INSIDE: • Turning Ukraine into a ‘nation without identity’ – page 2. • Yanukovych institutes ‘neo-Soviet’ rule in Ukraine – page 3. • Ex-ambassador on wrong side of East-West divide – page 8.

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal Wnon-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXIX No. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 $1/$2 in Ukraine New online exhibit spotlights Ukraine’s politicians turn to Twitter by Zenon Zawada free from political propaganda, communi- Ukrainian liberation movement Kyiv Press Bureau cating via social networks and exchang- ing information. Politicians are trying to NEW YORK – Once the Orange widen their propaganda and their portion Revolution’s television anchor, National of the information sphere,” he said. Deputy Andriy Shevchenko used Twitter A new Twitter precedent, perhaps for to alert the world to the bloody December world politics, was set when a politician 16, 2010, parliamentary attack hatched by as high-ranking as former Prime Minister the deputies of the Party of Regions Yulia Tymoshenko began sending against their rivals in the Yulia “tweets” directly from her daily question- Tymoshenko Bloc. ings by state prosecutors, drawing inter- “It’s very dark. Almost all the lights national attention. were shut before the siege. They smashed “I am now at the Procurator General of [National Deputy Mykhailo] Volynets’ Ukraine. I was given 180 volumes on the head with a chair. Blood,” the 34-year- criminal case on pension payments,” Ms. old typed into his mobile phone, which Tymoshenko tweeted on March 1. “Great had replaced the television camera as his guys! They worked hard. They found a news medium of choice. true criminal.” As intensely as the administration of [Editor’s note: Ms. Tymoshenko’s President Viktor Yanukovych has stepped tweets can be read at: up its persecution of opposition forces, tymoshenkoua.] more Ukrainians politicians have turned While it was former President Viktor to Twitter to communicate with the pub- Yushchenko who became the first lic. The technology allows its users to Ukrainian politician to use Twitter, those send text messages from mobile devices tweets were official statements drafted by to broadcast on the Internet. his communications staff, Mr. “Politicians have understood that it’s Dovzhenko said. Ms. Tymoshenko does time to catch up to the train,” said Otar much of her tweeting personally, though Dovzhenko, a mass media observer at the her staff has its own strategy. Telekritika website. “The active part of society is becoming (Continued on page 5)

Students picket Parliament

Illya M. Labunka Roman Krutsyk, head of the Kyiv Association of Memorial and director of the Museum of Soviet Occupation, explains the images depicted in a slideshow during the launch of the Internet version of the exhibit “The People’s War 1917-1932.”

by Illya M. Labunka travelled throughout Ukraine over a peri- Special to The Ukrainian Weekly od of eight months and meticulously researched and digitalized approximately KYIV – The Kyiv Association of 1,500 archival files and 320 photographs Memorial and the Our Ukraine party that had been declassified by the central have joined forces to combat the current and regional archival branches of the regime’s anti-Ukrainian educational poli- Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in 18 cies regarding Ukraine’s liberation move- oblasts of the country. The remaining ment in the 20th century. period of time was spent on technically On February 7, Roman Krutsyk, head formatting the gathered data and prepar- of the Kyiv Association of Memorial, ing it for display in the exhibit. welcomed political leaders, community As he presented a brief slideshow of activists, scholars and journalists at the Internet version of “The People’s Memorial’s office for the official presen- War: 1917-1932,” Mr. Krutsyk pointed tation and launch of the website “The out that the electronic version – unlike People’s War: 1917-1932.” the physical exhibit – has been enhanced UNIAN/Oleg Petrasyuk Based on a physical exhibit that origi- by a textual summary included before nally took place in November 2010 at the each of the 24 chapters. Due to the exten- Ukrainian House in Kyiv under the title KYIV – About 300 students on February 28 picketed the buildings of Verkhovna sive amount of material featured, a brief Rada committees to protest against the adoption of a new law on higher educa- “The Unknown War” and consisting of explanation of the documents, photo- 24 display sheets, the electronic version tion. The protesters demanded that national deputies not pass the law on higher graphs and events provides a better education and dismiss Minister of Education, Science, Youth and Sports Dmytro of “The People’s War” comprises 70,000 understanding of the presented informa- Tabachnyk. The students held posters with such slogans as: “Free education for previously unreleased documents on the tion as it pertains to each oblast. all” and “No students – no future.” Most of the protesters were from the National national liberation movement of the “The exhibit aims to demonstrate Ukrainian people. through statistical data how many under- University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, but students from other universities of Kyiv also According to Mr. Krutsyk, the original ground organizations, insurgent detach- participated. The last time students picketed Parliament was on January 31, when physical exhibit was an endeavor over ments and peasant uprisings existed on they made the same demands. Student organizations have stated that the new bill two years in the making. Research associ- on higher education makes it impossible to gain honest admission to higher educa- ates of the Kyiv Association of Memorial (Continued on page 9) tion institutions and destroys the right to free education in Ukraine. (Ukrinform) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 No. 10 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS

Turning Ukraine into Minister meets with Freedom House getting about the problems of the titular language,” she pointed out. In Ukraine, KYIV – Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice is Ms. Korzhova underlined, all the condi- a ‘nation without identity’ calling on the international non-govern- tions for preservation and development of mental organization Freedom House to minority languages have been created: by Alexa Chopivsky believes the famine was a common provide objective assessments of the situa- RFE/RL tragedy of the peoples of the Soviet there are schools, universities, newspapers tion in Ukraine. This was stated by and magazines, television and the like. Union, a point of view Mr. Yanukovych Minister Oleksander Lavrynovych during “One Ukraine, One History” read the “Today, protection from both the state and last year endorsed before the Council of a meeting with the executive director of text of billboards splashed across down- its citizens is required for the state lan- Europe. Freedom House, David Kramer, in Kyiv, town Kyiv last month. Russia, in its so-called near abroad, guage because, according to the 2001 cen- But just what does that history the press-service of the ministry reported sus, more than 72 percent of the popula- is actively propagating its viewpoint on February 24. Mr. Lavrynovych stressed encompass? Less than a year into regarding the Holodomor. tion of Ukraine recognizes it as native,” that authorities are concerned about the office, the government of President According to documents released by she said. At the same time, in her view, recent statement by Freedom House about Viktor Yanukovych revised fifth-grade Wikileaks, Britain’s Prince Andrew, a “the state language in Ukraine is not func- a decrease in the rating of democratic free- history textbooks to delete certain key frequent visitor to the region, said that tioning in a full format.” In turn, the chief doms in Ukraine. He noted that Ukraine’s events from Ukrainian history, includ- Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev editor of Psychologist, Tetiana Shapoval, authorities in the course of reform have to ing the 2004-2005 Orange Revolution. received a letter from Russian President suggested that active communication in resort to unpopular measures, which affect The selective teaching of Ukraine’s Dmitry Medvedev “telling him that if the native language promotes the personal history and the government’s moves to Azerbaijan supported the designation of the ratings of the country. The minister development of each individual. There are curb university autonomy are reinforc- the Bolshevik artificial famine in stressed that, after reform, the situation in nearly 3,000 languages in the world today: ing concern that the country is moving Ukraine as ‘genocide’ at the United this country will be better than now. The from the billion who speak Chinese and away from the West and becoming Nations, ‘then you can forget about see- justice minister called on international Hindi, to the few speakers of Aleut in the more synchronized with Russia, and in ing [the disputed territory of] Nagorno- experts assessing the situation in Ukraine Aleutian Islands in the Pacific Ocean. some cases even endorsing Moscow’s Karabakh ever again.’“ to be guided by concrete facts rather than (Ukrinform) take on Ukrainian history. Prince Andrew said that every single emotions or the preferences of opponents The fifth-grade textbook under the other regional president, except one, or supporters of the reforms and the cur- Yanukovych speaks to the nation rent Ukrainian authorities. Freedom previous administration referred to the had told him of receiving similar KYIV – Ukrainian President Ukraine Orange Revolution as the “Orange mir- “directive” letters from Mr. Medvedev. House’s annual report noted deterioration of democratic freedoms in Ukraine during Viktor Yanukovych, who took part on acle,” according to Vakhtang Kipiani, Viktor Musan, the author of one of February 25 in a three-hour live TV broad- the editor-in-chief of Istorychna Pravda. the fifth-grade textbooks, said he got 2010 and changed its rating from free to partly free. (Ukrinform) cast dubbed “Conversation with the It was an interpretation, he says, that close to 20 recommendations regarding Country,” called the project a “report to the lacked objectivity, “but simply to throw the rewrite, according to Ukrayinska Ukrainian language among top 30 Ukrainian people, the nation” after a year Pravda, many of them related to Russian out the Orange Revolution, that’s not in office. The president, who in recent politics in Ukraine right,” Mr. Kipiani said. KYIV – In terms of the number of its days had received more than 35,000 ques- The ministry, for its part, has denied A lawmaker with the ruling Party of native speakers – 45 million – the tions from citizens from all regions of the any involvement in rewriting the book. Regions and a member of the Ukrainian language is in the top 30 lan- country, said that the main achievement of “The text is up to the authors,” Parliamentary Committee on Education guages of the world, it was reported on his year’s work was halting economic Oleksander Udod, an Education Ministry and Science, Maksym Lutsky, defended February 25. This was discussed at a meet- decline. Although, he added, “if I said that the change: “The Orange Revolution official responsible for textbooks, told ing on the problem of mother tongues at Ukrayinska Pravda. He also said the life has become very good, I would be dis- needs to be burned out of history Ukrainian schools. The chief editor of the ingenuous.” He added, “The main thing is because of what its instigators did to changes will help “avoid excessive politi- publication Ukrainian Language and that we have managed to stop the decline the country.” cization.” Literature, Natalia Korzhova, noted that of the economy and we have economic But academics are skeptical, calling Ukrainian is among the most melodic of No reference to Kruty out politicians’ “meddling” in the his- growth of more than 4 percent, industrial languages. During the Language Beauty growth of almost 11 percent and we over- The revised textbooks suffer from torical sphere. “Intellectuals need to Pageant, which took place in Paris back in have freedom to pursue their research came a huge deficit, which as of the begin- other important deletions, including a 1934, it finished third, behind only Farsi ning of 2010 was 15 percent and now is 5 reference to the Battle of Kruty. Former and to look critically and freshly at the and French. According to Ms. Korzhova, past,” says the Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak, percent.” The president said that the task President Viktor Yushchenko called the the Ukrainian language is among the most for himself and his team is to improve the 1918 battle, in which more than 200 the Harvard-trained rector of the common languages of the world and at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. competitiveness of domestic products, 60 Ukrainians were massacred trying to same time it is the most oppressed. percent of which are exported. He called stave off 4,000 Bolsheviks advancing “The ministry is proposing that history “Speaking about the problems of native for the development of the coal industry on Kyiv, “the symbol of the liberating textbooks in Ukraine be aligned with languages, for some reason they have in and bringing order to the agricultural struggles of Ukrainians for freedom in the Russian version of history, in which mind the languages of national minorities the 20th century.” In Soviet times, the Stalinism is viewed less critically – and living in Ukraine, especially Russian, for- (Continued on page 20) Kruty victims were considered traitors, sometimes even positively as a time of or simply ignored. great development of the Soviet A description of the Ukrainian Union.” Insurgent Army (UPA) as Ukrainian “Umbilical cord” to Russia FOUNDED 1933 patriots fighting for the country’s inde- The Ukrainian Weekly pendence from both Nazi Germany and “Minister [of Education, Science, Sport and Youth Dmytro] Tabachnyk An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., the Soviet Union was dropped from the a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. and the leaders of the ministry are anti- text, as was a passage about UPA veter- Yearly subscription rate: $55; for UNA members — $45. ans and their families being subsequent- Orange, anti-democratic, anti-West peo- ple,” Mr. Kipiani said. “That’s why cor- Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. ly sent to the gulag by Soviet authori- (ISSN — 0273-9348) ties and called “enemies of the people.” respondingly at their level, as much as A section about Soviets persecuting they can, they are trying to clean out The Weekly: UNA: Ukrainian patriots was also deleted. the heritage of the Orange Revolution. Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 President Yanukovych, for his part, Some in the current leadership are con- said in an interview last month: “We nected by an umbilical cord to Russia – Postmaster, send address changes to: The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz will not eliminate anything from some in financial ways and some mor- 2200 Route 10 Editors: Matthew Dubas Ukrainian history.” ally.” Last year, Mr. Tabachnyk and his P.O. Box 280 Zenon Zawada (Kyiv) Deleting “man-made” from Russian counterpart, Andrei Fursenko, Parsippany, NJ 07054 Holodomor announced their intention to create a Ukrainian-Russian working group for The Ukrainian Weekly Archive:; e-mail: [email protected] Some events have been rewritten to the purpose of creating a joint textbook correspond to Moscow’s version of histo- guide for history teachers in the two ry. The man-made famine, or Holodomor, The Ukrainian Weekly, March 6, 2011, No. 10, Vol. LXXIX countries. Copyright © 2011 The Ukrainian Weekly engineered by Joseph Stalin in 1932- Mr. Tabachnyk also cancelled the 1933, which starved millions of 12th year of secondary school, bringing Ukrainians to death, was revised to delete it into line with Russia’s 11-year system ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA the term “man-made.” and making it more difficult, according This contradicts Ukraine’s official to critics, for Ukrainian students to Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3041 view, established by law, that the qualify to study at Western institutions, e-mail: [email protected] Holodomor was a deliberate act of which typically are premised on 12 Maria Oscislawski, advertising manager (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 genocide against the Ukrainian people. grades of schooling. fax: (973) 644-9510 Russia does not recognize the “That is something Russia wants e-mail: [email protected] Holodomor as ethnic genocide, but from [Ukraine],” says Mr. Kipiani. Mariyka Pendzola, subscriptions (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 rather the result of the disastrous agri- e-mail: [email protected] cultural policies of the period. Moscow (Continued on page 22) No.10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 3

NEWS ANALYSIS Experts say Yanukovych institutes “neo-Soviet” rule in Ukraine

by Gregory Feifer minister who narrowly lost the election to get deficit mainly by slashing pensions make them less transparent. RFE/RL Mr. Yanukovych last year – is under inves- and social welfare. “Reform has been paid But, despite Ukraine’s clear reorienta- tigation on charges of misuse of funds. for by the population’s falling standard of tion away from the West, Mr. Karasyov He’s destroyed his country’s democrat- She’s been barred from leaving Kyiv. Her living,” she said. criticizes Mr. Yanukovych for having “no ic institutions and reduced quality of life ally, former Internal Affairs Minister Yurii Instead of creating greater transparency, real strategy” in foreign policy. “It’s just for most of his compatriots. That’s the ver- Lutsenko, is in jail on charges that his Ms. Bekeshkina said, Mr. Yanukovych’s tactical zigzags,” he said. dict against Ukrainian President Viktor driver embezzled $45,000. Both deny the tax reform has pushed small and medium- Downplaying Ukrainian identity Yanukovych by many of the country’s allegations, and Ms. Tymoshenko says sized businesses – seen as the opposition’s political experts one year into his presi- Yanukovych is really using the drive as an backbone of support – further into the Other domestic policies, such as revers- dency. excuse to jail her supporters. grey market. ing decisions to honor Ukrainian national- Not that major change in Ukraine was Speaking last month after New York- She says those developments have ists who resisted Soviet authorities, have completely unexpected. When Mr. based Freedom House downgraded its rat- changed, not lessened, what’s seen as the angered many in western Ukraine. New Yanukovych took power a year ago to the ing of Ukraine from “free” to “partly country’s worst problem: corruption. “If it history textbooks have also downplayed day after an election that repudiated five free,” Ms. Tymoshenko said Ukraine has was chaotic and unsystematic before,” Mr. the anti-Communist resistance, measures years of rule by the Orange Revolution’s regressed a decade. Bekeshkina said, “now it’s becoming part that Ms. Bekeshkina says have impeded leaders, he said they’d left his country is a “That’s the result of the new presi- of the power vertical system. It’s allowed the development of Ukrainian national state of “ruin.” He promised what he dent’s first year in office,” she said. “All only for those in power and no one else.” identity. called a “course of deep reform and sys- those who hoped for freedom, justice and Russia ties “Ukraine is a very young country, it tematic modernization in every area of rule of law have nothing to hope for any- will be only 20 this year, and needs to public life” that he said would “carry out a more. Now that’s recognized not just by The main factor holding President develop its language and own view of his- new wave of much-needed socioeconomic the Ukrainian opposition, but by the whole Yanukovych back from instituting a fully tory,” she said. “But now that’s being cut transformation.” world.” “Russian model” of authoritarianism, Mr. back because of many scandals, including At the top of his list was fighting cor- Regressive policies Karasyov said, is the presence of his arch- the shutting of Ukrainian schools.” ruption and reforming the state bureaucra- rival Ms. Tymoshenko. The embattled One year on, has President Yanukovych cy. But, one year on, political experts say Besides marginalizing the opposition, opposition leader was an icon of the managed to roll back the gains of the his policies have been either incomplete or human rights activists say the government Orange Revolution in 2004, when street Orange Revolution? Not yet, says Mr. regressive, aimed at canceling the Orange has moved to censor the media. The protests helped overturn Mr. Karasyov, but he adds that this year will Revolution’s democratic gains. European Union and other European orga- Yanukovych’s victory in a rigged presi- be pivotal. A survey of expert opinions about Mr. nizations have also criticized the govern- dential election. “It will show whether Yanukovych will Yanukovych’s first year in office by ment over journalists’ complaints about Ms. Tymoshenko has been especially be able to turn Ukraine around completely Kyiv’s Democratic Initiatives Foundation censorship and physical attacks. vocal about Mr. Yanukovych’s decision to by driving Tymoshenko out of politics, found most of those polled say his main Political expert Vadim Karasyov calls end Ukraine’s drive to join the European scattering the opposition, and taking the accomplishment is to have concentrated Mr. Yanukovych’s rule “neo-Soviet” for Union and NATO in favor of re-establish- political system under his control,” he power in his own hands, says its director, undercutting pluralistic politics. ing close relations with Moscow. said, “or whether Ukraine’s democratic sociologist Iryna Bekeshkina. “The president’s power is based on Mr. Yanukovych extended Russia’s development can’t be turned around.” “Yanukovych built a full vertical power personal factors, not institutions,” he said. lease for a former Soviet naval base at the Mr. Karasyov says Mr. Yanukovych has structure with himself at the top,” she said, “The political system has been trans- Black Sea port of Sevastopol. In return, so far been unable to crush Ms. “holding all levers of power, including formed into Yanukovych’s personal Moscow gave Ukraine a discount on the Tymoshenko because he governs not in his ones that are formally independent.” regime.” amount it pays for Russian natural gas. own interest, but in the interest of a hand- Selective justice As for their effectiveness, Mr. Karasyov The deal helped roll back the previous ful of powerful billionaires who financed said that Mr. Yanukovych’s policies have administration’s policy of minimizing the his campaign. Mr. Bekeshkina said Mr. Yanukovych been “either half-baked, retrograde or sim- influence of Moscow. However the political conflict plays has undermined Parliament – where his ply unfulfilled.” Such moves have been popular in out, Ms. Bekeshkina says it’s unclear how Party of Regions holds a majority – by Among his policies, experts say his Ukraine’s largely Russian-speaking east, the country will emerge. “For now,” she turning it into a “vehicle for the legal overhaul has made the judicial sys- which overwhelmingly backs Mr. said, “we’re walking away from European Presidential Administration’s bills.” She tem dependent on the president by giving Yanukovych, but have alienated people in values.” said he’s also used law enforcement to him the power to hire and fire judges. western Ukraine, the opposition’s main carry out “selective justice” against his And, although the government has base of support in the deeply divided Copyright 2011, RFE/RL Inc. rivals. reduced the number of bureaucrats, Mr. country. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Prosecutors have targeted opposition Karasyov said their fewer numbers President Yanukovych’s policies have Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 leader Yulia Tymoshenko and her allies in haven’t reduced corruption, lessened red also strained relations with the West. The Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington DC what the government says is part of a cam- tape or improved the climate for business. European Union last month blocked mil- 20036; (See http://www. paign against corruption. In economic reform, Ms. Bekeshkina lions of dollars in aid to protest changes to Ms. Tymoshenko – a former prime said the government has reduced its bud- regulations on public tenders it said would 2320846.html#relatedInfoContainer.)

