Stable. 312 Ly the Poyntz Herd of Jerseys
V y Feb, 12, t i88j Kentucky Live Stock Record. U2 Breeders' Directory. Breeders' Directory. Breeders Directory. StaWes. ATBKS, MARSHALL, SALINE Co., HD. breeder of Shorthorn Cattle. Walnut Hill Stud Farm J, Shropshire and Cotswold sheep and Poland-Chin- a Lynwood Hogs. 215 Herd, Clintonville, Bourbon (Jounty, Livery and Sale Stable, TREAOI, dealer In Trotting and Ky., Harness Horaea, No. - Breeederof Shorthorn Cattleof the following BJ. HBEastShort BLOOD STOCK FOR SALE- samilies: HEAD OF SHORT STREET, LEX Street, LEXINGTON, Ky, Keeps on hand Surmise Duchesses, Craggs.Lady INGTON, KY. an 'or Bale, single Horses and pairs. Trot- Languishes, Qwynnes, Young Marys, Ac ting and Gentlemen's Roadsters a special- Yearlings, Two and Three-yea- r Olds. Red Rose Duke 2d, a pure Rose of Sharon, at & ty. Stallions and Brood Mares of the best the head of the herd. Also breeder of'pure Smith Coons Proprietors. Ian? lies of Running and Trotting blood al- Mares stinted to War Dance, Southdown sheep. Young stock for sale. 361 Particular attention given so, buying, ways on hand and lor sale. Horses trained selling, shipping, boarding at 2(!0 Longfellow, and horsff reasonable rates. JAMES L. PATTERSON, and mules. HILL, "HILBUBN HERD, Ten Broeck, 276 ly. FGANO VILLB, Ky., breeder of Short-Hor- BROADWELL, KY, of the most fashionable blood. Also, Kyrle Daly, Trotting Horses and Cotswold Sheep. ?12 Gilroy, RURAL CHOICE'HERD, SI. S. STEtADSEL, MOORK.SHAWHAN, BOURBON Co. Enquirer TEKy., Breeder of Shorthorns, Trotting, Tom. Breeder of Shorthorns: Desdemonas, Combined Saddle and Harness Horses, also and Great Gwynnes, Phyllises, Amelias, White Training, Sals and Commission Stable Cotswold, Merino and Southdown Sheep, Trotters from the beet Kentncky strains Cashhmere Goats, White Holland Turkeys, Roses, &c, and Cotswold sheep.
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