REVIEW CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will be familiar with the most common causes of optic neuropathy CREDIT Benjamin J. Osborne, MD Nicholas J. Volpe, MD Assistant Professor of Neurology and Niessen Professor of and Ophthalmology, Departments of Neurology Neurology, Vice Chair for Clinical Practice and Ophthalmology, Georgetown University and Residency Program Director, Division Medical Center, Washington, DC of Neuro-Ophthalmology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Scheie Institute, Philadelphia, PA and risk of MS: Differential diagnosis and management

■■ ABSTRACT wo days ago, a 27-year-old woman no- T ticed that her vision was blurry in her Optic neuritis, a cause of sudden vision loss, often her- right eye. She has come to see her primary alds the onset of (MS) within the next care physician for advice. This is the first time few years. It is important to distinguish optic neuritis this has happened to her. She describes seeing from other types of optic neuropathy so that treatment a grayish blur over the center of her vision, but can be started promptly, possibly delaying the onset of she has not noted any other symptoms except for some soreness around the right eye, which MS. is worse with eye movements. ■■ KEY POINTS How should she be assessed and treated?

Optic neuritis is most common in women in their 20s ■■ Important to recognize and 30s, whereas ischemic optic neuropathy, which is more common, primarily affects older people. Sudden vision loss is one of the more common problems encountered in ophthalmology and The diagnosis of optic neuritis is primarily clinical, but neurology. magnetic resonance imaging confirms the diagnosis and, Optic neuritis, a demyelinating inflamma- more importantly, assesses the risk of MS. tory condition that causes acute vision loss, is associated with multiple sclerosis (MS), and recognizing its classic clinical manifestations Intravenous methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) does not early is important so that appropriate diag- affect the long-term visual outcome, but it speeds visual nostic testing (magnetic resonance imaging recovery and reduces the risk of MS. Surprisingly, oral [MRI]) and treatment (corticosteroids and im- prednisone seems to increase the risk of recurrent optic munomodulators) can be started. neuritis and is therefore contraindicated. Although a comprehensive review of all the optic neuropathies is beyond the scope of Early treatment with interferon beta reduces the risk of this paper, in the pages that follow we review some of the most common causes, which may MS and should be considered in patients at high risk. be first seen by the general internist.

■■ four subtypes of optic neuritis

There are four subtypes of optic neuritis: • Retrobulbar neuritis (FIGURE 1), or inflamma- tion of the behind the eye, is the form most commonly associated with MS. • Papillitis (FIGURE 2), or of the optic disc, can also be associated with MS. doi:10.3949/ccjm.76a.07268 • Perineuritis is inflammation of the optic

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Retrobulbar optic neuritis Papillitis

FIGURE 1. In retrobulbar optic neuritis, the in- FIGURE 2. In papillitis, mild swelling and flammation and demyelination occur behind elevation of the optic disc can be seen. the globe of the eye. The optic disc appears The small splinter hemorrhage seen at 10 normal with no signs of swelling or pallor. o’clock is not typical of optic neuritis associated with multiple sclerosis.

