Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 374 International Conference on Man-Power-Law-Governance: Interdisciplinary Approaches (MPLG-IA 2019) Moscow's experience in building a system of management of the metropolis (organizational and legal aspects) Vladimir Zotov Elena Zabelina Alexander Yakovlev Doctor of Economic Sciences, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Deputy head of the Department, Professor Head of the Department, Associate Professor of the Doctor of Political Sciences State and Municipal Management Department of State and Municipal State University of Management State University of Management Management1, Associate Professor of Moscow, Russia Moscow, Russia Department of Constitutional and
[email protected] Municipal law2, expert of the all- Russian Council of local self- government 1 Institute of public administration and law, State University of Management, 2 Moscow state juridical University. O. E. kutafina Moscow, Russia Vagif Aliyev Alexander Rudnev Olga Gracheva Professor of the Department, Doctor Professor of the Department, Doctor Candidate of Economic Sciences, of Law, Professor of Economic Sciences, Professor First Deputy Head of the Department State University of Management State University of Management of Labor and Social Protection of the Moscow, Russia Moscow, Russia Population of Moscow, State Secretary Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow Moscow, Russia Abstract–This work is devoted to the study of the Taking into account the requirements for the management system of the largest city of the Russian organization of local government in cities of federal Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States importance, in accordance with the Moscow City Charter, - Moscow. This settlement has a special legal status and the Moscow City Act of November 6, 2002 was passed No.