Ukrainians honor Catholic patriarch Ukrainian national deputy says RFE/RL Responding to pressure from the state language ‘under pressure’ Vatican and U.S. President John F. KHARKIV, Ukraine – A plaque hon- Kennedy, the Soviet leadership released closed in the eastern part of the country. oring the Soviet-era political prisoner Patriarch Josyf and let him leave the RFE/RL Patriarch Josyf Slipyj of the Ukrainian Parents in Luhansk have resorted to hun- USSR in 1963. Slipyj died in Rome in KYIV – A national deputy from the Greek-Catholic Church, has been ger strikes to defend their children’s right 1984 at the age of 92. ruling party said on February 21, unveiled in the eastern city of Kharkiv, to an education in Ukrainian. Slipyj was made a cardinal by Pope International Mother Language Day, that Several towns and cities in Ukraine is RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service reported Paul VI in 1965. He was also the major the Ukrainian language “remains under on February 23. marked the International Mother archbishop of Lviv as head of the pressure,” RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service Language Day by holding special events The plaque was placed on February Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church from reported. 22 on the building housing the Kharkiv at schools, universities and writers’ orga- 1944 to 1984. Vitaliy Zablotskyi told RFE/RL that in nizations. City Transport Inspection Police, site of The first plaque commemorating recent months the opportunities for par- a former Soviet-era transit jail in which Ukrainian is the state language of the Patriarch Josyf was officially unveiled ents to send their children to schools country, but Russian is widely spoken, Patriarch Josyf spent several weeks in in Kharkiv in 2005 but was damaged by using Ukrainian as the language of particularly in eastern and southern 1961 en route to a Siberian prison camp. pro-Russian groups in 2008. The local instruction have narrowed, especially in Ukraine. Ukrainian language predomi- Kharkiv Oblast Governor Mykhailo Catholic congregation and the organiza- the eastern part of the country where lin- nates in the western and central parts of Dobkin, Kharkiv Mayor Hennadii tion of Ukrainian Youth arranged for its guistic Russification is more prevalent. the country. Kernes, Lviv Oblast Governor registration. “Some of my colleagues say that free- Mykhailo Tsymbalyuk and Lviv City In 2010, pro-Russian organizations dom of choice should be taken into EDITOR’S NOTE: International Mayor Andrii Sadovyi took part in the in Kharkiv won a lawsuit to demand the account when choosing schools for chil- Mother Language Day was proclaimed ceremony. restored plaque not be publicly dis- dren, but if the number of schools in by the General Conference of the United Slipyj was harshly persecuted by the played. Yurii Apukhtin, leader of the Ukrainian is limited, it means the choices Nations Educational, Scientific and Soviet regime and spent many years in Great Rus’ organization, and some of his are limited too,” Mr. Zablotskyi said. Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in jails. He refused to convert to the supporters subsequently destroyed it. Mr. Zablotskyi is a member of November 1999. According to the United Moscow-controlled Orthodox Church About 8 percent of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s Party of Nations website, it has been observed when the Soviets liquidated the Christians belong to the Ukrainian Regions. every year since February 2000 to pro- Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. Greek-Catholic Church. In the last several months, some mote linguistic and cultural diversity and Ukrainian-language schools have been multilingualism. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 No. 10

The Old Academy Building of the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy. French Ambassador Jacques Faure speaks during the fund-raiser. Restoring an icon of academic identity: Kyiv Mohyla Academy

by Paul Johnson years, Prof. Briukhovetsky can today count Business Ukraine on the goodwill and support of many Kyiv Mohyla Acad­emy graduates now working KYIV – In the early 1990s one of the as ex­ecutives and CEOs at Ukraine’s top most potent symbols of Ukraine’s re-­ companies. The restoration project has emerging independent identity was the already attracted an impressive array of cor- return of Kyiv Mohyla Acad­emy as the porate sponsors, includ­ing Dragon Capital, nation’s flagship univer­sity. Raiffeisen Bank Aval, BDO and ITT invest­ However, while patriots toasted the ment group, alongside many of the coun- return of an institute which had for centu- try’s leading cultural and busi­ness publica- ries served as a seat of learn­ing for tions including Tyzh­den magazine, Den Ukraine’s leaders, the sheer scale of the newspaper and Invest Gazeta. task was daunting. Dur­ing the Soviet peri- Kyiv embassies – led by the French and od many of the academy’s older buildings the Canadians – have also been loyal sup- had been neglected and allowed to fall into porters of the Kyiv Mohyla Academy over a state of disrepair, but with priority given the past 20 years and are expected to con- in the early 1990s to getting undergraduates tinue this trend as preparations for the back into the class­room as quickly as possi- 400th birthday pick up pace. ble, large-scale restoration works address- ing the university’s infrastructure prob­lems Counting on diaspora donations had to take a back seat. Twenty years later, the issue of architec- The National University of Kyiv tural upkeep is once again moving to the Members of the restoration advisory board, including French Ambassador Mohyla Academy also en­joys the support top of the agenda at the National University Jacques Faure, rock star-turned-patron of the arts Pavlo Gudimov and fashion of an influential seg­ment of the North of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, university lead- designer Lilya Pustovit join National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy American Ukrai­nian diaspora, which has ers look to protect the institute’s priceless Honorary President Viacheslav Briukhovetsky on stage. long been among the most financially gen- archi­tectural and spiritual inheritance. erous supporters of the university, provid­ Ukrainian identity over the centuries. This the building in time for the university’s ing funding for the construction of a num- An icon of Ukrainian education is the building where luminaries such as planned 400th birthday celebrations in ber of today’s most regularly used study Early 2011 saw the start of a new fund- Ukrainian philosopher Hryhorii Skovoroda 2015 – allowing one of Ukraine’s oldest areas and other student facilities. raising drive which is designed to finance studied – indeed, while a portrait of seats of learning to continue providing top Kyiv Mohyla Academy has its own the restoration of one of the university’s Skovodora is featured on Ukraine’s current quality education for another few hundred foundation in America and, as this latest most iconic buildings – The Old Academy 500 hrv banknote, the flipside is dominated years at least. restoration project kicks off, the academy’s by a plan of the Old Academy Building Building which houses the university’s Project attracts corporate support U.S. founda­tion will play a key role in immense book collection and which traces itself. fund-raising efforts throughout the its roots back to the era of Het­man Ivan The building is still in use today for At the fund-raising launch event in early Ukrainian di­aspora. Generous diaspora Mazepa in the early years of the 18th cen- post-graduate studies, but it is in a poor January, the man be­hind the re-establish- support, together with the material and tury. This ven­erable building is literally state of repair and is currently a mere shad- ment of Kyiv Mohyla Academy in the early spiri­tual backing which can be expected crammed from floor to ceiling with thou- ow of its former splen­dor – a situation 1990s – honorary university President from Kyiv Mohyla’s post-Soviet graduates sands upon thousands of books – many of which university supporters and manage- Viacheslav Briukhovetsky – spoke passion- and the university’s many admirers, should them personal libraries donated over the ment argue is hardly in keeping with the ately about this latest stage in the institute’s prove sufficient to ensure that the universi- centuries by prominent Ukrai­nian academ- pres­tige which the academy claims for rebirth. He likened the university to a for- ty is restored to its historic glory in time for ics and politicians. itself within the context of Ukrai­nian aca- tress of spiri­tuality and expanded on its role its 400th birthday. The winds of ancient history continue to demic history. as a symbol of Ukrainian continuity – a blow through the corridors of the Old It is hoped that the current round of place where the nation’s history is pre- The article above is reprinted with per- Academy Building, offering a glimpse of fund-raising will secure the necessary served. mission from Business Ukraine (www. the figures and events to have shaped finance to pay for a complete renovation of Thanks to his work over the past 20

National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy President Serhiy Kvit with Raisa Bohatyriova (center)of the National Security and Defense Council and National Ukrainian music icon Oleh Skrypka (left) with National University of Kyiv Deputy Lesia Orobets. Mohyla Academy Honorary President Viacheslav Briukhovetsky No.10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 5

lowers on her Twitter page (https://twitter. Ukraine’s politicians... com/LesyaOrobets) and the LiveJournal (Continued from page 1) site, which also posts her tweets, Ms. Siumar said. The UNA Forum “The Tymoshenko Bloc technologists “She writes everything herself and are counting on a situation emerging in actively comments on events,” Ms. Siumar Ukraine similar to what happened in the noted. “She constantly informs the public Middle East – mass protests coordinated of her activity.” Home Office celebrates through social networks,” Mr. Dovzhenko Even allies of the Yanukovych adminis- said. “Tymoshenko wants those protests to tration actively employ Twitter, among be in her support and she wants to be close them oligarch Mihailo Brodskiy. After his UNA’s 117th birthday to the people through social networks.” appointment as chair of the State Prosecutors have called Ms. Committee on Regulatory Policy and Tymoshenko in for questioning on a daily Entrepreneurship, he asked his staff to basis since December 2010 in what politi- begin posting all its events, decisions and cal observers agree is a campaign to put initiatives through its own Twitter site. pressure on the opposition leader and ulti- “Public service [bodies] ought to be in mately destroy her political career with step with the times,” Orest Sokhar, the convictions on criminal charges. committee’s deputy chair, said in August The former prime minister has used 2010, when the initiative was introduced. Twitter for more than mocking her political “Many people – particularly youth – get opponents. information from Twitter. Now those who On February 18, Ms. Tymoshenko are interested in what’s happening in the tweeted a warning about an attempted raid business community can easily follow the on her Batkivshchyna party headquarters, committee’s work. They simply need to alleging agents of the Security Service of sign on to our news.” Ukraine (SBU) planned to break in and Having embraced new media, Mr. confiscate its main computer server. The Brodskiy also launched his own personal SBU immediately denied any such attempt. LiveJournal site that posts his tweets. He Whether it was real or a public relations didn’t pull any punches during the tax stunt, Ms. Tymoshenko got the attention revolt of November 2010, condemning the Matthew Dubas she needed. “The first attack was thwarted. protesters and insisting the Yanukovych PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Executive officers and employees of the Ukrainian National The information wave worked. They were administration was on the right path with Association, including staffers of its two newspapers, Svoboda and The Ukrainian its proposed tax code. called [by the media] and they ran away. Weekly, on February 22 marked the 117th anniversary of the UNA’s founding. The SBU never denied its actions so quickly,” Needless to say, he received a flood of Home Office crew enjoyed a birthday cake and sang “Mnohaya Lita” for the oldest she tweeted. nasty responses, which didn’t bother the and largest Ukrainian fraternal organization. Ms. Tymoshenko has turned to Twitter politician or affect his in-your-face style because she doesn’t have her own televi- ( sion networks to engage in propaganda, Recently he fired back at comments ask- said Viktoria Siumar, director of the ing why Ukrainians should work the same Mission Statement Institute of Mass Information in Kyiv. hours as Europeans yet receive only a frac- “It’s very important that she keeps atten- tion of their wages. (Mr. Brodskiy owns The Ukrainian National Association exists: tion drawn to her matter,” she said. “She numerous factories known for their low has few mass media outlets and needs to wages.) • to promote the principles of fraternalism; use free, modern means of communication. “People work a lot more in Europe,” he • to preserve the Ukrainian, Ukrainian American and Ukrainian Life compelled it.” posted on February 24. “With identical Ms. Tymoshenko’s Twitter posts have production conditions, Italian output is Canadian heritage and culture; and yet to achieve the popularity of those by greater than ours. For example, one of my • to provide quality financial services and products to its members. Lesya Orobets, the 28-year-old national factories had merit-based pay, but the deputy of the Our Ukraine—People’s Self- employees worked without enthusiasm all As a fraternal insurance society, the Ukrainian National Association Defense Bloc. (She’s a member of the the same. Yet, when living abroad, reinvests its earnings for the benefit of its members and the Single Center party led by Viktor Baloha, Ukrainians immediately begin to work Ukrainian community. the minister of emergency situations.) more.” Ms. Orobets began tweeting in June Mr. Brodskiy continues to use Twitter to 2009, offering readers insight into behind- comment on political events and even the-scenes activity at parliamentary ses- shares details of his personal life, such as sions and committee hearings that the pub- where he dines, the latest movies he’s seen Young UNA’ers lic doesn’t have access to, Ms. Siumar said. and daily observations. She also informs the public about the latest “There’s snow on the streets of Kyiv – legislative activity on education, a theme accidents and jams,” he wrote on February she champions in her political life. 22. “If we don’t change anything, Kyiv As a result, she’s among the most popu- will stop altogether in a few years. We’ll lar politicians within Ukraine’s younger be like Moscow residents, spending half generations, drawing more than 5,000 fol- our lives in traffic jams.”

