Recurrence Sequences Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 104

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Recurrence Sequences Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 104 Recurrence Sequences Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 104 Recurrence Sequences Graham Everest Alf van der Poorten Igor Shparlinski Thomas Ward American Mathematical Society EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Jerry L. Bona Michael P. Loss Peter S. Landweber, Chair Tudor Stefan Ratiu J. T. Stafford 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 11B37, 11B39, 11G05, 11T23, 33B10, 11J71, 11K45, 11B85, 37B15, 94A60. For additional information and updates on this book, visit Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Recurrence sequences / Graham Everest... [et al.]. p. cm. — (Mathematical surveys and monographs, ISSN 0076-5376 ; v. 104) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8218-3387-1 (alk. paper) 1. Recurrent sequences (Mathematics) I. Everest, Graham, 1957- II. Series. QA246.5.R43 2003 512/.72—dc21 2003050346 Copying and reprinting. Individual readers of this publication, and nonprofit libraries acting for them, are permitted to make fair use of the material, such as to copy a chapter for use in teaching or research. Permission is granted to quote brief passages from this publication in reviews, provided the customary acknowledgment of the source is given. Republication, systematic copying, or multiple reproduction of any material in this publication is permitted only under license from the American Mathematical Society. Requests for such permission should be addressed to the Acquisitions Department, American Mathematical Society, 201 Charles Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904-2294, USA. Requests can also be made by e-mail to © 2003 by the American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. The American Mathematical Society retains all rights except those granted to the United States Government. Printed in the United States of America. @ The paper used in this book is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability. Visit the AMS home page at 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 08 07 06 05 04 03 Contents Notation vii Introduction ix Chapter 1. Definitions and Techniques 1 1.1. Main Definitions and Principal Properties 1 1.2. p-adic Analysis 12 1.3. Linear Forms in Logarithms 15 1.4. Diophantine Approximation and Roth's Theorem 17 1.5. Sums of S-Units 19 Chapter 2. Zeros, Multiplicity and Growth 25 2.1. The Skolem-Mahler-Lech Theorem 25 2.2. Multiplicity of a Linear Recurrence Sequence 26 2.3. Finding the Zeros of Linear Recurrence Sequences 31 2.4. Growth of Linear Recurrence Sequences 31 2.5. Further Equations in Linear Recurrence Sequences 37 Chapter 3. Periodicity 45 3.1. Periodic Structure 45 3.2. Restricted Periods and Artin's Conjecture 49 3.3. Problems Related to Artin's Conjecture 52 3.4. The Collatz Sequence 61 Chapter 4. Operations on Power Series and Linear Recurrence Sequences 65 4.1. Hadamard Operations and their Inverses 65 4.2. Shrinking Recurrence Sequences 71 4.3. Transcendence Theory and Recurrence Sequences 72 Chapter 5. Character Sums and Solutions of Congruences 75 5.1. Bounds for Character Sums 75 5.2. Bounds for other Character Sums 83 5.3. Character Sums in Characteristic Zero 85 5.4. Bounds for the Number of Solutions of Congruences 86 Chapter 6. Arithmetic Structure of Recurrence Sequences 93 6.1. Prime Values of Linear Recurrence Sequences 93 6.2. Prime Divisors of Recurrence Sequences 95 6.3. Primitive Divisors and the Index of Entry 103 6.4. Arithmetic Functions on Linear Recurrence Sequences 109 6.5. Powers in Recurrence Sequences 113 vi CONTENTS Chapter 7. Distribution in Finite Fields and Residue Rings 117 7.1. Distribution in Finite Fields 117 7.2. Distribution in Residue Rings 119 Chapter 8. Distribution Modulo 1 and Matrix Exponential Functions 127 8.1. Main Definitions and Metric Results 127 8.2. Explicit Constructions 130 8.3. Other Problems 134 Chapter 9. Applications to Other Sequences 139 9.1. Algebraic and Exponential Polynomials 139 9.2. Linear Recurrence Sequences and Continued Fractions 145 9.3. Combinatorial Sequences 150 9.4. Solutions of Diophantine Equations 157 Chapter 10. Elliptic Divisibility Sequences 163 10.1. Elliptic Divisibility Sequences 163 10.2. Periodicity 164 10.3. Elliptic Curves 165 10.4. Growth Rates 167 10.5. Primes in Elliptic Divisibility Sequences 169 10.6. Open Problems 174 Chapter 11. Sequences Arising in Graph Theory and Dynamics 177 11.1. Perfect Matchings and Recurrence Sequences 177 11.2. Sequences arising in Dynamical Systems 179 Chapter 12. Finite Fields and Algebraic Number Fields 191 12.1. Bases and other