nerve sheath, sparing the optic nerve itself. ■■ FEATURES: vision loss AND eye Usually, patients are older, and vision loss is mild to moderate. Perineuritis is com- Most of our current knowledge of the clinical monly due to infectious or inflammatory features of optic neuritis comes from the Op- conditions, eg, syphilis or sarcoidosis. tic Neuritis Treatment Trial (ONTT),10 con- Optic neuritis • Neuroretinitis may occur at any age. There ducted in the 1990s. This trial enrolled 457 is important to is concomitant swelling of the optic nerve patients 18 to 46 years old who had acute uni- and macula. Exudates that form around the lateral optic neuritis. The patients had to have recognize so macula give the appearance of a star. symptoms consistent with acute unilateral op- that therapy Perineuritis and neuroretinitis are not as- tic neuritis for 8 days or less. They could not can be started sociated with MS, and if they are found they have evidence of any systemic disease (except suggest another etiology. In the rest of this for MS) or have received prior treatment for early review, “optic neuritis” means retrobulbar op- MS. Therefore, this study was quite repre- tic neuritis, the form most commonly seen in sentative of the patients with optic neuritis clinical practice. that one might encounter in the clinic and is highly important in both characterizing optic ■■ most common in young women neuritis and defining its treatment. The study found that the two most com- Acute demyelinating optic neuritis most often mon symptoms are vision loss and eye pain. affects women in their 20s and 30s.1–3 Studies Vision loss in optic neuritis typically occurs in the United States have estimated its annual over several hours to days, and vision reaches incidence to be 5.1 to 6.4 per 100,000.4,5 The a nadir within 1 to 2 weeks. Typically, patients incidence is higher in populations at higher begin to recover 2 to 4 weeks after the onset of latitudes and lower near the equator. It is less the vision loss. The optic nerve may take up to common in blacks than in whites.6 6 to 12 months to heal completely, but most pa- In children, optic neuritis is not as strongly tients recover as much vision as they are going associated with MS, especially when there is op- to within the first few months.11 More than two- tic disc swelling or bilateral involvement. Most thirds of patients have at least 20/20 vision once children have a good visual outcome, although they have fully recovered from the optic neuritis. approximately 20% may be visually disabled.7–9 Only 3% of patients become completely blind.

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TABLE 1 Common characteristics of optic neuropathies in adults

Optic Neuritis Ischemic optic neuropathy

Typical age 20–40 years 50 years and older Onset Acute to subacute Acute Disc swelling Less common; if present, it is mild Very common Pain Worse on eye movement Less common Recovery at 1 year Most recover 20/20 vision Poor Associated disease Multiple sclerosis Giant cell arteritis

Eye pain is very common in optic neuri- A relative afferent pupillary defect should tis (it affected 87% of patients in the ONTT) be seen in the involved eye in all patients with and typically worsens with eye movement. optic neuritis if the other eye is uninvolved The eye is also sore to touch. The pain gener- and healthy.12 The best way to elicit this sign ally begins at the same time as the visual loss is to perform the swinging light test in a dark and improves along with it. Eye movements room with the patient fixating at a distant also may bring about photopsia (flickering or target, which prevents miosis due to accom- flashes of light), a symptom reported by 30% modation. When the light is swung to the in- of the ONTT participants. volved eye, the pupil dilates because less light Loss of out of proportion to stimulus reaches the midbrain through the af- the loss of visual acuity is characteristic of op- fected optic nerve. As the optic nerve heals tic neuropathies. In the ONTT, 88% of the and recovers, this sign may become subtle, but involved had abnormal color vision as it persists in more than 90% of cases.12 Ischemic optic assessed by the Ishihara test (using pseudo­ neuropathy is isochromatic plates), and 94% as assessed by Findings on funduscopy the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue test, which Examination of the fundus is helpful in the more common is more sensitive but cumbersome. The most clinical diagnosis of optic neuritis. after age 50 common patterns of color vision loss in optic Two-thirds of the ONTT patients had nerve disease are loss of red (protanopia) and retro­bulbar neuritis, and one-third had papil- green (deutranopia). litis. If optic nerve swelling is present, it is A good way to screen for loss of color vi- typically mild. sion is to test for color desaturation. First, ask Peripapillary hemorrhages were exceed- the patient to fixate with the normal eye on a ingly rare in the cases of papillitis (only 6%) bright red object (for example, the cap from a and were associated with a very low to zero bottle of ophthalmic mydriatic drops or a pen risk of developing MS. If peripapillary hemor- cap). Then ask the patient to compare the in- rhages are found on examination, one should tensity of the redness between the good eye consider another diagnosis, such as anterior and the affected eye. The patient can quantify ischemic optic neuropathy.11 the color desaturation by rating what percent- age of red is lost in the affected eye compared ■■ case continued with the normal eye. Temporary exacerbations of visual prob- Our patient undergoes a neurologic examination, lems during fever (the Uhthoff phenomenon) which reveals an afferent pupillary defect in the can occur in patients who have had optic neuri- right eye and visual acuity of 20/100 in the right tis. These transient pseudoexacerbations are not eye and 20/20 in the left. Visual fields are normal new episodes of optic neuritis and should resolve in the left eye as assessed by confrontation, but after the body temperature returns to normal. there is a central scotoma in the right.

