs to ·choose" either, the two groups can work together. The entire cause of discord between the business owners is over the fact that BMS and BVF will not release their complete financial records. The whole reason Destination Brooksville was formed was because Brooksvil le Main Street has left out 95% of the businesses in this town and we wanted a voice. So we gathered together lo work together, not to divide. We do events with zero tax dollars and we do them well. This is the exact kind of division Michael Heard sowed with the Blueberry Festival and we all know how that turned out. She is gone, as are her "grand unrealistic plans" and left is a fabulous well known Blueberry festival ran by ZERO tax dollars. The City did not fall apart with her exit, we grew stronger and smarter. Please do not fall for their basic psychological trickery. We will not lose the Friday Night Live Concerts and we will not lose the Christmas Events if the council makes the responsible decision not to fund BMS. We will only lose the never ending request for money without transparency to an organization that has not held up their end of the deal. We will only lose what has amounted to an overpaid events planning organization that has completely divided and held th is town 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 5 received from Staci Lewis White Page 4 of 4

hostage. I urge you to remember how damaging Michael Heard was to this town and remember she was on the BVF and a very big supporter and instrumental person in the development of Brooksville Main Street and her legacy of division and irresponsible spending needs to finally end.

Mr. Battista and our other Council Members were correct in saying that our downtown area is not the area where we have most of our commerce. We would all love to be located in the cute downtown Main Street area but as Mr. Battista pointed out it is not feasible. There are not enough buildings or room to build in the area to make it a successful area of commerce. People can not and will not traverse the steep hills. So why are we continuing to throw good money after bad money for this BMS program when it is physically impossible to make the area a success as they are promising. Why don't we continue to have the great events started by BMS (Christmas and concert events) that are for the enjoyment of the community and stop mislabeling them as "downtown development strategies". Please set a good example and show financial responsibility to your actual tax paying citizens and do not let the comments of concert goers from outside of Brooksville (non tax payers) sway your decision.

I apologize I could not be there tonight to speak my words in person but I am in Clermont at a performance. And unlike BMS I realize your schedule can not be changed to suit my schedule. Please vote to protect your citizens and your City and not for the special interest of the BVF.

Thank you for your time and consideration, Staci Lewis White Resident of the City of Brooksville Owner of The Wired Bird The Nest 41& Bird

Staci Lewis White 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 6 received from Lee Golinello Page 1 of 2

From: Lee Golinello Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:15 PM To: Betty Erhard ; Joe Bernardini ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Robert Battista ; William Kemerer Subject: Brooksville Main Street Program

City Council Members, Thank you for taking the time to read this email:

I absolutely think we should keep the Main Street Program. I know there have been problems with the past Director but I have seen the value of this program, in cities just like ours, all over the United States. It is a successful program, we just need a successful implementation! I believe it to be an excellent program with proven results. I also think the program needs us all to step into leadership roles in the committees that make up the core of Main Street. We, as a group, with the structure of the Main Street program can make a difference and lead our beloved city to a complete revitalization.

Lee Golinello 497-580-8600 Owner Downtown Loser Nutrition City Resident And City Business owner since 2013. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 6 received from Lee Golinello Page 2 of 2

From: Lee Golinello Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 6:15 PM To: Betty Erhard ; Joe Bernardini ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Robert Battista ; William Kemerer Subject: Main Street Program- additional comments

T think it .is time for us to figure out what we want. We have so many passionate people in this group that love our city, if we direct that passion toward revitalizing the city the results will be amazing. The Main Street Program is a proven structure for revitalization, but it requires participation and cooperation between all parties; business and community leaders as well as government. [f we all work from within by taking positions on the Main Street committees .. . it will stop being them and their program and 1t will become us and our MSP. The Main Street Program is a long term investment in our city not a quick fix. I understand this is not always easy when so many things are needed but it is defin itely necessary and worthwhile. I believe we all want our charming city to be a great place to come visit and to live. We deserve a Downtown that is bustling with activity, has a robust economy, is beautiful and has the kind of strong community support that cares for the city and ohe another. Jf we put aside our differences We can do together what we cannot do alone.Thank you City COLmcil for reading my comments regarding the Main Street Program .

Personal and public comments:

My thoughts: l also am not thrilled with the lack of financial repo1ting, but in all fairness Ryan is gone and it's a new slate and a fresh chance for us to get involved and take control of this program. r honestly can't imagine that 51 k is even going to make a minor dent in our infrastructure issues but l believe using that investment for Main Street could bring lots of people and new business into Brooksville to visit, work and live. That will make a huge difference for all of us! Then we will have the tax base to make major infrastructure improvements!

More of personal and public comments:

Unforlltnately almost no one in the community got involved. l think people misunderstood that it isntjust a program that you pay someone and they do all the work. It must be a community effort to succeed. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 7 received from Michael Dolan Page 1 of 8

From: Michael Dolan Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 12:23 PM To: William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; Betty Erhard ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Robert Battista Subject: Letter of support for the Brooksville Main Street Program

Good afternoon Council members,

Attached is my letter of support for the Brooksville Main Street Program. It is unfortunate that a few downtown business owners are speaking against the program, they appear to only see business marketing as important. Unfortunately, it takes more than marketing a few downtown business activities to revitalize a downtown.


Michael Dolan, Owner FSC Business Consultants 360-359-0568 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 7 received from Michael Dolan Page 2 of 8

FSC Business Consultants 5373 Cappleman Loop Brooksville, FL 34601 360-359-0568

July 20, 2019 To: William Kemerer, Mayor of Brooksville Brooksville City Council Member Joe Bernardini Brooksville City Council Member Betty Erhard Brooksville City Council Member Robert Battista Brooksville City Council Member Pat Brayton cc: Cliff Manuel, President Brooksville Vision Foundation P.O. Box 1323 Brooksville, FL 34605 cc: Natalie Kahler, Executive Director Brooksville Main Street Program P.O. Box 1323 Brooksville, FL 34605

I write in support of the Brooksville Vision Foundation and the Main Street Program, a fully supported project of the Vision Foundation. Three years ago, the State of Florida recognized Brooksville as a Main Street City with the condition that Main Street have adequate fund ing for three years and hire an Executive Director to implement the "Four Point Main Street Approach" to help revitalize downtown.

One third of our initial funding was generously provided by the City of Brooksville, one third by Hernando County and one third through citizen and business donations and in ­ kind contributions.

Our Mission: The purpose of the Brooksville Vision Foundation, Inc. , shall be to encourage quality economic development through organization, promotion, preservation, design, construction and cooperation with the City of Brooksville.

The Brooksville Vision Foundation is a non-profit volunteer group; formed in 2010 to collaborate with local partners and create positive economic development through short term and long-term goals. The Brooksville Vision Foundation wants to be an active participant in the process not only to aid in the development of a community 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 7 received from Michael Dolan Page 3 of 8 vision but to help sustain and enhance the quality of life in Brooksville, Hernando County's seat which we believe will encourage economic development without jeopardizing our history.

What happens when a group of community minded residents, local business owners and operators come together to work side by side with their local municipalities to encourage and improve the Each sector trying to reach common goals to provide their residence and businesses alike with better services and a quality of life; a community vision group is formed. There are many different definitions of the "Quality of Life"; some common and some obscure, but the true definition is personal satisfaction with the cultural or intellectual conditions under which we live.

