Vince sat in his office interviewing potential guardians for his family more specifically his daughter Stephanie. The Ministry had become an ever-present threat to Vince’s family and he wanted to make sure they were properly protected. Every potential employee he had interviewed had been male something that hadn’t sat right with him.

“ Mr. McMahon Rayford Parris is here.”

“ Send him in.” A tall skinny female with long black hair pulled back in a braid and ice blue eyes walked in. “ May I help you?”

“ I’m Rayford Parris I understand you’re interested in protecting your daughter.”

“ Actually it’s my entire family.”

“ Believe me he only wants your daughter.” Vince’s breath became very shallow.

“ Who?”

, who else? I’m going to tell you this once. I can give you what all those men can’t.”

“ Really?”

“ I can give you a supernatural and metaphysical advantage.”

“ How do you know the Undertaker?”

“ Grew up with him.”

“ You don’t look old enough to have done anything with him.”

“ I’m older than I look.”

“ If you grew up with him then you have ties with him.”

“ Hardly, he and I chose different paths, we wanted different things.”

“ Why are you here? Why are you asking for this job?”

“ Because someone has to stop him, and at the present time I seem to be the only person willing to do so.”

The McMahon’s stood in the foyer of their house waiting on the new head of security. As the clock struck eight they all heard a sharp knock. Vince opened the door as the clock finished striking.

“ Right on time. I like that.”

“ I know.” Stephanie took a deep breath and a step back when Rayford removed her sunglasses. “ The young lady finds me disturbing to the eye.” She got a sick smirk on her face, which shook Stephanie to the core. Rayford turned back to Vince to address him.

“ I’d recommend you stay indoors today.”

“ Why?” “ Because he’s outside watching the house. Now if you don’t mind I think I’ll go remove him.” She walked back through the house to the back door. Stephanie waited till she was gone before turning to her father.

“ Daddy I’m to sure about her. She’s not right.”

“ She’s the only asset we have against him. Believe me the minute this shit is over she’s gone.

Taker stared with rapt fascination at the female entering Vince’s home. Who was she, and why did he feel as if he had seen her before. A smooth, sultry voice brought him out of his thoughts.

“ I thought you had minions that did that?” He turned to see her and gave a sharp hiss. “ Missed you too.” She nearly purred as she sauntered up to him.

“ What are you doing here?”

“ I came to continue our little game of cat and mouse, and what a better way to get your attention than to protect the object of your lust.”

“ He hired you to be Stephanie’s guardian?”

“ Yup so you’ll be seeing a lot more of me.” He stopped her finger from running down his chest.

“ So the stakes are the same? I catch you and hold you for seven days you’ll be mine?”

“ That’s the rule.” He drew her forward bringing his lips down onto hers. When he pulled back he breathed against her lips.

“ Let the hunt begin.” Taker pushed her back and vanished from sight. He reappeared in his bedroom smirking. Soon he would have the WWF at his feet, the McMahon’s bent to his will, and Rayford in his bed. When he came downstairs the rest of the Ministry was utterly confused. Paul walked up to him giving him a strange look.

“ Is everything alright?”

“ Everything is splendid. I’m about to get everything I desire. McMahon has hired a guardian who will prove to be a most worthy opponent.”

“ Well who is it?”

“ One born of Dark magic. Who lurks in shadow, and power is provided by the darkness.”

“ I would think you would be displeased about his presence…”

“ Her”

“ What?”

“ The Guardian is Rayford.” “She’s returned?”

“ Yes and has become quite stunning. I want you to make preparations to hold both her and Stephanie for an extended period of time. I will handle Rayford’s accommodations personally. It will take weeks to prepare, and cast all the necessary incantations to keep her here.”

“ And Dennis Knight? Will we still take him?”

“ Yes but we must do it as soon as possible.”

Stephanie kept looking at Rayford wondering what was next. She had been taken out of the safety and comfort of her father’s locker room to one in the bowels of the arena.

“ Why did you bring me here?”

“ Because he won’t look for you here.”

“ How do you know him so well?”

“ Let’s just say he and I have faced off before.”

“ Faced off?”

“ A little game we play.”

“ You’re not normal are you?”

“ You mean am I a freak? By your standards yes, but by mine no. I’m quite normal. But that’s for another time.

“ What do you mean?”

“ I mean something’s are better left unsaid. I don’t think you can handle knowing what I really am.”

“ You’re not one of his followers are you?”

“ God no, if I was you would be in his possession by now. There is one thing I will need you to do.”

“ What?”

“ If it ever comes to the point where I tell you to run, then do it, and never look back. I’ll find you when I’m sure it’s safe to.”

“ Why don’t you want me to look back?”

“ Because your life isn’t the only thing on the line. I’ve put my freedom up as well and if you cost me that then I will hurt you.” Before Steph could respond Rayford silenced her. “Hide.” Steph ducked under some boxes and covered herself just as the Undertaker walked in.

“ Alone? Where’s your charge?” “ Like I’ll tell you. I saw you took the country bumpkin tonight. Who’s next the chicken or the cow?”

“ The princess.”

“ I’m hurt have you forgotten our little game already?”

“ No but know this when I take her, I will take you. She will bring me the WWF and you will bring me great pleasure.”

“ The only pleasure you’ll get is to watch my ass as it walks away.”

“ I highly doubt that. I’m looking forward to breaking Steph and keeping you to busy to keep track of seven whole days.”

“ Right don’t you have minions to lead?”

“ They have their orders. She’s close I can feel her. Wouldn’t it be an embarrassment if I took both of you now.”

“ There’s no way you can fight me and take her at the same time.”

“ Just as you can’t fight me and protect her. There is no where that you can hide her that I can not get her.”

“ Oh I can think of one place.”

“ Really?”

“ My home. There’s no way you can get into it.”

“ But I can wait outside of it.”

“ You have to find it first.” All three of them heard Paul’s voice. “ You better go.”

“ He can wait I’m not finished here.” < <

“Yes you are. You’ll get nothing more from me.” He let out a growl before turning and leaving. The Ministry’s voices echoed down the hall till they were gone. “ You can come out now they’re gone.” Stephanie crawled out and looked at Rayford.

“ What did he mean?”

“ About what?”

“ You bringing him great pleasure and something about seven days.”

“ I grew up with him. Paul wanted us to wed but I refused. So Taker came up with our deal. If he can catch me and keep me for seven days then I have to marry him.”

“ What about the great pleasure?”

“ Just because we’re on opposite sides doesn’t mean we haven’t fooled around.” “ Can he really not enter your home?”

“ No he can’t and neither can his followers. If things get out to the point that we have to hide then that’s where we’ll go.”

“ Why would they get worse?”

“ Power, the closer he gets to his goals the more he desire’s them. Once he set’s his on something he doesn’t give up till he gets it. We will have to be extremely careful.”

Rayford returned Stephanie to he father and headed out for the night. She wandered down the sidewalk heading towards the small hotel she was staying in. Footsteps echoed behind her and her senses come on high alert as the steps increased. Someone was chasing her. The hotel came into view and she rushed in. Something bothered her when the attendant gave her, her key. He seemed scared and was sweating bullets. She carefully climbed the stairs to her room, unlocking the door she drew her knife ready for an attack. The room was pitch black, and oppressive as hell. Something was wrong. The shades had been drawn, a hand landed on her back shoving her into the room. The door slammed behind her and her eye’s struggled to see in the dark. Why hadn’t she sensed it? All the lights came on around her momentarily blinding her. When her sight returned Taker and the entire Ministry stood ready to strike.

“ Hello precious”

“ I thought you said you would take Steph and I together.”

“ You think I’d reveal my true plans with my two targets in the room together. Now will you come with us or will we have to take you by force?”

“ Still have yet to catch me.” She threw the knife at the members by the window. As they scattered she leapt out of the window, onto the fire escape.

“ After her!!” They scrambled out of the room. Some out of the window and others down the staircase out the door hoping to cut her off. Taker picked up her small bag while motioning to Paul it was time to leave. They walked past the now frightened attendant.

“ Not one word.”

“ Yes..yes sir.” They walked out onto the street and looked around. Taker saw the faint shadows running down the street.

“ What will we do if she isn’t caught?”

“ She will be caught. She can’t fight all of them. The druids will be there to assist. I’m going to return to the hotel. The instant she’s caught bring her to me.”

Rayford ran as fast as her legs would carry her. In a flash of shadow druids surrounded her. The rest of the Ministry caught up and entered the circle smiling.

“ Hello beautiful creature, come quietly and we promise to be gentle.” “ Somehow I doubt that.” Then something happened she wasn’t expecting. The druids released bolts that wrapped around her body stilling her arms. Why wasn’t she sensing the druids, something was blocking her perception.

“ Take her to the master. I’m sure he’s anxious to see her.” In an instant she was surrounded by darkness. She found it hard to breath so she shut her eye’s concentrating on the light hoping that would help. When the strain on her lungs lifted she opened her eye’s to see Taker standing before her dressed for a wedding.

“ Welcome glad to see you could make it after all.”

“ Make what?”

“ Our wedding, you see I’ve changed the rules. I want to ensure that you can’t marry to get away from me so I’m about to take that option from you.”

“ You son of a bitch! This is the modern era no clergymen will perform the service.”

“ If they are persuaded the right way they can be.” Paul walked in with a minister who had her knife pointed at his throat.

“ You would kill a man of god?” <

“ What do you think?”

“ I think you are asking for an ass kicking. This was not the arrangement.”

“ Circumstances change, I’m ready for children and I wish you to have them.”

“ Out of all the people in this world that wish for a child you should be one of the one’s that aren’t granted one.”

“ Spiteful aren’t we.”

“ Wouldn’t you be if you had a marriage forced upon you?”

“ I don’t have that problem. However I do want you properly dressed.” He snapped his fingers summoning two druids.”

“ Take the lady and get her dressed.” They connected their beams to the one’s already around her. They then guided her out of the room. Rayford waited for the right moment. Running off with her arms clamped to her sides would not be the wisest thing in the world. They reached smaller room where a black satin dress sat waiting. The beams were removed and the druids stood to wait.