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Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy

FIGURE 3. Left, fundus photo several weeks after an attack of nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neu- ropathy demonstrating pallor of the superior half of the disc. Middle, an associated inferior altitudinal defect. Right, sectoral swelling of the disc with flame or splinter hemorrhages is commonly seen. This is not typical of demyelinating optic neuritis.

■■ other types of neuropathy hypercholesterolemia, there is no proven causa- tion between the two. The age of these patients Optic neuritis is a clinical diagnosis based on ranges from 50 to 70, with an average age of 66. the history and findings on examination. If the The disc appears swollen and may have patient does not have its typical features (Table flame or splinter hemorrhages FIGURE( 3). The 1), then other diagnoses should be pursued cup of the involved disc is typically small. The with serologic and cerebrospinal fluid studies. visual loss is believed to be the result of poor The following should be included in the perfusion in the circulation of the posterior differential diagnosis of optic neuritis: ciliary artery, which supplies the optic nerve Oral head.1 If the other eye also has a small cup, it prednisone Ischemic optic neuropathy is considered to be at risk of future ischemic Ischemic optic neuropathy is more common in events. In one study,14 the opposite eye became by itself is patients age 50 and older, whereas optic neuri- involved within the next 5 years in 14.7% of contraindicated tis is more common in younger patients. Most all cases. The risk of recurrent disease in the 15 in optic neuritis patients with ischemic optic neuropathy have same eye is low (6.4% in another study ). hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes Arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropa- mellitus, obstructive sleep apnea, or other vas- thy is more common in patients over age 70 cular risk factors. The disease has several im- and is usually due to giant cell arteritis, which portant subtypes, as discussed below. has a significant association with polymyalgia Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neu- rheumatica. Patients may have jaw claudica- ropathy is the most common form. Typically, tion, proximal myalgia and arthralgia, scalp there is acute onset of painless vision loss in tenderness, headache, fatigue, and a signifi- one eye and an associated altitudinal field de- cantly elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate fect (figure 3). For example, if the superior rim and C-reactive protein level. These features of the optic nerve acutely develops swelling should be looked for in the review of systems, and then becomes pale, a corresponding alti- although patients may not have all of them. tudinal cut would develop in the inferior vi- The funduscopic examination may reveal a sual field, respecting the horizontal meridian. pale, swollen disc, peripapillary hemorrhages, Many patients first notice the vision loss upon branch or central retinal artery occlusions, or waking up in the morning.13 cotton-wool spots. Although patients with nonarteritic ante- Temporal artery biopsy is the gold standard rior ischemic optic neuropathy typically have for diagnosis, but treatment with corticoster- vasculopathic risk factors such as hypertension, oids should not be delayed pending biopsy or diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, or other test results.1