Many economists say build your industrial base and your quality of life will come. Our belief is by developing a vision it will help us sustain and create a better quality of life and the industry will follow ... David Florida, the author of "Who's Your City" writes; "findings in a recent Place and Happiness Survey indicated that there is no tradeoff between aesthetics and basic services; both are equally important."


We believe in Brooksville, the charm of the historic courthouse and iconic oak tree whose trunk though gnarled and twisted over time remains steadfast supported by its deep roots. We believe in the residents who hold this city dear to their heart, home to generation after generation. We envision a Brooksville where families can gather in the downtown, enjoy a meal at one of many favorite restaurants, frequent familiar shops and enjoy a concert or performance under the big Florida sky. We envision Brooksville as a desirable location for business and industry to continue to grow and flourish. Brooksville is our home and a place where the memories captured and shared with those who live here and travelers who pass by.

BVF describes the preferred future of Brooksville expressed by our stakeholders who have spoken with a strong voice about the value in their community and what they want for its future - safe, walkable neighborhoods and parks, a thriving downtown district that maintains the historic charm that has existed for decades, a strong educational foundation for Brooksville's youth, vibrant local business districts, and excellent housing and employment opportunities throughout the City.

Land Use • Housing and Community Public Safety• Economic Development • Urban Design • Public Facilities

Over the past three years, the Main Street Program has established an office, hired a marketing specialist, initiated a number of downtown events and become a presence in the business community working to promote downtown business events and activities. It has established working partnerships with the GFWC Historic Brooksville Woman's Club, the Hernando Historic Museum Association, the Historic Hernando Preservation Society, and the Hernando County Fine Arts Council. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 7 received from Michael Dolan Page 4 of 8 To fulfil its Main Street charter, it has created four committees staffed with volunteers - Organization, Promotions, Design and Economic Vitality. Numerous Brooksville property and business owners sit on these committees lending their knowledge and experience to developing ideas and plans for revitalizing our beautiful and historic downtown.

Another aspect of Main Street's work is promoting Downtown Brooksville. Over the past two years, 1he Main Street promotions committee headed by Barbara Manual, working with our Executive Director, has developed the Friday Night Concert series, a monthly event held at the Bandshell and Hernando Park. This FREE monthly event has brought to town over 15,000 attendees, many from areas outside Hernando County. This event has grown to include four food trucks and over twenty vendors from around the city in a "Night Market". A monthly arts and crafts show, Uncommonly Artsy, is produced in concert with the Downtown Art Gallery located in City Hall. This event has featured live artists performing their work, interactive painting classes for children and recently teamed up with the Hernando County Growers Association "Blues In Cruise In" car show in front of the Historic Hernando County Court House. The success of events like this depend on marketing but also the support of the city with street closures, for which we are very thankful! The annual Christmas Festival has grown from a one day parade to a month long celebration with Snow machines, huge lighted Christmas trees, music, carolers and other performers, Santa and Mrs Clause, Sleigh Rides and a Reindeer corral. This event includes many others partnering with Main Street, like the Live Oak Theater and several churches. There are many other activities that Main Street supports; Last March, working with the Hernando County Tourism Board and the city, Bike Florida brought over 500 bicycle riders to town for four days, the Executive Director, again working with members of the city, tourism and several Brooksville business owners are meeting quarterly to plan for bicycle tourism and the economic benefits it will bring to Brooksville when the Brooksville leg of the Coast to Coast Connector is completed in 2022. Along with that, Main Street is the host organization for the Good Neighbor Trail Bike Ride which had over 135 riders in its first year (2018) and is planning for over 200 this year. This event was successful due to the participation of volunteers and businesses like Coney Island Drive Inn .

One last comment, the efforts of Main Street to work towards revitalizing our down town is, in many ways, taking the place of a City Tourism employee and an Economic Development employee. Were the city to hire staff to fill these two positions, the cost would be well over $150,000 per year, more than three times what funding Main Street costs.

This letter is in support of continued city funding for the Main Street program. I urge you to look at the bigger picture and continue your support.

Sincerely, 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 7 received from Michael Dolan Michael Dolan, Owner Page 5 of 8 FSC Business Consultants mjdolanski. wixsite. com/fscbc 5373 Cappleman Loop Brooksville, FL 34601 360-359-0568

Director, Brooksville Vision Foundation Chair of the Main Street Organization Committee Chair of the Good Neighbor Trail Bike Ride

And most important, VOLUNTEER!!

The following attachment is from a TBT article in late 2017. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 7 received from Michael Dolan Page 6 of 8 Brooksville Vision Foundation strives to improve our comn1unity

The Brooksville Vision Foundation (BVF) is a nonprofit corporation that, according to its mission statement,"... works side by side with local partners to promote and implement positive economic development while preserving the historical and architectural integrity of Brooksville.''

Representatives from the Hernando County Fine Arts Council and the Hernando Growers Association, along with thirteen other people attended a meeting on Tuesday, October 17. They met to discuss ways to enhance downtown Brooksville by bringing new events to the area and continue improving events held in the past.

They discussed the popular Blueberry Festival which will take place in April of next year, as well as a First Friday event that will occur monthly. A charity golf tournament and a cycling race are also planned. Another way that BVF is acting to improve the economy of downtown is encouraging restaurants and stores to stay open on Friday evenings and hold drawings for prizes. The organization is also trying to find activities for the summer months when events typically taper off.

Also on the table for discussion was the Founders' Week celebration, Market on Main, and a Christmas celebration. There are also plans for a Fourth of July event next year. Cliff Manuel1 President of the corporation stated, "Through partnership with the [Brooksville] Main Street Organization we're trying to ramp up the decorative function of Christmas this year. We're offering businesses the opportunity to save a little money by purchasing the decorations through Main Street by not having to pay taxes on what they purchase."

The purpose of these events is to bring people to the downtown area, benefiting the merchants there and making Hernando County a destination for people from surrounding counties and even from other regions.

Manuel continued, "Brooksville Main Street's goals are to grow a sense of place and pride in community by working to bring about positive change to the historic fabric of our Historic Downtown Brooksville. Specific goals are to provide four significant events on an annual basis to drive a consistent presence in the 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 7 received from Michael Dolan Page 7 of 8 downtown area and to ensure proper preservation techniques through well­ written design review guidelines.''

The group also discussed the Good Neighbor Trail which is part of a network of trails linking parts of Florida. These trails are funded by the state of Florida and the federal government. The newest portion will traverse Brooksville - something that the BVF worked to ensure.

Sonny Vergara and Paul Shaskan from the Fine Arts Council spoke about their signature event, Art in the Park, and other projects, including several events next July. The council also maintains the beautiful murals that grace a number of buildings in the downtown area and they offer walking tours.

Vergara stated, "We are looking forward to having Brooksville Main Street involved in these events. We are going to generate an economic report to show how the arts are significant to Hernando County. Most importantly, we want to create an Arts and Cultural Center. We need this to have a place for local artists to showcase and market their art.11

Mike De Felice, a local farmer, was at the meeting to represent the Hernando Growers Association, an organization that connects local growers with consumers, restaurants and schools to promote healthy living and local produce. They are working toward having a farmers market sometime in the near future. Defelice presented their plans for Bike Rallies and Cruise-Ins in 2018 that appeal to motorcycle and vintage car enthusiasts.