“ Do you two mind? I’d like to dress in private.” A slight breeze blew slightly ruffling the papers. She turned to see the two druids gone. “ That’s better.” She walked over to the window and gazed out. “ Top Floor how typical.” Rayford knew the outside doors would be guarded but the windows would be open game. She flicked it opened and saw the balcony below. She easily leapt out of the window and landed on the balcony disturbing the couple in the room attached to it. They opened the sliding door letting her in.

“ How did you make that fall?” “ I’m a gymnast. Sorry won’t happen again.” She walked out making sure to keep her eyes and other senses alert. She found the stairwell that lead to the kitchen entrance. Walking out of the lobby was too big of a risk. She didn’t need any innocent bystanders getting hurt. Finding the back door she slipped out unseen.

Taker watched them take her away thrilled that he had finally won. Paul was still steadfast with the knife so Taker finally asked him to relax.

“ Why don’t you make the good minister comfortable. It will be a few minutes. I want the druids to ensure that she looks her best.” After three hours Taker began to worry.

“ Taker it doesn’t take this long. Perhaps you should go and check.” Taker gave Paul a look before walking to the small room. A breeze came down the hall making him walk faster. He entered the room finding the dress still hanging, untouched, the room empty, and the window wide open.

“ Paul!” The older man came back and gasped in horror when he found her gone. “ Get the Ministry and send then after her. No one rests until she is found!” He was speaking through gritted teeth anger evident.

“ What about the minister?”

“ Wipe his memory clean of this and send him home.” Paul walked out ready to punch the wall. Taker moved to the window and looked out into the night’s sky. “ I will find you Rayford, and you will be mine.” At that moment Taker remembered her suitcase. He walked back to his room searching for the small bag. When he found it only to find another trick pulled on him. She had planted an identical bag in the room, full of worthless garbage and hidden her real bag somewhere else. He did have one possession that he knew was not a trick. Her knife, a gift from her teacher and mentor. After they had split ways Rayford had gone to study with a good chi wizard while Taker had remained with Paul. He picked up the knife closely examine it. Excellent craftsmanship, quality materials, and just heavy enough to be thrown with the extreme accuracy. This was a clue to figuring her out. He just needed to figure out what it meant.

Rayford returned to the small hotel retrieving her real bag out of it’s hiding place. She snuck back out and attempted to find another place to stay but that wouldn’t be easy with the ministry scowering the streets. She would have to be careful when she went to Stephanie next.

The ministry waited at all of the entrances of the arena ready for and waiting to strike. Rayford sat in the parking lot with Stephanie watching the ministry pace.

“ Why are they doing that?”

“ Because they captured me after the last show and I got away. Taker’s slightly pissed about it. I believe it would be in your best interest if we head out.”

“ Are you afraid of them?”

“ No but I can’t fight them and keep you out of harms way. Taker is well aware of this and will us it to his advantage. Rayford froze when she felt a cold breeze graze her neck. “ Steph get out of the car now.” Steph opened the door just as two hands came around the seat to catch her. Another pair came around to grab Rayford but they went right through her. Rayford jumped out kicking the door closed as she went. “ Stand back!” Out of nowhere a ball of fire flew at the car causing it to explode. This got the Ministry’s attention and brought them running. Rayford grabbed Steph’s arm and pushed her away from the burning car.

“ Where are we going?”

“ You’ll see.” Steph soon saw that they were heading for the trucks. Rayford opened the cab door and climbed in hiding under the dashboard.

“ This is not somewhere safe.” But Rayford had her eye’s closed concentrating on something. “ What are you doing?” Rayford reached out and grabbed Steph’s hand. In flash of light the two women disappeared just as druids appeared before them and the ministry members ripped open the cab doors.

Taker stared at the burned out wreck with the tattered robes inside.

“ You say you saw a flash of light come from the truck?”

“ Yes master.”

“ She’s avoiding the shadow realms on purpose. Going places we can’t follow. She’s onto the druids tracking her. The spell clouding her sense’s must have worn off.” He turned back to Mideon. “ Make arrangements for us to be gone for a short time. We must go stake her home out.” They journeyed to an old theater in New York. Paul looked all around it.

“ What part does she live in?”

“ The basement.”

“ Then why are we not going in?”

“ Because the entire building is protected by good magic. We must wait for them to leave.” <

Steph began to panic as the light consumed her. Then in a blink of an eye they were in a posh apartment.

“ Where are we?”

“ My home.”

“ How come there are no windows?”

“ I live in the basement. Pointless to have a view of dirt.”

“ The basement of what?”

“ An old Vaudeville theater. Most of the stuff that’s booked is off Broadway stuff. Every once in awhile I go up to watch.” “ I’m sure the owner loves this arrangement.”

“ Owner doesn’t have a choice.”

“ Oh and why is that?”

“ Because I the owner. Now there are a few things we need to discuss.”

“ What?”

“ This building has been blessed by good magic which means Taker and his little followers can’t get in. But it can’t stop them from waiting outside. More than likely they’ll try to starve us out.”

“ How long will that take?”

“ I’m not sure. But we must inform your father as to what happened to you and where you are.”

“ Will cell phones work down here?”

“ I have a regular phone in my kitchen. Call your father while I prepare your room.

A short time later Stephanie came running into the sitting room elated.

“ Great news! I told daddy what was going on and he said he would send help.”

“ Where is he sending it to?”

“ He said they’ll be here at midnight tonight.” Rayford looked at the clock noting that they didn’t have much time left. The Ministry had intercepted the call and was making arrangements for the help to never arrive. At midnight Rayford and Stephanie snuck out of the theater. Everything was quiet, too quiet. Something didn’t sit right. Her senses weren’t going nuts meaning they were in the clear or were they just being blocked.

“ Where are they? Daddy said they’d be here at midnight and they’re late.”

“ Because they’re not coming.” Both of them turned to see Paul Bearer standing behind them.

“ Where’s the rest of the ministry?”

“ I don’t know what you’re talking about Rayford.”

“ You seldom travel alone Paul. I don’t know where they are but we’re not going with them.”

“ I think you’ll change your mind.” At that moment the druids leapt out from behind them attempting to encircle them. Rayford bolted and pushed Step ahead of her.

“ Don’t stop till you reach the police.”

“ What about you.”

“ I’ll cover you now go.” Rayford stopped watching her run. Another group emerged from the Shadows and began chasing. “ There’s the ministry now where’s Taker?” Just as she spoke her name was called. She turned to see Taker standing on the steps of her theater applauding. “ I thought taking us together wasn’t your plan.”

“ You left me with no alternative. If you had stayed for the wedding then you wouldn’t be in this predicament.”

“ I’d be in a worse one.”

“ You realize she won’t make it to the police. That she will be caught.” He walked down the stairs peeling off his robe as he went. Taker knew she was going to fight him and he came prepared. “ Don’t make this any harder than it has to be Rayford.”

“ Then where would the fun be? Besides the games over I’m fighting for real this time.” Before he could muster a response she lunged at him striking him hard in the shoulder effectively jamming it. Taker let out a growl before advancing on her.

Stephanie ran faster when she heard people behind her. A flash of shadows came in front of her then the druid’s rose surrounding her. The Ministry walked up behind her smirking. Soon they were dragging her back down the road towards Taker and Rayford. When they arrived all of them saw the battle that raged. Steph saw Paul preparing something and yelled to Rayford to look out. Rayford turned to Steph long enough for Taker to hit her over the head knocking her out. Mideon came and collected the unconscious Rayford while the Acolytes held onto Stephanie. They traveled all night till the reached a large stone house in the country. Both women were taken into the house each to a separate area. Steph saw a doctor follow Mideon who was carrying Rayford worrying over Rayford’s condition. <

Rayford could hear voices all around her, but couldn’t place any of them. She began to drift in and out of consciousness unable to follow the action around her. Taker walked in as she drifted off again just as concerned as the doctor was. He truly hadn’t meant to hit her as hard as he had. The doctor saw him and called him over. Rayford was lying on a table with bright lights shinning on her so the doctor could have a better look.

“ Will she be alright?”

“ She’s been drifting in and out now for at least a half an hour. I’d say she has a very severe concussion and damaged ribs. Please let me take her to a hospital so I can at least check my diagnosis. There is no way I can check for internal damage here and if there is some she could bleed to death before the weeks out.”

“ You swear to me you will not let her escape.”

“ I can prescribe drugs that will keep her immobile.”

“ Very Well, but return her to me as soon as possible.”

“ Of course.”

“ Mideon help the good doctor, and stay with her at all times. She is to never to alone.” He nodded while picking up the now unconscious Rayford and rushing her out of the house.” Taker stood at the of the stairs watching them carry her out. Paul came down them and tapped the deadman on the shoulder. “ She’ll be fine. Rayford’s time has not yet come and it will not come for many years.”

“ I hope you’re right.”

“ Stephanie is secured, and she is demanding to know about her guardian.”

“ Demanding?” Taker let out a small laugh. “ I guess I’ll have to go straighten her out.” Taker turned and walked up the stairs towards Stephanie’s quarters. Paul walked across the front hall towards the office/study to place a call to Vince concerning his daughter. Taker opened a small down which had another set of stairs and three rooms a top them. These were meant to be servant’s quarters, but they suite very nicely to holding new sacrifices in as well. He peered in the peephole to find her curled up in a corner. Taking the key off the door he slid it in, unlocked it, and stepped in causing her to sink deeper into the corner.

“ You need to get a few things straight around here. You are no longer in a position to make any demands of me or those that follow me. Is that understood?”

“ Yes, but you can’t blame for worrying over another human being.”

“ Rayford isn’t human. She was conceived by magic and sent to this world as a precaution. The doctor that is treating her specializes in non human medicine.”

“ Doesn’t matter what she is what’s important is if she’ll be alright.”

“ At this moment I can not tell you anything. The doctor has taken her to a hospital to treat her injuries.” He turned to leave when Stephanie asked a question he thought he’d never have to answer.