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Thrombocytosis has been associated with TABLE 2 a higher risk of permanent vision loss in pa- tients with giant cell arteritis.16 Proposed diagnostic criteria Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy is for neuromyelitis optica, 2006 the least common form of ischemic optic neu- ropathy. This diagnosis should be entertained Optic neuritis in older patients who report acute, painless Acute myelitis vision loss but have a normal funduscopic ex- At least two of the following: amination. Giant cell arteritis must be consid- Transverse myelitis spanning at least three ered first in this setting. spinal cord segments (longitudinally extensive Bilateral posterior ischemic optic neurop- transverse myelitis) athy can occur (although rarely) in patients Brain MRI does not fulfill diagnostic criteria for undergoing cardiac or spinal .17 Risk multiple sclerosis factors thought to be associated with periop- Positive serum neuromyelitis optica IgG antibody erative disease include anemia, hypotension, Wingerchuk DM, Lennon VA, Pittock SJ, et al. substantial blood loss during the surgery, sur- Revised diagnostic criteria for neuromyelitis optica. Neurology 2006; 66:1485–1489. geries longer than 6.5 hours, carotid athero- REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION FROM LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, sclerosis, and diabetes.18 HTTP://LWW.COM. There are no effective treatments for most ischemic optic neuropathies with the crucial exception of giant cell arteritis. in the pathogenesis of the disease.23 Initially, it was proposed that MRI of the Neuromyelitis optica (Devic disease) brain had to be normal for neuromyelitis op- Neuromyelitis optica (Devic disease) is a tica to be diagnosed.21 However, the proposed combination of optic neuritis and transverse 2006 criteria allow for some abnormal T2 and myelitis (Table 2). Clinically, the disease spares fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) the nervous system except for the optic nerves hyperintensities in the periaqueductal gray and spinal cord. The onset of the optic neuritis matter and diencephalon.22 Intravenous may precede or follow the onset of the trans- The spinal fluid in neuromyelitis optica corticosteroids verse myelitis by up to 2 to 4 years.19 Usually, may show a pleocytosis larger than that seen in the optic neuritis is bilateral and retrobulbar MS (> 50 white blood cells per mm3) and may are the and results in severe vision loss, worse than have a significant neutrophilic component.21 recommended 19,20 that seen in patients with MS. Oligoclonal bands are not typically present. initial The transverse myelitis may cause paraple- It is still debated whether neuromyelitis gia or quadriplegia, depending on the location optica is a separate disease from MS or a sub- treatment for of the lesion in the spinal cord (cervical vs tho- set of it. The implications of this debate may optic neuritis racic). The transverse myelitis in neuromyeli- affect its management, as discussed below. tis optica is distinct from that seen in MS. In neuromyelitis optica, the transverse myelitis is Inflammatory optic neuropathies longitudinally extensive, spanning more than Inflammatory optic neuropathies can be caused three vertebral bodies in length. In MS, spinal by infections (eg, syphilis, cat scratch disease) cord lesions usually are more discrete and in- or by noninfectious conditions (eg, sarcoidosis). volve one or two spinal cord segments.21 Lyme disease is rarely a cause of retrobulbar op- Recently, serum neuromyelitis optica im- tic neuritis but may cause papillitis.24 West Nile munoglobulin G (IgG) antibody has been virus has also been reported to cause optic neu- shown to be a significant biomarker of this dis- ritis.25 Lupus may cause an optic neuropathy by ease. Its sensitivity ranges from approximately inflammatory or ischemic mechanisms.26 60% to 70% and its specificity is greater than 90%.22 This antibody binds to aquaporin-4, Compressive optic neuropathies an important water-channel protein in the Compressive optic neuropathies may be due blood-brain barrier of the central nervous sys- to mass lesions, tumors, thyroid eye disease, or tem, and evidence suggests that it is involved other orbital processes. MRI of the brain and