DeFelice stated, "These events are an excellent opportunity for us to fund our organization and also meets the needs of the city to attract visitors. We are only forty-something miles away from the second largest metropolitan statistical area in the state of Florida -Tampa/St. Petersburg/Orlando combined."

He pointed out that these events would be a win-win for everyone concerned. Restaurants and stores would benefit from increased business, the county would benefit from increased visibility and visitors would enjoy a day of fun.

It is necessary for the community as a whole to support these various organizations so they can achieve their goals.

"BVF and Brooksville Main Street need cooperation and involvement from both the public and private sectors. Brooksville is a passionate community with deep 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 7 received from Michael Dolan Page 8 of 8 rooted pride in their people. This is the time to gather together and continue the pride of community that has been inherited by so many who have come befo re us," Manuel concluded.

The following is the Brooksvill e Vision Foundation Orga nization Chart


Board of Directors Main Street Program

Oiff Manuel - President Nmli e Kahler- Executive Director sonny Verpra - Vice President Tina Marie Poulson - Marketlnt Robert Buckner-Treasurer Sue Rupe Organizing Committee Michael Dolan Barbara Manual (Board of Directors) Darryl Johnston Jennifer Ray Michael Dolan Jimmy Kimbrough Economic Vitality Design Promotions Jo-Anne Peck Committee Committee Committee Matt Lowman Jennifer Ray Jo-Anne Peck Barbara Manual 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 8 received from Natalie Kahler Page 1 of 3

From: Natalie Kahler Sent: Tuesday, Ju ly 23, 2019 2:30:10 PM To: William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Robert Battista ; Betty Erhard ; Mark Kutney Cc: Robert Buckner Subject : Buckner Main Street Support letter

Council members, Please see attached support letter from Buckner & Associates, Inc. Thank you! Nat alie

Nat alie Kahler Brooksville Main Street Executive Director A Brooksville Vision Foundation project in cooperation with the City of Brooksville and Hernando County 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 8 received from Natalie Kahler Page 2 of 3 ,\ ROBERT A


~· REALTORS•~~~~!~ . "' 11 North Main Street Date: July 23, 2019 Brooksville, Florida 34601 (352) 796•4544 To: William Kemerer, Mayor City of Brooksville Fax: (352) 799•0575 Betty Erhard, Council Member Robert Battista, Council Member Joe Bernardini, Council Member Pat Brayton, Council Member From: Robe1t A. Buckner, Vice-chairperson Brooksville Vision Foundation, Inc.

cc: Cliff Manuel, President of Brooksville Vision Foundation, Inc. Natalie Kahler, Executive Director, Brooksville Main Street

I respectfolly request continued pa1ticipation and funding from the City of Brooksville in support of Brooksville Main Street, which is a program formulated and managed by the Brooksville Vision Foundation, Inc. Great progress has been made since the inception of Brooksville Main Street, and "we" need to continue "our" efforts to sustain the program and continue in a positive direction.

As a business and property owner for over 30 years in the City of Brooksville, and specifically in the downtown core area, I have witnessed and participated in other wo11hy organizations and efforts to promote economic vitality. Historically, achievements were made but unfortunately organizations and volunteer efforts were not sustained. A primary challenge for sustainability was "burn-out" by individuals and businesses involved, combined with a lack of team effo1t by others with negative and/or pessimistic attitudes.

Notwithstanding countless volunteer hours of dedication to the Brooksville Vision Foundation and the Brooksville Main Street Program, along with financial contributions by many, a necessary element for sustainability and continued success is a full-time Main Street Executive Director. The time associated with a multitude of tasks for success is overbearing for a volunteer with other personal and business responsibilities. Thus, the position must receive compensation for sustainability.

Despite the recent change of the Executive Director position, which was preceded by some perceived misunderstandings and negative elements which historically would be detrimental for continued success, the board, committee chairs and members, and volunteers are more energized and committed to move forward with a positive attitude. Further, positive headway is being achieved with the Destination Brooksville group of business owners. Natalie's effotts and leadership has helped produce a participation renaissance!

If you agree with the aphorism "a rising tide lifts all boats," I contend the tide has been rising in the Brooksville Main Street District. The programs and events organized or sponsored by Brooksville Main Street, including but not limited to Christmas on Main Street and Friday Night 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 8 received from Natalie Kahler Page 3 of 3 Live, and others continue to bring more people and promote the downtown area during and after normal business hours. The more people that experience downtown Brooksville the better, and the tide of activity and influence extends beyond the immediate downtown area. Therefore, I respectfully request the City of Brooksville continues to support the Brooksville Main Street Program with a minimum financial commitment as before, and hopefully more if the budget allows. Otherwise, I am concerned the tide of enthusiasm and success will again fall as in times past. We must thwart the up and down historical cycle and ALL move forward together and keep the tide rising beyond any perceived limits.


Robert A.-·Buckner 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 9 Submitted by Terri Carter

From : Terri Carter Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:26 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Joe Bernardini ; William Kemerer ; Betty Erhard ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Robert Battista ; Mark Kutney ; Jennifer Battista Subject: Requested Information

Good afternoon Susan,

I am responding to the information you requested from Vice Mayor Bernardini regarding the Main Street Program. The City began funding the program for a period of t hree (3) years beginning November 1, 2016 in the amount of $51,000.00 annually. The City is invoiced every quarter in the amount of $12,750.00 minus $1,220.00 for the space they rent which equals $11,530.00.

As to who receives a paycheck and miscellaneous funding would be directly through the Vision Foundation.


Terri Carter Administrative Assistant Ill City Manager's Office City of Brooksville 201 Howell Ave. Brooksville, FL 34601 (352)540-3810 [email protected] 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 10 received from Howard Pearson

From: Howard Pearson Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2019 5:51 PM To: Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member Subject: Brooksville Main Street

With all the financial trouble the city and county are in that tax money should be spent on things like Brooksville Main St.

NOTE: Sent to each Council Member 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 11 received from Catherine Reeves Page 1 of 2 From: Catherine Reeves Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2019 11:38:16 PM To: Betty Erhard ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Robert Battista ; William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini Subject: Brooksville Main Street Program

Dear Council Members

Please find attached my letter in support of the Brooksville Main Street Program. I trust you will make your decision with the best interest of our cities future in mind.

Thank you for your time and consideration. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 11 received from Catherine Reeves Page 2 of 2

Catherine Reeves THE 1 O S Main Street Brooksville Florida BISTR MAR KET .BAKERY.COCKTAILS 34601 to• ~ •' 1•-.,...u.. 1..-.n.l>-1• • 727-481-1038 [email protected]

July 24, 2019

Brooksville City Council

Dear City Council Member

As a downtown Brooksville business owner I am writing in support of the Brooksville Main Street Program. I believe this program needs to continue beyond its initial three year period. This program has been proven in many other cities around the country but it has required continued support by both government and the citizens well beyond the initial three years

The programs and events the BSM has developed have had a positive impact for the city both economically and with its overall image. The Christmas events through the month of December bring many visitors to our city that would not otherwise come here. Friday Night Live gives families an activity to enjoy at little to no cost. The Night Market and Uncommonly Artsy gives local artisans a a venue to offer their products.