Special Elements of Fields 191 12.2. Euclidean Algebraic Number Fields 196 12.3. Cyclotomic Fields and Gaussian Periods 202 12.4. Questions of Kodama and Robinson 205 Chapter 13. Pseudo-Random Number Generators 211 13.1. Uniformly Distributed Pseudo-Random Numbers 211 13.2. Pseudo-Random Number Generators in Cryptography 220 Chapter 14. Computer Science and Coding Theory 231 14.1. Finite Automata and Power Series 231 14.2. Algorithms and Cryptography 241 14.3. Coding Theory 247 Sequences from the on-line Encyclopedia 255 Bibliography 257 Index 309 Notation Particular notation used is collected at the start of the index; some general notation is described here. o N, Z, Z+, Q, R, C denote the natural numbers, integers, non-negative integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers, respec­ tively; o Qp, Zp, Cp denote the p-adic rationals, the p-adic integers, and the com­ pletion of the algebraic closure of Qp, respectively; o ordp z is the p-adic order of z £ Cp; o P is the set of prime numbers; o 1Z is a commutative ring with 1; r o ¥q is a field with q = p elements, p £ P, r € N, and F* is its multiplicative group; o Fp, p e P is identified with the set {0,1,... ,p — 1}; o given a field F, F denotes the algebraic closure of F; thus Q is the field of all algebraic numbers; o for any ring K, Tl[X], H(X), K[[X]], K((X)) denote the ring of polyno­ mials, the field of rational functions, the ring of formal power series, and the field of formal Laurent series over 7£, respectively; o ZK denotes the ring of integers of the algebraic number field K; o H(f) denotes the naive height of / G Z[#i,... ,xm], that is, the greatest absolute value of its coefficients; o gcd(ai,... , a*;) and lcm(ai,... , a^) respectively denote the greatest com­ mon divisor and the least common multiple of ai,... , a& (which may be integers, ideals, polynomials, and so forth); o e denotes any fixed positive number (for example, the implied constants in the symbol O may depend on e); o Sij denotes Kronecker's 5-function: Sij = 1 if i — j, and Sij = 0 otherwise; o /x(fc), (f(k), r(fc), a(k) respectively denote the Mobius function, the Euler function, the number of integer positive divisors of fc, and the sum of the integer positive divisors of fc, where k is some non-zero integer; o i/(fc), P(k), Q(k) respectively are the number of distinct prime divisors of fc, the greatest prime divisor of fc, and the product of the prime divisors of fc; thus, for example: i/(12) = 2, P(12) = 3, and Q(12) = 6; o for a rational r = k/£ with gcd(k,£) — 1, P(r) = max{P(/c), P{£)} and Q(r) = m&x{Q(k),Q(£)}; o TT(X) is the number of prime numbers not exceeding x\ o \X\ denotes the cardinality of the set X; o log x = log2 x, In x = loge x; o Logx = logx if x > 2, and Logx = 1 otherwise; vii NOTATION o a constant is effective if it can be computed in a finite number of steps from starting data; o C(Ai, A2,...) or c(Ai, A2,...) denotes a constant depending on the param­ eters Ai, A2,.... Such constants may be supposed to be effective, unless it is pointed out explicitly that they are not; o a statement S(x) is true for almost all x G N if the statement holds for N + o(N) values of x < iV, N —» 00. Similarly, a statement S(p) is true for almost all p G P if it holds for TT(7V) + o(ir(N)) values of p < N, N -> 00; o the symbol • denotes the end of a proof. Introduction The importance of recurrence sequences hardly needs to be explained. Their study is plainly of intrinsic interest and has been a central part of number theory for many years. Moreover, these sequences appear almost everywhere in mathe­ matics and computer science. For example, the theory of power series representing rational functions [1026], pseudo-random number generators ([935], [936], [938], [1277]), fc-regular [76] and automatic sequences [736], and cellular automata [780]. Sequences of solutions of classes of interesting Diophantine equations form linear recurrence sequences — see [1175], [1181], [1285], [1286]. A great variety of power series, for example zeta-functions of algebraic varieties over finite fields [725], dy­ namical zeta functions of many dynamical systems [135], [537], [776], generating functions coming from group theory [1110], [1111], Hilbert series in commutative algebra [788], Poincare series [131], [287], [1110] and the like — are all known to be rational in many interesting cases. The coefficients of the series representing such functions are linear recurrence sequences, so many powerful results from the present study may be applied. Linear recurrence sequences even participated in the proof of Hilbert's Tenth Problem over Z ([786], [1319], [1320]). In the pro­ ceedings [289], the problem is resolved for many other rings.

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