Charge Drifter in Massacre CHICAGO (AP) - Richard Gering Down a Hallway, Covered in the Back Seat of a Police Car

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Charge Drifter in Massacre CHICAGO (AP) - Richard Gering Down a Hallway, Covered in the Back Seat of a Police Car Jptor tMtjht. Urn la ._. T. 26,400 J* party dNdjf mi tot, Red Bank Area J •tout» per ceat chaWef few •towers or thunderatowars. High Copyright-The Red Bask Register, lac. UK. b low Mi. Outlook Wedaaaday DIAL 7414010 lair awl cooler. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS Unad ttfr. Xootu ttwnn* Frldu. Btaal Clui Poaun 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 89, NO. 15 PUd ttibdBui u4 «t Adluionil IMUln* OttlcX. MONDAY, JULY 18, 1966 Suspect Tries to Kill Himself Charge Drifter in Massacre CHICAGO (AP) - Richard gering down a hallway, covered in the back seat of a police car. Speck in a rooming - house until he saw something under Speck, the most wanted man in with blood. The tenant called Detective John Mitchell said Thursday afternoon. the coat of Wood. lie country for 15 hours, lay in the desk clerk and he sum- Speck may have spotted Robert Police said Gerrald told them I moistened my finger tips a prison hospital bed charged moned police. Gerrald in the back of a squad he and Speck discussed the and rubbed," Dr. Smith said. "I with murder today while police Police placed a tourniquet on car as police toured skid row in nurses' massacre' while drinking saw a b. I rubbed some more pieced together the story behind the profusely bleeding left arm a systematic search for Speck in a tavern the morning the and saw b-o-r-n." the massacre of eight student and took the man, reeking from Friday night and Saturday. bodies were found. alcohol and unconscious, to It was the first word of a tat- lurses. Gerrald said Speck told him: too reading "born ;o raise hell." a 25-year-old ex-cwi- Cook County Hospital. Mitchell said Speck may have Speck, "It must have been a sex mani- Dr. SmRh recalled the news- irict, spent his last hours drink- reasoned "he had run out of But a young surgeon who had ac who did that crime." paper article and quickly ng and carousing before he at' time," and attempted to kill ust read a newspaper recog- himself. The story unfolded all day washed the blood off the arm. lempted — unsuccessfully — to nized a tattoo and summoned Sunday as details of police ac- The tattoo was one of the :nd his life, Sunday. police. This came less than 15 Authorities said he used either tivity were ~iade public. identifying marks flashed In an ironic twist, the fugitive hours after a murder warrant a broken bottle or knife to slash The young surgeon, Dr. Leroy whose name and picture were had been issued for Speck. his arm and wrist. He lost across the continent 15 hour* Smith, 26, worked on the previously. flashed around the world was Detectives theorized that pints of blood. bloodied man — who was regis "What's your name?" Dr. taken to a hospital by policemen Speck drank himself into a stu Police picked Gerrald up Fri- tered in the Starr Hotel as B. Smith asked the man. who didn't recognize him. por and tried to commit suicide day afternoon after witnesses Brain — in the emergency room State's Atty. Daniel Ward said alter he saw a drinking buddy reported seeing Gerrald with as just another slashing case (See DRIFTER, Page 3) Speck would appear in circuit court today on a charge of mur- dering 22-year-old Gloria Jean May Be on Man's Longest Journey Davy, one of the eight student nurses massacred in their resi THE WEAVERS — Summer program of the Atlantic Highlands Recreation Commis- dence early Thursday. Ward said he anticipates fil- iion it in full swing «t Firemen1! Field. Here, playground director John Byrd shows ing multiple murder charges Space Twins All Ready to Go weaving done by some of the children, left to right, Constance Savage, 7, PaHi against Speck and that he prob- Svehla, II, and Tommy Burke, 7. Next big event will be a fishing derby Aug. 2-5 ably will present the case to the CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) chael Collins had most of the ook a day off Sunday and went At the outset of their flight. grand jury this week. — Relaxed by a day of fishing, fishing in the Atlantic off Cape Young and Collins wHI tr. for local girls and boys 7 to 12. Prixes will be awarded. day to prepare for their three- Speck has been under seda two primed astronauts were day journey among the stars. Kennedy. something new — do-it-yourself ion in the city jail hospital and ready to ride the Gemini 10 Their Titan 2 was scheduled Adjusting to a sleep schedule