The BMS program provides a much needed focus on developing and revitalizing the area of the city that attracts visitors from all over the world. On a regular basis we meet people from Europe who are visiting our city. They walk our downtown photograph our architecture have lunch and visit our retail shops.

While I believe that there absolutely needs to be transparenC)' and accountability when asking for government funding, I believe that the BMS Program should be granted an opportunity to correct their issues and provide a proper accounting and a plan and budget to move forward. Given a reasonable deadline, if this can be fulfilled I feel some form of funding should be approved.

Our downtown is what defines our city. Our courthouse building, the oak trees lining our streets, properties like the Jennings Building built and owned by the former Florida governor are what attract people to the area. The benefits of bringing people to our downtown will cascade to other areas of the city helping all of the businesses. The more we develop this and the more events offered to attract visitors the more prosperous our city will be.

Best Regards

From: Hernando Preservation Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2019 9:03 PM To: William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; Robert Battista ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Betty Erhard Cc: Mark Kutney ; [email protected] Subject: Brooksville Main Street

Attached please find a letter from the Historic Hernando Preservation Society regarding the Brooksville Main Street program. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 12 received from Hernando Preservation Page 2 of 3

July 24, 2109

Brooksville City Council William Kemerer, Mayor of Brooksville, [email protected] Brooksville City Council Member Joe Bernardini, [email protected] Brooksville City Council Member Betty Erhard, [email protected] Brooksville City Council Member Robert Battista, [email protected] Brooksville City Council Member Pat Brayton, [email protected]


RE: Funding for BrooksvilJe Main Street Program

Dear Council Members:

This letter is to express the Historic Hernando Preservation Society's support for continued investment by the City of Brooksville in the Brooksville Main Street program. As a 501c3 organization dedicated to the preservation of our area's limited historic resources, we recognize that historic buildings are best preserved through continued use. The efforts of the Brooksville Main Street to encourage revitalization are paramount to this goal, both through it's preservation approach that keeps Brooksville authentic to its historic roots, and the encouragement of adaptive use of existing buildings for current uses.

Founded in 1856, Brooksville has the fabric for a great Florida Main Street destination, with a compact historic downtown set on rolling hills surrounding one of the most attractive historic courthouses in the state. The strong desire among the community to revitalize Brooksville while paying homage to its past through the Brooksville Main Street program can be seen in the efforts of a great number of dedicated and skilled volunteers, many of whom are members of our organization. The program is still in its early stages, and the changes will not come overnight, but we feel strongly that the continuation of this program will lead to the long-sought implementation of a stronger, more vibrant downtown Brooksville and the preservation of our unique historic town. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 12 received from Hernando Preservation Page 3 of 3 As all parties will benefit from a thriving downtown, we feel it is very much in the City's best interest to support this organization that brings together many skilled and talented volunteers for a common goal using the time-tested program developed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. We appreciate your consideration.


Historic Hernando Preservation Society Board Victoria Jimmerson, President David Letasi, Vice President Jon Yeager, Secretary Jo-Anne Peck, Treasurer Jan Knowles, Director Deborah Charlow, Director Susan Russo, Director Beverly Nuccio, Director Tommy Blackmon, Director cc: Natalie Kahler, Executive Director 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 13 received Natalie Kahler

From: Natalie Kah ler Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 11:26 AM To: William Kemerer ; Robert Battista ; Joe Bernardini ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Betty Erhard ; Mark Kutney Subject: Fwd: Support of Main Street

Council, Please see email below from Matt Lowman, a property owner in the city and a very active participant on our Organization Board. Thanks! Natalie

Natalie Kahler Brooksville Main Street Executive Director A Brooksville Vision Foundation project in cooperation with the City of Brooksville and Hernando County

------Forwarded message ------From: Lowman golf Date: Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 8:55 AM Subject: Support of Main Street To:

To who it may concern, I encourage you to continue to support the Main Street program as l believe this will be beneficial to the City of Brooksv il le. Thank you , Matt Lowman

Sent from my iPhone 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 14 received from Historic Shed/ Craig DeRoin Page 1 of 2

------Original message ------From: Historic Shed Date: 7/25/ 19 9:24 AM (GMT-05:00) To: William Kemerer , Joe Bernardini , Robert Battista , Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member , Betty Erhard Cc: Mark Kutney Subject: Brooksville Main Street

Attached please find a letter regarding the Brooksville Main Street program.

Craig DeRoin Historic Shed rel: (8 13) 33J-224lJ • (352) 777-4905

ItHistoric Sht~ 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 14 received from Historic Shed/ Craig DeRoin Page 2 of 2 IrHistoric Site~ July 23, 2019

Brooksville City Council Via Email 201 Howell Avenue Brooksville. FL 34601

RE: Brooksville Main Street Support

Dear Council Members:

As business and property owners within the City of Brooksville for over 11 years, we are writing in support of continued funding for the Brooksville Main Street program.

We chose to locate our business in Brooksville due to its central location and historic downtown, which complements our business model ofservi ng historic homeowners. We have always seen downtown as "full of potential", but recognize chat it does gee discouraging co sec chat potential continue to be unrealized over the years. When we learned that the Brooksville Vision Foundation was pursuing the tried and tested model created by the National Trust for Historic Preservation for downtown revitalization, we wholeheartedly supported the effort. Since the implementation of the program we have seen a great deal of work being done by creative and dedicated people who want to see downtown Brooksville be the desirable destination that it can be. However, just as Brooksville didn't lose its vibrancy overnight, the efforts of the Brooksville Main Street will take time co see real change and we are realistic in our optimism and are prepared for long term support.

As pare ofour belief in Brooksville, we have purchased two vacant residential locs in the City limits with the goal of building the first of several model homes for our company's expansion into historically appropriate infill housing. This endeavor will bring people co Brooksville to tour the homes as well as co downtown Brooksville. We expect our work co complement the efforts of Brooksville Main Street to revitalize downtown, and the efforts of the Main Street program enhancing our work. Since the City of Brooksville also benefits greatly from the work done cowards revitalization, we feel chat it i~ the best interests of all co continue to invest in the Brooksville Main Street program.

Thank you for your consideration.


Craig DcRoin Vice-Presidenr cc: Natalie Kahler, Main Street Director

1211. PONCE DE LEON BOULEVARD, BROOKSVILLE, FL346Ol 813-333-2249/ 352-777-4905 WWW.HISTORICSHED.COM CBC1258207 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 15 received from Jo-Ann Peck Page 1 of 7

From: Jo-Anne Peck Sent: Friday, July 26, 2019 11:09 AM To: William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; Robert Battista ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Betty Erhard Cc: Mark Kutney Subject: Brooksville Main Street Funding Request

Please find a letter regarding the work of the Brooksville Main Street Design Committee attached. I welcome any comments or questions at the August 12 City Council Meeting. It Jo-Anne Peck Preservation Resource, Inc/Historic Shed

Historic She~ 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 15 received from Jo-Ann Peck Page 2 of 7

July 25, 2019

City of Brooksville City Council 201 Howell Avenue Brooksville, FL 34601

RE: Brooksville Main Street Funding Request

Dear Council Members:

I am writing this letter from the perspective of a Brooksville business owner, Brooksville property owner, historic preservation advocate, investor, and Chair of the Brooksville Main Street Design Committee. I have been intimately involved in the Main Street program from the early stages, having been asked by the original organizers of the program to chair the Design Committee due to my design and preservation background. I am deeply committed to the program and have spent hundreds of hours volunteering for Brooksville Main Street to help get the program off the ground and implement its principles, as have my dedicated committee members. It is my understanding that the Council would like to know more about our program and work as part of the consideration for continued funding for the Main Street Program, so please excuse what will be a somewhat lengthy letter.

