Published 1 schemes of remote CO REONE learning available to all local ear 11 pupils THANK YOU Pupils designed and shared 5 Thank You Cards 8,000 for NHS workers meals donated and delivered to vulnerable people through the TOGETHER colourful pictures of autumn sent to NR5 Community Hub Henderson WE CAN 1 care homes by Lower School pupils Trust

live dance performances took Over 30 pupils raised part in the grounds funds for charity as part of local care homes of the 2. Challenge for residents to 4 watch safely 7 care homes received DDs Over 8,800 and CDs of protective visors musical and dance prototyped and performances produced by the Art and given by pupils Lower School pupils wrote 140 Design Department were for residents and letters of friendship to care Summer School School home residents to connect donated and delivered staff to watch Partnerships 2019/2020 with older generations to over 90 locations and enoy.

71a The Close Norwich, NR1 4DD

@NorwichSchool @norwich_school NorwichSchool

Cooking and packing meals for PPE production in the Lower School colouring vulnerable people through the Art and Design Department for Friend in Deed NR5 Community Hub oined other schools AN SCANS 29-strong WER EUCATON Chorister hours of public performances choir for Sing utreach 12 performances Forever Friends hours of dementia music 2,92 of Cathedral workshops workshop ECONOMIC IMPACT raised at EACH 12 NQT Christmas Carol usic Fund 1 4 young Concert Regional Training care homes delegates Christmas Concert involved 02 Days for 20 NQTs 1 7 local and 100

national New teachers trained local pupils Norfolk young schools 07 through £1,154,025 ARTS singing in the Financial assistance to pupils cathedral musicians days of Staff act as public exam supported diplomatic 17 markers in 1 subects simulation UNPLUGGED CONCERT Norwich School 5 GOVERNORS CRYPT pupils, staff and 60 YEAR 5 5- hours ALLER 5 local SPORT alumni ran 12 miles commitment 1 14.7m HOSTED musicians performing at per month 57 Norwich Playhouse for the Dont Pass PPLS obs supported ANNUAL PRIMARY RUGBY TOURNAMENT t n virtual relay teamed up with 1 by Norwich Contribution to FREE Schools DP of Norwich EXHIBITIONS08 5 local primary schools Disciplines include usiness Enterprise local, national A Level pupils to create activities with 2 teams each athletics, show and international 7 umping, freestyle and pitch a business idea artists ehibited to our usiness Dragons Total tax supported players in total with ski pipe, STEM 14 by activities 100 Norwich School shooting & sailing were local .4m pupil referees local pupils coaching 94 sessions with CCF 12 pupils currently supported by Susse Cricket the oung Norfolk Sports Academy SENSATIONAL workshops Total savings to the TOGETHER Partnership 014 tapayer as a SCENCE primary 7.2m result of attendance WE CAN 010 schools at Norwich School e sponsor the Norwich Road 15 PPL 1 in pupils in receipt of MATHS SYMPOSIUM financial assistance Runners Half arathon volunteers £3,500 Over 2,000 PPL AND cheering on Raised for Priscilla Bacon Lodge pupils have now 12 runners by 400 Norfolk runners who took attended our PARENT home clothes aged -15 part in “Race From Your Place” a live aths pupil-devised virtual 5k race Symposium event MATHS days for charity MASTERCLASSES 5 attended from 28 Year 5 children and charities supported UNERTY 550 their parents attended in whole-school seminars 30 schools in 2019 totalling 4 UER CHOO local primary events 5 hours of Childrens schools 10 teaching City of 05 ER New online format Literature weeks of 9 to combat CD 1 week long collaborative ore than 1,000 copies Norwich restrictions Festival writing of pupil-led cookbook School staff 10 CHARITY £14,705 aking for acon sold, are trustees RASED FR LCAL to raise £20,000 for of eternal 1 anthology of AND NATIONAL CHARITIES Priscilla acon Lodge charities 40 ear 12 pupils poetry and attending from 1 schools pupils receiving Norwich School 01 prose based mock ongoing support pupil ambassadors on Norwich university for bridge for NESC City City Councils partner organisations pupils spent the euivalent FALS FN DA interviews applications of Literature 2040 Vision involved in of 72 days volunteering with community service 9 community proects 33 Norfolk pupils oined free day of fun COMMUNITY 49 1 learning activities CHLDRENS We hosted 3 Norfolk Cambridge FESTIVAL Society talks attended by a total letters of friendship TERACY 20 Norfolk Primaries We offered our audience of sent to care home facilities to 80 local 140 residents AN ANGUAGE organisations 300 2 NRCH dance performances SRE andarin childrens OPPORTUNITY AREA 1 in care homes or 9 days pupils book days _ 04 4 spent volunteering Language Programme usic and unch HRS 2 enue for NA outh for Duke of Edinburgh Concerts from pupils eekly visits from Board Meetings in care homes pupils in 10 schools hours in total and full-time sessions took place Sith Form pupils social value in our facilities for residents £10,292 1,000 taught andarin 2,400 andarin teachers employed