FOR THE RECORD: UCC writes to Cardinal Husar Following is an excerpt of a letter Greek-Catholic Church occupies a to Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, who proud and dignified place among the resigned on February 10 as the pri- Churches of the world. mate of the Ukrainian Greek- Throughout all these years, you Roman Polyuga, son of Olga Senyk Sophie H. Zamyatin, daughter of Catholic Church, from National became not only a spiritual leader and and Ruslan Polyuga of Los Angeles, is Victoria Popova and Oleksiy President Paul Grod of the Ukrainian a role model for your followers, but a new member of UNA Branch 257. He Zamyatin of San Diego, is a new mem- Canadian Congress also a moral compass for all of the was enrolled by Luba Poniatyszyn ber of UNA Branch 777. She was Ukrainian community – always Keske, an advisor on the UNA General enrolled by her “American grand- … On behalf of the whole of the enlightening people with the truth Assembly. mother,” Vera Skop. Ukrainian Canadian community, about God and God’s role in our lives. please accept our sincere gratitude for Because of your steadfast dedica- the work you have put in over the tion and indomitable faith, the main years for the benefit of the Ukrainian altar of the Church was returned to Do you have a young UNA’er, people. the spiritual heart of Ukraine – Kyiv, On the 10th anniversary of your and millions of the faithful from all or potential young UNA’er in your family? service, you were faced with many over the world continue to rediscover challenges: consolidating the God and find a place for him in their Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church hearts. Call the UNA Home Office, 973-292-9800, both in and outside of Ukraine, guid- Again, please accept our gratitude to find out how to enroll. ing the faithful during the creation of for your years of devoted service. an independent Ukraine, and, last but May God bless you, the Church and not least, ensuring that the Ukrainian all of the people of Ukraine. The UNA: 117 ryea s of service to our community 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 No. 10

SHEVCHENKO ANNIVERSARY The Ukrainian Weekly Ukraine’s PR message How “Testament” was written “Ukraine’s government will not be tempted by the false choice between reforms and democracy.” Those words in a March 1 letter to the editor of The Washington Post got our attention. Was someone saying that it could only be one or the other? The letter by Ukraine’s ambassador to the U.S., Olexander Motsyk was in reac- tion to the February 23 editorial titled “Slipping in Ukraine” (or “Ukraine: A demo- cratic revolution in reverse” as it appeared online). The editorial pointed to the “backsliding” under way in Ukraine, which it said “may be creeping out of the dem- ocratic camp” under the Yanukovych administration. Among the problems cited were selective prosecution of Orange Revolution leaders, pressure on the news media and tainted local elections. Ambassador Motsyk wrote: “The suggestion that the government of Ukraine is rolling back the democratic promise of the Orange Revolution was off the mark. The promise of the revolution was betrayed much earlier – by its own leaders, who failed to make democracy a key to successful reforms and a major transformation of Ukraine’s society. …President Viktor Yanukovych is doing what should have been done six years ago: proclaiming an ambitious reform agenda, recruiting people capa- ble of implementing it, passing unpopular but necessary laws and cracking down on corruption.” He continued: “But Post readers can rest assured that Ukraine’s govern- ment will not be tempted by the false choice between reforms and democracy. ...” Similarly, The Wall Street Journal’s editorial titled “Orange Crushed” (February 7) pointed out that “Mr. Yanukovych’s government is now busily trying to reverse demo- cratic rights, putting pressure on the press, ramming constitutional changes into law to increase his power and extending the parliament’s term by a year. …” That too elicited a response from a Ukrainian diplomat – this time from Foreign Affairs Minister Kostyantyn Gryshchenko, whose February 12 letter argued: “…the Yanukovych administration has worked tirelessly to advance Ukraine’s democratic ambitions, improve the electoral process, expand the rule of law and begin [a] major program of social and economic reform. …the Yanukovych administration has brought Ukraine stability as well as the kinds of necessary, and at times difficult, Taras Shevchenko’s “Zapovit,” or “Testament,” written in 1845. reforms that have been lauded by countless international observers…” Clearly, Kyiv feels if you repeat something often enough it becomes believable. by Mykola Chubuk Myrhorod near Poltava. Realizing that Even Minister of Justice Oleksander Lavrynovych has gotten into the PR game. he should not travel in such a state, According to a report by the Ukrinform news service, he told Freedom House On December 25, 1845, Ukrainian Shevchenko returned to Pereyaslav for Executive Director David J. Kramer that his NGO should provide “objective assess- poet Taras Shevchenko wrote his out- treatment, but left again as soon as his ments” of the situation in Ukraine. That was a reference to Freedom House’s down- standing and most well-known poem, health showed a slight improvement. grading of Ukraine from “free” to “partly free” in its most recent annual report on “Testament,” in Pereyaslav. Set to However, his recovery was far from global freedom. Citing the Justice Ministry’s February 23 release, Ukrinform report- music in more than 60 versions, complete, and on December 24, 1845, ed: “He [Mr. Lavrynovych] noted that Ukraine’s authorities in the course of reform “Testament” has also been translated the poet fell seriously ill. He was in crit- have to resort to unpopular measures, which affect the ratings of the country. The min- into 147 languages. ical condition by the time he was ister stressed that, after reform, the situation in this country will be better than now.” Shevchenko was fortunate enough to brought back to Pereyaslav, where Hmmm, must be that false choice between reforms and democracy. Reforms now, meet many remarkable personalities, Kozachkivsky did all he could to save democracy later? What exactly is the message being sent by Ukraine’s leaders? something he invariably spoke about him. At a certain stage it looked as if the with gratitude and pride. Those with doctor might fail. And thus, one night whom he developed close personal rela- when all hope of recovery seemed lost, tionships included Andriy Shevchenko lit a candle, sat down at a Kozachkivsky, whose affectionate table and wrote his famous “Testament.” March Turning the pages back... friendship the poet valued all his life. Finally, the remedies prescribed by A professional physician, his doctor and Shevchenko’s own Kozachkivsky graduated from the St. youthful organism overcame the illness, Petersburg Academy of Medicine and Three years ago, on March 6, 2008, during a meeting of and the poet’s health took a turn for the 6 Surgery in 1835. Back home from a trip better. Shevchenko grew more cheerful NATO countries’ ministers of foreign affairs in Brussels, some round the world, he was catching up on 2008 Western European leaders cold-shouldered Georgia’s and and communicative, and would often news in literature and arts and thus talk to Kozachkivsky’s patients. Ukraine’s NATO Membership Action Plans (MAPs) by drag- came across the almanac “Lastivka” ging their feet in deference to Russia. That was an extremely fruitful peri- (The Swallow) edited by Yevhen od for the poet. In Pereyaslav he wrote The meeting, which adjourned without a decision on the major chapter of the sum- Hrebinka. There he read Shevchenko’s mit’s agenda, was in preparation for the NATO summit to be held in Bucharest in “The Housemaid” and “The Caucasus.” poems for the first time and was greatly He also painted several landscapes and April of that year. This meeting was also the first time that a discussion on the merits impressed by their simplicity and of MAP aspirants was held on the ministerial level. a self-portrait, which unfortunately has strength. He asked his Ukrainian coun- not been saved. Georgia’s MAP application was seen as more controversial than Ukraine’s, with trymen to introduce him to the author. most of the debate centered not on Georgia’s performance in taking steps toward The friends met again in 1859. As That first meeting took place in the Kozachkivsky wrote in his memoirs, in NATO, but rather concerns for relations with Russia, especially from Germany, France fall of 1841. They immediately became and a handful of other Western European governments. June of that year a mail coach drove friends and talked late into the night. into his yard. He did not recognize the French Foreign Affairs Minister Bernard Kouchner urged the Brussels meeting par- From then on, Shevchenko would often ticipants to “take into account Russia’s sensitivity and the important role it plays.” passenger at first. The exile with its call on his new friend to read to him his innumerable moral and physical suffer- “We think that EU-Russia relations are absolutely important. And France is not the latest poems. only country wanting to maintain a relationship with Russia as a great nation,” ings had altered Shevchenko almost When Kozachkivsky moved to beyond recognition. Minister Kouchner was quoted as saying in La Monde on March 8, 2008. Pereyaslav (now the town of German Minister of Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier focused on relations Silently, they greeted each other and Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky, Kyiv region), went inside the house. Too moved to with Russia, said he was “skeptical” on the MAP and called for a “calm discussion” of where he worked as a doctor and a the differences within NATO. “In Russia we have a new president and I think that the speak, the poet paced up and down the teacher of medicine at the local semi- room. Then he saw the bustle of a fair European Union wants to put its ties with Russia on another footing.” nary, Shevchenko often stayed with him This was echoed by Luxembourg’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn, who through a window and suggested they during his visits to Ukraine. go there at once. There, among the peo- said, “We have to take the interests of others, not only of NATO members, into account.” Shevchenko made one such visit in Spain and the Netherlands were said to be motivated by internal EU politics in ple who were so painfully dear to him, August 1845, just after graduating from he gradually calmed down. When they resisting the NATO aspirations of Georgia and Ukraine. the Academy of Art with the diploma of Four main arguments against the MAPs emerged from the meeting, including: returned from the fair, Shevchenko had a “free artist.” After a stay in cheered up sufficiently to tell Russia’s energy supplies to Europe; Russian reassurance of peaceful Western intent Pereyaslav, he continued his trip but and other security issues; counterposing agendas of the EU and NATO; and the reluc- Kozachkivsky about his ordeal. soon caught cold and had to spend sev- After lunch he wanted to see the tance to damage relations with Russia. eral days in bed in the town of Such arguments would award Russia indirect levers of influence and distort NATO Dnipro and set out for the river on foot decisions – in this case over the eligibility of countries for Membership Action Plans and without waiting until the horses were accession prospects. The integrity of NATO’s decision-making process, and even its harnessed. Kozachkivsky picked him up capacity to take internal decisions fully independent of Russia, were at stake in the MAP Mykola Chubuk was a freelance writer when he was already past the boundary debate in the run-up to the alliance’s summit. (Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and a contributor for the magazines of the town, and they drove on together. was invited to attend the NATO summit in Bucharest.) Ukraine (Kyiv) and Forum (United That was an unforgettable experi- States). ence. The friends caught some fish in Source: “Some Western European states cold-shoulder Georgia, Ukraine,” by The article above was provided by the Vladimir Socor (Eurasia Daily Monitor), The Ukrainian Weekly, March 16, 2008. Taras Shevchenko Museum in Toronto. (Continued on page 16) No.10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 7


election, Mr. Yushchenko illegally pendence of Ukraine’s courts. I am also What is worrying many East Re: comment changed the rules to favor the Party of a harsh critic of the policies of European countries, particularly Regions. Mr. Yushchenko and Arseniy Education Minister Dmytro Tabachnyk, Russia’s neighbors, is the extent of this about Snyder Yatsenyuk told the people in western who has polarized relations between cooperation and the danger it poses to Ukraine not to vote for anyone. The peo- eastern and western Ukraine. their democracies and the freedom of Dear Editor, ple listened to him and 5 percent did not At the same time, I believe that their people. Why do better relations Further to “A comment about Snyder” vote. This took away votes from the President Yanukovych has unveiled an with Russia come at the expense of (letter, February 23), I agree with the crit- opposition to the Russophile elements. ambitious program of government dereg- Russia’s neighbors by allowing Russia icisms of Lydia Kossak Kernitsky con- Two years earlier, Mr. Yushchenko’s ulation, reduced taxes on business, pared to meddle in the internal and external cerning the position taken by author rating in Ukraine was 2 percent because down the size of government bureaucra- affairs of its neighbors, most notably Timothy Snyder on Ukraine’s freedom he did nothing for the people of Ukraine. cy, and produced a fiscal plan that has Ukraine, by allowing Russia to orches- fighters. I, too, believe that he is misguid- He became popular in the West because thus far satisfied the International trate elections that have been rife with ed in some of his negative views on the community leaders worked hard to edu- Monetary Fund. Nor has he pressed unre- widespread fraud and resulted in a new OUN and the UPA. As I have written cate the world about the Holodomor of lentingly to make Russian a state lan- government almost entirely composed before, those who criticize the missteps 1932-1933. He acknowledged the guage and instead recently urged the peo- of corrupt, criminal and Ukrainophobic of Ukraine’s freedom fighters miss the Holodomor and was hosted by the dias- ple of eastern Ukraine to “Learn elements? key point: it was a do or die moment. pora. But he did nothing to improve the Ukrainian, that will be normal. …We live If such cooperation is to continue at However, I consider the impact of Dr. lives of the living in Ukraine. His poli- on Ukrainian soil and we should respect the expense of Russia’s neighbors, then Snyder’s exposé of Stalin’s evil side by cies and his squabbles with Ms. and honor it.” all of Russia’s neighbors will be in great side with that of Hitler very important to Tymoshenko kept Ukraine out of Europe. As importantly, despite caricatures of jeopardy. Their freshly won freedom Ukraine’s history and the battles taking Mr. Yushchenko is a Judas to 45 per- his positions, President Yanukovych has and the process of democratization of place there now, as well as those of the cent of Ukraine’s citizens who voted for improved relations with Russia, while their countries will soon be past history. diaspora around the world, for the hearts a democratic Ukraine in 2010. These are defending Ukraine’s national interests by Obviously, this will please Russia and minds of fair-minded people duped the supporters of the Orange Revolution protecting sovereign control over its ener- beyond its expectations. And, once or ignorant of Communist attrocities. who gathered on the maidan in Kyiv and gy pipeline systems. In addition, he has again, thanks to the “freedom-loving” In my judgement, the value of Dr. won the election in 2005. opened the door to energy diversification democracies of the West, the deceitful Snyder’s book outweighs his primarily Today, Ukraine is run by thugs and an through exploration with the help of the Russian sphinx will triumph as it has Internet-based misrepresentations. anti-Ukrainian dictator whom Mr. U.S. government and has traveled around done on many occasions in the past. “Bloodlands” sets the stage for a more Yushchenko helped win the 2010 elec- the world to open Ukraine to new invest- Rather than representing and defend- responsible treatment of the OUN and tion. ments. ing the aspirations of nations that have UPA liberation movement by any author The government is hell bent on demor- Readers interested in my assessment of freed themselves from the Russian of the future. This rationale allowed me alizing the freedom fighters of Ukraine. the Yanukovych presidency can look at yoke, the leaders of Western democra- to take him off my Worst List – he was Today these people are harassed and my recent article (February 24) in the cies, have yet again chosen to appease there for reasons sited by the letter-writ- beaten; their homes are vandalized, some New Atlanticist. ( the Russian imperial appetite. By their er – and to put him in the 2010 Best List destroyed; many are arrested illegally cist/yanukovych-report-card-one-year- flagrant disregard for the sovereignty, (January 30). and charged by corrupt people beholden power). democracy and political independence I hope that people like Ms. Kernitsky to the mafia in government. People in As a U.S. citizen of Ukrainian ances- of Ukraine and the freedom of its peo- and others continue to counter some of opposition to the Yanukovych regime are try, I am interested in seeing Ukraine ple, and countless victims of Russian Dr. Snyder’s positions. It will be a mea- being terrorized. move closer to Europe on the basis of terror, they have shown again their sure of the man’s scholarship to see how Today, Mr. Yushchenko is a baron and democratic practices, a growing econo- abhorrent disregard of their own he treats the subject in the future. The a billionaire hero of Russophiles and ene- my, a foreign policy that enhances Western values. In doing so, they are Best and Worst List will respond in mies of Ukraine. Meanwhile, Ukraine is Ukraine’s sovereignty, and unity and discrediting themselves. kind. being sold to its enemy for profit in the cohesion between East and West. In my Ukraine and the new democracies of thugs’ pockets. view this can best be done through Eastern Europe, as it appears now, can- Oksana Bashuk Hepburn engagement with Ukraine and its leaders, not expect that the political rationale of Pearl Holubowsky Ottawa cooperating with them in those areas the Western leadership will change soon Toronto where they are on the right track and crit- enough. Time is running out. icizing them when they err. In that role, I Lubomyr M. Pawlowych am ready to be a “point man.” The villains Union, N.J. Adrian Karatnycky of Ukraine Karatnycky reacts New York Dear Editor: to editorial The letter-writer is senior fellow, Congratulations Atlantic Council of the U.S., and coor- Ex-President Viktor Yushchenko is Dear Editor: one of the primary villains in Ukraine. dinator of its Ukraine-North America on Year in Review Throughout his presidency, policies I have been traveling overseas in Dialogue. succeeded in destroying opposition to recent days, and so was only recently Dear Editor: the Russophile political leaders, robber able to read The Ukrainian Weekly’s edi- Congratulations on the excellent arti- oligarchs, who were horrified and torial of February 13, “Let the Reader cles in “2010: The Year in Review” in frightened of democracy becoming a Beware,” which inaccurately character- About cooperation The Ukrainian Weekly issues of January reality, especially after the Orange side izes me as a “point man” in Washington 16 and 23. won the election in 2005. for the Yanukovych forces and declares This year you and your staff did an When Mr. Yushchenko became presi- that I have been “hired” by the Party of with Russia outstanding summary and presented all- dent, he appointed Viktor Yanukovych, Regions. Dear Editor: important information to us, the readers – the enemy of the Orange Revolution, as Let me state for the record, I am not a for which we are very grateful. prime minister of Ukraine (2005-2007). lobbyist for the government of Ukraine, Now that the new U.S.-Russia nucle- These articles should be shared with Mr. Yushchenko was emotionally for Ukraine’s president or his adminis- ar treaty has gone into effect, and the the people of Ukraine to show them how obsessed with hatred for Yulia tration or for the Party of Regions; nor partnership with Russia has become so the free press and people function in a do I receive money from them. vital to continued progress in other Tymoshenko and was against her party free society, and are not used as a tool of The Weekly is free to disagree with areas, there remain many unanswered members, with whom he initially joined the government. my views editorially. But I hope you will questions, most pressing among them forces for an independent democratic Great job. Thank you. Ukraine. criticize my views for what they are: my to what extent will such cooperation Ironically, he became president with own views, shaped by my own evolving take effect and what will be its conse- Jerry Zinycz the help of Ms. Tymoshenko. She had perceptions of developments in Ukraine. quences. Venice, Fla. 31 percent of the votes; Mr. Yushchenko In my writings, I do not hide the fact had a lot less. He would have never that I believe criticisms bordering on hys- been president without Ms. teria have exaggerated the real decline in Tymoshenko. political, media and civic freedoms in We welcome your opinion To pacify the criminal robber oligarch Ukraine and inaccurately cast President The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters to the editor and commentaries gang, Mr. Yushchenko did not convert Viktor Yanukovych as a villainous instru- on a variety of topics of concern to the Ukrainian American and Ukrainian Ukraine to a democratic rule-of-law ment of the Kremlin. While concern over Canadian communities. Opinions expressed by columnists, commentators country. Mr. Yushchenko did not even rights regression merits criticism, claims and letter-writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions ban the Communist Party, because they that the state of liberty in Ukraine is com- of either The Weekly editorial staff or its publisher, the Ukrainian National were supporters of the Party of Regions. parable to Russia are completely off- Association. Police, prosecutors and judges contin- track. Letters should be typed and signed (anonymous letters are not published). ued to not be independent. People’s rights That said, I am on record in observing Letters are accepted also via e-mail at [email protected]. The daytime phone that the case against Yulia Tymoshenko were left limited. Oligarchs were allowed number and address of the letter-writer must be given for verification purposes. to be loyal to their pockets only. The laws represents a crossroads for President Please note that a daytime phone number is essential in order for editors to con- remained largely as they were under his Yanukovych. And her conviction and tact letter-writers regarding clarifications or questions. dear friend Leonid Kuchma. imprisonment can only be seen as politi- Three days before the second 2010 cally motivated, given the lack of inde- 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 No. 10