The Beginnings

I was asked to Chair the Design Committee clue to my educational and professional background. To give a summary, my undergraduate degree is from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture and I have a master's degree in Historic Preservation from the Savannah College of Art and Design. I am also a licensed Florida Building Contractor. The majority of rny professional career has been spent as a self-employed preservation consultant in Florida, now totalling over 20 years. My preservation company bas been fortunate to work on a variety of projects for government agencies, private corporations and individual building owners, working on historic resource projects from initial planning through end construction. Our largest project lasted over 14 years and involved moving and renovating 64 historic buildings for the Florida Department of Transportation/ Federal Highway Administration as part ofl-4 improvements in the Ybor City National Historic Landmark District in Tampa. Since the completion of the Ybor project, our company has switched gears and focused on design-build projects for historic homeo,vners and is now working on infill new construction design for historic neighborhoods.

1212 Ponce de Leon Bouleva1·d • Brooksville, fL 34601 • [email protected] 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 15 received from -2- Jo-Ann Peck Page 3 of 7

My husband (and business partner) and I, along with two young children moved to Hernando County in 2006 and relocated our business to Brooksville in 2008. We specifically chose Brooksville due to the historic downtown but wondered why Brooksville's potential remained unrealized while many other historic downtowns in Florida had been revitalized. Being familiar vvith the National Main Street program and how effective it has been in communities throughout the US, we thought it would be a perfect vehicle for economic redevelopment. When nearly a decade later we learned about the Brooksville Vision Foundation's efforts to bring a Main Street program to Brooksville, we were quite pleased. Then when I was asked to become a part of the committee structure after being recommended by the Historic Hernando Preservation Society president, I gladly said "yes!"

The Design Committee

According to the National Main Street Design Committee Handbook, the "Design Committee plays a key role in shaping the physical image of Main Street as a place attractive to shoppers, investors, business owners, and visitors. To succeed, the committee must persuade fiercely independent business and property owners and civic leaders to adopt a specific approach, and an ambitious agenda, for physical improvements to buildings, businesses and public improvements by: • Educating others about good design- enhancing the image of each business as well as that of the district • Providing good design advice encouraging quality improvements to private properties and public spaces • Planning Main Street's development guiding future growth and shaping regulations • Motivating others to make changes creating incentives and targeting key projects."

As you can see, the goals of the Design Committee are ambitious and require a lot of planning, coordination, and cooperation between many individuals. To be effective, there must be a consensus on what are considered the essential elements that create the unique character of downtown as well as what the desired approach is to design. Added to this, we had to figure out how we would communicate effectively vvith building owners as well as the business owners who often rent their retail and office space. The further challenge was to work ,vith the other committees, most notably the Economic Vitality Committee, as we choose where to focus our efforts so they complemented their projects.

The Design Committee began meeting in August 2016 (a mere three years ago), and we have had a group of roughly a dozen committed volunteers who meet once a month, plus spend additional time on committee projects. Our committee members range from life-long residents with multi-generational ties to the City, to transplants such as myself that have purposely chosen Brooksville for their home. They are all are committed to Brooksville and the Main Street program enough to donate their time and talent. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting -3- Attachment 15 received from Jo-Ann Peck Page 4 of 7

We began by creating an initial Work Plan (which was rather lofty in what we thought we could accomplish), then implementing the initial phase which we titled "Getting Up to Speed". We felt strongly that the best approach was to understand what goals had already been established by previous citizen and government efforts, better understand what made Brooksville unique, and find out ·what projects were already in the pipeline before inserting ourselves into the mix. At all points we wanted to be respectful of the community's already established goals and to find ways to support other organizations' efforts. Our original Get up to Speed goals were as follows, some of which remain on our 2019 Work Plan: 1. Gather existing data a. Design Guidelines b. Historic Designations/ Florida Master Site File surveys c. Existing ordinances d. Master Plan e. Historic Info i. Photos ii. Research f. Projects currently in the Works 2. Identify Existing Organizations/ Programs we can partner with a. City Beautification Program b. Historic Hernando Preservation Society i. Historic Markers Program c. History Museum d. City Wayfinding e. Coast to Coast Bike Traj) f. SR41/ 98 Reroute through downtown (1 way to 2 way) planners g. Others? 3. Identify Incentives Available a. Grants b. Tax Credits c. Tax Abatement d. Facade Grants e. Facade Easements 4. Survey all properties within the Main Street boundaries a. Identify key anchor properties b. Evaluate landscaping/ hardscaping, pedestrian flow c. Identify restoration/renovation opportunities i. Small fixes ii. Large d. Identify potential vacant sites for redevelopment

In addition to our monthly meetings, we spent many hours in the beginning doing assessment surveys of the Main Street district area. As a group, we walked street by street, stopping at each building to record information on building type, use, condition, style, take photos and identify 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 15 received from Jo-Ann Peck Page 5 of 7

possible improvements. We looked for low budget ideas that we thought we could implement vvith little to no funding (like adding flower boxes, power washing sidewalks, or creating storefront displays in empty buildings). We also dreamed of larger scale projects like infill construction on empty lots, burying utilities, or full scale restoration of our most significant historic buildings. The real benefit of the survey exercise was to intentionally look at each individual building rather than the cursory glance that you give a streetscape on a daily basis. We surveyed about ½ of the district for our initial assessments (focusing on the area immediately surrounding Main Street) and entered the info into a database for reference. Surveying the rest of the Main Street area remains on our 2019 Work Plan.

As part of the assessment, we also identified building owners that we thought would be open to working vvith us on building improvements from painting to awning repair. We were initially tentative to approach individual building owners thinking they might either feel that we were insulting their building or that we were interfering in their business, but we have been finding that free design advice is generally welcome, especially coupled with the possibility of using CRA grants. To date, our committee has talked to five building owners who have expressed interest in working vvith us, as well as a couple of business owners. The discussions are at various stages and we expect some of the results will be visible in the coming months. Below is an example of one of the project recommendations we have made, providing 3-D images for clarity to the building owner. For larger projects, we t1y to give an array of options, from simple upgrades that might be implemented immediately at low cost to what a full scale exterior renovation might look like.