“ Why was she sent here? What was so horrible that she had to leave her home and come here?”

“ Her kind were hunted into oblivion. In her homeland to be born of magic is a curse, it’s feared most children are killed after birth.”

“ Why wasn’t she killed?”

“ Because when she was born her mother told everyone she had been still born. When suspicion subsided her mother escaped her homeland and brought her daughter here for a better life.” Before any more questions could be asked Taker stepped out of the room locking the door behind him. The sun had started to rise filling the pulled drapes with light. He walked back to his bedroom to change clothes. Hopefully he would receive word about Rayford soon.

Paul placed the call to Vince patiently waiting for an answer. He had left the message with Vince’s personal secretary knowing it would be delivered post haste. The phone rang merely seconds after he had hung up.

“ That’s a quick reply.” Paul answered the phone only to find the doctor on the other end. “ What is her condition, I swear to tell Taker immediately.”

“ The injuries are not as severe as first anticipated. She does have a bad concussion but not bad enough to stay in the hospital for an extended leave.” “ Her ribs are fine then?”

“ Merely bruised, she is a very strong individual. Mideon and I will be returning in a few hours. I will stay to insure that she is properly cared for and to administer the drugs to keep her immobile.”

“ Excellent! We look forward to your return.” Paul hung up the phone and dialed Takers room not wanting to leave the office in case Vince returned his call.

“ Yes”

“ I have placed the call to Vince and am currently waiting for a reply. The doctor just phoned about Rayford and stated that she is well enough to return to us. They will be returning in a few hours. Shall I phone a minister or wait till she well?”

“ Call the minister, it will be easier to marry her if she’s hurt than hold a knife to the mans throat. Tell him to come this afternoon.”

“ Right away.” Paul hung up and began to make more calls to make arrangements for the nuptials that were to take place.

Taker walked through a panel in the wall into Rayford’s room. Everything had been done exactly to the letter. He tested the bed to find it very comfortable. Getting up he opened the armors to find all her clothes neatly hung or folded. There was only one window in the room and it was to far up for her to get too. Everything was ready for her arrival. He had found this room shortly after he had bought the house. The only way to get in was the panel in the wall, and there was only way to open the panel was in his room. It was the perfect place to hide something, or someone. He walked back out and began to prepare for his wedding. A few hours later the doctor and Mideon returned with Rayford now effectively drugged. Taker opened the panel and helped them get her into the room.

“ How long before she’s awake.”

“ She’s awake now just not coherent.”

“ Will she be able to stand?”

“ Yes, I’ll go and explain to the minister that she’s mentally retarded and has a speech disorder. Which will allow me to speak for her.”

“ Wonderful. I’ll summon the druids to get her ready and bring her down when the minister arrives.”

“ Master shall I go get the papers you wished her to sign?” Taker had forgotten about that.

“ Yes get the one’s for Stephanie as well. Might as well get them both to sign while they’re cooperative.” Mideon rushed out to get the papers.

“ Shall I take a look at Stephanie as well?”

“ Do you treat humans?”

“ Occasionally, it’s not to much trouble.”

“ Just give her a physical to insure that she’s ok.” “ Of course.” The doctor left the room-leaving Taker alone with Rayford. He sat next to her on the bed and gently stroked her hair. His hand traveled to her shirt, picking at the laces that held it closed. The druids would not have the pleasure of dressing her. He finished unlacing it letting the cloth fall from her alabaster skin. Taker pulled it away from her breasts leaving her chest exposed. Rayford gave a murmur of protest but could not move to stop him. Gently lifting her he pulled the shirt off her body and went to remove her bra when Mideon came back. Rayford’s pale eyes fell onto him giving him almost a pleading look. The smaller man stepped forward handing Taker the documents and a pen. Taking her small hand he placed a pen into it urging her to sign. The pen began to move and both men watched as she scrawled her signature onto the paper.

“ Good girl. Mideon go to Stephanie and get her signature on the other set. Do not leave until she complies. Also answer none of her questions concerning Rayford. As far as Steph knows she is still in the hospital.”

“ Yes master.” Mideon walked out without a backward glace. Taker then stripped off her bra placing it with the shirt. Rayford voiced another protest while trying to lift her arm to stop him but he easily pushed it back down.

“ None of that now.” He set her back on the bed moving down to her pant’s, which hugged her hips. Carefully removing her boots he then flicked the button away and pulled them down. Her shapely legs tried to move but he stilled them with his hand. Standing up he gathered her clothes carrying them out of the room into his. He walked back in and lifted the dress out of the armor. Taking it off of the hanger he unzipped the back and froze it in midair. Leaving it for a moment he gently lifted her off the bed placing her next to the dress. Guiding it into the air he brought it over Rayford’s head and onto her body. Taker pulled her arms out of the dress slipping them into the straps. Next he pulled her long hair out of the way and zipped the dress. Freezing her into the spot he walked around her making small adjustments as he went. The last things to go on were the shoes, which he placed on her feet. He frowned when the dress seemed a little big up top so he waved his hand sizing it down. Paul walking in clearing his throat Taker turned to look at him.

“ McMahon is on the outside line. He’s very interested in getting his daughter back. Say’s he’ll do anything you wish of him.”

“ Good I’ll take it in the office. Will you summon the druids to finish getting her ready and stay with her to insure she doesn’t get away?”

“ Of course.” Taker unfroze her guiding her into a chair.

“ She is to not leave this room till I call for her.” He walked out leaving Paul with her. He snapped his fingers and the druids appeared. Except these obviously were female. All the ones summoned in the bedrooms were for obvious reasons. Paul looked into Rayford’s eyes seeing a hatred burn in them.

“ Now now my dear this won’t be as bad as you think. Your mother brought you here in order to protect you. Taker can now offer you a greater protection than I ever will. The hunters know you are here and are making preparations to cross into this world to find you.” Paul heard her voice in his head.

I pose no threat to them, why would they hunt me? The drugs were wearing off.

“ They think you will try to return and seize power. I’m not asking much of you. Let him marry you protect you. You don’t have to love him, but as long as you stand bye his side they cannot hurt you.” She closed eyes for a moment. Then they opened again this time full of confusion. The druids continued to moved around her unaware of the turmoil that raged inside of her. Paul watched her eyes drop as if in search of something. The female druids swarmed around her moving faster till Paul lost sight of her. Then they stopped and stepped away for approval. The lightest layer of makeup had been applied to her pale features enhancing them rather than hiding them. Her hair was pulled away from her face but was left down in the back with slight curls running through it. She had black pearls strung through her hair rather than a veil. In a way Paul felt like her father. He walked over to her taking her small hands in his. “ Rayford you know this is right. Please for your own safety go through with it.”

“ How can I marry a man I can’t trust? How can I marry someone that is planning to keep me drugged for the rest of my days, to go through with a ceremony that’s a lie? You’re asking to lie before your god.”

“ I’m asking you to save your life and continue your race. Please Rayford.” She pulled her hands out of his.

“ No, I can’t, I won’t.” Paul dropped his head. He walked out to Takers room, picking up the phone he dialed down to the study waiting for Taker to respond.

“ It’s not time Paul. The minister has yet to arrive.”

“ The drugs have worn off, I tried to get her to agree willingly but she says that she can’t marry someone she doesn’t love or trust.”

“ I’ll send the doctor up.” Both men hung up and Paul felt like a heel. He walked back in to find Rayford staring up at the window. Paul wrapped his hands around her arms and shuddered. She felt so cold to him.

“ He’s going to drug me for the service isn’t he?”

“ Yes.” The doctor knocked on the panel before entering. Paul stopped him with his hand.

“ Give her a few more moments. I’ll come get you.” The older gentlemen nodded and stepped out. “ I’ll give you a choice you can be drugged or you can agree to do this. I have always considered you to be a daughter to me. If you won’t do this for your safety then please do this for your family. If you want you can only be his wife on paper. Once this threat dies down I can see to it that you are allowed to return to living your life the way you choose. I will give you anything you want if you go through with this.”

“ I don’t want to sleep with him.” Paul shut his eyes wondering how he would pull that one off.

“ I’ll take care of it. Will you marry him now?”

“ Yes” Paul rested his head on her shoulder thanking God. He walked out shutting the panel behind him locking her in.

“ Do you still require the drugs?”

“ No, but I do need to ask if there is anyway we can increase her monthly cycle.”

“ What ever for?”

“ She does not wish to sleep with him and that the only way I know of to stop him.”

“ I can give him something that will diminish his desire for her.” “ That’ll work. How will we convince him to continually take it?”

“ It can be placed in his food.”

“ Go back down tell him she will not have to be drugged. But don’t tell him she’s doing this of her own free will.”

“ Of course.” The doctor walked out and Paul clicked the panel open walking back in to see her looking around the room. <

“ We’d have more of your personal items but they’re in your apartment.”

“ It’s fine.”

“ Are you feeling alright? Is there anything you need?”

“ I feel very woozy right now.”

“ Do you want to come into Taker’s room and sit by an open window? Get some fresh air?”

“Yes that would be wonderful.” Paul took her arm guiding her out into Taker’s room. For the first time he notice that the hidden room was at least Ten degree’s warmer than Taker’s room. He guided her to a large armchair and rushed to crack the windows. Picking up the newspaper he began to fan her trying to get her body heat down. Snapping his fingers another druid appeared.

“ Bring a glass of water and a proper fan.” She him and in a flash she returned with the requested items. “ Please go ask the doctor to come back up here.” She once again shot out of the room. The doctor returned alone, and concerned. He took one look at Rayford and knew what the problem was. He shut the blinds and then the drapes cutting out the light, next came the panel on the wall. The room still had light from the dampened windows but there was only enough to see the nose on the front of your face.

“ She has been in darkness since we took her.” Rayford’s breathing began to calm and from what they could tell she was returning to normal. The doctor placed his hand on her forehead to check her temperature.

“ She’s still a little cold but doing better. Part of it was the after affect of the drugs.”

“ How long till the minister arrives.”