NEWS AND VIEWS Former Canadian ambassador on wrong side of East-West divide by Jars Balan strongly disagrees with some of the claims ing the genocidal famine of 1932-1933 at a perfectly capable of distinguishing between that Mr. Westdal makes in his attack on the time when the current Ukrainian govern- the Russian people on the one hand, and On November 19, 2010, the Toronto current Canadian government’s handling of ment is trying to downplay and obfuscate the imperial Russian state, the Soviet Star ran a news story by Allan Woods relations with Russia, and his attribution of the nature of this crime. Union and the post-Communist govern- under the headline “Canadian diplomat these to “outdated” Cold War posturing and As for Mr. Westdal, he is entitled to his ment of the Russian Federation, on the blasts Ottawa’s stance toward Russia.” The “neo-con antipathy” to Russia. opinions, no matter how ill-informed they other. piece, which appeared on the eve of a We particularly take exception with his might be, since this is a privilege that he Furthermore, diaspora Ukrainians con- NATO summit in Lisbon, Portugal, report- patronizing and offensive portrayal of enjoys as a citizen of a truly free and demo- tinue to identify with and support those ed on a litany of complaints made by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s October cratic country – unlike Russia. However, brave Russian politicians like Boris retired Canadian diplomat Christopher 2010 visit to Ukraine, which he described we vigorously object to his characterization Nemtsov and Gary Kasparov who dare to Westdal about the Harper government’s as follows: “He spent his time commemo- of diaspora Ukrainians as “Russophobes”; oppose Putinism and are fighting for conduct of Canadian foreign policy toward rating no end of atrocities, in avowed aid of the sarcastic tone of his remarks concerning democracy in Russia today, frequently risk- Russia, Ukraine and Georgia. remembrance, harping on about his host’s the Holodomor; and the dismissive and ing life, liberty and limb. Do the unsolved In the article Mr. Westdal is said to have transgressions (centralizing power! restrict- patronizing intent of his reference to the murders of a long and steadily growing list “blasted Canada’s foreign policy stance ing access to information! no kidding!) and, prime minister “stoking a sense of of journalists, human rights activists and toward Russia as outdated and specifically to who knows what end (or Canadian aggrieved victimhood and narrow national- critics of the Kremlin, both in Russia and designed to win over ethnic votes in national interest), stoking a sense of ism.” abroad, not provide sufficient evidence that Canada.” aggrieved Ukrainian victimhood and nar- As is the case with Ukrainians in Moscow no longer deserves to be treated He is quoted as saying: “Our prime min- row nationalism. It was to these ends, pre- Ukraine, the vast majority of Ukrainians in with kid leather gloves by the democratic ister’s credibility is undermined by wide- sumably, that the prime minister exaggerat- Canada cannot be said to hold members of the Euro-Atlantic community? spread suspicion that his government’s pol- ed, more than doubled, the number of “Russophobic” views any more than it can Because objective and informed observers icy in East-West security relations is tai- Ukrainian victims of the Holodomyr [sic] – be said that most Canadians are “anti- of Russia – including Western diplomats lored to suit Ukrainian, Baltic and other doing their memory scant service, surely, American” (even if some are critical of who deal with the Kremlin today, judging Russophobe diaspora voting blocs in with the inference that 4 million were too American government policies or aspects from the revelations in Wikileaks – now Canada.” few, 10 million need have died to make the of American society.) regard it to be ruled by a thoroughly cor- Mr. Westdal further claims that “Rigid point.” Labelling Ukrainians, Balts and other rupt, ideologically bankrupt and anti-West- neo-con antipathy to Russia (reinforced by Mr. Westdal’s rhetoric and his choice of colonized peoples of the Russian Empire ern regime that is playing a dangerous and conservative national media) and a foreign targets reveals more about his own partisan and the USSR as “Russophobes” is a delib- duplicitous role in world affairs. policy narrowly designed for diasporas political prejudices than it does about erate slur being promoted by the Kremlin. Contrary to the views expressed by Mr. have led us to the margins of irrelevance Ukrainians, Russians, or a host of other It seeks to discredit critics of Moscow’s Westdal in his earlier piece titled “Don’t and mischief.” issues. What seems obvious from the sub- intensifying campaign to its restore its Demonize Putin,” published in the Globe The original source of Mr. Westdal’s stance of his remarks is that the real target hegemony over its former territories, espe- and Mail on August 21, 2007, it is not the comments was a policy paper titled of his venom was Stephen Harper, whom cially what Russian imperialists like to West that has demonized Vladimir Putin, “NATO Summit: Making Peace with he unfavourably compares with Brian euphemistically refer to as their “near but the actions and threats of Mr. Putin Russia, Canada Notwithstanding,” which Mulroney, Pierre Trudeau and Lester abroad.” It is name-calling akin to earlier himself that have brought Russia into he prepared in November 2010 for the Pearson. Soviet propaganda that sought to paint all widespread disrepute. Canadian Defense and Foreign Affairs The convenient “stick” that he uses to East European critics of the USSR as “fas- It is regrettably true that, for short-sight- Institute (CDFAI). A Calgary-based think beat him with is the prime minister’s visit cists” and “Nazi collaborators” because ed political and economic reasons, Europe tank that includes many well-known aca- to Ukraine and his government’s actions in they were tarnishing the image of Russian and the United States have been reluctant demics, consultants and former civil ser- challenging Russia’s behavior toward its Communism. to challenge Russia’s aggression toward its vants among its fellows, directors and con- former vassal states and to the West as a In actual fact, many diaspora Ukrainians neighbors or to condemn its descent into tributors to its publications, the CDFAI is whole, including Canada. feel great sympathy and a sense of kinship what is effectively an authoritarian one- well-connected with Canada’s defense While the Ukrainian Canadian Congress with the long-suffering Russian people, party state. establishment and with the Department of feels no need to defend every foreign poli- whom they regard as having been political- However, it is time for would-be pundits Foreign Affairs and International Trade cy decision of the Conservative govern- ly oppressed, exploited, deceived and like Mr. Westdal to stop making excuses (DFAIT), undoubtedly seeking to influence ment of Canada, it does believe that Prime abused by centuries of tsarist autocracy and for the indefensible Putin-Medvedev both with its analyses. Minister Harper should be congratulated by seven decades under Communist dicta- regime and to begin thinking about ways The Ukrainian Canadian Congress for his principled stand in drawing atten- torship. As exasperated and outraged as to defend Western interests and the citi- tion to the increasingly disturbing develop- many Ukrainians may feel about the way zens of Russia who are struggling to Jars Balan is chair of the Canada- ments in Ukraine. He also deserves credit the Kremlin has treated Ukrainians histori- overcome their country’s xenophobic and Ukraine Committee of the Ukrainian for publicly acknowledging in Kyiv the cally or now conducts relations with inde- anti-democratic legacy. Canadian Congress. mass murder of millions of Ukrainians dur- pendent Ukraine, Ukrainian Canadians are It is not just diaspora Ukrainians, or Mr. Westdal’s hated “neo-cons,” who have become alarmed by developments since Mr. Putin and his former colleagues in the IN THE PRESS: Ukraine’s ‘Egypt moment’ KGB established “a power vertical” whose tentacles extend throughout Russian soci- “Orange Crushed,” editorial, The expect to have a say over who governs army, adequate pensions, etc. — all ety. That Mr. Putin has successfully forged Wall Street Journal, February 7: them and how. They can’t be taken for these bombastic pledges went down the a cabal with Russia’s mafia-like oligarchic granted. Tunisians and Egyptians have drain during the years of the orange rule. “Six years ago, Ukraine had its Egypt elite, its neo-feudal Orthodox Church, and sent the same message to their As a result, the revolution’s leaders were with racist, chauvinist and openly imperial- moment. A popular uprising toppled an entrenched leaders in recent weeks. …” repudiated by Ukrainian voters in the authoritarian regime in what came to be istic elements in Russian society, goes a last presidential election. The new long way toward explaining why known as the Orange Revolution. That “Ukraine is progressing after reform-minded government is leading was the high point. What has happened “Putinism” has become a term of opprobri- Orange Revolution’s failure,” letter to the successful modernization of Ukraine. um. And it is why the Kremlin ultimately since … is a learning opportunity for the editor from Kostyantyn And President Viktor Yanukovych’s first aspiring Arab democrats. bears responsibility for the increasingly Gryshchenko, foreign affairs minister steps confirm both his good will and chilled relationship between Moscow and “After the euphoria in Ukraine faded, of Ukraine, The Wall Street Journal, ability to change things for the better. its freely elected leaders turned out to be the democratic countries of the West. February 12: “…the Yanukovych administration Does anyone seriously doubt where the flawed too, amid bickering, corruption and has worked tirelessly to advance policy mistakes. Last year, Ukrainians “Your editorial “Orange Crushed” is, trail of the polonium used to kill Alexander Ukraine’s democratic ambitions, Litvinenko leads, or who stands to benefit chucked the Orange leaders in a clean no doubt, well intended. And yet, as it improve the electoral process, expand election. In came President Viktor often happens with Ukraine’s outside each time a Russian journalist, opposition the rule of law and begin major program critic or human rights activist gets threat- Yanukovych, on whose behalf the previ- observers, the good intentions pave the of social and economic reform. …the ous regime tried to steal elections in 2004. way to wrong conclusions. ened, beaten, poisoned, shot? Does Mr. Yanukovych administration has brought Westdal believe that United Russia candi- “Mr. Yanukovych’s government is “Drawing parallels between Kiev Ukraine stability as well as the kinds of now busily trying to reverse democratic [sic], and today’s Tunis and Cairo is sim- dates consistently sweep Russian elections necessary, and at times difficult, reforms because of the great things that the party is rights, putting pressure on the press, ply wrong. It’s ‘apples and oranges’ and that have been lauded by countless inter- ramming constitutional changes into law not only because the word ‘orange’ has a doing to improve the lives of ordinary national observers, including the Russians, or that elections in Russia are to increase his power and extending the special connotation in Ukraine’s case. International Monetary Fund. …” parliament’s term by a year. … “You say that Ukraine’s orange gov- remotely fair and free? “Ukraine’s democratic experiment is ernment was crushed and voted out of “Ukraine: A democratic revolution And is it any wonder that opinion polls far from dead, but it is under threat from power. Yet let me remind you that this in reverse,” editorial, The Washington show Mr. Putin is popular with the Russian refugees of the Soviet era who grew up was done by the voters, not the current Post, February 23: public when the compliant Russian mass with the habits of one-party rule and have government, because the orange leaders media never dares to criticize him but “Note to Egypt et al: Democratic revo- fawningly portrays him as a strutting, never taken to pluralistic politics. … promised their supporters so much and lutions, even when successful, must be “Despite the recent setbacks, one leg- delivered so little. swaggering, macho action figure – not- acy of 2004 is that Ukrainians now “Economic reforms, a professional (Continued on page 10) (Continued on page 18) No.10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 9

Ukrainian nation,” stated Mr. Yushchenko New online... as he addressed the audience during the presentation. (Continued from page 1) In his remarks, Mr. Yushchenko took the opportunity to dispel the popular mis- the territory of the Ukrainian National conceptions that Ukraine’s independence Republic (UNR),” explained Mr. Krutsyk. fell like manna from heaven and that The title of each chapter of the elec- Ukrainians did not fight for their sover- tronic version of “The People’s War” eignty. “This exhibit speaks loud and offers a stark reminder of the turbulent clear that your grandfathers and great- times the Ukrainian nation experienced at grandfathers throughout the entire [period the beginning of the 20th century in its of the] UNR did not accept what we quest for self-determination and indepen- today know as the Soviet way of life. dence: “Nation-Building During the Era Thousands of protests were undertaken to of the Central Council,” “The Era of the repel Soviet ideology and occupation.” Hetmanate,” “The Directorate of the “This exhibit is a history about you, UNR,” “The Period of Occupation,” and we have the right to be proud of such “Crimes of the CHeKa,” “Bolshevik a history,” added Mr. Yushchenko. Pillaging,” “The Destruction of the Mr. Yushchenko underscored the fact Clergy,” and “Crimes Against Humanity,” to name just a sample. that, for all intents and purposes, the When he initially viewed the “The exhibit “The People’s War” could have Unknown War” exhibit in November easily been titled “The Unknown War” 2010 at the Ukrainian House, former because most of its heroes remain Illya M. Labunka President Viktor Yushchenko was struck unknown even today. Seen at the launch of the online exhibit (from left) are: former President of Ukraine by the plethora of important documenta- Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, who served Viktor Yushchenko, former chief of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Valentyn tion that had been compiled. At the same as head of the SBU when “The People’s Nalyvaichenko and Mr. Yushchenko’s press secretary, Iryna Vannykova. time, Mr. Yushchenko realized that the War” project initially began to take physical exhibit lacked the appropriate shape, is considered one of the key fig- “The electronic version of this exhibit events of 1917-1932 and the period of forum to make the information more ures behind the overall success of the is the ‘Wikileaks’ for all those liars who World War II, particularly the contribu- accessible – as well as the desired impact endeavor. now govern the educational and research tions of the UPA. All of these periods – on both the national and international “Although today history textbooks are infrastructures of this country and write exemplify the historical and never-ending scale, particularly to foreign journalists being ‘rewritten,’ we know how to relay under the guise of the Communist Party process of the formation of the armed and scholars. As a result, Ukraine’s for- the truth to the people, especially our and the current government,” concluded forces of Ukraine,” concluded Prof. mer head of state resolved to initiate and young people. Instead of special, bureau- Mr. Nalyvaichenko. Serhiychuk. co-sponsor the creation of an electronic cratically cumbersome, government- Currently, Mr. Nalyvaichenko serves As director of the Museum of Soviet version of exhibit under the aegis of his issued research passes, we are making as head of the Political Council of the Occupation (which is also housed within institute and political party. documentation accessible through this Our Ukraine party. the premises of the Kyiv Association of “I wouldn’t want our people to be electronic version to all those who want As the top historical consultant of Memorial), Mr. Krutsyk concluded his reared on the Pavlyk Morozovs of this to know the truth,” stated Mr. “The People’s War” project, Prof. presentation by underscoring that world or to be schooled on historical lies. Nalyvaichenko in his opening remarks Volodymyr Serhiychuk of Kyiv Ukrainians must continue to discover We have our own history. It’s a single during the presentation. University expressed satisfaction that who they are by learning from their past. Mr. Nalyvaichenko underscored the history and it’s Ukrainian. Ukrainian his- many eastern Ukrainians have embraced In addition to a museum, the Kyiv significance of the exhibit by emphasiz- tory should not be written in Moscow. It the exhibit, especially because “The Association of Memorial also houses a ing the extent to which sheer terror was should be written by the people of the People’s War” was virtually unknown for library, whose collection includes publi- utilized to suppress the war for indepen- decades, since that aspect of the libera- cations found in no other library on the dence. Some of the most resonant and tion movement was officially branded territory of Ukraine. According to Mr. revealing documents, according to Mr. criminal and anti-Soviet. Krutsyk, a significant number of these Nalyvaichenko, demonstrate how terror “This exhibit is important because it books was generously donated by the prevailed in the form of official govern- demonstrates the fact that the Ukrainian North American diaspora. ment orders calling for the liquidation of peoples’ struggle for freedom is eternal, As a result of Memorial’s activities singled-out members of the intelligentsia and it showed itself in full force in the and clergy. 1920s in the tradition of the Ukrainian and rare holdings, citizens from all cor- By 1919, for example, there were five Kozaks,” stated Prof. Serhiychuk. ners of Ukraine continue to visit the concentration camps on the territory of Prof. Serhiychuk emphasized that museum and library in order to obtain Ukraine aimed at quashing any armed many of the pseudonyms used by the pertinent information on their particular uprisings by instilling pure fear in the defiant uprising detachments were based oblast. In some cases, the Kyiv minds of the population. One of the more on the Kozak legacy. This serves as evi- Association of Memorial sends photo- amazing discoveries featured in the elec- dence that the tradition of the Kozak heri- copied materials free of charge to indi- tronic exhibit bears witness to the so- tage had imbedded itself in Left-Bank viduals who live in distant locations and called Pavlohrad Uprising of 1928 in Ukraine, which according to Prof. are unable to travel to Kyiv. Kharkiv Oblast, where people bore arms Serhiychuk, is the reason that further The electronic version of “The and stood up to the Soviet occupiers. scholarly research needs to be conducted People’s War” can be accessed by refer- In his final remarks, Mr. Nalyvaichenko in order to demonstrate the military cor- ring to the website of the Kyiv Associat- labeled the myth that the Ukrainian libera- relation between the Hetmanate (of the ion of Memorial: tion struggle began only after the 1930s as 17th century), the UNR and the By May, Memorial plans to unveil Soviet and post-Soviet propaganda. “The Ukrainian Insurent Army (UPA). English, French and Russian electronic Prof. Volodymyr Serhiychuk, who truth can be found in the documents and “This type of research would provide a versions of “The People’s War: 1917- served as the top historical consultant photos displayed in this exhibit, and not in solicitous platform for enlightening the 1932.” All of the versions will be supple- of the exhibit titled “The People’s War: the latest publications of Tolochko or other masses about the direct link between the mented with newly acquired documenta- 1917-1932.” pseudo-academicians.” achievements of the Kozak state, the tion on a continuous basis. Police brutality in Poltava reveals police corruption

by Yevhen Yankevych Cases of abuse of police authority have the Internal Affairs Ministry that allegedly beat him on the head and back for four Special to The Ukrainian Weekly increased during the last year, said ran up to him as he was walking out of the hours. After his release, Mr. Stetsenko said Volodymyr Yavorsky, executive director of City Justice Administration and clonked he was admitted into the surgery wing of a POLTAVA – Reports of police brutality the Ukrainian Helsinki Union on Human him on the head several times, knocking Poltava hospital with broken ribs, numer- and false convictions have surged through- Rights, in Kyiv. him unconscious. ous bruises on stomach and back tissues, out Ukraine since the election of President “The police have no oversight,” he told [Editor’s note: The Internal Affairs and a concussion. Viktor Yanukovych one year ago, observ- The Weekly in a February 24 interview. Ministry administers Ukraine’s national Mr. Stetsenko’s father, who owns 25 ers reported. Recent arrests in the city of “For instance, we know a Poltava Oblast police force, which employs more than percent of the shares in the Motors-Servis Poltava offer a glimpse into how police resident who was ready to testify that, with 200,000 officers, according to the latest firm, filed complaints against the police’s corruption has flourished in the last year. his help, law enforcement authorities estimates.] illegal actions with the local police depart- The most recent incident involved planted drugs in more than 100 narcotics When he regained consciousness, Mr. ment, the Procurator General of Ukraine 25-year-old Ihor Stetsenko, whose father cases. Meaning 100 people are illegally Stetsenko found himself in a police car, he and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). owns an auto-related business. Police convicted for possessing narcotics in the told local media. Police took him to the “Law enforcement authorities said, ‘Tell allegedly kidnapped him off the street on Poltava Oblast. It’s a proven fact, yet no second floor of the police station, confis- your father to transfer his shares. We’ll tell January 28 and beat him for four hours at one is interested.” cated his cellphone and demanded that he him to whom. And we’ll kill you if you their station. Mr. Stesenko told local media In Mr. Stetsenko’s case, it was the offi- sign a statement acknowledging that he don’t,’ ” said Mr. Stetsenko, who is the he was hospitalized with broken ribs and cers of the criminal investigation depart- stole a tractor. multiple bruises. ment of the Poltava City Administration of When he refused, the police allegedly (Continued on page 14) 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 No. 10