The Committee also has several projects that are at various stages, with some in need of funding to implement and others still in planning stages. Here is a list of some of the projects we are either working on, planning to implement, or have not gotten further than a curso1y discussion yet: • Support the proposed Mermaid Trail as needed • Design banners for the new wayfinding signs • Coordinate vvith Arts Council to display artists' work in empty/ office occupied storefronts • Have a Storefront Design Workshop 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting -s- Attachment 15 received from Jo-Ann Peck Page 6 of 7

• Find places for flowers/ find a garden group to work with • Install curtains in vacant second floor windows • Create updated Design Guidelines both in full and condensed pamphlet form • Display Then and Now photos of downtown • Have tours that focus on local architecture • Start an architectural scavenger hunt (virtual vs. in person?) • Pursue National Register designation so property owners can take advantage of Tax Credits • Pursue local historic designation and implement an ad valorem tax abatement program • Disseminate information on available preservation incentives • Encourage use of empty second floors • Have a pressure washing day • Have a community painting day • 'Ask Main Street' open design question events (tent at Uncommonly Artsy?) • Continue to work with building and business owners on building design elements • Find funding/ donations to implement projects

While the work of the Design Committee so far has not been as noticeable as the events put on by the Promotions Committee, the behind the scenes work that we have done so far is starting to pay off with building owner buy-in and should show some visible results shortly. In addition, as we are feeling much more "Up to Speed" on how and what we want to pursue as a committee, we will begin community outreach events to offer our services. This will better allow us to adjust our work as needed to fit community needs. With the recent transition in Executive Directors, we have found some new avenues opening up and will be able to bring some of our proposed projects forward quicker. We now post our meeting minutes on the Main Street website so the community will see what we are working on monthly as well.

I am hoping that this provides some insight into what the Design Committee's purpose is, how we are working towards our goals, and some of what we hope to accomplish in the next couple of years. We recognize that redevelopment is a never-ending process and are committed to the organization for the long term. I would be glad to discuss any of the projects in person.

In Conclusion

Downtown revitalization is a complex process that cannot be accomplished through a single project nor a single entity. The Main Street Program is a unique approach that is not a merchants association, nor a chamber of commerce, but that works with and supports other organizations while following its proven approach to redevelopment and revitalization. Success stories are found throughout the United States that prove the worth of implementing the program, yet its unique approach to economic development in the context of historic resources means it can be uniquely focused on the characteristics that make Brooksville Brooksville. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 15 received from Jo-Ann Peck -6- Page 7 of 7

For successful, long-term revitalization, a comprehensive approach must be used. As a Committee, we are attempting to approach our goals in a purposeful and direct manner so thal \Ne can be respectful and effective. We believe the philosophy behind the Main Street Program is the perfect vehicle for Brooksville to achieve this long sought vision for the downtown; however, it must be done with the continuing participation of the City of Brooksville to truly be successful. As such, we encourage the City of Brooksville to continue financial support the Main Street program in this public/ private partnership.

I appreciate you taking the time to read through this and welcome your comments and questions.

Sincerely, b(L_ ~'\?~ Jo-Anne Peck Brooksville Main Street Design Committee Chair cc: Natalie Kahler, Executive Director Brooksville Vision Foundation

"Downtown is important because it's the heart and soul of any community. If you don't have a healthy downtown, you simply don't have a healthy town."- Ed McMahon, Chair, National Main Street Center Board of Directors 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 16 received from Robert Cole Regarding Oak Park Avenue Repairs with Pictures Page 1 of 13 From: Robert Cole Sent: Friday, July 26, 2019 10:19 AM To: Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member Subject: Oak park Ave gets neglected while city council can give Natalie Kahler $51,000.00

From: Robert Cole Sent: Friday, July 26, 2019 10:10 AM To: Betty Erhard Subject: Oak park on Oak Park Ave. Where department of parks and recreation never showed up and the residents mow. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment ATTACHMENT 16 16 received from Robert Cole Image of City Sidewalk that is uplifted by tree roots that needs repaired. Page 2 of 13

07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment ATTACHMENT 16 16 received from Robert Cole Image of City Sidewalk that is cracked and broken that needs repaired. Page 3 of 13 07.26.2019 Special City Council ATTACHMENT 16 Meeting Attachment 16 received from Robert Cole Image of City paved road that is broken, cracked and damaged that needs repaired. Page 4 of 13 ATTACHMENT 16 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 16 received from Robert Cole Image of City paved street that is broken, cracked and damaged that needs repaired. Page 5 of 13

ATTACHMENT 16 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 16 received from Robert Cole Image of City paved street that is broken, cracked and damaged with sidewalk that is cracked that needs repaired. Page 6 of 13

ATTACHMENT 16 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 16 received from Robert Cole Image of City paved road that is broken, cracked and damaged that needs repaired. Page 7 of 13


07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 16 received from Robert Cole Image of City paved road that is broken, cracked and damaged and curb that needs repaired. Page 8 of 13

07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment ATTACHEMENT 16 16 received from Robert Cole Image of center island of Oak Park Avenue where residents are maintaining property. Page 9 of 13

07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 16 received ATTACHEMENT 16 from Robert Cole Image of center island of Oak Park Avenue with trees, grass and shrubs where residents are maintaining property. Page 10 of 13


07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 16 received from Robert Cole Image of center island of Oak Park Avenue with trees, grass and shrubs where residents are maintaining property. Page 11 of 13

ATTACHMENT 16 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 16 received from Robert Cole Image of center island of Oak Park Avenue of a tree that needs trimming where residents are maintaining property. Page 12 of 13

ATTACHMENT 16 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 16 received from Robert Cole Image of center island of Oak Park Avenue where residents are maintaining property and of the road that needs repair. Page 13 of 13

07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 17 received from Tactical Supply & Surplus Brooksville/Sean Danet

From: Tactical Supply & Surplus Brooksville Sent: Friday, July 26, 2019 10:23 AM To: William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; [email protected] ; Robert Battista ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Mark Kutney Subject: Support Brooksville Mainstreet

City Council members,

I am writing to express my hope that City Council will continue to financially support the Brooksville Main Street Program. Although my business is not in the Main Street district, we are on one of the main entryways into the city and are pleased with the increased notice we receive as a result of those they are bringing into the city. Economic Redevelopment is critical to our long-term success and I believe the Main Street program is a proven method for making it happen. Sincerely,

Sean Danet Co owner Tactical Supply & Surplus 490 Smith Street Brooksville, Fl 34601 352-799-0300 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 18 received from Rhonda Nienhuis

From: Rhonda Nienhuis Sent: Friday, July 26, 2019 8:48 AM To: Betty Erhard ; William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; Robert Battista ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member Subject: Main Street

Good Morning, As a future business owner in Brooksville, I believe the Main Street program should continue. Developing and promoting downtown Brooksville will be a benefit to all the business owners. I agree that the program has to be transparent and accountable for its financials and programs. Rhonda Nienhuis Bread Box Bakery 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 19 received from Elliott Ambrose Page 1 of 3

From: Elliott Ambrose Sent: Friday, July 26, 2019 1:50 PM To: William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; Betty Erhard ; Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Robert Battista Subject:

Christina Sassone-Smith Legal Secretary for Elliott Ambrose, Jr., Esq. Office of Elliott Ambrose, Esq. 101 East Fort Dade Ave Brooksville, Fl 34601 Office (352) 796-8100 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 19 received from Elliott Ambrose Page 2 of 3


101 East Fort Dade Avenue Phone (352) 796-8100 Brooksville, Florida 34601 Fax (352) 796-8010

To whom it may concern:

Please accept this letter of support for the Brooksville Mainstreet program and the following assessment of its benefits.