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orbits will confirm or rule out diagnoses asso- Nutritional deficiencies are presumed to ciated with compressive optic neuropathy. have played a significant role in the endem- ics of optic neuropathy that have occurred in Genetic causes poor countries, such as in Cuba during the Genetic causes of optic neuropathy include the 1990s.38 Most nutritional optic neuropathies Leber and Kjer hereditary optic neuropathies. appear to be exacerbated by tobacco.39 Leber optic neuropathy involves subacute and painless vision loss, with sequential in- ■■ MRI assesses risk of mS volvement of both eyes over a period of weeks to months. This disorder predominantly af- The diagnosis of optic neuritis is clinical, based fects men (80%–90% of patients) and is in- on the history and physical findings. herited from maternal mitochondrial DNA. However, MRI of the brain and orbits with The three most common mutations implicat- gadolinium contrast has become the cornerstone ed in Leber optic neuropathy (located at base of the evaluation in patients with optic neuritis. pairs 11,778, 3,460, and 14,484 in the mito- And MRI not only helps confirm the clinical di- chondrial DNA) are involved in more than agnosis, but it also more importantly offers very 90% of cases. The prognosis for recovery var- strong prognostic information about the risk of ies depending on the genotype.27 These genes future demyelinating events and MS. encode proteins that are part of complex I of Gadolinium-enhanced fat-saturated T1- the mitochondrial respiratory chain.28 Fun- weighted MRI of the orbits is the best sequence duscopic examination most commonly shows to show the inflammation of the optic nerve circumpapillary telangiectasia, although up to in optic neuritis (fat saturation is necessary to one-third of patients can have a normal-ap- hide the bright signal of the orbital fat tissue). pearing disc initially. Central vision is affected Contrast-enhanced MRI can also help differ- more severely than peripheral vision.29 entiate optic neuritis from nonarteritic anterior Kjer autosomal-dominant optic atrophy is ischemic optic neuropathy. MRI of the orbits the most common hereditary optic neuropa- with gadolinium contrast shows enhancement Intravenous thy. This disease primarily affects children in of the affected optic nerve in approximately corticosteroids the first decade of life with slowly progressive 95% of cases of optic neuritis, whereas optic loss of vision. As with other optic neuropa- nerve enhancement rarely occurs in nonarter- do not affect thies, there will eventually be pallor of the itic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.40 long-term optic disc, a cecocentral scotoma, and loss of Brain MRI may show other white matter le- outcomes but color . The OPA1 gene located on sions (either hyperintensities on T2-weighted chromosome 3q28 has been implicated in most images or enhancement of T1-weighted images they hasten patients with dominant optic atrophy; a test is postcontrast), which denote a higher risk of de- recovery and commercially available for diagnosis.30,31 veloping MS. In 15-year follow-up data from the ONTT, monosymptomatic patients with may delay MS Toxic and metabolic causes no white matter lesions had a 25% risk of MS Many agents can cause optic neuropathy. Toxins (defined at the time the ONTT was conducted strongly associated with optic neuropathy include as a second demyelinating event), while those carbon monoxide, methanol, ethylene glycol, with one lesion or more had a 72% risk.41 perchloroethylene, and tobacco. Drugs linked An earlier, prospective study in 102 Italian to optic neuropathy are ethambutol (Myambu- patients with optic neuritis found the risk of tol), clioquinol (Vioform), isoniazid (Nydrazid), developing MS to be about 36% at 6 years and amiodarone (Cordarone), linezolid (Zyvox), 42% at 8 years (using the Posner diagnostic methotrexate, sildenafil (Viagra), oxymetazoline criteria). When brain MRI data were analyzed, (contained in Afrin and other nasal sprays), and those with one or more lesions had a 52% risk infliximab (Remicade).32–37 Additionally, several of developing MS at 8 years, whereas those chemotherapeutic agents are known to cause with no MRI lesions did not develop MS.42 optic atrophy, including vincristine (Oncovin), Other studies have stratified the risk of MS cisplatin (Platinol), carboplatin (Paraplatin), and in patients with clinically isolated syndromes paclitaxel (Abraxane, Onxol). (including not only optic neuritis, but also