“ Not sure. Taker’s been talking to Vince this entire time. It appears Vince isn’t willing to give up everything for his daughter.”

“ Taker shouldn’t demand total ownership at most he should take Stephanie’s 25%. If you can tell him Rayford needs her rest and to speed things up a little.”

“ Will do.” Both heard the bell ring letting them know the minister had arrived.

“ Prudent isn’t he.” The doctor rushed out of the room to help with any last minute plans Paul re- summoned the druids to re-fix her hair and make-up. They swarmed around him while Paul moved into the bathroom to find the emergency candles Taker keep in there. He found one and lit it. The druids had finished their work and vanished. Rayfords color had returned, feeling her forehead he breathed a sigh of relief when he felt her body temperature had returned to normal. There was a knock on the door and Paul went to get it. Taker stepped in giving him a strange look.

“ Why is it so dark in here?”

“ She has not been in the darkness since we took her, and because of the drug she began to go into withdrawal.”

“ Is she alright?”

“ Now she is. Tonight it would be better to let her get her rest. She does have a concussion and physical activity might not be wise. I also need to speak with you about the ventilation of her room. I’m afraid when you shut that door that she’ll roast alive.”

“ The room has vent’s I just did not have the chance to turn them on. I’ll have someone take care of that during the wedding. Both men walked over to her to find her eye’s closed. Paul gently shook her shoulder waking her.

“ It’s time.”

“ Did the power go out?”

“ No you went into withdrawal I’m just being careful.” Taker moved to help her up. She was still slightly unsteady. Being precautious Taker picked her up and carried her all the way down the stairs so she wouldn’t fall. When they reached the bottom he set her down and helped her straighten out her dress. She definitely needed to get back to bed. Her eyes were clouded over and she was having a hard time standing upright. He took her arm in one hand and wrapped his other arm around her waist to steady her. She very happily rested her head on him as they walked. They entered the dinning room where the minister stood looking a little nervous.

“ I hope you understand that she’s not in the best of health.”

“ Of course, Shall we begin?” Paul walked beside them catching the minister’s attention.

“ Is it possible to skip directly to the vows? It’s imperative she gets back to bed.”

“ Of course.” The preacher began speaking watching Rayford the entire time. When it came time for her to speak Paul had to help her along. Once he pronounced them man and wife Taker gave her a light kiss before having Bradshaw carry her back up the stairs.

“ Is she alright?”

“ She was in a car accident and suffered some head trauma.”

“ How dreadful, what a trooper to go through with the ceremony anyways.”

“ Yes.”

“ Well congratulations, I hope you both have a happy life together.” After the minister left Taker began looking around.

“ What’s wrong?” “ Where on earth is Mideon?”

“ He never came back from Stephanie’s room?” Paul and Taker looked at one another before heading up to the servant’s quarters to see what was going on. They looked into the peephole to see Mideon sitting on Stephanie holding the paper and pen front of her waiting for her signature. Taker opened the door give him a strange look.

“ She won’t sign, and you told me not to leave till she did.” Stephanie stopped struggling long enough to see Taker’s expression.

“ I’m not signing over my 25% to you.”

“ That’s not what this is. It’s release form. That way we can’t be sued for anything that might happen to you while you’re in my care, and I use that term loosely. Now do yourself a favor and sign otherwise I’ll have you hauled downstairs and have your ass beaten with belts till you do.”

“ If Rayford wasn’t going to do anything willingly then neither will I.”

“ Rayford agreed to marry me, and signed the pre-nup I had drawn up.” <

“ How? She’s still at the hospital.”

“ No, she’s been back since early this morning.”

“ Let me see her!”

“ She’s not well enough to receive visitors, but if you sign the form I’ll let you see her when she’s better.” Stephanie gave him a frustrated look before taking the pen and paper out of Mideon’s hand and signing. “ There’s a good princess.” She handed it back to Mideon who stood up and handed it to Taker. “ Let’s leave the princess be for awhile. Paul will continue to educated you in the dark arts.” Both men walked out leaving her alone. Steph’s back hurt from having Mideon sit on it for several hours. She couldn’t understand why Rayford would agree to marry Taker, unless she was drugged. Then it dawned on her how they had coned her into it. All she could do was scowl at the door she then began to wonder if they were ever going to give her any toiletries or anything like that.

Taker made sure Mideon found Paul before going back up to check on Rayford. He found her back in bed with the doctor leaning over her.

“ How is she?”

“ Very weak. She’ll require complete rest for at least a week. Which means you have to keep your hands off of her.”

“ Of course. It’s alright if I get her out of the dress isn’t it?”

“ Yes just be careful.” The older man walked out again leaving them alone. Taker waved his hand and the dress dissolved from her body. Routing through one of the armors he found a nightgown for her to wear. Doing a reverse of the same trick he put the nightgown on her body wishing it were him covering her. He pulled the comforter over her carefully tucking her in. She stirred a little before opening her eyes and looking at him.

“ What are you doing?” “ Tucking you in.”

“ What?” He let out a laugh.

“ I can’t tuck my injured wife into bed?” She gave him a confused look. “ I’ll see that your dinner is brought up here so you don’t have to get out of bed.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead before walking out and shutting the panel. His guilt began to set in again. Why had he hit her at all? That was the one thing he believed in was never hitting a woman. Yet he had nearly smashed Rayfords head in. Then something else crept into his mind, how had Paul convinced her to go through with the ceremony without the use of any drugs. He needed to know, and he would find out at dinner when it would be very easy to slip into Paul’s mind.

Paul stood in the basement with and Mideon watching them both train. Even though Mideon stood no chance against Viscera he still held his own. When the fight was finished Viscera was dismissed. Paul and Mideon journeyed up to the main level into the study to at least try to give him some knowledge. Taker ended the lesson early when he came into the study demanding to speak with Paul, alone.

“ What did you promise her?”

“ Excuse me?”

“ What did you give her in exchange for the wedding?”

“ Nothing very important.”

“ Then you won’t have a problem telling me.” Paul shifted uncomfortably before speaking.

“ I told her that she would only have to be your wife on paper, could leave when a suitable amount of time has past, and then she stated she did not wish to sleep with you.” A very dark look crossed Takers eyes.

“ What is a suitable amount of time?”

“ When the hunters that are looking for her leave.”

“ There are no hunters. They were suppressed ages ago.”

“ You and know that but she doesn’t. She’s not trained to sense them so it seemed logical to tell her that.”

“ So if my wife refuses to sleep with me then how do you propose I have children with her?”

“ Eventually she’ll come around. She has many years left to have a child. In time she will have to give into her own urges and desires. Just give her time.”

“ Give her time, that’s a something I do not have an abundance of. Rayfords unique talents will peak soon and I’d like to be able to use them to achieve my goal.”

“ They grow stronger as the moon grows. You would only have the window of a few days to take advantage of them, and in her weakened state I’m not sure if she will be all that powerful. The drugs have affected her system. Something is telling me that your doctor has never encountered her kind before and is using her as a case study.”

“ Of course he’s never encountered anyone like her before because she's the only one left. Now you are going to go upstairs and convince her to sleep with me or else it will be your head. Because if it won’t be with me then she will find someone else in the ministry to satisfy her so called urges. I’ll be damned if I’ll let that happen.” Paul turned to head back up the stairs concerned for his own health and Rayfords. <

Days past and Paul still had not convinced Rayford to sleep with her husband. She had ventured down to the first floor into the study looking for different books to read. Taker slipped in dismissing the druids that constantly escorted her. His hands came around her waist and came to rest on her abdomen.

“ Why do you not desire me?”

“ Because you betrayed me, so why should you be rewarded for good behavior?” She pushed out of his grasp and began to leave the room. He waved his hand making the doors shut and lock.

“ I’m not finished speaking with you. Now I understand that Paul made promises to you to get you to walk down the aisle but they were false ones. You will never be allowed to leave except with an escort, and you will sleep with me. I wish to have children and would like to start right away.

“ No.”

“ What?”

“ I said no, just because you and I wed doesn’t give you the right to make demands of me. I am not one of your mindless drones to do whatever you want. I will die before I become that. You can put every type of holding spell on this house but they will stack up to a hill on beans. All I have to do is wait for the full moon and we will see who is the most powerful. She turned blowing open the doors and walking out of the room. She had had her things moved to the room across the hall from Taker’s. Rayford refused to be locked away in that back room. Taker had moved his office into it thus being able to turn the study back into a library. He watched as the Acolytes politely bowed to her as she went back up the stairs. Rayford opened the door to find Mideon searching for something.

“ Can I help you?”

“ Um I was looking for a book you borrowed. Paul wishes for me to read it.”

“ Ah, I just put it back in the study. History of the dark provinces isn’t very interesting I’d rather see them.”

“ You hale from them don’t you?” She lost some of the light shining in her face.

“ Yes, I was born in them.”

“ Then you could teach me about them.”

“ No I came to this world when I was a few days old. Paul would be better. He taught me everything I know.” Mideon heard Paul call for him and stalled. “ You’d better go.”

“ Yes.” He shuffled out of her room closing the double doors behind him. Paul met him at the top of the stairs.

“ Taker has asked that you go get Stephanie and take her to see Rayford.”

“ Of course.” He shuffled up towards the servants quarters and a few minutes later returned dragging Stephanie towards Rayford. He once again knocked on Rayfords door before pushing Stephanie into the room. The younger woman blinked for a few seconds before running to Rayford and hugging her.

“ You’re ok, you’re here!”

“ Of course it would be idiotic to marry me then kick me out.”

“ They told me you went to the hospital. When they brought in after the fight you looked half dead.”

“ Well getting walloped on the head tends to make you look like that.” Stephanie let go of Rayford looking around the spacious room marveling at the luxury of it.

“ This is so beautiful.” A look of concern crossed Rayfords face.

“ Where are you being kept?”

“ Up where the servants are supposed to stay. I’d kill for some decent bath stuff. They gave me a nasty razor and some moldy soap.” Rayford walked into her bathroom gathering all her bath stuff she slipped them into a basket brought it back out and handed it to Steph.