I am a local attorney who has lived in Brooksville for over 18 years and whose business is located in downtown Brooksville. I have a direct interest in the vitality of downtown Brooksville and I have observed the progress of the Brooksville Mainstreet program with interest for some time. I believe this program to be ultimately beneficial to the community and encourage you support it. Here is why.

One of the events of the Brooksville Mainstreet Program is, "Friday Night Live," musical event that is usually held once a month. I have found the, "Friday Night Live," event of the Brooksville Mainstreet program to have an overall positive benefit on downtown Brooksville when the event is held. This positive benefit extends to the businesses that are open downtown during the "Friday Night Live" event. When the event is held, I have personally observed the local restaurants, that are open, full to capacity.

Over the last ten years I myself have been involved in arranging entertainment events involving live music with the Hernando County Fair and the Blueberry Festival here in Hernando County with some success. Because of this, I know from experience what it takes to coordinate such entertainment events.

In every category the,"Friday Night Live," event was a tremendous success. It consistently drew large crowds, the sound system and sound engineers were highly professional, and the Musical acts were excellent and professional.

I attended the events and spoke to the people who were there and ascertained that a lot of the attendees had a very positive opinion of Brooksville because of the event. Many of the people who attended the event utilized the local restaurants and those businesses benefited economically.

As you might imagine, coordinating such an event like. "Friday Night Live," takes tremendous effort, presence of mind and organizational skills. I believe the previous organizer of this event has such skills and it is regrettable that he vacated that position.

Nonetheless, you have been left with a legacy, if you can keep it. "Friday Night Live," continues, at least until the end of the year, and it is important to build on what has been 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 19 received from Elliott Ambrose Page 3 of 3 accomplished. This event is just one example of what could be accomplished through the Brooksville Mainstreet program if it is appropriately supported.

The Brooksville Mainstreet program has the potential to extend tremendous benefit to the community ( economically and otherwise) if it is properly funded and administered. My understanding of this program is that it is a long-term program that takes time and commitment.

I therefore urge you to support this program in order to realize the full benefit of its intention.

Elliott Ambrose, Attorney 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 20 received from Tammy Heon Page 1 of 2

From: Tammy Heon Sent: Friday, July 26, 2019 2:25 PM To: William Kemerer ; Joe Bernardini ; Robert Battista ; Pat Drayton City of Brooksville Council Member ; Betty Erhard Cc: Mark Kutney Subject: Support for Brooksville Main Street

Dear Honorable Members of the Brooksville C ity Council,

Attached please find a letter of support from the Tourist Development Council on behalf of the Brooksville Main Street Program. We hope that you will support and fund the program for the future of Brooksville.

Thank you,

Tammy J. Heon

Manager, T ourism Developmen t

Florida's Adventure Coast, Brooksville-Weeki Wachee

------07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 20 received from Tammy Heon Page 2 of 2


Brooksville City Council 201 Howell Avenue Brooksville, FL 34601

July 26, 2019

Dear Mayor Kemerer and Honorable Members of the Brooksville City Council:

On behalf of the Tourist Development Council (TDC) and the Visitor& Bureau, we are pleased to submit this letter of support for the Brooksville Main Street Program.

The TDC and Visitors Bureau staff have supported the Brooksville Main Street program since its inception. We have done so because we recognize the value of the Main Street Program and believe strongly in the positive impact the program brings to our community.

We have provided financial assistance in the form of Tourism Marketing Grants each year, and prior to the hiring of paid staff, we worked very closely with Barbara Manuel and the Promotions Committee to help launch the extremely popular Christmas on Main Street events, which have become a both a source of pride for the community and a significant draw to the City.

Main Street Brooksville has contributed greatly to making downtown Brooksville even more of a destination; with increased visibility for our merchants and restaurants, the many recurring monthly events and the spirit of collaboration within tl1e downtown businesses all hallmarks of its success. In fact, the program has brought so much visibility to downtown Brooksville that the Adventure Coast Visitors Bureau is now planning to relocate one of our Visitor Information Centers to downtown Brooksville. We would not have even considered such a move a mere four years ago.

We excited to be moving into the downtown, and for all that we can do to help drive economic impact and development through Tourism. With a mission that is closely aligned to that of Main Street's, we see many potential opportunitie~ for collaboration and partnership, and we are fully committed to supporting the Brooksville Main Street in the future. We are in fact, planning to co-locate the Visitors Bureau and the Main / Street organization in our new location, allowing for even greater collaboration and success for all involved. We hope the esteemed members of the City Council will continue to support this invaluable program and the good work on behnlf of our community and its future will continue.


Tammy J. Heon Manager, Tourism Development Florida's Adventure Coast Visitors Bureau 15800 Flight Path Drive Brooksville, Florida 34604 800.601.4580 352 .754.4405 :, 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 21 received from Michael DeFelice Page 1 of 2

From: Michael Defelice Date: 7/26/19 5:45 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Joe Bernardini , William Kemerer , Robert Battista , Pat Brayton City of Brooksville Council Member , Betty Erhard Cc: "Michael Dolan ([email protected])" , Natalie Kahler , [email protected], [email protected], Tina Marie Polson Subject: Letter of Support for BVF and BMS

Please find the attached letter of support for these programs.


Michael DeFelice President Hernando County Growers Association, Inc. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 21 received from Michael Hernando CountyDeFelice Page 2 of 2 Growers Association Hernando County Growers Association 5344 White Road A Farm to Table initiative connecting Growers and Consumers Brooksville, FL 34602 through tn1st, transparency and partnership. 727-422-3360

Friday,July 26, 2019

Dear Mayor Kemerer and Honorable Members of the Brooksville City Council,

On behalf of the Hernando County Growers Association, we are submitting this letter of support for the Brooksville Vision Foundation, Brooksville MainStreet Program.

From its inception, the Hernando County Growers Association has had support, guidance and technical assistance from the Brooksville Vision Foundation through the MainStreet Program and staff. The additional efforts of cross promotion and collaboration to ensure we were aware of and engaged with other organizations in our community has been invaluable.

We feel the impact this program will have moving forward is critical to the economic development of our downtown and look forward to progress under its new leadership.

Funding for the Brooksville Vision Foundation and its programs is a necessity, as a non-profit community development organization can access a wide variety of grant funding that a municipality cannot. The existence of programs like BMS validates the efforts and progress the Brooksville Vision Foundation has and will continue to make in attracting new businesses to our city.

Increasing the number and variety of businesses in our city is the key to our economic development and as an anchor in our community, BMS has the capacity to showcase business opportunities in our city by collaborating with community groups such as the Downtown business group, and formal organizations such as Kiwanis, Rotary, Brooksville Blueberry Festival, etc. to help market, coordinate and develop their events.

We am confident that the Brooksville Vision Foundation, whose leadership and mission is well seated and defined in our community, has made a well informed and prudent decision in appointing the BMS staff and we have full confidence that the development of successful new businesses and betterment of e..'1sting businesses is foremost in their efforts.