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other neurologic symptoms such as brainstem, Our patient’s MRI motor, or sensory deficits). At mean follow-ups ranging from 5 to 14 years, the risk of develop- ing MS was 8% to 24% in patients with normal findings on brain MRI compared with 56% to 88% in those with abnormal MRI findings.43,44 Optic neuritis patients with atypical white matter lesions on brain MRI may benefit from lumbar puncture to look for oligoclonal bands, to measure the IgG index and the IgG synthe- sis rate, and to test for myelin basic protein in the cerebrospinal fluid. Of patients with acute optic neuritis, 79% have abnormali- ties in their cerebrospinal fluid. Oligoclonal bands are present in 69%, and for patients with oligoclonal bands, the 5-year probabil- ity of developing MS is estimated to be 65%, compared with 10% in those without bands. If the patient has no oligoclonal bands and has normal findings on brain MRI, he or she will not have MS 5 years later.45–47 Patients with optic neuritis who have no white matter lesions on brain MRI may be further risk-stratified on the basis of their clinical findings. In the ONTT 15-year fol- low-up, MS did not develop in any patient who had no brain lesions on baseline MRI, no prior optic neuritis in the contralateral The risk of MS eye, and no prior neurologic symptoms or may be lower signs, even if the patient had severe disc swelling (eg, peripapillary hemorrhage or in children than retinal exudates) or if vision was reduced to in adults with 41 no light perception. optic neuritis ■■case continued: findings on mri FIGURE 4. The patient’s magnetic resonance Our patient undergoes MRI, which shows image. Top, an axial T2 image with con- lesions on axial T2 and sagittal T1 imaging trast; bottom, sagittal T1 image with con- with contrast (FIGURE 4). Of note, there are sig- trast. The white matter lesions indicate she nificant lesions perpendicular to the corpus is at risk of developing multiple sclerosis. callosum (Dawson fingers), some of which enhance with contrast. The enhancement in- and then tapered over 4 days dicates breakdown of the blood-brain barrier • Intravenous methylprednisolone (Solu- and suggests that there is active inflammation Medrol) 250 mg four times per day for 3 in the white matter. days followed by oral prednisone 1 mg/kg/ day for 11 days and then tapered for 4 days ■■intravenous methylprednisolone • Oral placebo for 14 days. outdoes oral prednisone The primary visual outcomes measured were visual acuity and contrast sensitivity.48 Patients in the ONTT were randomized to Patients who received intravenous methyl­ receive one of three treatments: prednisolone recovered their visual function • Oral prednisone 1 mg/kg/day for 14 days faster, although the visual outcomes after 6

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months were no better with methylpredni- ■■ immunoglobulin: little benefit solone than with placebo or oral prednisone. Intravenous methylprednisolone also reduced In a double-blind, randomized trial, patients the risk of MS within the first 2 years in pa- were treated with intravenous immunoglobulin tients with high-risk brain MRIs. 0.4 g/kg or placebo on days 0, 1, 2, 30, and 60. No Surprisingly, patients in the oral pred- difference was found in the primary outcomes of nisone group had a higher risk of recurrent contrast sensitivity, visual acuity, or color vision optic neuritis in both eyes than did patients from 1 week up to 6 months. There was also no given intravenous methylprednisolone or pla- significant difference in MRI outcomes between cebo (30% at 2 years with oral prednisone vs the two groups. The number of relapses was sim- 16% with placebo and 13% with intravenous ilar between both groups after 6 months.51,52 methylprednisolone).48 At 10 years, the risk of recurrent optic neuritis was still higher in ■■ Plasma exchange: few data the oral prednisone group (44%) than in the intravenous methylprednisolone group (29%) Data on plasma exchange are too scarce for (P = .03). However, the difference between us to make any recommendations. In one trial the oral prednisone and placebo groups was in 10 patients with severe optic neuritis, 3 no longer statistically significant (P = .07).49 patients appeared to benefit from plasma ex- Oral prednisone alone is therefore contrain- change. All patients had already received two dicated in the treatment of typical unilateral doses of intravenous steroids.53 demyelinating optic neuritis. Many patients can now be treated with in- ■■ Immunomodulatory therapy may travenous infusions of methylprednisolone at prevent multiple sclerosis in some home for episodes of optic neuritis. The most important clinical decision to make Risks vs benefits of corticosteroid therapy in patients with optic neuritis is whether to When deciding whether to treat an individual begin immunomodulatory therapy. Patients Many patients patient who has optic neuritis with intrave- who may benefit the most from immunomod- can now be nous corticosteroids, one should consider all ulatory therapy are those with abnormal white the benefits and risks. matter lesions on brain MRI, as they are at treated with Corticosteroids do not affect long-term vi- higher risk of developing MS. intravenous sual outcome, although they do hasten recovery. Collectively, data from three studies indicate steroids at Patients with mild vision loss (visual acuity bet- that early treatment in patients with clinically ter than 20/40), no significant loss, isolated syndromes, such as optic neuritis, re- home and no enhancing lesions on brain MRI can duces the rate of MS to 35% (from 50% without forgo therapy with intravenous corticosteroids. treatment) and reduces the number of new ac- On the other hand, we strongly favor intra- tive lesions on MRI by approximately 50%.54–56 venous corticosteroid treatment in patients who In addition, the Betaferon/Betaseron in have both acute optic neuritis and high signal Newly Emerging Multiple Sclerosis for Initial abnormalities on brain MRI, since it may delay Treatment (BENEFIT) trial57 found that at the onset of MS. In addition, patients with se- 3 years the rate of disability was 40% lower vere vision loss should receive intravenous cor- in patients who started immunomodulatory ticosteroids to hasten their recovery. In the rare therapy (interferon beta-1b; Betaseron) early circumstance in which intravenous corticoster- vs later. (Early treatment meant starting with- oids are not available, high-dose oral methyl- in 60 days of the clinically isolated syndrome; prednisolone (500 mg daily for 5 days and then late treatment began 2 years later.) This study tapered over 10 days) may be acceptable.50 suggests that early treatment may reduce fu- The side effects of corticosteroids are minimal ture disability, although these results need to when they are given for a brief time in otherw­ ise be confirmed in prospective trials. healthy patients. The most common side effects Therefore, once the diagnosis is secure, pa- are mood changes, facial flushing, sleep pertur- tients with optic neuritis should be referred to bations, weight gain, and dyspepsia.48 a neurologist with experience in treating MS