“ I’ll see about getting you a razor.” She walked out of the room to the linen closet gathering some spare pillows and a comforter.

“ He’s not going to get angry with you?”

“ No I’ll send someone to replace the things I gave you. But just in case lets get you backup to your room.”

“ Please don’t lock me in.”

“ I’m afraid I have to, but I’ll try to get you a better room.”

Rayford threw the bolt after making Stephanie comfortable. She returned to her room finding everything replaced and a female druid waiting to draw her bath for her. Shadowy hands appeared around Rayford helping her to remove her dress and take her long hair down. They moved out to the main room shutting the double doors to give her privacy. She slipped into the warm water stretching her long legs. It felt wonderful as the hands massaged her skin, and scalp. They work oils into her skin while washing her hair. Taker quietly walked into her room stopping to lean against the doorframe content to watch the hands work. It didn’t matter what she did she was always beautiful doing it. He wanted her more than anything but she had no desire for him, at least not yet. He thought about forcing her but shook that thought away claiming he’d never forgive himself if he did. Her eyes opened focusing on his form. He gave the look right back daring her to try something. The hands gave her hair one last rinse and then helped her stand wrapping a soft robe around her body.

“ Is there something you wanted?”

“ Plenty but you won’t let me have it. I’ve come to ask why you have directly disobeyed my orders and helped Stephanie. There is a reason that she was given no comforts.” “ I gave her things that will make her stay with us better. How do you expect her to stay clean with a rusted razor and moldy soap? I am her guardian it’s my job to protect and help her.”

“ I do not wish her stay here to be comfortable, putting her up there was meant to humble her, break her into giving me her share of the company. In the future I’d like you to bring any requests directly to me.”

“ Fine she needs a new razor.” Rayford pushed past him into the bedroom to get dressed. The hands followed her helping to re-fix her hair and shimmy into the dress she was wearing for dinner. He walked behind her shooing the hands away so he could cinch the laces himself.

“ I wish you to teach Mideon about the Dark Provinces.”

“ I don’t know anything about them.”

“ You know of their downfall, the line of rulers, and about the mysterious council of the phoenix. Teach him what you know and then Paul will cover the rest.”

“ And if I refuse?”

“ Then I will disregard your wishes and take you to my bed.” He watched her eyes grow big as he took the pendant bearing his symbol a top a pentacle from her hand and placed it around her neck. “ See you at dinner.” He kissed the top of her head and left her alone.

The next morning Rayford began school Mideon about the eleven great kingdoms. He listened with rapt fascination as she told him stories and legends of the past. How the Council of the Phoenix was formed to protect the Kingdoms from the dark hunters that invaded them. But when she reached the present and her father she stopped. She could not bring herself to tell him of her family’s downfall. She stood up and ran out of the room trying to escape the rush of tears that now threatened to fall. She found the solarium and hid inside now letting the pain take over. Paul watched her go shaking his head. He sympathized with her. Coming into a new world with no past and a questioned future. Paul dismissed Mideon and went after her finding her curled up letting her grief out.

“ It’s not your fault.”

“ I could’ve helped.”

“ You were a child when your fathers kingdom fell.”

“ Did you ever see it?”

“ What?”

“ The great city of Bansher did you ever see it?”

“ No never had the chance. But I’ve heard about it. How it was the star of your father’s empire. If you only had the chance to rule.”

“ There’s no point in being queen over myself. The Eleven nations have failed, their rulers lost. The Council has been broken and can never be fixed.” “ It’s saddening to know that the ages of the immortals has passed.”

“ Someday I will visit Bansher, and walk the halls just as my family once did.” Paul sighed for a moment before he got up and headed back to the study. Taker walked up to him concerned.

“ Is everything alright?”

“ She got a little upset, nothing to be worried about. Just a part of life for her.” Paul patted Taker on the shoulder and continued on walking. He heard a sniffle echo from the small room and decided to wait. When it came time for dinner everyone noted her absence. Taker left the table and headed for Rayford’s room. He knocked on the door only to find it locked.

“ Rayford, open the door.”

“ Go away.” He tried to open the door with magic but it backfired.

“ You’re going to miss dinner.”

“ I’m not hungry.” Taker rested his head on the door mumbling curses. Finally with one last ditch effort he stepped back and kicked the door with all of his force. It gave with ease startling her. She was curled in a chair, in the corner of her room, tears streaming down her face.

“ I told you to go away.”

“ Out of everyone in this house I am the last person you give orders to. Now come down to dinner.”

“ Why? What’s the point of going to a meal if you have no desire to eat?” He crossed the room towards her but she got up leaping across the bed and out the door. He let out a growl giving chasing. The sky began to grow unnaturally dark and thunder clapped overhead. Paul swallowed hard as he saw Taker and Rayford rush by. Taker was finally able to trap her in the front parlor which wasn’t the best place. As her anger grew the more the storm outside raged. The house creaked at the force of the winds and shook by the deafening claps of thunder. The room they were in filled with darkness causing it to become oppressive. Taker made a flying leap for her but a wave of her hand sent him crashing through one wall and landing hard against another. She stepped through the gapping hole in the wall pressing him deeper into the one that was holding him up. She increased the pressure soon his body was leaving an indentiture in the wall. The entire ministry watched in shock as she began to crush him. Paul ran to her grabbing her arm and pulled it down breaking the energy that flowed from her hand. Taker fell to the floor with a thud gasping for air. The storm outside lessened as she once again began to calm down. The darkness filling the house also lifted and the lights flickered on struggling to regain control of their purpose. Rayford broke free of Paul walking back up to her room. With one movement she replaced the door on her room making it appear as if it had never been broken. All of them heard the door close with a resounding slam each wincing. Paul was helping Taker up while the doctor ran to get his supplies.

After he had been thoroughly examined Taker began searching for something.

“ What are you looking for?”

“ The calendar of the moon, it can’t be time for the full moon.” “ It’s not maybe the drugs had some effect.” Paul looked at Taker.

“ Perhaps it was being in the house all the time. You keep it fairly dark allowing as little natural light as possible. Not going out has affected her power. If she’s this strong now imagine what she’ll be like when the moon is full. It won’t be pretty.”

“ I’m not afraid of what she’ll do to me.”

“ I’m more worried about the outside world. It was said that the god-awful storms of the past are linked to her father. If you truly anger her she could destroy the surrounding area. It would be wise to give her whatever she wishes for.”

“ I will not be held hostage by my wife!”

“ And I won’t have her destroy this house and everyone in it. I raised you both and I know you both. She has been and will always be stronger than you. She is the daughter of the King of Bansher. Who is the descendant of the gods of the sky.”

“ Once again I state that I will not cower before my wife! Her weakness is daylight, and I can and will see to it that she spends most of her time in it.” Paul scowled before walking out leaving Takers chambers and slamming the door. He walked down the hall towards his own room seeking information. Rayfords condition was more than drugs and being kept in a dark house. He walked to his bookshelf seeking the book he had on Bansher. It documented the culture, rituals, and ways of warfare of the past. Walking back down the hall to Rayfords room he flipped through the pages searching for any clues. He knocked on her door only to find it locked.

“ Rayford please let me in. I need to speak with you about what happened.” The lock clicked yet he found her kneeling in front of her fireplace staring at her shaking hands. He relocked the door to keep any gawkers at bay. Paul set the book on the floor after he had knelt down beside her. He stilled her now trembling hands to see intricate black lines tracing themselves onto her skin. They finished with her hands and moved up to her arms disappearing underneath her sleeves.

“ When did this start?”

“ After I attacked Taker. What’s happening to me?”

“ I’m not sure, have you cast any spells?”

“ No, I’ve never felt power like that before. It consumed me for a moment I didn’t even know what I was doing.”

“ Lets get off of the floor and away from the fire.”

“ No, the room is freezing.” Paul felt the cold ebbing from her hands. They were as cold if not colder than ice. Something was happening to her. He turned away to continue to flip through the book when he saw one of her hands reach into the fire. Her both of her eye’s became entirely black. He tried to grab her hand from the fire but was knocked back by some unseen force. Then a second later her hand fell away and she collapsed to the floor.

Rayford felt something lift her arm placing it into the flames. When she did her entire world went black. Slowly smoldering flames rose, and screams filled her ears. Shadows ran from shadows, figures were blurred. The force pushed her forward to two women one appeared to be born of noble blood. They spoke in a language she didn’t understand. A smaller, meeker woman shook her head in understanding before running off. When she disappeared from view a dark figure walked behind the noble woman planting an axe squarely in her back. Rayford tried to move forward but was pushed away. The images faded and soon she was surrounded by total darkness.

The force stopped pushing Paul away when she collapsed letting him rush to her side. He carefully carried her to bed wrapping her in blankets to insure she was warm. Paul pushed the sleeves up her arms looking at the designs. He pushed them together and saw what they formed, a map to guide her home. Paul set them down and went to go get Taker. The two men came back, Taker grimacing in pain. Paul showed the markings that had appeared on her arms and described what had happened.

“ She could have very easily done all of this herself.”

“ I highly doubt it, she said it started after she let you up. They’re calling her back, this could be a chance for us to discover a lost power.”

“ There’s no way you can prove that an abandoned city is calling her back.”

“ The calls will only become stronger, if you let me go with her…”

“ You are needed here, as is she. Neither one of you will go. When she awakens tell her she’s expected for dinner.”

“ I truly don’t think she’ll be awake.”

“ She’s doing this to spite me, you’ll see.” A few hours turned into five days causing Taker to have his doubts. Mideon and Paul became her constant companions and Taker’s doctor was banned from the room. When the ministry returned to the road Mideon was left behind to watch Rayford and also continue his studies. Vince was putting pressure on Taker to meet with him so Paul was sent in the deadmans place. Paul sat waiting with the Acolytes standing outside. Vince was ushered in and offered a seat.

“ Your demands are ridiculous I’m not handing my company over for my daughter.”

“ That’s perfectly fine Taker is more than enjoying her ‘company’.”

“ What has he done, where is she?”

