Journal of Machine Learning Research 21 (2020) 1-49 Submitted 6/17; Revised 2/20; Published 4/20 General Latent Feature Models for Heterogeneous Datasets Isabel Valera
[email protected] Department of Computer Science Saarland University Saarbr¨ucken,Germany; and Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems T¨ubingen,Germany; Melanie F. Pradier
[email protected] School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard University Cambridge, USA Maria Lomeli
[email protected] Department of Engineering University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK Zoubin Ghahramani
[email protected] Department of Engineering University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK; and Uber AI, San Francisco, California, USA Editor: Samuel Kaski Abstract Latent variable models allow capturing the hidden structure underlying the data. In par- ticular, feature allocation models represent each observation by a linear combination of latent variables. These models are often used to make predictions either for new obser- vations or for missing information in the original data, as well as to perform exploratory data analysis. Although there is an extensive literature on latent feature allocation models for homogeneous datasets, where all the attributes that describe each object are of the same (continuous or discrete) type, there is no general framework for practical latent fea- ture modeling for heterogeneous datasets. In this paper, we introduce a general Bayesian nonparametric latent feature allocation model suitable for heterogeneous datasets, where the attributes describing each object can be arbitrary combinations of real-valued, positive real-valued, categorical, ordinal and count variables. The proposed model presents several important properties. First, it is suitable for heterogeneous data while keeping the proper- ties of conjugate models, which enables us to develop an inference algorithm that presents linear complexity with respect to the number of objects and attributes per MCMC itera- tion.