NEW RELEASE IN THE PRESS... Journal releases special issue dedicated (Continued from page 8) defended for years after the euphoric to Ukrainian poets of the past 25 years crowds leave the streets. Autocratic forces can regroup and even use democratic insti- GREENSBORO, N.C. – A special introduction, and includes 47 poems by tutions to make a comeback. Freedoms can bilingual Ukrainian-English issue of the 22 poets who have emerged over the past erode as old habits return. Malign neighbors International Poetry Review has been 25 years of creative freedom in Ukraine. can intervene. released as Volume XXXVII, Number 2 The volume is dedicated to three “Take Ukraine, whose Orange of the journal for fall 2010. The journal is Ukrainian poets who tragically died in Revolution in 2004 was as thrilling in its edited by Mark Smith-Soto at the recent years: Ihor Rymaruk, Nazar own way as Cairo’s Tahrir Square – but University of North Carolina at Honchar and Attila Mohylny. Other poets where all those forms of backsliding are Greensboro and is dedicated to founding represented in the volume include Oleh under way. While Western attention is editor Evalyn Pierpoint Gill’s idea that Lysheha, Natalka Bilotserkivets, Oksana focused on the exciting upheavals in the “the world will be a better place as we Zabuzhko, Vasyl Herasymiuk, Viktor Middle East, a strategic European country cross language barriers to hear the voice Neborak, Ivan Malkovych, Yuri of 50 million people may be creeping out of of the poet in different countries.” Andrukhovych, Serhiy Zhadan, Vasyl the democratic camp. The special issue – marking 25 years Makhno, Kost Moskalets, Ludmyla “The retreat is led by Viktor of Ukrainian poetry – is one of the largest Taran, Maria Rewakowicz, Maryana Yanukovych, the same politician whose in the history of the journal and was Savka, Oles Ilchenko, Borys victory-by-fraud in a presidential election made possible by generous support from Shchavursky, Hanna Osadko, Mariya touched off the Orange rebellion. Mr. the Shevchenko Scientific Society’s Ivan Tytarenko, Iryna Shuvalova, and Bohdan Yanukovych, a champion of Ukraine’s eth- and Elizabeta Khlopetsky Fund. The Matiyash. The writers range in age from nic Russian population and the eastern cover design includes a painting by artist 24 to 62. industrial regions where it predominates, Mykola Kumanovsky of Lutsk, Ukraine. Translators include Mark Andryczyk, won a fair election for president in 2010, thanks to the bumbling and infighting of the The issue is edited by Michael M. Svitlana Bednazh, Larysa Bobrova, Wanda Phipps, and Michael Naydan. democratic governments that took over Naydan, Woskob Family Professor of James Brasfield, Sarah Luczaj, Dzvinia The issue may be purchased directly after 2004. … Ukrainian Studies at The Pennsylvania Orlowsky, Orest Popovych, Olha through the journal’s website: http:// “the government has begun to move State University, who provides a brief Tytarenko, the team of Virlana Tkacz and against the Orange Revolution’s leaders. … Journalists say free media are under pres- sure from the government. Local elections held last year were marked by serious irreg- ularities. … “The United States should be pressing harder to stop the democratic erosion. One way to do so is to explicitly link further progress in economic relations with Ukraine to improvements in human rights – and to urge the governments of the European Union to follow suit.” “The Orange Revolution Betrayed,” by Yulia Tymoshenko, The Moscow Times, February 7: “…I have watched the revolutions in Cairo and Tunis with joy and admiration. Egyptians and Tunisians are right to be proud of their desire to peacefully over- throw despotic governments. But as someone who led a peaceful revolution, I hope that pride is tempered by pragma- tism because a change of regime is only the first step in establishing a democracy backed by the rule of law. Indeed, as Ukraine is now demonstrating, after revo- lutionary euphoria fades and normality returns, democratic revolutions can be betrayed and reversed. “The first of Ukraine’s lessons for Egyptian and Tunisian democrats is that elections alone do not make a democracy. After all, what if the enemies of freedom use elections to entrench their anti-demo- cratic agendas? What if elements of the old regime or the cadres of militant minorities only pretend to embrace demo- cratic norms in order to hijack the new democracy? “In Ukraine today, these are not abstract questions. Six years after the Orange Revolution, not only is Ukraine’s democracy under threat, but the rule of law is being systematically perverted and its national independence bartered away. Indeed, the hybrid presidential-parliamen- tary system that the country established as part of the settlement that brought a peaceful end to the Orange Revolution is being hollowed out to concentrate all political power in the hands of a suppos- edly democratically elected president. “…The rest of the world must not turn a blind eye to authoritarian backsliding. Yet today, not only are many of Ukraine’s neighbors silent about Yanukovych’s strangulation of Ukraine’s democracy, but some openly celebrate the supposed ‘sta- bility’ that his regime has imposed. For decades, Egyptians and Tunisians paid a high a price in freedom for the stability of others. They must never be asked, or forced, to pay it again. …” No.10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 11 GENERATION UKE

Edited and compiled by Matthew Dubas MUSA holds Holodomor exhibit, Malanka leads to compilation hosts lecture by Timothy Snyder of “why I didn’t attend” list by Emil Bandriwsky Even though I have lived in Buffalo my whole life I am afraid of a little BUFFALO, N.Y. – On January 22 the snow. annual Malanka, a traditional Ukrainian I am afraid to go into the city. New Year’s party, was held at the My father had an argument with “Dnipro” Ukrainian Cultural Center in some guy 30 years ago at Dnipro, and I Buffalo, N.Y. The Dnipro building is carry a grudge. historically unique and significant, and I belong to the “other” political party, is increasingly appreciated by non- even though I don’t know the differ- Ukrainian lovers of history, architecture and culture. Everyone who attended the ence. Malanka this year had a fantastic time. I can’t stand any events where I have Unfortunately, the main dance hall – fun with my family and friends. which served immigrants from the I have no excuse. I just like to com- 1950s and 1960s and took several years plain that “the hromada is falling apart.” for them to lovingly hand-paint in I didn’t like last year’s band because exquisite Ukrainian detail – was about they were “too American” and I didn’t two-thirds empty. like this year’s band because they were Some reasons why local “too Ukrainian.” “Ukrainians” didn’t attend this year’s I only go to parties at people’s houses Prof. Timothy Snyder (left) with members of the McGill Ukrainian Students’ Malanka (or almost any other communi- that are “free.” Association, following his book signing and lecture. ty event), offered in a tongue-on-cheek I am “an American now.” fashion: I had to “study” on Saturday night MONTREAL – The McGill Ukrainian which serves as a fund-raiser for the The only Ukrainian events I go to are between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. Students’ Association (MUSA) held a club’s ongoing projects. In January, the rallies to support President Viktor My spouse and I are too old (or fat or week-long Holodomor exhibit at the annual Trembit\a dance and Malanka stu- Yanukovych. lazy) and our children do not socialize McLennon Library on January 24-28. dent socials were held, with students I thought $30 per person for live with any Ukrainians. The exhibit, located on campus, coincid- coming to Montreal from Toronto, dance music, great snacks, champagne, I only interact with people on my ed with a lecture by Prof. Timothy Kingston and Ottawa. and a great family fun time was too computer or cellphone Snyder of Yale University and a presenta- MUSA currently has over 300 student expensive – so I went to the mall I don’t support SUM (the Ukrainian tion of his recent book “Bloodlands: members and holds monthly meetings instead and spent several hundred dol- American Youth Association) or Plast, Europe Between Hitler and Stalin” at with the Concordia Ukrainian Students lars. or any other youth or cultural organiza- McGill University’s Leacock Building. Union (CUSU), whose current president is I can’t get off the couch. tion, because I don’t think they are The exhibit was coordinated by Marta Matthew Ramsey, a member of the Plast I don’t like to dance, or do any physi- important to raising nationally con- Cybulsky, vice-president of MUSA. Ukrainian Scouting Organization. Both cal activity. scious Ukrainian Americans (like me). The exhibit is one of many events student clubs have joined the rest of the organized by MUSA for the 2010-2011 community by participating in the post- term. card drive, insisting that both the 1932- In November 2010, MUSA sent two 1933 Famine-Genocide and Canada’s First students delegates – Alyssa Paterson, National Internment Operations be given a Being Ukrainian means: president of MUSA, and Adriana Luhovy, permanent and prominent place in the executive member of the Ukrainian Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Canadian Students’ Union (SUSK) and Winnipeg, a museum partially funded by ❏ Two New year’s Days in January. recipient of the Ukrainian Canadian the Canadian government. ❏ Deb in february. Congress Youth Leadership Award – to In November 2010, Kalyna Franko participate in the 23rd triennial national was elected president of MUSA for the ❏ Two easters in springtime. Ukrainian Canadian Congress held in next term. Edmonton, Alberta. MUSA and CUSU, both members of ❏ “Zlet” and “sviato vesny” in May. Also in November, MUSA organized the Canadian Ukrainian Students Union ❏ soyuzivka’s Ukrainian cultural festival in July. the showing on campus of the award- (known by its Ukrainian acronym as winning internment documentary film SUSK), will be sending its delegates to the ❏ “Uke Week” at Wildwood in August. “Freedom Had a Price,” in preparation upcoming SUSK Congress to be held in for students traveling in March to the June in Ottawa. The SUSK Congress ❏ Back to Ukrainian school in september. official opening of the Spirit Lake booklet is being prepared by Ms. Luhovy. ❏ “Morska Zabava” in New Jersey in November. Interpretive Museum in Amos, in north- She is currently inviting short articles from ern Quebec. SUSK member organizations. For further ❏ “Koliada” in December and January. The annual MUSA caroling to many information, readers may contact MUSA ❏ Ukrainian families was held in January, via e-mail at [email protected]. A subscription to The Ukrainian Weekly ALL yeAR RoUND.

To subscribe to The Ukrainian Weekly, fill out the form below, clip SUSTA’s new website aims it and mail it to: Subscription Department, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. to enhance cooperation Or simply call 973-292-9800, ext. 3042. PARSIPPANY, N.J. -- The Federation ing the new website a reality. Their of Ukrainian Student Organizations knowledge, patience and persistence (SUSTA) has announced the launch of its made it possible to customize the Drupal new website at www.ukrainianstudents. Content Management System according org. to SUSTA’s needs, to create a clear and SUSTA hopes that the launch of the user-friendly design of the website, and new website, with enhanced functional- to enable SUSTA members to register ity, will foster cooperation among with the site, create their own profiles Ukrainian clubs at American universities and network with each other. and help Ukrainian students all over the As SUSTA continues working on the United States to find and communicate website, adding new content and func- with each other more effectively and that tions, visitors are invited to recommend it this will significantly contribute to the to Ukrainian students and everyone inter- growth of the Ukrainian studies field in ested in Ukraine at their universities. For the U.S. more information on SUSTA activities, Michael Novick and Pavlo Kononenko readers should visit its website, www. contributed their time and effort in mak- 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 No. 10 No.10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 13 CCRDF launches Scholarships for Orphans program

by Zoryana Bruher KYIV – In the fall of 2010 Philip Morris Ukraine, in partnership with the Children of Chornobyl Relief and Development Fund (CCRDF), launched the Scholarships for Orphans program. This new program provides 85 students from the Kyiv and Kharkiv regions financial support in the amount of 1,300 hrv (approximately $160) per month to help them improve their academic per- formance and successfully integrate into society. The project is being implement- ed during the 2010-2011 academic year. Orphans graduating from secondary schools normally cannot rely on sources of financial aid, like family and relatives, to cover the cost of school supplies and daily living expenses. Priority entry to higher educational institutions offers these students a chance for education. However, this chance is often illusive as the state sti- pend of 900 hrv per month barely covers housing food and student needs. Therefore, many talented orphaned stu- dents sacrifice their studies for unskilled work or save on food, textbooks and daily Participants of the Scholarships for Orphans program show off their scholarship certificates during a press conference held expenses which, in turn, negatively affects in Kyiv in November 2010. their university studies. Scholarships for Orphans provides financial support to allow students to focus on successful learning: to pay for addition- al courses not included in the curriculum, to purchase specialized books and multi- media devices, and to participate in student life, which helps to facilitate their social adaptation. The program prepares them for independent life, develops their problem- solving skills and motivates them to achieve a higher level of education. Over 250 orphaned students from nine higher education institutions of the Kyiv and Kharkiv regions applied for Scholarships for Orphans. Eighty-five participants, who met program require- ments, were selected based on their abili- ty to demonstrate a clear vision of how the scholarship would contribute to their growth as future experts in their selected fields of study. During a press conference in Kyiv announcing the launch of the program, Philip Morris Ukraine’s managing direc- tor, Elena Khomenko, explained the company’s philanthropic activity: “Our company is a confident market leader. Our success is determined not just by financial results. Therefore, we pay spe- cial attention to charitable activities in Ukraine, funding programs aimed at solving acute social problems in Ukraine – this is our duty.” Scholarships for Orphans program coordinator Maryana Voronovych stated, “When designing the grant program for young adults, providing necessities that today’s student cannot learn without was the key to achieving our objective – to provide academic and social opportuni- ties to enable orphan students to become successful professionals.” CCRDF’s Country Director Alexa Milanytch commented on the new initia- tive: “Our fund has been implementing large-scale medical projects aimed at saving and improving lives of children in Ukraine. Scholarships for Orphans is a logical extension of our programs because it is very important not only to save lives but also to provide opportunities to young adults to graduate and prepare them for responsible adult life.” Ms. Milanytch added, “Philip Morris’ new initiative will help prepare a new generation of the workforce in Ukraine.”

(Continued on page 23)

Zoryana Bruher is project manager for the Children of Chornobyl Relief and Development Fund in Kyiv. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 No. 10

Mr. Stetsenko signed a document stat- The beating lasted a half-hour, with the Another apparent victim of abuse of Police brutality... ing he had no complaints against police. police pausing to catch their breath. Mr. authority is Ihor Zahrebelnyi, a 22-year- Mr. Yavorsky of the Ukrainian Helsinki Yareschenko was thrown onto the street, old native of a Poltava Oblast village who (Continued from page 9) Union confirmed that the police common- where his wife, Yulia, found him and was arrested on January 21 for his alleged ly pressure their captives, often with vio- accompanied him to a hospital. role in setting fire in late 2009 to the deputy chair of Poltava city organization lence, to sign such documents after being “Yareschenko entered the surgical ward Zaporizhia Oblast Committee headquarters of the Union of Leftist Forces, a pro-Rus- beaten. with beaten kidneys and blood clots in his of the Communist Party of Ukraine. sian, pro-Communist party. Another Poltava resident, 28-year-old buttocks and left thigh,” said Dmytro His supporters said the criminal charge Mr. Stetsenko declined to comment Hryhorii Yareschenko, told The Weekly he Furman, the chief surgeon of the Poltava is a fabrication by law enforcement author- when contacted by The Weekly, noting was kidnapped and beaten by local police. hospital where the victim was treated. ities as part of a campaign against that enough had already been published On January 8, they reportedly entered his Mr. Yareschenko filed criminal com- Ukrainian nationalists being waged by the about the incident. bedroom and demanded that he sign docu- plaints with the Zhovtnevyi District administration of President Yanukovych. Meanwhile, local police spokesman ments and accompany them to the Procurator’s Office. This time the police Mr. Zahrebelnyi was arrested as part of Yurii Sulayev initially acknowledged that Volodarskyi Street police station. could offer no denials, acknowledging that the nationwide sting in mid-January orga- Mr. Stetsenko had been beaten by police in There a police officer reportedly asked brutality had occurred and an investigation nized to incarcerate members of the Stepan a January 28 report on the Ukrainian News him, “Number two, five or seven?” As it was under way. Bandera Tryzub All-Ukrainian newswire. Just three days later, however, turned out, each number represented a dif- The same officers who beat Mr. Organization, in what is widely described Mr. Sulayev told the Telekritika website ferent form of torture, he told The Weekly. Yareschenko showed up at the hospital, as political persecution. that the alleged victim had no bruises or “Just as I walked past the couch, I was where they pressured the semi-conscious Mr. Zahrebelnyi poses no danger to the scratches after he left the police station. forced onto to it headfirst,” Mr. victim to sign a statement saying he had no public, being a high-achieving university Mr. Sulayev repeated that claim when Yareschenko said. “They twisted my hands complaints against them. A local television student and winner of several philosophy contacted by The Weekly in late February, behind my back and began beating me news report said the police offered to pay competitions, Mr. Yavorsky said. adding that medical exams and x-rays with their batons against my buttocks and his medical expenses in exchange for the He’s a leader of Poltava’s Ukrainian showed no signs of a beating. kidneys.” statement. Catholic community, which is still trying “The actions of these police officers to build a church amidst opposition from weren’t professional at all,” Mr. Sulayev local pro-Russian authorities. told The Weekly. “A special investigative He remains incarcerated in a Zaporizhia commission was created at the oblast prison, with no information available police administration, which confirmed about his condition. He reportedly has their abuse of authority.” access to a lawyer.