“ She’s making a very nice distraction while Rayford is still recovering from the battle.” Paul lied but Vince didn’t know that.

“ I was told Rayford got away.”

“ No as a matter of fact Taker has taken Rayford as his bride and Stephanie as his mistress. He’s perfectly content, and with Stephanie’s 25% he’s considering withdrawing his claim to the rest.”

“ Linda, Shane, and I can cancel his vote out.”

“ For her sake I should hope not.”

“ You dare threaten my daughter?” “ No, but Taker can do irrational things when he gets…upset.” Paul stood up to leave but Vince stopped him.

“ I’ll give you part of Stephanie’s and Shane’s piece of the company if Steph is returned unharmed.” Paul thought for a moment.

“ Sign it over to Rayford and you have a deal.”

“ I’ll send the paperwork at the end of the week.”

“ I want to make this clear when we receive the documents Stephanie is released. They never come she stays.” The two men shook hands before Paul walked out taking the Acolytes with him. Taker sat in his dressing room lacing his boots when Paul returned.

“ Do we own the company?”

“ We own 25% of it.” Taker looked over at him.

“ Vince gave you Steph’s Share?”

“ He gave me half of Stephanie’s and half of Shane’s will do nothing to stop us if he wants her to stay healthy. It maybe wise to make preparations for Stephanie’s departure.”

“ I have no desire to let her go. Enjoy finding new ways to sexually torture her. By the time I’m through she’ll be a rival for Rayford’s abilities.”

“ Rayford will eventually come around if you deny her you will only make things worse.”

“ And when my wife decides she’d like to share my bed then I’ll release Stephanie.”

Mideon sat dozing in a chair when he heard a faint moan. He sat up to see to ice blue eyes staring into his.

“ Welcome home beautiful creature.”

“ Where is Paul?”

“ On the road with Taker.”

“ That doctor of his hasn’t been in to see me has he?”

“ No, I wouldn’t let him touch you.” He stroked her hair letting the soft tresses massage his calloused hands. They moved to her face caressing her soft velvet skin. Rayford sat up drawing him forward. Placing her hand on his cheek she lightly kissed him. Licking his lips asking him to open them. He became lost in the sensation before stopping and pulling away.

“ I can’t Taker would have my head.” She let out a sigh.

“ Then perhaps you can help me another way.” A few hours later Rayford, Stephanie, and Mideon were packing bags of supplies for the long journey. When they finish piling them in the middle of the front hall Rayford turned to Stephanie and Mideon. “ Midi take care of her, and don’t let Taker hurt her.”

“ What she would we tell him?”

“ Tell him I went home. Steph would you get the lights?”

“ You are coming back aren’t you?”

“ Perhaps.” Steph’s hand was resting on the switch refusing to push down so with a wave of her hand the room was filled with darkness. When Steph hit the switch again Rayford and the supplies were gone.

Taker’s roar of anger ripped through the whole house. Paul stood there pale beyond all recognition.

“ How in the hell could you just let her leave! You were left here to watch her.”

“ Forgive me master, but her argument was very convincing. She said once she found the city and got what she needed then she would return.”

“ She’ll never return! This is what she does you idiot.” Paul stopped him from saying anything further.

“ Perhaps this is meant to happen. If she finds what she is searching for then perhaps she will come back.”

“ What is she looking for?”

“ Her past. I think they’re ready for her to know.” Taker glared at Mideon.

“ If she ever returns it will be your job to watch her every movement and report it to me.” He snapped his finger summoning two druids. “ Bring Stephanie to my chambers I need a little distraction.”

Rayford walked in the darkness searching for the lost entrance. Her eye’s had adapted to the pitch black making it seem as if she were walking in broad daylight. She came to the edge of a cliff and looked out before her sat a wonder. The ancient city of Bansher sat in ruin with moss and ivy growing on it’s ruined buildings. Looking down she saw how she had to get into the old city. Taking a leap off of the cliff she landed what seemed only like a few feet down when in actuality was close to fifty. Streams of daylight shot in lighting the city making it glow. She touched all the walls to make sure it was real. Rayford soon approached the old palace and came across a large white marble statue. It seemed new and out of place. She had read that a statue of the current King was always placed outside of the palace and she knew how this was, her father. His stone eyes made her shiver a little. Even in stone he seemed like a powerful figure. She laid her hand on the cold stone almost wishing he were real. She sighed moving into the once great palace, which was now reduced to rubble. Rayford walked into the old throne room and was surprised to find it mostly intact. There was something resting on a pillow that drew her attention. On the tattered cushion were a delicate gilded crown and an old sheet of paper. Rayford picked up the sheet of paper finding something written on it in a language that she didn’t understand. The words seemingly shifted around till they were in English.

To our child, I hope that this letter finds you well. If you are reading it now then others have survived and bought it to you or you have found your way home. I write this to you as the hunters seize control of our homeland. I only hope that Merno has taken you to a safe haven so the hunters will not harm you. I leave you your mothers crown to one day take your place upon the throne of Bansher. I only wish we will be alive when this letter finds you. They have taken your mother, and brother’s lives already and they now beat on t he doors of the palace to take mine. I leave you with this last advice never forget who you are or what you are destined to be. I must now go defend what is left of our city. Farewell my daughter both of us will look down on you with great pride – Alimon

By the end of the letter Rayford had tears streaming down her face. The woman in the vision had been her mother and the baby had been her. The city had shone her Merno’s flight from the city.

“ There’s no one left to rule.” Rayford took the crown off of the pillow and carefully wrapped it and then letter before placing them in her bag. She started to head out when she saw wind disturb the leaves at her feet.

“ There are some.” She turned to see an image of her father now standing before her.

“ I’ve gone insane.”

“ No I cast a spell that would have me appear before you when the time was right.”

“ You sent the visions, the map all of it.”

“ I had to, you are going through a metamorphosis. The phases of the moon shall no longer rule you.”

“ I don’t understand.”

“ Your time in the human realm has set you free of certain limitations.”

“ It feels as if the darkness now runs through my veins. This new power scares me.”

“ It is your destiny child. It will give you reserves of strength you did think you had. Your time will come. The age of the immortals is not finished yet. Survivors from each of the eleven kingdoms have a chance to reform the council of the phoenix. To permanently destroy the hunters”

“ How do I do that?”

“ You must find them”

“ But father…”

“ Farewell child do not fear your mother and I are with you.” He vanished leaving her alone once more.

“ Great” A few months later Taker sat in his dressing room totally changed at least on the outside. Paul had screwed him in the deal for the company. It had been given to Rayford who had been missing for close to a year now. He had gotten injured and was forced to take time off. Because of that the ministry broke up and he now had to find a new look or else no one would think he was different, no one would trust him. Little did he know that he was being watched. Mideon stood close to his door when he felt a presence he hadn’t felt in a long time.

“ She’s come back.” He moved to look for her but found no indication she was there. He came back to Taker’s locker room knowing this was the strongest point of the presence. Mideon waited until Taker left for his match and was out of site before Mideon entered the now darkened lockeroom. He soon saw two ice blue eyes staring at him.

“ Hello Mideon.”

“ Rayford?”

“ Yes”

“ You came back this is wonderful! I’ll tell Taker.”

“ No! I’d prefer to reveal myself to him when the time is right. I merely wish to observe him. I’m curious about his change.” She continued to observe him fascinated by the difference in him. Over the cross of the year she occasionally interfered with her magic helping him in a few incidences. Till one night when she got a phone call about a new job.

Rayford stood dressed in a plum suit nervously waiting for Vince to announce her as the General Manager of Smackdown. How she had gotten this job was beyond her. The only thing that she had heard was Stephanie had recommended her for it. Superstars were jumping ship from Raw trying to get away from Bischoff. Mideon walked over to her straightening his tie and shifting uncomfortably in his suit.

“ You’ll be great. This is right up your alley.”

“ Hope your right.”

“ You won’t have to worry about Taker being on the Roster all. Just pretend he’s not here.”

“ Let’s hope it’s as easy as it sounds.”

The fans, and the entire Smackdown roster waited for Vince’s big announcement. He stood in the middle of the ring smirking proud of what he was about to do.

“ As you all know, the split is now complete. Many of you saw Eric Bischoff announced as the Raw GM, and tonight I will announce the Smackdown GM. I choose this individual for their cunning and ruthless aggression. Someone who will run this show in the interest of fairness and can handle every man and woman in the lockeroom.” He looked directly at Taker. “ Many of you will not remember this person and yet some of you will never forget this person. Ladies and Gentleman I give to you the new GM of Smackdown Ms. Rayford Parris!” Taker’s head shot up not quite believing what he had just heard. He watched the leggy brunette step out onto the stage and down the ramp. The crowd cheered for her even though they had no idea who she was. After the speeches were over and the show went on many of the superstars came by her office to introduce themselves to her. Taker hung back waiting for the crowd to disperse. When they were all gone he walked into the office shutting the door behind himself.

“ Look who came back.”

“ Hello Taker, it’s been awhile.”

“ Three years?”

“ Oh no I came back when this whole biker thing started you just didn’t know I was there. Manipulating the darkness is a wonderful gift, wouldn’t you agree?”

“ I’m not here to socialize. I want to know why Paul stabbed me in the back and handed you the 25% of this company!”

“ Because he likes me better than you.” He slammed his hands on her desk making her jump.

“ I did everything right and you still managed to screw me, how is that?”

“ As I recall there was little screwing on my part. I had a higher calling and if I hadn’t left then I wouldn’t have know how to react to the changes that occurred.”

“ You look a little older and your hair I a different color other than that I see no changes.”

“ I’m sure you will over the time that we’re working together. That is if you’ll stay?”

“ I have no desire to work for Bischoff.”

“ I’ll take that as a yes. I do want to make one statement perfectly clear. I’d like to keep our relationship strictly professional when we’re here.” He snorted before standing up to his full height.

“ If you insist.”

“ Thank you have a good match tonight.” He gave her a glare before storming off down the hall. Mideon walked out of the shadows pale as a ghost. “ I think that went rather well.”