navigation. Using the spacecraft reported in good condition. spacecraft today on a bold dual- to blast off at 6:21 p.m. EOT. that will keep them up late each inertial guidance system, a sex- Ward said Speck had not been rend ezvzous and space-walk ad- An Atlas was to vault skyward night in space, they retired tant to make star and horizon questioned and had made no venture that could take them 101 minutes earlier — at 4:40 about 3 a.m. this morning, and readings and a spacecraft com- Three Democrats Seek statements. He was under p.m. — to hurl an Agena space puter, they'll plot the maneu- farther from earth than man space officials hoped they'd heavy guard. has yet ventured. vehicle into orbit as a chase tar- sleep until after noon. vers needed to pursue Agena 10 The nationwide hunf for Speck Navy Cmdr. John W. Young, get for the astronauts. The late afternoon launch :r a 103,000-mile course, ended in a skid row flophouse veteran of last year's Gemini 3 With all preparations proceed- i-mes were dictated by the posi- catching it after a five-hour Freeholder Race Bids when a tenant saw Speck stag- flight, and Air Force Maj. Mi- ing smoothly, Young and Collins tion of another Agena left in chase during their fourth orbit space last March by the Gemini 185 miles above the earth. FREEHOLD — A second ex- r councilman from Union Beach Backs From Candidacy Announcement pilots. On earlier Gemini renderou threw his hat into the Monmouth After catching and linking up flights the figuring was done County Democratic ring for a with their Agent late tonight, mainly by computers on th freeholder nomination yesterday. Young and Collins plan to fire ground, which will be a backu; And at the same time Rep. the target satellite's powerful this time. Howard Can Lose: Stout engine to shoot to a record alti- "It you're going to go to th James J. Howard's secretary, tude of perhaps 468 miles to po- moon," Young explained, "yo Mrs. Marianne F. Cannavo, of FREEHOLD-State Sen. Rich- him. Other announced candidates In a criticism of the conduct sition themselves for a tricky Iiave to have this ability in tht Red Bank, said she was willing ard R. Stout made it clear yes- have pledged to withdraw in his of the legislature under Demo- rendezvous with the Gemini 8 to accept a party nod for one terday that he thinks Democratic favor. cratic majorities this year, he event that there's no contac Agena Wednesday. vith the ground. Certainly, I." of two available spots on the fall Rep. James J. Howard can be "But," he told a reporter, "I'm said major legislation was Collins is to take a spare walk you're going to the planet- ticket. defeated in the fall. not ready to say anything yet" rushed too fast. Former Councilman John I). over to the old Agena — which .you've got to have on-board nav- But the 14-year veteran legis- During his interview, Senator With particular reference to Crowley said that his name will he has dubbed a "dead bird" Ration capability." lator from Monmouth backed Stout "Hd of plans under con- he new tax law, the senator said be put before the party's 40-mem- because it has no battery power. An hour after catching the away, during a WOR-TV appear- sideration to build a new state that one week after Governor bsr screening committee Thurs- legislative building and possibly This is one of two 55-minute i'.gcn..._.a 1. 0 — shortl_y, befor„. e mil ance on the New Jersey Report, Hughes' favored income tax plan - V. * • \t — -. t _ A "... _*. *!. _ day by an organization leader from saying whether he will be additional iptoa for the gover- work periods he plans outsia*) tight — Young is to insert th was defeated the governor cime bhe Gemini 10 spacecraft. The rose of Gemini 10 into a dockin whom he declined to name im- the,Republican to try to unseat nor. mediately. back pushing for the sales tax first is to be' a simple "stand collar on one end of the 26-foot him. "He'i crowded, too," the sen- bill that was adopted. Already assured of presentation up" maneuver Tuesday during Agena, clamping the two vehi- Democrat!, gaid Mr. Stout, are itor conceded to the Democratic "The fact that we have had to the committee is the name of which, he'll open his hstoh, poke cle* firmly together. Vulnerable in the upcoming elec- incumbent, Gov. Richard J, : ex-Councilman Paul Smith. 40 or 50 or 60 bills Introduced to the upper half of his body into Two repeat dockings are slat- tion because they have been dr- Hughes. exemptions," he said, Secretary Restpis space and conduct scientific and W the next day — one by each vided on Viet Nam war policy proved his point.
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