Oleh Palaschenko November 12, 1951 – February 24, 2011

The Executive Committee of the Ukrainian National Association regrets to announce to the members of the General Assembly, to mem- bers of Branch 102 and to the UNA membership at large that Oleh Palaschenko, newly elected Advisor to the General Assembly at the 2010 Convention, passed away February 24, 2011.

The Executive Committee and the entire UNA membership wish to express their deepest sympathy to wife Olga, daughters Julie, Christine and son Andrew and their families, sisters, Vera and Lydia, their fami- lies, nieces, nephews and grandchildren. Mr. Palaschenko will be remembered for his unassuming fortitude, quiet strength and enthusi- asm and dedication to the UNA.

Vichna Yomu Pamiat !

Mria a Dzydzora, On this second anniversary of the passing of 88, of Lakewood, formerly of Jersey City and Cedar Grove, our beloved and never forgotten died Tuesday, February 22, 2011. Husband, Father, Grandfather, Son, Brother, Uncle and Godfather Born in Ukraine, Mrs. Dzydzora immigrated to the U.S.A. in 1949. She worked as a designer at the Maidenform Co. in Bayonne, N.J. for over 30 years before retiring in 1981. Mrs. Dzydzora was very involved Wasyl (Bill) Dmytro Rudyk in her church and various Ukrainian groups. She was deeply devoted to Commemorative Masses were said on her family, church and God. Maria was loved by all for her kind and lov- February 17, 2011 in the following churches: ing spirit. She is predeceased by her beloved husband of 61 years, Petro (2007). To cherish her memory, Maria leaves her loving daughter Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church in Astoria, NY Olga Tchir and her husband, Gerry; her sons, Oleh and his wife Laurie, St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Hranky Kuty, Ukraine and Orest and his wife Lucy; her cherished grandchildren, Donna Maria, Kristiana, Tiffany, Mark, Oleh Jr., Jonathan and Orest Jr.; also her pre- Our Wasyl rests on the hallowed grounds of Arlington National cious great granddaughter Makena Maria. Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia with his comrades at arms. Funeral Mass was on Monday, February 28th at 10 a.m. at St Our frequent visits to his gravesite are so inadequate to replace the Stephen’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, 1344 White Oak Bottom Road in void his premature passing left in our lives. Toms River. Interment was held at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Lakewood. Visitation were held at the D’Elia Funeral Home, 1300 Vermont Ave, We ask for your prayers for the repose of his soul. Lakewood, on Sunday, February 27. In lieu of flowers, donations may Vichna Yomu Pamyat – May Memory of Wasyl be Eternal! be made to the St. Stephen’s Ukrainian Catholic Church Building Fund. No.10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 15

We are sad to announce that MARTHA OLGA WELYHORSKY, born June 2, 1956, in Toronto, Canada, passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday August 4, 2010 in Toronto. She was our dear sister, sister-in-law, niece, God-daughter, aunt, cousin and friend. She will be greatly missed. Martha was raised in a post-war, immigrant family of idealistic Ukrainian patriots. Her grandparents, Peter and Paulina Wepryk, and parents, Ihor and Bohdana Welyhorsky, dedicated their lives to supporting an independent Ukraine, and to developing the Scouting movement “Plast” in the Ukrainian diaspora. Martha was a kind-hearted, quiet, friendly, humble and generous person. Initially, Martha worked at the Manulife Insurance Company in Toronto. Later, she got a job with the federal government at Canada Customs and Excise Department. She loved listening to music and enjoyed photographing nature. Since birth, Martha was con- stantly ill. Over the years, she developed several chronic illnesses, and endured numerous surgeries. By 1994, her health was so poor that she had to retire early due to disability. Martha died suddenly, of a heart attack, at 54 years of age. A traditional Ukrainian Panakhyda Service was held on Tuesday August 10, 2010, at the Turner and Porter ‘Yorke’ Chapel, 2357 Bloor St. W., in Toronto. Martha is buried in the “Wepryk Welyhorsky Senkiw” family grave site at Prospect Cemetery in Toronto. We extend a heartfelt thank you to Fr. John Barszczyk for officiating at the funer- al service, and for delivering a moving farewell tribute to Martha. We would also like to thank Fr. Peter Shumelda for kindly joining in the Panakhyda Service. We are deeply grateful to our dear family and guests for attending this sad event and for supporting us with words of sympathy and flowers. We greatly appreciate your generous donations to the Ukrainian Canadian Social Services, Toronto Branch, and to Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Martha leaves behind in shock and sorrow: Sister: Christina Welyhorsky Senkiw with husband George Andrew, and the Senkiw family Aunt and God-mother: Lubomyra Welyhorskyj Denysiuk Palij, and the Palij Family Aunt: Velta Druvis Welyhorskyj, and the Shepitka Family Aunt: Alexandra Yashan Kowalsky, and the Kowalsky, Onyschuk, Moskaliuk, Morozov and Elyjiw Families Aunt: Halyna Szafowal, and the Szafowal and Tarapacky Families Cousin: Maria Welyhorskyj Crombie Meller with son Alastair Crombie and hus- band Malcolm Meller Cousin: Borys Iason and Family Cousin: Olya Zakharkiv with husband Bohdan and daughter Yulya Malaniy with husband Paul and the extended family in Canada, the United States, Argentina and Ukraine.

With great sorrow we announce that our beloved mother, grandmother and sister Irene Koczerzuk passed into eternity on February 22, 2011 at the age of 89. She was born July 16, 1921 in Stara Sil, Ukraine.

Panakhyda was held on Friday, February 25, 2011 at Boylan Funeral Home in New Brunswick, NJ. Funeral services were held on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church in New Brunswick, NJ, followed by interment in Gate of Heaven Cemetery in East Hanover, NJ.

In deep sorrow: daughter - Maria Shandor with husband Bohdan grandchildren - Christina Kachala with husband Stefan - Alexander Shandor brother - Wolodymyr Rudzinsky DEATH ANNOUNCEMENTS sister-in-law - Gerda Rudzinsky sister-in-law - Irene Koczerzuk Harris with family Death announcements should be sent to the cousins - Luba Turiansky with son George Advertising Department by e-mail to [email protected] - Lazirko family or by fax to 973-644-9510. Extended family and friends in the US and Ukraine.

Deadline: Tuesday noon before the newspaper’s date of issue. Eternal memory! In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the UNWLA Scholarship For further information call 973-292-9800, ext. 3040. Fund. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 No. 10

ULKUS club skis at Sugarloaf in Maine How “Testament”... (Continued from page 6)

the river and made soup of them. It was a quiet Ukrainian night, and the sky was strewn with myriad stars. Placing his hands under his head, Shevchenko lay on the grass, telling his friend about his plans. He said he intended to buy a small lot on the steep riverbank near the town of Kaniv opposite the village of Prokhorivka and to settle there for the rest of his life. Later that year, on his way back from Kyiv, the poet again visited his friend in Pereyaslav and stayed two nights at his place. There he wrote down some of his early forgotten poems, which Kozachkivsky knew by heart. Then he left for St. Petersburg. They were never to meet again. Taras Shevchenko died on March 10, 1861 and was buried in Kaniv, Ukraine on May 22, 1861. This year marks the 150th anniversary of the great bard’s death.

The article above was provided by the only Taras Shevchenko Museum in the Western hemisphere, which is located in Toronto, at 1614 Bloor St.W.; telephone, Roman Iwasiwka 416-534-8662. The museum is open Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., CARRABASSETT VALLEY, Maine. – Twenty-six diehard winter sports enthusiasts converged at the Sugarloaf ski resort in Maine weekends and holidays by appointment. on February 6-11. This is an annual gathering for ULKUS (Ukrayinskyi Leschetarskyi Kliub u Sugarloaf). Next season, the club For information log on to www.infoukes. will celebrate its 20th anniversary and everyone is welcome to join. Interested parties can find ULKUS information on Facebook. com/shevchenkomuseum CLACLASSSSIFIEDIFIEDSS

TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL MARIA OSCISLAWSKI (973) 292-9800 x 3040 or e-mail [email protected]


OPPORTUNITIES GEORGE B. KORDUBA Counsellor at Law Emphasis on Real Estate, Wills, Trusts and Elder Law Copper Roofer needed Earn extra income! Ward Witty Drive, P.O. Box 249 The Ukrainian Weekly is looking MONTVILLE, NJ 07045 for advertising sales agents. Hours by Appointment Tel.: (973) 335-4555 for a local construction company For additional information contact Maria Oscislawski, Advertising Manager, The Ukrainian Weekly, – 10 yrs experience required 973-292-9800, ext 3040. WANT IMPACT? – OSHA safety cards a plus Run your advertisement here, – Car is a must. Run your advertisement here, in The Ukrainian Weekly’s in The Ukrainian Weekly’s CLASSIFIEDS section. CLASSIFIEDS section. Please call 845-353-3000


Ukrainian pro hockey update by Ihor Stelmach

first-year numbers over a full 82-game line center role. He has already received A Ukrainian Maple Leaf: Bozak season, he would have accumulated 20 power play time and been utilized on the goals and some 65 points – extremely Ukrainian Tyler Bozak, a 6-foot-1, 195- as the BCHL’s top scorer. kill. He should be a valuable play- impressive totals for a rookie. pound, 24-year-old second-year center Bozak enrolled in 2007 at the er for Toronto. One must be realistic when thinking from Regina, , has demon- University of Denver where he played col- about expectations for Bozak in the cur- Injury concerns strated he has what it takes to play in the lege hockey for two full years. In 60 rent 2010-2011 campaign. Before any since he was games he scored 26 goals, earned 31 Any concerns regarding the December serious prognostications, it must be recalled from the (AHL) assists and had 32 minutes in penalties. 2008 season-ending knee injury suffered stressed that the are on January 12, 2010. In his stay with the On four occasions during the 2007-2008 while at the University of Denver are long one of the poorest hockey teams in the Marlies prior to the call-up, he tallied four campaign Tyler won WCHA Rookie of gone. Bozak did admit the banged up knee NHL. General Manager Burke is still in goals with 16 assists for 20 points in 32 the Week honors, once winning Rookie of scared him a whole lot, yet he tried to spin the process of rebuilding an organization games. the Month. He easily made the All-WCHA a positive out of a negative with regard to that did not prioritize drafting/player After about a full year in the NHL, Rookie Team and was good enough, as a his first serious injury. development for the longest time. Getting General Manager Brian Burke and freshman, to make the All-WCHA Third “The injury actually got my upper body back to point projections for Bozak in his Toronto’s management team is faced with Team. bigger and that was what I needed,” Bozak first full NHL season, somewhere around the question: Is Tyler Bozak a key mem- Bozak entertained the option of turning said in a September 2009 interview with 50 points is the educated guess. ber of the young Leafs’ core? The follow- pro in 2008, but declined, believing he “So, in a way, I look at it as I Why so low, especially since he pro- ing argument will prove he is a future top- was not physically prepared for the rigors know it’s not a good thing, but I try to take jected to 60+ points based on his rookie six forward the team can build around. of pro hockey. Before the 2008-2009 sea- positives out of it and I am stronger and season? Several factors: his body is not son he was named to the College Hockey my upper body is a lot bigger.” The road to Toronto yet muscular enough to withstand the News preseason All-America team. A sig- This reiterates the conclusion he him- grind of an 82-game schedule, he hurt a Outside the rink Tyler is no dumb hock- nificant knee injury in December 2008 self came to prior to the start of the 2008- ey player, as during his years at the knee two years ago, and there is a lack of 2009 season, deciding to stay at Denver limited his playing time to only 19 games, talent surrounding him. University of Denver he was a business effectively ending his promising sopho- for a second year because he did not think Is Bozak the ideal choice to center a he was strong enough to compete at the major and made the All-WCHA Academic more year. line with sniper on his right pro level. Thanks to the knee rehab and all Team in 2008-2009. He plays golf, volley- The injury and resulting short season wing? He deserves first crack, having dis- of the time spent at the gym, his body was ball and badminton at a highly competi- did not detract interest from NHL clubs, played intelligence at both ends of the ice. transformed into one more NHL-ready. tive level. His hobbies include fishing and and on April 3, 2009, the Toronto Maple For a centerman, he impresses with good “I’ve put on about 20 pounds since last water sports. As a youngster, he followed Leafs stepped up to sign Bozak to a two- on-ice vision while attacking the zone. His year [2008] when I decided to stay, so I Alex Ovechkin in hockey, Rafael Nadal in year, entry-level contract. The rumored tennis and Sergio Garcia in golf. make-up is not of a -scorer, more of a think it was a good decision and I am value of the deal was up to $4 million per quality set-up man, especially if teamed happy with it,” Bozak said. His road to the NHL had him playing season including incentive clauses. for the Victoria Salsa (became the with a winger who can finish scoring Toronto fans seem to be happy with chances. Enter Kessel, right winger-sniper. Bozak, one member of an ongoing team Grizzlies in 2006-2007) of the British Making it as a Leaf Columbia Hockey League the 2004-2005 The expert opinion says Bozak should overhaul engineered by GM Burke. Burke to the 2006-2007 seasons. In 170 total In his debut season, Bozak saw action be an exciting player for the Toronto has brought in a number of proven NHL games, he tallied 91 goals with 137 assists in 37 games, scoring eight goals, 19 Maple Leafs for many years to come. free agents along with several unproven for 228 points and 95 penalty minutes. He assists for 27 points with six penalty min- Down the road, with the influx of more won the trophy in his final year utes and a minus-5 rating. Prorating his talent, Bozak could settle into a second- (Continued on page 23)


Oscar-nominated actor narrates “Genocide Revealed” Former Canadian... (Continued from page 8) places the English narration so that por- tions of the original Ukrainian is always heard and appreciated. withstanding all of his failed promises, his Actors Jill Hennessy and Lubomir botched economic policies and his buf- Mykytiuk have recorded the voice-overs foonish behavior, which is only rivalled by for “Genocide Revealed.” that of his good friend, Silvio Berlusconi? Yet, reading Mr. Westdal’s policy paper Ms. Hennessy, who does the female one gets the impression that it is narrow voice-over in the documentary, was nationalists, diaspora Russophobes and recorded in New York at the Avatar Studio. neo-con Cold Warriors who are the prob- The Edmonton native pursued her acting lem in East-West security relations. career in New York. Among her many act- The Ukrainian Canadian Congress is ing roles is her work on the TV series firmly committed to promoting what it “Law and Order,” the supporting role in “I believes are fundamental Canadian values Shot Andy Warhol” and her role as Jackie that should guide all of Canada’s dealings Kennedy in the TV mini-series. In June in the international community: the rule of 2007 she received a star on Canada’s Walk law; the right to free speech, freedom of of Fame. assembly and a free media; and respect for Mr. Mykytiuk was recorded in the the territorial integrity of sovereign states. Spence-Thomas Recording Studio in Exactly what values does Mr. Westdal rep- Toronto. Originally from Montreal, he has resent in his repeated apologies for Putinist been living and working out of Toronto. A Russia? Canadian actor Graham Greene (right) records the English narration for versatile actor working in film, TV and Needless to say, the Ukrainian Canadian “Genocide Revealed” with the film’s director, Yurij Luhovy. theater productions, he has acted in “North Congress is deeply disappointed by the of 60,” the miniseries “Master Spy, The content and the tone of Mr. Westdal’s poli- MONTREAL – Graham Greene, an him part of this project.” Robert Hanssen Story” and the play “Cat cy paper, and its sycophantic parroting of Oscar-nominated Canadian actor, is the Mr. Greene is one of the most recogniz- on a Hot Tin Roof.” Kremlin propaganda. narrator of “Genocide Revealed,” the able Native American actors working on “Genocide Revealed” will be released Finally, at the risk of being indiscrete, it English-language version of the documen- stage and in film and television in Canada, in two formats: a 75-minute version and a is surprising that, while Mr. Westdal tary film “Okradena Zemlya” about the England and United States. He is known shorter 52-minute version intended for always identifies himself as a former 1932-1933 Famine-Genocide in Soviet for his roles in films such as “Dances with schools and television release. This docu- Canadian ambassador to Russia and Ukraine known as the Holodomor. Wolves” and “Thunderheart,” as well as mentary on one of the 20th century’s great- Ukraine, so as to establish his credibility to “I am extremely happy and honored that television productions of “L.A. Law,” and est crimes is based on compelling eyewit- speak about East-West relations, he fails to actor Graham Greene agreed to record the “Northern Exposure,” and as host of the ness accounts and on the newest archival disclose his involvement and financial narration for ‘Genocide Revealed,’ said the TV program “Exhibit A.” He has had roles material made accessible after the fall of stake in a mining company partially owned film’s director, Yurij Luhovy. “He has an in over 13 stage performances and 40 the Soviet Union and Ukraine’s regained by Russian interests and engaged in busi- exceptionally rich and amazing voice so movie and television productions and has independence. ness in Russia. Knowing how accommo- well suited for this documentary. He intui- received the Gemini’s Earle Grey Award To organize a premiere of the soon-to- dating Russian companies are to the dic- tively understands and has empathy for a for Lifetime Achievement. be-released “Genocide Revealed” or to tates of the Kremlin, it would be appropri- people and a nation aimed for destruction, As with all his documentaries, Mr. support this project, readers may contact ate for him to acknowledge all pecuniary or as he, himself, is of proud Native Luhovy prefers voice-overs to subtitles, Mr. Luhovy at MML Inc, 2330 other relationships that he has with compa- American origin, born on the Six Nations allowing viewers to be drawn into the film Beaconsfield Ave., Montreal, QC H4A nies in Russia whenever he chooses to beat Reserve in Ontario. I am thrilled to have and making it easier to follow the story. He 2G8 or visit his drum in support of Moscow’s agenda. No.10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 19