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to begin treatment with immunomodulatory The risk of MS may be lower in children therapy, such as glatiramer acetate (Copax- than in adults. One large, retrospective study one), interferon beta-1a (Avonex, Refib), or found the cumulative risk of developing MS interferon beta-1b (Betaseron). (the study predated the McDonald criteria) was Patients who have a normal MRI of the 13% at 10 years and 19% by 20 years.58 More brain may consider deferring therapy, since they recently, a large series from Toronto reported are at low risk of developing MS. These patients a higher rate of MS development in children should undergo surveillance MRI (at least annu- with optic neuritis (36% at two years).59 By ally at first) to look for the development of white comparison, studies of adults with unilateral matter lesions, as the ONTT showed even this optic neuritis found a 38% to 39% risk of con- cohort has a 22% risk of developing MS. verting to MS at 10 years.5,41 The use of im- If neuromyelitis optica is suspected (ie, in munomodulatory therapies to reduce the risk patients with severe unilateral or bilateral vi- of MS has not been well studied in children, sion loss, recurrent optic neuritis, paraplegia, since the prevalence is low in this age group. or quadriplegia), the serum neuromyelitis­ op- The most common side effects of the beta- tic antibody can be tested, keeping in mind interferons are flulike symptoms (fatigue, myal- that 30% to 40% of patients with neuromy- gia), injection site reactions, and elevations of elitis optica will be seronegative for this an- aminotransferase levels. Most patients are able tibody. Other tests supporting the diagnosis to tolerate the side effects if the beta-interferon of neuromyelitis optica may include an MRI is taken with acetaminophen (Tylenol) or with of the spine showing longitudinally extensive over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflamma- transverse myelitis, a polymorphonuclear pleo- tory drugs. cytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid, absent oli- Glatiramer acetate does not cause flulike goclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid, and symptoms or elevate aminotransferases, but it normal MRI of the brain (with some possible does require more frequent injections. Rarely, it signal abnormalities in the periaqueductal may cause an idiosyncratic panic-like attack. gray matter and around the diencephalon). Because neuromyelitis optica is believed to ■■ Case continued Patients be mediated primarily by the humoral immune with optic system, immunomodulatory therapy is not a first- The best therapeutic regimen for this patient line treatment. Patients with neuro­myelitis op- would be intravenous methylprednisolone, and neuritis should tica can be treated initially with corticosteroids, subsequently a disease-modifying, immuno- be referred to intravenous immunoglobulin therapy, plasma modulatory agent (interferon beta or glatiramer a neurologist exchange, or immunosuppressive agents such acetate). Our patient chose to start therapy with as azathioprine (Imuran), rituximab (Rituxan), interferon beta-1a 30 μg intramuscularly once a with experience or cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan). The choice of week. 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