“ Yeah just have to watch him in the future.” Taker continued to be objectionable to her being his boss but never to the point that she had to discipline him. Gradually he came around especially after Heyman and Lesner started to play mind games with him delving deep into his personal life. She called them into her office ready for any type of confrontation.

“ Ms. Parris I’m merely trying to aid my client.”

“ By peering into his personal life. I don’t think so. If you and your client continue to travel down this road then I will strip him of his title and his title shot.”

“ On what grounds?”

“ On behavior unbefitting a champion. If your client has a problem with the Undertaker then he needs to solve it be facing Taker one on one, not bringing innocent bystanders into this.”

“ Fine, have you decided the stipulation for the rematch yet?” “ Yes but you’ll know when I choose to tell you now get out of my office.” Taker stood there stunned for a moment. In the past month they had both gotten closer and Taker was finding excuses to run into her. He could see her reserve chipping away and she was letting him in. To the point where she nearly got herself in trouble, after she had ruled that the personal details could not be used Heyman and Lesner smashed Taker’s hand breaking it. So Rayford responded by naming Hell in the Cell as the stipulation. Something that didn’t sit right with her at all and despite her orders Heyman and Lesner continued to dig for information on Taker till they found the marriage license between her and Taker. When Taker used his cast as a weapon against Lesner they waved the license in her face to try and get her to have the cast removed.

“ If you don’t rule in our favor then we’ll go to Vince with this and he’ll call for your resignation.”

“ Mr. Heyman, Vince knows I told him myself and if you had dug a little deeper you would’ve found the papers I filed for a legal separation.”

“ What about the cast? He’s a maniac with it.”

“ I’ll make an announcement concerning that in a few minutes.” She stood up walking out the room towards the ring. They followed her to the ring. “ Concerning the Hell in the Cell I will allow the Undertaker to wear his cast.” Lesner wasn’t happy with her decision and made a move to attack her but Taker ran down to save her beating Lesner down and taking a beating himself. Rayford was shaken by the attack and Taker coming to save her so much that she was kneeling in the ring corner. He walked over to her on the outside gently pulling her out of the ring by her waist and carrying her back to his dressing room.

“ You alright.” He stilled her shaking form by wrapping his arms around her.

“ Why did you do that? Why did you save me?”

“ Cause it’s not right to beat up on a lady, especially if she’s my wife.” He saw confusion cross in her eye’s before she started to push away.

“ I need to go, I need to get back. Thank you very much for saving me.” She pushed away from him rushing out of the room. Mideon found her running out of Taker’s dressing room.

“ Are you ok? I heard Lesner boasting about how he beat up the GM.”

“ He didn’t beat anyone up. But after the Hell in the Cell he will be suspended for his actions.”

“ You seem a little shaken.”

“ I think I’m going to have to resign.”

“ Why? You’re great at this job!”

“ Because Heyman played the card I was hoping wouldn’t get played.”

“ That would be?”

“ That I’m his wife. People will automatically assume that every time I rule in his favor it’s because we’re married.”

“ That’s not why you want to quit. He’s getting to you isn’t he?” “ Yes, he’s just been so…nice. He’s treating me like a wife should be treated. I don’t think I can stay neutral anymore so it would be better if I left before I become like Bischoff.”

“ You will never be like Bischoff, maybe you should talk with him. Set some ground rules.”

“ I did. I asked him for a professional relationship and he’s stuck to that till tonight. I just need to get out of here.” She stood up grabbing her bag and rushing out of the door towards the garage. Taker was getting into his car when she came out.

“ Rayford wait!” She stopped fighting the tears that now threatened to fall. She couldn’t do this to him not like this. “ Everything alright?”

“ Fine why?” He could hear her voice cracking and her fighting from crying.

“ Darlin if this thing with Brock’s got you upset then maybe you ought to come back to the hotel with me.”

“ No it’s not Brock, it’s you.”

“ Me?”

“ I can’t your wife or your boss any longer after tonight. I’m going to fly to Vince and resign first thing in the morning.” Taker stood there looking at her for a moment then he realized he had crossed the line she had set. Now he understood why she had been bitchy to him so people wouldn’t think he was getting his way because she was his wife.

“ Please don’t quit, not when Smackdown’s kicking Raw in the ass the way it is. Bischoff would love it if you gave up. Look just tell me what you want from me and I‘ll give it to you.” Rayford thought about asking for a divorce but she knew he would expect that.

“ A business relationship. No accidental meetings, or anything like that.” His gazed hardened as he looked at her back. She couldn’t even look him in the eye?”

“ That’s what you want? Fine I’ll give it to you.” He went back to his car slamming the door and peeled out causing her to cringe.

The night of the PPV Rayford sat in her office rubbing her temples trying to relieve the headache that was pushing against them. Mideon was nowhere to be found and she had too much to do.

Mideon stood in Taker’s lockeroom trying to convince him not to push Rayford totally out of his life.

“ She loves you she told me the night that she pushed you away.”

“ That makes sense push away the people you love.”

“ She doesn’t want to get hurt again. She has grown to love you and now her heart is breaking again after the way you reacted.”

“ She stopped sleeping with you yet?”

“ Yes, a few months ago. Please Taker just sit back and let her come to you. Surely you understand what position she’s in. She’s got Bischoff grossly abusing his power and she doesn’t want that to happen to her.”

“ She choose to take this job. If she wants to leave she can.”

“ She took it before you switched over. Her contract was already signed when you did the trade.”

“ So she can break her contract.”

“ Not easily, there has to be solid proof and right now she doesn’t have that. Just go talk to her.” Mideon turned to the door when someone knocked and walked in. Rayford looked at Mideon for a minute before looking at Taker.

“ Mideon would you excuse us. I think my husband and I have a few things we need to discuss.”

“ What about the show?”

“ You handle any problems.” He nodded leaving them alone. “ I came to apologize for my behavior the other night. It was unprofessional and you deserved to be looked in the face, but if I had I don’t think I could’ve gotten any of it out. I really do appreciate you saving me.”

“ Is it true you can’t resign?”

“ Yeah it’s true. I just wanted to get that off of my chest and let you know, and also to come wish you luck in your match tonight.”

“ I appreciate it.”

“ Do you need anything?”

“ No I’m fine.” Rayford sat in her office feeling as if she were going to be visibly sick after watching Lesner destroy Taker. After he had been tended to by the paramedics Rayford had him loaded into her limo and taken to her hotel room. Taker opened his eyes wondering were he was. Rayford leaned over him quietly cleaning the blood from his face. He grabbed her hand stopping her.

“ What are you doing?”

“ You’re hurt I’m taking care of you.”

“ What about a professional relationship?”

“ At the arena I’m your boss, everywhere else I’m your wife. People will have to get over this.”

“ No they won’t. Go back to your hotel Rayford, leave me here I’ll be fine.”

“ What? No I’m not leaving you and I am in my hotel room.” He looked around slightly confused.

“ How come yours is nicer than mine?”

“ Luck?”

“ Take me back to my hotel.”

“ I can’t leave you alone.” He sat up looking at her. “ If you want to maintain a professional relationship then I need to leave otherwise that line you’ve drawn is going to get crossed.” He squeezed her hand before standing up pulling his shirt back over his head. He looked down at her kneeling next to the stop that he had just occupied blood staining her suit jacket. “ I’ll pay to have that cleaned.” She nodded before he walked out of the door. Rayford slid down curling up into the stop he had just vacated. Basking in the warmth of it lulling her to sleep. Taker made it back to his hotel room tired from the blood loss. He collapsed on his bed confused about Rayford. Maybe Mideon had been right maybe she had fallen for his nice guy bit. Everyone figured he had changed into a Texas redneck who rode a bike to the ring. Actually he was the same old Taker just hiding who he really was. The Smackdown after the PPV Rayford had locked herself away in her office wishing not to be disturbed. So Taker went out to address the audience when the came out to interrupt him. When Taker was preparing to leave Show hoisted Taker up and threw him off of the stage doing more damage to his already injured body. Rayford seemed to appear out of nowhere. She walked with him all the way to the ambulance, but he told her to stay and to keep away from him. After they pulled away he smiled. The old Undertaker now had an excuse to return.

Vince once again sat in his office wondering if his ten am appointment would show up. Eric Bischoff’s abuse of power was getting extreme and Vince did not have the time to deal with it. In a way he was sorrowful for Rayford, she had taken to her role as General Manger and had never abused the power she had been given. Perhaps that’s why Smackdown was the more popular show for both the fans and the Superstars. Eric was less than congenial towards his employee’s while Rayford treated everyone around her with the highest respect and wished the show to have a certain amount of dignity. He sighed as he thought of his decision. He was punishing Rayford for Eric’s screw ups but Vince could not limit just Eric’s power and let Rayford continue to have free rein just didn’t seem right. People would talk and ultimately it would be thought that Rayford had slept with Vince in order to keep her spot. That simply wasn’t the case. There was also another problem, and his faction. While Rayford and Eric had united to fight it Eric seemed determined to screw his temporary partner out of the Smackdown superstars involved in it. The buzzer on his desk rang and his secretary’s voice came over the speaker.

“ Mr. McMahon your ten o clock has arrived.”

“ Send him in.” The dark figure stepped in causing Vince to shake a little. “ Have a seat.” A gruff voice thanked him. “ I assume you’ve read the information on both shows and are prepared to act accordingly.

“ I’m ready to act against Bischoff, but I see no need with Rayford. I worked with her and she has no need for limitations. As far as I’ve seen she’s a consummate professional.”

“ Yes I know it’s a shame she has to be punished for Eric’s mistakes but it doesn’t look right if only one is limited. As far as Rayford is concerned just keep an eye on her. Don’t interfere unless necessary.”

“ What about Steiner?”

“ Do what ever you have to. If you can spare the people that are following him and send them back to their respective rosters. I want you to understand that you are being brought in to control the General Manager’s. They still have control of the show’s and the rosters. You have control over them, do not interfere with the delivery of the product.”