NOTES ON PEOPLE Tapped for Ohio Honorary consul transportation job honored by Ukraine by Andrew Fedynsky WASHINGTON – Ukraine’s Ambassador Extraordinary and CLEVELAND – In January, Ohio’s new Plenipotentiary to the United States governor, John R. Kasich, named Ukrainian Olexander Motsyk late last year held a American Myron Pakush as deputy direc- meeting at the Embassy of Ukraine with tor for the 12th District of the Ohio Ukraine’s honorary consuls in the United Department of Transportation (ODOT). States. During the meeting the ambassa- District 12, the largest of ODOT’s 12 dor awarded Greg Buchai, Ukraine’s first districts encompassing a three-county area honorary consul in the United States, centered on Cleveland, has nearly 450 with the Order of Merit (third degree) for employees and an annual budget of over significant contributions to increasing the $100 million. influence of the Ukrainian state, and Mr. Pakush and his team are responsible strengthening ties in the economic, scien- for maintaining all interstate highways tific and cultural spheres. along with the state and U.S. highways Mr. Buchai has been Ukraine’s honor- outside of incorporated areas in the three- ary consul in Houston since May 2000. In county area, including snow and ice Myron Pakush that capacity he has dealt with a variety Ukraine’s honorary consul in Houston, removal, pothole patching, mowing, litter of issues, ranging from bilateral trade and Greg Buchai (left), is presented the pick-up, lighting, traffic signals, traffic This is a very complex project that’s not representation of Ukraine at various dip- Order of Merit (third degree) by incident management, bridge inspection, only going to challenge Mr. Pakush’s skills lomatic events as a member of the con- Ukraine’s ambassador to the United etc. District 12 is also responsible for as an engineer but also ask him to be a dip- sular corps, to arranging meetings and States, Olexander Motsyk. maintaining the entire Interstate system lomat and community planner as he’s con- media interviews for visiting officials within Cuyahoga County, the most popu- fronted with neighborhood access issues from Ukraine and assisting Ukrainian The November 30, 2010, meeting at lous in the state of Ohio. and the challenge of developing detours to nationals on U.S. soil. the Embassy of Ukraine was attended The deputy director also assists in strate- accommodate the needs of businesses Mr. Buchai was involved also in pro- also by Ukraine’s honorary consuls in gic planning, short- and long-term goal set- along the construction route, while also moting Ukraine’s graduation from the Birmingham, Ala., Roy Colson; Detroit, ting, performance measurement and policy working with groups interested in bicycle trade restrictions of the Jackson-Vanik Bohdan Fedorak; and Cleveland, Andrew development and deployment on both the access, beautification, environmental pro- amendment that was adopted by the U.S. Futey. statewide and districtwide level. The depu- tection, etc. Congress during the Soviet era. As A broad range of consular issues was ty director is responsible for representing Mr. Pakush, 46, comes well-qualified Ukraine’s honorary consul, he has fielded discussed during the meeting, among and communicating the activities, views for the job. He has nearly two decades of countless calls about visas, travel, adop- them protection of individuals and legal and policies of the department with repre- experience working for ODOT, starting at tion, marriage issues, business opportuni- entities, and ways to expand commercial, sentatives of local, state and federal agen- the same ODOT District 12 in the 1990s as ties and the political situation in Ukraine cultural and humanitarian activities. cies, elected officials of local, state and a newly graduated civil engineer from the federal governments, consultants, contrac- University of Toledo and then serving as “Notes on people” is a feature geared toward reporting on the achievements of members tors, vendors, the news media and the gen- deputy director in Districts 5 and 11 in of the Ukrainian community and the Ukrainian National Association. All submissions eral public Central Ohio. should be concise due to space limitations and must include the person’s UNA branch During his tenure as deputy director, Mr. He grew up in Lorain, Ohio, and still number (if applicable). Items will be published as soon as possible after their receipt. Pakush will be supervising a number of attends St. John the Baptist Ukrainian large construction projects, most notably Catholic Church there. He is a graduate of the nearly $650 million replacement of the the Cleveland Ukrainian Saturday school Inner Belt Bridge in Cleveland with two (Ridna Shkola) and is a member of the new parallel structures over the Cuyahoga Plast scouting fraternity Burlaky. He is River Valley. Built more than 50 years ago, president of the board of the Ukrainian this mile-long span cuts through downtown Museum-Archives and a member of on I-90, America’s longest Interstate Ukrainian National Association Branch Highway, linking Boston and Seattle. 233.

Harvard divinity grad certified as chaplain FALL RIVER, Mass. – Marika Hanushevsky Hull of Massachusetts has received board certification as a hospital chaplain from the National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC). This makes her the first Ukrainian Catholic laywom- an to obtain certification with the NACC. Board certification requires approval from the applicant’s hierarch. Bishop Paul Chomnytsky, eparch of Stamford, gladly provided the endorsement. Ms. Hull is presently serving as a full- Marika Hanushevsky Hull time chaplain at St. Anne’s Hospital in Fall In her present position as chaplain, she River, Mass., with a focus on Oncology. She works together with all the medical disci- serves on the hospital Ethics Committee, the plines, including the medical staff, nutri- Oncology Resource Committee and the tion, and social services. She also serves Hudner Oncology Clinic Patient as chaplain to the Hudner Oncology Satisfaction Committee. She is also team Cancer Center. leader for the Schwartz Rounds Committee, In addition to her work directly minis- a hospital-wide rounds which focuses on the tering to patients and staff, Ms. Hull patient-caregiver relationship. develops and implements hospital-wide Her particular interest as a spiritual programs with other disciplines, with care provider is to understand the interfaith groups and with local inter-faith patient’s spiritual needs in the context of clergy to meet specific needs for staff or family and community. In her practice as patient support. She also mentors chap- hospital chaplain, Ms. Hull encourages laincy and nursing students at St. Anne’s. patients and families to explore their own Ms. Hull received her Master of inner resources, and to rely on their faith Divinity degree from Harvard Divinity in order to balance the physical, emotion- School. At Harvard she completed cours- al and spiritual issues that illness and treatment may present. (Continued on page 23) 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 No. 10

30 documents. In addition, he signed “The combination of these two factors to leave the country for various reasons. NEWSBRIEFS 1,275 decrees, 1,250 orders and 191 suggests that such an initiative is just a (Ukrinform) instructions. The head of state received political move to which factions and dep- (Continued from page 2) 68,800 appeals from citizens. (Ukrinform) uties have the right.” (Ukrinform) St. Sophia transferred to Culture Ministry sector, which should stabilize the prices of Opposition seeks government’s dismissal NASA aids search for journalist KYIV – The Cabinet of Ministers products. Referring to the painful topic of decided to transfer the St. Sophia complex pension reform, Mr. Yanukovych noted KYIV – Front for Change Party leader KYIV – The National Space Agency of of historic buildings to the jurisdiction of that its implementation requires courage Arseniy Yatsenyuk has called on all politi- Ukraine (NSAU) and the National the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the from the authorities, and determination cal forces in the Verkhovna Rada to sup- Aeronautics and Space Administration Cabinet’s press service reported on and honesty before the people. He said that port the Our Ukraine – People’s Self- (NASA) of the United States are helping February 14. At the same time, the gradually, from year to year, the retirement Defense faction’s draft resolution on a in the search for the missing journalist Ministry of Finance was instructed to pass age for women will rise, and over time for vote of no confidence in the Cabinet of Vasyl Klymentyev of Kharkiv, Vice- to the Ministry of Culture budget alloca- men too. He stressed that pension reform Ministers of Ukraine, it was reported on Minister for Internal Affairs Vasyl tions for the maintenance and development will be aimed primarily at introducing an March 1. He said that signature lists had Farynnyk said on February 26. He of the St. Sophia complex. As reported ear- equitable approach to the calculation of been submitted to the leaders of all fac- explained that materials from satellite lier, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov had pensions. Mr. Yanukovych also said that tions in Parliament. Mr. Yatsenyuk imagery are needed to obtain information stated that museums and reserves should one of his main goals is combating corrup- blamed the government led by Prime on all vehicles that “were on that day, on be in the jurisdiction of a ministry that tion, and that a package of anti-corruption Minister Mykola Azarov for raising prices that hour and in that place.” Mr. Farynnyk should ensure their preservation and devel- laws he had submitted would be passed by and tariffs, increasing the tax burden and noted that the first suspect in the case may opment. St. Sophia Cathedral, which is a the Verkhovna Rada in the first half of this agreeing to raise the retirement age. The be named soon, adding, “we just need to historical monument of the age of Kyivan year. More than 3,000 people gathered in Front for Change leader expressed hope get the data that will enable us to declare Rus’, is included on the list of world heri- Kyiv on Independence Square to watch that before March 15, the first anniversary that the man is wanted as a suspect in a tage sites of UNESCO. It had been under President Yanukovych’s “Conversation of the formation of the Azarov govern- crime committed against Klymentyev.” the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Regional with the Country” live. (Ukrinform) ment, national deputies would manage to The editor-in-chief of the Kharkiv-based Policy, Building and Housing. As reported collect the 150 signatures required to sub- New Style newspaper went missing on in early February, the St. Sophia National Yanukovych made 28 foreign visits mit for consideration by the Verkhovna August 11, 2010. Kharkiv police opened a Reserve sent a letter to President Viktor criminal case on the journalist’s premedi- Yanukovych urging him to protect KYIV – During his first year in office, Rada of a draft resolution on a vote of no- tated murder. Mr. Klymentyev and his Ukraine’s greatest Christian shrine from Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych confidence in the government. newspaper were investigating cases of destruction. The letter was signed by hun- made 28 overseas visits and welcomed 25 (Ukrinform) corruption in the tax inspectorate and the dreds of people, including foreign schol- foreign heads of state and government to Lytvyn rules out government’s ouster prosecutor’s office. (Ukrinform) ars. According to the authors of the letter, Ukraine, according to a report on the the re-subordination of St. Sophia will lead quantitative indicators of the activity of KYIV – Verkhovna Rada Chairman Rada may change voting rules to “destabilization of the work of the the Ukrainian president. News about the Volodymyr Lytvyn said on March 1 that reserve and elimination of the existing report was released on February 25. Mr. he believes it is unrealistic to dismiss the KYIV – The Ukrainian Parliament is effective system of management, and will Yanukovych held 72 international meet- current government led by Prime Minister seriously discussing the possibility of threaten the preservation of world and ings in Ukraine and attended 1,436 Mykola Azarov. Speaking at a press con- legalizing the practice of national deputies national cultural heritage.” (Religious domestic meetings. He met with govern- ference in Luhansk, he said, “I think that voting on behalf of their colleagues in fac- Information Service of Ukraine) ment members, representatives of the it is currently impossible to do so.” He tions, it was reported on March 1. The judicial branch, national deputies and was commenting on the initiative by chairman of the parliamentary Committee Gates Foundation assists Rivne libraries heads of regional state administrations. He opposition forces to collect 150 signatures on Rules of Procedure, Volodymyr also participated in 88 domestic policy to submit a draft resolution on a vote of Makeyenko of the Party of Regions, said KYIV – Free access to Internet resourc- events, including working visits to no confidence in the Cabinet. Mr. Lytvyn that this was “necessary.” He commented: es for 12 district libraries in the Rivne regions, speeches in the Verkhovna Rada said that politicians are already preparing “This piano has been working for 20 region and a similar network in the city of and celebrations of professional holidays. for the parliamentary elections scheduled years, it is beneficial to all factions, it has Rivne will be provided by computer equip- During his first year as president, Mr. for October 2012, so “nobody wants to always existed, and it will not change.” ment costing 1.95 million hrv (nearly Yanukovych signed 271 laws and vetoed play into someone else’s hand.” He added, He proposed to simply legitimize what is $250,000 U.S.), thanks to a grant from the happening in the Verkhovna Rada session Bibliomist program supported by the U.S.- hall. “It’s necessary to introduce amend- based Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. ments to the Constitution, the law on the The program is being implemented by the status of national deputies and the rules of International Council for Science, the procedure. The Committee on Rules of United States Agency for International Procedure is working in this context,” Mr. Development (USAID) and the Culture Makeyenko said. At the same time, Party and Tourism Ministry of Ukraine, it was of Regions faction leader Oleksander reported on March 2. According to the Yefremov refused to support the idea of press service of the Rivne Oblast State allowing national deputies to cast votes in Administration, library personnel received place of their colleagues. He said that the the grant on a competitive basis. The proj- Regions faction was trying to make its ect will provide electronic resources to deputies “come to their workplaces, work serve the needs of all the members of local every day and vote in person.” communities. (Ukrinform) (Ukrinform) Ukraine to step up participation in CIS 387 Ukrainians evacuated from Libya KYIV – Ukraine is planning to increase KYIV – The Ukrainian Foreign Affairs its participation in the Commonwealth of Ministry as of March 1 completed the first Independent States, President Viktor stage of the evacuation of Ukrainian citi- Yanukovych said during a meeting with zens from Libya, ministry spokesperson CIS Executive Secretary Sergey Lebedev. Oleksander Dykusarov said. “The “The intention of Ukraine is to significant- Ministry of Foreign Affairs has conducted ly increase participation in the the urgent evacuation of Ukrainian citi- Commonwealth. We have suggestions on zens from Libya since February 23, and how to intensify trade and economic coop- today we have all grounds to say that the eration in the CIS, and today we are carry- first and main stage of the evacuation of ing this work bilaterally with our counter- our countrymen has been successfully parts from the Commonwealth,” the presi- conducted,” he said. Mr. Dykusarov noted dent said, according to a February 18 that 387 citizens of Ukraine had been report by his press service. Mr. evacuated from Libya. The Foreign Yanukovych said that another urgent task Affairs Ministry, along with the is to overcome the negative effects of the Emergencies Ministry and the Defense global financial crisis. In this context, he Ministry, conducted four free evacuation stressed the importance of reform, moving flights from February 23 to February 27 – away from old patterns that demonstrated two of them conducted by Ukraine their ineffectiveness during the crisis, and International Airlines and two more by the the transition to an innovation-investment Defense Ministry. A total of 279 model of developing countries. “All this is Ukrainians were evacuated on these now the subject of our interest. We under- flights. Another 108 Ukrainians left Libya stand that innovations are the way to the aboard the aircraft of other countries. In future; they relate to the investment pro- addition, Ukrainian airplanes evacuated cess. Creating the conditions for such work 166 foreign nationals from Libya. Among by all our partners in the Commonwealth those evacuated were citizens of Russia, is a priority for us. And we intend to take Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Poland an active part in this, to initiate such and other countries. Mr. Dykusarov said work,” the president underlined. In related that there are currently 500 to 600 Ukrainian citizens in Libya, who refused (Continued on page 21) No.10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 21