Live, Eat:, Grow... LOCAL I

Michael C. DeFelice CPT, USAR (Ret) President Hernando CoWlty Growers Association, Inc.

The strength of a Warrior is not measured in the breadth of his back, but in the depth of his resolve. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Brooksville City Council Attachment 22 received from Theresa Babor 201 Howell Avenue Brooksville, FL 34601


City Council Members,

I am a resident in Brooksville for the past 16 years and I am writing you because I am 100% in support of The Brooksville Main Street Program. I personally feel that everything the Brooksville Main Street Program has offered to our community along with the Blueberry Festival has helped put Brooksville on the map. The residents really enjoy the Friday Night Live program and the spectacular Christmas events in downtown Brooksville. I presently have a boutique inside Easy Street Home Decor and I speak to people who travel far and visit Brooksville on a daily basis. Many of which come here on the second Friday of the month to spend the day & then enjoy the music in the park. So it does work. I personally make a point to have them take a picture of the posters showing the events so they have the dates. I also encourage them to follow Brooksville Main Streets face book page so they are updated as well. If all of us continue to share the info as well the word will continue to travel and more people will come and help our economy grow .It is quite obvious to me that once people know about these events they do in fact make the effort to come and get involved. I do believe this program is extremely beneficial to the revitalization of our city. I know it takes a lot of volunteers to keep these programs going including the Vision Foundation. I have been at those meeting and I love how everyone just dives in and does what it takes to make it all happen. I was amazed at t he generosity of this community. The many donations collected from so many people in our area shows the love for this little city we all live in. Everyone knows that it does take an entire community that is "willing to work together" and help each other out to achieve the best results. At this point I can't even imagine ending the Brooksville Main Street program. The people who live here and look forward to these events will be extremely disappointed. I can't even fathom why there is any question at all to end it. Perhaps we should all collectively work together and do positive things to help our city strive rather than all the negativity I have seen in recent months. It is real ly bad for business and I for one refuse to participate. Please consider all that I have written in your decision.

Theresa Babor 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 23 received from Dolan House B & B/Roger & Debra King

DOLAN HOUSE B&B 701 Museum Ct Brooksville, FL 34601 352-631-8822

July 26, 2019


We are the owners of the Dolan House Bed & Breakfast Hotel located in downtown Brooksville. We have been actively involved in the community since buying the business and moving to town.

We think that there are many positive things to say about the business members of the Destination Brooksville team. As a recent participant in the "Christmas in July" event, we saw many people from Brooksville and from out of town. These people came to see and tour our home-many not even realizing there was a BnB in town. In addition, we sent all those guests to other downtown businesses to shop and buy.

We feel the Main Street Program is a program that should be continued but with some changes. We feel it should support the local downtown businesses of Brooksville (Christmas in July event) in addition to any programs that promotes (Friday Night Live, Christmas activities, bicycle events) and/or benefit the city of Brooksville.

With all this being said, there should fiscal accountability for any and all monies and services that are donated, raised or contributed. At any point t here should be open books in this accounting. If this cannot be done, then perhaps another organization needs to be created.


Roger King Debra King 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 24 received from Patricia' C, Lambright \ ~('~\~ ~ ~\'}IQ\\9 I Brooksville Council: July 26, 2019 Mayor Willian1 I

My husband and I have been in business for over 28 years in downtown Brooksville. We have seen the highs and the lows in regards to the foot traffic in downtown. The Main Street Progran1 has helped us by advertising certain events, especially Patricia's Windows Co1ne To Life, that we perfor1n each December. Our crowds have increased tremendously over the past 6 years. People now arrive hours early just to get a good spot.

I believe we have the Main Street progra111 to thank for getting the Brooksville Police Depart1nent to close the second lane in front of Patricia's so the adults and children were safe to enjoy the show.

I support the Main Street Progra1n and all of the branches that are involved through them. I believe they are an essential part of the puzzle needed for the developn1ent of our downtown.

Patricia Lan1bright Patricia's Boutique 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 25 received from Barbara Manuel Page 1 of 2

July 23, 2019

To: William Kemerer, Mayor of Brooksville Brooksville City Council Members, Joe Bernardini, Betty Erhard, Robert Battista, Pat Brayton Ladies and Gentlemen, I am writing this letter in support of the Brooksville Vision Foundation and the Main Street Program. As a longtime resident of Brooksville, a charming city that I love dearly, I wanted to give back to my community. This is one of the reasons I agreed to be the Chair of the Promotion Committee. I, along with other business owners and volunteers, have worked since the inception of the Main Street Program, meeting once or twice a week to decide how we could bring people to downtown Brooksville and revital_ize the buildings and downtown areas. We came up with a Christmas Lighting Extravaganza for downtown. We were blessed to have a lighting expert who could build the 35-foot tree, decorate, place all the lights and decide on the plan for the music. The second year we added Santa C!aus and the sled and reindeer, the 12-ft Toy Soldiers, refurbished the wreaths on the courthouse and added lights to the front. The 25-ft. tree was added last year to City Hall and all the decorations for Hernando Park along with all the snow machines. I think you see the results of what we called, 11Christmas On Main Street". The City and County were vital to help fund this project, along with large donations from private citizens and businesses. It was a total community effort. We had at least four thousand people at "Christmas on Main Street" last year. That does not count the people who were there throughout the month of December each night with the caroling groups. This cannot happen without teamwork and determination to make our city grow and flourish. I am telling the Council this to say that this is only one thing we were able to accomplish. With the addition of the Executive Director, who added more events and brought Main Street professionals in to the city to give us ideas on how to improve the downtown area. You ca nnot imagine how much time and money all of us have given to help with t his project. The things we have accomplished takes money and the city, county and local citizens and businesses helped make it possible. I have people coming up to me all the time asking to please continue making the Christmas event possible because they enjoy it so much and they have somewhere to take relatives and friends when they visit during the holidays. 07.26.2019 Special City Council Meeting Attachment 25 received from Barbara Manuel Page 2 of 2

In closing, please consider the following questions. Has the Main Street program brought people into Brooksville who would not have come otherwise? Are the businesses better off today with the events presented by the Main Street Program? Are we working toward revitalizing our downtown area? Lastly, if the Main Street Program ceases to exist, where will our City go from there. What a shame if we lose the one group who has only had three years to build a program that other areas have worked on for 15 or more years. It's not just events, it's working with partners to refurbish buildings and bring more retail into our area. We have a full-time Executive Director of the Main Street Program to coordinate all the aspects of the program. We will all keep volunteering and promoting our city as we have always done. I would ask the City to continue funding for the Main Street Program.

Respectfully, !l¼Uvt

July 23,2019

To: William Kemerer, Mayor of Brooksville

Mr. Kemerer,

I am writing this letter in su pport of the Main Street Program. I have lived in Brooksville all of my life and have watched the Main Street Program engage the community in so many ways. The downtown Christmas on Main Street has brought so many people to our beautiful city. The Friday Night Live concerts have made it exciting downtown with all the people. The businesses that stayed open had to do a good business as well .... The Main Street Program has inspired business with new ideas, such as Small Business Saturday, and so many others.

It takes time to build a program like this and we should not stop mid-stream. I am totally behind the program and hope it continues for years to come.