“ Of course.” The larger figure gave him a smirk that made Vince uneasy. “ Alright I expect you there on Sunday. There shouldn’t be too much going on with the Rumble. If you can stay out of sight till I make the announcement. I don’t want anyone to know what’s coming.”

“ Ever the showman. Are we done here?”

“ Yes.” The two men stood up and shook hands. “ One more thing. I want you to send me a report once a week on the backstage happenings. You can hire yourself a secretary if you wish.”

“ I’ll consider it.” The larger man walked out shutting the door behind him. Vince began praying that this plan worked. <

The night of the Rumble Vince seemed more nervous than usual. This did not go unnoticed by the two GM’s.

“ Wonder what he’s got up his sleeve.”

“ Whatever it is I don’t like it.”

“ What’s with you Rayford? Ever since Mideon left you you’ve been on edge. I told you he left for greener pastures.”

“ No I think he left for a different reason. There’s a darkness creeping into my mind that’s putting me at ill ease. Something bad is going to happen I can just feel it.” They turned to the screen when Vince’s music hit and the chairman came strolling down to the ring. When the boo’s died down he began to address the crowd.

“ I’d like to ask the two General Manager’s to join me in the ring, now.” Both of them looked at the other and then headed for the ring. They came out to no music or fanfare. Rayford’s ill ease grew larger as they got into the ring. She began to look around for anyone that would jump out of the crowd. “ Mr. Bischoff, Ms. Parris I have noticed a trend more in Mr. Bischoff than with Ms. Parris. Eric you have grossly abused your power causing Raw to lose its integrity. Because of your actions Eric I have decided to reinstate the commissionership in order to limit both your and Rayford’s power.” Eric’s face soured and Rayford began glaring at Eric. “ Now let me introduce everyone to the new commissioner.” Vince made a gesture towards the stage. The lights drop and an eerie purple light filled the arena, bells began to toll, and faint voices came over the speakers. The crowd exploded and the hairs stood up on the back of Rayford’s neck. An ancient organ came on beginning the funeral march.

“ Oh crap.” As she muttered the words a large figure stepped onto the stage dressed in all black. He moved to the ring with a slow gate. The crowd was cheering so loudly the three occupants could barely hear the music. He got into the ring and raised the lights to the delight of the fans. When they came up Eric stood in shock shaking and Rayford had lost all color. Before them stood the Lord of Darkness he pushed past Eric and Vince stopping directly in front of Rayford. He was strikingly different instead of jeans and an old shirt he wore a black suit with black shirt. His hair had grown back to its original length and was a dye black to match his attire. The darkness had retaken him after show’s assault. The WWF was in a world of trouble. He leaned down to her smirking his face getting with in inches of hers. For a moment both forgot they were in front of 5000 screaming fans. He moved to kiss her but she brought her hand to his shoulder pushing him away. Stepping back she moved towards the edge of the ring to put some distance between them. Taker didn’t move he watched her back away fascinated. Her words echoed in his mind about them having nothing more than a professional relationship. But that was only if he worked for her. Now the tables were turned and she worked for him but it seemed that desire for a professional relationship was still there. He would have to break her of that. He then turned to Vince and addressed Bischoff and the crowd letting Rayford release the breath she had been holding. But it seemed he wasn’t done with her yet. Turning back to her dismissed her claiming that he would speak with her privately. Rayford’s stomach flipped, she knew exactly what they would be discussing. But she more than happily took her leave hoping she could get out of the building before he finished publicly ripping Eric a new one.

Hastily packing her bag she went for the door but found it blocked by someone who she thought was her closest friend, Mideon.

“ Where do you think you’re running off to?”

“ I’m not feeling well I was planning on heading back to the hotel.”

“ And then the airport?”

“ If you know what I’m planning then why are you stopping me. You always told me this marriage between him and I would never work”

“ Yeah when I worked for you. I have a different boss now and he wants me to insure you stay put.”

“ You left me for Taker?”

“ Actually I never left you, I was merely spying on you for him. I’ve worked for him since the ministry. It was my job to keep tabs on you after you left us.”

“ You son of a bitch! After everything I did for you, you still betray me?”

“ Believe me when I tell you I’m grateful for the job, and the sex was out of this world. But there was nothing you could’ve done to stop this.” A heavy footstep came down the hall. “ It’s time for you to face your destiny.” He stepped out of the doorway and turned to the person outside. “ She tried to run from you it appears that she has not learned her lesson yet.” She then heard Taker’s gruff voice. “ I see go make sure Bischoff is taken care of I’ll handle Rayford personally.” She watched him step in giving her a unique look. He shut the door and threw the lock tucking the keys into his jacket pocket. Her courage was wavering and it didn’t help her that she was in a short skirt and heels. He took a step towards her and she took one back till her butt hit the front of the desk.

“ You still try to run from me. Defiant to a fault, maybe that’s why McMahon hired you, or was it because you were sleeping with him as well?”

“ I would never sleep with McMahon.”

“ I got a very interesting call from a judge asking me if I would be willing to sign annulment papers. Now I wonder who could’ve drawn those up.”

“ Did you sign them?” For a moment her eyes were full of hope.

“ No, as a matter of fact I told him we had worked everything out and to rip them up.”

“ You told them what? How could you?” He walked over to her in two strides pressing his body into hers and her into her desk. “ You actually think I’m going to sign a something that ends a marriage that I spent my entire life waiting for? That took me years to plan and then follow through on? Come on Rayford I would think that you’d be smarter than that.”

“ And if you think that I’m going to go through with a marriage I spent my entire life avoiding then you’re dead wrong. As long as this marriage stays unconsummated then it can be ended. The pre-nup says I can’t divorce you but no where in there does it say I can’t get it annulled.” He stepped back regarding her for a moment, she had presented him with an interesting argument. She was right she did have grounds for annulment but not for much longer. She had seen the look his eyes change from one of interest to lust. His eye’s connected with hers drawing her in and slowing her reactions. His hand came around her arm gripping it so tight that she winced. Very slowly he began to pull her forward away from the desk towards the door. She started to fight his vise grip on her arm but his hand never left her. The keys jingling and the door opening made her fight harder. To her everything felt as if it were moving in slow motion. When they were clear of the door he broke eye contact with her and things began to move at a normal speed but it made her head swim. Taker took advantage of her condition by pulling her down the hall to the limo that was waiting for him. Mideon opened the door for the couple while smiling at her impaired state. For a moment Rayford’s anger returned but she felt as if Taker had sucked the strength out her. He pulled her into the dark car setting her on one of the longer sections. The door shut and locked. The car lurched forward taking them away from the arena. Very slowly Rayford’s eyes closed with the last thing she heard being a cell phone ringing.

Taker couldn’t have been more pleased. He patiently waited for her to lose consciousness so he could tell the driver where to head. His cell phone rang making him take his eye’s off of her for a second when he looked back she was fast asleep.

“ Hello?”

“ Master everything is ready for you back at the home you rented.”

“ Excellent take the night off. I won’t be requiring your unique talents tonight.”

“ Thank you sir that’s quite generous of you.”

“ One other thing after this evening you are to never touch her again or it will be your life.”

“ Of course, Bischoff is not responding to the verbal persuasion.”

“ Then go to the next stage, I want them both in my control.” He hung up and set the phone on the window. Moving towards her he kneeled down beside her stroking her face and hair. Her eyes fluttered open taking him by surprise.

“ No” She tried to sound authoritative but failed miserably.

“ I believe you’re not in the positition to object. Now then what to do with you first? I’ve dreamed of this moment for a long while.”

“ How about you drop me at my hotel and forget this foolishness.”

“ Sorry darlin I can’t. You and I took a vow.”

“ Not willingly.”

“ Inconsequential details.” She turned her head from him but he pulled it back. “ What did you to me? What spell did you cast?”

“ I’ve done nothing and the spell isn’t your concern you’ll be back to normal as soon as we consummate this marriage till then you remain the way you are, weak.”

“ Bastard, I’ll remain this way for the rest of my life before I sleep with you.” His gaze hardened a little but he kept his temper down.”

“ Funny you’ve never had a problem before, now that we’re married it’s different?”

“ Considerably, before it was a game. You’d chase me I’d let you catch me we’d make love and then I’d get away. Now you broke that agreement, forced marriage on me and now you’ll force sex on me too?” Once again she intrigued him. Rayford had never paid him any mind when they were children at least not before the fire. She had been one of the most popular girls in their school. He was a lurker staying in the shadows observing her. The day she had moved to their sleepy little town he had fallen for her. Now they were both grown and she was his wife. The car stopped outside of the stone structure. He lifted her up when the driver opened the door for them. He ran ahead of Taker to help him with the front door. She protested the entire way weakly pushing him away. Walking up the staircase he entered the master bedroom and set her on the over sized bed he had placed in there.

“ What is this place?”

“ Somewhere for us to get reacquainted. Consider it our honeymoon since we never were given the chance after our nuptials.”

“ I don’t want to get reacquainted I want to go home.”

“ For now you are home. You’ll come live with me once we leave.” He was standing over her undressing.

“ Why did you go back the darkness? You seemed happy before.”

“ I never left the darkness. It’s amazing what people think of you when you dress normally. Even you were taken in by it, to the point that you loved me.”

“ Silly me.” When he finished he began working on her. He very easily pushed her hands out of the way and soon had her naked.

“ Now what delicious thing to do first?”

“ How about you bending over backwards and…” Taker’s hand slapped over her mouth. Her smaller ones weakly wrapped around his wrist trying to remove it. He kicked her legs apart and she began to protest. Taking his free hand he placed it right on her center smiling at what he found.

“ Your body betrays your mouth. Looks like I’ll have no problem sliding in. He knelt down slightly and placed himself at her lips. “ Consider yourself out of options.” He plunged in making her body bow. He pulled his hand away from her mouth and stood there fully sheathed waiting for her to talk. When she did he pulled out and pushed back in silencing her. He did this for a half an hour before she got the message. He finished her quickly leaving her to regain her strength; the intention of this trip was to insure that she never got out of bed. To be continued...