been hospitalized with serious facial inju- NEWSBRIEFS ries. Kyiv city police officials told journal- ists on February 23 that one of the suspects Duquesne University (Continued from page 20) was a police officer who has confessed to planning the attack. The man said the news, Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola attack resulted from a dispute involving a TAMBURITZANS Azarov said an agreement on the establish- woman. The identity of the second suspect ment of a free trade zone within the CIS remains unclear and it’s unknown if he may be signed in May. “In general, the also confessed to involvement in the development of the treaty text is complet- attack. (RFE/RL) ed, it is mainly agreed, and we expect its signing at the next meeting of the Georgian monument to Ukrainian language Commonwealth Heads of Government Council in May this year in Minsk,” Mr. KYIV – Borys Sadzhaya, a native of America’s Premier Azarov said. He added that the agreement Tbilisi now residing in the Kyiv region, on a free-trade zone should improve trade intends to unveil a statue-symbol of the Folk Ensemble pre- conditions, or else signing this document Ukrainian language. It was reported on does not make sense. (Ukrinform) February 14 that the pensioner plans to senting the music, hold a design competition among archi- Ukraine not able to join Customs Union tects, although he has his own idea: “I see songs and dances of a Moebius band, which is a symbol of the KYIV – Ukraine is not able to join the language infinity and its vitality.” As the Eastern Europe and Customs Union, which has existed since newspaper Segodnya reported, the 2010 between Russia, Belarus and Georgian is not concerned about money. neighboring cultures, Kazakhstan within the framework of the “They say in business: if you are on the Eurasian Economic Community right track, the necessary people fall on including 9 perform- (EurAsEC), it was reported on February your head by themselves. Anyone will 18. Foreign Affairs Minister Kostyantyn give money, Akhmetov, Pinchuk, ers of Ukrainian Gryshchenko stated in a report to the Kateryna Yushchenko. And there is also Verkhovna Rada: “Priorities of foreign the Ukrainian diaspora abroad, which descent policy are clearly defined in the law, voted worries very much about the state of by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and we Ukrainian culture.” Ukrainian architects consider negotiations with the EU liked the idea. “The theme is very inter- [European Union] regarding an esting, the idea is worthy,” said the vice- Association Agreement and an enhanced president of the Ukrainian National free-trade zone, which makes Ukraine’s Council of Architects, Heorhii CONCERTS accession to the Customs Union impossi- Dukhovnychyi. “I see this symbol in the ble.” The minister also noted that Ukraine form of some simple geometrical multi- Sunday, March 20, 2011, 2 p.m. Saturday, April 2, 2011, 7 p.m. is a member of the World Trade sided form, in which every side would Lodi, N.J. Hellertown, Pa. Organization, as distinct from Russia, recall through carved images different Felician College Saucon Valley High School Belarus and Kazakhstan. “We have quite stages of the formation of the Ukrainian John J. Breslin Jr,. Theater different conditions, but we are interested written language, starting from the Tickets: 877-826-6437 (D.U.Tamburitzans) in holding negotiations with the members Trypillian culture.” (Ukrinform) of the Customs Union in order to exclude Info: trade restrictions with those countries,” Tatars given land for mosque Mr. Gryshchenko stated. Ukraine has par- Saturday, April 16, 2011, 8 p.m. Sunday, April 17, 2011, 2 p.m. KYIV – The Symferopol City Council tially adjusted the simplification of the Toms River, N.J. Fine Arts Center Tickets: Box Office has allocated to the Spiritual trade regime with countries of the Customs Administration of Muslims of Crimea 2.7 Union. In particular, Ukraine preliminarily hectares of land for the construction of a agreed with Russia, Belarus and mosque at 22 Yaltynska St. The Crimean Kazakhstan about the exclusion of alcohol Muslims have long asked for this plot of from the list of exemptions in the free- land. In 2004 the City Council decided the trade regime between the countries. In mosque could be located at that address. November 2010, President Viktor However, deputies later refused to allocate Yanukovych, at a meeting with his Russian this plot, offering another one. Muslims of counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, stated that Crimea, in turn, said they would build the he does not rule out joining the Customs mosque on Yaltynska Street and began a Union. However, he said, “We have proce- collection of funds and shell-stone for the dures that we should undergo in Ukraine, construction. In late January, the Economic for instance [to adopt] amendments to the Court of the Autonomous Republic of Constitution.” (Ukrinform) Crimea satisfied the claim of the Spiritual Qaddafi’s nurse returns to Ukraine Administration of Muslims, who are the second largest denomination in the KYIV – The personal nurse of Libyan Crimea, to build the mosque on Yaltynska leader Muammar el-Qaddafi has returned Street. (Ukrinform) home to Ukraine, but is maintaining her silence, The Washington Post reported on Euro 2012 ticket prices announced March 1. Halyna Kolotnytska, 38, was KYIV – UEFA on February 15 described in a diplomatic cable published announced the prices of tickets for the by WikiLeaks as a “voluptuous blonde” final tournament of the Euro 2012 who “travel[s] everywhere” with Col. European Football Championship to be Qaddafi. She arrived in Kyiv on February held in Ukraine and Poland on June 8 to 27 and went to her apartment in Brovary, July 1, 2012. Prices will range from 30 to outside of Kyiv, without speaking to 600 euros. According to the Ukraine 2012 reporters. Before Ms. Kolotnytska left Information Center, the purchasing power Libya, the daily newspaper Segodnya of local citizens was taken into account quoted her daughter Tetyana as saying that when deciding on prices, and the cheapest her mother told her over the phone that she tickets will cost 50 percent less than at the was not in danger and planned to return to Euro 2008 in Austria/Switzerland. Ukraine in the near future. “She spoke in a Furthermore, tickets for the final in catego- calm voice, asked us not to worry, said she ry 3 will cost only 50 euros. All prices are would be home soon,” Tetyana subject to an additional administrative fee Kolotnytska said, according to a February to cover handling and secure courier deliv- 26 news story. (The Washington Post, The ery. Residents of Poland and Ukraine will Associated Press) also be able to pay in their local curren- Suspects arrested in acid attack cies, either via credit card or by domestic bank transfer, whereas international appli- KYIV – A police officer and another cants will need to pay via credit card and man have been arrested in Kyiv in connec- in euros. There are several types of tickets tion with an acid attack on Kyiv Oblast available: individual match tickets, venue deputy head Yurii Chyzhmar, RFE/RL’s series group or knockout, and “follow my Ukrainian Service reported on February team” group or knockout. Ukraine’s 23. Acid was thrown into Mr. Chyzhmar’s national football team will play group face by an unknown person as he walked stage matches in Kyiv and Donetsk. along a street late on February 16. He has (Ukrinform) 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 No. 10

say observers, demanding the exact Turning Ukraine... same statutes and entry requirements for all universities and prohibiting stu- (Continued from page 2) dents the freedom to select their own courses in their chosen programs of “They want to build a common infor- study, a common Western liberal arts mational, cultural and educational tradition. It also restricts the use of space.” English, making it impossible, say crit- A recent controversial Russian teach- ics, for higher education institutions to ing manual claims that Stalin acted be competitive in the global arena. “entirely rationally” in executing and “The proposed new law on higher imprisoning millions of people in the education is a return to Soviet times,” gulag. Another manual calls Stalin an said Dr. Serhiy Kvit, president of the “effective manager.” respected National University of Kyiv Russian officials support Ukraine’s Mohyla Academy, Ukraine’s oldest uni- revision of history textbooks. versity and the only higher education Lawmaker Sergei Markov of the ruling institution in Ukraine officially to United Russia party said it’s “an impor- require bilingual – Ukrainian and tant task to immediately and radically English – classes. change history textbooks of modern “Although rhetorically Ukraine takes Ukraine” because, in his view, “they are part in the Bologna Process, saying that falsified.” it wants to participate in the Western Last year, the Russian ambassador to world of education, in reality Tabachnyk, Ukraine, Mikhail Zurabov, famously with this new law, wants to lower the announced that Russians and Ukrainians Ukrainian educational system from the are a single nation: “I am sure that we Western system and bring it closer to the are not just brotherly people – we are a Russian system,” Dr. Kvit notes. single nation. With some nuances, pecu- The ministry, with its pending draft liarities, but a single nation.” law, is trying to liquidate Kyiv Former Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Mohyla’s English-language requirement Minister Borys Tarasyuk said recently and does not want to recognize the in an interview: “We do not impose on Western doctorate, says Dr. Kvit. Russia how to interpret its own history. Civil society in Ukraine may or may Why do Russians want to make us for- not be strong enough to withstand the get our own history and our heroes? government-led politicization of educa- Ukrainians must know their history and tion. Last month, the Ukrainian live accordingly, instead of living by Catholic University (UCU) hosted a the stereotypes spun by tsarist and conference of experts on the creation of Soviet ideologists.” a new Ukrainian history textbook, an Russia targets Ukrainian institutions idea supported by the Council of Europe. While Russia is advocating certain “The authorities cannot lead a changes in Ukraine’s educational monopoly on historical memory,” said sphere, it is clamping down on the UCU’s Prof. Yaroslav Hrytsak in an Ukrainian institutions on its own turf. interview. “What’s needed is civil soci- Last month, Moscow disbanded an ety initiatives, which can protest this important Ukrainian cultural organiza- type of monopolization and suggest tion, the Federal of National Cultural smart alternatives.” Autonomy of Ukrainians of Russia. UCU Rector Gudziak said the chang- Russian Internal Affairs Ministry es are an assault on the Ukrainian people troops from the “anti-extremism” sec- and, ultimately, the country: “Russian tion have raided Moscow’s Library of versions of history generally negate Ukrainian Literature three times since much of Ukrainian historical develop- the end of December, seizing computer ment, subsuming it into one great hard drives and servers, as well as more Russian narrative. In other words, it’s a than 50 books suspected to be “extrem- history that negates Ukrainian identity. A ist literature.” Library director Natalia state and a people, a nation without its Sharina was beaten and reportedly suf- historical identity, is not viable.” fered a concussion. The Ukrainian and Russian education Alexa Chopivsky is a journalist ministers last year signed an accord based in Kyiv. The views expressed in declaring 2011 the Year of Ukrainian this commentary are the author’s own Education in the Russian Federation and 2012 the Year of Russian Education and do not necessarily reflect those of in Ukraine. RFE/RL. Copyright 2011, RFE/RL Inc. While history textbooks are getting a Reprinted with the permission of Radio make-over in Ukraine, higher-education Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 institutions are coming under pressure Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington DC from the government. The ministry’s 20036; (See http://www. proposed draft law on higher education aims to unify the life of all universities, tary/2320473.html.)

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Jewett Center, N.Y. announces its

LOGOon the occasion of CONTthe parish’s 50th anniversary EST to be celebrated in the summer of 2012.

The winning design will appear on all jubilee materials. Deadline for submissions is April 1, 2011. Please send designs to: [email protected] or mail to: St. John the Baptist U.C.C. (50th Jubilee), P.O. Box 284, Hunter, N.Y. 12442. Visit our archive online: Please visit our website: 45A No.10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 23 OUT AND ABOUT

March 12 Boxing match, Sergiy Dzinziruk versus Sergio Martinez, March 23 Lecture by Charles King, “Odessa: Genius and Death in a Mashantucket, CT Foxwoods Hotel and Casino, 860-463-1210 or Ottawa City of Dreams,” University of Ottawa, [email protected] [email protected]

March 16 Wine and cheese art exhibit, Ukrainian Student‛s Club, March 25 Varenyky dinner, Ukrainian American Youth Association, Ottawa University of Ottawa, Whippany, NJ Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey, 908-998-3289 or [email protected] March 16-20 Film festival, “Kinofest NYC,” The Ukrainian Museum March 26 Flower mart and flea market, St. Michael Ukrainian New York and Millennium Film Workshop, Baltimore, MD Catholic Church, 410-697-4981

March 19 Film and literary evening with Irene Zabytko, March 26 Taras Shevchenko concert, Ukrainian American Cleveland, OH “Remembering Chornobyl in Film and Literature,” San Francisco Coordinating Council of Northern California, St. Michael Ukrainian National Women‛s League of America – Branch Ukrainian Orthodox Church hall, 12, Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 440-526-6863 March 27 50th anniversary celebration, Ukrainian National Women‛s March 20 Taras Shevchenko evening, Ukrainian Heritage Club of Chicago League of America – Branch 29, Ukrainian Cultural Roseville, CA Northern California, Valley Presbyterian Church Chapel, Center, 708-409-9917 916-771-2402 or March 28 Lecture by Myron Kapral, “ ‘Concordia Plebeiorum‛ or March 20 Fashion show, luncheon and gift auction, Plast Cambridge, MA Some Facets of Social and Ethnic Relations in 17th- and Whippany, NJ Chortopoloky Sorority, Ukrainian American Cultural 18th-Century Ukraine,” Harvard University, 617-495-4053 Center of New Jersey, 973-471-0515 or [email protected] March 30 Conference, “Nonconformism and Dissent in the Soviet -April 1 Bloc: Guiding Legacy or Passing Memory?” Columbia March 21 Lecture by Bohdan Futey, “The Rule of Law and New York University, 212-854-4697 or Cambridge, MA Constitutional Guarantees in Ukraine,” Harvard University, [email protected] 617-495-4053 Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events March 22 Donizetti‛s “The Elixir of Love,” featuring soprano advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions through April 8 Stefania Dovhan, New York City Opera, Lincoln Center, from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors New York 212-870-6582 or and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

off countless years of non-playoff, losing served as a full-time chaplain-resident at Ukrainian Pro... hockey, Leafs Nation is anxious for a win- Harvard divinity... Tampa General Hospital, a Level 1 ner. New captain Dion Phaneuf, forward (Continued from page 17) (Continued from page 19) Trauma Center in Florida. Kris Versteeg and the Ukrainian Bozak are Ms. Hull and her husband, Web, live in hoped to be key ingredients of the fran- youngsters. Bozak was the most promis- Rhode Island, where they attend St. chise’s resurgence. The opportunity to es in “New Testament,” “Medical Ethics ing of the free agent threesome, forward Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in help fix the Toronto club was a part of the Pastoral Counseling,” as well as a course Christian Hanson and goaltender Jonas Woonsocket. They are the parents of decision-making process to sign with the in “Interdisciplinary Care of the Aged” at Gustavsson being the other two acquisi- Mykola and Julia. Their middle daughter, Original Six club. Harvard Medical School. tions. Kalyna Hull, was born to eternal life in “I know Burkie [GM Burke] and the Ms. Hull holds a B.A. in environmen- “Bozak’s a responsible player at both 1998. Ms. Hull is the daughter of Ivanna type of guy he is and how good a general tal conservation from Barnard College at ends of the ice and he has shown the abili- manager he is,” Bozak said in an interview Columbia University. and the late Dr. Taras Hanushevsky of ty to put points on the board with his with “It’s a team that is sort of Prior to her present position, she North Providence, R.I. quickness at the collegiate level,” Burke in a rebuilding process with our defense said upon signing Bozak, who was recruit- and our goaltending now, all the way up to ed by most NHL pro scouts. our forwards. It’s exciting and something I The press conference in Kyiv was also The avid interest in Bozak was not sur- wanted to be part of. I’m just looking to fit attended by honored guests – U.S. prising. CCRDF launches... in and fill a role.” Ambassador to Ukraine John F. Tefft and Denver coach George Gwozdecky (Continued from page 13) Bozak spent some time in Toronto after representatives of the Presidential lauded Bozak’s talents by comparing him he signed in the spring of 2009 and got a Administration of Ukraine – who congrat- to star Paul Stastny, Participating students were awarded taste for the passion the city’s fandom has ulated the program participants and another University of Denver product. with scholarship certificates during press for its team. He was amazed about how emphasized the importance of the initia- Bozak led the Pioneers in scoring his first conferences held in Kyiv and Kharkiv in consumed the city is with the Maple tive for both the students and the country. year while netting five shorthanded mark- November 2010. Both events were Leafs. The Scholarships for Orphans program ers and finishing a very healthy plus-12. attended by top management of Philip “I’ve had a good taste of Toronto and I launch was supported by Inter- His college scoring totals were no fluke Morris and CCRDF, who met the stu- love it,” Bozak said. “When I was up here Continental Kyiv, which works in part- since he put up a league-best 128 points in dents in person and answered their ques- last year after my college season, I got a nership with CCRDF, having selected the his final season of juniors with the tions about the program. really good taste. I was just in the room organization as its “Charity of Choice.” Victoria Grizzlies. and saw the guys and how everything Key part of a new core went. The fan support is unbelievable here, and the organization is in great shape As an NHL’er in Toronto, Bozak’s past and things are looking up for the next few achievements no longer matter. Coming years.” Attention Debutante Ball

(between Ninth and 10th streets) at 2 Organizers! PREVIEW.... p.m. For additional information call 212- (Continued from page 24) 254-5130. Please note the unusual day and time for this particular program. As in the past, Sunday, March 13 Monday, March 21 The Ukrainian Weekly NEW YORK: The Shevchenko CAMBRIDGE, Mass.: The Harvard will publish a special section Scientific Society invites all to a lecture Ukrainian Research Institute will host the devoted to the Ukrainian by Dr. Alexander Lushnycky titled “A Zenovia Sochor Parry Memorial Lecture Review of the Ukrainian Press in given by Judge Bohdan A. Futey of the community’s debutantes. America: From Its Beginnings to Today.” U.S. Court of Federal Claims, The 2011 debutante ball section The lecture is dedicated to the 125th Washington. His lecture, “The Rule of will be published on March 27. anniversary of the Ukrainian press in Law and Constitutional Guarantees in America. Dr. Lushnycky is the chair of Ukraine,” will be held at 4 p.m. in the the Philadelphia Regional Committee of Kresge Room 114, Barker Center, 12 The deadline for submission of stories and the Encyclopedia of the Ukrainian Quincy St. This event is free and open to photos is March 14. Diaspora. The lecture will take place at the general public. For more information the society’s building, 63 Fourth Avenue e-mail [email protected]. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2011 No. 10

PREVIEW OF EVENTS Tuesday, March 8 to a lecture by Kateryna Davidenko, CAMBRIDGE, Mass.: The archivist at NTSh-A and at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, Bakhmatiev Archive at Columbia jointly with the Davis Center for University, on the subject “NTSh-A Russian and Eurasian Studies, will host Archives: Their Present State of a book presentation of “Bloodlands: Preservation and Perspectives for the Europe between Hitler and Stalin” by Future.” The lecture will take place at Timothy Snyder, professor of history at the society’s building, 63 Fourth Yale University. The presentation will Avenue (between Ninth and 10th be followed by scholarly assessments, streets) at 5 p.m. For additional infor- authorial response and open discussion. mation call 212-254-5130. The event will be held at 12:15 p.m. in Room K-354 of the CGIS Knafel PALATINE, Ill.: Ukrainian Building, 1737 Cambridge St. The American Veterans 1st Lt. Ivan book presentation is free and open to Shandor Post 35 and the Palatine ACT the general public. For more informa- Chapter invite veterans and members tion e-mail [email protected]. of the community to a viewing of “Rediscovering God in America,” Friday, March 11 hosted by Newt Gingrich and his wife, NEW YORK: The Ukrainian Callista Gingrich. From the National Institute of America invites all to a lec- Archives to Arlington National ture by Prof. Michael S. Flier. Cemetery, this film illuminates the Oleksandr Potebnja Professor of importance of God to our nation’s Ukrainian Philology, Department of founders and their successors. A dis- Slavic Languages and Literatures, cussion will follow the film. The meet- Harvard University, and director, ing takes place at the Palatine Library Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. at 2-4 p.m. There is no charge for The title of the lecture is “Gender, admission. The library is located at Hierarchy and Representation in Kyiv’s 700 N. North Court, Palatine, IL Cathedral of St. Sophia.” Admission: 60067. For additional information, call $15 Col. Roman G. Golash (retired), 847- 910-3532, or e-mail romangolash@ Saturday, March 12 NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh-A) invites all (Continued on page 23)

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Information should be sent to: [email protected] or Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054; fax, 973-644-9510. NB: If e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments; simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message.